=== DanChapman_ is now known as DanChapman | ||
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
daker | mzanetti: yo, do you know where i can the 3d appswitcher code in the unity8 branch ? | 15:35 |
daker | find* | 15:35 |
akiva-thinkpad | hello all | 17:29 |
ahoneybun | hey akiva-thinkpad | 19:04 |
akiva-thinkpad | ahoneybun, ah hey | 19:04 |
akiva-thinkpad | ahoneybun, hows it going? | 19:04 |
ahoneybun | akiva-thinkpad, sorry about replying the other message | 19:05 |
ahoneybun | *not | 19:05 |
ahoneybun | akiva-thinkpad, I just updated my SameSexMarriage app to include more states that have made marriage legal | 19:05 |
ahoneybun | and my Ubuntu Beginner app has 14 users | 19:06 |
akiva-thinkpad | Ah neat | 19:06 |
akiva-thinkpad | congrats :) | 19:06 |
ahoneybun | yep thanks | 19:07 |
ahoneybun | also renamed it on the store to uBeginner | 19:07 |
akiva-thinkpad | iBeginner knockoff :P | 19:08 |
ahoneybun | XD did not know about that | 19:08 |
akiva-thinkpad | So many linux applications append a letter in front of them | 19:08 |
akiva-thinkpad | konsole | 19:08 |
akiva-thinkpad | kdenlive | 19:09 |
akiva-thinkpad | qsynth | 19:09 |
akiva-thinkpad | qtcreator :P | 19:09 |
ahoneybun | just really bad with 2 words as a name | 19:09 |
akiva-thinkpad | gwibber | 19:09 |
akiva-thinkpad | gnome | 19:09 |
akiva-thinkpad | i'm working on the file manager app | 19:09 |
akiva-thinkpad | I'm pretty happy with it | 19:09 |
ahoneybun | sweet | 19:09 |
ahoneybun | yea it is nice | 19:10 |
* ahoneybun is rocking CM11 right now as he misses too many android apps | 19:10 | |
akiva-thinkpad | ahoneybun, ah but you havn't seen its latest incarnation :P | 19:10 |
akiva-thinkpad | ahoneybun, do you think you can do me a favour? | 19:10 |
akiva-thinkpad | Can you test my latest branch on your phone? | 19:10 |
ahoneybun | akiva-thinkpad, maybe later tonight I need it for bike class since I'll be far from home and might need a working phone lol | 19:11 |
akiva-thinkpad | the app isn't going to break your phone | 19:12 |
akiva-thinkpad | :P | 19:12 |
akiva-thinkpad | but fair enough | 19:12 |
ahoneybun | not the app I always run devel-proposed | 19:12 |
ahoneybun | if I could run rtm maybe I would try it now | 19:12 |
* ahoneybun just likes having snapchat and kik now | 19:13 | |
akiva-thinkpad | mmmm I wish dpm was on | 19:14 |
DanChapman | evening all :-) | 19:37 |
akiva-thinkpad | DanChapman, evening | 19:38 |
akiva-thinkpad | DanChapman, what will you be working on today? | 19:38 |
DanChapman | akiva-thinkpad: i'm finishing off getting dekko ready for the 0.3 milestone release :-) | 19:40 |
DanChapman | plus want to get some CI setup for it. | 19:40 |
* DanChapman wants a jenkins bot to talk to in #dekko | 19:41 | |
akiva-thinkpad | dekko? never heard of it :) | 19:41 |
akiva-thinkpad | !ops DanChapman wants a jenkins bot to talk to in #dekko | 19:41 |
ubot5 | akiva-thinkpad: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:41 |
akiva-thinkpad | bah :P | 19:41 |
akiva-thinkpad | oh wait, jenkins bot | 19:42 |
akiva-thinkpad | :S | 19:42 |
DanChapman | akiva-thinkpad: yeah jenkins bot. :-D | 19:44 |
akiva-thinkpad | DanChapman, This isn't slated to become a core app, is it? | 19:49 |
nik90 | frankly I am puzzled that it wasn't one already | 19:49 |
akiva-thinkpad | nik90, o/ | 19:49 |
akiva-thinkpad | hows it going? | 19:49 |
nik90 | akiva-thinkpad: \o | 19:50 |
nik90 | good | 19:50 |
akiva-thinkpad | nik90, what you working on today? | 19:50 |
nik90 | akiva-thinkpad: nothing much today, just enjoying the weekend | 19:50 |
DanChapman | akiva-thinkpad: not that i'm aware of | 19:50 |
akiva-thinkpad | nik90, ah :P | 19:51 |
nik90 | akiva-thinkpad: tbh I am not sure what else to do in the clock app | 19:51 |
nik90 | akiva-thinkpad: I think I am just increasing the qml test coverage of the clock app for now | 19:51 |
akiva-thinkpad | nik90, nice work | 19:51 |
akiva-thinkpad | the redesign is super slick | 19:51 |
akiva-thinkpad | bah I'm kind of twiddling my thumbs today; Anyone want to do a review of my latest branch on the file manager app? | 19:57 |
akiva-thinkpad | https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-filemanager-app/1380575+1373346-toolbar-to-header/+merge/238470 | 19:58 |
PaoloRotolo | Hi all! | 20:15 |
PaoloRotolo | Is there a way to record the screen on Ubuntu Touch? | 20:16 |
akiva-thinkpad | PaoloRotolo, good question | 20:17 |
akiva-thinkpad | PaoloRotolo, Does recording an emulator suffice? | 20:17 |
DanChapman | PaoloRotolo: i think there is "mirscreencast" utility for that. | 20:23 |
PaoloRotolo | akiva-thinkpad, DanChapman, thanks, I think I'll try mirscreencast :) | 20:47 |
PaoloRotolo | I'm going to make a video for the ubuntu italy channel on Utopic release. | 20:47 |
akiva-thinkpad | oh nice! | 20:48 |
linus_ | i have question | 21:29 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, go ahead mr. torvalds | 21:29 |
linus_ | i wanna execute touch-emulator of ubuntuphone on vmware | 21:29 |
linus_ | but it is not working | 21:30 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, are you on windows? | 21:30 |
linus_ | no ubuntu | 21:30 |
linus_ | latest version | 21:30 |
akiva-thinkpad | oh then I read that wrong. | 21:30 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, 14.10? | 21:30 |
linus_ | yes | 21:30 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, is there a particular reason why you want to use vmware? | 21:31 |
linus_ | my raptop is windows 8 | 21:32 |
akiva-thinkpad | (short answer is I don't know.) | 21:32 |
linus_ | if it is on vmware, is it problem?? | 21:33 |
linus_ | sorry my english is terrible.. ;;; | 21:33 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, okay hold on. | 21:33 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, are you running windows as your operating system? | 21:34 |
linus_ | yes | 21:34 |
akiva-thinkpad | Oh. | 21:34 |
akiva-thinkpad | and you are running ubuntu in vmware? | 21:34 |
linus_ | oh~ yes i am | 21:35 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, and you want to run the ubuntu touch emulator within your ubuntu virtual machine? | 21:35 |
linus_ | yes | 21:35 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, O_O | 21:36 |
akiva-thinkpad | I'm impressed | 21:36 |
* akiva-thinkpad *clap* *clap* *clap* | 21:36 | |
linus_ | ;;;;; | 21:36 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, dare I ask, "Why are you using Windows 8" in the first place? | 21:37 |
linus_ | umm... i have one pc which is something in order to develop .NET application | 21:39 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, ah | 21:39 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, Why don't you just install ubuntu? It is better than Windows 8 in just about every other way. | 21:40 |
akiva-thinkpad | Dual Boot. | 21:40 |
akiva-thinkpad | linus_, also, what is your native language? | 21:41 |
akiva-thinkpad | !finnish | 21:41 |
linus_ | C# | 21:41 |
akiva-thinkpad | no, speaking language :P | 21:41 |
akiva-thinkpad | !swedish | 21:41 |
ubot5 | Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack! | 21:41 |
linus_ | if i have ubuntu pc, i can solve this problem?? | 21:41 |
linus_ | ah | 21:41 |
linus_ | sorry;; | 21:41 |
linus_ | korean | 21:42 |
akiva-thinkpad | oh?! | 21:42 |
akiva-thinkpad | lol | 21:42 |
akiva-thinkpad | !korean | 21:42 |
ubot5 | 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko | 21:42 |
akiva-thinkpad | :) | 21:42 |
linus_ | thank you so much | 21:42 |
akiva-thinkpad | Install Ubuntu! :D | 21:42 |
akiva-thinkpad | Dual Boot! | 21:42 |
linus_ | ok, got it | 21:42 |
vitimiti | Hi | 21:44 |
akiva-thinkpad | but for c# and .net, you better keep a copy of Windows available. Ubuntu is good at developing C, C++, Python, Qt, | 21:44 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, hiya | 21:44 |
vitimiti | Anything that is not MS intended | 21:44 |
nik90 | linus_: yeah you can't run emulator on vmware | 21:49 |
nik90 | nik90: for some reason it only allows one of the either to run at the same time | 21:49 |
linus_ | thank you nik, i will install ubuntu on my laptop for trying to develop ubuntu | 21:54 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, exactly :) | 22:06 |
akiva-thinkpad | !cookie | nik90 | 22:06 |
ubot5 | nik90: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 22:06 |
vitimiti | I can't use QuaZip in my QML app, and I really need it. I think I have to add the library -lz to my CMakeLists.txt, because I only get the error "undefined symbol: _ZN6QuaZipC1ERK7QString" which translates to "QuaZip::QuaZip(QString const&)" with c++filt. How can I add the needed library? I only know how to do that in .project files | 22:07 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, I believe you go to projects tab | 22:08 |
akiva-thinkpad | and I think you add a custom process step in run. I can't remember though. | 22:09 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, thank you, will look there | 22:10 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, Yah I need to do something along these lines for the filemanager app to work on the emulator so... | 22:11 |
vitimiti | I need it to unzip a database I download from an official web | 22:11 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, oh neat; what app are you building? | 22:12 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, it's a Spanish vademecum | 22:12 |
vitimiti | https://code.launchpad.net/~vitimiti/vadetux/trunk <- this one | 22:14 |
akiva-thinkpad | vademecum ? | 22:14 |
vitimiti | Yes | 22:14 |
akiva-thinkpad | o_O | 22:14 |
akiva-thinkpad | what is that? | 22:14 |
vitimiti | It's like a medicine enciclopaedia | 22:15 |
vitimiti | medicines* | 22:15 |
akiva-thinkpad | ah very cool | 22:15 |
vitimiti | It's really useful for people like nurses, since it also has a link to the technical sheet, that explains how to use and put the medicine. And it has more | 22:16 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, you could literally save lives. | 22:16 |
vitimiti | And they are using versions of 2011 on paper. There have been changes in 2014 already that are not shown there, so I think a free vademecum that can be updated directly from the source would be good | 22:16 |
akiva-thinkpad | how does it feel to be a hero vitimiti? :) | 22:16 |
akiva-thinkpad | yah no kidding | 22:17 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, it feels like I'm working on my passion, nothing else | 22:17 |
akiva-thinkpad | :P pretty decent passion | 22:17 |
vitimiti | I only want to learn how to program to improve medicine and treatment, actually. I don't have imagination to create something different, anyway | 22:17 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, are you going to get a bq phone? | 22:18 |
akiva-thinkpad | living in spain and all? | 22:18 |
akiva-thinkpad | or nvm | 22:19 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, as soon as I can, yeah | 22:19 |
vitimiti | If not, I'd get a Nexus, anyway | 22:19 |
akiva-thinkpad | shouldnt assume you are spanish :P | 22:19 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, the mx4 is pretty rediculously impressive | 22:19 |
vitimiti | Yeah, I'm Spanish. And, if the bq aquarius with Ubuntu is affordable, I'll go for it | 22:20 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, unfortunately we still don't know what the phone will actually be | 22:20 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, yeah, I know there are changes, but still, the BQ one should be mine | 22:20 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, i'll take whichever one is quicker I suppose :P | 22:22 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, since I'm Spanish, I will try to support the Spanish one. Even if I don't like this country that much | 22:22 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, ha :P | 22:22 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, Why not? | 22:23 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, there are many things wrong with it that could easily be fixed but, instead, they stay the same. And it's so many things | 22:23 |
akiva-thinkpad | I'm in economics as a sort of sub field, and I heard that entrepraneurship is quite high in Spain because of the high minimum wage that makes it difficult to seek employment. | 22:23 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, have you seen or heard anything along these lines? | 22:24 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, it's a small minimum wage. Even if it's 680€, life in Madrid is as expensive as in bigger capitals in Europe, like Berlin. But still, we don't earn as much money as you would in, say, Berlin | 22:25 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, yah the minimum didnt seem that high to me either. interesting to get your insight. | 22:26 |
vitimiti | Alright, I found out it has to be with find_package([package]) in the CMakeLists.txt. Now I have to learn how to use that for it to work with QuaZip | 22:26 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, Spain has 19 almost independent governments, a central government (20 it goes), and then, there are other 32 under those, and under those, hundreds. It's not difficult to seek employment. The problem is most of the money is for the political class | 22:27 |
vitimiti | But people like that separation, I don't know why | 22:28 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, strange. Do you think Catalonia will ever seperate? | 22:29 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, also when you were growing up, how were you taught to view Franco? | 22:29 |
akiva-thinkpad | Very interesting fellow to say the least | 22:29 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, they shouldn't, if they know what's good to them. When I grew up, Franco had already died, though it was recent. I was taught everything, the good and the bad. In our country, the educational system is not for thinking, it's for memorizing. You just have to memorize data senselessly, so you should learn everything Franco did | 22:31 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, Yah public education was not so great in Canada either. Much better than the states though | 22:32 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, how is spain's debt crisis? | 22:32 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, private education is garbage, here, only people with money and stupid kids use it. About the debt, China bought most of it and now we are rebuying it, but we are far away from the whole banks collapse we were in. Though there are some banks with big problems, still, at least it's not like it's going to break it all | 22:33 |
akiva-thinkpad | interesting | 22:34 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, our best performing school in BC is run by a private school of Polygamists in a Mormon Community. | 22:35 |
akiva-thinkpad | odd fact :P | 22:35 |
* akiva-thinkpad is going to go to the bakery soon | 22:35 | |
vitimiti | The US keeps saying Spain will be the next Germany. I think it's just so people don't stop investing here, which will collapse our economy and thus, European and US economies | 22:35 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, is the weather always nice in spain? | 22:35 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, it depends on the place. There are places that have more rain than London and places that are always at 20-30ºC | 22:36 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, mmmm thats quite nice | 22:36 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, when is portugal going to join spain? | 22:37 |
vitimiti | akiva-thinkpad, I don't think that'll ever happen. They are not even a democracy | 22:37 |
vitimiti | oops | 22:37 |
vitimiti | A monarchy, I mean | 22:37 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, spain is a republic I take it? | 22:38 |
akiva-thinkpad | errm | 22:38 |
akiva-thinkpad | sorry | 22:38 |
akiva-thinkpad | portugal? | 22:38 |
vitimiti | Yeah | 22:38 |
akiva-thinkpad | bleh | 22:38 |
vitimiti | They have a king, but he is not recognized | 22:38 |
akiva-thinkpad | want to see an interesting data set? | 22:38 |
akiva-thinkpad | on monarchies vs republics | 22:38 |
akiva-thinkpad | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KVrAO9jKBCI7CxBfpbdm05Atu4WFESuIe5c6RMXP4Jc/edit#gid=1446216947 | 22:38 |
akiva-thinkpad | I compiled it a few months ago | 22:39 |
akiva-thinkpad | Turns out the aggregate favours monarchal systems | 22:39 |
vitimiti | I find having a president+prime minister as stupid as having a president+king | 22:39 |
akiva-thinkpad | To me; it makes sense; Your technical head of state being a monarchy makes it non-partisan | 22:39 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, well the best republic is switzerland | 22:40 |
akiva-thinkpad | but switzerland never really had a revolution | 22:40 |
akiva-thinkpad | It was just napoleon mucking about | 22:40 |
vitimiti | I find it more intelligent that it is a republic with just a president, not president + prime minister | 22:41 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, yah agreed, and their president is not even a distinguished position. | 22:41 |
akiva-thinkpad | very non-grandiose. | 22:41 |
vitimiti | Our king at least does a lot of things, yeah. He does act as a head of state | 22:41 |
akiva-thinkpad | vitimiti, Yep; agreed. | 22:42 |
vitimiti | How do I find the modules of the CMakeFile.txt for the Ubuntu SDK? I need to know if libz is in the modules or if I have to add it in a different way | 22:43 |
akiva-thinkpad | anyways i'm going to head to the bakery; gl with cmakelists :P | 22:43 |
vitimiti | Thanks, akiva-thinkpad | 22:44 |
vitimiti | Bye | 22:49 |
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