gamerchick02 | hey cmaloney, does your message on list mean that you're bringing lococast back? | 01:27 |
rick_h_ | gamerchick02: which list? | 01:36 |
gamerchick02 | ubuntu us mi | 01:37 |
rick_h_ | gamerchick02: the OLF one? | 01:38 |
rick_h_ | gamerchick02: that email was from 2011? | 01:38 |
gamerchick02 | oh | 01:38 |
gamerchick02 | whoops what's with my mail client then | 01:39 |
rick_h_ | there was some recent replies it looks like | 01:39 |
gamerchick02 | yeah looks like it | 01:39 |
rick_h_ | wow, that's :( that stuff there is 3yr+ old | 01:39 |
gamerchick02 | whoa i should pay attention to when stuff is sent | 01:39 |
gamerchick02 | :( i miss loco cast!! | 01:39 |
gamerchick02 | i loved it | 01:39 |
rick_h_ | hah, yea we should do some of that some more. Though I've moved manager so not sure what we'd chat about these days | 01:40 |
gamerchick02 | true | 01:41 |
gamerchick02 | but yeah, loco cast was awesome. | 01:42 |
gamerchick02 | xchat azure is changing my spelling! | 01:42 |
rick_h_ | azure? | 01:43 |
gamerchick02 | it's the mac version of chat | 01:43 |
gamerchick02 | xchat | 01:43 |
gamerchick02 | there. no do NOT correct my spelling while typing!! | 01:43 |
gamerchick02 | anyway. i wonder how long osx will be supported for this macbook? | 01:46 |
gamerchick02 | when it's not supported anymore, i'll probably put ubuntu on it. hah | 01:47 |
cmaloney | I have made a tactical error | 14:20 |
cmaloney | I'll admint: I'm still learning | 14:21 |
cmaloney | but mrgoodcat is going to get a large number of my stones | 14:21 |
cmaloney | lmorchard: What happened to your full-text feed on your blog / tooter? | 14:52 |
jrwren | APPLE CIDER AND DONUTS!!! | 15:35 |
rick_h_ | jrwren: win! | 15:36 |
cmaloney | jrwren: Awesome. :) | 15:54 |
rick_h_ | anyone want to buy a first gen motox? | 16:00 |
rick_h_ | unlocked verizon fun fun fun | 16:02 |
cmaloney | heh | 16:09 |
cmaloney | Playing around with npm to try installing locally | 16:11 |
rick_h_ | good luck | 16:11 |
cmaloney | npm takes be back to the days of CPAN | 16:11 |
cmaloney | and not in a good way. | 16:11 |
cmaloney | s/be/me/ | 16:11 |
rick_h_ | yea, I'm a hater...we use it for some work apps and drives me bonkers | 16:11 |
rick_h_ | heh, so moved to tmo now, have the wife using my old sim on my old mifi so she's got her own mifi now. So many mobiles heh. Still have my old GNex sitting on the shelf too. | 16:12 |
cmaloney | Nice. :) | 16:12 |
rick_h_ | pita really, I got my wife a phone upgrade using the one for my line last time | 16:14 |
rick_h_ | so her contract is done, but mine was renewed to get her the phone | 16:14 |
rick_h_ | so now, the only phone number I can't lose/change is the one that's off contract | 16:14 |
rick_h_ | so if I cancel my account, it's $350, but if I just use the sim in the mifi for the next 12mo it's $240 :/ | 16:15 |
rick_h_ | bummer, no juju charm | 16:15 |
cmaloney | And we're done. | 16:25 |
cmaloney | lxc container destroyed. :) | 16:25 |
cmaloney | likely the version of node that ships with 12.04 is too old to run this | 16:26 |
rick_h_ | yea, almost promised to be | 16:26 |
rick_h_ | we have to use the ppa and we're on 14.04 | 16:26 |
cmaloney | That s brilliant | 16:27 |
cmaloney | | 16:27 |
bookiebot | - Installing Node.js via package manager · joyent/node Wiki · GitHub | 16:27 |
cmaloney | Yeah, that's not fucking happening | 16:28 |
rick_h_ | lol | 16:33 |
brousch | cmaloney: mrgoodcat has some skills | 21:26 |
jrwren | cmaloney: its really not that bad of a script: | 23:48 |
bookiebot | - text/plain | 23:48 |
jrwren | although, add-apt-repository -y -r ppa:chris-lea/node.js is MUCH easier. | 23:49 |
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