
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 291 building (started: 20141018 02:10) ===02:09
bzoltanricmm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtmir/+bug/1382414 The breakeage was no introduced by the UITK. I have tested the 1.1.1279.1+14.10.20141014-0ubuntu1 version of the UITK on both 106 and 107 (http://people.canonical.com/~bzoltan/UITK-AP-FAILURES-106-107/) and cornered the rot cause. The new qtmir introduced in the 107 made UITK AP tests fail in a rather incosistent way.02:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1382414 in QtMir "New qtmir makes UITK AP tests fail" [Undecided,New]02:50
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 116 building (started: 20141018 03:10) ===03:09
bzoltanelopio:  I think that we should land the silo13 and keep investigating what broke the UITK tests... http://people.canonical.com/~bzoltan/ap-2014_10_18-RTM-SILO15-KRILLIN/README_FIRST03:42
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 291 DONE (finished: 20141018 04:00) ===03:59
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/291.changes ===03:59
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 116 DONE (finished: 20141018 04:20) ===04:19
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/116.changes ===04:19
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ricmmbzoltan: not sure where you are picking me as saying that UITK is broken11:11
ricmmbzoltan: my question was in what image did the failrue start, and if you verified the qtmir version at fault by installing a few of them11:11
bfillerany one around who can publish silo 2? robru? trainguards?17:54
bfillerfixes the broken sim lock for mako17:55

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