
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
awilkinsHeh, Nexus 9 : totally ripping off the MS Surface design with that folio case : http://www.google.com/nexus/9/07:14
Myrttihow many variations of that functionality can you make?07:16
awilkinsYeah, by "ripping off" I probably just mean "following suit"07:17
awilkinsI don't like the placement and prominence of that rear camera, I can see that getting dinged really easily07:17
SuperMattI reallt want lolipop on my nexus 5 right now07:18
SuperMattproblem now is the next nexus phone will be the nexus 8 and confuse the crap out of everyone07:19
* Myrtti huggles her Nexus 507:22
SuperMattnexus 5 has been an astonishing phone07:22
MyrttiI wish they had updated it too.07:22
Myrttinot everyone wants a massive 6 inch phone07:22
SuperMattoh, you mean the spec?07:23
SuperMattyeah, would be nice to have a new spec, but the same form factor07:23
awilkinsNext nexusphone is the 607:28
awilkinsYeah, 6 inches... it's a bit much for some people07:29
awilkinsI'm still very happy with my Nexus 4 to be honest07:29
awilkinsI guess I may CM / Lollipop it07:29
MyrttiI'm surprised that apparently Nexus 4 is getting the OTA lollipop, too07:30
awilkinsReally? Cool, I'd heard rumours to the contrary.07:37
awilkinsBut I also heard that the Nexus 4 was the testbed in house at Google07:37
Myrtti"Android 5.0 Lollipop, which comes on Nexus 6, Nexus 9 and Nexus Player, will also be available on Nexus 4, 5, 7, 10 and Google Play edition devices in the coming weeks."07:38
awilkinsWonder if that includes teh 2012 N707:38
SuperMattwish I could just force the lollipop upgrade now >.<07:39
SuperMattI know there's a developer preview, but it's not the same07:39
popeyawilkins: unlikely08:00
* popey huggles his hudl08:00
awilkinsI laid hands on one in Tesco, I agree with you about them being solid08:00
awilkinsWill you root / CM it at the first opportunity?08:00
popey not published yet08:01
MyrttiI was actually thinking of Hudl2 earlier but I think I'll get the Nexus 9 as per usual08:02
ali1234is there a touch-enabled x86 build of ubuntu yet?08:02
ali1234with unity 8 and all that08:02
awilkinsIsn't that just ... "Ubuntu"08:03
popeyyes and no08:03
ali1234not really no08:03
popeyi suspect there are android bits which haven't been built / tested well on x8608:04
popeythe hudl2 takes a lot of power so if I have it on all the time, it doesn't charge much at all08:06
awilkinsI had that with my 2012 Nexus 7 but I understand that is sometimes a software problem with it not requesting enough current from the charger08:08
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Conflict Resolution Day! :-D08:10
DJones@Oracle, NO I DO NOT WANT TO INSTALL THE "ASK TOOLBAR", I didn't the last 20 updates and I won't for the next updates, EVER! Stop automatically assuming I do08:30
JamesTaitDJones, yeah, that's nasty.08:39
foobarrylost my voice08:42
foobarryi have nothing08:42
JamesTaitIt amazes me that... well, OK.  I find it incredibly unprofessional that a product that's so widely used in the enterprise space would, by default, attempt to install such a consumer-focused add-on.08:42
popey\o/ Jabber08:52
MattJJabber \o/08:53
diploMattJ has jabber on alert, popey has MattJ join on alert :D08:54
foobarryis there a poodle tester to test my site?09:00
diplohttp://poodletest.com ?09:03
foobarrythat test my browser09:04
foobarrybut not a site09:04
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:06
JamesTaitbrobostigon, o/09:14
brobostigonmorning JamesTait09:19
popeyfreedomrun: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/bitfolk/18e8f48ebe937e802967/raw/0a8157c13bfd46b8d0807b27d4c3c7f65d23ee3a/check_poodle.sh09:34
popeyhttps://gist.github.com/bitfolk/18e8f48ebe937e802967#file-check_poodle-sh better link09:34
diploAlso think you meant to put foobarry for the links above :D09:46
ujjainhttp://i.imgur.com/Fq8J8su.jpg < Is this really true? I always understood the “Dutch” interpretations and still have a hard time believing that the British have the interpretation on the middle.09:48
popeywe do09:49
ujjainquite good most of the time means "pretty good", right?09:49
ujjainah ok, right, so just take it with a pinch of salt then,09:50
BigRedSI have a logrotate daily config and a weekly config that both try to rotate the same files. Presumably there's no magic in logrotate to prevent that file being rotated twice?09:52
diploAfaik it's just with the options, not done any in a while but you can check file age, size etc09:53
diploIf you have a daily, why are you running a weekly as well ?09:53
BigRedSIt's not intentional, it's just that this machine is configured that way and I'm wondering if this is related to a weekly symptom I'm seeing09:54
BigRedSbut, yeah, I guess the @weekly cron runs the weekly jobs and at some other point on sunday @daily does them too09:54
BigRedSand whichever comes last probably decides it's got no work on09:54
foobarrythanks popey09:56
diploI think all mine were daily, used to check size, how much I wanted to keep and how long, and gzip it up and that was about it, always kept them fairly simple09:56
DJonesDoes anybody here use Audible? Just trying to get an idea on monthly costs, from what I can see, its £8 for one book, £15 for 2 books, but I can't find anything for more than that, what if you wanted 3-4 books a month10:13
Myrttiyou can also get the annual plan10:23
Myrttiwhich dumps you either 12 or 24 credits at once10:24
andylockrani've just cancelled mine, thanks for the reminder ;010:24
Myrttiand you can buy credits separately10:24
Myrtti(I think)10:24
DJonesMyrtti: Thanks, looking at the info on annual plans, as you say, it still only does 1-2 on average a month even if they are cheaper (based on US prices, can't find a UK price for annual membership), I could probably go through 3-4 per month, might be better sticking with my local library10:37
edadminhi i need some help installing xubuntu on a panasonic cf19 mk3. it runs fine on mk1 but the mk3 gives kernel panic. im using usb drive with unetbootin and tried daily and 14.04 both same result. boots and runs fine from usb but not from hd after install completes11:00
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
popeyawww http://liliputing.com/2014/10/hp-shutters-webos-cloud-services-app-catalog-january-15th.html13:29
foobarrywow. 10% cashback from my local garage from quidco14:10
SuperMattnice work14:36
czajkowskiWhere would we be without Amazon Prime!15:27
zmoylan-piat the shops keeping the high street alive15:27
czajkowskizmoylan-pi: I do that too15:28
czajkowskijust sometimes I need things faster15:28
BigRedSI don't think I've used Amazon since it became another ebay15:30
BigRedSnow I just use ebay or real shops15:30
BigRedSStuff actually posted by amazon arrives quickly, but it's trickier than I'd like it to be to only buy those things15:30
Myrttiwe're in the middle of hicks and I'm without a car. If I didn't have Amazon, I'd bore myself to death.15:32
popeybuy a car on amazon!15:32
Myrttiyeah, can I buy a drivers licence from there too, or are those available only in breakfast cereal packages?15:33
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
mappsfinally got net16:57
mappsonly 4mbit till 24th..then goes to 100mbit but still;d16:57
mappsfeels goodtout net at the ghouse since september 23rd16:57
dennyToday's weird-ass problem... I can't seem to click halfway through a sentence in the xchat text entry box, to correct a typo or whatever.  I can go back/forwards with arrow keys and home/end, but not click with the mouse.  Can't click and drag to select either, nor double/triple-click to select.  #wtf16:59
dennythe select stuff all works in the main text area17:00
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
diddledan_OT: apple announced retina hair removal (imac)21:31
popeywakka wakka wakka21:38
diddledan_they're calling it "retina 5k"21:41
directhex5k display, with midrange laptop gpu21:49
directhexamazing :D21:49
directhexshould be fine at 720p, i.e. 4x scaling21:49
diddledan_R9 is midrange?21:49
directhexlaptop edition R921:50
diddledan_still hardly midrange21:50
diddledan_R9 is the current cream of AMD's crop21:50
daftykinsonly in number, not in given specs21:51
daftykins(for the part mentioned above)21:51
directhexmobile R9 290 is less than half the speed of the real thing21:51
directhexR9 M290X is a bit slower than desktop R9 27021:52
directhexwhich is definitely a midrange part21:52
diddledan_yeah but stating "midrange mobile part" suggests that it's midrange for a mobile part, not that in the entire market it's midrange including the top top top 500Watt beast cards21:53
directhexit can't drive games at 5k21:54
diddledan_I would state that it's a high-end mobile part .. OR it's a mobile part period. OR it's meh21:54
directhex5k display, you'll be stuck with pixel-doubling21:54
directhexmaybe quadrupling, depending on image quality21:54
daftykinsgames on a mac, c'mon ;)21:54
directhexmore options than games on linux!21:56
diddledan_somewhat related. I want a better moniter21:57
diddledan_I'm currently sat in front of a frankenstein setup - 24inch 1920*1200px on the right, 17inch 1280*1024 in the middle and 13inch retina MBP display on the left21:59
diddledan_no idea what the MBP resolution is22:00
diddledan_prolly something *160022:00
diddledan_there we go22:01
diddledan_it's rather jarring going between the three22:01
shaunoI still like my screen betterer :(22:01
daftykinswhat is it?22:02
shaunobut without any bloody scaling22:02
shaunoinstead of 2560x1600 that sounds amazing, but only really looks sane as 1280x800 with doubling.22:03
shaunoI just don't like the sound of scaling with numbers that don't divide evenly22:05
shaunoso the current retina displays would mean more pixels, less real estate22:09
daftykinsas in the free-standing monitors they sell?22:15
shaunowell, I mean the various 'retina' options for laptops22:17
shaunoI'm still waiting for something that can replace my 15" :)22:18
daftykinsmy simple little Asus i5 laptop is still 1366x768 :(22:22
shaunoI'm pretty set on wanting another mac, but for what it'll cost, I'm waiting for something that doesn't mean loosing disk space or real estate :/22:28
daftykinsdue to smaller pure-SSD options?22:32
daftykinsdo you honestly only use a laptop?22:32
shaunopretty much22:32
shaunomy desktop's an amiga :)22:32
shaunowaiting for the postman to bring me new drives, I've just ordered enough to double the space on this (240GB ssd + 2tb spinning-rust)22:35
daftykinscould've gone for the 512GB Crucial MX100 - it's pretty damn cheap22:39
zmoylan-pii'm tempted to try a rasp pi using only risc os as a desktop :-)22:40
shaunoI've been sticking with Intel ssd's because I trust their warranty process22:45
shaunoI know, it's possibly the most boring reasoning going :)22:51
Seeker`anyone here still minecrafting?22:52
daftykinsi reckon Crucial would be good for it.22:53
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
shaunoheh, I'm playing minecraft right now :)22:55
shaunoappears to work, tells me off for not having 1.822:56
shaunotried with 1.8, it let me in but I ran away because it's nighttime22:58
shaunodidn't realise people are running servers on 1.8 yet.  I'm still on 1.7.10 because omgsomanymods22:59
diddledan_hug a creeper!23:08
shaunothey just want friendsssssss23:08
Seeker`shauno: just trying to set up a new server for me and a guy at work23:29
Azelphurdon't you just love it when someone does a group photo, and you're the guy behind the dude with the firefox tshirt? https://twitter.com/mozillafestival/status/522829192493162496 xD23:31
daftykinsAzelphur: you weren't there! ;)23:32
AzelphurIndeed, I was never there...just a silhouette :P23:32
Azelphurhttps://owncloud.azelphur.com/owncloud/public.php?service=files&t=5a64b6941ba61ab12e1d9bc8d4334e83 no matter, got this one instead23:33
AzelphurThe Ubuntu shirt has to earn me points23:33
daftykinswhat Canonical should do is sell shirts with a white square in front of 'ubuntu' so that they can put in their own DE of choice variant23:35
daftykinsi had an x-ray up at the hospital, yesterday23:39
daftykinsturns out i broke 4 ribs! not 323:39
daftykinsyip \o/23:40

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