EriC^^ | ok | 00:00 |
EriC^^ | type sudo -i | 00:00 |
EriC^^ | or no need, type exit if you did already | 00:01 |
Jordan_U | newbme: Where are you able to see this file? | 00:01 |
EriC^^ | type sudo rm -r /home/me/.local/share/Trash/expunged/3387526693/razerd | 00:01 |
newbme | rm: cannot remove `/home/me/.local/share/Trash/expunged/3387526693/razerd': No such file or directory | 00:01 |
newbme | lol how can it not be there when it is | 00:02 |
EriC^^ | newbme: ^^ where do you see it? | 00:02 |
newbme | /home/wine/dosdevices/z:/run/razerd | 00:02 |
EriC^^ | in nautilus? | 00:03 |
newbme | nope, it doesnt show up in nautilis | 00:03 |
Jordan_U | newbme: Please answer the question. Where *do* you see it? | 00:03 |
newbme | /home/wine/dosdevices/z:/run/razerd | 00:04 |
newbme | is where it is | 00:04 |
EriC^^ | not following | 00:04 |
EriC^^ | you said ls doesn't show it either? | 00:04 |
newbme | nope | 00:04 |
newbme | but its there | 00:04 |
Jordan_U | newbme: How do you know that there is anything there? So far you've told us that rm, ls, and nautilus don't show it, but you haven't said what *does* show it. | 00:04 |
EriC^^ | where? | 00:04 |
newbme | i will show u a screenshot to show u that its there | 00:05 |
newbme | | 00:07 |
newbme | see its there, but i cant remove it | 00:07 |
squinty | .wine | 00:08 |
Jordan_U | newbme: You're showing us a screenshot of an application called "nautilus". | 00:08 |
Jordan_U | newbme: Now I see the problem. The directory is called ".wine", not simply "wine". | 00:09 |
Jordan_U | newbme: rm -ri ~/.wine/dosdevices/z:/run/razerd/ | 00:11 |
=== Paradisee_ is now known as Paradisee | ||
newbme | rm: cannot remove `/root/.wine/dosdevices/z:/run/razerd/': No such file or directory | 00:11 |
EriC^^ | newbme: type exit | 00:12 |
newbme | ok | 00:12 |
Jordan_U | EriC^^: Please don't ever ask someone to use "sudo -i" in #ubuntu again, it's dangerous, especially for users that need directions on how to do it. | 00:12 |
Shattingduck | in the ubuntu wiki it says startup replaces SysV-init system | 00:13 |
Shattingduck | what does that mean? | 00:13 |
EriC^^ | Jordan_U: i immediately told him to exit, earlier | 00:13 |
EriC^^ | Jordan_U: noted though | 00:13 |
newbme | rm -ri ~/.wine/dosdevices/z:/run/razerd/ | 00:14 |
newbme | rm: descend into write-protected directory `/home/steve/.wine/dosdevices/z:/run/razerd'? y | 00:14 |
newbme | rm: remove write-protected socket `/home/steve/.wine/dosdevices/z:/run/razerd/socket.privileged'? y | 00:14 |
newbme | rm: cannot remove `/home/steve/.wine/dosdevices/z:/run/razerd/socket.privileged': Permission denied | 00:14 |
Jordan_U | Shattingduck: "Upstart", not "startup". If you don't know what SysV init is then you probably don't need to know what Upstart is, but if you're curious: | 00:14 |
EriC^^ | newbme: issue same command, start it with sudo | 00:14 |
EriC^^ | newbme: ctrl+a takes you to the beginning of the line | 00:14 |
Shattingduck | I know what sysv is, kinda, it uses the rc.d scripts... does upstart use those scripts too? | 00:15 |
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newbme | ok its gone. sudo rm -ri ~/.wine/dosdevices/z:/run/razerd/ got rid of it | 00:17 |
l0rdn1x | Shattingduck: Yes, I think that upstart and systemd still support init scripts temporarily but not 100% sure. | 00:19 |
Shattingduck | can anybody confirm startup is going to be replaced again? | 00:19 |
Shattingduck | by something else? | 00:19 |
Jordan_U | Shattingduck: SysV init was replaced by Upstart in Ubuntu many years ago. And upstart will soon by replaced by systemd. | 00:19 |
l0rdn1x | ugh systemd =( | 00:20 |
l0rdn1x | upstart is better than systemd in my opinion. | 00:20 |
Jordan_U | l0rdn1x: I'd love to have an init system discussion, but let's move it to #ubuntu-offtopic as it's offtopic for here. | 00:21 |
scruffy_chan | I have two issues with my 14.04. if anyone could help me | 00:21 |
SchrodingersScat | !ask | scruffy_chan | 00:21 |
ubottu | scruffy_chan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 00:21 |
Shattingduck | systemd is the redhat system right? | 00:22 |
Jordan_U | Shattingduck: It was initially created by a RedHat employee, Lennard Poettering, and is used in RHEL, but it's not Red Hat only. But this is moving outside the scope of support, so let's please move this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic. | 00:23 |
scruffy_chan | my gnome network indicator disappeared two days ago and I also can't get my HDMI port to operate. Any advice? | 00:24 |
Bashing-om | Shattingduck: For a discussion of : . | 00:24 |
Shattingduck | does debian also have its own repositories? | 00:25 |
Shattingduck | like ubuntu? | 00:25 |
OerHeks | Shattingduck, you didn't find them? | 00:26 |
Shattingduck | find whom? | 00:26 |
Jordan_U | Shattingduck: Please move to #ubuntu-offtopic or stick specifically to Ubuntu support questions. | 00:27 |
Shattingduck | I am using mint so I am using the ubuntu repositories | 00:27 |
scruffy_chan | isn't ubuntu built off of debian? | 00:27 |
Shattingduck | I was just wondering if other distro's have such a good repository system too | 00:27 |
Shattingduck | yes, but ubuntu has its own repositories | 00:27 |
Tiberios | hey guys, having some issues getting x working with a geforce 6200 on ubuntu 14.04.... | 00:27 |
Shattingduck | tiberios: what is the issue? | 00:27 |
Artemis3v | ShadowSt1uck, well the mint support channel is not even on freenode | 00:28 |
Aladiah | how do i install this file ? OnLive_Ubuntu_Unpackaged.tar.gz | 00:29 |
Tiberios | I've run startx I get a gui session, with no menus, what looks like no way to run anything and anytime i do anything (eg right click on the desktop) the xorg process hits 100% cpu.... | 00:29 |
Jordan_U | Tiberios: Try using lightdm/gdm/kdm instead of startx. "sudo service lightdm restart" | 00:30 |
scruffy_chan | Aladiah, if you click on it it will open in your software center. | 00:30 |
scruffy_chan | you can install from there | 00:30 |
Aladiah | in lubuntu i have software center . it will work too ? | 00:30 |
Shattingduck | tiberios: which ubuntu version? | 00:30 |
Jordan_U | scruffy_chan: Aladiah: No, tar.gz files do not open in Ubuntu Software Center, only .deb files. | 00:30 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: it won't work, in any software center | 00:30 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, you need driver 304 (package name nvidia-304) | 00:31 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: did you check if the package you want is in the repositories? | 00:31 |
Shattingduck | tiberios: what I did with my nvidia card was I just downloaded the latest driver from and ran the install script! | 00:31 |
Tiberios | Jordan_U: I still get xorg using 100% cpu and it complains I in low graphics mode | 00:31 |
OerHeks | Aladiah, untar it, and read the file | 00:31 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: what's the name of the software? | 00:31 |
Aladiah | Onlive | 00:31 |
t4nk729 | Any raid expert? Imy raid is screwed up. Iit complaints about a super lock error. I am trying to check the state of the data on the single drive, but I can't mount it using mount /Dev/sdc /mint/drive | 00:31 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, do not do what Shattingduck said | 00:31 |
EriC^^ | !info onlive | 00:31 |
ubottu | Package onlive does not exist in trusty | 00:31 |
Jordan_U | Tiberios: Please pastebin the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log . | 00:31 |
Tiberios | nvidia-304 is already the newest version. | 00:31 |
Shattingduck | artemis3v: why not? | 00:31 |
EriC^^ | !find onlive | 00:31 |
ubottu | Found: gmotionlive | 00:31 |
Aladiah | When i click on it, it unpack . . | 00:31 |
Shattingduck | it works perfectly°! | 00:31 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, what is the problem? | 00:32 |
scruffy_chan | Aladriah: You may have to go through your terminal | 00:32 |
Aladiah | i dont know what to do with the unpacke folders and files | 00:32 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: right click on it and press extract, then read the README | 00:32 |
Jordan_U | Tiberios: Stop trying to mount /dev/sdc, if this is raid that is the wrong device to be mounting (and it's no wonder that it complains about a bad superblock when you do so). | 00:32 |
Aladiah | no read me on it | 00:32 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, oh i see, that doesn't appear to be a driver issue | 00:32 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: what are the files? | 00:33 |
Jordan_U | Tiberios: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid". | 00:33 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, can you try booting from the live iso? | 00:33 |
EriC^^ | any INSTALL ? | 00:33 |
Aladiah | i download it from here | 00:33 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: you can try to open a terminal and cd to the directory | 00:33 |
Aladiah | inside main directory i have 3 folders DEBIAN , OPT and USR | 00:34 |
EriC^^ | ok cd /usr | 00:34 |
EriC^^ | or ls usr | 00:34 |
EriC^^ | *cd usr | 00:34 |
Tiberios | | 00:34 |
t4nk729 | Jordan_u: right. I am aware that /Dev/sdc is not a valid raid device md0 is. But I have done --stop and I am only now trying to mount the single drive to see the consistency of the data.. Need to know if the drive is gone or not | 00:35 |
scruffy_chan | i will come back with my question later. | 00:35 |
Tiberios | Jordan_U, Artemis3v - I have a working system, just command line only currently... | 00:35 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, so you just installed, and you never got into xorg | 00:36 |
Tiberios | it's also doing double duty as my router, so I don't really want to boot off a live cd unless I have to | 00:36 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, but the question is, how did you install? did you use the live iso? | 00:36 |
t4nk729 | Mount /Dev/sdc complaints that the drive is a raid member.. How do I mount the single drive? | 00:36 |
phishfi | hey guys, I'm having an issue with an external hard drive. My Ubuntu system all fo the sudden stopped reading all but one of the folders on the drive, but my Mac can still see all the files | 00:37 |
Aladiah | inside usr i have bin and shar e folder | 00:37 |
Tiberios | Artemis3v: yes I installed from teh live iso iirc, it was a couple of months ago (this is a server that I've now put a reasonable gfx card in) | 00:37 |
phishfi | oops, sorry, lots of people talking xD | 00:37 |
Aladiah | EriC | 00:37 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, if you used the liveiso, you had a graphic install, so it was working | 00:37 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, something you did messed up | 00:37 |
Jordan_U | t4nk729: For most RAID methods, you can't just mount the block device containing the raid member as if it weren't an mdraid member, and even if you could you would want to be mounting a read only copy of the block device anyway to avoid desyncing your array. | 00:37 |
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Tiberios | Artemis3v: probably, I've changed the gfx card which is probably the main issue | 00:38 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: cd bin | 00:38 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, now what did you do, would be a good question | 00:38 |
Jordan_U | t4nk729: What was the original problem you were having with the array, that lead you to wanting to mount a single drive? | 00:38 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, that sounds interesing, what was the other card? | 00:38 |
Aladiah | ok iam on Bin | 00:38 |
Tiberios | on board card that ran like shit | 00:38 |
Aladiah | i have onlive inside bin | 00:39 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: any .bin files? or .run or something? | 00:39 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, which? model/brand | 00:39 |
Aladiah | onlive folder inside bin | 00:39 |
Tiberios | ibm eserver | 00:39 |
EriC^^ | cd onlive | 00:39 |
Artemis3v | hmm | 00:39 |
Aladiah | i thinho onlive is not a folder | 00:39 |
EriC^^ | type ./onlive | 00:40 |
Aladiah | when i do cd onlive it says directory inexistence | 00:40 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, can you try going into the hardware thing and see if you got the proprietary drivers installed and active? you need 304 active, and you should be able to get a graphic login unless you did something else | 00:40 |
Artemis3v | Tiberios, oh nvm you don't have graphics | 00:40 |
Aladiah | bash: type: ./onlive: não encontrado | 00:40 |
Aladiah | not gound | 00:40 |
Tiberios | i have the 304 drivers installed | 00:40 |
Aladiah | not founf | 00:40 |
Aladiah | not found | 00:41 |
EriC^^ | you wrote type :P | 00:41 |
Tiberios | but I just get low graphics mode... | 00:41 |
Jordan_U | Tiberios: Please paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf (if the file exists). | 00:41 |
Jordan_U | Tiberios: *Pastebin* | 00:41 |
Aladiah | ok | 00:41 |
phishfi | would anyone be able/willing to help me out with an fstab/ntfs external hdd issue? | 00:41 |
Aladiah | bash: ./onlive: Ficheiro ou directoria inexistente | 00:41 |
Jordan_U | Aladiah: export LANG=C | 00:42 |
Aladiah | file or directory inexistence | 00:42 |
Tiberios | Jordan_U: | 00:42 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: what's the exact filename in the directory? | 00:42 |
Aladiah | onlive | 00:42 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: Try asking your actual question and find out :) | 00:42 |
EriC^^ | type ls -l , and please paste here | 00:42 |
Jordan_U | Tiberios: OK. Try running "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-bak" then run "sudo lightdm restart". | 00:43 |
Aladiah | | 00:43 |
EriC^^ | Jordan_U: sudo lightdm ? | 00:43 |
phishfi | OK, my Ubuntu machine is no longer recognizing any files/folders except for one folder on my external HDD. I have the HDD configured via fstab | 00:44 |
Artemis3v | i would just comment out the Horiz and Vert refresh lines instead... | 00:44 |
Tiberios | Failed to load configuration from /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf: Key file does not start with a group | 00:44 |
Artemis3v | heh | 00:44 |
phishfi | SO my HDDs look like they only have one folder, but on my other machine it recognizes everything on the drive | 00:44 |
Jordan_U | EriC^^: No, definitely not. | 00:44 |
kostkon | sudo service lightdm restart | 00:44 |
Aladiah | Eric | 00:44 |
Jordan_U | EriC^^: Tiberios: Sorry, "sudo service lightdm restart". | 00:45 |
Tiberios | lightdm stop/waiting | 00:45 |
Tiberios | start: Job failed to start | 00:45 |
Jordan_U | Tiberios: That was my fault, I had a major typo in my command. | 00:45 |
kostkon | Aladiah, make it executable then run it | 00:45 |
Jordan_U | Tiberios: What is the output of "cat /proc/cmdline"? | 00:46 |
Aladiah | KostKon iam newby i dont know to mkae it executable | 00:46 |
t4nk065 | Jordan_u sorry i lost connection ... Re: about raid problems | 00:46 |
Tiberios | BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.13.0-37-generic root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root ro quiet splash nomdmonddf nomdmonisw | 00:46 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: try to type /opt/onlive/bin/onlive | 00:46 |
Aladiah | bash: /opt/onlive/bin/onlive: Ficheiro ou directoria inexistente | 00:47 |
EriC^^ | ok | 00:48 |
Jordan_U | Aladiah: Did you run "export LANG=C"? That should make all of your messages be in English (until you close this terminal window / exit this shell). | 00:48 |
Jordan_U | Tiberios: OK. I'm not sure what the current state of your system is, so I'd personally try rebooting. | 00:49 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: go back to the debian usr opt directory, and cd to opt | 00:49 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: or try to type <path leading to debian...>/opt/onlive/bin/onlive | 00:50 |
Tiberios | Jordan_U: unfortunately I can't do that now, the box doubles as a file store and my wife is streaming a film off it.... :/ | 00:50 |
Shattingduck | tiberios: just take the short route and install the nvidia script | 00:50 |
totesmuhgoats | hey pals | 00:51 |
Aladiah | inside opt i have folder onlive and inside it i have bin desktop onliveclient onlive_port_engine | 00:51 |
totesmuhgoats | anyone else on 14.04 find that pip is broken? | 00:51 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: ok, cd to onlive/bin | 00:51 |
Aladiah | iam in it | 00:51 |
Jordan_U | Tiberios: Don't install using Nvidia's install script, even if it gets you a working system (which it won't without a reboot anyway), it could break easily in the future. | 00:51 |
EriC^^ | ok type ./onlive | 00:52 |
Aladiah | aladiah@OldLaptop:~/Transferências/OnLive_Ubuntu/opt/onlive/bin$ ./onlive | 00:52 |
Aladiah | env: /opt/onlive/onlive_port_engine/bin/onlive: Ficheiro ou directoria inexistente | 00:52 |
Shattingduck | jordan_U: there is an automatic script that is installed which checks for kernel updates!!! and changes the entire installation accordingly when a kernal update takes place | 00:52 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: please type ls -l and paste it | 00:53 |
Jordan_U | Shattingduck: I'm aware of that. | 00:53 |
Shattingduck | well it has never broken on me.. | 00:53 |
Shattingduck | why would it break? | 00:53 |
Shattingduck | I have a dual monitor setup here.. works perfect | 00:53 |
Aladiah | | 00:54 |
Shattingduck | why would it break? | 00:54 |
phishfi | OK, actually I narrowed down my issue xD !! Apparently my GMYLE ExpressCard USB 3.0 Adapter isn't playing nicely with either of my external HDDs | 00:54 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: odd, try ./onlive_launcher | 00:55 |
phishfi | | 00:55 |
kostkon | Shattingduck, it's called DKMS, developed by Dell | 00:55 |
Jordan_U | Shattingduck: If an update changes any kernel apis that Nvidia's driver uses, rather than just the ABI, recompiling from source won't be enough. This will almost certianly happen during major version upgrades of Ubuntu, and may happen during minor upgrades. | 00:55 |
phishfi | this is the expresscard I bought, any ideas on how to properly configure it to control HTFS external drives | 00:55 |
Shattingduck | nvidia will release a new driver when that happens | 00:56 |
Aladiah | it ask me password admin and then nothing aladiah@OldLaptop:~/Transferências/OnLive_Ubuntu/opt/onlive/bin$ ./onlive_launcher | 00:56 |
Aladiah | aladiah@OldLaptop:~/Transferências/OnLive_Ubuntu/opt/onlive/bin$ | 00:56 |
Shattingduck | nvidia knows everything | 00:56 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: Please pastebin the contents of /proc/mounts . | 00:56 |
Tanklychee | Jordan_U, okay backt o the raid thingy. my original problem is the raid complaints about a bad super block. | 00:56 |
Shattingduck | bad super block sounds like major trouble... | 00:56 |
Shattingduck | do you have a backup? | 00:57 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: What do you mean by "the raid complaints about a bad super block"? What is the exact error you're seeing, and when/where are you seeing it? | 00:57 |
Tanklychee | it isa raid1 | 00:57 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: hmm | 00:57 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: do you trust this software? | 00:57 |
Tanklychee | can I posts url here? | 00:57 |
Shattingduck | the super block is basically where your entire directory structure is stored, when it is corrupt... no chance | 00:58 |
Aladiah | yes i think | 00:58 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: i find it poorly packaged, there are even leftover ~ files | 00:58 |
phishfi | Jordan_U: is there any easy way to copy the text from that file over SSH? | 00:58 |
Aladiah | more then 300 megabytes | 00:58 |
Aladiah | this is onlive version of windows converted | 00:59 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: "cat /proc/mounts" and copy and paste, or post it to pastebin from the remote machine with "pastebinit /proc/mounts" and then just copy the URL that pastebinit spits out. | 00:59 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: Yes, you can post pastebin relevant URLs here. | 01:00 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: ok | 01:00 |
phishfi | Jordan_U: alright, here we go: | 01:00 |
phishfi | I moved the HDDs onto the laptops direct USB 2.0 ports instead of using the GMYLE ExpressCard since it's not working | 01:01 |
Tanklychee | but a ubuntu askquestion link.. let me get the short url or something | 01:01 |
phishfi | do I need to switch it back? | 01:01 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: You can post a link to Askubuntu here, and their URLs aren't generally very long so feel free to just post it as-is. | 01:02 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: do you have a fast connection? | 01:02 |
Aladiah | ERic it have wine inside some folders on it | 01:02 |
Aladiah | yes Eric | 01:02 |
Aladiah | i gave | 01:02 |
Aladiah | i have | 01:02 |
EriC^^ | try the .deb file | 01:02 |
Aladiah | wheres is it ? | 01:02 |
EriC^^ | | 01:02 |
Tanklychee | crappy ipad clients... doesnt let me paste | 01:03 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: And /media/15ext/ only shows some of the files that should be there? | 01:03 |
phishfi | when I had it on the ExpressCard 15ext didn't show anything and 5ext only showed a folder called Downlodas | 01:03 |
phishfi | Downloads* | 01:03 |
Aladiah | Eric iam getting it | 01:03 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: Might be better off connecting via then. | 01:03 |
phishfi | when there were numerous other folders on both drives | 01:04 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: ok | 01:04 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: OK. Please pastebin the output of "ls -la /media/15ext/". | 01:04 |
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Aladiah | its done . now clicj on it ? | 01:04 |
Aladiah | click on it ? | 01:05 |
phishfi | Do you want me to plug the HDDs into the ExpressCard first, so you can see it with the issue? | 01:05 |
kostkon | Aladiah, double-click | 01:05 |
Aladiah | ho now it ask me to install | 01:05 |
Aladiah | lol | 01:05 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: So you've confirmed that the number of files you can see depends on how the drive is connected? | 01:06 |
phishfi | Yes, when it's connected directly to the machine (not through the expresscard) I can see the whole drive | 01:06 |
phishfi | but if I plug it in through the expresscard 15ext shows no files and 5ext shows only one folder | 01:07 |
t4nk475 | Jordan_u: here is the URL for the raid problem | 01:07 |
Tanklychee | i am back here iw | 01:07 |
Aladiah | Erik | 01:07 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: yes, it should install it to your /usr/bin | 01:07 |
Tanklychee | dang ipad clients | 01:07 |
Aladiah | it is already installed | 01:07 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: ok, | 01:08 |
EriC^^ | type onlive | 01:08 |
Aladiah | how to run it ? i found onlive icon on fames | 01:08 |
Aladiah | on games | 01:08 |
Aladiah | but it ask permission to admin then nothing happens | 01:08 |
EriC^^ | maybe it's running in the background? | 01:09 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: what exactly does it do? | 01:09 |
Aladiah | how ? | 01:09 |
phishfi | Jordan_U: Should I restart it with the drives in the ExpressCard? | 01:09 |
Tanklychee | hey guys i was t4ank475 | 01:09 |
Aladiah | do nothing . nothing happens | 01:09 |
Aladiah | it should open a window | 01:10 |
Aladiah | should i reboot first ? | 01:10 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: First pastebin the current output of "ls -l /media/15ext" and "dmesg" so that I can compare it with the output in a non-working configuration. | 01:11 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: type sudo updatedb | 01:11 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: then type locate onlive | 01:11 |
phishfi | Jordan_U: | 01:13 |
Aladiah | | 01:13 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: open the dash > type online | 01:14 |
Aladiah | dash ? | 01:14 |
EriC^^ | ah, you're on xubuntu right? | 01:15 |
Aladiah | Lubuntu | 01:15 |
EriC^^ | ok | 01:15 |
Tanklychee | Jordan_U, any clues? you ight still be reading | 01:15 |
EriC^^ | type gksu onlive | 01:15 |
Aladiah | what it is | 01:15 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: it's like the search menu for applications and stuff in unity | 01:15 |
Jordan_U | Aladiah: Do *not* run "gksu onlive". | 01:16 |
Aladiah | aladiah@OldLaptop:~$ gksu onlive | 01:16 |
Aladiah | aladiah@OldLaptop:~$ | 01:16 |
Aladiah | nothing happens after admin permission | 01:16 |
EriC^^ | Jordan_U: it asks him for his user's pass and quits every time | 01:16 |
EriC^^ | and it seems to be a gui app | 01:17 |
Jordan_U | EriC^^: I'm very suspicious of any wine based app needing root priveleges. | 01:17 |
EriC^^ | and he says he trusts it | 01:17 |
EriC^^ | Jordan_U: i don't like the packaging myself | 01:17 |
DalekSec | !info onlive | 01:17 |
ubottu | Package onlive does not exist in trusty | 01:17 |
EriC^^ | Aladiah: are you sure about the software? | 01:18 |
Jordan_U | Aladiah: I would personally recommend asking in #winehq about how to get Onlive working properly, rather than trying to use this packaged solution. | 01:18 |
Aladiah | for me its possible, because onlive didnt work anymore with wine, neither playonlinux after an update | 01:19 |
phishfi | Jordan_U: should I swap the drive over to the ExpressCard and give you that pastebin as well? | 01:19 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: Yes please. | 01:19 |
Aladiah | so why someone wold not try to creat a linux version | 01:19 |
phishfi | thanks man | 01:19 |
Aladiah | after all is the only way to play ultimate games on low specs laptops | 01:20 |
Aladiah | with out install the games. | 01:20 |
Tanklychee | Jordan_U, re raid, any clues? i pasted my question as another user, due to my irc client | 01:22 |
Aladiah | so if this dont work . . . what should i do to be safe just for peace of mind ? delete all directorys manualls and change my roo password»? | 01:22 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: I don't know what to do about fixing your raid or your filesystem (it's not currently clear which is actually broken) but if these pictures are very important then I would recommend making a full image backup of both drives right now. And for the future, RAID is not a replacement for backups. | 01:22 |
Aladiah | or should i use synaptic, search onlive , select to remove and aply ? | 01:23 |
phishfi | Jordan_U: | 01:24 |
Tanklychee | i thoughht raid1 gave me the redundancy, with mirror? i do have an external backup, but was hoping to understand what is wrong with the raid | 01:24 |
phishfi | that's when it's plugged into the expresscard | 01:24 |
Aladiah | how to uninstall it ? | 01:25 |
Aladiah | Eric ? | 01:25 |
Aladiah | i cant find onlive on synaptics | 01:26 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: It does give additional redundancy, but that doesn't mean you're risk free. | 01:27 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: How much would you lose if you lost the contents of your array right now? | 01:27 |
Aladiah | ok its removed | 01:28 |
Tanklychee | Jordan_U, 0 | 01:28 |
=== Termana is now known as Guest24100 | ||
Jordan_U | Aladiah: Software that is not installed via the package manager cannot be removed via the package manager. That's one reason why installing software outside of the repositories (and moreso, not even as a .deb) is discouraged. | 01:29 |
Aladiah | i removed onlive with synaptic | 01:29 |
Aladiah | i found it and removed it | 01:29 |
Tanklychee | Jordan_U, zero important data... but would like to try to recover it. | 01:29 |
Aladiah | with filter | 01:29 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: OK, then it's worth it to try simply fscking /dev/md0. If the underlying raid is problematic then that might cause more problems, so I wouldn't recommend it if you didn't have backups. | 01:30 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: Though still, before doing that, we should try to check the health of the array itself. | 01:30 |
canaima | juegos | 01:30 |
canaima | ju4egos | 01:30 |
canaima | juegos de frvi | 01:31 |
Tanklychee | Jordan_U, i never got an email complaining bout the health of the array. it just happend wheathe upgrade/update happen | 01:32 |
Tanklychee | Jordan_U, which is the weird part | 01:32 |
scarrz | suddenly lost sound for no reason ubuntu 14.04 can hear the drums at the login screen tho... a little help? | 01:32 |
=== peter is now known as Guest11560 | ||
phishfi | Jordan_U: Did you get my second pastebin? | 01:33 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: What is the output of "sudo mdadm --detail /dev/md0"? | 01:35 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: I have now. Please also pastebin the contents of /proc/mounts and the output of "dmesg". | 01:37 |
phishfi | there's /proc/mounts | 01:38 |
phishfi | and dmesg | 01:38 |
Tanklychee | Jordan_U, okay..just a sec.. PC is rebooting | 01:40 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: Ideally you should do this from a LiveCD/USB. | 01:41 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: What is the exact ls command you ran? | 01:42 |
Tanklychee | Jordan_U, is not my main drive, this was just a drive for data | 01:42 |
Jordan_U | Tanklychee: Ahh, good. | 01:42 |
phishfi | I ran ls -ls /media/15ext | 01:42 |
phishfi | sorry | 01:42 |
phishfi | ls -la /media/15ext | 01:42 |
IPhoton | Hello, I want to know why the option for dual boot has been taken away from the download section | 01:43 |
IPhoton | so now we have to use a bootable flashdrive instead? | 01:43 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: And nothing is currently mounted to /media/15ext , only to /media/5ext . Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid". | 01:43 |
daftykins | IPhoton: 'option for dual boot' ? what do you believe dualboot means? | 01:44 |
phishfi | but 15ext is there, it's just plugged into the expresscard | 01:44 |
OerHeks | IPhoton, what dual boot, WUBI ? | 01:44 |
IPhoton | I want to have ubuntu side by side with windows. I have it on my wmware but it doesn't share both monitors | 01:44 |
IPhoton | yes, wubi | 01:44 |
phishfi | Jordan_U: | 01:44 |
OerHeks | IPhoton, for what windows, 8 ? | 01:44 |
IPhoton | no, windows 7 | 01:44 |
phishfi | so the expresscard just isn't working... but I have no idea what to do to fix it | 01:45 |
OerHeks | IPhoton, still available | 01:45 |
phishfi | this happened out of the blue | 01:45 |
daftykins | we seriously discourage the use of WUBI though as it is an absolute abomination | 01:45 |
daftykins | its' use kills kittens, basically. | 01:45 |
IPhoton | O_O | 01:46 |
OerHeks | not sure wubi does 2 monitors | 01:46 |
IPhoton | wubi did 2 monitors before when I had it installed | 01:46 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: OK, so the problem is simpler than it originally seemed. It's not that Ubuntu "sees" the drive but things the filesystem on it is empty, it's just that it doesn't "see" the drive at all. If it used to work then you may have a bad expresscard / power supply / something else hardware related. | 01:46 |
IPhoton | so I'm better to do a bootable usb then | 01:46 |
IPhoton | and partition my drive | 01:46 |
daftykins | yes | 01:46 |
OerHeks | IPhoton, absolutly | 01:46 |
IPhoton | ok, thanks | 01:47 |
phishfi | Jordan_U: Bummer... Now I gotta suffer through USB 2.0 transfer speeds until I get an RMA | 01:47 |
phishfi | thanks for your help! I really appreciate it | 01:47 |
Jordan_U | phishfi: You're welcome :) | 01:47 |
IPhoton | installed webstorm and it's cool but it has a terrible UI | 01:48 |
gues[t]_10101 | Is there any difference between installing eclipse on lubuntu and installing it on ubuntu? ( I mean when installing latest version by downloading from the eclipse website). | 01:48 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: | 01:48 |
Tanklychee | theraid looks good, i think | 01:48 |
IPhoton | I think you're installing the latest one on the site | 01:48 |
Jordan_U | gues[t]_10101: I would be very surprised if there were any difference. | 01:48 |
Jordan_U | gues[t]_10101: Why not install Eclipse from the repos though? | 01:49 |
gues[t]_10101 | Jordan_U, naah :> | 01:49 |
gues[t]_10101 | for eclipse I always did want the latest - thx | 01:50 |
Tanklychee | gues[t]_10101, i stall it from the repos, it is easiera d it will figure out if you have java or not | 01:50 |
gues[t]_10101 | peace out folks :) | 01:51 |
Tanklychee | gues[t]_10101, a long as you know what youare doing, then it is fine, to get in the BLEEDING edeg of things | 01:51 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Great. Try "sudo fsck /dev/md0". | 01:52 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: | 01:53 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: This is the part that scared me.. | 01:53 |
IPhoton | My friend is rubbing off in my face the fact that he has dreamweaver | 01:54 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: without knowing much about what this cmd was doing.. I was afraid it would blow away my data.. | 01:54 |
daftykins | IPhoton: this channel is for support only, general chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please | 01:54 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: Thus I was trying to mount a a single drive to test the data | 01:54 |
IPhoton | okay | 01:54 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: and perhaps backup it up locally, then continue with the process | 01:54 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Try mounting it read-only. "sudo mount -o ro /dev/md0 /mnt/". | 01:55 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: | 01:57 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: If that fails, and you want something that might make you feel better but may not actually be very helpful (see: dreadfully slow, and still read only) try "sudo grub-mount /dev/md0 /mnt/" | 01:58 |
qwebirc92783 | Hi /usr/bin/X :0 -background none -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-PqmiSl/database -seat seat0 -nolisten tcp vt7 why does this process eat a lot of cpu resources (between 4-5% and over 15% when I move the mouse). Here's a screenshot | 02:00 |
linux_dream | hi qwebirc92783 , good question... no idea :/ hopefully someone else can answer... | 02:01 |
qwebirc92783 | Hi linux_dream thanks | 02:02 |
=== notzopsi is now known as zopsi | ||
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: lol..okay..let me check on that cmd | 02:02 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: And did I mention that it will likely fail anyway as well? :) | 02:03 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: okay.. then let's not try it.. so far it seems the filesystem is bad, right? | 02:03 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: One question that is not clear in my head is why there is no partition on this drives.. I do rememnber wanting to use the entire thing. but under /dev/ i only have /dev/sdc no # at the end | 02:04 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Drives don't have to have partition tables (though I think they almost always should). | 02:05 |
mojtaba | Hi, I want to assemble a new desktop and I want to install Ubuntu on it. Which CPU is better for Ubuntu? Intel or AMD? | 02:05 |
daftykins | no difference | 02:05 |
linux_dream | both will do the job | 02:05 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: okay.. so then go with then back to fsck | 02:06 |
Pinkamena_D | currently libreoffice writer is uncontrollably saving and I cant stop it. | 02:06 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: and close my eyes and pray? | 02:06 |
Pinkamena_D | should I just kill the process? | 02:06 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: is there a way to only do it to one drive?, will it do the fix to boths? | 02:07 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Was fsck giving you a prompt of any kind after that error message? | 02:07 |
tanklychee2 | yes | 02:08 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: Yes: | 02:08 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Please pastebin the full output from fsck then. | 02:08 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: Yes, after: there was just a prompt for abort.. let me paste the entire thing | 02:09 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: | 02:09 |
filipi | what is the best site to learn c language? | 02:12 |
filipi | not c++ only c | 02:12 |
rww | Amazon, since it lets you buy a copy of the K&R book on C | 02:13 |
rww | also, ask ##c | 02:13 |
linux_dream | I would have thought github dot com | 02:13 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: At least the size difference is only a little larger than 1 KiB, I would let it continue. | 02:13 |
filipi | great | 02:13 |
filipi | so the k&r book is really the best? | 02:13 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Another option is to try alternate superblocks and see if their size doesn't have the 1 KiB discrepency. | 02:13 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: You are the expert | 02:14 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: How do I do that..isalready on step 1,though | 02:14 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: I probably don't want to break the process now | 02:14 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: If you didn't have backups I would recommend trying alternate superblocks first, just to be sure. Since you do have good backups, and I'm leaving soon, I recommend continuing and seeing what fsck does. And yet another option is to run fsck read only and see some of the things it would try to do if you allowed it to. | 02:15 |
TriforceOfKirby | Hey could I get some help? I installed Ubuntu a couple days ago and used ndiswrapper to get my wireless adapter to work, but after installing updates and rebooting, it no longer works. | 02:15 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: But is already running can I kill it? | 02:16 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: I read that changing superblocks fora backup superblock shouldn't be too harmful | 02:16 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: So did you already answer "n" to "Abort?" ? If so, let it run. It will probably work, and you'll end up with a working fs again :) | 02:16 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: Yes, I already asnwer no | 02:16 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: How much longer do I have before you go? | 02:17 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: About 5 minutes. | 02:17 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: I know I know.. LOL.. is free support.. I should had run fsck with some verboce info | 02:17 |
tanklychee2 | <sigh> | 02:17 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: I am also running it with no hup from a remote computer.. STUPID ME! | 02:18 |
filipi | look at this | 02:18 |
filipi | #include <stdio.h> | 02:18 |
filipi | int main() | 02:18 |
filipi | { | 02:18 |
filipi | c=3; d=c; | 02:18 |
filipi | for(a=0;a<6*d;a+=d) | 02:18 |
unopaste | filipi you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 02:18 |
filipi | hi | 02:19 |
filipi | sorry | 02:20 |
daftykins | filipi: this is not a dev channel, please go elsewhere. | 02:20 |
mojtaba | It may not fit to this channel, but I have a sapphire HD 7970 (AMD RADEON) and I want to buy other components to make a super fast ubuntu desktop. Can anyone point me the right direction? | 02:20 |
TriforceOfKirby | So can anybody help me with my problem? | 02:20 |
filipi | fuck you bitch ahhahahaha | 02:20 |
daftykins | mojtaba: #hardware | 02:20 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: no harm done on killing it though, right? is just checking and reading stuff | 02:21 |
mojtaba | daftykins: thx | 02:21 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: is on pass 5, poff it compelted | 02:21 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: I'm 90% sure that fsck won't write to the filesystem without prompting you first and hence it's safe to just exit it. You can decide if that's good enough for you or if you want to read the manual / otherwise check yourself. | 02:23 |
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tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: Thanks..yep I am also 90% but I don't claim myself to be an expert.. :P but who is anyways.. okay.. it completed thugh no errors | 02:24 |
tanklychee2 | I will go read more on what to do now | 02:24 |
=== owner is now known as Guest58365 | ||
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: I was not expecting it to complete with no errors and no prompts. Can you still not mount it? | 02:26 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: yep, I still can't mount | 02:27 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: EXT4-fs (md0): bad geometry: block count 122096646 exceeds size of device (122096624 blocks) | 02:27 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Please pastebin the full output from fsck. | 02:32 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: | 02:33 |
jimwatson7 | jw | 02:33 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: OK, this shouldn't be needed, but resize2fs might fix this (by resizing your slightly too big filesystem). But before we do that, lets try to get some data for filing a good bug report. | 02:34 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: | 02:35 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1378850 in mdadm (Ubuntu) " EXT4-fs (md0): bad geometry: block count " [Undecided,New] | 02:35 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Do you have another ext4 (rather than ext3) filesystem to save a filesystem image to? This will be an image created by e2image, so will only contain metadata and will be much smaller than your full fs. | 02:37 |
nessessary129 | how to add certificates to ubuntu? | 02:37 |
tanklychee2 | hmm let me check what is my main sytem | 02:38 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: I aks about ext4 vs ext3 because e2image makes a sparse file by default (which only ext4 supports), but if we just compress as we go it shouldn't matter (should still be small). | 02:39 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: all i can see if I do a file-s /dev/sdb5 is that is a LVM..let me find out how to check further | 02:41 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: "mount" | 02:41 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: ext3 | 02:42 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: I assume my raid was ext3, too, is e2 applicable only to ext2? | 02:43 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: No, it applies to all of the extNs. | 02:43 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: okay,.. perfect I just found out too from my friend google. :D | 02:43 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Do consider any of the filenames in this filesystem private? | 02:43 |
nessessary129 | how to add certificates to ubuntu? | 02:44 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: not sure what you mean..? (do I have naked pictures of me? no!, just my kids naked pictures) | 02:44 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: If not, then you can just make the image and attach it to that bug report, but anyone who knows what they're doing will be able to see all of the names of the files (but none of the data) on the filesystem. | 02:44 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: ohh oaky.. now I get it.. nah.. I don't think so.. but I might just review the file before I send it.. assuming is not binary.... | 02:45 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: It's binary. | 02:46 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: isn't there a way to mark a attachment private.. we have something like that in eclipse | 02:47 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: What we can do is make the image now, fix your filesystem, then once you can mount your filesystem you can run "find /path/to/fs/" to list and check all the file names, and only then actually attach the image to the bug report. | 02:47 |
cfhowlett | Ubuntu used to contain an /Examples folder; short video, music ... I can't seem to find this in 14.04. Is it gone? So sad if so. It was a nice way to introduce some of the features. | 02:48 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: okay.. | 02:48 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: is it possible to just try to fix one drive?, as opposed of both? | 02:49 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Anyway, lets make an image and decide what we'll do with it later. From , we want to run "sudo e2image -r /dev/md0 - | bzip2 > ~/Desktop/md0.e2i.bz2" to create the image. | 02:50 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Yes, it possible to fix without making the image, but then the developers won't have much to look at to figure out how we got in this state in the first place. | 02:50 |
cfhowlett | Fun fact: Beijing Foreign Studies University library student computers come with network login to Win 7. POST screen does not display. BUT hitting f12 after POST will bring up the boot options menu. As I had already inserted my lubuntu 14.04 USB ... :) I'm now chatting on Lubuntu ... in ENGLISH even! | 02:51 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: no, I mean fixing just one drive.. | 02:51 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: as opposed of fixing the RAID system | 02:52 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: I don't like the idea of going that route, especially when we're possibly close to getting this worked out with RAID working and everything back to normal. | 02:52 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: okay.. | 02:52 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee: So please run "sudo e2image -r /dev/md0 - | bzip2 > ~/Desktop/md0.e2i.bz2". | 02:53 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: running.. MAN i forgot nohup again | 02:54 |
CodfishCatfish | I am a radio amateur and wondered if I could host my own chat? | 02:55 |
rww | CodfishCatfish: /join #freenode, ask network questions there | 02:56 |
CodfishCatfish | Aahhh neewbie. Thanks for the information. | 02:56 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: I don't want to hold you up | 02:57 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: I expect e2image to take about as long as fsck did. | 02:57 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: what do you suggest to do after.. the image.. ? ohh okay | 02:57 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: After the image is made (please don't run it earlier than that), I expect that "sudo resize2fs /dev/md0" will fix this problem completely. | 02:59 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: with little to no lost data.. as it seems that it is just a matter of superblocks, right? | 03:00 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: If it succeeds without error then I expect that will mean that the less than 2KiB of space technically allocated to the filesystem were not actually in use, but were just part of the free space pool, and thus no data loss. And you would have at most 2 KiB of data loss (though it would be hard to determine in what file). | 03:02 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Normally the process of resize2fs is basically "Move any existing data past our new end to before our new end, then update the superblock" so the "Move any existing ..." part will probably be a check that just finds that nothing needs to be moved, and only the superblocks will be changed. | 03:03 |
tanklychee2 | okay.. so after that I can probably do a compare to my online data.. which is the IMPORTANT part.. | 03:04 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: okay.. so after that I can probably do a compare to my online data.. which is the IMPORTANT part.., I had some data that was not backuped online but that was marked as not backuped, thus irrelevant to some extent | 03:05 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: but I can for sure stop the backup process and to a compare of the online data and see if there are differences, before I overwrite the online data | 03:05 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: I thought that askubuntu questioner was you at first, since it was asked so recently. | 03:06 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: It is me | 03:06 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: and the bug is mine too | 03:06 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: The upgrade happened last week.. but I have kids and wifes to take care off.. and as I have a online backup.. I wasn't too woried.. but it is me.. I just didn't mentioned I have a backup in the askubuntu | 03:07 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: What did you mean by your bug report comment that "I read on askubuntu that there seems to be someone else having the same problem on this release too: google search "ask ubuntu 14.04 bad geometry" " ? | 03:08 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: | 03:11 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: 43M Oct 17 23:12 md0.e2i.bz2 | 03:12 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Please add that other askubuntu link directly to the bug description. | 03:12 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Great! Now for the moment of truth, "sudo resize2fs /dev/md0" . | 03:13 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: no I am still waiting for it to complete | 03:13 |
tanklychee2 | is at 43M now | 03:13 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: going mobile now eh? | 03:14 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: Yes, you've kept me from my dancing for long enough :) I'll try to check in every hour or so. | 03:14 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: I am so sorry.. we can chat trough the bug later on.. I soon need to go to my daughters bedroom | 03:15 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: darn kids.. still wake up in the middle of the night asking for a soul to sleep with | 03:16 |
Jordan_U | tanklychee2: No problem, but I will definitely follow the bug as this is interesting :) | 03:17 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: lol.. I like that attitude.. At least I have more confidence on what I am doing.. | 03:17 |
tanklychee2 | Jordan_U: I appricate the help.. having lead an open source project 'Eclipse Server tools'.. is good to know that there is good people out there as the ones I left | 03:22 |
skyfall | i cant uninstall the skype from my ubuntu 14.04 LTS . .its not even launching when its clicked | 03:44 |
skyfall | can anyone help me with this issue ? | 03:45 |
skyfall | anybody there ? | 03:46 |
Chakka | yes | 03:46 |
skyfall | i have an issue with skype | 03:46 |
skyfall | its not even launching in my ubuntu | 03:46 |
skyfall | and i cant even uninstall it | 03:47 |
Chakka | try launch from terminal/cmd line = see if any errors | 03:47 |
Chakka | those errors never show i fyou click to launch in unity | 03:47 |
skyfall | how to launch ? | 03:47 |
skyfall | command please | 03:47 |
Chakka | open a terminal | 03:47 |
Chakka | type "skype" | 03:47 |
Chakka | hit enter | 03:47 |
skyfall | its showing "cant open shared object | 03:48 |
skyfall | no such file or directory | 03:48 |
linuxd | make sure it is currently running and "stuck" by running 'ps ax | grep skype' | 03:49 |
linuxd | it is *not* currently running... | 03:49 |
skyfall | its not | 03:49 |
skyfall | can u give me the command to install skype | 03:49 |
skyfall | from using the terminal | 03:50 |
Chakka | did you download the installer? run "dpg -i <skype pkg>.deb" | 03:50 |
linuxd | Honestly, I don't use skype. Sorry. | 03:50 |
Chakka | reinstalling is a good idea, it should tell you if dependencies are missing | 03:50 |
Chakka | skype is sort of a pain in the ass on debian/ubuntu | 03:50 |
skyfall | i tried to uninstall, but im unable to do that | 03:51 |
Chakka | thanks billygates | 03:51 |
skyfall | lol | 03:51 |
Chakka | apt-get remove skype | 03:51 |
=== iShaggy is now known as iShaggy-Away | ||
skyfall | its saying locked file | 03:52 |
skyfall | Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) | 03:52 |
skyfall | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 03:52 |
skyfall | chakka ? | 03:53 |
linuxd | they might have Synaptic open. | 03:53 |
=== owen is now known as Guest88112 | ||
swift110-phone | Hey | 03:53 |
linuxd | close it before trying to run an apt-get. | 03:53 |
skyfall | i did | 03:54 |
linuxd | and run the apt-get as sudo | 03:54 |
etzer | hello all | 03:54 |
etzer | ? | 03:54 |
skyfall | Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) | 03:54 |
skyfall | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 03:54 |
skyfall | same message | 03:55 |
linuxd | heh, reboot and then try again. something has a lock on dpkg. | 03:55 |
skyfall | after reboot , sudo apt-get remove skype | 03:55 |
skyfall | isnt it ? | 03:56 |
linuxd | we could try and troubleshoot to find it, but rebooting will solve it. | 03:56 |
skyfall | okay ! | 03:56 |
etzer | i insall ubuntu accidentally ill n my entire hard drive. now i cannot create a windows partition or reinstall windows because the entire drive is GPT format. i need to create a MBR so i can install windows side by side ubuntu. | 03:56 |
=== CoreIT84 is now known as corey84 | ||
skyfall | i created a seperate partition and installed ubuntu in it | 03:57 |
skyfall | i use Easy BCD to dual boot | 03:57 |
skyfall | windows and ubuntu | 03:58 |
quuxman | When I run `sudo hibernate-disk -v4` everything seems to work and there's no errors, but when it switches to console and after it prints "preallocating image memory" it bails, and it switches back to the X VT and there are no errors I can find in the output | 03:58 |
quuxman | any ideas on what might be broken, or how I can get more debugging info? | 03:59 |
DWSR | Hey all, having an issue where I can't get daemons to bind to any ports on an EC2 instance running Trusty. | 04:00 |
DWSR | Port 80 is returning phpinfo(); output, but according to netstat and lsof nothing is bound to 80. | 04:01 |
etzer | i insall ubuntu accidentally ill n my entire hard drive. now i cannot create a windows partition or reinstall windows because the entire drive is GPT format. i need to create a MBR so i can install windows side by side ubuntu. | 04:01 |
DWSR | Nevermind, I'm an idiot and forgot to uninstall nginx. | 04:02 |
quuxman | I'll post it on serverfault or whatever | 04:02 |
Chakka | if u want dual boot, install windows first. Then ubuntu second, let ubuntu installer resize the winblows partition | 04:02 |
skyfall | Another option is to install Easy BCD in windows and create a GRUB boot entry using it. After rebooting the options wil show | 04:03 |
skyfall | can anyone suggest me other 3rd party terminal other than default | 04:05 |
somsip | skyfall: that has what features? | 04:06 |
skyfall | im just eager to know and try | 04:06 |
skyfall | somsip. Is there any ? | 04:06 |
linuxd | terminator! | 04:07 |
linuxd | it is awesome | 04:07 |
somsip | skyfall: there are many. | 04:07 |
skyfall | okay | 04:08 |
skyfall | im going for terminator ! | 04:08 |
skyfall | thank you linuxd | 04:08 |
skyfall | thank you somsip ! | 04:09 |
Chakka | mremoteng is good term program for windows - if you want to connect to linux boxes via ssh | 04:09 |
Chakka | much nicer than putty | 04:09 |
Chakka | | 04:09 |
Jeeves_Moss | how do I mount a remote linux share? | 04:11 |
swift110-phone | How to ssh into an ipaid 3 | 04:11 |
linuxd | what kind of share NFS, SMB ? | 04:11 |
linuxd | You can use sshfs too. | 04:12 |
somsip | swift110-phone: does that have anything to do with ubuntu? | 04:12 |
Jeeves_Moss | linuxd, I'm installing sshfs | 04:12 |
swift110-phone | I want to use ubuntu to ssh to ipad 3 | 04:12 |
Jeeves_Moss | linuxd, what's the connection string? | 04:13 |
somsip | swift110-phone: use the ssh client. You have to figure out about the ipad. | 04:13 |
xtudian | cloak | 04:13 |
linuxd | It works like sshfs user@remotehost:/path/to/folder some_folder_on_local_machine | 04:13 |
Jeeves_Moss | linuxd, thanks. | 04:13 |
linuxd | no prob | 04:13 |
swift110-phone | Do u think its possible somsip | 04:14 |
somsip | swift110-phone: no | 04:14 |
swift110-phone | Ok | 04:14 |
xtudian | admin? | 04:18 |
Jeeves_Moss | when I run "mysqldump --all-databases > dump.sql", I get "premission denied" even as root | 04:18 |
somsip | Jeeves_Moss: mysqldump -u root -p ...etc... then enter password | 04:18 |
Jeeves_Moss | nm, figured it out. | 04:19 |
xtudian | ip cloak,thanks | 04:21 |
somsip | !cloak | xtudian | 04:21 |
ubottu | xtudian: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: - For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode. | 04:21 |
BTJustice | I am trying ot install Ubuntu on a Dell Dimension E310. It currently has Windows XP and uses two 250 GB hard drives with RAID1 Mirroring. I cannot boot into the Lie CD unless I do the F6 option of nodmraid but that doesn't give me any hard drive to install to. How can I get around this without getting rid of RAID1? | 04:30 |
lotuspsychje | !raid | BTJustice | 04:32 |
ubottu | BTJustice: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 04:32 |
BTJustice | Thanks. Looking now. | 04:33 |
lotuspsychje | BTJustice: maybe look into bios section for changements aswell? | 04:33 |
BTJustice | It's an Intel Matrix RAID Controller built onto the motherboard. | 04:35 |
BTJustice | Looks like I will have to download the alternative install cd. | 04:36 |
lotuspsychje | BTJustice: cant you tune bios to setup with raid disabled? | 04:37 |
lotuspsychje | BTJustice: like unplug 1 drive and disable raid and install ubuntu on single hd? | 04:38 |
BTJustice | I can try that, but I want to maintain RAID1. | 04:38 |
lotuspsychje | BTJustice: ok then its gonna be the hard way :p | 04:38 |
fallkon | hi | 04:39 |
lotuspsychje | BTJustice: i would consider an ssd samsung evo 120gig and use your machine non-raid and use your 2x 250 as data drives | 04:41 |
BTJustice | I have had hard drive die in the past. It is nice to have RAID1. If one dies, the other keeps on ticking. Replace the bad one and the array rebuilds itself automatically. | 04:43 |
BTJustice | That's why I want to keep it. | 04:44 |
lotuspsychje | BTJustice: ok no sweat mate | 04:44 |
lotuspsychje | BTJustice: this is desktop version right , not server? | 04:44 |
lotuspsychje | BTJustice: maybe this can also help: | 04:49 |
=== seed__ is now known as sylar_ | ||
BTJustice | lotuspsychje: If the alternate installer can't do it, I will give that a shot. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. | 04:55 |
lotuspsychje | BTJustice: np | 04:55 |
=== Guest63693 is now known as neurotus | ||
oniongirl | hi I was wondering if someone could please help me. I was trying to make a Mac OSx external drive RW and I managed to mess up my linex mint XFCE install. | 05:05 |
phix | and that is Ubuntu related how? | 05:06 |
oniongirl | I was getting the error message User;s $Home/.dmrc file is being ignored. | 05:06 |
radams976 | linux is based on ubuntu right | 05:06 |
oniongirl | Mint is based on Ubuntu yes | 05:06 |
oniongirl | it is basically ubuntu with some tweaks | 05:07 |
phix | oniongirl: ok, well there are some assholes in this channel that will nitpick that, I am not one of them but I asked how it was Ubuntu related in order to get my respect level up a bit | 05:07 |
oniongirl | Thats cool. Do you think you could help me? | 05:08 |
oniongirl | Right now I'm getting an error it logs me out as soon as click login | 05:08 |
oniongirl | it says "You were logged in for less than 10 seconds: | 05:08 |
heo | hi | 05:09 |
oniongirl | when I check the error log it says could not find /home/username and it lists all my folders | 05:09 |
heo | Hello | 05:09 |
phix | oniongirl: oh, permission issues? | 05:09 |
oniongirl | when I go into root I can access the folder but I can't change anything its telling me permission denied | 05:09 |
oniongirl | Something got messed up when I Was trying to make my OSX external HD R/W | 05:09 |
heo | Have you su? | 05:10 |
heo | Or sudo? | 05:10 |
oniongirl | yes | 05:10 |
heo | su or sudo? | 05:10 |
oniongirl | this was the error I was getting and the fix i tried | 05:11 |
oniongirl | | 05:11 |
heo | So you fixed that issue? | 05:11 |
oniongirl | it seems to have worked kinda but now I can't access home file | 05:11 |
heo | Or was that an issue? | 05:11 |
phix | hmmmm sounds terrible oniongirl | 05:11 |
oniongirl | no, when I try to login it logs me out immediately and tells me "you have been logged in for less than 1o seconds" | 05:12 |
phix | I guess the moral of the story is stay away from Apple products, I live by that | 05:12 |
oniongirl | and gives me an error | 05:12 |
oniongirl | phix lol | 05:12 |
cfhowlett | oniongirl, do you have terminal? | 05:12 |
oniongirl | cfhowlett, yes | 05:12 |
phix | oniongirl: They may look shiny and pretty but it's a trap! | 05:12 |
DaleK5whr | maybe a fresh install might have better luck | 05:13 |
oniongirl | phix, well I just sold the Mac is that makes you happy and moved to a linux machine :) | 05:13 |
oniongirl | DaleK5whr, i really don't want to do that | 05:13 |
phix | oniongirl: <3 | 05:14 |
=== 1JTAAPZFE is now known as bisu | ||
DaleK5whr | oniongirl: I'd do a complete reinstall after backing everything up that's important to you | 05:14 |
cfhowlett | !mint | oniongirl, as you are using linux mint, we can't support you in this channel. | 05:14 |
ubottu | oniongirl, as you are using linux mint, we can't support you in this channel.: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 05:14 |
oniongirl | ok i lied its ubuntu with Xfce lol | 05:15 |
cfhowlett | oniongirl, nope. you've lied. go to mint support. | 05:15 |
oniongirl | Anyhow, | 05:15 |
oniongirl | Is there a way I can just reinstall xfce that will fix the problem without having to do a complete re-install? | 05:16 |
phix | cfhowlett: That was some slow response time there, oniongirl was alloud to speak about that for 11 minutes without being pull up for it | 05:17 |
phix | Aussie_matt: G'day | 05:18 |
brent | im trying to setup nfs shares and ive noticed in /media/user it has drive names with a 1 on the end. eg. DRIVE1 is there with nothing but there is also DRIVE11 (extra 1 added) | 05:18 |
brent | any ideas what causes this? | 05:18 |
cfhowlett | brent, I'm guessing this is some kind of network you're working on? #ubuntu-server might know more ... | 05:19 |
brent | im setting this up on a home server, running ubuntu 14.04 desktop. | 05:20 |
oniongirl | is there some kind of system recovery ala windows XP where I can just like reset settings to default? | 05:20 |
cfhowlett | oniongirl, again: ask mint. mint aint' ubuntu. ubuntu aint' mint. #mint knows more about mint than #ubuntu knows. | 05:21 |
DaleK5whr | oniongirl: you'd have to login to linux with Ctrl-Alt-F1 from the GUI login screen and reinstall xfce | 05:22 |
brent | im basically wanting to share 5 drives and add them to etc/exports for serving to media players.. i need it to automount on boot too (so it powerloss happens its i dont have to mount the disks for the nfs-server-damon to work) | 05:24 |
oniongirl | DaleK5whr, ok, I can do that what command do I use to re-install it. Right now in the command I am getting this error linux mint NO Directory, logging in with HOME=/ | 05:27 |
DaleK5whr | oniongirl: I don't have all the details for doing that, sorry... what you can do is google how to reinstall xfce... from what you describe it sounds like much more is screwed up on your linux system | 05:29 |
=== Sneak is now known as Guest57444 | ||
brent | whats the best way to launch ubuntu desktop programs as root | 05:40 |
brent | in particular the Files program | 05:40 |
brent | nautilus | 05:40 |
cfhowlett | brent, sudo nautilus if you must - warning: running as root is inadvisable .... | 05:41 |
brent | yea ive done that in the past and it screwed firefox and the Software Updater program | 05:44 |
brent | :/ | 05:44 |
brent | so basically i have to use the terminal to do this safely? | 05:44 |
brent | but i thought "desktop" was exactly that | 05:45 |
brent | :/ | 05:45 |
fancyfetus | guys, I've betrayed ubuntu in favor of fedora and now I'm paying the price D: | 05:48 |
brent | lol | 05:48 |
phix | brent: desktop and terminal are not mutually exclusive, same with server and GUI | 05:49 |
fancyfetus | I can't figure out how to fix mbr from the fedora live usb | 05:49 |
fancyfetus | in ubuntu you boot the live cd and use LILO. | 05:49 |
fancyfetus | But in fedora I can't seem to find anything on the subject. | 05:49 |
phix | fancyfetus: why you want to fix the mbr for/ | 05:50 |
fancyfetus | phix, my windows partition :( | 05:50 |
phix | you can use a windows boot disc | 05:50 |
fancyfetus | I don't have mine anymore | 05:50 |
brent | so editing etc/exports which requires root to save, i'd have to use terminal to do this? | 05:50 |
phix | fixboot /MBR | 05:50 |
phix | brent: no | 05:51 |
phix | brent: you can run gedit as root if you like | 05:51 |
fancyfetus | phix, that would have been convenient... My mom threw my windows bot disks away last year. | 05:51 |
phix | fancyfetus: burn another one | 05:51 |
fancyfetus | So I'm stuck with fedora solutions for now :P | 05:51 |
fancyfetus | Oh... | 05:51 |
fancyfetus | I think I have an ubuntu live cd laying around. | 05:51 |
fancyfetus | I can just use that. | 05:52 |
brent | phix, i see what you've done there. nice :) | 05:52 |
phix | fancyfetus: Sign up as a Microsoft Partner (free) and download Windows 8 or something and boot off that, or better still, get the MDT kit and burn yourself a Windows PE disc | 05:52 |
brent | i really need to change my thinking | 05:52 |
fancyfetus | Microsoft Partner? | 05:52 |
phix | fancyfetus: yes, allows you to access ISOs and other tools | 05:53 |
fancyfetus | what's stopping me from just using the ISOs as my main OS? | 05:53 |
phix | fancyfetus: persistence | 05:53 |
fancyfetus | That's good to know. i may need that for another day | 05:54 |
fancyfetus | for now I'll use the ubuntu live cd. | 05:54 |
brent | phix, have you used etc/exports? i've got 5 lines which are very similar id like you or someone to check it possible? | 05:54 |
phix | brent: yes | 05:54 |
phix | pastebin it brent | 05:55 |
phix | then send me the link | 05:55 |
brent | ok sure | 05:55 |
brent | | 05:55 |
brent | im still not sure why MOVIES1 and MOVIES2 as seen in that have the extra 1's on the end :/ | 05:56 |
phix | brent: because you put them there? | 05:57 |
brent | hehe yea but ubuntu adds them when i mount them | 05:57 |
phix | brent: It is the label of your drive | 05:57 |
brent | my label is MOVIES1 not MOVIES11 | 05:57 |
phix | brent: change it using the e2label or ntfslabel (whatever format your drive is in) tool to set it | 05:58 |
cfhowlett | brent, locations & files with same name sometimes get 1 appended to distinguish them | 05:58 |
brent | gparted shows them with correct labels | 05:58 |
brent | its just the way its automounting i guess | 05:58 |
brent | cfhowlett, that sounds right as there is already a blank folder within /media/user with the correct name | 05:59 |
brent | not sure why the system cannot use or remove it | 06:00 |
evgenius123 | Hello. Can you help me? my browsers can not connect to localhost. | 06:00 |
cfhowlett | brent, better than overwriting the file/folder ... which has happened to me. | 06:00 |
phix | evgenius123: Do you have a webserver running ? | 06:00 |
evgenius123 | no, i think | 06:01 |
evgenius123 | but my friend sitted behind me on ubuntu do not have this problem | 06:01 |
evgenius123 | sorry for my bad machine-like english | 06:02 |
brent | what are you trying to access on localhost | 06:02 |
phix | evgenius123: well if you dont have a web browser running on your machine then that is why you cannot connect to it in a web browser | 06:03 |
phix | evgenius123: you can use the file:/// URL / URI though | 06:03 |
phix | Or just use nautalus | 06:03 |
evgenius123 | how to start webservr | 06:03 |
phix | evgenius123: service apache2 start | 06:03 |
brent | youd need one installed, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 06:04 |
phix | as the root user of course | 06:04 |
evgenius123 | hrm... | 06:04 |
phix | brent: upstart!!!! | 06:04 |
phix | *slap* | 06:04 |
phix | evgenius123: sudo apt-get install apache2 | 06:04 |
brent | yiike | 06:04 |
brent | s | 06:04 |
phix | brent: :) /etc/init.d/* is the old style, use service | 06:05 |
evgenius123 | strange... my friend do not install apache and smth like this, but he can test php | 06:05 |
evgenius123 | by address like "localhost/file.php" | 06:05 |
phix | evgenius123: maybe he is using nodejs or ngix or another web server | 06:05 |
phix | evgenius123: yes, he would need a web server running to connect to it | 06:06 |
evgenius123 | he said "no" | 06:06 |
brent | ah yes sorry :P ill shutup | 06:06 |
evgenius123 | nothing servers | 06:06 |
phix | evgenius123: sudo netstat -ln | grep 80 I bet it returns something :) | 06:06 |
phix | evgenius123: run that on his machine | 06:06 |
phix | brent: :P nah keep talking :) | 06:07 |
evgenius123 | his machines used by him | 06:07 |
phix | evgenius123: tell him to run it then | 06:07 |
evgenius123 | netstat returns some strings | 06:07 |
phix | evgenius123: then he has a web server running | 06:08 |
phix | does it say httpd, apache, ngix, nodejs? | 06:08 |
evgenius123 | he - who? | 06:08 |
phix | evgenius123: your friend | 06:08 |
evgenius123 | nothing servers running on friend's comp | 06:08 |
=== Gurparta is now known as Gurpartap2 | ||
phix | evgenius123: if your friend typed that in and it returned stuff then he is | 06:08 |
phix | problem solved, install a web server | 06:09 |
phix | the end | 06:09 |
evgenius123 | hrm... #ubuntu-ru is deadly now, i can't have help in it | 06:10 |
brent | lol | 06:10 |
phix | evgenius123: I blame the RU military | 06:13 |
ShrewdSpirit | guys is GTK+ development libraries installed on ubuntu by default? | 06:19 |
gaoge | ping server | 06:28 |
MintNixs | ello ppl | 06:28 |
gaoge | ello ppl | 06:28 |
=== niekie is now known as nikis | ||
gaoge | 有说中文的么? | 06:31 |
cfhowlett | !cn | gaoge | 06:32 |
ubottu | gaoge: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 06:32 |
cfhowlett | !kylin | gaoge | 06:32 |
ubottu | gaoge: Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is a formal part of Ubuntu. For more information, see | 06:32 |
helmut_ | hi | 06:37 |
RamiLego4Game | hey | 06:39 |
RamiLego4Game | i have ubuntu 12.04 LTS | 06:39 |
RamiLego4Game | how can i know if it's wheezy or squeeze ? | 06:40 |
RamiLego4Game | i have ubuntu 12.04 LTS, how can i know if it's wheezy or squeeze ? | 06:40 |
RamiLego4Game | sorry | 06:41 |
RamiLego4Game | i have ubuntu 12.04 LTS, how can i know if it's Precise Pangolin or Lucid Lynx ? | 06:41 |
Ben64 | uh, 12.04 is precise | 06:42 |
RamiLego4Game | (I need to install virtualbox) | 06:42 |
RamiLego4Game | thx | 06:42 |
Ben64 | what does that have to do with the version name | 06:42 |
Ben64 | are you trying to install virtualbox in some weird way | 06:42 |
s1991 | Hey, can anyone help me with wireless keyboard-mouse problem in ubuntu. I've asking this question several times, but didn't really got any solution | 06:43 |
brent | Wheezy im pretty sure | 06:43 |
RamiLego4Game | lol i read 10.04 as 12.04 xD | 06:43 |
brent | your a Squeeze | 06:43 |
RamiLego4Game | should i download i386 or AMD64 ? | 06:44 |
RamiLego4Game | i386 for intel cpu ? | 06:45 |
Ben64 | RamiLego4Game: don't download it | 06:45 |
Ben64 | use the software center to install virtualbox | 06:45 |
RamiLego4Game | why ? | 06:45 |
RamiLego4Game | i have 2 computers with linux | 06:45 |
s1991 | please anybdy?? I'm trying to make it work since long time | 06:45 |
Ben64 | RamiLego4Game: ok? use the software center | 06:45 |
RamiLego4Game | so i don't need to redownload the box for the both computers | 06:46 |
Ben64 | use the software center... | 06:46 |
RamiLego4Game | i need to download it 1 time to install it at 2 computers | 06:46 |
brent | s1991, it just doesnt work? | 06:46 |
s1991 | brent: so there's no possible solution? | 06:47 |
s1991 | brent: ya I mean, it does detect even the device | 06:48 |
Ben64 | s1991: you've given no details so far | 06:48 |
cfhowlett | !details | s1991, | 06:49 |
ubottu | s1991,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 06:49 |
=== Sneak is now known as Guest69802 | ||
s1991_ | I'm using amkette's keyboard-mouse wireless usb-dongle. But didn't work in ubuntu 14.4 | 06:56 |
=== Rez is now known as LoRez | ||
=== Snake2k is now known as Technolojesus | ||
ansel | so what | 07:00 |
ansel | i don' cate | 07:01 |
ansel | care | 07:01 |
ansel | hello anyone can help me | 07:01 |
ansel | regarding daemon | 07:01 |
ansel | what is it ? | 07:01 |
=== skynet is now known as Guest82046 | ||
sara2010 | hi | 07:02 |
sara2010 | any one help me | 07:02 |
cfhowlett | !help | sara2010 | 07:04 |
ubottu | sara2010: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 07:04 |
Technolojesus | sara2010: What's your question? | 07:04 |
sara2010 | i m trying to mount hard disk . but getting error ! | 07:05 |
s1991_ | cfhowlett: I'm using amkette's keyboard-mouse wireless usb-dongle. But didn't work in ubuntu 14.4 | 07:05 |
Ben64 | s1991_: give more information, pastebin the output of "dmesg" and "lsusb" | 07:05 |
sara2010 | | 07:06 |
sara2010 | Technolojesus: | 07:06 |
Technolojesus | sara2010: what command are you running to mount it? | 07:07 |
ansel | need help | 07:07 |
ansel | i have a unbutu | 07:07 |
ansel | 14.04 | 07:07 |
ansel | want to know how to use daemon | 07:07 |
cfhowlett | s1991_, so I know nothing about that problem. | 07:07 |
sara2010 | Technolojesus: sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb5 /mnt | 07:07 |
ansel | if is is possible through terminal.. | 07:07 |
ansel | let me know | 07:08 |
cfhowlett | ansel, ask in ##linux | 07:08 |
ansel | how can i ask dear | 07:08 |
ansel | mean to say. channel name ? | 07:08 |
cfhowlett | ansel, go to ##linux <<< | 07:08 |
Technolojesus | sara2010: hmmmm | 07:09 |
s1991_ | Ben64: dmesh -> lsusb -> | 07:09 |
sara2010 | Technolojesus: hmmmmm2 | 07:10 |
=== derk0pf is now known as derk0pf|NA | ||
stapler | hey guys, can i put / and swap on 120gb ssd and /home on 1tb hdd? | 07:10 |
stapler | while doing the installation process. | 07:11 |
Technolojesus | sara2010: this could help | 07:11 |
cfhowlett | stapler, yes if you are doing the manual installation. if you let ubuntu automagically setup- you won't see these options | 07:11 |
stapler | cfhowlett, so basically when it comes time just select manual for partitioning | 07:11 |
stapler | 112gb enough for a /? | 07:12 |
cfhowlett | stapler, choose "something else" at the partitioning stage as I recall. | 07:12 |
cfhowlett | stapler, the plain vanilla ubuntu, i.e. NOT /home = about 8 gb. say 15gb? | 07:13 |
Jasonrj | Anyone succesfully get a Hawking HWUN4 wireless USB adapter working? I can't seem to do it with ndiswrapper and am kind of at the point of realizing I can't use Ubuntu... | 07:13 |
cfhowlett | Jasonrj, OR you could buy a known good USB adapter? | 07:14 |
cfhowlett | !hcl | Jasonrj | 07:14 |
ubottu | Jasonrj: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 07:14 |
stapler | cfhowlett, and i can switch between disks while partitioning, right? | 07:16 |
fpghost84 | Hi, often when I run my duplicity backup script I get the error "Another instance is already running with this archive directory" and it suggests if another instance is not running I delete the lockfile. If I do so things start working again. It only happens every so often, and in between works great. I think it might be related to a deja-dup weekly backup? | 07:17 |
cfhowlett | stapler, yes you can. take your time, read, think before you execute. | 07:17 |
gansteed | Is there anyway to backup ubuntu's root partition? | 07:22 |
mvanle | gansteed: don't you just use dump ? | 07:23 |
cfhowlett | gansteed, you can easily back up the mbr with dd command. don't know about efi booting | 07:23 |
gansteed | My computer need uefi boot ;( | 07:23 |
gansteed | mvanle: it seems that dump not work with efi, too | 07:27 |
=== jmc75_ is now known as jmc75 | ||
gansteed | so, in another way, can I backup efi partition as well as root partition | 07:28 |
cfhowlett | gansteed, see "The Second Case" | 07:31 |
cfhowlett | gansteed, see "Installing Linux" | 07:32 |
skyfall | can anyone tell me how to install respective nvidia drivers for my laptop | 07:34 |
skyfall | im using Nvidia Geforce 520mx | 07:34 |
skyfall | anybody there? | 07:35 |
skyfall | I cant find my graphics drivers and my laptop is heating up like sun. .can anyone please tell me how to fix this issue ? | 07:36 |
gansteed | cfhowlett: thank you ;) | 07:36 |
cfhowlett | gansteed, happy2help | 07:36 |
skyfall | cfhowlett ? | 07:37 |
cfhowlett | skyfall, ai? | 07:37 |
cfhowlett | !nvidia | skyfall, d | 07:37 |
ubottu | skyfall, d: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 07:37 |
cfhowlett | skyfall, I've no direct experience with nvidia as yet | 07:38 |
skyfall | ok. .Is it okay to install Bumblebee to manually configure the apps that needs to be loaded up using the nvidia graphics ? | 07:39 |
skyfall | cfhowlett ? | 07:41 |
cfhowlett | skyfall, IDK enough about nvidia/bumblebee to give you informed advice. | 07:41 |
skyfall | ok . . | 07:42 |
cfhowlett | skyfall, feel free to ask someone other than me! | 07:43 |
jack_laptop | Howdy, anyone here using Chromium? If so could you please open Chromium Settings, scroll down to Web content open customise fonts and tell me the names of all the fonts currently being used by chromium? | 07:43 |
jack_laptop | As the fonts on my Kubuntu install look odd, and I would like them to look like my past Ubuntu install... | 07:44 |
jack_laptop | Well specifically the Chromium install on Kubuntu. | 07:44 |
jack_laptop | Please? | 07:46 |
fortynine | is ubuntu any good? | 07:47 |
jack_laptop | Google Chrome has the same settings, for fonts so that would work too, please. | 07:47 |
k1l | jack_laptop: abyssinica SIL | 07:47 |
cfhowlett | fortynine, millions think so. | 07:47 |
k1l | fortynine: of course! (since you ask in a ubuntu channel) | 07:47 |
fortynine | does ubuntu have any VM software? | 07:48 |
cfhowlett | !vbox | fortynine | 07:48 |
k1l | fortynine: a lot | 07:48 |
ubottu | fortynine: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at . Additional details can be found at | 07:48 |
jack_laptop | kll: Thanks! | 07:48 |
jack_laptop | k1l: Thanks, sorry didn't realise there was a 1 in your name. | 07:48 |
k1l | jack_laptop: np | 07:48 |
manolos | hello. what channel can help me with lxde on ubuntu 14.04? can I ask you my question here? | 07:49 |
cfhowlett | manolos, ask here or #lubuntu | 07:50 |
manolos | ok thank you | 07:50 |
clumsy_bot | I'm thinking of getting a new laptop soon. Any particular manufacturers to recommend? | 07:53 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, here's what you do: make an ubuntu USB, visit your local computer store and boot that puppy up. | 07:54 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, Hopefully my local computer shop will be happy to oblige my request to reboot those PCs. | 07:55 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, that being said: no way to advise as you're needs are unknown. lenovo is pretty linux friendly, dell xps13 developer is ubuntu ready | 07:55 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, I'll be sticking to mainly Intel based laptops since they're quite open source friendly. | 07:55 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, "request"? oh. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :) | 07:55 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, Limited budget as well, so a lot of those laptops are kinda out. Student budget. :/ | 07:56 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, lenovo then. | 07:56 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, Battery life. It's been something I'm worried about. | 07:56 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, of course, system 76 and emporer make linux OEM systems. and dell has the refurbished computer option ... | 07:56 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, Dell is actually quite big in my area, although no chance of testing them out. They sell them mostly through their online webpage. I'm in Malaysia, so things are a little different here. | 07:57 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, gpu: nvidia first, maybe AMD / Intel as second choice | 07:57 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, A lot of ASUS, Acers, HPs | 07:57 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, I'm not gaming or anything, I think Intel would suffice. Unless there's something I'm totally missing about Intel's graphics chips. | 07:58 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, understood. never been to Malaysia. if there's a walmart / costco there, go on in and test away. | 07:59 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, Hahaha. I'm afraid we don't have stores like Walmart/Costco. | 07:59 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, Hardware is all sold in specialised IT stores. | 07:59 |
stapler | hey hey hey | 07:59 |
stapler | so should a /home be a primary or logical partition? | 08:00 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, really? man. Well: university? computer science department? make friends with students, buy them a coffee and borrow their machine. | 08:00 |
cfhowlett | stapler, depends. MBR? primary if possible. uefi? doesn't matter. | 08:00 |
t4nk370 | guten morgen | 08:01 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, Final year, high school. My current machine is an A6-4455M platform. fglrx is basically slow with the compatibility curve. Battery life is a measly 2 hours (on a good day). | 08:01 |
cfhowlett | !de | t4nk370, guten tag | 08:01 |
ubottu | t4nk370, guten tag: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 08:01 |
t4nk370 | ok | 08:01 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, final year? replace the battery! and install lubuntu/xubuntu. both are great for older / lower spec machines. | 08:01 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest32823 | ||
manolos | Hello again. Lubuntu doesnt talk.. Do you know why i can get logout menu to pop-up when i am user but when i call it from terminal as super user everything works as it should? | 08:02 |
stapler | cfhowlett: can you tell me if this reads right? | 08:02 |
stapler | cfhowlett: /dev/sda | 08:02 |
manolos | cant* | 08:02 |
stapler | cfhowlett: /dev/sda1 swap 2046mb, /dev/sda2 ext4 / 117985mb | 08:02 |
cfhowlett | !paste | stapler, | 08:02 |
ubottu | stapler,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 08:02 |
stapler | oh, well yeah | 08:03 |
stapler | cfhowlett: | 08:04 |
jerkey | can someone help me install this package | 08:05 |
cfhowlett | stapler, so /dev/sda will you hold your root filesystem and /dev/sdb will hold /home | 08:06 |
stapler | cfhowlett: yes | 08:06 |
jerkey | i can only get wxgtk2.8 in apt-cache search | 08:06 |
stapler | cfhowlett: /dev/sda = swap + root | 08:06 |
cfhowlett | stapler, I do believe you've got it. | 08:06 |
stapler | cfhowlett: /dev/sdb = backup ntfs data drive windows and /home | 08:06 |
stapler | cfhowlett: is that kosher though to make /dev/sdb1 ntfs with all i have on there now | 08:06 |
stapler | then copy it over and delete and expand /dev/sdb2 | 08:06 |
cfhowlett | stapler, whoa, there. ntfs for your /home? | 08:07 |
stapler | cfhowlett: negatory | 08:07 |
stapler | cfhowlett: ntfs for my windows data | 08:07 |
stapler | cfhowlett: that i'll migrate over | 08:07 |
cfhowlett | stapler, are you dual booting | 08:07 |
stapler | cfhowlett: nope | 08:07 |
cfhowlett | stapler, confirm: ubuntu only? | 08:07 |
stapler | cfhowlett: confirm ubuntu only. | 08:07 |
cfhowlett | stapler, then you're good to go. | 08:08 |
jerkey | help, how can i install this package | 08:08 |
cfhowlett | stapler, and I'm envious | 08:08 |
stapler | cfhowlett: of? | 08:08 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, I've ran Arch, Ubuntu and Debian on it before. Battery life just isn't that great. Even on Windows 7 I can eek out about 3 hours or more. Linux is basically 2 hours 30 mins max. | 08:08 |
=== Rurd2di1 is now known as Rurd2di | ||
cfhowlett | stapler, your supe system! | 08:08 |
stapler | cfhowlett: its pretty nice :) | 08:08 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, If I apply some powertop settings, I can maybe get it to 2 minutes per 1% | 08:09 |
stapler | cfhowlett: i5, 16gb ram, 120gb ssd + 1tb hdd, gtx760 | 08:09 |
stapler | i guess thats the meat of it | 08:09 |
stapler | i just did it guys ama | 08:09 |
stapler | made the switcth | 08:09 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, batteries do wear out. lubuntu will help as it's less demanding, but replacing the battery is a whole lot cheaper than replacing the system. your call. FWIW, pentium 2009, 4 gb dell loves some xubuntu. YMMV. | 08:10 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, A machine that's about 2 years old though. I chalk it up to AMD A6 hardware not playing nice with Linux. :p | 08:10 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, ah, a6? right. next time: intel! | 08:11 |
jerkey | what is utopic? can i add this to my sources.list or something? | 08:11 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, Does suspend to ram work on your laptop? | 08:11 |
ayakovyshyn | how to chek path to my usb stick in terminal? | 08:12 |
mehdi | hey guys i install openssh-server now i can ssh to my PC with entranet but i want to have access from my home to my work PC how can i do it? | 08:12 |
cfhowlett | !utopic | jerkey, if you don't know what it is, you should not be messing with sources or installing anything | 08:12 |
ubottu | jerkey, if you don't know what it is, you should not be messing with sources or installing anything: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at | 08:12 |
cfhowlett | clumsy_bot, no /swap = no suspend to ram. | 08:12 |
clumsy_bot | cfhowlett, Ah okay. HDD space must be a premium huh? | 08:13 |
jerkey | ubottu i am trying to install kicad with and it says i need python-wxgtk3.0 | 08:13 |
ubottu | jerkey: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:13 |
jerkey | can i get python-wxgtk3.0 without running ubuntu 14.10 ? | 08:14 |
testy | BROS | 08:15 |
testy | who bro me bro | 08:15 |
testy | BRO | 08:16 |
skyfall | hey is there any windows channel for assistane | 08:17 |
ax562 | would anyone recommend an upgrade from 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS? | 08:17 |
baizon | no | 08:17 |
ax562 | lol | 08:17 |
baizon | i always do a new installation | 08:17 |
baizon | is faster, and no problems | 08:17 |
ax562 | that is sooo much work though ugh. | 08:18 |
baizon | no, its not? | 08:18 |
baizon | i got /home on a separate partition | 08:18 |
ax562 | it is. | 08:18 |
baizon | so only format / | 08:18 |
baizon | after that install all needed software | 08:19 |
baizon | for me its 20 min | 08:19 |
baizon | with installation | 08:19 |
ax562 | what? 20 min? | 08:19 |
s1991_ | Ben64: any idea abt the problem? | 08:19 |
baizon | ... else you doing it wrong | 08:19 |
ax562 | you have a super computer with new install scripts? | 08:19 |
baizon | ax562: no? | 08:19 |
ax562 | ok | 08:20 |
sss | !logs | 08:20 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at . LoCo channels are now logged there too. | 08:20 |
baizon | like i said, when you have /home on a separate partition you dont need to backup data or anything | 08:20 |
baizon | just format / and youre fine | 08:20 |
ax562 | but 20 mins..c'mon | 08:20 |
baizon | do you want me to make a video of it? | 08:20 |
baizon | but consider, i have an SSD | 08:20 |
Surendil | baizon: installing linux distros, shouldn't take more than 25min | 08:21 |
baizon | Surendil: i know | 08:22 |
baizon | i need 20 because i have to install all the latex stuff | 08:22 |
ax562 | ssd and t1 line | 08:22 |
Surendil | ide hdd and 6mb adsl | 08:23 |
sss | can anybody help, my wireless mouse keyboard doesn't work in ubuntu 14.04. dmesh -> lsusb -> | 08:23 |
baizon | sss: have you tried a different usb port? | 08:24 |
sss | baizon: yes, I did several times | 08:24 |
baizon | ax562: well i have 150MBit/s | 08:25 |
sss | baizon: does those two pastebin seems fine? | 08:25 |
fearless | hello | 08:26 |
fearless | quit | 08:26 |
fearless | quit | 08:26 |
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baizon | sss: is it working on the liveCD/liveUSB? | 08:28 |
baizon | sss: also check lsmod | 08:28 |
sss | baizon: usb | 08:28 |
baizon | sss: did it work there? | 08:29 |
sss | baizon: lsmod-> | 08:29 |
sss | baizon: sorry, I didn't check on liveCD/liveUSB | 08:30 |
fire-fly | hello | 08:31 |
baizon | sss: but its working on a different pc right? | 08:32 |
sss | baizon: ya, its working | 08:32 |
sss | only ubuntu is having problm | 08:33 |
quuxman | I posted my issue with hibernate-disk on | 08:33 |
Kevindf | I currently have a home server running ubuntu 14.04 server edition on and hosting a teamspeak server, i would like to monitor my server with some sort of web based interface. What would be the best solution for me? | 08:42 |
cfhowlett | !server | kevindf | 08:44 |
ubottu | kevindf: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: - Guide: - Support in #ubuntu-server | 08:44 |
baizon | cfhowlett: hes already gone ;) | 08:44 |
cfhowlett | baizon, *poof* | 08:44 |
Surendil | !seen mesaboogie1 | 09:18 |
ubottu | I have no seen command | 09:18 |
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=== gianluca is now known as Guest35588 | ||
evil_dan2wik | *ahem* | 09:39 |
MMukherjee | What's the location of MySQL when installed through sudo apt-get install" ? | 09:39 |
MMukherjee | "/usr/local/mysql/data"? | 09:40 |
Surendil | MMukherjee: db are there, config /etc/my.cnf | 09:42 |
=== sbenitez is now known as Sergio965 | ||
MMukherjee | ah | 09:42 |
MMukherjee | It's empty. -.- | 09:43 |
Surendil | config file? | 09:43 |
Surendil | or data folder? | 09:43 |
MMukherjee | data folder | 09:43 |
Surendil | data would be empty if mysql service never started | 09:45 |
MMukherjee | It has started before. | 09:45 |
MMukherjee | But I want the data folder. | 09:45 |
MMukherjee | The data folder created when installing through "sudo apt-get install....." | 09:46 |
cfhowlett | MMukherjee, that data folder will be empty until you create data ... | 09:47 |
MMukherjee | I am not telling about the DB folder -.- | 09:47 |
MMukherjee | Where the MySQL was installed. | 09:48 |
cfhowlett | !details | MMukherjee | 09:48 |
ubottu | MMukherjee: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 09:48 |
Ben64 | then what are you talking about | 09:48 |
Surendil | find / -name mysql | 09:48 |
Surendil | or updatedb and use locate | 09:49 |
MMukherjee | 'k | 09:49 |
Surendil | anyway, on my.cnf should be the path were it saves, logs, runs, etc everything | 09:50 |
bt4 | Hi everyone, how do I check the windowing system (like X) that is currently running? | 10:03 |
abbabbo | irc:// | 10:04 |
MMukherjee | Stop advers\tusubg | 10:06 |
MMukherjee | advertising* | 10:06 |
homer | holaaa | 10:06 |
=== homer is now known as Guest57919 | ||
Guest57919 | buenas | 10:06 |
bt4 | (Bump) How do I check the windowing system (like X) that is currently running? | 10:07 |
Surendil | homer hola, todo bien? ojo que el canal es solamente en ingles | 10:07 |
cfhowlett | !es | homer | 10:08 |
ubottu | homer: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 10:08 |
Surendil | bt4: i quite don't get entirely you question, this might be stupid, but... ps axf | grep ? | 10:10 |
abbabbo | irc:// | 10:14 |
Surendil | ¬_¬ /kick abbabbo? for fun | 10:15 |
drmagoo | how do I check which driver Xorg is actually using at the moment ? | 10:15 |
Surendil | adverticeeeee...... right now psyradio is live streaming me playing psy music from my home!! | 10:16 |
Surendil | drmagoo: lshw -c video | 10:17 |
cfhowlett | Surendil, impressive. most impressive | 10:18 |
bt4 | Surendil: But it could have any name. There should be a comamnd to uniquely indicate which window system you are using. | 10:18 |
geirha | bt4: why? | 10:18 |
drmagoo | Surendil: thanx | 10:19 |
Surendil | hhmm... see /var/log then | 10:19 |
geirha | !pm | rathitlike | 10:20 |
ubottu | rathitlike: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 10:20 |
Surendil | you might find lightdm, gdm, etc | 10:20 |
MMukherjee | What's the pkg. name for gunzip? | 10:20 |
cfhowlett | !info gnuzip | 10:21 |
bt4 | geirha: Why? Because I want to compare with the window system of some other Linux distro | 10:21 |
ubottu | Package gnuzip does not exist in trusty | 10:21 |
rathitlike | geirha: what u say | 10:21 |
geirha | bt4: ok, and by window system, you mean window manager? or desktop environment? or...? | 10:22 |
MMukherjee | !info gunzip | 10:22 |
ubottu | Package gunzip does not exist in trusty | 10:22 |
MMukherjee | !info zip | 10:22 |
ubottu | zip (source: zip): Archiver for .zip files. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0-8 (trusty), package size 248 kB, installed size 590 kB | 10:22 |
MMukherjee | Ah | 10:22 |
bt4 | geirha: windowing system is distinct from window manager etc. See: | 10:23 |
geirha | rathitlike: Stop sending impolite messages in private | 10:23 |
bt4 | geirha: In Ubuntu 12.04 e.g. X is the name of the windowing system | 10:23 |
geirha | xorg, you mean | 10:24 |
Quatroking | how do I stop ubuntu from whining about my bluetooth keyboard's non-existent low battery? | 10:24 |
Zoltan214 | Hi everybody :) | 10:24 |
geirha | bt4: I doubt there's any other way than heuristics | 10:24 |
Quatroking | it keeps saying that the battery is at 0% which isn't true | 10:24 |
bt4 | geirha: xorg yes, sorry | 10:25 |
kevindf | hello i did a fresh ubuntu server installation and i backed up my teamspeak server /data/server/teamspeak/... directory completely with TAR and would like to extract this in root | 10:25 |
kevindf | how could i do this? | 10:25 |
rathitlike | Quatroking: funny | 10:25 |
Surendil | geirha: i also got message from him...¬_¬ | 10:25 |
bt4 | Surendil: I haven't gotten one from him yet. I want one too! | 10:26 |
rathitlike | I got messages from Surendil | 10:26 |
cfhowlett | let's not feed them, yes? | 10:26 |
MMukherjee | !info libncurses | 10:27 |
ubottu | Package libncurses does not exist in trusty | 10:27 |
Quatroking | rathitlike, when I go to power statistics it doesn't even bother to deny being inaccurate, discharge accuracy is also at 0% | 10:27 |
facepalm | !ot | 10:27 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 10:27 |
MMukherjee | !info libncurses | 10:27 |
Surendil | rathitlike: yes you did, quite honest my answers actually | 10:27 |
Zoltan214 | does use anybody the calculator in ubuntu? | 10:27 |
Zoltan214 | because I found there an problem | 10:28 |
Surendil | bt4: sorry, so, what exactly are you looking from Xorg or desktop env | 10:28 |
Surendil | ? | 10:28 |
clumsy_bot | Zoltan214: Try checking Ubuntu forums for any mention of the problem you're facing. | 10:28 |
MMukherjee | lol | 10:28 |
clumsy_bot | Zoltan214: Submit a bug report as well if nothing turns up. | 10:29 |
geirha | bt4: Also, how would you detect the windowing system when you're on windows? | 10:29 |
clumsy_bot | geirha: I don't think it works that way for Windows... | 10:30 |
bt4 | Surendil: I'm just trying to find out the windowing system, window manager, session manager and display manager(like here: reliably on a linux based system. | 10:30 |
bt4 | geirha: I'm only talking about Linux based systems | 10:31 |
Quatroking | my nintendo bluetooth keyboard doesn't have F11 or F12, is there any way I can reroute keys? | 10:32 |
facepalm | bt4, you may want to try #linux | 10:33 |
Quatroking | like, make fn+_ reroute to F11? | 10:33 |
ASHER1 | Hello | 10:33 |
ASHER1 | i see explain in ubuntu about news | 10:34 |
ASHER1 | how i can set this ? | 10:34 |
ASHER1 | news add #meow 1 mircx bla gg | 10:34 |
ASHER1 | no work :\ someone to know please? | 10:34 |
bt4 | facepalm: Ok. Thanks for the suggestion. | 10:34 |
facepalm | bt4, actually my mistake, it's ##linux | 10:34 |
cfhowlett | ASHER1, ask #ubuntu-your language. | 10:35 |
ASHER1 | i ask in here | 10:35 |
cfhowlett | ASHER1, your question in english makes no sense. | 10:36 |
ASHER1 | then you welcome no Answer | 10:37 |
Surendil | ASHER1: huh? | 10:37 |
Quatroking | ASHER1, where are you from | 10:37 |
Ben64 | ASHER1: without speaking in proper english, nobody in this channel can answer you. try #ubuntu-il | 10:38 |
ASHER1 | i only want to know about command | 10:38 |
ASHER1 | from this link | 10:38 |
Ben64 | right, but you're not speaking in a language we can understand | 10:38 |
Surendil | ASHER1: to do what? | 10:38 |
ASHER1 | | 10:38 |
ASHER1 | from this link i only want to know how this work the command | 10:39 |
ASHER1 | | 10:39 |
ASHER1 | this from ubuntu | 10:39 |
Ben64 | no, thats an irc bot, and it says on top that is it outdated and not to be used | 10:39 |
cfhowlett | ASHER1, "outdated and innacurate" as in ... do not use | 10:39 |
Quatroking | if you do "news add #meow 1 mircx bla gg" it expires 1 second from when you run it | 10:39 |
Surendil | ASHER1: the page says quite everything you need to know | 10:39 |
ASHER1 | yes i try this but this no work | 10:40 |
Quatroking | if you want to make it last forever you should do "news add #meow 0 mircx bla gg" | 10:40 |
Quatroking | or any given number of seconds | 10:40 |
Ben64 | either way, this is not the proper channel to ask about supybot. try | 10:41 |
ASHER1 | i get error | 10:41 |
ASHER1 | Error: "news add #meow 0 mircx bla gg" is not a valid command. | 10:41 |
ASHER1 | even i try without " | 10:41 |
Quatroking | then I don't know, sorry | 10:41 |
White_Cat | maybe ubuntu doesnt like cats | 10:41 |
ASHER1 | ok | 10:41 |
ASHER1 | thanks | 10:41 |
cfhowlett | White_Cat, ubuntu cannot be installed on cats. please stay on topic | 10:42 |
Quatroking | Does anybody know anything about rerouting keyboard keys? I want to assign Fn+- to F11 and Fn+= to F12 | 10:42 |
Ben64 | fn usually isn't a real key, so i doubt that will ever work | 10:42 |
White_Cat | cfhowlett I disagree. You can attach a rasberry pi like device on the cat and also install lasers | 10:43 |
Quatroking | you mean fn is only a hardware-based switch and doesn't actually send stuff to the machine? | 10:43 |
cfhowlett | !ot | White_Cat, | 10:43 |
Ben64 | Quatroking: exactly | 10:43 |
ubottu | White_Cat,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 10:43 |
Quatroking | Ben64, well, that sucks, what about AltGr? | 10:44 |
White_Cat | Wow, some people dont know how to handle slightest sign of humor... | 10:44 |
MMukherjee | !info supybot | 10:44 |
ubottu | supybot (source: supybot): robust and user friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 430 kB, installed size 2676 kB | 10:44 |
Ben64 | White_Cat: doesn't belong in this channel | 10:44 |
Ben64 | Quatroking: perhaps, check using xev or something | 10:44 |
Quatroking | !info xev | 10:45 |
ubottu | Package xev does not exist in trusty | 10:45 |
Quatroking | thank you ubottu | 10:45 |
EriC^^ | Quatroking: you should have it | 10:45 |
White_Cat | whatever, I dont have time for this | 10:45 |
sacarlson | Quatroking: I assume you looked here | 10:46 |
Quatroking | sacarlson, I'm not looking into changing the entire layout | 10:47 |
Quatroking | Ben64, altgr is considered a key, yeah | 10:47 |
Quatroking | fn doesn't show up | 10:47 |
sacarlson | Quatroking: or customize existing might be closer | 10:48 |
sacarlson | Quatroking: long ago I played with it where you hit the key combo you wanted that would change the box then you edited it hotkey or maping | 10:48 |
Quatroking | also I don't have any of the menus that show up in that wikihow article, even though I'm running 14.04.1? | 10:48 |
sacarlson | Quatroking: is is a server or desktop? | 10:49 |
Quatroking | desktop | 10:49 |
=== Kryptron_ is now known as Kryptron | ||
Quatroking | I run unity though, but was unity just on gnome? | 10:51 |
Azjo | I have a dlink dir-655. Whenever i use utorrent, the downloads are only 1mb (when i can do 8mb, fiber) and my connection in general seems to be throttled down alot. anyone know if this is a common issue with the 655? | 10:56 |
sacarlson | Quatroking: looks like that text file can be customized to change them or there are at least one gui tool that seems maybe not part of ubuntu repo | 10:57 |
Surendil | sorry for going totally offtopic, is someoney listening the radio I pasted before? | 10:58 |
wibbia | hi unopaste | 10:59 |
evil_dan2wik | how do I add something to my $PATH permanently? | 10:59 |
cfhowlett | Surendil, I did = link works | 10:59 |
wibbia | mkdir | 10:59 |
MMukherjee | Lol, he's saying "hi" to a non-AI bot. | 11:00 |
wibbia | cowsay hi | 11:00 |
Surendil | cfhowlett: haha, i know it works, i'm the one playing the music | 11:00 |
wibbia | I wasn't say hi to a non AI bot! I was saying hi to the guy on the top of the list thanks | 11:01 |
wibbia | lolo | 11:01 |
wibbia | hi [0__0] | 11:03 |
wibbia | tt | 11:03 |
evil_dan2wik | how do I add something to my $PATH permanently? | 11:03 |
wibbia | mkdir | 11:03 |
sacarlson | Quatroking: another tool you can use to detect the keycode you want to modify is showkey | 11:03 |
evil_dan2wik | what? | 11:03 |
wibbia | mkdir | 11:04 |
evil_dan2wik | why are you saying mkdir? | 11:04 |
wibbia | mkdir | 11:04 |
Quatroking | thanks, sacarlson | 11:04 |
aravind_geek | evil_dan2wik: edit .bashrc | 11:04 |
=== Stu|[A] is now known as Stu| | ||
wibbia | im an AI bot! | 11:05 |
wibbia | how do you do? | 11:06 |
evil_dan2wik | aravind_geek, what do I edit? | 11:06 |
wibbia | mkdir | 11:06 |
EriC^^ | wibbia: /part #ubuntu | 11:07 |
evil_dan2wik | jesus toothpaste | 11:07 |
Pantsu | evil_dan2wik: $editor ̃~/.bashrc | 11:07 |
evil_dan2wik | Pantsu, what inside it do I edit? | 11:07 |
sacarlson | aravind_geek: | 11:08 |
Pantsu | evil_dan2wik: PATH="${PATH}":/whatever/you/want/to/add | 11:08 |
aravind_geek | evil_dan2wik append to the .bashrc(in home folder) export PATH=$PATH:New/path/you/wish/to/add | 11:08 |
evil_dan2wik | ok, thanks | 11:08 |
andreas | sdaf | 11:10 |
Shapeshifter | Hi. In fstab, the 6th column determines fsck check order (0 disabled, 1 first, 2 afterwards). But this doesn't enable checks on every boot, right? Usually, fsck only checks every X boots or Y time since last check. So is it a good idea to put "2" for all non-root disk partitions? | 11:10 |
oaulakh | i got a problem in ubuntu while changing file permissions | 11:11 |
oaulakh | i try to change file permissions with chmod but it not working | 11:11 |
sacarlson | oaulakh: you must be the owner of the file or directory or root to change them | 11:12 |
oaulakh | of course in root | 11:12 |
oaulakh | but permission still the same as previous | 11:12 |
sacarlson | oaulakh: other posibility is the file is in a read only directory mounted read only | 11:12 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: what's the command you're using? | 11:12 |
oaulakh | chmod 777dome_file | 11:13 |
oaulakh | chmod 777 some_file | 11:13 |
brent | and error? | 11:13 |
oaulakh | no error at all | 11:13 |
EriC^^ | what does ls -l some_file say? | 11:13 |
oaulakh | ls -l | 11:13 |
oaulakh | show the same result as previous | 11:14 |
EriC^^ | which is> | 11:14 |
EriC^^ | ? | 11:14 |
sacarlson | oaulakh: also if it's in an ntfs type or is it fat32 or other type directory there is no chmod posible | 11:14 |
oaulakh | drwx------ | 11:14 |
oaulakh | it means only the owner of folder or file can read change or execute this directory | 11:15 |
oaulakh | its in fat32 | 11:15 |
EriC^^ | oh ok | 11:15 |
oaulakh | if its in fat32 then how to make it work | 11:15 |
brent | what are you trying to achieve | 11:16 |
oaulakh | i have some share on network where i put all games for ps2 | 11:16 |
sacarlson | oaulakh: work for what? copy it to a diretory that you can change privliges and operate on it there | 11:16 |
oaulakh | i just want to make a share which can be accessed on ps2 | 11:16 |
oaulakh | but my game directry is bigger than home dir | 11:17 |
oaulakh | 250gb | 11:17 |
oaulakh | and my is only 50gb | 11:17 |
brent | :/ | 11:17 |
sacarlson | oaulakh: other option is you can remount the disk with different forced privs and owner. I would have to lookup how to do that as I forgot how | 11:17 |
oaulakh | also the games are ripped by special process i can replace or change any internal file all i can do is that i can change permission if i can | 11:18 |
oaulakh | okkk | 11:18 |
oaulakh | i'm waiting | 11:18 |
brent | can you format a drive to ext4 and avoid this problem? | 11:18 |
cfhowlett | oaulakh, be patient | 11:18 |
sacarlson | oaulakh: I was waiting too for someone else to figure it out | 11:18 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: try to remount it sudo mount /path/to/moint/point -o remount,dmask=000,fmask=111 | 11:18 |
Surendil | hi again | 11:19 |
sacarlson | EriC^^: oaulakh ya that sounds about right | 11:19 |
oaulakh | EriC^^, i did'nt understand how to mount and unmount it, please slow piece by piece | 11:20 |
salatfreak | Hey there! GUI isn't starting and I would like to know how to boot into terminal. | 11:20 |
Surendil | init 3 | 11:20 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: where is it mounted? | 11:20 |
EriC^^ | type df , you can see the mount point on the right | 11:21 |
oaulakh | in /media/user/OSDC-23 | 11:21 |
EriC^^ | ok | 11:22 |
sacarlson | oaulakh: you will have to find out how and were the base of you disk is mounted with the command mount; then the command is umount to unmount something. see man umount | 11:22 |
Onceme | I have an issue, I upgraded from 12.* to 14.04 LTS raring, and I lost graphic driver, I use amd, fglrx and I cant install it via safe mode/recovery mode because it request linux header version 3.7 and I have header ifferent from my uname -r, what to do? I have no screen.. | 11:22 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: what is written on the left ? /dev/sdxY ? | 11:22 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: try sudo mount /media/user/OSDC-23 -o remount,dmask=000,fmask=111 | 11:23 |
auscompgeek | Onceme: are you sure you upgraded correctly? | 11:23 |
Onceme | why? | 11:23 |
oaulakh | ok. | 11:23 |
Onceme | I just clicked upgrae button | 11:23 |
Onceme | and downloaded all | 11:23 |
Onceme | and it says 14.04 | 11:23 |
cfhowlett | Onceme, boot into an older header | 11:24 |
k1l | Onceme: make sure you install the "linux-generic" package | 11:24 |
Onceme | I dont have it | 11:24 |
Onceme | I used to have it | 11:24 |
Onceme | but now I dont dont know how that happened ;( | 11:24 |
k1l | Onceme: that will install the actual kernel and the headers | 11:24 |
k1l | and 3.7 is the wrong kernel anyway | 11:24 |
Onceme | so sudo apt-get install linux-generic | 11:25 |
Onceme | from my root or onceme acc? | 11:25 |
Onceme | because im in recovery mode failed to root | 11:25 |
k1l | from recovery is fine | 11:25 |
oaulakh | now what else | 11:25 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: try ls -l | 11:25 |
Onceme | ok | 11:25 |
Onceme | 279mb is installing now | 11:25 |
oaulakh | still the same | 11:25 |
Onceme | hope so this will fix it :D | 11:25 |
Onceme | how do you know all this stuff guys? are you on linux for a very long time? | 11:26 |
k1l | Onceme: you just need a TTY. no matter how you reach it. then you need a working network to download that stuff. | 11:26 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: ok, get the /dev/sdxY that's on the left, in df | 11:26 |
Onceme | I am using linux for 4 years and I dont know so much like you do | 11:26 |
oaulakh | should i use these all commands in single line or make diffrence after come | 11:26 |
k1l | Onceme: been there, solved that :) | 11:26 |
oaulakh | should i use these all commands in single line or make diffrence after coma | 11:26 |
Onceme | heh ok | 11:26 |
brent | im having trouble with nfs-server serving shares..ive just checked logs and am seeing a lot of "Oct 18 20:19:36 ubuntu-server rpc.mountd[7680]: refused mount request from for /media/user/MOVIES2 (/): not exported" anyone have any idea what would cause this | 11:26 |
Pantsu | brent: someone trying to access / | 11:27 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: no just one command, hold on | 11:27 |
Pantsu | brent: someone trying to access something that isn't exported* | 11:27 |
cfhowlett | brent, I'm inclined to agree - access blocked | 11:27 |
Onceme | hmm I got some errors while installing linux-generic | 11:27 |
k1l | Onceme: which errors? | 11:27 |
Onceme | Error! The dkms.conf for this module includes BUILD_EXLCUSIVE | 11:28 |
Onceme | what is that? | 11:28 |
oaulakh | it show me usage help | 11:28 |
oaulakh | it is /dev/hd1 | 11:28 |
cfhowlett | Onceme, no tell exact details = no way to help you. | 11:28 |
Onceme | ? | 11:28 |
cfhowlett | Onceme, there it is. nvrmind. china isp = slow | 11:28 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: type df | awk '/media\/user\/OSDC-23/ {print$1}' | 11:29 |
EriC^^ | paste what you get here | 11:29 |
Onceme | Error! The dkms.conf for this module includes BUILD_EXLCUSIVE directive which does not match this kernel/arch. This indicates you should install it. | 11:29 |
k1l | Onceme: does it stop the install? | 11:30 |
Geierwalli126_ | hi@all is it possible to get support here? | 11:30 |
Onceme | no | 11:30 |
k1l | Geierwalli126_: yes, if its ubuntu support :) | 11:30 |
k1l | Onceme: so it still runs? | 11:30 |
Onceme | it says : Setting up linux0generic ( | 11:30 |
oaulakh | /dev/sda3 | 11:30 |
Onceme | however when I type uname -r it says 3.11. | 11:30 |
Onceme | ?? | 11:30 |
brent | ok thats cool, its my media player trying to access the shares. been struggling to get more than 1 share working at a time since moving to ubuntu and am slowly tracking this problem down. Final error im not sure about is this one: Oct 18 20:13:15 ubuntu-server rpc.mountd[7503]: /media/user/TV3 and /media/user/MOVIES1 have same filehandle for, using first | 11:30 |
k1l | Onceme: let it run | 11:30 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: ok type sudo umount /dev/sda3 | 11:30 |
k1l | Onceme: once its completed reboot | 11:30 |
Geierwalli126_ | i have a special problem with Xchat on Ubuntu 14.04 | 11:30 |
auscompgeek | Onceme: that's because you're not actually running that newer kernel yet since you haven't rebooted | 11:31 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: type sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt -o dmask=000,fmask=111 | 11:31 |
oaulakh | unmount command not found | 11:31 |
evil_dan2wik | oaulakh, umount | 11:31 |
cfhowlett | oaulakh, umount | 11:31 |
oaulakh | oh sorry | 11:32 |
oaulakh | device is busy when i try to umount | 11:32 |
EriC^^ | type fuser -k /dev/sda3 | 11:33 |
EriC^^ | ( if you're not using it for anything anymore ) | 11:33 |
Surendil | oaulakh: umount /dev/sda3 -l | 11:34 |
oaulakh | done | 11:34 |
drmagoo | I am trying to figure out a perfomance problem on one of my machines. Its a mini-itx board with an integrated Cpu. I have a pastebin here: the main issue is lag, like moving windows, resizing and so own. Any ideas on how to figure out how to improve perfomance? | 11:34 |
oaulakh | its unmounted -l | 11:34 |
oaulakh | its unmounted with -l | 11:34 |
EriC^^ | ok | 11:34 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: type sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt -o dmask=000,fmask=111 | 11:35 |
oaulakh | done | 11:35 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: try ls -l /mnt | 11:35 |
salatfreak | Ubuntu freezes at purple screen and I would like to know how to start the terminal in recovery mode in read-write mode. It currently shows read only. | 11:36 |
oaulakh | still same permissions | 11:36 |
EriC^^ | salatfreak: mount / -o remount,rw | 11:36 |
abdelkader | 123456 | 11:37 |
salatfreak | EriC^^: Thanks | 11:37 |
abdour-rahmane | allo | 11:37 |
EriC^^ | abdelkader: nice password :P | 11:37 |
EriC^^ | salatfreak: no problem | 11:37 |
Onceme | uhm brb | 11:39 |
cfhowlett | !recovery | salatfreak | 11:39 |
ubottu | salatfreak: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see | 11:39 |
=== Synchunk` is now known as Synchunk | ||
=== derk0pf|NA is now known as derk0pf | ||
OnceMe | ok here i am | 11:42 |
basichash | if im connected to a network but forgot the password how can i retrieve it from my laptop? | 11:42 |
salatfreak | ubottu: Yeah I started it and was in read only mode. But after remounting I am currently updating because the updater crashed before the problem appeared... | 11:43 |
ubottu | salatfreak: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 11:43 |
OnceMe | what to do next, when I try to install fglrx driver I get this error: fglrx installation requires that the system have kernel headers for 3.7 release. /lib/modules/3.11.0-19-generic/build/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h cannot be found on this system. One or more tools required for installation..... | 11:43 |
salatfreak | Oops | 11:43 |
OnceMe | what to do? | 11:43 |
salatfreak | cfhowlett: Then it was for you ^^ | 11:43 |
basichash | anyone? | 11:44 |
cfhowlett | salatfreak, it crashed in terminal mode while updating? bad. very bad. | 11:44 |
salatfreak | No. In GUI mode. | 11:45 |
jameshwoo | kernel header installed? | 11:46 |
cfhowlett | salatfreak, suggestion: until you get updated, boot terminal mode, update everything then set about fixing the gui stuff. MIGHT just fix itself | 11:46 |
mehdi | how can i ssh from anywhere to my pc | 11:46 |
mehdi | ? | 11:46 |
jameshwoo | run sshd in your pc | 11:46 |
mehdi | for example ssh from home to work | 11:46 |
Pantsu | OnceMe: install the headers for that kernel | 11:47 |
Pantsu | 3.11.0-19-generic that is | 11:47 |
oaulakh | ok where were we | 11:47 |
oaulakh | still i'm not able to play games | 11:47 |
Pantsu | OnceMe: but why are you trying to install catalyst by hand in the first place? | 11:47 |
Pantsu | OnceMe: ubuntu packages is | 11:47 |
oaulakh | still i'm not able to change permissions | 11:47 |
oaulakh | i windows it was fine | 11:48 |
metaspike | mehdi, forward a port on yer router and open it up on your computer | 11:48 |
oaulakh | in windows it was fine | 11:48 |
metaspike | for watever server your usin | 11:48 |
metaspike | service* | 11:48 |
oaulakh | EriC^^, u there? | 11:48 |
OnceMe | hmm ok i somehow managed to logi to ubuntu 14.04 | 11:48 |
OnceMe | and all I see is background and no unity | 11:48 |
OnceMe | and one pop up system program problem detected | 11:48 |
OnceMe | why? | 11:48 |
mjayk | OnceMe: have you checked your logs ? | 11:49 |
OnceMe | no where | 11:49 |
OnceMe | .. /var/log/ what? | 11:49 |
salatfreak | cfhowlett: I'm running all update and upgrade stuff currently and will see if it will boot properly after that again... | 11:49 |
cfhowlett | salatfreak, sounds like a plan! | 11:49 |
Abhijit_ | in preseed raid configuration, big number has highest priority or lowest number? | 11:50 |
mjayk | OnceMe: var/log/lightdm might help | 11:50 |
k1l | OnceMe: "lsb_release -d" and "uname -a" give you what? | 11:50 |
oaulakh | how to change permission of a directry with chmod on fat32 drive | 11:50 |
mehdi | metaspike, im no computer expert , is there any article how can i do it? | 11:50 |
mjayk | oaulakh: does fat32 have support permissions ? | 11:50 |
OnceMe | Descipriotn: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS | 11:50 |
oaulakh | i dunno | 11:50 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: sorry, im back | 11:51 |
OnceMe | Linux onceme 3.11.0-19-geenric #33-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 11 UTC 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 11:51 |
mjayk | oaulakh: no google says it doesnt | 11:51 |
oaulakh | thanks god | 11:51 |
metaspike | mehdi, probably | 11:51 |
EriC^^ | mjayk: you can set fake permissions | 11:51 |
metaspike | but sometimes better just to learn as you go | 11:51 |
k1l | OnceMe: that is still thw rong kernel | 11:51 |
oaulakh | EriC^^, if fat32 does'nt support permissions than how can i change them | 11:51 |
oaulakh | do i ahve to go back to windows to play games | 11:52 |
k1l | OnceMe: can you pastebin a "dpkg -l |grep linux-image" | 11:52 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: no, you can set fake permissions, and also mount it with certain permissions | 11:53 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: try to umount it again | 11:53 |
OnceMe | I cantr | 11:53 |
OnceMe | im on laptop | 11:53 |
EriC^^ | oaulakh: umount /dev/sda3 ( i think ) | 11:53 |
OnceMe | i type that on pc desktop | 11:53 |
OnceMe | but i see rc 3.11 ii 3.11 | 11:53 |
OnceMe | ii 3.13 | 11:53 |
Pantsu | OnceMe: dpkg -l |grep linux-image | curl -F 'f:1=<-' | 11:54 |
k1l | OnceMe: ok. then make sure it installs the "linux-image-generic" package | 11:54 |
OnceMe | alreadt the newwest version | 11:54 |
Pantsu | you don't need X to be able to pastebin | 11:54 |
k1l | OnceMe: if that is installed run a "sudo update-grub" | 11:55 |
k1l | OnceMe: if that is run, reboot and make sure you boot into the 3.13 kernel. | 11:55 |
OnceMe | ok | 11:55 |
m1dnight | Guys, say I have an IRC bot running on my linux server | 11:56 |
m1dnight | I'm allowing it to show man pages by calling Runtime.exec("man " + <term>) | 11:56 |
m1dnight | could this be abused? | 11:56 |
m1dnight | I dont think so, but i'm not sure.. | 11:56 |
Pantsu | m1dnight: yes it can | 11:57 |
m1dnight | Dang | 11:57 |
m1dnight | Perhaps scraping it from a website would be better then? | 11:57 |
Pantsu | m1dnight: specially if Runtime.exe spawns a shell | 11:57 |
m1dnight | Maybe exec("man " + "^H^HH <dirty command>) | 11:57 |
Pantsu | m1dnight: man -P "bash rm allthethings" | 11:58 |
m1dnight | oh :p | 11:58 |
m1dnight | okay, i'll scrape it | 11:58 |
Pantsu | m1dnight: man -P "bash rm -c allthethings" | 11:58 |
Pantsu | or whatever | 11:58 |
Pantsu | -P will run any arbitary command you give it | 11:58 |
m1dnight | cool, I'll just scrape the website | 11:58 |
m1dnight | thanks for the input Pantsu | 11:58 |
Pantsu | m1dnight: if you want the bot to spew out a man page, just read in the man page yourself instead of calling man | 11:59 |
Pantsu | m1dnight: what language is this bot in btw? | 12:00 |
kevindf | hello, i have a home server that has ubuntu server 14.04 running on it and i'm hosting a vpn & teamspeak server, i'd like to monitor for example my hardware like cpu temperature etc trough a web interface preferabelly | 12:01 |
kevindf | what would be the best option for me? | 12:02 |
m1dnight | Pantsu: java :) | 12:02 |
Pantsu | ewwwwww | 12:02 |
m1dnight | PircBot framewor, easy as it comes | 12:02 |
Pantsu | anywya, java do have a way to spawn stuff without using a shell, which is a tiny bit less horribly unsafe | 12:02 |
Pantsu | since you would just get man: no such page "-P whatever" | 12:02 |
Pantsu | anyway* | 12:03 |
kevindf | would Nagios be a good solution for me? | 12:03 |
Pantsu | but really, parsing man pages is not that hard | 12:04 |
Pantsu | kevindf: nagios is commonly used for that yes | 12:04 |
Pantsu | kevindf: btw, mumble > ts | 12:04 |
kevindf | ik mumble is more secure | 12:04 |
kevindf | but due to user friendly i prefer teamspeak | 12:04 |
OnceMe | k1l I dont see it | 12:04 |
OnceMe | I see only 3.11.0-19-generic in advanced options in grub | 12:04 |
OnceMe | can I somehow regenrate grub or whatever | 12:04 |
cfhowlett | kevindf, server questions #ubuntu-server | 12:04 |
kevindf | for my clients | 12:04 |
kevindf | ah ok, didn't know that | 12:05 |
kevindf | thanks cfhowlett | 12:05 |
cfhowlett | kevindf, happy2help | 12:05 |
Surendil | cacti could be and option too | 12:05 |
k1l | <k1l> OnceMe: if that is installed run a "sudo update-grub" | 12:06 |
shin_ | k1l: | 12:08 |
=== shin_ is now known as Surendil | ||
Paddy_NI | Can anyone tell me why I need to execute "setxkbmap gb" every single time I reboot this computer? | 12:09 |
Paddy_NI | Have had to do this to fix my keyboard layout since day one of 14.04 | 12:09 |
OnceMe | . /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 250: /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: cannot create /boot/grub/ Directory nonexistent k1l | 12:13 |
k1l | OnceMe: ok, so do you have some sort of special setup there? | 12:13 |
OnceMe | where | 12:14 |
EriC^^ | in /boot | 12:14 |
geirha | /boot or /boot/grub is apparently missing | 12:14 |
EriC^^ | is it on a seperate partition? | 12:14 |
OnceMe | I have no idea | 12:14 |
OnceMe | from the beginning my system didnt worked fine with dual windows 8 | 12:14 |
cfhowlett | OnceMe, you would have to use sudo on that command in any case | 12:15 |
OnceMe | Im in root prompt | 12:15 |
cRzy | good day | 12:15 |
cRzy | question | 12:15 |
OnceMe | recovery mode | 12:15 |
cRzy | any one knows how to generate a new applications-merged file ? | 12:15 |
EriC^^ | OnceMe: check /etc/fstab , is there any /boot mount points? | 12:15 |
OnceMe | fstab not a directroy | 12:16 |
EriC^^ | huh | 12:16 |
OnceMe | ? | 12:16 |
EriC^^ | grep /boot /etc/fstab | 12:16 |
k1l | OnceMe: cat /etc/fstab | 12:16 |
EriC^^ | what does that return? | 12:16 |
OnceMe | alot tuff | 12:16 |
OnceMe | alot | 12:17 |
OnceMe | how to paste on io.ix | 12:17 |
OnceMe | | 12:17 |
OnceMe | whatever | 12:17 |
k1l | OnceMe: install "pastebinit" | 12:17 |
OnceMe | oh my | 12:17 |
k1l | OnceMe: then "pastebinit /etc/fstab" | 12:17 |
OnceMe | wait | 12:17 |
OnceMe | i dont have net | 12:17 |
OnceMe | on pc | 12:17 |
OnceMe | im using | 12:17 |
OnceMe | sihwpisdh | 12:17 |
OnceMe | wpj | 12:17 |
unopaste | OnceMe you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 12:17 |
EriC^^ | sihwpisdh ? | 12:17 |
EriC^^ | anybody catch that? | 12:17 |
k1l | OnceMe: well. you need to install packages etc on that pc that got the issue. so if you dont have net there that is not going to work at all. | 12:18 |
cRzy | any one knows how to generate a new applications-merged file ? | 12:18 |
cRzy | ? | 12:18 |
k1l | cRzy: what is that? | 12:18 |
cRzy | xdg-menus entries | 12:19 |
OnceMe | ok | 12:19 |
OnceMe | what to do now | 12:19 |
=== cubs is now known as Squidz | ||
OnceMe | what to do now | 12:19 |
OnceMe | pastebinit | 12:19 |
k1l | OnceMe: "pastebinit /etc/fstab" | 12:19 |
k1l | then the link to us | 12:20 |
EriC^^ | sudo apt-get install pastebinit , if you don't have it already | 12:20 |
Squidz | is everyone on this using ubuntu? | 12:20 |
neredsenvy | How can I flag a USB as bootable device ? I used a working USB & working Windows 8.1 ISO I mounted the ISO copied everything over to the USB that's formatted as FAT32. I opened Gparted and set the boot flag but when I try to boot from the USB I get not a bootable disc insert bootable floppy.. | 12:20 |
Biscuit_Fever | I am using Ubuntu | 12:20 |
k1l | Squidz: not everyone, but what is your support question? | 12:20 |
chris_99 | hey, does anyone know how to install bluetoothctl, i thought it's part of bluez but it doesn't seem to be in ubunut | 12:20 |
Squidz | ... wut | 12:20 |
chris_99 | *ubuntu | 12:20 |
MMukherjee | ubunut? | 12:21 |
k1l | neredsenvy: for "how to make a windows usb system" please see the windows support | 12:21 |
MMukherjee | That can be a OS | 12:21 |
neredsenvy | k1l: I'm on Ubuntu ? : / | 12:21 |
OnceMe | 8584432 | 12:21 |
OnceMe | | 12:21 |
neredsenvy | Why would I ask Ubuntu related question in WIndows channel | 12:22 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 12:22 |
Biscuit_Fever | I would like to know how to run a program I downloaded. The name of the program is | 12:22 |
k1l | neredsenvy: well: just dd the ubuntu.iso onto a usb-drive. | 12:22 |
mjayk | hayhay BluesKaj | 12:22 |
BluesKaj | hey mjayk | 12:22 |
mjayk | Biscuit_Fever: what format is the program in ? | 12:23 |
OnceMe | what now | 12:23 |
OnceMe | so many errors | 12:23 |
neredsenvy | k1l: I did a fresh install of Ubuntu yesterday and everything has been going wrong since. I wan't to make a Windows bootable USB to replace Ubuntu. | 12:23 |
Biscuit_Fever | whoops, cont... "installer_linux.tar.gz" | 12:23 |
OnceMe | it makes me wanna install brand new 14.04 from usb :( | 12:23 |
EriC^^ | OnceMe: type mount /boot | 12:23 |
OnceMe | but I have data on that disk ;[ | 12:23 |
salatfreak | cfhowlett: Yeah! My GUI is back! It complains about internal system errors but it is back! | 12:23 |
neredsenvy | Not a Ubuntu USB on Ubuntu | 12:23 |
k1l | OnceMe: you got a seperate /boot partition. | 12:23 |
OnceMe | done | 12:23 |
cfhowlett | neredsenvy, might have done that BEFORE installing ubuntu? | 12:23 |
EriC^^ | OnceMe: update-grub | 12:24 |
OnceMe | ok update grub\works now | 12:24 |
cfhowlett | salatfreak, baby steps. good work! | 12:24 |
mjayk | Biscuit_Fever: so first unzip it in the terminal type tar -zxf installer_linux.tar.gz | 12:24 |
OnceMe | but Found linux image 3.11 onoly again | 12:24 |
k1l | neredsenvy: and that is the problem. ask the windows guys how to get a windows usb. IIRC you need a working windows to do this | 12:24 |
OnceMe | where is that shitty 3.13 ;( | 12:24 |
k1l | OnceMe: stop | 12:24 |
OnceMe | I have in uname -r | 12:24 |
cfhowlett | OnceMe, no profanity. | 12:24 |
OnceMe | 3.11 | 12:24 |
k1l | OnceMe: stop | 12:24 |
OnceMe | and I installed linux-generic 3.13 | 12:24 |
OnceMe | how come? | 12:24 |
OnceMe | what to stop? | 12:24 |
k1l | OnceMe: you got a seperate /boot partition. that is making recovery more complex. you need to do some additional tasks now | 12:25 |
OnceMe | should I reboot now or what? | 12:25 |
mjayk | OnceMe: it installed because you told it to | 12:25 |
OnceMe | should I reboot now or what? | 12:25 |
Biscuit_Fever | @mjayk I don't know how to point my terminal at the correct area of the computer | 12:25 |
k1l | EriC^^: already told you what to do. so please keep trakc of the supporters in here | 12:25 |
mjayk | OnceMe: yes | 12:25 |
OnceMe | update-grub donwe | 12:25 |
OnceMe | ok | 12:25 |
mjayk | Biscuit_Fever: is it in the downloads folder ? | 12:25 |
Biscuit_Fever | yes, in the downloads folder | 12:26 |
OnceMe | hmm still in advanced options 3.11 only | 12:26 |
neredsenvy | k1l: How I'm on Ubuntu. I have a working Windows ISO and an empty 16GB USB stick. I copied the files over and set boot flag but it's not working. It's Ubuntu related problem : / On windows it took 7min to create Ubuntu bootable usb stick on Ubuntu it takes 30 min just to copy the files : / | 12:26 |
mjayk | Biscuit_Fever: so open a terminal and type cd Downloads | 12:26 |
OnceMe | where is that 3.13? i dont get it | 12:26 |
mjayk | Biscuit_Fever: the capitcal D matters | 12:26 |
Biscuit_Fever | ah, that was my mistake! | 12:26 |
k1l | OnceMe: please show "mount | pastebinit" | 12:26 |
Biscuit_Fever | okay, from there I think I can get it. THANKS! mjayk | 12:27 |
k1l | neredsenvy: no. its not a ubuntu problem. its a windows problem, that windows only allows windows to create a windows boot stick. | 12:27 |
cfhowlett | true indeed ^^^ | 12:27 |
neredsenvy | ... | 12:27 |
mjayk | Biscuit_Fever: no worries, once unzipped you can cd into the new folder it creates then from there we can work out how to compile or run the program | 12:27 |
neredsenvy | Useless OS | 12:27 |
OnceMe | k1l | 12:28 |
cfhowlett | neredsenvy, on first boot of windows, the FIRST thing it says is "make a backup/ restore disk now" ... | 12:28 |
Biscuit_Fever | I have the instructions from the PIA VPN website, but I just didn't know how to install their program. | 12:28 |
k1l | neredsenvy: you can try this solutions and see if they work: | 12:28 |
mjayk | Biscuit_Fever: did you unzip it ? | 12:28 |
iron_hou1 | Is the iso for 14.04 setup to work with a boot loader, so I can just dd it over to a USB stick | 12:28 |
Biscuit_Fever | uh, not yet, I was just suprised to see Richard Nixon show up in here. OK, I will go try it and let you know. Bye for now | 12:29 |
mjayk | iron_hou1: yes | 12:29 |
iron_hou1 | mjayk: Thanks | 12:29 |
k1l | OnceMe: ok. now we need to reinstall the kernels because we got the right /boot partition now | 12:29 |
OnceMe | ok how | 12:29 |
OnceMe | Im logged in as stefan | 12:29 |
OnceMe | inside my terminal tty | 12:29 |
k1l | OnceMe: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-generic | 12:30 |
OnceMe | ok rebooting now | 12:30 |
p3t3rp4rk3r | connect #dctf | 12:30 |
k1l | OnceMe: wait | 12:30 |
auscompgeek | p3t3rp4rk3r: no advertising please | 12:31 |
OnceMe | ok | 12:31 |
k1l | OnceMe: "pastebinit cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg " | 12:32 |
OnceMe | because after reinstall it was the same again | 12:32 |
OnceMe | .. | 12:32 |
OnceMe | reboot* | 12:32 |
k1l | OnceMe: ..... | 12:32 |
OnceMe | unable to read from cat | 12:32 |
k1l | OnceMe: you got a very difficult setup there. so its not a easy "one click and everything works". if you are unpationed that is not going to help | 12:33 |
k1l | OnceMe: oh, remove that cat in the middle | 12:33 |
OnceMe | | 12:33 |
k1l | its still only 3.11. so wait. | 12:34 |
OnceMe | ok | 12:34 |
k1l | did you reboot after mounting /boot = | 12:34 |
OnceMe | no | 12:34 |
OnceMe | i just reinstall linux generic and tyyped sudo reboot | 12:35 |
OnceMe | should I now mount /boot | 12:35 |
OnceMe | and then sudo reboot? | 12:35 |
k1l | stop | 12:35 |
OnceMe | ok :D | 12:35 |
OnceMe | Ill follow your instructions | 12:35 |
k1l | if you typed "sudo reboot" you already rebooted? | 12:35 |
OnceMe | yes I did | 12:35 |
OnceMe | but I typed reinstall linux-generic again now | 12:35 |
OnceMe | and paste you grub conf | 12:36 |
k1l | please stop rebooting all the time | 12:36 |
OnceMe | ok | 12:36 |
k1l | type mount /boot | 12:36 |
Biscuit_Fever | mjayk: Actually I have a more basic problem with Ubuntu: Recently the error message keeps popping up, "Boot area full up, 0 room left" It instructed me to clear some old stuff out of the way, but I don't know how. The longer it goes unfixed, the angrier Ubuntu is getting at me. | 12:36 |
OnceMe | mount failed | 12:36 |
OnceMe | sudo mount /boot maybe? | 12:37 |
k1l | i dont know what your system is actually booted, so we need to fiddle _again_ for 10 minutes finding all the stuff because you rebooted | 12:37 |
OnceMe | mount: accordind to mtab, /dev/sda8 is already mounted on /boot | 12:37 |
k1l | ok, so /boot is mounted | 12:37 |
OnceMe | ok good | 12:37 |
learner | Hi, I have got 3 Virtual machines on a remote server. All VMs have private IP and behind NAT. I want the VMs to communication to each other but one of the VMs is not replying to ping. | 12:38 |
learner | Machine 1 is not reachable from 2 and 3. Macine 1 => {2, 3} is fine. But {2, 3} => 1 is not pinging | 12:38 |
k1l | OnceMe: "dpkg -l |grep linux-image | pastebinit" link to here please | 12:38 |
OnceMe | | 12:39 |
geirha | learner: using virtualbox internal net? | 12:39 |
wire | hello guys, anyone know how to send a file ? | 12:39 |
Biscuit_Fever | Send a file via email? | 12:39 |
learner | Anythin which might be stopping machine 1 to reply | 12:39 |
k1l | OnceMe: "sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.13.0-37-generic" | 12:39 |
geirha | learner: It may simply be set up to not reply to pings. | 12:39 |
k1l | OnceMe: please wait it to finish and than report if any errors came up or it went through | 12:39 |
wire | nono send a file with xchat | 12:40 |
wire | this chat | 12:40 |
learner | geirha: I can ping from 2 -> 3; 3 -> 2 and 1 ->2 and 3. But 1 is not replying from 2 and 3 | 12:40 |
OnceMe | yes error4how to pastebinit error4i | 12:40 |
OnceMe | its log | 12:40 |
OnceMe | long* | 12:40 |
OnceMe | oh i know sec | 12:40 |
geirha | learner: Which really makes it sound like machine one is set up to NOT to reply to pings. I'd check that first of all | 12:41 |
learner | geirha: I have disabled ufw on all the 3 machines | 12:41 |
Biscuit_Fever | wire: you can make the file a paste and then put the url on the chat | 12:41 |
k1l | OnceMe: you can try ""sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.13.0-37-generic | pastebinit" | 12:41 |
OnceMe | | 12:41 |
k1l | OnceMe: ok "sudo apt-get install -f" | 12:42 |
OnceMe | but I got different error from the first time I run | 12:42 |
geirha | learner: so ''sudo iptables -L'' just shows empty chains? | 12:42 |
wire | ah ok because i saw that if i use right click on a name i can send a file | 12:42 |
OnceMe | | 12:42 |
OnceMe | Errors were encounyered while processinfg,. | 12:42 |
OnceMe | E: sub process usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 12:42 |
k1l | OnceMe: which is the error before that? | 12:43 |
OnceMe | Failed to symbolic-link boot/init.rd=img File exists at /var/lib/fpkg/ino | 12:43 |
Biscuit_Fever | wire: Maybe there is more than one way to send a file, Actually I am here asking a question myself | 12:43 |
geirha | learner: Also double check that you're pinging the ip belonging to the internalnet interface, and not the nat interface | 12:43 |
OnceMe | Failed to symbolic-link boot/init.rd=img File exists at /var/lib/fpkg/ifo/linux-image-3.13.0-37-generic.postin line 629 | 12:43 |
OnceMe | that | 12:43 |
auscompgeek | OnceMe: do you mean /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-3.13.0-37-generic.postinst? | 12:43 |
wire | okok | 12:44 |
OnceMe | yes | 12:44 |
Biscuit_Fever | May I ask my question again please: What do we do when the boot partion is all full and there is zero space avaliable for updates? | 12:44 |
OnceMe | maybe to install memtest86+? | 12:45 |
trijntje | Biscuit_Fever: remove some old kernels | 12:45 |
k1l | OnceMe: hmmm | 12:45 |
learner | geirha: I see. Is it related to sysctl settings? I have this: | 12:45 |
cfhowlett | Biscuit_Fever, remove kernels | 12:45 |
learner | I am trying the correct interface | 12:45 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: if you can't remove the old kernels cause it wants to update to a newer one first, you manually delete the initrd and vmlinuz files of about 2 old kernels, then update to latest and then purge the old ones, leave last 2 kernels | 12:46 |
Biscuit_Fever | Thanks, where are the kernels? Does it matter which ones we remove? | 12:46 |
k1l | OnceMe: " ls -al /boot/initrd.img* |pastebinit" | 12:46 |
OnceMe | k1l whats wonrg? | 12:46 |
geirha | learner: yes, net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1 | 12:46 |
cfhowlett | Biscuit_Fever, it DOES matter; all but the newest 2 is my method. | 12:46 |
OnceMe | | 12:46 |
geirha | learner: that says "don't reply to pings" | 12:46 |
Biscuit_Fever | I need a more basic explanation. What is a kernel? | 12:46 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: type dpkg -l | grep linux-image , and paste it in | 12:46 |
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EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: it's the heart of the OS | 12:47 |
OnceMe | what to do now? is this so complex :( | 12:47 |
learner | geirha: One M3 I have enabled ufw and incoming deny except ssh. But that machine still replying to ping from M1 and M2 | 12:47 |
Biscuit_Fever | | 12:48 |
=== CoreIT84 is now known as corey84 | ||
learner | geirha: Is that not weird ? It should not reply I think | 12:48 |
Biscuit_Fever | ok, what did that do Eric? | 12:48 |
k1l | OnceMe: yes, your install attempts with missing /boot have made the system stuck somehow | 12:48 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: nothing | 12:48 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: open a terminal and type that command there | 12:48 |
geirha | learner: incoming tcp and udp probably, ping uses icmp | 12:48 |
EriC^^ | ( dpkg -l | grep linux-image ) | 12:48 |
OnceMe | ok so how to fix it? | 12:48 |
EriC^^ | and paste the stuff it returns in | 12:48 |
geirha | learner: sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all <<< 0 | 12:49 |
Biscuit_Fever | My cd is changed to Downloads, what is the d that it is supposed to be on generally? | 12:49 |
learner | geirha: I see | 12:49 |
learner | geirha: so ufw can not stop icmp protocol | 12:49 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: you can type it in any directory you are in | 12:50 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: generally, typing "cd" alone will take you to your home directory | 12:50 |
learner | geirha: yea, I have marked icmp_echo_ignore_all to 0 and it is replying to ping now | 12:50 |
geirha | learner: I'm not too proficient with iptables, but I'm fairly certain you can set rules for the icmp protocol as well | 12:50 |
OnceMe | what to do now how to fix it ;( | 12:51 |
OnceMe | :') | 12:51 |
OnceMe | :'( | 12:51 |
k1l | OnceMe: well, it needs some research | 12:51 |
MMukherjee | !info libwww | 12:51 |
ubottu | Package libwww does not exist in trusty | 12:51 |
learner | geirha: Thanks. Your help has cleared my doubt on this ping issue | 12:51 |
MMukherjee | !info perl-libwww-perl | 12:51 |
ubottu | Package perl-libwww-perl does not exist in trusty | 12:51 |
k1l | OnceMe: again: you got a special setup there. you should be aware of that and tell supporters that. before we go the easy way | 12:51 |
MMukherjee | What's the pkg. name for perl-libwww? | 12:52 |
OnceMe | can I somehow install new ubuntu 14.04 from usb flash but to keep my current /home/stefan/ account? | 12:52 |
Biscuit_Fever | ok, I typed dpkg -l | grep linux-i and I see many kernels. How do we make all the kernels get deleted (except newest 2)? | 12:52 |
geirha | learner: For help with iptables, #netfilter is the place to be | 12:52 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: please can you paste the output in | 12:53 |
MMukherjee | !info LWP::Simple | 12:53 |
ubottu | Package LWPSimple does not exist in trusty | 12:53 |
Biscuit_Fever | | 12:54 |
=== tcpman is now known as Guest37471 | ||
k1l | OnceMe: well lets try this: "sudo dpkg --purge linux-image-3.13*" that should try to remove that latest installed kernel | 12:54 |
MMukherjee | What's the pkg. name for LWP::Simple | 12:54 |
k1l | OnceMe: once that is finished run a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install" wait until that is all done. then tell me | 12:55 |
learner | geirha: Thanks. Joining it | 12:55 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: for i in `seq 32 35`; sudo apt-get -y purge linux-image-3.13.0-$i-generic; done | 12:55 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: please open a terminal and type that | 12:56 |
k1l | !info libwww-perl | MMukherjee | 12:56 |
ubottu | MMukherjee: libwww-perl (source: libwww-perl): simple and consistent interface to the world-wide web. In component main, is optional. Version 6.05-2 (trusty), package size 142 kB, installed size 375 kB | 12:56 |
MMukherjee | ah | 12:56 |
MMukherjee | Thanks k1l ! :) | 12:56 |
=== CoreIT84 is now known as corey84 | ||
=== b_ is now known as hell000 | ||
OnceMe | k1l dpkg error purge needs valid package name | 12:58 |
Biscuit_Fever | EriC: it said back to me: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `sudo' | 12:58 |
OnceMe | ?? | 12:58 |
hell000 | suddenly a folder called '.thumbnails' showed up on my home directory, with thumbnails of all my photos on my computer. why does that folder exist? and why did it show up? | 12:58 |
OnceMe | char * not allowed | 12:58 |
k1l | OnceMe: ok then set it to the actual number | 12:58 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: for i in 32 33 34 35; do sudo apt-get -y purge linux-image-3.13.0-$i-generic; done | 12:58 |
OnceMe | which one | 12:58 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: sorry | 12:58 |
k1l | OnceMe: linux-image-extra-3.13.0-37-generic | 12:58 |
EriC^^ | ( add do before sudo ) | 12:58 |
OnceMe | dependcy problems not removing | 12:59 |
hell000 | does anyone know? | 12:59 |
Biscuit_Fever | EriC: It is doing something :) | 12:59 |
OnceMe | k1l | 12:59 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: great :) | 13:00 |
hell000 | there are also 2 text files, one of them called gnome-exe-thumbnailer.files in it | 13:00 |
cfhowlett | hell000, thumbnails speed up file viewing by allowing a small preview. rather than create each time, they are stored. suddenly showed up because you are displaying .hidden folders | 13:00 |
somsip_ | hell000: you've viewed a folder in an application that creates and caches thumbnails. Like PCManFM does, for example. | 13:00 |
hell000 | ok thanks you | 13:01 |
hell000 | thank | 13:01 |
OnceMe | k1l | 13:01 |
hell000 | cfhowlett, somsip_ , still, i've displayed the hidden folders before, but it wasn't there | 13:02 |
hell000 | but anyway thank you | 13:02 |
hell000 | bye | 13:02 |
=== derk0pf is now known as derk0pf|NA | ||
k1l | OnceMe: yes, like i said. this needs some lot research now since that is a difficult state now. you can use your google foo for the exact error messages, too. | 13:03 |
k1l | OnceMe: try "sudo apt-get purge linux-image-extra-3.13.0-37-generic" | 13:03 |
OnceMe | k2l how to reinstall ubuntu | 13:04 |
OnceMe | but to remain /home/stefan safe? | 13:05 |
k1l | OnceMe: so did that work? | 13:05 |
OnceMe | yes | 13:05 |
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest51320 | ||
OnceMe | now sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install | 13:05 |
k1l | yes | 13:06 |
cfhowlett | OnceMe, boot USB. choose "something else" option. manually choose your partitions. *do not* format your /home partition. you should be safe but ... backup. | 13:06 |
OnceMe | k2now what | 13:06 |
OnceMe | k1l now what | 13:06 |
OnceMe | cfhowlett:ok if this not works im doing that | 13:06 |
OnceMe | should I use apt-get autoremove k1l? | 13:06 |
k1l | OnceMe: wait | 13:07 |
OnceMe | The followomg was autoimatically installed and is no tlonger rquired: linux-headers-generic | 13:07 |
OnceMe | okok | 13:07 |
OnceMe | cfhowlett:how will I know where is my home dir and also my home dir is encrypted lol i cant access it after reinstall I guess? | 13:07 |
k1l | OnceMe: "sudo mv /initrd.img initrd.img.bak" | 13:07 |
OnceMe | damn I complicated things a lot | 13:07 |
OnceMe | ok done k1l | 13:07 |
Biscuit_Fever | EriC^^ OK, this is what happened: | 13:08 |
k1l | OnceMe: then "sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.13.0-37-generic" | 13:08 |
cfhowlett | OnceMe, encrypted /home will be encrypted on reinstall. you specifically set the /home target during your partitioning. | 13:08 |
OnceMe | ok finally | 13:09 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: ok, looks good | 13:09 |
OnceMe | k1l i think 3.13 added in grub | 13:09 |
OnceMe | now what> | 13:09 |
javnut | how can I mount a vmdk | 13:10 |
Biscuit_Fever | EriC^^ OK, thanks I really appreciate your help. You are my hero. | 13:10 |
EriC^^ | Biscuit_Fever: no problem | 13:10 |
k1l | OnceMe: ok. now make sure the both linux image and headers are installed: "sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic" | 13:10 |
OnceMe | ok done k1l | 13:10 |
OnceMe | next? | 13:10 |
k1l | OnceMe: if that tells: everything installed. then we need to verify its set in the grub. | 13:11 |
OnceMe | ok how | 13:11 |
k1l | OnceMe: "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg " | 13:11 |
=== derk0pf|NA is now known as derk0pf | ||
OnceMe | | 13:12 |
k1l | OnceMe: that looks good. reboot | 13:12 |
OnceMe | ok in grub should I pick ubuntu or advanced options? | 13:12 |
OnceMe | I see in advanced options 3.13 and 3.11 | 13:13 |
k1l | the regular ubuntu should run the 3.13 | 13:13 |
OnceMe | ok | 13:13 |
OnceMe | ok im in 3.13 now finally | 13:14 |
OnceMe | ok now to the next error :D | 13:14 |
OnceMe | ok admd driver installed successfully | 13:15 |
OnceMe | ok I fixed video driver too | 13:16 |
OnceMe | now next problem is after uphrade I get only background with | 13:16 |
OnceMe | no | 13:16 |
OnceMe | I mean I get it all now works :D | 13:16 |
OnceMe | wow | 13:16 |
OnceMe | ALL WORKS | 13:17 |
OnceMe | btw when I run ubuntu 14.04 on startpu I get system error pop pu why? | 13:17 |
OnceMe | how can I fix that | 13:17 |
k1l | report that error and the maintainers will see it | 13:18 |
OnceMe | ok no more error rither its fixed ;) | 13:19 |
OnceMe | good all fixed thank you a lot k1l | 13:19 |
OnceMe | goodbye | 13:23 |
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=== n1gg3r is now known as alalal | ||
marc____ | Hello, I tried to decompress the image to a SSD (which is secondary now but I am going to put it as primary in another PC) using dd for windowz but I couldn't | 13:26 |
marc____ | anyone can help please? | 13:26 |
EriC^^ | marc____: what's the command you're running? | 13:28 |
=== mcl0vin__ is now known as mcl0vin | ||
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 | ||
marc____ | dd if=c:\kubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso od=d: | 13:31 |
EriC^^ | marc____: ok, i think you need to dd it to the whole disk | 13:31 |
marc____ | How? | 13:32 |
EriC^^ | i guess d: would just be a partition | 13:32 |
marc____ | D: is a whole disk | 13:32 |
EriC^^ | i have no idea | 13:32 |
marc____ | I mean a partition that thakes the whole disk | 13:32 |
EriC^^ | marc____: no D: would be a partition on the disk | 13:32 |
marc____ | anyone knows? | 13:32 |
EriC^^ | if you have a live usb you could boot | 13:32 |
EriC^^ | you could do it from ubuntu | 13:33 |
marc____ | I can't, this PC canoot boot from USB | 13:33 |
marc____ | do dd from kubuntu you mean? even if I am using it in demo mode? | 13:33 |
EriC^^ | i mean a live usb | 13:33 |
EriC^^ | or livecd | 13:34 |
EriC^^ | what do you mean by kubuntu and demo mode? | 13:34 |
EriC^^ | ( you shouldn't use dd if the partition is mounted ) | 13:34 |
marc____ | I am using the kubutu CD boot helper and it says it will take 13h to extract the files?!!!!!! | 13:36 |
sacarlson | marc____: if you want to put an iso onto a disk with windows wouldn't a method using a usb drive be easier? | 13:36 |
marc____ | I can't boot from USB on this machine | 13:36 |
sacarlson | marc____: there are methods to boot usb from machines that don't have bios that support it using tools like plop | 13:37 |
EriC^^ | marc____: ok which dd for windows are you using? | 13:37 |
EriC^^ | i'm checking the man page | 13:37 |
marc____ | I know, but if I make a mistake then I will have no PC!! | 13:38 |
sacarlson | not that this method with dd doesn't work from windows. I just never tried it | 13:38 |
marc____ | latest version, downloaded yesterday | 13:38 |
marc____ | let mesee | 13:38 |
marc____ | ver 0.5 | 13:38 |
EriC^^ | what's it called exactly, by ? | 13:39 |
marc____ | sorry? | 13:39 |
marc____ | ahh ok | 13:39 |
marc____ | wait a sec | 13:39 |
marc____ | | 13:40 |
EriC^^ | ok | 13:40 |
EriC^^ | if you download the 0.6beta1 it has a new feature: new feature id=<drive>/od=<drive> for input disk and output disk. if <drive> is the only partition on a disk, then the entire disk is selected. | 13:41 |
EriC^^ | otherwise you can use dd --list , to get the devices, then use of=\\.\Drive\blablabla | 13:41 |
EriC^^ | to select the entire disk, but be careful which disk you chose | 13:41 |
sacarlson | marc____: in the event that your present method doesn't work here is an alternative boot method | 13:41 |
marc____ | I know but if I make a mistake with plop I will have no PC!! | 13:42 |
trijntje | I just installed QJackRcd to record something and now I have no sound at all, how can I fix this? | 13:42 |
marc____ | Ok EriC^^ I will try now | 13:42 |
sacarlson | marc____: no with plop worst case is you have a usb drive that fails to boot | 13:42 |
marc____ | sacarlson I need to install plop to the mbr in order to boot from USB, right? | 13:43 |
sacarlson | marc____: that's one option, there are many. other being boot from cdrom that boots usb, and severl more I can't remember | 13:44 |
cfhowlett | !install | 13:45 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? See - See also !automate | 13:45 |
trijntje | I just installed QJackRcd to record something and now I have no sound at all, how can I fix this? | 13:47 |
reisio | trijntje: uninstall it? | 13:48 |
reisio | what does qjackrcd do that you need? | 13:48 |
cfhowlett | trijntje, ask #ubuntustudio or #opensoucemusicians | 13:48 |
sacarlson | marc____: but the only method I ever tried is the cdrom plop so if you don't have a bootable cdrom drive then might cross this idea with plop out | 13:48 |
reisio | cfhowlett: wow, that's a long channel name, what? :) | 13:49 |
reisio | and their wiki URI doesn't match in plurality :/ :p | 13:49 |
trijntje | reisio: I'm just trying to record some speech, and QJackRcd was the first thing I found in the software center | 13:49 |
cfhowlett | trijntje, easier tools exist! audacity | 13:50 |
reisio | trijntje: I'd be surprised if Ubuntu doesn't come with GNOME's simple sound recorder app | 13:50 |
reisio | and 'arecord' is a commandline app that comes with alsa, IIRC | 13:50 |
marc____ | Eric I downloaded a beta version, however it is 0.6beta3, should I try beta 1? | 13:51 |
marc____ | with beta 3 I had no luck | 13:51 |
EriC^^ | marc____: beta3 should do it | 13:51 |
EriC^^ | why what was the error? | 13:51 |
reisio | hah, thought he was talking about the editor | 13:52 |
marc____ | anyone remembers the command so I can see what is going on with dd? | 13:52 |
marc____ | it is not in the help | 13:52 |
cfhowlett | marc_, -v should be verbose mode | 13:52 |
EriC^^ | dd if=c:\kubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso od=d: | 13:52 |
marc____ | no error, no result, nothing | 13:52 |
=== CoreIT84 is now known as corey84 | ||
=== Owner is now known as Guest50621 | ||
marc____ | it only says read from 95 disk | 13:52 |
marc____ | yes, that is what I typed | 13:53 |
marc____ | I also did a dd --list | 13:53 |
EriC^^ | what did that say? | 13:53 |
marc____ | and then instead of d: put \\.\Volume{fab60d12-33b2-11e4-87fc-00304f58d68f}\ | 13:53 |
EriC^^ | ok | 13:54 |
EriC^^ | try | 13:55 |
marc____ | When I did this last thing then I received this message: error opening output file: 3 the system cannot find the path specified | 13:55 |
EriC^^ | dd if=c:\kubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso od=\\.\Volume{fab60d12-33b2-11e4-87fc-00304f58d68f}\ --size --progress | 13:55 |
marc____ | -v is not verbose mode | 13:56 |
EriC^^ | try without the trailing "\" after volume | 13:56 |
marc____ | I tried | 13:56 |
marc____ | ook | 13:56 |
marc____ | something is going on now.... | 13:56 |
marc____ | however SSD disks are very slow under WIndowz XP so I will need to wait............ | 13:57 |
marc____ | It is decompressing I think! Do you think that now it will boot from that disk? | 13:58 |
marc____ | and start the installation? | 13:58 |
EriC^^ | it should.. | 13:58 |
EriC^^ | but it just hit me, why aren't you using linux live to create it? | 13:58 |
marc____ | so dd knows what to put in the mbr of that disk? | 13:58 |
EriC^^ | i thought you had a preinstalled image at first | 13:58 |
EriC^^ | linux live usb creator is great for making liveusbs | 13:59 |
EriC^^ | wait, what are you trying to do btw? | 13:59 |
marc____ | I tried a file that comes in the image wich is an .exe but it said it was going to take 14h to decompress the files!!!??? | 13:59 |
marc____ | I have 2 PC, the first one is this one with XP as I need it to run a soft from siemens | 14:00 |
EriC^^ | marc____: d: is a secondary drive right? | 14:00 |
marc____ | The second one is almost the same, this PCs are very old but I like them as are toughbooks by Panasonic | 14:00 |
EriC^^ | if you extract the image there you can't install it to the drive | 14:01 |
marc____ | now I have a SSD as d: secondary | 14:01 |
marc____ | why? | 14:01 |
EriC^^ | cause it will be booted as a live usb | 14:01 |
EriC^^ | you can't install to it | 14:01 |
EriC^^ | do you have another usb ? | 14:01 |
marc____ | Cannot be loaded from the SSD to memory so then I can format that drive? | 14:01 |
marc____ | d: is the SSD and it is not a USB drive or connected to USB | 14:02 |
trijntje | marc____: you can tell the windows bootloader to boot an iso, that is the easiest way to boot a linux iso if you cant boot from usb or cd | 14:02 |
marc____ | it is taking the space of the DVD drive | 14:02 |
MMukherjee | Can I enable logins through root in SSH server in Ubuntu 14.04? | 14:02 |
trijntje | !root | 14:02 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 14:02 |
=== Owner_ is now known as Guest11031 | ||
marc____ | what if I make 2 partitions in the SSD, can I then install Ubuntu to the other partition? | 14:03 |
reisio | marc____: Ubuntu installs to a partition (or two or three), yes | 14:04 |
marc____ | so should I do that then? | 14:04 |
EriC^^ | reisio: he wants to split his live usb into 2 partitions, boot one and install to the other | 14:04 |
EriC^^ | marc____: i don't think that would work | 14:04 |
sacarlson | MMukherjee: I beleave you can enable the root account if you set the password in sudo. but it is frowned on here to do such things | 14:04 |
reisio | no reason it shouldn't | 14:04 |
=== Owner__ is now known as Guest62733 | ||
MMukherjee | I think it's here in SSH config. | 14:05 |
EriC^^ | reisio: i don't even think you can access anything | 14:05 |
marc____ | maybe I can modify the windowz loader then, but I am scared as if I make a mistake then I will have no PC and I know nobody local who can help | 14:05 |
sacarlson | MMukherjee: ya maybe also some change in ssh configs that might also disable root login | 14:05 |
EriC^^ | while it's booted | 14:05 |
marc____ | can you tell me how to modify the windowz loader in order to boot from the image? | 14:06 |
reisio | EriC^^: course you can | 14:07 |
sacarlson | marc____: ya never heard of that booting an iso from windows bootloader. maybe that only works in newer versions of windows not Xp? | 14:07 |
marc____ | I am reading this: | 14:08 |
marc____ | | 14:08 |
marc____ | however I don't know how I will be able to remove it afterwards!! | 14:08 |
OerHeks | xp .. on a sata drive, so the bios is set not to ahci ? | 14:08 |
marc____ | as later on I want to transfer that SSD to another PC and then continue to use XP on this PC | 14:08 |
marc____ | this is an old bios, it doesn't have the ahci option | 14:09 |
EriC^^ | reisio: i stand corrected then | 14:09 |
EriC^^ | marc____: apparently you can | 14:10 |
reisio | :D | 14:10 |
EriC^^ | | 14:10 |
EriC^^ | i'd give it a shot, follow that guide | 14:10 |
sacarlson | marc____: grub4dos maybe that will work in your link it sounds posible | 14:12 |
sacarlson | I must say I"ve never tried it | 14:13 |
=== thiago is now known as Guest62833 | ||
=== Guest62833 is now known as Thiago_Reis | ||
sacarlson | marc____: I also have an old computer that doesn't have usb boot. now my normal method to reinstall on that system is to just temp install another boot disk with grub2 on it and boot a fresh iso from grub2 and install. very fast install from a hard disk also | 14:17 |
josephmurray | I bought Dell M4800 laptops for a couple staff with Intel Core i7-4940MX(Quad Core Extreme 3.10GHz, 4.0GHz Turbo, 8MB 57W, w/HD Graphics 4600) and AMD FirePro M5100 w/2GB GDDR5 preinstalled with ubuntu 12.04. They are having trouble upgrading to 14.04 due to graphics not supported error. I don’t have full details as they work on a different continent. Should I direct them to this channel for support in the upgrade? Can anyone confirm that 14.04 | 14:18 |
josephmurray | should support both the built-in Intel graphics and the AMD graphics card? | 14:18 |
josephmurray | or tell me where to check for suppport for the card for 14.04? | 14:20 |
Dro__ | is there any webcammax/manycam alternative for ubuntu ? i need to use a camera IP as my webcam | 14:21 |
cfhowlett | Dro__, zoneminder | 14:22 |
OerHeks | !info xeoma | 14:24 |
ubottu | Package xeoma does not exist in trusty | 14:24 |
OerHeks | it does, | 14:24 |
marc____ | sacarlson: Should I use NTFS or FAT or it makes no difference? | 14:26 |
sacarlson | marc____: on your link I think it specified fat32 for grub4dos? | 14:26 |
marc____ | yes but it says that if my distro supports ntfs is ok | 14:27 |
marc____ | do you know if kubuntu supports it? | 14:27 |
sacarlson | well to be safe I'm prity sure fat32 is also suported | 14:27 |
sacarlson | and fat32 is big enuf for an install disk | 14:28 |
marc____ | Ok I made a 1500MB partition where I am going to put the decompressed image | 14:30 |
Dro__ | cfhowlett, i don't want to use my PC as an IP camera, I have an IP camera and i want to use it as my webcam | 14:30 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
marc____ | sacarlson: initrd.gz it says in the link, so far I found initrd.lz inside the casper folder, should that be the file? | 14:33 |
sacarlson | marc____: yes the new compresion method uses .lz | 14:34 |
WodgeyD | Afternoon Everyone. Can anyone suggest a gui for remote monitoring of CPU temps for headless/diskless slave-nodes (runing ubuntu server 14.04)? I've been sending "sensors" (part of lm-sensors) via ssh which gives the info I need but is there anyway to have it shown graphically (with auto-refresh)? | 14:37 |
=== derk0pf is now known as derk0pf|NA | ||
fabiogomez | hi | 14:40 |
jvespinal | hi | 14:40 |
jvespinal | clear | 14:40 |
zakachi | !invite | 14:41 |
EriC^^ | WodgeyD: psensors is a nice gui monitoring tool | 14:42 |
WodgeyD | EriC^^ I have that running on the master node. It is nice. Can it be set to retrieve the temps form another machine? | 14:43 |
zakachi | !private | 14:44 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 14:44 |
WodgeyD | ah, just seen psensors-server. think I need to beploy that to my slave nodes. | 14:44 |
err4 | hi | 14:44 |
zakachi | testing | 14:44 |
=== derk0pf|NA is now known as derk0pf | ||
gr33n-ion | hey guys can someone please help me with a libbaloofiles4 problem | 14:48 |
gr33n-ion | when I try to install anything using apt-get I get this error | 14:48 |
gr33n-ion | dpkg: error processing package libbaloofiles4 (--configure): | 14:49 |
gr33n-ion | package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should | 14:49 |
gr33n-ion | reinstall it before attempting configuration | 14:49 |
=== Samuel_Najdowski is now known as alpha | ||
gr33n-ion | but I cant re install it | 14:49 |
gr33n-ion | becuase its not recognized as a package | 14:49 |
gr33n-ion | also I am using ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS | 14:50 |
=== Owner is now known as Guest34360 | ||
MMukherjee | MMukherjee> When ever I kill /usr/sbin/mysql | 14:51 |
MMukherjee | <MMukherjee> A another MySQL process again starts | 14:51 |
MMukherjee | Can I stop this? | 14:51 |
gr33n-ion | are you using lampp stack? | 14:51 |
MMukherjee | Yes. | 14:52 |
sacarlson | MMukherjee: maybe try sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop | 14:52 |
gr33n-ion | sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop | 14:52 |
sacarlson | or sudo service mysql stop | 14:52 |
gr33n-ion | try that | 14:52 |
MMukherjee | Fixed :) | 14:52 |
gr33n-ion | which one worked? | 14:52 |
MMukherjee | The first one | 14:53 |
MMukherjee | It again started! D: | 14:53 |
gr33n-ion | try mine | 14:53 |
MMukherjee | Hm | 14:54 |
MMukherjee | mysql 16122 0.0 3.2 198800 16544 ? Rs 20:25 0:00 /usr/sbin/mysql | 14:55 |
MMukherjee | Again started | 14:55 |
MMukherjee | And: | 14:55 |
MMukherjee | sudo: /opt/lampp/lampp: command not found | 14:55 |
MMukherjee | Your command did this | 14:55 |
samthewildone | I've been having this problem since I installed gnome 3 on ubuntu 14.04 > | 14:56 |
sacarlson | MMukherjee: I verified that sudo service mysql stop ; works to stop mysql on 14.04 | 14:56 |
MMukherjee | ok | 14:56 |
samthewildone | LibreOffice seems to be tearing visually. Its annoying because I have these gray boxes appearing all over the application. Its the only known application that I'm aware of that does that. | 14:57 |
samthewildone | Could it be a driver issue ? | 14:57 |
foxtroet | hi | 14:57 |
err4 | hi foxtroet | 14:58 |
foxtroet | im a new user of xubuntu | 14:59 |
foxtroet | either of this chat room | 14:59 |
OerHeks | :-) | 15:00 |
Moter8 | Hey, I'm looking for the thing that replies "command x not found, it's in package y" | 15:01 |
Moter8 | It is available on my digitalocean VPS running ubuntu 14.04, but not on my OpenVZ container, running ubuntu 14.04 too | 15:02 |
OerHeks | Moter8, there should be no difference | 15:03 |
sacarlson | Moter8: a few more details might help. like the full command line or action you did to get message | 15:03 |
=== zz_climbup is now known as climbup | ||
oaulakh | how to change file permission of fat32 system directry in ubuntu? | 15:04 |
AlexQ | Hello. I've just installed Ubuntu and my second NTFS partition stopped working. Both Windows and Ubuntu see that as an empty space, and there is no device for that partition in /dev/. I think that is a problem with partition table. Is there any option to map the boundaries occupied by that drive and make an image of it/force mount it? | 15:04 |
=== kubuntu is now known as encolpe | ||
encolpe | hello | 15:05 |
Moter8 | sacarlson, OerHeks Someone from ##linux helped me now. It was the command-not-found package. | 15:05 |
err4 | hi | 15:05 |
encolpe | I made a mistake and install ubuntu-touch on my laptop | 15:05 |
encolpe | How to get back my init ? | 15:06 |
srini | hi | 15:06 |
srini | any body there ? | 15:06 |
wujie | ok | 15:06 |
sacarlson | oaulakh: requires umount mount of the fat32 file system with a few added options see man mount | 15:06 |
wujie | goodboy | 15:06 |
k1l | encolpe: what did you install and what is the issue now? | 15:06 |
srini | i install ubuntu 14 before that i use windows 7 | 15:06 |
sacarlson | !command-not-found | 15:07 |
srini | after install ubuntu my local drive are not show in ubuntu | 15:07 |
srini | please help me | 15:07 |
srini | i need all files | 15:07 |
encolpe | k1l: ubuntu-touch | 15:07 |
encolpe | k1l: then after I removed it the systemd process is fucked | 15:07 |
srini | k1L give some solution for my problem | 15:08 |
k1l | encolpe: make sure "ubuntu-desktop" is installed if you did use ubuntu before) | 15:08 |
sacarlson | srini: in nautilus you should be able to see them and mount them | 15:09 |
srini | encolpe reply for my | 15:09 |
aleksander | is there a way to get rid of (or fasten) the "scanning for btrfs file systems" message at boot? i am using just one hdd (one partition+swap) | 15:09 |
srini | sacarlson where that option there | 15:09 |
k1l | srini: stop that | 15:09 |
srini | i search in setting no option there | 15:09 |
k1l | srini: give ore details and error messages. than people will try to help | 15:09 |
sacarlson | srini: I use caja instead of nautilus but nautilus used to do it | 15:10 |
srini | how to mount drive in ubuntu | 15:10 |
k1l | srini: which drive? | 15:10 |
k1l | srini: what gives you "sudo fdisk -l" please pastebin | 15:11 |
sacarlson | srini: you don't see in on the left side of nautilus the device section you should see you drives. just click on them should mount them | 15:11 |
srini | in windows i have 5 partions one is operating system remaining four partions i used to save files after install ubuntu that four partions not show | 15:11 |
k1l | <k1l> srini: what gives you "sudo fdisk -l" please pastebin | 15:12 |
srini | sacarlson i cant see my partions in device section | 15:12 |
Female | hello all! | 15:12 |
srini | k1L where i need to paste that command | 15:13 |
k1l | srini: in terminal | 15:13 |
sacarlson | srini: then try what k1 told you sudo fdisk -l | 15:13 |
Female | in youre ****** | 15:13 |
srini | okay sacarlson please where i need to paste that command | 15:13 |
k1l | !guidelines > Female make sure you read them before we get some drama | 15:13 |
ubottu | Female, please see my private message | 15:13 |
sacarlson | srini: in a terminal | 15:14 |
srini | okay sacarlson | 15:14 |
srini | i m new to ubuntu sacarlson | 15:14 |
kasunbg | hi, i was trying fix some issues with qt, and i have accidentally removed the ubuntu-desktop pkg. Could you help me get it back? When I try to re-install it, i see this - | 15:14 |
k1l | !paste | srini then put the result you get in to that site and give the link here | 15:15 |
ubottu | srini then put the result you get in to that site and give the link here: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 15:15 |
encolpe | k1l: ubuntu-desktop is installed, the init freeze after few seconds, like it wait for something but there is no output | 15:15 |
OerHeks | kasunbg, try: sudo apt-get install -f | 15:15 |
srini | okay K11 | 15:16 |
hell00 | not exactly a debian question, but i took photos of old family letters, poems and generally writings, and i want to turn them into a pdf file and publish them. however, the file is too huge. is there anyway to shrink the size of the photos? like turning them black and white and other ways? if yes, how? thanks. | 15:16 |
=== nandish_bhatt is now known as nandish | ||
srini | sacarlson : where are you from ? | 15:16 |
hell00 | i mean ubuntu question <,< | 15:16 |
kasunbg | OerHeks, thanks... just did that, and ran tried to install ubuntu-desktop again.. same issue! :( | 15:16 |
cfhowlett | hell00, yes several options | 15:16 |
OerHeks | kasunbg, if that does not solve it, i am afraid you need to reinstall completly | 15:16 |
cfhowlett | hell00, these are separate .jpg photos? | 15:17 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, yes | 15:17 |
kasunbg | OerHeks, ohh!! will a apt-get upgrade help? | 15:17 |
k1l | kasunbg: get rid of the PPAs that make the mess | 15:17 |
cfhowlett | hell00, convert foo.jpg foo.pdf will do the first part | 15:17 |
k1l | kasunbg: use ppa-purge | 15:17 |
yip | What's on this channel there are from Indonesia | 15:18 |
kasunbg | OerHeks, i wanted to update some package, so, i have used a repo from saucy.. but im on raring/13.04.. all these errors are because of that. i dnt know how to revert back.. | 15:18 |
k1l | !id | yip | 15:18 |
ubottu | yip: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 15:18 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, oh, i know that.. but what about the file's size> | 15:18 |
hell00 | " | 15:18 |
aleksander | is there a way to get rid of (or fasten) the "scanning for btrfs file systems" message at boot? i am using just one hdd (one partition+swap) and its btrfs | 15:18 |
cfhowlett | hell00, read man convert for your resize options | 15:18 |
sacarlson | hell00: gimp is a tool to manipulate and export images into many format. I'm not totaly sure it suports pdf but it can change file size | 15:19 |
cfhowlett | hell00, sacarlson is right, gimp will indeed resize and export to pdf - singly not in bacthes. | 15:19 |
hell00 | sacarlson, these are over 1k photos, can't do it with gimp | 15:19 |
kasunbg | k1l, thanks.. installing... but my sources.list only has this --- deb raring main universe restricted multiverse | 15:19 |
kasunbg | k1l, OerHeks, i did have lot of PPAs.. i have removed them since then | 15:20 |
cfhowlett | hell00, exactly. convert. the use ghostscript to batch convert to a single pdf | 15:20 |
k1l | kasunbg: no more questions. first make sure you use a actual supported version. upgrade to 13.04 then 13.10 then 14.04 | 15:20 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, nah, just convert image00* name.pdf :] | 15:21 |
sacarlson | hell00: cfhowlett: imagemagic maybe but I don't recall how to use it | 15:21 |
yip | ubottu : terima kasih infonya. | 15:21 |
ubottu | yip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:21 |
cfhowlett | sacarlson, imagemagick = ghostscript. | 15:21 |
hell00 | anyway.. i will try some stuff and come back later. thanks :) | 15:22 |
kasunbg | k1l, i'm on 13.04. i do want to upgrade to 14.04... but, i'm a lil paranoid to use apt-get dist-upgrade right now!! | 15:22 |
k1l | kasunbg: dist-upgrade will not bring you to the next release. | 15:22 |
scout_5 | hi all | 15:22 |
scout_5 | HELLO | 15:22 |
k1l | !upgrade | kasunbg | 15:22 |
ubottu | kasunbg: For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 15:22 |
scout_5 | can anybody see this? | 15:22 |
k1l | scout_5: stop it. this is not the right channel for trolling | 15:23 |
cfhowlett | scout_5, ask your ubuntu questions | 15:23 |
cfhowlett | hell00, full gs command batch convert protocol | 15:24 |
kasunbg | k1l, thanks.. i will read it and come back if needed.. a quick q.. will hibernating the system cause any harm until i fix the issue? (since i do not have ubuntu-desktop!) | 15:25 |
yip | ubottu : Where are you from? | 15:26 |
ubottu | yip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:26 |
sacarlson | cfhowlett: hell00 ya gs that's the one | 15:26 |
k1l | yip: do you have a technical ubuntu support issue? | 15:26 |
k1l | kasunbg: dont know if it will resume correctly | 15:26 |
scout_5 | hi | 15:26 |
scout_5 | hoi | 15:27 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, hmm, but how will that work? will it also resize them etc.? | 15:27 |
cfhowlett | hell00, resize with convert, I think. | 15:28 |
cfhowlett | hell00, | 15:29 |
AlexQ | Does that "fdisk -l" ouput make sense? | 15:29 |
scout_5 | hoi | 15:29 |
OerHeks | AlexQ, looks like a machine with preinstalled stuff | 15:30 |
AlexQ | I mean, for /dev/sda. /dev/sdb is a pendrive with Ubuntu installed (not live, installed! ext4 partition there) which I am writing from now | 15:31 |
scout_5 | hello | 15:31 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: ya looks like 2 disks one linux one windows | 15:31 |
k1l | scout_5: last chance: what is you ubuntu issue? | 15:32 |
AlexQ | Yeah, I am referring to /dev/sda. I mean, that Start and End are sector numbers, yes? And blocks... what is the blocksize? I don't understand that, these partitions seem to be overlapping, don't they? | 15:32 |
k1l | AlexQ: what is your issue? instead of let us guessing what it could be | 15:32 |
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OerHeks | AlexQ, that would be a manual install, without swap ?? i think it is a live usb. | 15:33 |
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AlexQ | It is a manual install of Ubuntu on the pendrive with no swap (not a live USB, it is a normal system, but sloow.) | 15:34 |
AlexQ | The issue is with /dev/sda: I rebooted from Ubuntu and there is no 200GB partition anymore | 15:35 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: ya strange but can you mount any of them? | 15:35 |
AlexQ | I can mount /dev/sda5 | 15:35 |
yip | k1L : nothing, but I'm confused, want to use ubuntu or kali linux,. if you can help me ? | 15:35 |
cfhowlett | yip, kali is not supported here | 15:36 |
cfhowlett | !kali | yip | 15:36 |
ubottu | yip: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 15:36 |
k1l | yip: for ubuntu issues ask in here. for chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic | 15:36 |
* monir hello evryone | 15:36 | |
Foxhoundz | Has Ubuntu 14.04 LTS been patched for shellshock? | 15:36 |
cfhowlett | Foxhoundz, yes | 15:36 |
Foxhoundz | is it available via apt repository? | 15:37 |
Foxhoundz | Or is this a manual patch | 15:37 |
OerHeks | Foxhoundz, if you run a supported ubuntu, just update | 15:37 |
k1l | Foxhoundz: its patched "since ages". just run the updates and you are fine | 15:37 |
cfhowlett | Foxhoundz, manual. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 15:37 |
Foxhoundz | dist-upgrade? Why? I'm on an LTS version... | 15:38 |
Foxhoundz | should running upgrade suffice? | 15:38 |
k1l | Foxhoundz: dist-upgrade will not bring you to 14.10 | 15:38 |
cfhowlett | Foxhoundz, and you'll still be on LTS. | 15:38 |
k1l | !dist-upgrade | Foxhoundz | 15:38 |
ubottu | Foxhoundz: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention. | 15:38 |
cyber_dweller | do i need nss to send mail using mailx | 15:38 |
cyber_dweller | ? | 15:39 |
AlexQ | /dev/sda3 is the Windows 7 partition | 15:39 |
monir | ubuntu doesnt boot... stuck on the boot os menu | 15:39 |
monir | what to do | 15:39 |
cfhowlett | monir, new install? | 15:39 |
yip | thank you for the information | 15:39 |
monir | yea ... im new | 15:39 |
cfhowlett | monir, no... is this a NEW install of ubuntu? | 15:40 |
monir | not really... after one month | 15:40 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: if windows still boots maybe you can git it to fix the ntfs disks. I'm no expert on how windows partitions stuf | 15:40 |
AlexQ | k1l: The issue is something happened with my partition table/partition/whatever and I would like to rescue data. It was a 200 GB partition on /dev/sda. I think I could find the starting and ending blocks of it manually and dd it on the hdd level form /dev/sda to the image file on a external USB drive, and then I should be able to mount it, right? | 15:41 |
monir | it happened after trying to install a games | 15:41 |
monir | any idea? | 15:43 |
k1l_ | AlexQ: if you have the diskspace i would dd the whole disk and try to fix it on that clone | 15:43 |
troii | hi i just installed ubuntu 12.04 however I dont have sound for some strange reason | 15:44 |
k1l_ | monir: we could just guess, and even that is a 1-in-a-million chance with that less info you give us. what is the ubuntu version, what is the error message? what is the last thing you did? | 15:44 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: k1| is correct if you really want to recover it that is the best method dd to a clone and work on that | 15:44 |
Foxhoundz | does tasksel install the latest stable LAMP binaries? | 15:45 |
Foxhoundz | or do I need to install Aapache2, php5.5, and MySQL/MariaDB 5.5 individually | 15:45 |
k1l_ | Foxhoundz: it installs the latest stuff from the ubuntu repos, yes | 15:45 |
Foxhoundz | ok | 15:45 |
Foxhoundz | Thank you! | 15:46 |
sacarlson | Foxhoundz: don't the ubuntu packages work for a lamp install? | 15:46 |
AlexQ | sacarlson: k1l_: What should I clone it to? To an image file, or directly to the device, e.g. dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc, where sdc is USB external drive? | 15:46 |
Scaniatrucker | hi | 15:46 |
monir | ubuntu stuck on the boot os menu .... any idea | 15:46 |
monir | ? | 15:46 |
Foxhoundz | sacarlson: there are a lot of modules that need to be installed for a successfuly LAMP install | 15:46 |
k1l_ | AlexQ: i would put that onto another disk, yes. | 15:46 |
Foxhoundz | successful* | 15:46 |
k1l_ | !lamp | Foxhoundz | 15:46 |
ubottu | Foxhoundz: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process. | 15:46 |
sacarlson | Foxhoundz: seems like 2 packages will work apt-get install apache2; apt-get install phpmyadmin ; I could be wrong | 15:47 |
cyber_dweller | what is nss-config-dir in mailx, are these needed? | 15:47 |
AlexQ | k1l_: But what I'm asking is should I write that to a file on that external disk, or to the disk directly, i.e. clone the whole disk, overwritting everything on the external one? | 15:49 |
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Foxhoundz | 1 | 15:50 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: ether way works, there are tool to mount a dd image. however I have not used them | 15:50 |
troii | how do i fix audio? | 15:52 |
AlexQ | sacarlson: Yeah, but then I'd have a dd image of the whole disk, so I would need to mount a part of a dd image. I can't mount the whole HDD image I guess :D | 15:52 |
k1l_ | AlexQ: if you have a free disk just dd onto it. or use a image and mount that | 15:52 |
cyber_dweller | does mailx checks for ssl certificate? | 15:53 |
k1l_ | AlexQ: yes, that would be more difficult then. so my first suggestion to dd it plain onto a free disk | 15:53 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: ya I don't know how to manipulate partition tables from a dd dump, but I'm no ferensic expert | 15:53 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: k1| ya the raw disk to disk might have more posibility of success | 15:54 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, tried convert, my ol' good computer almost crashed. the gs command did not work for some reason, it gave me an error. | 15:55 |
hell00 | convert also gave me an error after running for about 2 minutes, will retry | 15:55 |
cfhowlett | hell00, smaller batches ... I'm guessing you have limited ram? | 15:55 |
AlexQ | Yeah, but I don't have a drive I could remove all files from. Can I take the risk and work on the source drive? I don't have any files I need except of that 200GB partition, so there will be no more damage, + these should be only reading operations | 15:57 |
greenmon2 | Can I install Ubuntu on my laptop now, alongside Windows, so that I can choose between the two at startup, | 15:57 |
greenmon2 | and later perhaps completely remove Windows and the startup menu? | 15:57 |
greenmon2 | (reallocating the space to Ubuntu) | 15:58 |
cfhowlett | !dualboot | greenmon2, | 15:58 |
ubottu | greenmon2,: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - Macs: | 15:58 |
AlexQ | greenmon2: Yes, you can. | 15:58 |
greenmon2 | =] | 15:58 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: it's your data. you will have to write to the disk to modify the partiton table | 15:58 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: you can also dd dump just the partition table that is now present to put it back to what it is now but that might be mostly worthless | 15:59 |
=== Gurpartap2 is now known as Gurpartap | ||
AlexQ | sacarlson: What I need to do is to localise the starting and ending sectors of that lost NTFS filesystem, and then I would copy it as a image file to an external USB drive | 16:00 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, I tried with a batch of just 50 mb.. I have about 1 free GB of ram atm. I got the following error: 'convert.im6: unable to open image `12345678.pdf': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2638.' | 16:00 |
AlexQ | sacarlson: And then I would format the whole source drive completely to get rid of that mess | 16:00 |
cfhowlett | hell00, "convert.img6" not a valid command. | 16:01 |
cfhowlett | hell00, spaces ... | 16:02 |
seed_ | are u real ppl? | 16:02 |
hell00 | i used this command: convert 12345678.pdf DSC* | 16:02 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, | 16:02 |
cfhowlett | seed_, ask your ubuntu questions | 16:02 |
cfhowlett | hell00, as I understand the convert command it'll batch convert images to .pdf's. plural pdfs. then use gs command to combine pdf's to single pdf book | 16:03 |
AlexQ | sacarlson: The problem is, Linux and parted see the whole partition table incorrectly, so maybe I could read these sectors on Windows and then boot back to live Ubuntu to copy it to an image file I could later mount? | 16:04 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, actually it doesn't, it dumps them on a pdf file. that's why I use the asterisk, they are already in the correct sequence | 16:04 |
cfhowlett | hell00, ok so you already have the pdf's ... so now you want to ??? | 16:05 |
AlexQ | sacarlson: I don't even know if that is a partition table problem, or the "head" record on that partition has been corrupted in a way that it is now visible as empty space | 16:05 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: it's posible that the partition table is ok that the partitions them selves are mest up that could maybe be fixed with fsck or with windows | 16:05 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, I don't have the pdf's.. :[ | 16:05 |
hell00 | i will try something else, brb | 16:05 |
AlexQ | sacarlson: But Windows sees that as an empty space, so how could I force it to attempt fsck or anything on that? | 16:06 |
OerHeks | AlexQ your whole disk is one extended partition, your free space should be in 172247039 -591677439 | 16:06 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: I can't explain the overlap in the partitions but I've seen overlap in working partition tables before | 16:07 |
OerHeks | there is no overlapping AFAIK | 16:07 |
sacarlson | OerHeks: AlexQ: see your good to go just fsck or try the same in windows | 16:08 |
Foxhoundz | What is the password for Ubuntu's root user? I tried su and then when the password prompt came up, I entered the only password I've ever set for this machine | 16:08 |
somsip_ | !root | Foxhoundz | 16:08 |
ubottu | Foxhoundz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 16:08 |
OerHeks | Foxhoundz, there is no rootuser/pass, the first user made during install is the admin with rootpriv | 16:09 |
k1l_ | Foxhoundz: use sudo in front of commands that need root permissions | 16:09 |
sacarlson | Foxhoundz: ubuntu doesn't set the password of root. it depends on at least one of the users that have sudo privliges | 16:09 |
Foxhoundz | I'm trying to edit some conf files via SFTP | 16:09 |
Foxhoundz | and they're owned by root | 16:10 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, i think i found what the issue is | 16:10 |
Foxhoundz | and I can't exactly sudo via SFTP, at least not on WinSCP | 16:10 |
AlexQ | OerHeks: I think you're right, it seems to be 204800 MiB | 16:10 |
tafa2 | Foxhoundz change the root password temporarily then drop it when ur done? | 16:10 |
tafa2 | just do passwd root | 16:10 |
tafa2 | then set a new pass | 16:11 |
cfhowlett | hell00, details! | 16:11 |
cfhowlett | hell00, plz | 16:11 |
somsip_ | tafa2: no - he's on SFTP, and setting root password is not a good recommendation | 16:11 |
OerHeks | tafa2, wrong way to go. | 16:11 |
tafa2 | if he really needs to do it, change it then drop | 16:11 |
sacarlson | Foxhoundz: I guess you could try windows putty program | 16:11 |
OerHeks | tafa2, he can't tru sftp | 16:12 |
tafa2 | thats true.... I'm assuming he knows how to ssh? | 16:12 |
tafa2 | Foxhoundz? | 16:12 |
hell00 | i was using the command like this: convert 124432.pdf DSC* while i should be using it like this: convert 124432.pdf DSC*.JPG | 16:12 |
Foxhoundz | hmm | 16:12 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, | 16:12 |
Foxhoundz | I guess that's one way to go about it | 16:12 |
cfhowlett | hell00, ah. it's always the little details. so; you're happy now? | 16:13 |
Foxhoundz | I'll just SSH in and use vim I guess | 16:13 |
tafa2 | ! | 16:13 |
Foxhoundz | Of course, if it's not difficult and unusable, it's not Linux(tm) | 16:14 |
tafa2 | Nano is always an option | 16:14 |
touki | Hi. I have a BlasNotFoundError trying to install scipy through pip. Any idea? | 16:14 |
hell00 | cfhowlett, well.. it failed again.. :( | 16:14 |
cfhowlett | hell00, you' | 16:15 |
cfhowlett | you're close. see the documentation. I'm no expert | 16:15 |
cfhowlett | hell00, | 16:15 |
AlexQ | OerHeks: Yeah, you're right with no overlapping too I guess. I've just read it in a wrong way. So, there is one extended partition and 3 other partitions? and one of them is really small, so it's the strange 100MB space that was visible on Windows too I guess... it seems to be read correct. | 16:16 |
AlexQ | sacarlson: So, if I wanted to try fsck... I have to run fsck on the whole drive, yeah? | 16:17 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: no you run fsck one partition at a time | 16:18 |
AlexQ | sacarlson: But there is no partition | 16:18 |
AlexQ | sacarlson: Both Windows and fdisk see that as an empty space | 16:19 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: yes there was 4 - 5 partitions as I recal | 16:19 |
AlexQ | sacarlson: nope. The 200GB one is missing; it is presumably 591677440 - end of HDD | 16:20 |
sacarlson | just the ntfs you should run the fsck on | 16:20 |
OerHeks | empty space is not a partition. | 16:20 |
sacarlson | AlexQ: just run it on /dev/sda3 | 16:21 |
AlexQ | OerHeks: The fact that it is not in fdisk output it doesn't mean it's not there on the HDD, there was no free space on the HDD | 16:23 |
AlexQ | sacarlson: I'll run it on a different partition, what use of that? | 16:23 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: try sudo parted -l | 16:23 |
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OerHeks | AlexQ, err... do you use bitlocker on win7 | 16:24 |
OerHeks | ? | 16:24 |
AlexQ | OerHeks: No, I don't | 16:24 |
OerHeks | AlexQ, then it makes no sense to me, ubuntu cannot find the empty 200 gb | 16:25 |
AlexQ | OerHeks: What do U mean it cannot find? | 16:25 |
AlexQ | OerHeks: That it should be indicated on fsdisk -l as empty space explicitly? | 16:27 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: try sudo parted -l | 16:27 |
lesshaste | I want to sync my home machine A and my work machine C but I have to go via another work machine B normally. For example, when I ssh from A to C I do ssh -t -X -C me_B@B ssh -X me_C@C | 16:27 |
lesshaste | how can I sync A and C using unison in this situation? | 16:27 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: | 16:27 |
AlexQ | it prints an error for /dev/sda I guess, and ends | 16:27 |
AlexQ | gparted shows /dev/sda as empty space | 16:28 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: try testdisk | 16:28 |
AlexQ | that is a bit strange, that fdisk -l has a different output, and nothing seems to be overlapping there | 16:28 |
AlexQ | I just think that this dynamic to basic HDD partition table conversion didn't work too well, and that all these problems are caused by that | 16:29 |
EriC^^ | ya think? | 16:30 |
EriC^^ | :P | 16:30 |
cfhowlett | disks that are / have had GPT usually act like this | 16:30 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: try fixparts, if there are left over gpt data it will delete them | 16:30 |
B0bsF1sh | How do I get a remote GUI session on my Windows box? I have Xming installed. "X11Forwarding yes" in sshd_config. In PuTTY I have Enable X11 forwarding on with my IP address in the X display location box. I launch XLaunch, select one window, start a program, enter "xeyes -display localhost:0" - and then nothing happens. | 16:30 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: if that doesn't work, try testdisk | 16:30 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Thanks | 16:31 |
Grb | Hello! I have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Gnome3 installed on a Toshiba Satellite. The problem I have is when I disconnect the wire electricity charger, the mouse connected to the USB port dies | 16:31 |
cfhowlett | grb sounds like a hardware issuue | 16:31 |
sacarlson | Grb: even if you unplug and replug the usb mouse? | 16:32 |
fajung | I'm on ub14.04, following this C++CGI tut, and it makes my ubuntu report crash when I call the cgi directly | 16:32 |
sacarlson | cfhowlett: Grb: agree sounds like hardware to me | 16:32 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: and what next? | 16:32 |
fajung | sorry this is the tut: | 16:33 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: /dev/sda is that 320GB HDD | 16:33 |
Grb | cffhowlett: ok sacarlson: Even, always happens this | 16:33 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: it usually says something about stray gpt data when it starts if it finds any | 16:33 |
EriC^^ | i don't think it found anything | 16:33 |
cfhowlett | !gpt | 16:34 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: So now testdisk? | 16:34 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: i guess | 16:34 |
EriC^^ | you could see what gdisk says if you wanted | 16:34 |
* OerHeks is thinking about a malware-bootsector | 16:34 | |
EriC^^ | gdisk -l | 16:35 |
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AlexQ | EriC^^: | 16:35 |
AlexQ | it was smarter I think | 16:36 |
EriC^^ | yeah it saw the partitions and free space | 16:37 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Yeah, whereas that free space should include NTFS filesystem, that wasn't overwritten. I think Ubuntu tried to fix the partition table and that's the result | 16:38 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: i see | 16:38 |
EriC^^ | so you have a ntfs partition with data on it? | 16:38 |
AlexQ | Yeah, it should be just after the last partition that you can see | 16:38 |
EriC^^ | ok | 16:39 |
AlexQ | this gdisk printout is all correct and precise, except that empty space | 16:39 |
random_111 | Hello | 16:39 |
cfhowlett | AlexQ, backup your data. now. | 16:39 |
EriC^^ | testdisk | 16:39 |
AlexQ | cfhowlett: I have no data to backup as all the data is on that NTFS I can't use :D | 16:39 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: testdisk > nolog > nolog > select disk | 16:39 |
Dawson | Anyone know how to fixe minecraft not launching? | 16:39 |
random_111 | have you tried a google search yet | 16:40 |
Dawson | yeah | 16:40 |
Dawson | all i get are idiots without good tutorials | 16:40 |
Dawson | and or things that are 2 years old | 16:41 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: error messages? | 16:41 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I don't understand that hint? It isn't a commandline, and what is nolog? Um? | 16:41 |
Dawson | just opens the archive for it | 16:41 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: type testdisk | 16:41 |
Dawson | where do i type it at? | 16:41 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: don't doublesccickc on it | 16:41 |
Dawson | btw i just got ubuntu | 16:41 |
tgm4883 | doubleclick, i'm not even sure how I did that | 16:42 |
AlexQ | aaam okay, it is an instruction how to use testdisk. I Had no idea it is an menu based tool | 16:42 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 16:42 |
Dawson | so what do i do? | 16:42 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: IIRC, you have to make a launcher for it. I believe they give you teh commands to launch it on their site, but it seems to be getting maintenance right now | 16:43 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Why did you include nolog two times? | 16:43 |
EriC^^ | it asks twice | 16:43 |
EriC^^ | ah, that's only if you run sudo testdisk | 16:43 |
Dawson | tgm like i said, complete noob to ubuntu | 16:44 |
Dawson | like 20 minutes noob | 16:44 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: please run sudo testdisk instead | 16:44 |
EriC^^ | it says some disks might appear or whatever | 16:44 |
EriC^^ | *not appear | 16:44 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: are you a minecraft noob too? | 16:44 |
AlexQ | it asks for the logging thing and I select nolog and press enter | 16:44 |
Dawson | no | 16:44 |
AlexQ | then I see the disks | 16:45 |
Dawson | i just removed windows 7 because i got tired of all its blandness | 16:45 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: I ask, because if you are planning on modding it a bunch maybe just start with something like MultiMC | 16:45 |
AlexQ | and everything is correct there | 16:45 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: ok, select the disk | 16:45 |
AlexQ | then enter and asks about partition table type | 16:45 |
AlexQ | Intel detected | 16:45 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: personally, I use MultiMC, but I can get you setup with just vanilla minecraft if you want | 16:45 |
EriC^^ | ok select intel | 16:45 |
troii | !audio | 16:45 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 16:45 |
Dawson | i just want vanilla | 16:45 |
AlexQ | analyse? | 16:45 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 16:45 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: ok, so where do you have the minecraft jar file? and what is it's filename? | 16:46 |
MagicSpud | hello I am experiencing trouble playing wma files on ubuntu 12.04... no matter which player I use, vlc, totem, rhythmbox...they will crash almost immediately | 16:46 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: And? | 16:46 |
Dawson | tgm how do i pm so its easier | 16:46 |
EriC^^ | it should do a quick search | 16:46 |
EriC^^ | and show some partitions if it finds any | 16:46 |
AlexQ | it idd, that was quick | 16:46 |
EriC^^ | ok, is the ntfs there? | 16:46 |
Dawson | test | 16:47 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: I just pinged you, do you see it | 16:47 |
OerHeks | Dawson, follow this guide, i know it works | 16:47 |
tgm4883 | OerHeks: I was going to point him here | 16:48 |
tgm4883 | | 16:48 |
Dawson | lagged out srry | 16:48 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: this looks to be correct | 16:48 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: you there? | 16:48 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Yeah, I am | 16:48 |
AlexQ | | 16:48 |
AlexQ | but I have menu below and I can press Quick Search | 16:48 |
Dawson | tgm that doesnt really help me because idk how to open a terminal | 16:49 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: do you know where the dash is? | 16:49 |
Dawson | wut | 16:49 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: hit the windows key, then type terminal | 16:49 |
Dawson | ok i did it and i got a white box | 16:49 |
tgm4883 | can you type in the white box? | 16:50 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: highlight the 3rd partition ( Acer ), and press "p" | 16:50 |
Dawson | YWH | 16:50 |
Dawson | YEAH | 16:50 |
Dawson | caps | 16:50 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: it will list the files | 16:50 |
abbadzesi123 | hello!. | 16:50 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: what does the top of the white box say? | 16:50 |
Dawson | dawson@flamingodruid:`$ | 16:50 |
Dawson | ~ not ` | 16:50 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: perfect, thats a terminal | 16:50 |
Dawson | ok | 16:50 |
=== Zerant is now known as Guest67639 | ||
Dawson | now what | 16:50 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: and you are in your home directory | 16:50 |
Dawson | whats the home directory??? | 16:51 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I can't highlight anything. Should I press Quick Search first? | 16:51 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: press enter, yeah | 16:51 |
AlexQ | I've pressed... | 16:51 |
MagicSpud | hey is there a fix for this?: | 16:51 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1374841 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "gstreamer crashes when opening WMA files" [Undecided,New] | 16:51 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: it is where all the stuff for your user resides | 16:51 |
AlexQ | not finished yet, but already shows something after "Acer" | 16:51 |
Dawson | ok? | 16:51 |
Dawson | so what do i do next | 16:51 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: so I'm assuming you downloaded minecraft.jar to the Downloads directory? | 16:52 |
Dawson | uhm...i think i did | 16:52 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: do you also have a file browser open? | 16:52 |
Dawson | yeah | 16:52 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: ok, what directory are you looking at in the file browser | 16:52 |
Dawson | downloads | 16:52 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: when some of the partitions appear, the ones you want, press enter to cancel the quick search | 16:53 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: and you see the minecraft.jar file? | 16:53 |
Dawson | no | 16:53 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: did you download minecraft? | 16:53 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: It is almost finished, maybe let it go... couple of secs left | 16:53 |
Dawson | just redid it | 16:53 |
Dawson | now its showing | 16:53 |
sacarlson | MagicSpud: this is even with ubuntu-restricted-extras package installed? | 16:54 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: ok, so then lets make a launcher for it | 16:54 |
Dawson | so what do i do first for that | 16:54 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: first, I would move the minecraft.jar file to your home directory (one directory up from downloads) | 16:54 |
Dawson | k i did that | 16:54 |
Dawson | now what | 16:54 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: ok, lets make the launcher now | 16:55 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: It has finished scanning and displayed that warning: | 16:55 |
tgm4883 | can you open gedit | 16:55 |
Dawson | how do i do that | 16:55 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Should I be worried? | 16:55 |
tgm4883 | Dawson, open the dash and type gedit | 16:55 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I'll just press "Continue" for now | 16:56 |
EriC^^ | ok | 16:56 |
MagicSpud | sacarlson yep already tried: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted* | 16:56 |
Dawson | text editor? | 16:56 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: | 16:56 |
AlexQ | so there indeed is a large partition after [Acer] | 16:56 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: yes | 16:56 |
Dawson | k now what | 16:57 |
sacarlson | MagicSpud: I note on my mint install that plays all that stuf doesn't install the ubuntu-restricted anymore so I'm not sure what other packages they use to decode anymore | 16:57 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: ok, now type this into the file | 16:57 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: ok | 16:57 |
MagicSpud | oh | 16:57 |
tgm4883 | or C&P | 16:57 |
Dawson | with the numbers? | 16:57 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: curious, it didn't show up til late in the quick search? | 16:57 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: go to that link and copy that into the file | 16:58 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: No, it was just after starting it | 16:58 |
EriC^^ | ok | 16:58 |
Dawson | tgm cant i copy and paste it? | 16:58 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: highlight the partition and press "p" | 16:58 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: yes | 16:58 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: The newly found one, yeah? Last? | 16:58 |
Dawson | so do i get the numbers to? | 16:58 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 16:58 |
Dawson | like the 1 2 3 | 16:59 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: oh, no. | 16:59 |
Dawson | ok | 16:59 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: when you copy it, the numbers won't be there | 16:59 |
Dawson | so in that case its all paasted | 16:59 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: for reference, those are line numbers | 16:59 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: - I don't get it | 16:59 |
tgm4883 | Ok, save the file as in your home directory | 16:59 |
Dawson | k its saved | 17:00 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: ok, go back to the terminal | 17:00 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: hold on | 17:00 |
Dawson | mk | 17:00 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: go back | 17:00 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: type 'chmod +x' | 17:00 |
EriC^^ | to analyse, then press quick search | 17:01 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: that will make the file an executable | 17:01 |
EriC^^ | this time quit right after the last partition shows up | 17:01 |
AlexQ | stop U mean | 17:01 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 17:01 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: When I select [Acer] and enter I get the same output | 17:01 |
AlexQ | yeah, I did it already | 17:01 |
AlexQ | so what now? | 17:01 |
Dawson | k i did that | 17:01 |
EriC^^ | noo | 17:01 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: then type './' | 17:01 |
Dawson | nothing happened though | 17:01 |
EriC^^ | dont press enter | 17:01 |
EriC^^ | just press "p" | 17:02 |
sacarlson | MagicSpud: looks like several methods in this like fixed the problem | 17:02 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged. | 17:02 |
Dawson | says it cant find the bootstrap tgm | 17:02 |
MagicSpud | Oh thanks alot | 17:02 |
MagicSpud | I ll give them a shot sacarlson | 17:02 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: what version of minecraft did you download? | 17:02 |
Dawson | idk really | 17:03 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: ok | 17:03 |
Dawson | i just googled minecraft download and was sent here | 17:03 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: was it the latest version, or did you seek out an earlier version | 17:03 |
Dawson | is that the wrong one? | 17:03 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Can I add that to the partition table nevertheless and let Window try to scan and fix it, or maybe other tools in Linux? | 17:03 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: why would you download it from anywhere but the official website? | 17:03 |
Dawson | i just saw mine..... | 17:03 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: yes, that list you have to get it like you want by pressing the right arrow | 17:03 |
EriC^^ | when you're dne | 17:03 |
EriC^^ | *done | 17:03 |
EriC^^ | press enter | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | if you want, you can try the deep search | 17:04 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: : I tried to print files on "Acer" and it crashed | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | ( also quit after a bit ) | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | it might show other partitions or something | 17:04 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: There should be no other partitions | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | mayeb give GPT a shot rather than Intel | 17:04 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: you should get it from | 17:04 |
AlexQ | okay, and then try to list files? | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: it might find the same partition but starting at different sectors or something | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 17:04 |
EriC^^ | also try GPT | 17:05 |
Dawson | k got it | 17:05 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: ok, and you moved it to your home directory? | 17:05 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: But I say: I tried to print files on "Acer" (the working NTFS partition) and it crashed | 17:05 |
Dawson | 1 s ec | 17:05 |
Dawson | k its moved | 17:05 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: So I'll try GPT then first | 17:05 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: ok, run the file again | 17:06 |
Dawson | how do i do that :P | 17:06 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: './' | 17:06 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Bad GPT partition, invalid signature.\Trying alternate GPT\Bad GPT partition, invalid signature. | 17:06 |
Dawson | still doesnt work | 17:06 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: So GPT doesn't work, as previously indicated by gdisk or whatever that was that tried to "fix to MBR in memory" or whatever | 17:07 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: hmm, just a sec, let me grab it | 17:07 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: What with that cylinder size or what that was? | 17:07 |
AlexQ | 240 sectors instead of 256 or sth? | 17:08 |
vvver_111 | I have a laptop with a broken screen running windows 8. Would it be possible to install ubuntu on it with HDMI? | 17:08 |
vvver_111 | only HDMI | 17:08 |
EriC^^ | vvver_111: yes | 17:08 |
vvver_111 | awesome | 17:09 |
AR45 | hi | 17:09 |
g41 | hi | 17:09 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: try the deep search, maybe | 17:09 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I could continue scanning using GPT nevertheless and the results are worse I guess,there is one partition doubled, but the label from the first Recovery one was read correctly as [PQSERVICE] | 17:09 |
AR45 | ##linux | 17:09 |
AR45 | sorry | 17:09 |
mina | what's up guys? | 17:10 |
g41 | cool whats up | 17:10 |
mina | cool :) | 17:10 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I am waiting for the scanning end in GPT mode. There is an error already, but I can't select and copy when the screen is being refreshed | 17:10 |
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tgm4883 | Dawson: ok got it. Can you edit the file again | 17:11 |
Dawson | sure | 17:11 |
Dawson | what do i do | 17:11 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: ok, see where it says "minecraft.jar" in the middle of that command, please change it to "Minecraft.jar" | 17:12 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: then save the file | 17:12 |
Dawson | ok? | 17:12 |
Dawson | k | 17:12 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: then run the file from the terminal again | 17:12 |
Dawson | it did something but no text after | 17:13 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: did it launch a window? | 17:13 |
Dawson | no | 17:13 |
B0bsF1sh | How do I get back to a usable text console after shutting down lightdm? I've set my Ubuntu VM to boot to a text console. If I want a GUI, I run "sudo service lightdm start." That works fine. When I'm done, I want to go back to the text console, so I run "sudo service lightdm stop." That ends the GUI session, but I get a funky-looking black screen that's unusable (no GUI elements, will not take text commands, etc - looks like | 17:13 |
tgm4883 | Dawson: what do you mean "Dawson> it did something but no text after" | 17:13 |
Hackwar1 | hi folks, I got an ubuntu server running with webmin and samba and I got a share named "common" for me and my wife. The folders have me and our common group as owners and they are set to 775, but she can't write to the folders, while I can. What is wrong there? | 17:14 |
Dawson | it went through | 17:14 |
Dawson | but no window open | 17:14 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Finished, and that's the output: (for GPT scan) | 17:15 |
sacarlson | Hackwar1: I'm not sure but samba may not see the owner and permistions the same as linux as samba is setup for windows that has now privs and ownders | 17:17 |
sacarlson | owners | 17:17 |
sacarlson | Hackwar1: but that still doesn't explain why you can write and she can't | 17:18 |
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Hackwar1 | sacarlson: that is whats strange | 17:19 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: After pressing "Continue": | 17:19 |
AlexQ | that seems like bullshit, doesn't it? | 17:20 |
sacarlson | Hackwar1: maybe just use ssh as the method to share instead of samba unless some of you are using windows | 17:20 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: That all using that GPT partition table mode (and TestDisk printet that it's corrupted first) | 17:20 |
=== CoreIT84 is now known as corey84 | ||
Hackwar1 | sacarlson: we are both using windows. ;-) | 17:22 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: In Intel mode it shows that when you stop Quicksearch or let it finish: | 17:23 |
Hackwar1 | I don't know what I changed, but I think it works now... I will have to check on her computer | 17:23 |
sacarlson | Hackwar1: oh ok then I guess you might pastebin the config files for samba to give us more clues | 17:23 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Should I try that? Might it be the reason why TestDisk says that NTFS partition found has corrupted filesystem? | 17:24 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Or should I just add that partition to partition table and let Windows try to fix the filesystem | 17:24 |
AlexQ | ? | 17:24 |
flux242 | hi, I'm looking for a skype alternative for the desktop. Main reason to ditch it is qt4 dependency | 17:24 |
Hackwar1 | sacarlson: I'm configuring via webmin... | 17:24 |
sacarlson | Hackwar1: I don't care about webmin and only need see the samba configs | 17:25 |
sacarlson | Hackwar1: you should be able to use putty or some other method to retreave the contents | 17:27 |
Foxhoundz | how do I set up remote desktop with Ubuntu? | 17:27 |
Foxhoundz | I'm not sure if Unity supports it | 17:27 |
=== root is now known as Guest80913 | ||
Hackwar1 | sacarlson: it works now. :-) | 17:28 |
Guest80913 | I like Xchat | 17:29 |
sacarlson | Hackwar1: cool what fixed it? | 17:29 |
SchrodingersScat | !VNC | Foxhoundz | 17:29 |
ubottu | Foxhoundz: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 17:29 |
sacarlson | Hackwar1: reboot? | 17:29 |
Hackwar1 | I don't have the slightest idea | 17:29 |
Hackwar1 | I did not reboot | 17:29 |
sacarlson | Hackwar1: see I just wave my hand over it and it fixes them ha ha | 17:30 |
=== CoreIT84 is now known as corey84 | ||
OerHeks | Foxhoundz, desktop sharing is standard, open it and you can configure it directly, if you need acces from outside your network, do port 5800/tcp forwarding first in your router | 17:30 |
Foxhoundz | I set up xrdp but all I see is an empty GUI with an "X" mouse cursor | 17:31 |
Foxhoundz | when connecting via Remote Desktop from Windows 8.1 | 17:31 |
Guest80913 | what kind of Dicos you use to have a way? | 17:31 |
OerHeks | !who | Guest80913 | 17:32 |
ubottu | Guest80913: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 17:32 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: sorry, im back | 17:34 |
EriC^^ | any luck? | 17:34 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I took a break too :D Just came back. Yeah, I think it's good that the partition is discovered, but I don't know if I should just add it to partition table nevertheless | 17:35 |
scout_5 | hoi | 17:36 |
Guest80913 | hi | 17:36 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Or try those different options of testdisk to check if testdisk won't still be able to read files | 17:36 |
ole_ | msg/ ni ole_oz6oh | 17:36 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: yeah maybe try that | 17:36 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: how did you convert from dynamic to basic? | 17:37 |
ole_ | ni ck ole_oz6oh | 17:37 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I made a backup and found a Windows application to do that, normally you can't | 17:37 |
=== ole_ is now known as ole_oz6oh | ||
scout_5 | hoi | 17:37 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: The reason I wanted to do it was that I wanted to install Ubuntu on a separate partition, but I couldn't 'case gparted has been seeing the disk as empty still :D | 17:38 |
EriC^^ | i see | 17:39 |
EriC^^ | well what happens when you mount the acer partition | 17:39 |
AlexQ | it seems to work | 17:39 |
EriC^^ | if it was crashing in testdisk, yet it's mountable | 17:39 |
EriC^^ | i think ntfs most likely would work | 17:39 |
AlexQ | well, if it doesn't it's contents should not be affected nevertheless | 17:40 |
EriC^^ | so sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt | 17:40 |
EriC^^ | works and you can see the files? | 17:40 |
AlexQ | the Acer one was working all the time | 17:40 |
AlexQ | using Ubuntu | 17:40 |
AlexQ | normally discovered | 17:41 |
AlexQ | the other one was working as well! But just stopped after reboot | 17:41 |
AlexQ | maybe now we'll manage to make it all work correctly, i.e. I'll be able to resize partitions in gparted and move the ext4 partition with Ubuntu from pendrive to HDD xD | 17:42 |
scout_5 | yolo SWAK | 17:42 |
chanakya | i lost my data | 17:42 |
chanakya | while installing xubuntu | 17:42 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: But what with that cylinders thing? "(18:23:20) AlexQ: EriC^^: In Intel mode it shows that when you stop Quicksearch or let it finish:" | 17:43 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Maybe that's the reason it crashes when I try to list files on the first NTFS? | 17:44 |
AlexQ | aaam, maybe that Acer was already mounted and that's why it's crashed! | 17:44 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: This time it just quit when I tried to print files on Acer | 17:46 |
zeroNones | say I'm in public/ folder and I want to delete a folder named build but keep all the content in that folder is it possible to do it from the command line? | 17:47 |
zeroNones | I basically scp the build directory to my server but only needed the contents in it ;/ | 17:48 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I think it just crashes, but last time I got a message from Ubuntu as well - a popup window with somthing like "System application has crashed | 17:48 |
dako123 | Hello gentleman how are you doing today :), I need little help from you fellas, how do I finally remove the Windows i've dual-booted for almost 4 years now and I'm ready to get rid of that dirty :P Windows | 17:50 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: When I try to list files on ACER (the working NTFS one)... it quits and goes back to terminal, but the terminal is not usable - I guess that's because it's left in 'ncurses' mode or whatever, I mean you type and nothing shows etc. | 17:50 |
sacarlson | zeroNones: seems you could cp ./folder/* . ; rm ./folder ; should work | 17:51 |
zeroNones | aaaaahhh sweet thanks sacarlson | 17:52 |
sacarlson | zeroNones: my method might miss some file types that start like .gg invisibe or maybe others so be sure you get them all | 17:53 |
zeroNones | worked sacarlson , thank you | 17:54 |
sacarlson | zeroNones: cool we got lucky then | 17:54 |
zeroNones | :) | 17:54 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: i see' | 17:56 |
dako123 | Does anybody know why my time is not synced correnctly, and yes the correct city and country is selected. | 17:57 |
dako123 | Ubuntu 14.04 | 17:57 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I tried to see what happens if I follow this hint ( and I get this after each NTFS partition on results list: Warning: number of heads/cylinder mismatches 255 (NTFS) != 240 (HD) | 17:57 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: So I think that's not the way to go | 17:58 |
sacarlson | dako123: synced you mean to internet time? | 17:58 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 17:58 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: could you convert back to dynamic? | 17:58 |
EriC^^ | i've no clue about these stuff btw | 17:59 |
dako123 | @scarlson current time in my country is 19:58 and my Ubuntu computer says 21:59 | 17:59 |
AlexQ | dako123: Timezone? | 17:59 |
monkeymooski | Is there a resource online that shows the architecture of Ubuntu? | 17:59 |
sacarlson | dako123: yes time zone is one posibility also maybe you don't have a ntp server running to have it auto set time | 18:00 |
dako123 | How do I fix that | 18:01 |
dako123 | It was working fine I'm having this installation for 4years now | 18:01 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I guess I could using Windows, but as Windows sees empty space there, almost for sure you'd have empty space still | 18:01 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Okay, let's try to add the record of that partition found to partition table... | 18:01 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: And see what Windows says on reboot. But fdisk/gdisk shows extended partition, and testdisk doesn't | 18:02 |
sacarlson | dako123: | 18:02 |
sacarlson | dako123: and if that looks correct then maybe ntp should fix it | 18:04 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: There is something about overlapping and extended partitions when I select "Intel" and press enter, but before I press "Quick Scan": | 18:04 |
dako123 | Thank you @sacarlson | 18:05 |
sacarlson | dako123: so what was it? | 18:05 |
dako123 | @sacarlson idk I'm kinda busy right now i book marked those links | 18:05 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: And after scan I have that: | 18:06 |
AlexQ | so, what should I do there if I wanted to take the risk and recreate partition table? | 18:07 |
AlexQ | using testdisk? | 18:07 |
EriC^^ | you'd use the right arrow to select the partitions | 18:07 |
EriC^^ | as "P" primary | 18:07 |
AlexQ | all of them? | 18:07 |
EriC^^ | if you want them all, yes | 18:08 |
EriC^^ | that's the partition table | 18:08 |
AlexQ | otherwise they'd be lost from partition table? | 18:08 |
EriC^^ | yes | 18:08 |
AlexQ | aaam, okay | 18:08 |
AlexQ | can I make a extended one here? | 18:08 |
EriC^^ | i think so | 18:08 |
OerHeks | isn't it all extended?? | 18:09 |
AlexQ | OerHeks: It was according to fdisk and Windows too, but when you perform testdisk search I think it discards the structure and let's you recreate that | 18:09 |
OerHeks | AlexQ, i think it is time to download a antivirus iso, your issues do not make sense | 18:10 |
lesshaste | I want to sync my home machine A and my work machine C but I have to go via another work machine B normally. For example, when I ssh from A to C I do ssh -t -X -C me_B@B ssh -X me_C@C | 18:10 |
lesshaste | how can I sync A and C using unison in this situation? | 18:10 |
AlexQ | OerHeks: I sincerely thing testdisk results make sense; you just need to select what you want it to write to your partition table; see nothing is selected there (, as EriC^^ said you need to choose | 18:11 |
AlexQ | what you want to write to your partition table | 18:12 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: If I make them all primary to keep it simple, can I convert the the disk structure to extended without removing the last partition later on, assuming everything works fine? | 18:12 |
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica | ||
EriC^^ | AlexQ: i think so | 18:13 |
bekks | AlexQ: How any parttions do you have - and why do you want to convert them ro primary? | 18:14 |
sacarlson | lesshaste: I haven't tried it but I would assume you can login to B ssh you_@B ; and perform you sync from here rsync you@A:/path you@C:/path | 18:14 |
lesshaste | sacarlson, this is unison but I don't see how that works | 18:15 |
peirrer | i have installed edubuntu and windows 8.1 in virtualbox. the guest can ping the host and connect to the internet but ubuntu can't ping guest i have disabled firewall as well as looked online and added rules to iptables to allow ping but with no use. please help your help is greatly apperciated | 18:15 |
lesshaste | sacarlson, I can't connect from B to A | 18:15 |
lesshaste | just A->B<->C | 18:15 |
bekks | peirrer: Why do you need ping, at all? | 18:15 |
sacarlson | lesshaste: I don't care about unison it works in linux | 18:15 |
lesshaste | sacarlson, unison is a linux tool. | 18:16 |
AlexQ | bekks: I don't want to convert them from primary, I want to add the NT filesystem found on the end on my disk back to partition table | 18:16 |
peirrer | bekks: i am trying to rdp to the vm to send the vm to the thin clients | 18:16 |
sacarlson | lesshaste: try rsync | 18:16 |
lesshaste | sacarlson, ok.. but in any case.. if I am on B I can't connec to A | 18:16 |
lesshaste | connect to | 18:16 |
bekks | peirrer: So ping is irrelevant, since RDP uses TCP/IP while ping uses ICMP. ;) | 18:16 |
bekks | peirrer: Which networking mode do you use for your vms? | 18:16 |
sacarlson | lesshaste: then reverse ssh | 18:16 |
AlexQ | bekks: and I need to select types of all partitions there | 18:17 |
bekks | AlexQ: Where? | 18:17 |
Cheekio | Installing ubuntu 14.04 server, my wireless card dongle shows up as disabled by default | 18:17 |
sacarlson | lesshaste: other option is a vpn tunnel setup | 18:17 |
AlexQ | bekks: In testdisk | 18:17 |
peirrer | bekks i used nat since i couldn't ping when using bridged | 18:17 |
lesshaste | sacarlson, ok this sounds interesting.. how do you reverse ssh? | 18:17 |
lesshaste | sacarlson, can you make the vpn tunnel with ssh? | 18:17 |
bekks | peirrer: For NAT, you need to setup portforwarding rules in vbox. | 18:17 |
sacarlson | lesshaste: openvpn | 18:17 |
troii | !mscorefonts | 18:17 |
AlexQ | bekks: These are testdisk results: , and I want to restore the last partition that has been lost | 18:17 |
Cheekio | If "lshw -C Network" displays my wireless card as connected but disabled, how do I enable it? | 18:17 |
troii | how do i install MSCOREFONTS ? | 18:18 |
OerHeks | troii, those are part of resticted extraś | 18:18 |
lesshaste | sacarlson, ok.. maybe reverse ssh is the answer.. but isn't there just a port forwarding solution? | 18:18 |
=== me is now known as Guest19201 | ||
JessyS | So. I see this in the most user list. What is a ubuntu? | 18:18 |
agent_white | Afternoon folks | 18:18 |
=== Guest19201 is now known as me2 | ||
OerHeks | troii enable 3th party stuff in softwarecenter>sources | 18:18 |
peirrer | bekks: set port forward to what? i am not quit getting it | 18:18 |
me2 | hi | 18:19 |
sacarlson | lesshaste: | 18:19 |
acovrig | Is it possible to have an OpenVPN client access a host on a different OpenVPN client’s network (and where is the best place for me to paste an ASCII diagram)? | 18:19 |
troii | ok | 18:19 |
sacarlson | lesshaste: I don't know what kind of a firewall you are working behind so I can't tell you if portforwarding is a solution | 18:19 |
lesshaste | sacarlson, interesting! | 18:19 |
bekks | peirrer: Thats explained in here, pretty well: | 18:19 |
peirrer | bekks: thank you i will try it and come back | 18:20 |
AlexQ | bekks: And before you perform quicksearch, it even tells you that there is a extended partition, but inside that extended partition there is a primary bootable partition, and this is a space conflict... as you can't have primary partitions inside an extended partition, right? | 18:20 |
lesshaste | sacarlson, | 18:20 |
lesshaste | what about something like | 18:20 |
lesshaste | ssh machineA -L 9999:machineB:22 | 18:20 |
lesshaste | unison a.tmp ssh://user@localhost:9999/a.tmp | 18:20 |
lesshaste | ? | 18:20 |
AlexQ | bekks: Like that: | 18:21 |
AlexQ | bekks: So I perform quicksearch and everything makes sense | 18:21 |
AlexQ | bekks: I'll select them all primary for now, that one that was primary bootable as primary bootable (that's Windows recovery and maybe it has to be primary bootable to work) | 18:21 |
AlexQ | (Acer D2D recovery) | 18:22 |
sacarlson | lesshaste: I don't know I've only used that from localhost but maybe that would also work, you can setup tunnels with ssh also but normaly I use openvpn for such things as that provides a way to conect the whole group A B C as if they are all on a local network | 18:24 |
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Surendil | since yesterday pidgin can't log with google i the only one? | 18:25 |
Surendil | meh, i had to ask to make it work | 18:26 |
sacarlson | acovrig: the answer is yes and no. depending on how you setup openvpn you can allow or disallow access from client to client networks as sometimes you only let clients access the central host | 18:28 |
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peirrer | bekks: i have tred port forwarding and what i did was host ip as my machine ip. port 2222. guest ip as the vm ip and guest port 22 and i can't rdp nor ping still | 18:30 |
OerHeks | doesn't rdp use port 5800/5900 ? | 18:31 |
anonymous_ | hello | 18:31 |
anonymous_ | gordon | 18:31 |
acovrig | sacarlson: is my plan, is it possible to setup routes to do that? | 18:32 |
anonymous_ | what you say?\ | 18:32 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: are you there buddy? | 18:33 |
sacarlson | acovrig: so what do you want the client to be able to do? | 18:34 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Ah yeah, I've written that to disk | 18:34 |
sacarlson | acovrig: depending on what you want you will want to disable or enable forwarding | 18:34 |
acovrig | sacarlson: access (which as I understand will be client -> server -> pfSence client -> LAN | 18:35 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: ok, did it work? | 18:35 |
twinkletoeslmfao | hello what is a .git folder for? | 18:35 |
twinkletoeslmfao | I randomly got it somehow... is it a virus? | 18:35 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Haven't checked yet :D But Parted reads that: | 18:35 |
Rylee | no | 18:35 |
Seveas | twinkletoeslmfao: for a git repository -- see | 18:35 |
vvver_111 | Well hello there. Old Spice gives you the ultimate virus protection.' | 18:35 |
EriC^^ | looks good | 18:35 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: That Acer NTFS works, just mounted | 18:36 |
twinkletoeslmfao | I never installed that though... | 18:36 |
EriC^^ | are the files there? | 18:36 |
twinkletoeslmfao | So someones taking my project? | 18:36 |
twinkletoeslmfao | Yes | 18:36 |
AlexQ | they seem to be | 18:36 |
twinkletoeslmfao | Theres many files in it | 18:36 |
EriC^^ | that's great | 18:36 |
EriC^^ | :D | 18:36 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Of course I'd need to reboot Linux to see the recovered partition | 18:36 |
twinkletoeslmfao | Wow great now all passwords and users are leaked lmfao | 18:36 |
sacarlson | acovrig: if you want client to reach server than you will want forwarding enabled on target | 18:36 |
Seveas | twinkletoeslmfao: did you git clone a repository? Or download a tarball of a repository? | 18:36 |
AlexQ | I'll reboot and let U know :D | 18:37 |
twinkletoeslmfao | No... I don't even use git | 18:37 |
EriC^^ | ok | 18:37 |
AlexQ | thanks v much! Had absolutely on idea there is such a cool tool like test disk | 18:37 |
twinkletoeslmfao | is there a way i can tell if someone has bruteforced? | 18:37 |
AlexQ | and even gdisk - is it a more user-friendly version of fdisk or what? | 18:37 |
Seveas | twinkletoeslmfao: where is the .git folder located? | 18:37 |
EriC^^ | no problem, yeah it rocks | 18:37 |
sacarlson | acovrig: I guess you might also need masquade active on target, but there are other solutions | 18:37 |
=== climbup is now known as zz_climbup | ||
twinkletoeslmfao | Seveas in the root of my project | 18:38 |
=== zz_climbup is now known as climbup | ||
EriC^^ | AlexQ: no, gdisk is for gpt disks, a user friendly version of gdisk is cgdisk btw, it's menu based and stuff | 18:38 |
twinkletoeslmfao | Has someone tried to bruteforce it and place that folder? | 18:38 |
Seveas | twinkletoeslmfao: you must have done git init at some point. What does 'git status' say? | 18:38 |
EriC^^ | there's cfdisk too ( which is like fdisk ) | 18:38 |
acovrig | twinkletoeslmfao: it makes sence, your IDE could have made it, and it makes no sence for someone to hack your system to make a .git folder... | 18:39 |
twinkletoeslmfao | fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git | 18:39 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Thanks! Of course now gdisk says there is no GPT, which is good | 18:39 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 18:39 |
Rylee | twinkletoeslmfao, `cd` into the directory that contains it first./ | 18:39 |
twinkletoeslmfao | oh lmfao | 18:39 |
SchrodingersScat | !language | twinkletoeslmfao | 18:40 |
ubottu | twinkletoeslmfao: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 18:40 |
ASHER1 | hello | 18:40 |
Seveas | twinkletoeslmfao: so you at least installed git :) | 18:40 |
ASHER1 | how i install this twistedmatrix ? | 18:40 |
twinkletoeslmfao | no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") | 18:41 |
twinkletoeslmfao | and a load of other stuff above | 18:41 |
twinkletoeslmfao | Thing is I never installed that... | 18:41 |
Seveas | twinkletoeslmfao: so you've also already made commits. Check with 'git log' :) | 18:41 |
twinkletoeslmfao | Well i havent... | 18:41 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Gonna reboot! Need to restore Windows MBR on that HDD too, because GRUB 1-st stage was installed there when I was installing Ubuntu on that pendrive I'm using now xD But maybe that's my fault. Well, should be easy fix. Now I need to have my pendrive in to boot Windows too, as 2nd stage and GRUB config is on this ext4 fs on that pendrive :D | 18:41 |
twinkletoeslmfao | Can i check for bruteforce somehow? | 18:42 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: C'ya | 18:42 |
EriC^^ | ok, c ya | 18:42 |
acovrig | twinkletoeslmfao: if you are really concerned about a bruteforce, I would recommend installing denyhosts, it watches your logs and if someone tries with wrong credentials a defined tries, it will block their IP | 18:43 |
ASHER1 | ? | 18:43 |
Rylee | it is *incredibly* unlikely that someone with the resources to "bruteforce" your machine would create a git repository on your project before taking it. | 18:43 |
acovrig | twinkletoeslmfao: are you using any IDE? | 18:43 |
Rylee | a far, far more likely scenario is that your IDE automatically put it under version control. | 18:43 |
twinkletoeslmfao | :o | 18:43 |
ASHER1 | how i install this twistedmatrix ? | 18:44 |
twinkletoeslmfao | acovrig whats a ide lmfao | 18:44 |
acovrig | twinkletoeslmfao: integrated development environment (what software are you using to develop your project)? | 18:44 |
twinkletoeslmfao | I'm just making my site as a project | 18:45 |
twinkletoeslmfao | Just a simple notepad app lmfao | 18:45 |
acovrig | twinkletoeslmfao: a lot of editors support git repositories because git is quite popular and version control is practically a nessesity in development | 18:47 |
acovrig | twinkletoeslmfao: your editior could have auto-created a git repo so you can do version control on your project | 18:47 |
tma1238 | old spice | 18:50 |
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=== climbup is now known as zz_climbup | ||
ASHER1 | how i install this twistedmatrix ? | 18:58 |
ASHER1 | !twistedmatrix | 18:58 |
ASHER1 | !info twistedmatrix | 18:58 |
=== zz_climbup is now known as climbup | ||
ubottu | Package twistedmatrix does not exist in trusty | 18:58 |
ASHER1 | :\ | 18:58 |
=== Jafura_ is now known as Jafura | ||
twinkletoeslmfao | !info denyhost | 19:00 |
ubottu | Package denyhost does not exist in trusty | 19:00 |
twinkletoeslmfao | Why? | 19:01 |
bekks | twinkletoeslmfao: Why what? | 19:01 |
twinkletoeslmfao | bekks someone said that denyhosts will block bruteforces | 19:03 |
twinkletoeslmfao | though i cant find the package | 19:03 |
bekks | twinkletoeslmfao: It isnt a package. | 19:03 |
twinkletoeslmfao | What is it then? | 19:03 |
bekks | twinkletoeslmfao: A script: | 19:04 |
Cheekio | Is wireless turned off by default in the server edition of 14.04? A fresh install seems to detect my wireless dongle, but doesn't show it in ifconfig. | 19:04 |
bekks | Cheekio: How do you know it is detected but not shown? | 19:04 |
Cheekio | it shows up in lsusb, but not in ifconfig | 19:04 |
bekks | Cheekio: Then take a look ata ifconfig -a | 19:05 |
Cheekio | Hey! There it is | 19:05 |
Cheekio | so I can just sudo ifconfig wlano up | 19:05 |
d3crypt | hey | 19:07 |
d3crypt | whats up | 19:07 |
Ray_7880 | Anyone knows a working repo for ubuntu 12.10? | 19:08 |
bekks | Ray_7880: There is none. 12.10 is not supported anymore. | 19:08 |
bekks | Ray_7880: Keep it in the channel. 12.10 is not supported anymore. You should update to 14.04 | 19:10 |
rww | !eolupgrade | 19:10 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 19:10 |
Ray_7880 | I did try to automatically update. but it did not work | 19:11 |
Seveas | Ray_7880: | 19:11 |
Seveas | Ray_7880: you can use that to upgrade to rarint and then normal to go to saucy, trusty, and utopic. | 19:12 |
bekks | Ray_7880: Of course, thts expected. | 19:12 |
Seveas | Ray_7880: or you can cut your losses, back up what you want to keep and reinstall. It'll be quicker :) | 19:12 |
bekks | Ray_7880: you cannot upgrade from 12.10 to 14.04 directly. And 12.10, 13.04 and 13.10 arent supported anymore, as well. | 19:12 |
Ray_7880 | much work..... | 19:13 |
bekks | Ray_7880: It will be more easy to backup your data and install a fresh 14.04 | 19:13 |
Seveas | Ray_7880: your own fault for not doing *anything* in 2 years :) | 19:14 |
rww | and for using a non-LTS in the first place | 19:14 |
ASHER1 | why i cant run twistedmatrix on ubuntu 14? | 19:15 |
bekks | ASHER1: What is "twistedmatrix"? And which Ubuntu 14 release do you refer to? | 19:16 |
ASHER1 | this what i see | 19:17 |
ASHER1 | qwebirc requires twisted | 19:17 |
Seveas | ASHER1: install the required twisted modules. Ubuntu packages them all separately. | 19:17 |
Seveas | ASHER1: I'm guessing you'll need at least python-twisted-words and python-twisted-web | 19:18 |
ASHER1 | i run this but i no see nothing | 19:19 |
=== me is now known as Guest38149 | ||
ASHER1 | nothing | 19:21 |
Jeremiejig | Hi there | 19:23 |
Foxhoundz | Hi there | 19:24 |
Jeremiejig | Does anyone is familiar with lvm and snapshot merge ? | 19:25 |
ASHER1 | someone to know about this | 19:25 |
Seveas | ASHER1: not without more details. What are you trying to do? What's happening? What do the logfiles say? What fixes did you try? | 19:26 |
=== sydney_had_to_go is now known as sydney | ||
ASHER1 | i try run | 19:30 |
ASHER1 | qwebirc | 19:30 |
ASHER1 | and when i try run this i see message | 19:30 |
ASHER1 | for install | 19:30 |
ASHER1 | first run, checking dependencies... | 19:31 |
ASHER1 | qwebirc requires twisted (at least 8.2.0), see | 19:31 |
Seveas | ASHER1: so install it... | 19:31 |
ASHER1 | i install this | 19:31 |
ASHER1 | but this no work | 19:31 |
ASHER1 | on ubuntu 14 | 19:31 |
Seveas | what did you install? | 19:32 |
mgalyutin | Hi, i have problem with thinkpad acpi module: there is no way to change brightness on T61. Some ideas? | 19:32 |
ASHER1 | this error what i see | 19:34 |
ASHER1 | | 19:34 |
Jeremiejig | I was wondering if merge mean merging while keeping the difference of the original volume, or just setting the content of the original volume to the snapshot being merge. | 19:34 |
Seveas | well duh, don't install twisted from source. Install the packages Ubuntu provides.. | 19:34 |
ASHER1 | ok | 19:34 |
Jeremiejig | mgalyutin, how did you try to change the brightness, with the keyboard touch only or with some option in system config ? | 19:36 |
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twinkletoeslmfao | !ops | 19:37 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 19:37 |
* rww looks up | 19:37 | |
Seveas | rww: YOu Got Trolled™ | 19:38 |
ASHER1 | nothing | 19:39 |
ASHER1 | no work | 19:39 |
ASHER1 | :\ | 19:39 |
Seveas | !doesn't work | 19:39 |
ubottu | Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 19:39 |
Jeremiejig | I know, I just have to try ... | 19:41 |
mgalyutin | Jeremiejig, actually i'm expecting to find 'brightness' contril file under '/proc/acpi/ibm/'. | 19:42 |
skyfall | how to download using torrent in ubuntu ? | 19:42 |
Fixilo | who can help me | 19:42 |
Seveas | skyfall: use transmission | 19:42 |
=== demon_spork is now known as demonspork | ||
skyfall | is it safe ? | 19:42 |
skyfall | seveas ? | 19:42 |
skyfall | why its titled as file sharing / | 19:43 |
skyfall | ? | 19:43 |
Seveas | skyfall: the downloading yes. Whether what you download is safe depends on what you download | 19:43 |
OerHeks | skyfall, our torrents are safe, others we don't know | 19:43 |
skyfall | ok. .thank you all | 19:43 |
pelerin | need a hint on why I run emacs without sudo it opens a blank file in my home path, versus the actual file in the working dir? If I use sudo it opens the file I expect... Thanks! | 19:43 |
Seveas | pelerin: which file are you trying to edit? | 19:44 |
Seveas | pelerin: also, don't use sudo emacs. At least do sudo -H emacs so it doesn't screw up your ~/.emacs, which may now have bad permissions | 19:45 |
pelerin | well, right now I'm trying to edit a Gemfile... buried deep in the filesystem | 19:45 |
pelerin | ok, I'll check the ~/.emacs | 19:45 |
Seveas | pelerin: and you're sure your user is allowed to read it? Does 'less $file' work? | 19:46 |
pelerin | yes, the permissions aren't the issue (as far as I can tell) Im the file owner | 19:46 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Unfortunately, the discovered drive doesn't work on either Windows nor Linux :( | 19:47 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: But now I have 13.6GB free space or sth, I don't remember having any space at all on Windows before that operation. I should have read the sector boundaries of the partitions on Windows; maybe using the same tool I used to convert from dynamic back to basic - EaseUS | 19:48 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: chkdsk tells that files table is damaged and it cannot fix that | 19:48 |
Surendil | AlexQ: fdisk -l | 19:49 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: yes, i was afraid of that | 19:49 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: hold on | 19:49 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: i came across this post there seem to be some tools that can be used | 19:50 |
Cheekio | I tried to create a mirrored software raid during the installation of Ubuntu 14.04 server, then installed the OS on a smaller, different drive. Will the raid show up in /dev/? | 19:50 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: But the disk is already normal Intel MBR | 19:51 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: seems that the dynamic disks use 1MB at the end of the disk when it's converted to basic it goes away, and converting back to dynamic doesn't help, the tools could undo the damage though | 19:51 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: yeah but they said it uses the 1MB to know where the data is | 19:51 |
Jeremiejig | Cheekio, normally yes, I think it will appear in /dev/mapper, or present with /dev/md-0 | 19:52 |
pelerin | alrighty!! thanks guys found the problem | 19:52 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Maybe deep search in testdisk would find where is the real beginning of these partitions? | 19:52 |
pelerin | turns out somehow my .emacs.d (in my home dir) was root:root, simply reclaimed it and it's all good! | 19:52 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: if what they said is correct, it seems that the 1MB is at the end of the disk | 19:52 |
EriC^^ | try the tools on the website | 19:53 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: But what's there? Dynamic disk allocation info? Ok, I'll have a read | 19:53 |
AlexQ | Surendil: That's testdisk log, basically what I've been trying to do to get my partition back: | 19:53 |
AlexQ | Surendil: that's the previous gdisk output: | 19:54 |
AlexQ | Surendil: fdisk output before that operation: | 19:54 |
Cheekio | Jeremiejig, it looks like it's called md0, but I can't mount it. Do I need to format md0 now? | 19:54 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: from the website "Dynamic disks contain a 1mb database which is hidden at the end to keep track of the data and not in convential partition tables. When you converted it to basic you removed these tables and so it has no idea where the data is." | 19:54 |
Cheekio | when mounting, automatic filesystem assessment fails | 19:54 |
skyfall | can we run windows applications in ubuntu ? | 19:54 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: from the website "All i say is try to get it back theres a possibility. I used umpteen recovery s/w. My tried and trusted data recovery for extreme cases is WinInternals ERD 2003/5 Disk Commander" | 19:55 |
Cheekio | Jeremiejig, this is what the installer left me with: | 19:55 |
skyfall | can we run windows applications in ubuntu ? | 19:55 |
AlexQ | su | 19:55 |
skyfall | anybody ? | 19:55 |
FatTori | what's the best way to send feedback on the gnome-disks app? | 19:55 |
Cheekio | skyfall, depends on the application | 19:56 |
AlexQ | !wine | skyfall | 19:56 |
ubottu | skyfall: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 19:56 |
Seveas | skyfall: !wine | 19:56 |
Cheekio | wine is p. good. It runs Starcraft 2 like a boss. | 19:56 |
skyfall | can anyone give me the terminal command to install wine | 19:56 |
Cheekio | It doesn't run every game, but some games it runs as good as its native os. | 19:56 |
Cheekio | sudo apt-get install wine | 19:56 |
skyfall | okay. thanks guys | 19:57 |
Cheekio | gl! | 19:57 |
Cheekio | I think you just 'wine /path/to/file.exe' | 19:57 |
Cheekio | when it's installed, but don't quote me on that. | 19:57 |
Jeremiejig | Cheekio, ok, to manage your raid system just use mdadm, But I think it is setup correctly, so you can just format it with mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0 | 19:57 |
AlexQ | Surendil: Curent fdisk -l | 19:57 |
Jeremiejig | Cheekio, or any other filesystem you want | 19:58 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: btw you said earlier you were able to mount it and view the files? | 19:58 |
Cheekio | Very cool. Thanks, this has been stopping me from setting up hardware I've owned for over a month now. | 19:58 |
Cheekio | Seems to have worked? | 19:58 |
Cheekio | Yes! df -h confirms | 19:59 |
Jeremiejig | ok ^ | 19:59 |
OerHeks | AlexQ, now you have 4 primairy, delete one, and make that space extended so you can install ubuntu | 19:59 |
Jeremiejig | Cheekio: I'm always careful with my statements | 19:59 |
AlexQ | OerHeks: I need to recover that 200GB of data that is still there somewhere, before I install Ubuntu | 20:01 |
OerHeks | AlexQ, good luck, i don't think you can now :-( | 20:02 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I've had 2 NTFS partitions: C and D, and a recovery set (it is a bit strange - 100MiB NTFS + 13.7GiB FAT) | 20:02 |
owen1 | how to stop a service from start on boot (14.04)? | 20:03 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: ok, what were you saying earlier | 20:03 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: you said you mounted it and viewed the files? | 20:03 |
EriC^^ | owen1: which service | 20:03 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: After the conversion back to basic using EaseUS, the D was joined into one piece on disk and the disk converted to basic | 20:03 |
owen1 | EriC^^: postgres/mysql/docker | 20:04 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I tried to install Ubuntu then, but gparted has still seen the whole disk as empty space | 20:04 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: but all disks were mountable | 20:04 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: after testdisk, you couldn't mount them? | 20:04 |
owen1 | ubuntu have an interesting dafault. it assumes that if i installed docker i want it to run on boot. | 20:05 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Then I needed to do some small project with support of writing, so I created ext4 partition on my 8GB pendrive and installed Ubuntu there | 20:05 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Used it two times or so and after rebooting the D drive stopped working | 20:05 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: The space became visible as unallocated space by both Windows and Linux apparently | 20:06 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: And then I came here, and then used testdisk | 20:06 |
AlexQ | (the rest of disk was still mounting correctly everywhere) | 20:06 |
EriC^^ | what happens when you mount them now? | 20:06 |
AlexQ | after testdisk, C and the recovery partitions still works | 20:06 |
AlexQ | D is no longer visible as empty space | 20:07 |
AlexQ | but is not mountable | 20:07 |
AlexQ | chkdsk on Windows cannot hlep | 20:07 |
EriC^^ | what does it say | 20:07 |
keviv | Will startup disk creator make a live USB? | 20:07 |
AlexQ | help* - cannot find files table | 20:07 |
EriC^^ | keviv: yes | 20:07 |
keviv | EriC^^: sorry, wrong word. I mean persistent | 20:08 |
EriC^^ | keviv: i don't think so, try unetbootin and select it at the bottom | 20:09 |
keviv | EriC^^: OK thanks! | 20:09 |
EriC^^ | np | 20:09 |
keviv | ^^ | 20:09 |
AlexQ | how can I pipe error output to pastebinit xD? | 20:10 |
Cheekio | Any tips on how to automatically mount on server startup? | 20:13 |
Cheekio | adding to fstba seems to not do the trick | 20:13 |
bekks | Cheekio: Then youd "did it wrong" - the fstab is the way to go. What exactly did you do? | 20:14 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda4 /mnt 2>&1 | pastebinit - that way :D So it shows that: | 20:14 |
Cheekio | Alright, trying again | 20:15 |
EriC^^ | ok | 20:17 |
Cheekio | | 20:17 |
Cheekio | Oh dammit | 20:17 |
Cheekio | That's what I get for browsing the internet | 20:17 |
Cheekio | The error message is "The disk drive for /data is not ready yet or not present." | 20:17 |
Cheekio | I was mounting via this line in fstab: | 20:18 |
Cheekio | /dev/mnt0 /data ext4 defaults 0 2 | 20:18 |
Cheekio | It's a mirrored software raid volume | 20:18 |
bekks | Cheekio: And how did you make to be named "mnt0"? | 20:19 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: which tool did you use to do the conversion? | 20:19 |
Cheekio | I think I've turned stupid | 20:19 |
Cheekio | Thanks bekks, trying with /dev/md0 | 20:19 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: The one that happened before the testdisk thing? | 20:20 |
nikis | AlexQ: if you append 2>&1 after the command you're piping to pastebinit, it will redirect error output to standard output. | 20:20 |
AlexQ | nikis: And that exactly what I wanted to do. | 20:20 |
Cheekio | Thanks, I was just doing it wrong | 20:20 |
marc____ | Hello. I managed to install Slacko Puppy 5.7 to the SSD but I cannot boot from the SSD. | 20:21 |
marc____ | I did that as I though maybe later on I can install Kubutu over Slacko Puppy 5.7 | 20:21 |
AlexQ | nikis: That way I was able to post mount error output on pastebinit | 20:21 |
bekks | marc____: You can always install an OS, overwriting the "old one". | 20:21 |
Ben64 | marc____: ok, but we can't help you here with non ubuntu linuxes | 20:21 |
ASHER1 | :\ | 20:22 |
ASHER1 | this no work | 20:22 |
marc____ | I need help with my Kubuntu, is that ok? | 20:22 |
ASHER1 | someone can please tell to me why in ubuntu 14 no work | 20:22 |
Ben64 | marc____: indeed | 20:22 |
ASHER1 | | 20:22 |
marc____ | ok | 20:22 |
marc____ | thanks | 20:22 |
ASHER1 | twisted | 20:22 |
marc____ | Is it something in linux like the old in DOS? | 20:22 |
bekks | ASHER1: You need to install the missing requirements. | 20:22 |
ASHER1 | i install everything | 20:23 |
ASHER1 | nothing | 20:23 |
bekks | marc____: there is no "" in linux :) | 20:23 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: yes, which tool did you use to do the conversion from dynamic to basic? | 20:23 |
ASHER1 | EriC | 20:23 |
bekks | ASHER1: The error message tells you that you are still missing things. | 20:23 |
marc____ | Nothing like that? | 20:23 |
bekks | marc____: Do you mean ""? | 20:23 |
marc____ | no | 20:23 |
OerHeks | ASHER1, according to there is an update 14.0.2 ? | 20:23 |
ASHER1 | yes but what i need more install | 20:23 |
ASHER1 | yes | 20:23 |
OerHeks | maybe it solves issues | 20:24 |
EriC^^ | ASHER1: ? | 20:24 |
bekks | marc____: So what is this ""? | 20:24 |
marc____ | some command to make a SSD boot by itself | 20:24 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: EaseUS Partition Master or sth like that | 20:24 |
drmagoo | ASHER1: apt-get install python-zope.interface | 20:24 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: read the "readme" or the "install" for instructions | 20:24 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: ok, that's supposed to be good | 20:24 |
bekks | marc____: Thats called a "bootloader" - and yes, in Ubuntu you most likely use "grub" or "grub2". | 20:24 |
marc____ | in DOS you write sys d:, then you remove the HD, you put it in another PC and it boots!! | 20:24 |
Ben64 | ASHER1: why not install the package "python-twisted" using the software center | 20:24 |
EriC^^ | after it did the conversion, could you see the ntfs and files? | 20:25 |
bekks | marc____: And using grub/grub2, there is another approach. | 20:25 |
schtinky | Hi everyone. Has anyone else experienced their ubuntu font size changing from restart to restart (probably based on package updates)? If so, how do I get my font back to a reasonable, non-tiny size? | 20:25 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: in Windows everything worked, in Ubuntu I was able to use all partitions rw too | 20:25 |
marc____ | the problem is that on this PC i am running XP, however I installed plop so I can boot from a USB with a linux, but not with Kubuntu as this PC is nonPAE, so then I tried a mini Ubuntu but it won't connect to the wifi router :-( | 20:25 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: The strange thingis, parted (gparted) was still seeing the whole disk as empty space ;D | 20:26 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: ok, and then what happened? | 20:26 |
bekks | marc____: does it detect your wifi adapter? | 20:27 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Then I gave up for some time, and yesterday I've installed Ubuntu from live-USB on a pendrive using ext4, and been using that | 20:27 |
marc____ | mini Ubuntu yes | 20:28 |
ASHER1 | i do this | 20:28 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: And the D drive was working, I used it in that Ubuntu... and today I'm booting to Windows and there is no D drive | 20:28 |
marc____ | I tried with 2 routers, one with authentication, the other without authentication (open) | 20:28 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Back to Ubuntu and the same | 20:28 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: wait a second | 20:29 |
ASHER1 | see | 20:29 |
ASHER1 | python-zope.interface is already the newest version. | 20:29 |
ASHER1 | The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: | 20:29 |
ASHER1 | lib32z1 libc6-i386 | 20:29 |
EriC^^ | you installed ubuntu to where? | 20:29 |
ASHER1 | everything install | 20:29 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: On a USB pendrive | 20:29 |
EriC^^ | you installed to another disk? | 20:29 |
EriC^^ | not /dev/sda | 20:29 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Yes, exactly | 20:30 |
EriC^^ | ok, you mounted /dev/sda in ubuntu | 20:30 |
EriC^^ | then the ntfs is gone | 20:30 |
EriC^^ | ? | 20:30 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Yeah, after one or two reboots | 20:30 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I think that conversion from dynamic to basic wasn't perfect, I mean it worked well for Windows for quite a time; Linux was able to mount and use these partitions too, but maybe something was wrong with that; some shift of sector boundaries or whatever, and now is the effect | 20:31 |
ASHER1 | no working | 20:31 |
ASHER1 | nothing | 20:31 |
ASHER1 | :\ | 20:31 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: that's odd | 20:31 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: But something must have modified the partition table... That's really odd | 20:32 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Well, it definitely wasn't perfect as parted was seeing the disk as empty space. | 20:32 |
marc____ | bekks: any suggestions? | 20:32 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: But technically... testdisk can scan my HDD sector by sector and find the locations of my partitions, right? | 20:33 |
EriC^^ | i guess | 20:33 |
bekks | marc____: Which wifi adapter do you have? And how did you verify that it was detected correctly? | 20:33 |
ASHER1 | someone? | 20:33 |
marc____ | It appeared on the screen. Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection | 20:34 |
nikis | AlexQ: glad I was able to help :) | 20:34 |
AlexQ | nikis: Actually, it came to my mind before you wrote - I actually thought you've been explaining me what the command I've posted will do ;D But thanks nevertheless :D | 20:35 |
marc____ | I don't remember if that was the exact name that appeared but I think it probably was | 20:35 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: So there are two options: the location of D drive is wrong, for instance it is shifted to the right or sth and nothing can find the file table, maybe it is a part of C which is before that D drive or whatever, and the second option is: the filesystem on D: is damaged | 20:35 |
nikis | AlexQ: ah. Sorry, I was scrolled up in chat, it seems, and your line asking that was the last line I saw. | 20:35 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: The quick scan might be using current partition table, or other deductions, e.g. when it encounters the beginning of a filesystem, it reads it's record and jumps to the end or sth, that's why the scanning was going on the end or sth | 20:37 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: So I think it is worth trying to turn deep scanning on testdisk, what do U think? | 20:37 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: yeah, give it a shot | 20:37 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Maybe I should dump and remove partition table first? Maybe that'll somehow make testdisk discover it from scratch too xD | 20:41 |
EriC^^ | hmm | 20:42 |
EriC^^ | did you try the deep search | 20:42 |
EriC^^ | usually in the first 20secs or so it finds everything | 20:42 |
brent | Anyone have any idea about this error message Oct 18 20:13:15 ubuntu-server rpc.mountd[7503]: /media/user/TV3 and /media/user/MOVIES1 have same filehandle for, using first. ? | 20:43 |
=== scott is now known as Guest21616 | ||
spekje | brent: never heard the problem but i found : | 20:45 |
brent | funny ive been reading that | 20:45 |
spekje | :) | 20:45 |
brent | what comes to mind now is that the shares may have a folder name as the other? | 20:46 |
spekje | how do you mean? | 20:46 |
=== Guest21616 is now known as j0V | ||
brent | although one is a movies folder and the other a tv which i know has nothing with similar named folders | 20:46 |
brent | though i doubt it would refuse to share the folder because of a folder name the same | 20:47 |
madsy | I just recently upgraded med Lenovo G780 to Ubuntu 14.04, and now my microphone port only gives mono output on the left channel. Anyone knows what could be the cause? | 20:48 |
madsy | s/med/my | 20:49 |
madsy | Nothing seems out of the ordinary in the PulseAudio Volume Control | 20:50 |
marc____ | Now that it looks quiet: Anyone can help me please? I need to sort this out. I can't believe it is not possible to make it work | 20:50 |
madsy | marc____: Quiet? I just asked a question :-P | 20:51 |
marc____ | it was much busier minutes ago | 20:51 |
brent | what was the question | 20:52 |
marc____ | I am sorry madsy I don't know the answer to your question | 20:52 |
ASHER1 | how i can install from python this module? | 20:52 |
ASHER1 | twisted.python.dist | 20:53 |
marc____ | How to install Kubuntu in my difficult circumstances, no BIOS support for USB boot, so I tried plop, then booted from USB but on this PC I have noPAE so it didn't work | 20:53 |
marc____ | then I tried miniUbuntu but it didn't connect to the internet and from there you can't continue | 20:54 |
brent | no dvd? | 20:54 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: install python-twisted? | 20:54 |
marc____ | DVD via USB only as the DVD space is where the SSD is located, (I am trying to install it to the SSD) | 20:54 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: i bet the stuff you want to install came with some sort of install instructions. why dont you read that? | 20:55 |
brent | another machine? take the ssd to a working machine and do it there? | 20:55 |
brent | :/ | 20:55 |
marc____ | the SSD now is secondary disk on this PC running XP, I want to remove it and put it in a very similar PC (however I think that one is PAE) | 20:55 |
marc____ | I only have 2 PC, one is this one, the other one does not have any HD, SSD, etc | 20:55 |
k1l_ | ssd and the BIOS doesnt boot from usb and got no PAE? | 20:55 |
OerHeks | marc____, ssd and XP, is your bios set to AHCI ? | 20:55 |
k1l_ | i doubt that is working at all | 20:56 |
=== ee99ee2 is now known as ee99ee | ||
OerHeks | me too | 20:56 |
marc____ | no support for AHCI in bios, I don't want to install XP, XP is running on this PC on the HD (no SSD) | 20:56 |
OerHeks | marc____, change machine to one with AHCI | 20:56 |
brent | mar does the working pc have a dvd drive? howd you get windows on it | 20:57 |
marc____ | what happens if I don't have AHCI and I try to use the SSD ? | 20:57 |
marc____ | I installed windows via PXE long ago at a University | 20:57 |
k1l_ | marc____: i really suggest you first make sure your setup with ssd will work at all before you waste hours installing onto that ssd | 20:57 |
OerHeks | ide mode/not ahci is not supported under linux | 20:58 |
marc____ | I read on the web that it works but maybe it was wrong info | 20:58 |
Quatroking | Hi, I'm planning on running a local copy of vichan on my laptop for development purposes, does Ubuntu already have the following software? PHP >= 5.3, mbstring, PHP GD and PHP PDO | 20:58 |
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compdoc | marc____, it runs slower, and doesnt support trim, ect I think | 20:59 |
marc____ | what is this one then? | 20:59 |
k1l_ | marc____: its not about kubuntu running on ssd or not. its about your hardware supports the ssd or not | 21:01 |
marc____ | I see | 21:01 |
k1l_ | marc____: if your hardware is that old (no usb boot, no PAE) i doubt that will work with ssd at all | 21:01 |
marc____ | SSD is working under XP however is very slow | 21:02 |
k1l_ | on that machine? | 21:02 |
compdoc | ubuntu supports ide mode | 21:02 |
marc____ | yes | 21:02 |
OerHeks | compdoc, never got it working | 21:02 |
marc____ | but as storage only, it is not installed there | 21:03 |
marc____ | it is a secondary disk to store large files at the moment | 21:03 |
Goldwing | Uhmm.. why would you use a SSD with IDE mode? it's like riding a ferrari on a dirt road only... | 21:03 |
lebread | !ops | 21:03 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 21:03 |
marc____ | I didn't know when I bought it | 21:03 |
Goldwing | marc____ : i dont know if you have a (old) regular harddrive, if you do, i wouldn't use the SSD, i would save it, and wait till i have newer hardware that does support the SSD | 21:06 |
k1l_ | marc____: ok, so your hardware works with that ssd (since windows xp is running on that). what is the issue now | 21:07 |
Goldwing | you won't gain any speed by using the SSD, it would only wear it down.. waiste of money and a perfectly good SSD | 21:08 |
ASHER1 | then someone dont know about this? | 21:08 |
compdoc | ssds are cheap | 21:08 |
marc____ | just to make clear, winxp is not running over the SSD, but I can still use the SSD to store info while in XP and it works very slow | 21:08 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: did you read what i told you? | 21:08 |
Goldwing | compdoc : reg harddrives are cheaper | 21:08 |
ASHER1 | no | 21:08 |
ankk | hi. | 21:08 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: so scroll back and read it. | 21:08 |
ASHER1 | i no see what you write | 21:08 |
ankk | how can i list all packages related to python ? | 21:09 |
ankk | all installed packages | 21:09 |
ASHER1 | k1l | 21:09 |
ASHER1 | what you write? | 21:09 |
k1l_ | ankk: dpkg -l | grep python | 21:09 |
marco008 | hi | 21:09 |
Goldwing | Hi | 21:09 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: scroll back and read it. there is no sense in me answering you if you dont even read it | 21:09 |
ASHER1 | ohh | 21:10 |
marco008 | this nice | 21:10 |
ASHER1 | i see now | 21:10 |
ASHER1 | sorry i no to be in here | 21:10 |
ASHER1 | this what you ask | 21:10 |
ASHER1 | k1l_> ASHER1: install python-twisted? | 21:10 |
ASHER1 | then yes | 21:10 |
ASHER1 | i do everything | 21:10 |
ASHER1 | i used with ubuntu 14 | 21:10 |
k1l_ | marc____: ok, so the very slow is due to the fact not beeing run properly with the bios, imho | 21:10 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: what is your endgoal? | 21:10 |
ankk | k1l_ how can i uninstall and reinstall all of them? | 21:10 |
bekks | ankk: Why do you want to do that? | 21:11 |
ASHER1 | to install | 21:11 |
k1l_ | ankk: what is your real issue? | 21:11 |
ankk | there are ome permission problems of files | 21:11 |
ankk | some* | 21:11 |
bekks | ankk: Which ones? | 21:11 |
ankk | in files python's packages | 21:11 |
=== Anuska is now known as [RIP]Anuska | ||
ASHER1 | this what i see when i try install | 21:11 |
ASHER1 | first run, checking dependencies... | 21:11 |
ASHER1 | qwebirc requires twisted (at least 8.2.0), see | 21:11 |
bekks | ankk: Which permission problem in particular? | 21:12 |
ankk | bekks | 21:12 |
Cheekio | I know there's a solution to ssh-agent and ssh-add on startup, but I always spend an hour figuring it out when I need to do it | 21:12 |
Cheekio | Any tips on how to unlock id_rsa on login? | 21:12 |
bekks | ankk: That files are not provided by any package. | 21:13 |
bekks | ankk: Or are they? | 21:13 |
ankk | bekks the real problem is | 21:13 |
OerHeks | Cheekio, ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa | 21:13 |
Cheekio | "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent." | 21:14 |
bekks | ankk: pip is to be used using sudo. | 21:14 |
Cheekio | Ubuntu 14.04 server here | 21:15 |
ankk | bekks pythoners says don't use sudo with pip | 21:15 |
ankk | bekks also i tried sudo, it gives same error | 21:15 |
KnightKiller | hello the NetworkManager is broken after doing an upgrading to 14.10. I used wicd instead but that's no really a solution since it doesn't manage UMTS sticks | 21:16 |
OerHeks | !14.10 | 21:16 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at | 21:16 |
bekks | ankk: So which package provides the file that you dont have permissions for? According to it isnt an official Ubuntu package, | 21:16 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: so you want to install qwebirc? | 21:16 |
KnightKiller | thanks OerHeks | 21:17 |
ankk | bekks it is pypi i think | 21:17 |
keviv | zc.queue is Zope Interface Queues | 21:17 |
bekks | ankk: according to the package content - no. | 21:17 |
Cheekio | !ssh-agent | 21:18 |
keviv | bekks: | 21:18 |
Cheekio | !ssh-add | 21:18 |
Cheekio | !id_rsa | 21:18 |
bekks | keviv: The point is, that not an Ubuntu package. | 21:18 |
keviv | bekks: exactly | 21:18 |
ASHER1 | yes | 21:19 |
ASHER1 | and i install everything | 21:19 |
keviv | bekks: it's a python-specific issue, but I think they want to know how to formulate a command to automate reinstalls | 21:19 |
ASHER1 | | 21:19 |
ASHER1 | i do everything | 21:19 |
FooDestro | !ping | 21:20 |
ubottu | pong! | 21:20 |
bekks | keviv: He is trying to reinstall packages, which will not solve his permission problems | 21:20 |
keviv | bekks: it will not? | 21:20 |
bekks | keviv: No. | 21:20 |
keviv | bekks: and why? | 21:20 |
bekks | keviv: Because the file mentioned in the error message is not provided by any Ubuntu package. | 21:21 |
keviv | bekks: I mean through pip | 21:21 |
bekks | keviv: And reinstalling pip will nit solve that issue. | 21:21 |
keviv | bekks: no no. Reinstall all packages maintained by pip via pip | 21:21 |
bekks | keviv: pip installed something which has wrong permissions. It will not magically change permissions upon reinstall. | 21:22 |
keviv | bekks: it seems as though he sudo pip install --user 'ed something | 21:22 |
bekks | keviv: The way to go would asking the packager maintainer in the pip repos to fix those broken permissions. | 21:23 |
keviv | bekks: permissions are not handled by maintainers? | 21:23 |
bekks | keviv: The who tells a file in a package "ok, you are an executable."? | 21:24 |
bekks | *Then | 21:24 |
ankk | hey guys | 21:24 |
keviv | bekks: pip :) | 21:24 |
ankk | | 21:24 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1306991 in python-pip (Ubuntu) "pip stops with ImportError for request-Modul" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 21:24 |
keviv | bekks: anyway, just trying to explain what I got out of the discussion in #python | 21:24 |
ankk | --- this comment solved my problem | 21:25 |
ankk | it is ubuntu package problem.. | 21:25 |
keviv | ankk: oh you were using Ubuntu's pip | 21:25 |
ankk | yeap | 21:25 |
hexafraction | Is it appropriate to ask for software recommendations in this channel? | 21:25 |
keviv | ankk: not a bad thing, but that changes some things | 21:25 |
ankk | :) | 21:26 |
ankk | sometimes in good manner sometimes bad | 21:26 |
roberto_ | Tascam US322 and Linux | 21:26 |
=== NEWy007 is now known as Blueer | ||
OerHeks | roberto_, there is a wiki for that | 21:29 |
roberto_ | OK | 21:29 |
OerHeks | oops 122, wrong one | 21:29 |
roberto_ | Ain't the same thing..... | 21:29 |
=== jmc75_ is now known as jmc75 | ||
roberto_ | Did someone manage this audio card to work? | 21:30 |
ASHER1 | someone? | 21:31 |
=== monotok is now known as monotok_ | ||
camtron | dd has been running for quite a while now, and I use "pkill -USR1 dd" to check its progress, but pkill seems to hang now. I typed the pkill command 10 minutes ago and it's still hung there and hasn't done anything. | 21:36 |
F0GTS | hi there ! :D | 21:38 |
F0GTS | i'm on Lubuntu 14.04, i need to install the package ' libqwt6-qt4 ' | 21:39 |
F0GTS | can't find it in synaptic nor apt-get... :/ | 21:39 |
seed_ | hi | 21:39 |
vitimiti | Hi | 21:44 |
=== Stu| is now known as Stu|[A] | ||
a3 | hi guys, I have some problems with switching with different wifi networks. I manage my network through /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/wpa_supplicant. When I change network name and password, I must restard my system before it takes effect. Is there any way to apply to changes directly? | 21:47 |
Quatroking | what's the difference between apt-get and aptitude? | 21:47 |
OerHeks | Quatroking, just 2 ways of installing, both front-ends to dpkg, some say aptitude is more user friendly, i don't know why | 21:50 |
Quatroking | I've only ever used apt-get | 21:50 |
OerHeks | aptitude had a little problem supporting multi-arch, but that is solved | 21:51 |
OerHeks | !aptitude | 21:52 |
ubottu | aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter multiarch problems on non-updated 12.04 installs, see for more information. | 21:52 |
OerHeks | well well to apt they say | 21:52 |
el3 | Hi. I got a jquerymobile webapp. It looks good on phones and windows browsers. But on ubuntu it looks bad. Should I add additional libraries on the app or what? | 21:54 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: follow that instructions: | 21:56 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: it explains everything you need. if you read that there should not be any questions | 21:57 |
keviv | el3: which browser? | 21:57 |
el3 | sorry mate | 21:57 |
el3 | it was not ubuntus fault | 21:57 |
el3 | it was because I ran it on a local lamp server | 21:58 |
bt4 | hi, I've just done a fresh install of 14.04. However it seems .xinitrc is not being sourced on boot. | 21:58 |
bt4 | Any clues? | 21:58 |
bt4 | I also tried renaming .xinitrc to .xsessionrc | 21:58 |
bt4 | Still doesn't work | 21:58 |
el3 | or wanted to work on the app on the lampserver. If i connect to the app from ubuntu while hosted on a raspberrypi lamp server, it looks just like it should. | 21:59 |
madsy | I found a workaround for my question. If pulseaudio incorrectly detects a source as stereo, you can remap it as mono with the module "module-remap-source" | 22:06 |
ASHER1 | ok i try very much | 22:08 |
ASHER1 | and i see ubuntu 14 no support | 22:09 |
ASHER1 | python-twisted? | 22:09 |
bekks | !info python-twisted | 22:09 |
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest63140 | ||
ubottu | python-twisted (source: twisted): Event-based framework for internet applications (dependency package). In component main, is extra. Version 13.2.0-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 3 kB, installed size 53 kB | 22:09 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: did you follow the steps that are shown in the installation howto? | 22:10 |
bekks | ASHER1: sudo apt-get install python-twisted | 22:10 |
ASHER1 | i do this | 22:10 |
ASHER1 | no work | 22:10 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: no | 22:10 |
ASHER1 | in ubuntu 10 | 22:10 |
ASHER1 | is work good | 22:10 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: you just need to read that and follow the tutorial. | 22:10 |
ASHER1 | | 22:10 |
ASHER1 | i do everything friend | 22:11 |
ASHER1 | really | 22:11 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: then show us the command and the error in a pastebin | 22:11 |
k1l_ | !paste | ASHER1 | 22:11 |
ubottu | ASHER1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 22:11 |
ASHER1 | this no my first time | 22:11 |
ASHER1 | ok | 22:11 |
=== rom1504_ is now known as rom1504 | ||
AlexQ | testdisk full scan has just finished running... | 22:12 |
EriC^^ | whew | 22:12 |
ASHER1 | | 22:12 |
ASHER1 | this a error | 22:12 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: error from what? | 22:12 |
bt4 | !paste | 22:12 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 22:12 |
bt4 | How do I see a list of bot commands for the channel like !paste? | 22:13 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: did you write to disk? | 22:13 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: ok, please show me the command and the output when you install all the packages that are needed to run qwebirc | 22:13 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: maybe if set them as extended partitions? | 22:13 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: just the way they were? | 22:13 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: hint: you did not read the install howto and you missed some packages. and i am not going to spell you that all packages since its already written in the howto, but you dont read it. | 22:14 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: | 22:15 |
AlexQ | that is the output | 22:15 |
AlexQ | and previously there was a mess | 22:15 |
AlexQ | while scanning | 22:15 |
AlexQ | but that indeed was a scan cylinder by cylinder | 22:15 |
AlexQ | well, the log is written, so everything will be posted after I close that app | 22:15 |
AlexQ | even a 126MiB Linux partition was in the middle of that D one | 22:16 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I have no clue how it could find a partition of 1348.538808346 MiB xD | 22:17 |
linuxnoob | Can someone please help me get this N300 USB wifi working with ndiswrapper? | 22:17 |
EriC^^ | :D | 22:17 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: GiB! | 22:18 |
AlexQ | but the menu looks like that now: | 22:18 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: try to list the files | 22:19 |
k1l_ | linuxnoob: see this thread that is marked as solved: | 22:19 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Look at the menu, now there is a bit of a mess, two "Acer" partitions starting at the same cylinder etc. | 22:19 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 22:19 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: List files on which one? | 22:19 |
EriC^^ | one is bigger | 22:19 |
EriC^^ | the acer one | 22:20 |
EriC^^ | and the lower ntfs one too | 22:20 |
EriC^^ | below no name | 22:20 |
AlexQ | yeah, that one seems to be exactly the same as the previous scans, isn't it? | 22:20 |
EriC^^ | acer? | 22:21 |
EriC^^ | well there are two now | 22:21 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: No, the last one. | 22:21 |
EriC^^ | i think so | 22:21 |
EriC^^ | give it a shot | 22:21 |
EriC^^ | press p | 22:21 |
EriC^^ | if nothing's there press q | 22:21 |
EriC^^ | try both acer's | 22:21 |
=== hari_ is now known as h4r1 | ||
EriC^^ | and the lower ntfs | 22:21 |
AlexQ | The smaller Acer seems right, will check that first, as it might crash... | 22:22 |
EriC^^ | ah | 22:22 |
EriC^^ | well | 22:22 |
EriC^^ | why not | 22:22 |
EriC^^ | write it | 22:22 |
AlexQ | well, I've just pressed enter instead of print, what the heck | 22:22 |
linuxnoob | I don't think I'll make any headway without fixing the ndiswrapper error first: " modprobe ndiswrapper modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'ndiswrapper': Exec format error" | 22:22 |
AlexQ | and I can't go back there | 22:22 |
EriC^^ | no way | 22:22 |
bt4 | !list | 22:23 |
ubottu | bt4: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 22:23 |
EriC^^ | q doesn't work? | 22:23 |
Cheekio | When you unlock a key in ubuntu desktop you can click 'automatically unlock this key at login', how do you do that for ubuntu server? | 22:23 |
AlexQ | I'm just in main menu and all the results are gone ;/ | 22:23 |
OerHeks | backtrack 4 is so old | 22:23 |
bekks | Cheekio: Thats available in desktop environments only. | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: that sucks | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: i found something online | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | !info recuva | 22:24 |
ubottu | Package recuva does not exist in trusty | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | hm | 22:24 |
Cheekio | How do people set up backup servers? I need to be able to passwordlessly ssh into remote boxes after login | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | !find recuva | 22:24 |
ubottu | Package/file recuva does not exist in trusty | 22:24 |
bt4 | !info recuva | 22:24 |
ASHER1 | k1l_ | 22:24 |
ASHER1 | yes i do this | 22:24 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: But the partition of my interest, the last NTFS one is exactly the same as the scan results... | 22:25 |
AlexQ | the quick scan results | 22:25 |
Cheekio | thanks for the info bekks, even if I didn't like the answer. | 22:25 |
ASHER1 | but this no work | 22:25 |
ASHER1 | beacuse error | 22:25 |
linuxnoob | I have tried remove --purge ndiswrapper* twice and reinstalled but this stupid error won't go away | 22:25 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: no | 22:25 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: the error is because you dont install all that is needed | 22:26 |
bekks | linuxnoob: Because that device is not supported by the driver you used. | 22:26 |
EriC^^ | !info photorec | 22:26 |
ubottu | Package photorec does not exist in trusty | 22:26 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: so show me the command where you install the packages to prove that | 22:26 |
ASHER1 | then what i need install? | 22:26 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: rofl | 22:26 |
ASHER1 | rofl? | 22:26 |
ASHER1 | this | 22:26 |
linuxnoob | has all the info on it.. there must be something I'm missing | 22:27 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: it is written in the homepage linked you and told you to read. | 22:27 |
ASHER1 | :\ | 22:27 |
ASHER1 | k1l | 22:27 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: why dont you read it? | 22:27 |
ASHER1 | where? | 22:27 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: do you want to make us angry=? | 22:27 |
ASHER1 | no | 22:27 |
ASHER1 | but show to me | 22:28 |
ASHER1 | where i need read | 22:28 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: i linked it already. scroll back and read what i wrote you | 22:28 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: And the Linux FS found inside that last NTFS might be just a trace of a header, couldn't it? | 22:28 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: last time now: if you dont read the answers stop asking in here! | 22:28 |
linuxnoob | bekks it shows hardware present in ndisgtk | 22:28 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: yeah maybe | 22:28 |
bekks | linuxnoob: And the driver you installed does not support it. Thats what the error message clearly states. | 22:29 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: how'd it frkin disappear in the first place though | 22:29 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: No idea xD | 22:29 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: But... maybe I should try to use the ending of the largest "Acer" drive | 22:29 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: i'm searching google | 22:29 |
AlexQ | as the beginning of the "D" drive | 22:29 |
AlexQ | and see what happens | 22:29 |
mustafaaloan | hye | 22:29 |
AlexQ | how might it be so hard to just find a partition table of a NTFS drive :O? | 22:29 |
AlexQ | ee, file table* | 22:30 |
linuxnoob | so what do I need to do? this 25page thread has examples of where people used the exact same driver, same method, same hardware | 22:30 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 22:30 |
bekks | AlexQ: A filesystem does not have a partition table. | 22:30 |
bekks | linuxnoob: you need to use a driver that supports your hardware. | 22:30 |
AlexQ | bekks: Files table* I wanted to say | 22:30 |
EriC^^ | bekks: it's complaining about a file table | 22:30 |
EriC^^ | any idea what that is? | 22:30 |
bekks | AlexQ: It might be overwritten. | 22:30 |
AlexQ | bekks: But how does testdisk find a partition there? With a sensible size and location | 22:31 |
linuxnoob | bekks if you have a better solution than in these 25 pages devoted to my exact hardware I'm all ears. Where's the 'better' driver? | 22:31 |
bekks | AlexQ: NTFS has a file allocation table, which basically is a bitmap file which stores the information where which file is located in the filesystem. | 22:31 |
bekks | linuxnoob: For telling you that, you have to tell us the exact chipset of your wifi device. | 22:31 |
ASHER1 | ok i read and this no help to me very much i do everything i install everything i no doing something worrng k1l | 22:32 |
linuxnoob | 43321 | 22:32 |
lucian | can i ask you a stupid question? | 22:32 |
bekks | linuxnoob: Thats a number, not a chipset. | 22:32 |
bekks | linuxnoob: Which chipset does your device have? | 22:32 |
AlexQ | bekks: Yeah, a file table let's say. There is no partition table at all, I've overwritten it with 0s using dd just to make sure it doesn't rely on that data xD | 22:32 |
linuxnoob | BCM43231 | 22:32 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: pastebin the command you used to prove you installed all packages | 22:33 |
ASHER1 | ok | 22:33 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: | 22:33 |
linuxnoob | bekks I need the usb version of BCM43231 | 22:34 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: this seems promising | 22:34 |
EriC^^ | testdisk can repair the mft | 22:34 |
EriC^^ | " If Microsoft's Checkdisk (chkdsk) failed to repair the MFT, run TestDisk. In the Advanced menu, select your NTFS partition, choose Boot, then Repair MFT." | 22:35 |
Gamara | Hello I'm trying to run gnome-system-tools but when I try to open it from terminal it freezes and when I click it, it outputs this message in terminal Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_device_get_n_axes: assertion 'gdk_device_get_source (device) != GDK_SOURCE_KEYBOARD' failed | 22:35 |
ASHER1 | k1l | 22:35 |
ASHER1 | take | 22:35 |
ASHER1 | | 22:35 |
Gamara | specifically I'm trying to open users-admin | 22:36 |
Sogeking99 | Hey guys. I am having trouble with ubuntu. My screen kind of doesn't fit on the screen. I move the mouse to the far right and it comes out the other side. Get what I mean? | 22:36 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: no "," in between | 22:36 |
bekks | linuxnoob: That particular device is not supported by native drivers - you need to find a working ndiswrapper driver. | 22:36 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: then start the command | 22:36 |
ASHER1 | ok | 22:37 |
reisio | Sogeking99: bump scrolling :) | 22:37 |
Gamara | I'm running 14.04.1 ubuntu btw | 22:37 |
ASHER1 | sudo apt-get install python-zope.interface | 22:37 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: That's interesting indeed. But I am not certain if the positions found are good, at the first place - there is too much free space in C and there is empty space left after that D: drive, I don't recall having either | 22:37 |
EriC^^ | does where it ends matter? | 22:37 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I think start matters, and maybe it starts too soon? | 22:38 |
ASHER1 | k1l | 22:38 |
ASHER1 | this what i see | 22:38 |
ASHER1 | python-zope.interface is already the newest version. | 22:38 |
ASHER1 | The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: | 22:38 |
ASHER1 | lib32z1 libc6-i386 | 22:38 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: i think so too | 22:38 |
k1l_ | !paste | ASHER1 | 22:38 |
ubottu | ASHER1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 22:38 |
Sogeking99 | I can press control alt f2 to get to terminal. Can I reset my drivers to the default open source ones? | 22:38 |
ASHER1 | sorry | 22:38 |
ASHER1 | | 22:38 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: what would happen if you make 1 single huge ntfs partition | 22:38 |
Gamara | My user permissions and groups are all messed up because I reinstalled the operating system and kept the home partition, would be nice if I could use a GUI interface to do it | 22:38 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: no! | 22:38 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: show all in pastebinit. not only parts | 22:39 |
ASHER1 | you talk about this twisted? | 22:39 |
ASHER1 | or qwebirc? | 22:39 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: where's the mft found anyways, at the beginning part? | 22:39 |
lucian | anyone has a program to boost my wifi signal? | 22:39 |
Sogeking99 | ? | 22:40 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: please copy all the terminal you see into pastebin | 22:40 |
AlexQ | bekks: Have a look... full scan gives something like that: The right boundaries of cylinder range seem to be the number of the next cylinder after the partition end, in that TestDisk printout. There are three different endings of the same partition found labeled "Acer", one of which is actually ending after the end of the last NTFS found | 22:40 |
k1l_ | ASHER1: _all_ | 22:40 |
bekks | lucian: you need hardware for doing that, not software :) | 22:40 |
ASHER1 | ok | 22:40 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: it seems it's at the beginning | 22:40 |
lucian | i was afraid you will answer like that :))) | 22:40 |
EriC^^ | anyways, try to extend the partition i guess | 22:40 |
bekks | AlexQ: And what are you actually trying to achieve? | 22:41 |
linuxnoob | bekks I've gone through the ndiswrapper stuff already, this post is where I'm at. | 22:41 |
AlexQ | bekks: I am trying to get my last NTFS partition back to life | 22:41 |
AlexQ | bekks: It has disappeared | 22:41 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: use the deep search and get it back, and try the mft repair thing | 22:41 |
bekks | linuxnoob: And that driver does not support your hardware. | 22:41 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: the start should be the same right? | 22:41 |
Sogeking99 | Is there a command I can use to get back to the open source drivers? I think the ati ones caused this problem | 22:41 |
linuxnoob | Well can you help? | 22:41 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: But the result for the last partition is exactly the same as for quick search, and MFT repair is performed on a partition, not the whole disk I guess | 22:41 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: So I think I might have a go | 22:42 |
bekks | linuxnoob: I cant help you with ndiswrapper. | 22:42 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 22:42 |
EriC^^ | give it a shot | 22:42 |
AlexQ | bekks: I am trying to recover the last partition from my HDD, NTFS one. It just disappeared somehow | 22:42 |
linuxnoob | Can anyone please help me get N300 usb wifi working? | 22:43 |
Sogeking99 | Don't mean to be a pain but all my coursework is on this computer | 22:43 |
k1l_ | Sogeking99: remove the fglrx package. that is the amd video driver | 22:44 |
AlexQ | bekks: But it was a single block of disk space, so it should be possible to find it's beginning, and that's what TestDisk theoretically does, isn't it? How is that it can determine it's size, beginning and type without partition table at all, but can't list the files as "file system is corrupt", and neither Windows nor anything can rescue that? | 22:44 |
Sogeking99 | What's the command for that? The interface isn't working | 22:44 |
k1l_ | Sogeking99: sudo apt-get remove fglrx | 22:45 |
bekks | AlexQ: If the beginning or the end were overwritten, you will not find it. | 22:45 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Extending that partition to the end of the HDD is a good idea, maybe the MFT mirror is somewhere there | 22:45 |
AlexQ | bekks: But TestDisk has found a partition, look: | 22:46 |
bekks | AlexQ: testdisk has found a partition, but you dont know wether it is the one you are looking for. | 22:46 |
=== Boss is now known as Guest32206 | ||
vitimiti | Bye | 22:49 |
AlexQ | bekks: Yeah, that might be a "header" of a former state of that partition, e.g. that was there before the partition was resized or sth, yeah? | 22:49 |
bekks | AlexQ: I may be a partition that was deleted years ago, and which signatures did not get overwritten meanwhile. | 22:50 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: i think its | 22:50 |
EriC^^ | the lower ntfs | 22:50 |
EriC^^ | look at the partitions | 22:50 |
EriC^^ | the first acer ends at 10721, the lower one starts at 10721 | 22:50 |
EriC^^ | it makes sense, the other larger acer doesnt | 22:50 |
OerHeks | i still wonder what makes you think that any partition survived that extended to normal partition operation | 22:50 |
EriC^^ | nevermind | 22:51 |
EriC^^ | i guess you didn't have 2 ntfs before | 22:51 |
brent | anyone here able to explain how fsid=0 etc works with nfs server | 22:51 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I had 2 NTFS before, + that recovery shit | 22:51 |
EriC^^ | try writing those 2 partitions | 22:52 |
AlexQ | that two that the ending of the first corresponds to the beginning of the second? | 22:52 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 22:52 |
EriC^^ | the smaller acer and the lower ntfs | 22:52 |
EriC^^ | below no name | 22:52 |
EriC^^ | what was the size of the partitions you had | 22:53 |
AlexQ | I remember the NTFS one was exactly 200GB | 22:53 |
AlexQ | aaaand yeah, there might have been empty space still after it! Sorry | 22:53 |
AlexQ | now I remember | 22:53 |
EriC^^ | ok | 22:53 |
EriC^^ | do the sector stuff | 22:54 |
EriC^^ | 419430400 | 22:54 |
AlexQ | I've been keeping empty space after it for Ubuntu, but I couldn't install anything there | 22:54 |
AlexQ | that is exactly the correct size | 22:54 |
EriC^^ | 200GB ? | 22:54 |
AlexQ | but I think the beginning might be wrong | 22:54 |
EriC^^ | why | 22:54 |
AlexQ | 'cause I think I had to shrink C | 22:54 |
AlexQ | and there is too much empty space on C if I do this | 22:55 |
AlexQ | eeh, I don't know, but that won't work 'cause the location of D: will be exactly the same (the 200GiB one) | 22:55 |
AlexQ | maybe I could try to run that TestDisk MFT recovery | 22:56 |
EriC^^ | try to get those 2 back | 22:57 |
EriC^^ | could the beginning be 1784? | 22:57 |
ankk | can you help? | 22:58 |
k1l_ | ankk: why do you want to install as root in a users home? | 22:58 |
ankk | k1l_ its document says that | 22:59 |
ankk | | 22:59 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: i think the 1797 is correct | 22:59 |
MintNixs | anyone mind helping for just a sec i'm wanting to install wire shark but not sure witch package to install. I'm running mint 17 with cin on a a old hp box | 23:00 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: try to select the 1st,2nd,4th and 7th partitions | 23:00 |
bekks | !mint | MintNixs | 23:00 |
ubottu | MintNixs: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 23:00 |
EriC^^ | and write them to disk | 23:00 |
AlexQ | that contains the output from the deeper scan | 23:00 |
AlexQ | that TestDisk log | 23:00 |
AlexQ | it is pretty detailed | 23:01 |
MintNixs | yeah i tried but wasn't anyone answering | 23:01 |
MintNixs | ok thanks for the help | 23:01 |
k1l_ | ankk: you did read the first line on that side? | 23:03 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: you think that cylinder stuff matters? | 23:03 |
Triade | join #bolsa | 23:03 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: is that just for testdisk's searching ability | 23:03 |
ankk | k1l_ same.. | 23:03 |
ankk | You should have checked out a cds-indico directory. cd into it and simply do (as root): | 23:04 |
ankk | k1l_ i just pasted wrong url.. i was in that page :) | 23:04 |
k1l_ | ankk: see make sure you got all depencies mentioned there | 23:04 |
ankk | k1l_ i've all of them | 23:04 |
ankk | there isn't dependency problem. | 23:04 |
k1l_ | ankk: what baout the recommended install procedure? | 23:05 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: the current number of heads per cylinder is 255 but the correct value may be 240. | 23:05 |
EriC^^ | the error | 23:06 |
ankk | k1l_ it gives error | 23:06 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Yeah, I tried to change that, remember? But then quick search would produce errors that the value stored in NTFS partitions is the default one | 23:06 |
ankk | k1l_ | 23:07 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I am trying that boot recovery you've sent to me. On that partition: | 23:07 |
AlexQ | both boot sectors are fine and identical, so I guess that is sensible | 23:07 |
AlexQ | may'be I'll try to Repair MFT then? | 23:07 |
k1l_ | ankk: ok, did you read that error message you pasted? | 23:08 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: :(( | 23:09 |
EriC^^ | whats a lightweight mp3 player? i like rhythmbox but it doesn't load most of the time, and clementine just feels heavy | 23:09 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I run "rebuild BS" | 23:09 |
k1l_ | ankk: errormessages are there for a reason, it explains very good what the problem is. you need root rights for this command since it installs stuff into system directories. so you need to preface sudo before that command. | 23:09 |
ankk | k1l_ yes and i tried as root or via sudo many times | 23:09 |
ankk | i always gets errors | 23:10 |
reisio | EriC^^: GUI?... | 23:10 |
k1l_ | ankk: pastebin it | 23:10 |
EriC^^ | reisio: yeah | 23:10 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: gmusicbrowser maybe? It's used on Xubuntu. | 23:10 |
reisio | EriC^^: audacious is the winamp equivalent | 23:10 |
EriC^^ | reisio: i tried to download once | 23:10 |
EriC^^ | got an error | 23:10 |
computa_mike | got a wierd thing going on with my ubuntu 14.04 install - well a couple of wierd things, but i have a workround for one of them. For some reason the left mouse button doesn't work, but the track pad click does. How do I trouble shoot it? | 23:10 |
reisio | quodlibet is a nice xine frontend | 23:10 |
EriC^^ | let me try hope it works | 23:10 |
reisio | has good rating & tagging stuff | 23:10 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: That "Rebuild BS" option is doing "search mft" now | 23:11 |
ankk | this time, it is a bit different from others.. | 23:11 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: cool | 23:11 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I can understand that some tool has removed that automatically when booting or something, but that start and ending seem to be correct and size too... | 23:12 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: Both boot records are intact (main and backup ones), but both MFTs are lost? That is rather strange, isn't it? | 23:13 |
AlexQ | it will take a while to finish too... fingers crossed | 23:13 |
AlexQ | it goes sector by sector again... | 23:13 |
k1l_ | ankk: what was the command? | 23:13 |
ankk | sudo easy_install indico | 23:14 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: If it doesn't work, then data recovery to an external USB drive is what's left. But it will take ages I reckon | 23:16 |
EriC^^ | data recovery to an external usb? | 23:18 |
EriC^^ | whats that | 23:18 |
EriC^^ | you dd the drive? | 23:18 |
EriC^^ | btw gmusicbrowser is awesome | 23:18 |
reisio | hrmmmm | 23:19 |
EriC^^ | reisio: audacious wouldn't install | 23:19 |
reisio | EriC^^: just in that it's light but featureful? | 23:19 |
reisio | EriC^^: heh | 23:19 |
EriC^^ | wants me to remove conky-all for some reason | 23:19 |
EriC^^ | ( i dont use conky but still ) | 23:19 |
EriC^^ | reisio: well it loads quickly like rhythmbox | 23:20 |
reisio | mmmmmm | 23:20 |
EriC^^ | and i liked that if you right click it plays the song and doesn't add it to the playlist | 23:20 |
EriC^^ | someone should make an awesome mp3 player | 23:21 |
EriC^^ | that you can add to the playlist or play | 23:21 |
bakerb1 | list | 23:21 |
EriC^^ | loads quickly, is lightweight, and has an equalizer | 23:21 |
k1l_ | ankk: honestly i would ask the indico support. that seems to have special needs and i am not sure your system got all depencies | 23:21 |
reisio | EriC^^: yeah | 23:21 |
B0bsF1sh | How do I get back to a usable text console after shutting down lightdm? I've set my Ubuntu VM to boot to a text console. If I want a GUI, I run "sudo service lightdm start." That works fine. When I'm done, I want to go back to the text console, so I run "sudo service lightdm stop." That ends the GUI session, but I get a funky-looking black screen that's unusable (no GUI elements, will not take text commands, etc - looks like | 23:21 |
reisio | simple mplayer wrapper would suffice :) | 23:21 |
reisio | except potentially for the equalizer, that's more involved | 23:21 |
reisio | especially if you want to support non-pulseaudio | 23:22 |
EriC^^ | hmm | 23:23 |
arle | Hi ! | 23:26 |
daftykins | greetings | 23:27 |
reisio | ohai | 23:28 |
arle | have you some issues with network-manager on Ubuntu 14.04 ? | 23:29 |
reisio | I sure haven't | 23:30 |
reisio | but thanks for asking | 23:30 |
acovrig | what (if any) speech->text software is recommended as being good? | 23:31 |
reisio | acovrig: sphinx | 23:33 |
acovrig | I’m trying cmu-pocketsphinx and it is very inaccurate, and I’m having a hard time ‘training’ it | 23:33 |
reisio | most are pretty inaccurate | 23:33 |
Surendil | !ping | 23:33 |
ubottu | pong! | 23:33 |
reisio | you can use dragon naturally speaking if you want, though | 23:33 |
owen1 | how to list all the background services (mysql, docker etc) that are available (running or not)? (using the command line) | 23:33 |
EriC^^ | service --status-all | 23:33 |
acovrig | reisio: I would prefer free/opensoure, but I may try it… | 23:34 |
acovrig | reisio: “this is a test” -> “we’ll up an”... | 23:35 |
reisio | yeah... there's a reason we all still use keyboards | 23:35 |
netherlands6 | Hi Please I would like to know how to configure apt-url to make it has default when click link in ubuntu wiki | 23:35 |
reisio | the state of the art is not good enough yet | 23:35 |
arle | netherlands6 : firefox preferences | 23:36 |
netherlands6 | then where | 23:36 |
arle | applications | 23:36 |
arle | you can link every MIME type with any software you want | 23:37 |
netherlands6 | ok but how to add apt-url there then | 23:37 |
arle | first click to an apt-url, it will add the entry and ask you what to do | 23:38 |
AlexQ | EriC^^: I mean , using some software, propably propetiary, that cans through the drive to recover files, like deleted files etc. | 23:40 |
netherlands6 | ok it open directory where I looking for for apt-url | 23:40 |
AlexQ | it's almost 3/4 of the drive now and no MFT found, unless it goes through the whole partition nevertheless which I am counting on | 23:40 |
arle | netherlands6 : directory ? what do you mean ? It should open software center | 23:42 |
EriC^^ | AlexQ: i see | 23:42 |
netherlands6 | but software center is the slowest thing ubuntu invented, apt-url and synaptic package manager are 10 times faster | 23:43 |
arle | I know, but I don't know any other way to use apt-url. | 23:45 |
Guest88814 | can i use my mobilephone headset with mic at ubuntu? | 23:46 |
reisio | Guest88814: bluetooth? | 23:47 |
clumsy_bot | Guest88814: Depends on whether you've got a combined audio/output port or separate ports. | 23:47 |
bekks | Guest88814: If you can connect it to your computer, then syes. | 23:47 |
Guest88814 | i have two audio ports, one for the mic and another one for the headphones | 23:48 |
arle | mini jack ? | 23:48 |
Guest88814 | yes | 23:49 |
arle | no problem with any linux | 23:49 |
clumsy_bot | Guest88814: You could try plugging the headset in the input (mic) port on your computer to test. | 23:49 |
netherlands6 | it was on wiki also arle. My next question is how to make plank(docky) start automatically when start session, this one didnt found no site explain how | 23:49 |
OerHeks | if that jack has the mic + headphone connection integrated, no | 23:50 |
Guest88814 | i'm going to try, ill tell you | 23:50 |
reisio | I wonder if you could just git a splitter cable and plug them both in | 23:50 |
Guest88814 | like this? | 23:50 |
clumsy_bot | Guest88814: Best possible scenario is splitting the channels for the headset into input and output respectively. | 23:50 |
clumsy_bot | reisio: That is possible. | 23:50 |
reisio | well of course it's possible... | 23:51 |
clumsy_bot | It works. | 23:51 |
owen1 | EriC^^: thanks@ | 23:51 |
reisio | what I wonder is if you even need one that has separate colors on the split end | 23:51 |
reisio | it's probably just an ordinary stereo signal, x2 | 23:51 |
EriC^^ | owen1: no problem | 23:51 |
clumsy_bot | The header lengths on the cable mean different things. | 23:52 |
owen1 | EriC^^: man service is realy tiny. where can i learn about what ?+- means or how to stop services from starting at boot? | 23:55 |
EriC^^ | + means it's running | 23:56 |
netherlands6 | Please how to make plank(docky) start automatically when start session, this one didnt found no site explain how | 23:56 |
EriC^^ | look into update-rc.d about disabling and enabling stuff | 23:56 |
bekks | !upstart | 23:56 |
ubottu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 23:56 |
EriC^^ | owen1: i think it's like update-rc.d <service> disable | 23:57 |
=== eagle1776 is now known as skomp | ||
bekks | EriC^^: update-rc.d is outdated: | 23:59 |
EriC^^ | ok thanks | 23:59 |
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