
zequenceAnyone eager to test the final release candidate?14:37
OvenWerk1zequence: I have no HW available right now.15:55
=== aleb__ is now known as aleb
=== aleb is now known as Guest92505
zequenceOvenWerk1: Should be done within the hour. 16:29
=== aleb_ is now known as aleb
zequenceBoth isos smoke tested17:18
ObrienDavedaily or beta?17:21
zequenceOvenWerk1: Final Release Candidate18:03
zequenceObrienDave: That was meant for you18:04
ObrienDavek, thanks18:05
ObrienDavecan i get it through the daily?18:05
ObrienDavenvm, getting zsync now :)18:28
zequenceObrienDave: Since it hasn't been released yet, you can only find it as a daily. This is the current release candidate http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/20141015/18:30
ObrienDavethat's where i'm getting it from, thanks :)18:31
ObrienDavezsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/20141015/utopic-dvd-amd64.iso.zsync18:32
ObrienDavei love zsync :)18:52
ObrienDavestrange, can't log into iso.qa.ubuntu.com using latest FireFox19:52
ObrienDavechrome works no problem19:53
ObrienDavevbox install worked YAY20:08
zequenceOh, cool. I did both my installs on real hw20:15
ObrienDavemarked that as a success20:16
zequenceNeed to do them again20:16
zequenceNew build out. Didn't know that20:16
ObrienDaveok, on to xubuntu 64 final20:17
ObrienDaveoops, did not see todays build. retesting full disk install20:18
ObrienDavestudio final iso 100% match from yesterday build20:23
zequenceOk. All done. Time to snooze21:44

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