
Kilosmorning all03:31
KilosMaaz  coffee on04:28
* Maaz washes some mugs04:28
magespawnhi Kilos 04:28
Kiloshi magespawn  we the early birds04:28
Kilosthe bot lagging some today04:28
magespawnyup definitely looking that way04:29
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!04:32
KilosMaaz  danke04:32
Kilosah lag has dropped by half04:32
magespawnlook like there is something happening on the interwebs, my users were complaining about slow gmail yesterday04:34
magespawnanyways i am off to breakfast, will chat later04:35
Kiloshi bduk  05:25
bdukMore Kilos and all other peeps05:26
bdukKilos:  jou harddrive nou reg?05:40
Kilosja bduk  ek baie gelukkig met die ene05:48
Kilosen baie plek nou on data recoveries te doen05:49
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:18
ThatGraemeGuymorning Kilos, everyone06:19
inetproguten morgen06:33
Kilosmorgen her inetpro  06:38
magespawnhey Kilos06:44
magespawnhowdy all06:44
Kiloshi again magespawn  where are you staying? in a hotel?06:44
magespawnyes i was at one of the hotels last night. i generally stay at the closet to where i am working06:45
* Squirm googles for the closet hotel06:47
magespawnhah Squirm, i do not think google will help you there06:48
Kilosi wondered when you said you are going for breakfast06:50
SquirmI have a YuppieChef email account07:00
Kiloshaha do they mail you breakfast?07:00
Symmetriahrm, any word yet on when the next ubuntu release is07:01
SquirmSymmetria: it should be this month?07:01
superflynext week I think?07:01
Squirmnot sure on the date07:01
Kiloshi Vince-0  07:16
Kiloshi Spekko  07:22
Spekkohey Kilos07:27
Kiloseish maybe its time to leave google07:35
ThatGraemeGuywhaaaat are you talking about?07:37
ThatGraemeGuydid you even read the article?07:37
ThatGraemeGuySymmetria: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule - tl;dr 23rd Oct07:38
ThatGraemeGuyor since about 2 weeks ago on my laptop07:38
ThatGraemeGuyi generally upgrade when final beta hits, haven't had a major problem so far07:39
Kilosyip they just found another bug and they are advertising it07:40
Kilosthird bug this year07:41
ThatGraemeGuy<Kilos> eish maybe its time to leave google07:41
ThatGraemeGuyyou shouldn't be making statements like that07:41
ThatGraemeGuythey discovered the bug, they didn't cause it07:42
ThatGraemeGuythe bug is in SSL v3 which is actually pretty ancient already07:42
Kilosya but advertising it in my broadband isnt wise imo07:42
ThatGraemeGuymeh I give up07:43
Kilossuch bugs must be kept quiet till they are fixed isnt it07:43
ThatGraemeGuyno, it isn't07:43
Kiloscan you explain why please07:43
ThatGraemeGuyit cannot be fixed because its a problem in the design of the protocol not the way it was implemented07:43
ThatGraemeGuyand even if it could, SSL v3 is OLD, and was replaced by TLS 1.0 15 YEARS ago07:44
ThatGraemeGuyso no07:44
Kilosok ty07:44
magespawnso by letting people know about the bug it alerts those people who have not changed they should do it now07:45
Kilosah ty07:45
charlgood morning07:50
charlMaaz: coffee on07:50
* Maaz starts grinding coffee07:50
Kiloshi charl  07:52
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!07:54
charlMaaz: thanks08:19
Maazcharl: Okay :-)08:19
charlhi Kilos 08:19
magespawnhi charl 08:32
=== georgl is now known as dumbel
Kiloshaha wb georgl  08:39
Vince-0As if U2 and Apple didn't plan it so it would happen that way09:03
Kilosshame, porr bushand his voda buddies09:36
Kiloswb bushtech  09:38
Kiloslol the wind is blowing you away09:41
charlgood afternoon Kilos 10:46
Kiloshi charl  10:46
charlhow are you doing10:46
Kilosgood ty and you?10:46
charlgood good10:47
magespawnanybody skilled in php?11:31
charlhi magespawn 11:31
magespawnhey ChanServ 11:31
charltab fail :P11:31
magespawnhey charl 11:31
charlanyone who is skilled in php would probably be too afraid to admit it these days11:32
charli have php background so ask away11:32
charljust for the record, i stopped doing php many years ago :P11:32
magespawni have just removed some files from a company website, that our hosting provider said were abusive11:33
magespawni think they were put there during an earlier hack of the site11:33
magespawni can put them up on slexy, i want to know what they do11:34
charlubuntu pastebin is better than slexy11:34
charlit has better width for the actual paste content11:34
magespawnokay brb11:34
magespawnthat is the one file11:39
charlit's a php file manager application11:41
magespawnthere are several other files too11:41
charlah it's a politically motivated hacking team https://www.facebook.com/Tryagteam11:43
charlyou can download a copy of that at https://www.facebook.com/Tryagteam/posts/47941763208883011:43
charlif i search for it i get a LOT of results https://www.google.nl/search?q=%22Tryag+File+Manager%2211:44
charlit seems like they (and other people using their stuff) have been busy11:44
charli particularly like this setup https://www.facebook.com/Tryagteam/photos/pb.432039136832672.-2207520000.1413459742./716842445019005/?type=111:44
magespawnhere is another file http://pastebin.com/tV2Dsfgz11:45
magespawnwhat is that?11:46
charlah it's an irc bot11:52
magespawnthat is what i thought, so they were using my server to run an irc channel or at least the bot11:55
charlno the bot was connecting outward11:57
charlsome indonesian irc server11:57
charlyup both were being abused for security-related purposes11:58
charlperhaps spam or other exploits11:59
charlnothing too much out of the usual11:59
magespawngreat, that will probable mean the domain/ip address is going to get flagged at some point12:02
magespawncharl, going to have to do a lot of reading on how to secure the websites 13:26
charlgood thinking magespawn 13:27
magespawni like learning new things, and it is always nice to have good motivation13:28
charlyeah indeed13:28
Kilosyour month end pay is supposed to be the motivation13:28
Kilosand the smile on the bosses face when he seas you13:29
magespawnKilos i get asked to do a lot of divergent things, so this is a more personal pleasure13:29
Kilosits always good to have answers so no end of reading and remembering is enough13:30
magespawnand my biggest problem is a lack of focus, motivation like this creates the focus13:30
Kilosaw i forgot how to focus on things13:31
charlwhen you are in an all-round IT job focus is hard13:32
magespawnwhen you are me, focus is hard, so double whammy on that one.13:40
Kilosaw whats wrong with you my magespawn  13:43
Kilosyou seem to have done well this last year or so, you learned lots13:43
Kilosluckily you helped me lots when you still had tioime13:51
Kilostime as well13:51
Kilosohi superfly  15:04
tumbleweedsuperfly: ubuntu-za.org looks like it needs some serious love15:52
charlgood evening16:13
charlhey tumbleweed 16:14
charllong time no see16:14
tumbleweedhi charl16:17
* tumbleweed has gone to SF16:17
tumbleweedbut if you're looking for somethung fun :P https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Cape_Town16:17
charlah you living in the 'valley now? :P16:46
charltumbleweed: ^^16:46
charlwb Kilos 16:47
Kilosty charl  wind blew the power away16:48
charlhave you heard tumbleweed is living in the 'valley :P16:48
charlbah that sucks :(16:48
charlabout your power i mean, not tumbleweed 16:48
Kilosin the valley?16:48
tumbleweedcharl: well, in the city. Not a fan of the valley16:48
Kiloshi tumbleweed  16:48
charlah :D16:48
charlsilicon valley Kilos 16:49
tumbleweedhi Kilos 16:49
charlor san francisco in any case16:49
Kilosoh my 16:49
charlnot the valley then but the city16:49
charllike i would know the difference :P never been there16:49
charltumbleweed: tell us more ! you got a cool job at a startup?16:50
tumbleweedcharl: nothing new. same (not quite a startup any more) startup as cape town - yola16:52
tumbleweedjust a change of scenary16:52
charlah that company16:54
charlyes i went for a job interview there once16:54
charlwith brent and vinny16:54
charlthere was also a girl who brought us lunch but i can't remember her name16:54
tumbleweedjanine? I think she's been the office manager there since the beginning16:54
tumbleweedvinny's long gone, brent is here in SF16:55
charlah nice send my regards16:58
charlhe would also know another friend of mine16:58
charlneville newey16:58
Kilosi knew he was in the states charl but not where presactly17:19
Kilosdidnt know silicon valley is in SF17:19
charlaccording to wikipedia: Silicon Valley is a nickname for the southern portion of the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California in the United States.17:20
Kilosnice to see you chatting some here tumbleweed  17:20
Kilosis the crash kid also there?17:21
charlnono he sold his soul to facebook17:23
charlhe has his face shut in a book now17:23
Kilosbut i mean also like 9 hours behind us17:24
charlif a person's face turns into a book, it means (s)he is easy to read right? :P17:25
charlwhow it's only 7 and it's pitch dark outside17:26
charlwinter is coming17:26
charlyes... we all know it 17:27
Kiloslo nuvolari_  17:32
nuvolari_oh hi oom Kilos :)17:33
tumbleweedKilos: yeah, he's down in the valley. I haven't got around to seeing him, here, yet17:41
Kilosok now i know you are having lunch when we are at 9pm about ty17:42
Kilosinetpro  die wind roer ne17:50
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:26
superflytumbleweed: :-(19:00
inetprogood evening19:01
superflyhi inetpro19:03
inetprohow goes it superfly?19:03
superflyinetpro: busy...19:04
superflyhad an all-day workshop at work today, finished up at 6, got home at 7:4519:04
charlhi superfly, inetpro 19:05
superflyhi charl19:05
inetprohi charl19:06
* inetpro just got home a few minutes ago19:06
charlwhow ! late day at the office ?19:06
inetproafter driving through thick clouds of dust19:06
inetprowas almost like mist in front of me all the way19:06
inetprowe migrated to a new drupal website today19:09
inetproafter many moons of blood, sweat and tears19:10
charlwith drupal.. prepare for pain19:11
charlwelcome to the rice fields19:11
inetprorice fields?19:12
inetprodon't want to speak too early but with the team of developers we have I think this one should be much better than previous efforts19:14
charlinetpro: https://i.imgflip.com/d5akc.jpg19:16
superflyDrupal is a darn sight better than WordPress19:16
superflymy company is learning the hard way19:16
superflycharl: tell me why Drupal is pain? when did you last use it?19:17
charli don't know how it is right now, last time i used it was 2008 i tihnk19:18
charlthe code was a spaghetti monster of a disaster19:18
charlmany of the third party plugins were either of terrible quality, extremely buggy, or both19:19
superflycharl: are you sure you're not talking about WordPress?19:19
superflysounds a lot like WP to me, more so than Drupal19:19
charlyou got unexpected problems of all kinds that were very hard to impossible to trace because, as said, code is a royal disaster19:19
charlwell the problem with WP is that it is inspired by drupal19:20
charlthey use some of the same terrible design patterns that drupal uses19:20
superflycharl: no, they are completely different, at least they were the last time I looked at WP, and WP is not inspired by Drupal19:20
superflycharl: then again, what more can you expect from a system written in PHP?19:21
charlthat too yes19:21
charlbut that's not correct, matt mullenweg said himself that they share a lot of code back and forth with drupal19:21
charli listened to a talk of him saying that, let me see if i can find it19:22
superfly"sharing code" != "same architecture"19:22
charli didn't say architecture, i said design patterns19:22
superflyI still disagree.19:23
charlnope the video got taken down it seems19:25
charlit used to be on a site called zoopy which since got closed down19:25
superflyzoopy died years ago19:25
charlfunny thing is, i applied there for a job many years ago19:26
charldidn't end up working there though19:26
charlthey thank drupal for ideas and inspiration on the about page19:30
charlthere is a historical connection between the two19:30
charlbut that might have dissolved years ago19:30
charlback then, and this is talking 5+ years ago, i could very clearly see the same concepts coming back in wordpress as i saw in drupal19:30
charland i spent quite a bit of time in those years going through the code of both platforms19:31
charli was not impressed19:31
charlbut, that *was* 5+ years ago, and of course i'm sure a lot has changed19:31

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