
=== olli_ is now known as olli
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119|vacatio
chatrHi, I want to know  which package and which program/daemon gives the ability of automatically listing/mounting removable media in Xubuntu23:48
knosyschatr rather than fstab or mount commands? with gui?23:53
chatrYes, exactly23:53
knosysgparted i guess should work23:53
chatrActually, I'm using this feature in Xubuntu23:53
chatrbut I want to know how it works23:53
chatrand when it doesn't work (elsewhere) why not23:54
knosyswich? gparted or command-line and fstab file?23:54
chatrIn XFCE23:54
knosysi never used gparted (maybe at installation of xubuntu if that was gparted)23:55
chatrattached removable media can be seen23:55
chatrand when you click on them23:55
chatrthey will be mounted easily23:55
knosysyes it can be set up23:55
chatrmy search lead to this bug23:55
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9193 in General "Automount doesn't work." [Normal,New]23:55
chatrthat discusses the automount feature23:55
chatrI want to know more about it23:56
knosyswait lets talk in xubuntu23:56
chatryou mean #xubuntu23:56
knosysyes , or there is np to talk here? im kind newbie in this channel 23:57
knosysi would like to see your fstab file23:57
chatrI have no problem to talk here23:57
chatrI don't know it it's ok or not23:57
knosysim not sure i can help you man im newbie23:57
knosysbut until someone else appear i can try if you want23:58

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