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afm | slug in a ditch.... could the porting docs suck any more? | 01:07 |
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dholbach | good morning | 07:14 |
mardy | tvoss: I see you are a contributor to media-hub, I just filed bug 1381928 and I've media-hub-server still running, so feel free to ask me for more info if needed | 08:09 |
ubot5 | bug 1381928 in Media Hub "media-hub-server taks 100% CPU when idle" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1381928 | 08:09 |
tvoss | mardy, on which image? | 08:09 |
mardy | tvoss: utopic r279 | 08:10 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Conflict Resolution Day! :-D | 08:10 |
tvoss | mardy, also t a a bt full should help, please install libc6-dbg and libstdc++ debug symbols | 08:10 |
mardy | tvoss: I update the bug description with the new bt, but the improvement is very small; maybe I should build libdbus-cpp myself, with the nostrip option | 08:15 |
tvoss | mardy, well, running htop and identifying the thread that is going havoc might help more | 08:17 |
tvoss | mardy, did you do a "t a a bt full"? | 08:17 |
mardy | tvoss: oops, I missed that part; will do now | 08:21 |
mardy | tvoss: ok, I attached that to the bug. | 08:25 |
mardy | tvoss: htop shows me two processes, both taking > 200% CPU (?), but I'm not sure what I should do next | 08:26 |
tvoss | could you give me the pids of those? | 08:26 |
tvoss | mardy, also enabling tree view will reveal that they are threads of media-hub | 08:27 |
mardy | tvoss: no, it seems that the parent is also media-hub-server, and the pids which are using most of the cpu are 2015 (the parent) and 2124 (one of the children) | 08:35 |
tvoss | mardy, ack, it's a circular dependency on destruction of the gstreamer-based Engine implementation | 08:40 |
mardy | tvoss: I did a strace on the rogue child pid, and attached that; that might be more useful | 08:40 |
mardy | tvoss: (I attached the last part only) | 08:41 |
tvoss | ah, that's interesting | 08:42 |
mardy | tvoss: though from there it looks like the child gets killed, which is not the case (it's still running, maybe it's just strace being killed?) | 08:43 |
Isotop7 | hello....i have a problem installing updates for ubuntu in dualboot....it downloads the files in the android app, tries to install, but afterwards says, that there is the same update still available and the version number isnt changing....i use the develop-proposed channel! thx in advance | 08:43 |
tvoss | mardy, unlikely, and I think we have enough details to keep on looking at the issue | 08:44 |
tvoss | mardy, I guess we all have more than enough things to look at righ tnow | 08:44 |
mardy | tvoss: cool, I'll leave it running anyway, so ping me back if you need something else | 08:44 |
Laney | apparently 'unconfined wants to access your current location' | 08:49 |
* Laney NOPE | 08:49 | |
Isotop7 | hello....i have a problem installing updates for ubuntu in dualboot....it downloads the files in the android app, tries to install, but afterwards says, that there is the same update still available and the version number isnt changing....i use the develop-proposed channel! thx in advance | 09:07 |
tsdgeos | ogra_: the thing you're seeing, are you sure it's unity8-dash being lifecycled or is it crashing? | 09:12 |
ogra_ | tsdgeos, i'm sure its lifecycling ... it has the same oom score as all other apps | 09:12 |
tsdgeos | ok | 09:13 |
ogra_ | so it will be treated like any other app as soon as lifecycle mgmt kicks in | 09:13 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: ↑ | 09:21 |
Saviq | ogra_, tsdgeos, I'm testing the silo that fixes that in rtm now, so what's the issue? | 09:22 |
ogra_ | no issue | 09:22 |
Saviq | ok :) | 09:22 |
tsdgeos | ah i thought it was in rtm already ^_^ | 09:22 |
tsdgeos | sorries | 09:22 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, yeah, it slipped through the cracks (i.e. it wasn't on the 10/16 list) | 09:23 |
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oSoMoN | rpadovani, hey, I commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/webbrowser-app/1351167/+merge/238155 | 10:20 |
mandel | mardy, hi, is there an example on how to use accounts-qt to perform signed requests? I'd like to see if I can perform some calls from a scope to flickr and I'm a little lost | 10:50 |
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mardy | mandel: no, accounts-qt actually doesn't do that; it only returns you the token and the signature, then you are on your own | 11:08 |
mandel | mardy, exactly, I just want to uderstand what info it returns me so that I can use ouath1 | 11:12 |
mandel | mardy, is it enough to grab the account with the manager and get the consumer key and consumer token?? | 11:13 |
mardy | mandel: no, there is a bit more, let me see if I can find some examples... | 11:13 |
mandel | mardy, thx :) | 11:14 |
mardy | mandel: by the way, what application is it? Could you use QML (that would make things much easier)? | 11:19 |
mandel | mardy, a qml exmaple would be nice too, but I'd prefer to see how can I deal with it using cpp | 11:20 |
mardy | mandel: OK, so, I think the best thing is to show you how it works in QML, and then how the QML lib is implemented using libaccounts-qt and libsignonq-qt | 11:21 |
mandel | mardy, perfect | 11:21 |
mardy | mandel: see the 3rd example from here: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts.AccountServiceModel/ | 11:22 |
mardy | mandel: on the "onAuthenticated:" line, we get a reply object which contains authentication data | 11:22 |
mardy | mandel: for OAuth 1.0a, that will include the token and the signature, but now I con't remember the field names; you could use "console.log(JSON.stringify(reply))" to see them | 11:23 |
mandel | mardy, awesome, with that + source I'm good to go :) | 11:23 |
mardy | mandel: the code for this is mostly in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~online-accounts/accounts-qml-module/trunk/view/head:/src/account-service.cpp | 11:24 |
mandel | mardy, found it already :) | 11:24 |
mardy | mandel: see the authenticate() method, line 391 | 11:24 |
vitimiti | Hi | 11:51 |
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gatox | pmcgowan, seb128, i think i found out the problem with my branch... waiting for it to build and test it after that | 13:00 |
popey | hmm, just had a notification which I dismissed, now my phone wont stop vibrating... | 13:00 |
gatox | pmcgowan, seb128 i also have a small branch for another issue after that one | 13:00 |
seb128 | gatox, what branch? | 13:01 |
gatox | seb128, the one that check the hash | 13:01 |
seb128 | oh, k | 13:02 |
alecu | brendand_: on what release did this happen? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1381101 | 13:02 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1381101 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "When leaving and re-entering an installation preview the progress bar state is lost" [Undecided,New] | 13:02 |
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dobey | alecu: it happens if you leave the preview before install preview comes up, iirc | 13:14 |
dobey | oh, no | 13:15 |
dobey | that's a different issue | 13:15 |
sergiusens | dobey: hey, that's the issue I was going to log 2 days ago :-) | 13:16 |
brendand_ | alecu, ummm, maybe 105 | 13:16 |
brendand_ | alecu, i'll check again it's still there | 13:17 |
* sergiusens looks at video to be sure | 13:17 | |
dobey | sergiusens: right, i was thinking that was the same issue; then i watched the video | 13:17 |
brendand_ | alecu, i have a video and everything :) | 13:17 |
ogra_ | 105 ... ancient stuff ! | 13:17 |
sergiusens | dobey: yeah, I don't see that issue | 13:17 |
brendand_ | ogra_, yeah it's so earlier this week :) | 13:17 |
ogra_ | :) | 13:18 |
* sergiusens edits the description | 13:18 | |
tuor-work | hi, is sony xperia z1 supported by ubuntu touch? | 13:30 |
brendand_ | pete-woods, i can repro it pretty reliably on the latest image | 13:31 |
pete-woods | brendand_: this is the progress bar thing? | 13:32 |
brendand_ | pete-woods, yeah with the video | 13:33 |
pete-woods | brendand_: well I have raised this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1381101 | 13:34 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1381101 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "When leaving and re-entering an installation preview the progress bar state is lost" [Undecided,New] | 13:34 |
E524 | brendand_: here a list of supported phones https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 13:34 |
brendand_ | pete-woods, yeah but you said you can't reproduce it | 13:34 |
E524 | oh sorry i ment tuor-work | 13:35 |
pete-woods | brendand_: will have another go, but really that bug needs its priority set if for someone to work on it | 13:36 |
tuor-work | E524, ah thx. Man why don't developp for my phone? I'll go to buy a new phone, just becaus i wish to try ubuntu touch out. ^^ | 13:37 |
brendand_ | pete-woods, i wouldn't say it's that important right now | 13:37 |
E524 | tuor-work: than think about one of meizu or bq... they may come quite soon | 13:38 |
pete-woods | brendand_: for what it's worth, I see the bug too now | 13:39 |
brendand_ | pete-woods, good - so i'm not crazy :) | 13:40 |
brendand_ | pete-woods, but yeah no need to worry about it for now | 13:40 |
tuor-work | what is meizu/bq? | 13:41 |
E524 | tuor-work: mobile phone manufacturers which are rumored to bring the fist ubuntu-touch Phones (http://meizu.com/ and http://www.bqreaders.com/gb/) | 13:43 |
tuor-work | ah ok. Then it will come with the ubuntu on it that will be the best :) | 13:44 |
E524 | tuor-work: i acutally can't wait for it. but no official release dates so far. but maybe this year... we will see | 13:45 |
tuor-work | E524, ok. :) | 13:45 |
E524 | btw: if anybody who is responsible for the browser is reading: great work! i tried the emulator image from some month ago and the browser worked like a charm for my mobile app! most mobile browsers don't support so many things i need! thanks! | 13:53 |
jgdx | is it possible to get location indicator running on the desktop? | 13:55 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, do you have 5 minutes for a query? | 13:59 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, not right now, in a meeting | 13:59 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, ok, nevermind :-) | 13:59 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, I’ll ping you when I’m available | 14:00 |
rpadovani | thanks | 14:00 |
dobey | jgdx: if you have it installed and the service running, it should work, no? | 14:10 |
dobey | jgdx: does the ubuntu-next ISO not have it? | 14:10 |
jgdx | dobey, yeah, just a little confusing to me how to start it, but I think I got it running. | 14:11 |
jgdx | dobey, initctl or start? | 14:13 |
dobey | jgdx: aren't those the same thing? | 14:16 |
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jgdx | dobey, I asked first!11 But yeah, I can't see a difference. | 14:35 |
dobey | jgdx: yeah i think "start" just calls "initctl start" or something like that | 14:37 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, I’m available now | 15:05 |
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slvn_ | Hi, would be nice to statuate on this ticket : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1379777 | 16:42 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1379777 in Ubuntu UX "[Dash] Allow applications to specify the orientations supported" [Undecided,Triaged] | 16:42 |
slvn_ | so that I can start to publish my app :o) | 16:42 |
dobey | slvn_: if it's a game, and it only supports landscape, wouldn't it be best to just full screen it, so that the top panel isn't even visible? | 16:53 |
dobey | ie, like PathWind does | 16:53 |
slvn_ | dobey, indeed, my apps are games. | 16:54 |
slvn_ | they are always fullscreen | 16:54 |
slvn_ | but some are portrait, some are landscape | 16:54 |
slvn_ | phones are natively portrait, whereas tablet are natively landscape (nexus10) | 16:55 |
dobey | slvn_: if the top panel is visible, it's not full screen | 16:56 |
slvn_ | dobey. Something strange with the text. Indeed, my apps are fullscreen | 16:57 |
slvn_ | there is no top pannel | 16:57 |
dobey | slvn_: then what do you need that bug for? that bug is about the rotation of the dash itself (ie, rotating the top panel), when apps rotate | 16:58 |
slvn_ | after talking to Gerry (greyback), we create this ticket | 16:59 |
slvn_ | from my app point of view | 17:00 |
slvn_ | I want to tell : this App run in Portrait, or in Landscape | 17:00 |
slvn_ | (and in fullscreen) | 17:00 |
slvn_ | then application start drawing with the good coordinates | 17:00 |
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dobey | slvn_: i don't think you need to tell unity8 anything about what your app is doing | 17:04 |
dobey | slvn_: your app just needs to do that | 17:04 |
dobey | if your app isn't already doing that, why not? | 17:04 |
slvn_ | dobey, ok. I need to go more in details. I use the library SDL. I *open* the screen and start drawing. I want it to use the screen either the screen as a portrait of landscape. | 17:06 |
slvn_ | my apps does not rotate the drawing itselft | 17:06 |
slvn_ | neither sdl (not for IOS. not for android) | 17:06 |
ogra_ | slvn_, i dont think we have support for locking the orientation from an app yet | 17:06 |
ogra_ | which i assume is what you want after all | 17:07 |
slvn_ | ogra_, yep that could be called orientation locking! | 17:07 |
slvn_ | then maybe this ticket is does not mean correctly my idea | 17:08 |
ogra_ | i think the most you can currently get is the current orientation from some toolkit function | 17:08 |
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ogra_ | but you cant manipulate it | 17:08 |
dobey | kenvandine: ^^ how does PathWind (and/or bacon2d) deal with the orientation locking issue? | 17:08 |
ogra_ | (i might be wrong, but thats afaik what was planned for version 1 ... later youshould be able to request a rotation and lock it) | 17:09 |
slvn_ | ogra_, yes I know there is a get_orientation API in mir client | 17:09 |
kenvandine | dobey, i use the OrientationHandler | 17:09 |
kenvandine | or whatever it's called | 17:09 |
dobey | kenvandine: is that a QML/Qt thing? | 17:10 |
Isotop7 | i use ubuntu as a dualboot on my mako device...the channel is develop propose...if i try to update it fails while installing...is there any kind of log where i can read the output of the dualboot android app? | 17:10 |
ogra_ | Isotop7, do you happen to be on a rather old image ? there was some problem with the server that generates the deltas a while ago | 17:11 |
Isotop7 | okay...i tried reinstalling a few times...im now running release 286 but i cant update... | 17:12 |
kenvandine | dobey, qml | 17:12 |
kenvandine | OrientationHelper | 17:12 |
kenvandine | https://github.com/kenvandine/pathwind/blob/one/qml/ubuntu.qml#L39 | 17:12 |
dobey | ah ok | 17:13 |
kenvandine | a hint in the desktop file would be great for pathwind :) | 17:14 |
slvn_ | yes:) | 17:14 |
slvn_ | everyone who will want to port its SDL game to ubuntu touch, | 17:15 |
dobey | no no no; that's the wrong solution to whatever your perceived problems are :) | 17:15 |
slvn_ | will need to lock the orientation ! | 17:15 |
dobey | API is the correct solution | 17:16 |
ogra_ | Isotop7, well, worst case you can do: "system-image-cli -f full -v" via adb | 17:16 |
ogra_ | that will do a full upgrade | 17:16 |
ogra_ | (to latest image) | 17:16 |
Isotop7 | yeah but not if i use dualboot, am i right? | 17:16 |
ogra_ | that does an OTA upgrade | 17:17 |
Isotop7 | i use the dualboot app for android...is there some kind of log? i try to dump it via the button but i never get to see the part where it fails... | 17:17 |
ogra_ | just like the system-settings one does (system-image-cli is the backend tool this uses) | 17:17 |
Isotop7 | yes but im not upgrading in ubuntu touch...i use the dualboot app... | 17:18 |
ogra_ | hmm, k ... never used any dual boot stuff | 17:18 |
Isotop7 | okay...i used the official post: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation | 17:19 |
ogra_ | thats a community post | 17:19 |
ogra_ | there was never an "official" way to dual boot (though the people that wrote this app initially were canonical employees doing it in their spare taim iirc) | 17:19 |
Isotop7 | oh okay... | 17:20 |
Isotop7 | i would flash ubuntu touch instantly if i could get telegram with notifications working... | 17:20 |
Isotop7 | but thanks for your help ogra_ | 17:20 |
ogra_ | there are a few telegram pps in the store ... not sure any of them support notification though | 17:21 |
Isotop7 | they dont :/ | 17:24 |
slvn_ | So, could we make sure we have a ticket to say we need "lock orientation" feature (in desktop file and/or as an API !) | 17:58 |
dobey | anyone know how to set the selected item in an OptionSelector? | 18:24 |
kenvandine | dobey, i seem to recall you can set the currentIndex | 18:25 |
kenvandine | something like that | 18:25 |
dobey | kenvandine: i see the selectedIndex property, but i don't see a way to look up what the proper value for that is | 18:25 |
kenvandine | dobey, that's what i was thinking of, you need a way to map that though | 18:27 |
kenvandine | i think in system-settings we have some hacks in there to change that based on properties from libqofono | 18:28 |
dobey | yeah, looks like i'll have to write a hack | 18:33 |
kenvandine | seb128, i see you created a landing request for jgdx's cellular data branch, mind if i switch that from utopic to rtm? i'm thinking about landing in rtm first like some others have been doing | 18:44 |
kenvandine | that might help prevent incurring a delta between the too | 18:45 |
kenvandine | seb128, what do you think? | 18:45 |
taiebot | Hey i am getting out of 4 boot 2-3 time a lock sim when i boot my device. It looks like boot is very racy and this block ofono like as per this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-ofono/+bug/1379836 | 18:51 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1379836 in telepathy-ofono (Ubuntu) "dialer and messaging app show unlocked pin as locked" [Critical,Confirmed] | 18:51 |
seb128 | kenvandine, go for it | 18:51 |
seb128 | kenvandine, but utopic landing go through just fine | 18:51 |
kenvandine | seb128, right... i worry about landing in utopic then getting delays landing in rtm | 18:52 |
kenvandine | it's hard to unwind that | 18:52 |
slvn_ | ogra_, dobey : can we make sure there is a ticket for the Orientation Lock ? | 19:09 |
slvn_ | I have found this one also : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1288332 | 19:09 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1288332 in QtMir "Orientation lock not available (rotation/portrait lock)" [High,Fix released] | 19:09 |
slvn_ | it is said to be fixed, but it does not allow the application to lock its orientation | 19:09 |
dobey | slvn_: file a bug against libmirclient to expose orientation lock API perhaps? | 19:10 |
slvn_ | ok ! | 19:10 |
dobey | i have no idea how the indicator is doing it | 19:10 |
dobey | but what you want also isn't that sort of orientation lock. you want to lock orientation only on your app's window, not on all windows | 19:11 |
slvn_ | yep. but that app will be fullscreen | 19:12 |
dobey | yes but it doesn't prevent swiping it away and accessing other apps | 19:12 |
slvn_ | yep, then it should get back to normal mode when the app is swipeout | 19:13 |
dobey | and you don't necessarily want to rotate the edge swipes as well; it's complex | 19:13 |
dobey | "it" ? | 19:13 |
slvn_ | the *magic of ubuntu* | 19:13 |
dobey | only your app should have the orientation locked if your app locks orientation for itself; it should have no bearing on waht other apps are doing | 19:13 |
slvn_ | yep, it a per-application orientation lock | 19:14 |
dobey | slvn_: in the meantime, i don't see why you can't do what PathWind is doing, for example. just check width versus height and rotate the SDL surface by 90 degrees | 19:14 |
slvn_ | sorry, I dont know what is pathwind | 19:15 |
slvn_ | yep. SDL should be able to do that also | 19:15 |
dobey | it's a game | 19:15 |
dobey | it's in the store | 19:15 |
slvn_ | yep | 19:15 |
dobey | it's written in qml with the bacon2d stuff | 19:15 |
slvn_ | ok | 19:15 |
dobey | and it's always in landscape | 19:15 |
dobey | as it just rotates the drawing by 90 dgrees | 19:15 |
slvn_ | and if you move your tablet in the meantimes ? | 19:16 |
dobey | and the qt rotation is turned off | 19:16 |
slvn_ | does it reac to orientation changes? | 19:16 |
slvn_ | ok | 19:16 |
slvn_ | and how could I turn the rotation off ? | 19:16 |
slvn_ | the OrientationHelp stuff? | 19:16 |
dobey | well it doesn't really matter if you are checking the window width versus height | 19:16 |
dobey | because if you rotate it will just change, and then you rotate the surface to 0 | 19:17 |
dobey | slvn_: OrientationHelper is a QML API, so i don't think it will help you | 19:17 |
robotfuel | jhodapp: ping can you triage this crasher? I am not sure who to assign it to. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mediascanner2/+bug/1378377 | 19:51 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1378377 in mediascanner2 (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/mediascanner-service-2.0:*** Error in `mediascanner-service-2.0': corrupted double-linked list: ADDR ***" [Undecided,New] | 19:51 |
robotfuel | jhodapp: I am still trying to reproduce, it's not happening in my lrt suite. | 19:51 |
slvn_ | dobey, so here it is : https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1382209 | 19:54 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1382209 in Mir "[Enhancement] Add an API to lock screen orientation" [Undecided,New] | 19:54 |
dobey | slvn_: i would s/screen/window/ there | 19:55 |
slvn_ | even when app are full-screen, they lock the window orientation ? | 19:57 |
kenvandine | tedg, your silent-mode uss branch sort of works :) | 19:58 |
tedg | kenvandine, Oh, what's wrong? | 19:58 |
kenvandine | the switch on the sound page doesn't work | 19:59 |
tedg | kenvandine, rtm or utopic? | 19:59 |
kenvandine | the visibility of the warning works on the other pages though | 19:59 |
kenvandine | tedg, rtm... but with indicator-sound from utopic :) | 19:59 |
tedg | Hmm, okay. | 19:59 |
kenvandine | tedg, but since the warning is toggling properly | 19:59 |
dobey | slvn_: well technically there is only "maximized" and "full screen" at the moment, i think | 19:59 |
kenvandine | i suspect i should have what is needed? | 20:00 |
dobey | slvn_: there is no good reason to lock the orientation of all things though, for one app | 20:00 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yeah, are you saying the switch doesn't work in that it doesn't modify the value on the indicator or that it doesn't adjust the warning? | 20:00 |
kenvandine | it doesn't change the switch | 20:01 |
kenvandine | and | 20:01 |
kenvandine | toggling the switch in settings doesn't change it in the indicator | 20:01 |
kenvandine | and doesn't change the visibility of the warning | 20:01 |
kenvandine | but toggling it in the indicator does change visibility of the warning in settings | 20:01 |
slvn_ | dobey, when using mirclient, it's possible to choose the size of the surface! I think, it's orientation locking per MirSurface | 20:01 |
tedg | kenvandine, Hmm, okay. Wonder if I messed up the high volume merge. It worked before... | 20:02 |
dobey | slvn_: well, s/screen/surface/ in the bug report then. you want to lock it for your app's surface, not the screen (which would lock it for all surfaces on the screen) | 20:03 |
slvn_ | yep, thanks ! | 20:03 |
jhodapp | robotfuel, that's a known bug | 20:04 |
robotfuel | jhodapp: ah I see now, errors.u.c just has a new problem bucket for it. Thanks! | 20:07 |
jhodapp | robotfuel, np, thanks for reporting it | 20:07 |
robotfuel | jhodapp: I'll mark it as a dupe | 20:07 |
jhodapp | thanks | 20:08 |
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shanep | hi guys I have ubuntu touch devel 14,10 (r243) running on my phone but the updates have stopped downloading any advice | 20:10 |
shanep | i have check all the google searches with no luck | 20:11 |
taiebot | No-one is seeing problems with SIm card | 20:11 |
taiebot | Shanep: i think work is focused on rtm the devel channel is not looked at any more | 20:11 |
dobey | shanep: you are on the devel channel? | 20:11 |
shanep | i am yes | 20:12 |
shanep | have all my contacts on there too | 20:12 |
dobey | well, devel-proposed has new builds, but i don't think any have been vetted for promotion to devel recently | 20:12 |
shanep | thing is I see 18 updates now | 20:12 |
dobey | as QA concentration has been on the rtm image channel | 20:12 |
shanep | so I should get the rtm image instead | 20:13 |
taiebot | shanep: devel-proposed was very stable until recent update which have been very edgy | 20:13 |
dobey | shanep: oh. go to the accounts, delete your u1 account, and add it back | 20:13 |
shanep | ok I'll give that a go | 20:13 |
dobey | shanep: 243 is kind of old now, and invalid tokens aren't handled well on it. all existing tokens on the server were invalidated last week, to help improve security. so just deleting the account and logging back in should let you install the app updates | 20:14 |
shanep | will the devel update to release version soon I should I use another image | 20:15 |
taiebot | shanep: i did go to rtm images as they are more tested | 20:17 |
dobey | i'm sure it'll be announced when it's released. you can switch to that stable channel when it is announced if you want something more stable | 20:17 |
shanep | bingo reseting the U1 account is working for me | 20:17 |
shanep | not had any issues with devel since installing last month works a treat | 20:18 |
shanep | will the image get updates to release though? | 20:18 |
dobey | no the channel won't automatically move to the released channel | 20:19 |
dobey | you'll have to flash over at that point | 20:19 |
shanep | ok thanks dobey, how would I go about getting my contacts and events moved over? | 20:19 |
kenvandine | tedg, when do you think silent-mode in indicator-sound will land in rtm again? | 20:20 |
shanep | would flashing be required on the rtm? | 20:20 |
tedg | kenvandine, I imagine that the course will be that we get everything into utopic, and then we sync back to rtm. | 20:20 |
taiebot | shanep: yes but you ll keep your current settings | 20:20 |
taiebot | (messages etc..) unless you do a wipe | 20:21 |
tedg | kenvandine, Seems like this week is unlikely at this point, and next week is a sprint. So probably the week after. | 20:21 |
kenvandine | tedg, i'm thinking i'm going to start landing settings in rtm first | 20:21 |
jgdx | kenvandine, hey | 20:21 |
tedg | kenvandine, Depends on my meeting load next week :-) | 20:21 |
tedg | kenvandine, Well, that's supposedly against the rules, but you'd not be the first. | 20:22 |
kenvandine | tedg, ok, so we won't try to land your branch then until that is in rtm | 20:22 |
shanep | im looking forward to the launch. impressed all my friends so far with the os design and flashiness of it. good work guys | 20:22 |
kenvandine | tedg, is there really *rules* for that? :-D | 20:22 |
kenvandine | my fear is the delta, if landings start to get held up in rtm, or we need to revert | 20:22 |
kenvandine | the delta in utopic grows | 20:23 |
jgdx | kenvandine, [1] looks really good now, btw, except for the TODO which Laney pointed out.[1]https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/security-allow-acceptance-of-here-terms-fixes-1375322/+merge/238419 | 20:23 |
kenvandine | which makes it even harder to land | 20:23 |
ogra_ | the rules clearly say that you can land first wherever you like nowadays ... | 20:23 |
kenvandine | ogra_, i thought so | 20:23 |
ogra_ | but need to make sure your changes land on the other side too | 20:23 |
kenvandine | tedg, you've been *schooled* :-D | 20:23 |
ogra_ | hahahaha | 20:23 |
kenvandine | tedg, i've been bit a bunch of times now with settings landings, so many branches coming | 20:23 |
tedg | Ha | 20:24 |
slvn_ | (... bye & thanks for the help! ...) | 20:24 |
kenvandine | and if something gets held up going to rtm... or needs a revert | 20:24 |
tedg | Yeah, I mean we did quite a few bazaar tricks to land indicator-sound this week. | 20:24 |
kenvandine | it's a mess to unwind in utopic | 20:24 |
kenvandine | i'm doing sync for settings | 20:24 |
kenvandine | so no rebuilds | 20:24 |
tedg | We lost a raft of changes when the landings got frozen. | 20:24 |
kenvandine | tedg, i was of the opinion i didn't want to stop landing stuff when rtm landings stop, but it quickly got painful | 20:25 |
kenvandine | jgdx, cool, i'll probably give that a test in the morning | 20:26 |
tedg | I just don't want to maintain two branches. | 20:26 |
tedg | Rather do one landing and one sync. | 20:26 |
jgdx | kenvandine, okay, thanks | 20:26 |
kenvandine | jgdx, i looked it over a bit this morning | 20:26 |
shanep | is there no way to fool the devel branch in to thinking its the rtm branch? | 20:27 |
kenvandine | tedg, well with syncs, it is just one branch for now | 20:27 |
kenvandine | but that'll change | 20:27 |
kenvandine | shanep, you wouldn't want to | 20:27 |
kenvandine | just change the channel | 20:27 |
kenvandine | it's pretty painless | 20:27 |
shanep | really how do I do that or where can I get the info to do it | 20:28 |
kenvandine | i switch back and forth between the channels for testing nearly daily :) | 20:28 |
kenvandine | ubuntu-device-flash --channel=ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09 | 20:28 |
kenvandine | i think that's all you'll need | 20:28 |
kenvandine | ubuntu-device-flash --channel=ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed | 20:28 |
kenvandine | if you want to track -proposed | 20:28 |
shanep | is that done from the phone or sdk? | 20:28 |
kenvandine | in a shell on your computer | 20:29 |
shanep | ok | 20:29 |
shanep | thanks | 20:29 |
kenvandine | shanep, np | 20:29 |
taiebot | kenvandine? no problem with your Sim on rtm-proposed | 20:30 |
kenvandine | taiebot, nope | 20:30 |
taiebot | 2 boots out of three my sim card is locked as per https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-ofono/+bug/1379836 | 20:30 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1379836 in telepathy-ofono (Ubuntu) "dialer and messaging app show unlocked pin as locked" [Critical,Confirmed] | 20:30 |
kenvandine | didn't the fix for that land? | 20:30 |
taiebot | I need to boot two or three time to get my phone working. | 20:31 |
taiebot | kenvandine: i do not know it's now very hard to track development | 20:32 |
kenvandine | mako? | 20:32 |
taiebot | yep | 20:32 |
kenvandine | i don't have a sim in my mako right now :) | 20:32 |
kenvandine | krillin works fine for me | 20:32 |
taiebot | kenvandine: yep that my help :-) | 20:32 |
kenvandine | i switch from mako to krillin for my primary phone a couple weeks ago, more testing | 20:33 |
taiebot | it must be a boot race because i have also problems with bluetooth | 20:33 |
taiebot | after every upgrade i loose bluetooth. i need to reboot after a fresh upgrade to get bluetooth working | 20:34 |
shanep | im running it on multirom on nexus 5 blue not working for me either, has it been implimented yet? | 20:34 |
kenvandine | shanep, i've never tried multirom | 20:34 |
shanep | its good love it, breaks android updates but who cares when touch is the next best os | 20:35 |
taiebot | Kenvandine: Do you know of any effort to bring a community of testers to test each channel. i have a feeling that mako is starting to get less love | 20:36 |
kenvandine | ubuntu has been my everyday phone for over a year now :) | 20:36 |
popey | \o/ | 20:36 |
kenvandine | taiebot, i really don't know, popey ^^ | 20:36 |
taiebot | me too. | 20:36 |
popey | kenvandine: is that why you lost your hair | 20:36 |
popey | wassup? | 20:36 |
kenvandine | popey, i wish that was my excuse :) | 20:37 |
popey | heh | 20:37 |
ogra_ | lol | 20:37 |
shanep | really should flash this out on teh nexus 5 it rocks | 20:37 |
kenvandine | popey, now with working location stuff... i even used it for navigating on vacation :) | 20:37 |
kenvandine | popey, which worked most of the time! | 20:38 |
taiebot | Krillin got navigation? | 20:38 |
kenvandine | what a milestone that is! | 20:38 |
kenvandine | webapp | 20:38 |
kenvandine | taiebot, don't get too excited :) | 20:38 |
kenvandine | but it worked... and location-service didn't fail me :) | 20:38 |
popey | awesome | 20:39 |
taiebot | We never know Here could bring there navigation system to UT. | 20:39 |
taiebot | I would prefer faster application start time though before going to navigation system. | 20:40 |
taiebot | popey: Do you know of any effort to bring a community of testers to test each channel? | 20:41 |
popey | nope | 20:42 |
popey | ^ balloons | 20:42 |
kenvandine | ah... pass the buck :) | 20:42 |
kenvandine | tag, you're it :) | 20:42 |
balloons | brilliantly done | 20:42 |
shanep | lol | 20:42 |
popey | just following the master at work... | 20:42 |
popey | 21:36:50 < kenvandine> taiebot, i really don't know, popey ^^ | 20:42 |
shanep | well I have devel and rtm-prop on my nexus 5 now | 20:42 |
kenvandine | it's more fun to play tag in person, we'll have to do that next week :-D | 20:43 |
shanep | so im testing 2 channels | 20:43 |
balloons | taiebot, the testing up until now from a community perspective has been around using the device and giving feedback. We have a couple pages to help out with that | 20:43 |
balloons | once devices are live and channels are more stable, I'd love to expand that effort | 20:43 |
kenvandine | balloons, it'll be tough to manage that, the channels will vary | 20:43 |
kenvandine | i guess not much more complicated than ubuntu releases | 20:44 |
balloons | kenvandine, I assume there will always be a 'stable' channel which will go out to OTA. I'd like to poke that one first | 20:44 |
kenvandine | just multiple channels per | 20:44 |
balloons | so yea, like SRU's now.. And a dev channel, much like u+1 testing | 20:44 |
kenvandine | balloons, i think it's just more levels deep | 20:45 |
balloons | on the whole, much simpler than ubuntu I think | 20:45 |
kenvandine | essentially more derived distros | 20:45 |
balloons | from a community perspective though, I can focus on just a few channel | 20:45 |
taiebot | I do not know i felt while testing that launchpad was not very relevant anymore. I feel as everything is going as per testing process it would be better if every channel when release a series of test would be issue and could give overall performance of the channel. Some of the utopic devel-proposed should have been promoted as they were far more stable than the proposed one. | 20:45 |
balloons | taiebot, the standard for release criteria is a great discussion and plays into that | 20:46 |
balloons | ofc, more stable for you means just that.. you found it better :-) | 20:46 |
shanep | rtm-prop is looking sweeet love the animations :) | 20:47 |
taiebot | balloons: yeah after a year of using UT you can definitely feel when one is better. | 20:47 |
balloons | taiebot, feel free to keep in touch on the issue. I'll try and put a session together for UOS next month around this | 20:48 |
balloons | but IRC harassment is fine to ;-) feedback always welcome from someone who's been testing UT for so long | 20:49 |
taiebot | That's my suggestion i am sure there is a lot more testers out there who could do a series of test on a website and could do like the translation on launchpad. Few drop down menu with. Does it boot, can you play a song, etc, the list can be as exhaustive | 20:49 |
taiebot | As a user before upgrading i could look at the results and decide if its worth to upgrade. | 20:51 |
taiebot | balllons: btw what is UOS? | 20:52 |
dobey | taiebot: ubuntu on-line summit | 21:02 |
daker | anyone know can i fix the upgrade process ? the update has been downloaded, the phone reboot then runs the upgrade process but system-settings still show the old version which nothing has been upgraded | 22:14 |
daker | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8576213/ | 22:15 |
Basketball | nexus 9??? | 22:39 |
fundies | nexus 72? | 22:49 |
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