
zmoylan-piwhat were you doing that you broke so many ribs?00:08
shaunovelo-acrobatics iirc00:15
shaunohm, this things been sat on "about a minute remaining" for about 30 :/00:20
zmoylan-pione of those windows if i click cancel it'll jump to 100% and then quit driving you just that little extra bonkers? :-)00:31
shaunoOS upgrade .. there is no cancel button ;)00:37
zmoylan-piat least on old systems you could see the hard disk led flashing away telling you something was happening00:38
shaunohah, yeah00:39
zmoylan-pii miss those00:39
zmoylan-pii think one of the reasons i avoid ssds is that i can still hear and feel a hard disk on those occasions when it looks like the system has stalled00:40
shaunoahhhh its migrating /usr/local  no wonder i broke the time-remaining gizmo .. thats one of the larger folders on my system00:44
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
=== OERIAS is now known as ZeeroKool
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
Myrttitop of the week to everyone06:09
zmoylan-pior bottom of the week06:09
MyrttiI don't think I've recently waxed lyrical about LaTeX06:09
ZeeroKoolplease join the new Android Official channel on #android-os06:10
MyrttiPlease don't spam channels...06:11
MyrttiZeeroKool: so when has it been approved by the lead of the Android project?06:11
ZeeroKoolnot by Google06:12
ZeeroKoolGoogle's channel is #android06:12
Myrttiplease don't spam it around.06:13
zmoylan-pican you imagine the amount of announcement if every channel annouced itself in every other channel?06:13
ZeeroKoolI'll stop06:14
zmoylan-piif someone were asking about other channels or other oses it'd be ok to my mind to mention it but different channels have different rules06:15
zmoylan-pilatex is one of the things i06:18
zmoylan-pi've started to have an interest in but have no idea where to start06:19
MyrttiI can recommend the Wikibook about it06:19
Myrttithat's my first go to06:20
zmoylan-pigot a link?06:20
=== ZeeroKool is now known as OERIAS
zmoylan-pithanks Myrtti06:20
MyrttiI do my CV and presentations with LaTeX. And now I'm doing the wedding information leaflet.06:21
Myrttiin two languages at the same time.06:21
zmoylan-pii have a bunch of docs in text format so that i can read them on every device, but not want to kick them out to a printer once in a blue moon and want them to look a little decent without editing from scratch ever time06:22
zmoylan-pi*but now06:22
Myrttiwhat I'd do in that case is to have a master document06:22
Myrttiand \include{} those files you already have into it06:23
Myrttithat way you can keep the granularity and ease of plaintext reading (although you do have to add some styling on them too), and when you need it you can generate the pdf printout06:24
zmoylan-piin ye days of old i'd just include printer control codes in the text but different devices would edit/modify them out06:24
Myrttithe master can have all the heavy lifting in it06:24
Myrttidefining of the styles, title pages etc.06:24
zmoylan-pisounds like a decent plan, thanks06:31
Myrttithat's how I've done most of my things, granularity06:32
Myrttiallows for easier management of the parts of the bigger picture.06:32
MyrttiEasier version control06:32
OERIASMyrtti, it is now an official channel06:37
Myrttino, it's now a registered channel.06:38
Myrttiregistering doesn't make it official.06:38
DJonesLooks like a pretty major broadband fault affecting Sky customers across the NW (Manchester/Liverpool area's anyway)08:00
zmoylan-piso will it be fixed for the weekend?08:01
DJonesI hope it'll be fixed today08:01
zmoylan-pia weekend without broadband... where's the nearest video shop to replace netflix :-)08:02
DJonesWhere are you living?08:03
zmoylan-pii'm in dublin so i should be ok08:03
DJonesErm, yeah, not really liverpool/manchester08:04
zmoylan-pibut not a big fan of the cloud and a major outage is the only thing that explains to kids why :-)08:04
DJonesAh well, at least I get reasonable speed on my phone08:05
czajkowskihmm date/time icon didn't load on start up today08:06
czajkowskiwonder was it an update I did yesterday08:06
zmoylan-piyou'd think there'd be enough outages that more people would have deals with their neighbours to share internet when theirs went out08:06
zmoylan-pii picked up a 3g modem from tesco for €27 on prepay.  have to set it up in next few days08:07
DJonesI think nowadays, people would be too nervous about what somebody else might do using their broadband08:09
zmoylan-pii think thats some of it but doesn't explain all of the reluctance08:10
DJonesBloody hell, just tested the mobile broadband on my new contract/phone, Download 52.65 Mbps, upload 18.19 Mbps using 4G08:11
zmoylan-piespecially as now many wifi ap have a guest option08:11
zmoylan-piso how long will it burn through your monthly cap?08:12
DJones99% of the time I'm in a wifi zone or driving, so I rarely use the mobile broadband, used to have 500Mb and never went close to using it unless I was on holiday, now got 4Gb, so can't see me getting anywhere close without broadband faults08:13
zmoylan-pitill you have a web outage set up the 4g phone as cover and someone downloads a few iso's or updates an ancient windows pc :-)08:24
DJonesCHances of me doing that pretty slim, its not release date yet so no iso's for me, and whats a windows pc :)08:25
zmoylan-pisomething relatives insist on been inflicted with yet ask me to fix when it always goes south08:25
DJonesThe only ones I ever have to fix are parents, and I'll do that at their house anyway using their broadband, even so, they're win 7/8 so not too old08:26
foobarrystill have no voice at all :(08:27
foobarrybit difficult sitting in the office08:27
zmoylan-pisome text to speech app foobarry? :-p08:28
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Mulligan Day! :-D08:46
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:11
JamesTaitbrobostigon, o/09:21
brobostigonmorning JamesTait09:21
awilkinsAnyone have an HP with a Z turbo drive? Ubuntu just shows it as a 32GB mSATA SSD10:23
awilkinsWindows has it rolled into some kind of hybrid SSD RAID array to boost the main spinny rust.10:23
awilkinsUbuntu recognises it as an Intel Matrix Raid partition, I think frequently used sectors are just cached on it10:24
awilkinsCan you replicate the same arrangement in Linux?10:24
awilkins(In Windows it doesn't show up - there's just a single SCSI device that I think is a RAID array composed of the main HDD plus the SDD "turbo overlay")10:25
NET||abuseI've loaded gnome 3.12 up from the gnome-team ppa10:43
NET||abusei've 2 external mnoitors and the laptop screen, it wont let me use the laptop screen as primary display10:43
awilkinsAnswering own question : http://www.wdong.org/wordpress/blog/2014/05/28/installing-ubuntu-14-04-to-bcache/10:46
awilkins^ Probably the closest thing to Intel SRT I'll get on Ubuntu10:46
awilkinsAnd has the advantage that I'll understand what's going on a bit better10:46
awilkinsA little nervous about nuking my nice new work laptop and not being able to restore the SRT setup but hey, I could be trapped in Windows10:47
* zmoylan-pi hands awilkins os/2 install floppies :-p10:49
awilkinsSweet, now all I need is a USB floppy drive10:50
awilkinsAnd AN ETERNITY10:50
* zmoylan-pi blows dust off parallel floppy drive10:50
awilkinsCan you boot off that?10:50
awilkinsOr do I need to install an OS to install the OS?10:50
awilkinsWould also have to get a USB parallel port10:51
zmoylan-pinah, you share it from another system and remote install from that.  it's a little difficult :-p10:51
ali1234just set up a netware server and pxe boot he installation11:13
zmoylan-pinetware server... retro11:23
popeyoops, forgot LSL11:29
zmoylan-pidon't forget share.exe or locking will be iffy :-)11:50
=== jdc_ is now known as jdca
diddledan_wait.. netware? is that even still a "thing"?12:29
diddledan_related: I read that sales of netware have gone through the roof in china due to hatred of microsoft12:30
zmoylan-pisneaky mormons, biding their time... :-p12:36
diddledan_thar tis12:37
zmoylan-pii remember reading the history of netware and how 99% of the system fitted on one floppy but they packaged it so that you needed a bucket of floppies to make it look like you were getting value for money12:38
safiyyah_hi all need help erasing a USB drive, followed the instructions on this http://sourcedigit.com/8575-how-to-format-a-usb-pen-drive-in-linux-ubuntu-using-terminal-commands-and-disks-app/ but I keep getting an error returned. This USB flash is the bootable USB for 14.04 but I got the system working now so I want my USB stick back12:53
ali1234when you find out the problem you are trying to solve has a name and is impossible...12:53
Azelphurali1234: haha12:54
zmoylan-pii'd just erease all the files on it safiyyah_12:54
Azelphur!elaborate | safiyyah_12:54
lubotu3safiyyah_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:54
safiyyah_I also tried the graphic instructions to no end as well, that also returns an error http://sourcedigit.com/8575-how-to-format-a-usb-pen-drive-in-linux-ubuntu-using-terminal-commands-and-disks-app/12:54
zmoylan-piand empty the trash afterwards12:54
safiyyah_zmoylan and after that it will let me format?12:54
safiyyah_let me try that12:54
Azelphursafiyyah_: I'd be tempted to recommend gparted too, it's easy12:54
safiyyah_I tried gparted12:55
zmoylan-pino need to format it after that safiyyah_, it'll be empty12:55
Azelphursafiyyah_: still need to elaborate though, we can't fix "an error"12:55
safiyyah_Gparted doesn't see the USB and am scared to fiddle12:55
safiyyah_okay will put the terminal error on pastebin12:56
safiyyah_As far as the terminal is concerned there is no command called unmount http://paste.ubuntu.com/8578994/12:57
safiyyah_I tried to remove it graphically and got another set of problems12:58
ali1234the command is "umount"12:58
zmoylan-piumount not unmount12:58
zmoylan-piran into that for the first time this week :-)12:58
safiyyah_its gone through lets see what we have12:59
safiyyah_lol cant remount the thing lol12:59
safiyyah_Oh great it's empty I hadn't realised it was going to be named 'Ubuntu13:00
safiyyah_Azelphur, zmoylan-pi  what is the terminal command to remount because sudo mount /dev/sdc1 doesn't work13:01
diddledan_you need to tell it where to mount13:02
ali1234unplug it and plug it in again13:02
diddledan_or that13:02
Azelphursafiyyah_: yea, do what ali1234 said13:02
ali1234run "sync" first13:02
safiyyah_too much headache, unplug it is13:02
Azelphurali1234: https://blockchain.info/address/1AwmojgcRR3onwDS4PpyjTbskoCM5evcYK we live in the future, my first salary :D13:02
safiyyah_one last niggle, I cant seem to log into nickserv13:02
safiyyah_everytime I tell it to log me in it refuses to let me use my name safiyyah13:03
safiyyah_sorry I exited by accident13:05
safiyyah_anyone know what to do about the IRC issue?13:06
BigRedSdoes it tell you why it refuses?13:06
Azelphursafiyyah_: you are connected to IRC twice, close your other IRC client.13:07
ali1234you are ghosted13:07
Azelphuroh yea, you are ghosted, /msg nickserv ghost safiyyah yourpassword13:07
safiyyah_it says that Safiyyah is already taken13:07
ali1234 /msg nickserv ghost safiyyah13:07
awilkinsAzelphur, Whut, you got paid in BitCoin?13:08
Azelphurawilkins: I did :D13:08
safiyyah_ali1234,  it says: * safiyyah_ sets mode +i safiyyah_13:08
safiyyah_* safiyyah :Nickname is already in use.13:08
awilkinsWhat for? And how are you going to reconcile your income tax?13:08
Azelphurawilkins: programming (python, django)13:08
Azelphurawilkins: I am going to check to make sure, but I think I only get taxed on money I convert from BTC to Fiat, which will be less than the income tax threshold.13:09
awilkinsAnd salary? Not a consulting fee?13:09
ali1234that wouldn't work if you were payed in gold, and it won't work for bitcoin either13:09
awilkinsBTC would probably count as a benefit-in-kind13:10
Azelphurawilkins: yea salary13:10
diddledan_awilkins: it would. I couldn't think of the term tho13:10
Azelphurali1234: *shrug* we'll see, it'll be interesting to see how they reason that I should convert my BTC to Fiat to pay them.13:11
diddledan_you need to declare the equivalent value13:11
ali1234the same way as if you were payed in gold, you sell some of it13:11
awilkinsOr pay in fiat you get through other means13:11
Azelphurali1234: and who eats the exchange fees? :P13:11
awilkinsAnd when you convert BTC to fiat if the exchange rate went up since you received them you are probably liable for capital gains tax13:12
ali1234you can probably write those off as a loss?13:12
Azelphurali1234: I guess13:12
ali1234likewise if it went down you can also write that off, probably13:12
ali1234you need to hire an accountant13:12
Azelphurfun times13:12
foobarryhow to install mate on 14.04? apt-get install mate-desktop?13:32
NET||abusehmm, i've a realy problem with my gnome setup, can't get super+l to work, nor if i change it to ctrl+alt+l  for screenlock13:54
mapps25c here atm13:55
NET||abusereall problem as if people leave there laptop's unlocked in the office here, the SOP is to send all@company an email about how you will buy them all cake,,13:55
NET||abuseout of the last 5 people to get cought, 3 have actually bought cake, it's becoming expected13:56
NET||abuseI'm at massive financial risk of having to buy everyone cake!13:56
mapps cake for mugs13:57
zmoylan-pisome unhappy employee is going to supply laxative cake13:57
NET||abusegod i hope not13:58
NET||abuseanyway, something is off here, can't get any kind of lock to work. i installed 3.12 from the gnome-team ppa ontop of a standard unity install13:58
mappsdownloading at 400ks713:59
mappsbetter than 014:02
mappshad no net from 23 september to yesterday14:03
zmoylan-piyou must have gotten loads done :-)14:05
mappsspent mos my time going to places with wifi14:05
mappscasino/bars etc14:05
AzelphurHas anyone tried bone conduction headphones? are they any good?14:16
awilkinsI imagine they are total shit for listening to music14:22
awilkinsPardon me, bad language in channel14:22
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
ali1234i just realised something17:28
ali1234even if i could solve this problem, the result would not be useful anyway17:29
foobarrywho is this guy martin fellow? he is certainly an acquired taste18:54
foobarryalmost can't watch this prgramme he is presenting18:55
brobostigonhe is a biker.18:57
brobostigonhe races motorbikes.18:57
foobarryhe is just gabbling all the time18:58
foobarryshame cos i wanted to enjoy the prog18:58
brobostigonah, i see.18:59
mappsgotta setup openVPN again19:09
mappson a new raspberry pi remotely19:09
mappssomeone turned my raspberry pi off :(19:09
mappsso gotta run one from my dadsm grmpf19:09
celesteh_Hello, I have an ubuntu laptop and an ubuntu server, which I can ssh to. I want to run firefox on the server and have it display on my laptop, but when I ssh in and type 'firefox' at the prompt, it opens firefox on my local machine, which is not what i want (and is very strange, actually). How do I get it to run firefox remotely but display locally?19:17
foobarryfirefox --no-remote i think..19:18
foobarryjust checking19:18
foobarrycelesteh_: yep, try that19:19
celesteh_that's it! thanks so much!19:19
celesteh_such a weird thing to do by default!19:19
foobarryall other apps work normally19:19
foobarryalso look into x2go as a really nice remote desktop viewing if you wanna do that stuff19:20
mappsrun it on serer but show on laptop! ? how?!19:24
shaunothe remote firefox thing works because shared memory in X is available to clients (but resides on the server - the display)19:31
shaunoso exactly the same way as when you try to open a second copy of firefox locally, and it peeks into xshm and finds another copy, there's zero difference when this happens remotely19:32
shaunoso it'd also behave as you expect if you don't have firefox already running locally, so there's no session to attach to19:33
mappsso what does the client have to do19:34
shaunowell, exactly as foobarry already said :)  (or --no-xshm, but that'll also break copy&paste)19:34
mappsah sorry so this assumes ive sshd and x11 forwarding to server?19:35
shaunoright.  or doing remote X old-school, but .. don't do that19:35
mappsi thought x11 was old way19:37
mappssurely can run anything like that19:37
shaunowell the old-fashioned way to do it is for X to open a socket listening on the network, so clients connect directly19:38
shaunowhich is bad in the plain-text ftp sense, and bad in the 'exposing services you don't need to' sense19:39
mappswent to the beach today and it was foggy :((19:40
mappsbiig let down19:40
diddledan_I will miss remote X when X11 disappears19:42
diddledan_via ssh, obv19:42
mappshow can u do it instead19:43
foobarrywill wayland support it in any way?19:43
foobarryi use remote X a lot19:43
diddledan_nope, neither wayland nor mir will do anything similar19:44
foobarrysomebody think of the users!19:44
diddledan_the wayland developers even had the gall to suggest vnc as an appropriate equivalent19:44
foobarrythey could incorporate x2go and call it way2go19:46
foobarryx2go does individual windows if necessary, i ran lxde launcher from a server earlier19:47
foobarryon my desktop19:47
mappspi@raspberrypi /etc/openvpn $ sudo iptables -t nat -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m udp –dport 1194 -j ACCEPT20:26
mappsBad argument `–dport'20:26
mappswhats wrong with that?20:26
mappsfollowing a tutorial hms20:26
mappsother command doesnt work too;/20:27
mappsptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT –to-source
diddledan_mapps: --dport20:27
diddledan_and --to-source20:27
mappsBad argument `–-dport'20:28
mappsi tried --to-source20:28
shaunomapps: you're pasting a weird character20:28
shaunobefore port, you don't have --, you have a unicode 'long dash'.  retype that bit and it should be fine20:28
mappssame for both i guess?20:29
mappshow can u tell it looked normnal to me20:29
shaunobecause my terminal isn't handling it properly  lol20:29
diddledan_yey for teminitis20:29
daftykinsoh yeah it's actually longer than the normal hyphen20:29
daftykinsvery very subtle difference20:29
mappsso i need to type both manually20:29
mappsrather than cp :)20:29
shaunoa lot of CMS do this, they try to be clever and replace quotes with 'smart quotes', do long-dashes properly, etc.  which is all very pretty until it eats code20:30
mappswhys that happen i copied it off a tutorial where i assume guy wrote it right20:30
diddledan_eww, it's only the first one it's messed with - my gui irc client didn't grok that at all and just hid it20:31
shaunowordpress etc tend to be the culprits.  people paste in stuff that's working, and wp 'tidies it up'20:31
mappswhat about the other cmd both have errors?20:31
diddledan_it looks like https://www.dropbox.com/s/x41u3aiw0lukt6x/Screenshot%202014-10-17%2021.31.57.png?dl=020:32
shaunoI see the same for --to-source and --dport.  they're two dashes20:32
diddledan_--to-source is a double dash on my gui, but -dport is only one in my gui - in the terminal it's double dash on both20:33
shaunoas a rule of thumb (in gnu-land at least), it's one dash for a one-char option, and two dashes for a full ('long') option20:33
diddledan_but the first of the double dash is the unicode dash with the second dash normal20:33
diddledan_basically, very weird behaviour20:33
daftykinsomg you all said 'dash' too many times D:20:34
shaunoI'm not sure why I'm not seeing a proper unicode dash.  that should work here.  but kinda useful that it didn't20:34
shaunodaftykins: and how dash that make you feel?20:34
diddledan_in the terminal: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ethz5m5yxbr2ux3/Screenshot%202014-10-17%2021.34.33.png?dl=020:34
daftykinsshauno: pretty dashful.20:34
diddledan_oh dash it!20:34
diddledan_sorry for the dashing language20:35
shaunooh eye diddledan_ .. that's worse  lol20:35
shaunothe long-dash short-dash combo is even more deceiving20:35
diddledan_yey, what do I win?20:36
diddledan_oh dash20:36
shauno(sorry, not funny, just sick of hearing it)20:36
diddledan_reminds me of a bad joke - I don't believe it's suitable for family friendly channels tho20:37
shaunowell that's pretty much the story of your life20:37
diddledan_yeah, I totally got the pervert t-shirt20:41
daftykinsnice, xbox live is broken again20:42
daftykinsMicrosoft can't seem to keep anything going of late.20:42
diddledan_everyone's moaning about 30fps games now20:42
daftykinsi switch off at all that childish banter20:43
diddledan_"it doesn't look nice on xbone, so we'll turn down the gfx on the playstation too"20:43
MartijnVdSNexus 9 preorders are open20:43
daftykinsplay store?20:43
diddledan_I want one20:43
zmoylan-pithey won't switch to linux and have to depend on flaky cheap software20:44
diddledan_zmoylan-pi: cheap?20:44
MartijnVdSdaftykins: yes20:44
diddledan_zmoylan-pi: last I saw windows costs... money.. which is more than linux does.20:44
zmoylan-piwell they always say the tco is less than linux which is free so some negative value surely :-)20:44
diddledan_yeah they factor-into that tco calculation a "retraining cost"20:45
diddledan_because they think nobody is gonna have a clue how to use linux systems20:45
MartijnVdSas if they have a clue how to use windows20:45
zmoylan-piwhereas dropping win8 on someone requires no time wasting working out how to make the blinking thing work20:45
diddledan_you're right, it doesn't. because business decided the cost of retraining would be too high20:46
diddledan_so they stayed on xp20:46
MartijnVdSdiddledan_: our customers (local councils in the Netherlands) only switched away from XP and IE8-on-Win7 last month or so20:47
diddledan_MartijnVdS: joy20:47
MartijnVdSwell they moved. Made fixing Poodle a lot easier :)20:47
daftykinsstill blocked from visiting the Play Store, from here20:47
MartijnVdSdaftykins: the islands/20:47
daftykinsthat's a big fat f*** you, Google.20:47
daftykinsindeed yep20:48
MartijnVdSdaftykins: you also don't have turn by turn directions20:48
MartijnVdSwhich struck me as odd when I was there20:48
diddledan_MartijnVdS: I've finally pushed through that we should build sites for IE9+ and ignore IE8/7/6 - that is until "the client" moans and I have to go back and break it20:48
MartijnVdSdiddledan_: we do that doo20:48
daftykinsMartijnVdS: our government refused to let them publish their street view images too20:48
MartijnVdSbuild for modern, fix reluctantly on breakage20:48
MartijnVdSdaftykins: weirdos20:48
daftykinsthey just turned up on the boat one day from what i understand20:48
diddledan_daftykins: if I visit and take photos will I have to get clearance to publish them on flickr?20:49
diddledan_as if. they'll just say no.20:50
MartijnVdSwell.. there is streetview now.. so it must have been fixed20:50
daftykinsin Guernsey?20:50
MartijnVdSGuernsey might be different20:50
MartijnVdSthey're even stranger!20:50
daftykinsit's always different20:50
daftykinshey, i'm Guernsey!20:50
daftykinsJersey is just little England =|20:50
diddledan_you islanders are weird20:50
MartijnVdSexactly my point :P20:50
zmoylan-pibecause the uk is not an island?20:51
MartijnVdSI'm still wondering what to do with my leftover jersey pound notes20:51
MartijnVdSI'm guessing nobody on the main island will accept them20:51
daftykinsah no20:51
daftykinsit has it here too20:51
diddledan_MartijnVdS: nope, uk doesn't know what they are20:51
daftykinszmoylan-pi: don't be a pedant20:51
MartijnVdSMight have to visit again (the horror! :P)20:51
zmoylan-pithis is irc, 1 pedant per channel minimum :-)20:51
diddledan_but we already have shauno20:51
zmoylan-pihence the word minimum /pedant20:52
daftykinsah no there is no street view, it's just a series of 3D snaps20:52
diddledan_shauno: you're being usurped20:52
shaunoI'm okay with that :)20:52
diddledan_but what about your fans?!20:53
shaunoI've already dusted them20:53
shauno700GB rsync.  yawn ..20:53
zmoylan-pibut of that 700gb how much has changed?20:54
daftykinsthat's my high street20:54
diddledan_I think this is suitable to explain what happens in my mind when I'm in this channel (not safe for kiddywinks/children): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVPE7I0I7X420:54
shaunozmoylan-pi: all of it, the target's a blank disk20:55
shauno(but rsync does a better job than cp of preserving some of osx's odder file attributes)20:55
diddledan_daftykins: can you get me some blueprints of that lloyds bank. preferably with measurements of the vault20:55
MartijnVdSdaftykins: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.128975,4.6615244,3a,75y,57.88h,89.65t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s6GsTxGiIv96OlJ_PUwoKUg!2e020:55
daftykinsdiddledan_: anytime!20:56
zmoylan-piyou'll get those at planning office21:02
daftykinsyou overestimate our government's reliability!21:03
AzelphurDoes anyone have XBMC or similar running on an ARM board? if so, which one, how well does it work?21:15
AzelphurI'm thinking of purchasing an ODROID-U3 for that, if anyone has any better suggestions that'd be cool21:15
shaunobah, looks like I gotta send this disk back.  what a waste of a day22:08
shaunonah, spinning rust22:09
shaunogetting some nice vague errors in the logs;22:11
shauno17/10/2014 22:42:55.000 kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.22:11
shaunothey're not overly frequent, considering I'm writing to it non-stop atm.  but not a great sign for a disk I've only had 10 hours22:12
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=== PhilG is now known as Phil__G
=== Phil__G is now known as pg_ldn
=== pg_ldn is now known as Phi_G
directhextry swapping sata cable, first22:30
shaunoheh, it's a laptop .. I'm not gonna go order some fussy cable for it22:31

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