
jrwrennew kid looks good: https://taiga.io/#13:03
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/X72aLJ - Taiga.Io | Agile, Open Source, Free Project Management System13:03
brouschMore programmers solving programmer problems?13:05
brouschSorry. sometimes it seems like a big circle jerk and it depresses me13:10
jrwrenbrousch: we programmers love our tools. I think most folks with jobs which involve a lot of tools love their tools.13:12
jrwrenHence, the craftsman analogies.13:13
jrwrenbrousch: I find taiga interesting not because its another circle jerk, but because they are addressing a real problem.13:13
jrwrenbrousch: all the open source tools of that nature are old and not easy to use. Everything else is commercial.13:13
wolfgercmaloney: Star Realms?13:21
brouschIs that like Go but with star shaped stones?13:23
cmaloneyGood morning13:33
cmaloneyNo, it's a deck building game that is available on Android / iOS13:34
cmaloneyIt's awesome13:34
cmaloneyWhat exactly is Taiga other than a nice little web site that has some broad promises?13:35
cmaloneyBah, I forgot that it's release season. :)14:12
cmaloneyAnyone want to have a release party?14:12
brouschRelease? Is windows 10 out already?14:16
cmaloneyhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ <- Well considering the release parties aren't even on the calendar for global events. :)14:17
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/TDg8aQ - Ubuntu LoCo Events List | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal14:17
jrwrenbrousch: um... utopic!  which is already the best ubuntu EVER!14:17
cmaloneyYou say that about all of them. :)14:18
brouschI'm happy with Kubuntu 14.0414:19
jrwrencmaloney: each one is better than the previous. So it is always true!14:20
jrwrenIs kubuntu 14.10 shipping plasma 5.1?14:20
brouschLinux Action Show said 14.10 has nothing new in it except some wallpapers. They seemed to imply it was pointless14:22
brouschAlso, you get paid to say it's awesome now14:22
jrwrenbrousch: i don't even work on that team. if it was crap, I'd say so.14:23
brouschYou're tainted now. You cannot be trusted with this opinion.14:23
jrwrenYou are right. Windows 10 it is. I can't WAIT for it. It is everything 8 should have been.14:24
cmaloneyjrwren: Sadly I think you're right on most counts.14:26
jrwrenif only windows 10 were free for me. I'm still a 7 user, and I don't see myself every paying for Windows again.14:26
cmaloneyjrwren: Wow14:26
jrwrenAll of my Win7 licenses were free as in beer from MSFT.14:26
cmaloneyThat is not something I  expected you to say. :)14:27
jrwrencmaloney: really?14:27
rick_h_hmm, I'm not sure what's in 14.10. The team's work on juju-quickstart I guess :)14:27
cmaloneyjrwren: Yeah, you were my go-to person for Windows information.14:27
jrwrencmaloney: ah, I've not been that for at least 2 yrs :(14:27
cmaloneyNo worries.14:27
cmaloneyI'd rather you be my go-to person for Ubuntu stuff. :)14:28
cmaloneyUbuntu being anything developer related under Ubuntu14:28
jrwrencmaloney: only server. I know very little about ubuntu desktop.14:28
cmaloneyjrwren: Yeah, that's what I meant14:28
cmaloneyNot sure who is working on desktop at the moment14:29
jrwrenI'd say brousch :)14:29
cmaloneyGah, I'm so far behind on newsfeeds it's not even funny14:29
cmaloneyI know it's bad when there's 17 Seth Godin posts I haven't read.14:30
brouschjrwren: I am using the KDE desktop, but I do not work on Unity14:31
jrwrencmaloney: yeah, feedly is fine, but death of google reader was also the death of my routine reading14:32
cmaloneyI'm using Newsblur and I'm 900+ stories14:36
cmaloneyI'm about to declare bankruptcy on my feeds14:36
jrwreninformation overload!14:37
jrwrenunsubscribe from the high volume ones.14:37
mrgoodcati think i'm the only person ever who actually likes unity14:41
mrgoodcat14.10 doesn't have any real ground-breaking changes. some aesthetic things and it is now possible to run unity 8 if you want to14:42
cmaloneyI like Unity as well14:42
mrgoodcati'm using i3 right now though14:42
mrgoodcatunity is a pain to get running on arch14:42
cmaloneyNo surprise there14:42
rick_h_lots of people like unity14:42
brouschI put it on my kid's c720. It annoys me and him14:42
rick_h_many complained early, but were pacified later14:43
mrgoodcatbrousch: arch? or unity?14:43
mrgoodcatwhat don't you like about it?14:43
brouschI went the lazy route and used a script to install on the chromebook. It came with Unity14:43
mrgoodcati assume you used chrubuntu14:43
brouschThe same old things I complain about. He could not figure out how to close a window because of on-hover menus14:43
mrgoodcatah well thats just getting used to it14:48
mrgoodcatbesides, he should know better than to use the mouse ;)14:48
brouschThat's the only reason he has it14:48
mrgoodcat"it" is the compuer or unity?14:49
brouschBut it's working better than my last experience on OSX. My wife wanted to install a minecraft mod and we could not figure out how to find the right dir14:49
brouschOpen find, go to "your name"/something/Libraries14:50
brouschFinder does not show any way to get to your home dir14:50
jrwrenmrgoodcat: i like unity. Once I found ? for help, I found it usable :)14:50
mrgoodcat"it" is the compuer or unity?14:52
mrgoodcatthe internet is so infuriating here14:52
mrgoodcatI can't stay connected to the wifi14:53
mrgoodcatmy whole class is having the same problem14:53
brouschSounds like the access point is full14:53
mrgoodcatwhat does unity have to do with minecraft?14:53
brouschHave everyone turn off their phone's wifi14:53
mrgoodcatbrousch: i think it probably is14:53
mrgoodcateveryone is probably not just my class14:54
mrgoodcatmy class is only 5 people14:54
brouschHe only has non-ChromeOS because he plays minecraft. Unity was the simplest route14:54
mrgoodcatgot it14:54
mrgoodcatis it dualboot or chroot?14:54
brouschdual boot14:55
brouschI had trouble with chrouton. If you don't shut it down right it can get corrupted, and you can't count on a 6 year old to shut down correctly every time14:55
brouschalso it is complicated to turn on the chroot and switch to it14:56
mrgoodcatgot i really suck at early game...14:56
brouschI'll probably take my other c720 and make it single-boot kubuntu14:56
mrgoodcatmy c720 is single boot arch14:56
mrgoodcatif you use kernel 3.17 the drivers are supported14:57
mrgoodcatno patches needed14:57
brouschDid you do the seabios commands and the screw thing?14:57
mrgoodcatdidn't see any need14:57
mrgoodcatwhat advantages do you get from it?14:58
brouschIf it totally runs out of power it could revert14:58
mrgoodcati've run it out of power a couple times14:58
mrgoodcatwait no its dual boot14:58
mrgoodcatnot single14:58
mrgoodcatidk what i was thinking there14:58
mrgoodcatbut yea. 3.17.1 is the current stable branch and it runs flawlessly on the c72014:59
brouschjrwren: Do you use OSX's finder or is there some secret actually-useful replacement I hadn't heard of?15:01
jrwrenbrousch: you shutdown your laptop?15:01
jrwrenbrousch: iterm + gnu coreutils :)15:01
brouschNo, but my son will sometimes dislodge the power cord and let it run out completely15:01
jrwrenbrousch: i use Finder for very few operations.15:01
jrwrenbrousch: it doesn't go to sleep?15:01
brouschI think minecraft keeps it awake15:02
jrwrenbrousch: oh, he probably leave minecraft running and that... yeah.. bummer.15:02
mrgoodcati've taken it down to 0 a couple times. never had a problem15:02
brouschActually it's possible he reset it at the white screen of doom when booting it15:04
mrgoodcatspacebar of death15:04
mrgoodcati did that once15:04
mrgoodcatit was a bad day15:04
brouschThe problem with being able to read but not really understand15:04
wolfgerIs it too late to chime in on the betterness of new distros? :-p15:04
mrgoodcatthe wording is super confusing too15:04
mrgoodcat"if you don't hit spacebar you might possibly die in hellfire or something"15:04
wolfgerI think Kubuntu has finally surpassed Feisty, but it took several years, and maybe I just forgot how good Feisty was finally.15:05
mrgoodcatwolfger: nah feel free :)15:05
mrgoodcatwhat number was Feisty?15:05
brouschI'm really happy with Kubuntu. It just works15:05
mrgoodcati've never spent a lot of time in KDE15:06
wolfgerFeisty was 7.0415:06
mrgoodcatoh lol15:06
mrgoodcati was 1415:07
wolfgerAlthough in fairness to Kubuntu, they were hamstrung for quite a while waiting for KDE 4 to stop sucking when compared to KDE 3.15:07
mrgoodcatkde always looks dated to me15:07
wolfger...and now KDE 5 will come out.15:07
brouschI might still have my warty warthog CD15:07
brouschAre those worth money yet?15:08
brouschmrgoodcat: Doh, played too quickly and missed a better move17:04
brouschI did17:04
wolfgerJust played out the next 7 moves against cmaloney...17:46
wolfgerShould change the name of this channel to #go-us-mi though. ;-)17:50
brouschWow 7 moves is a lot. You accounted for his likely counters?17:53
cmaloneyI doubt it. :)17:56
brouscho_O http://techreport.com/news/27228/this-mini-bay-trail-pc-is-the-size-of-a-thumb-drive18:44
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/Vpdq0R - This mini Bay Trail PC is the size of a thumb drive - The Tech Report18:44
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bookiebothttp://goo.gl/xxkRkW - Sweet detour, bro. : Detroit21:46
wolfgerbrousch: I accounted for his likely counters, yes... of course cmaloney foiled me by not trying to counter my capture. I'm confused as to what his plan is.22:46
=== __dzho__ is now known as dzho

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