bluesabre | elfy/forestpiskie : wasn't me that requested a respin | 00:38 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: Pretty sure he'd stab you if you did. :D | 01:09 |
bluesabre | heh | 01:54 |
Pwnna | Is anyone experiencing this issue? | 05:12 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1382741 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Some apps are displaying a very old styled theme as oppose to greybird" [Undecided,New] | 05:12 |
Pwnna | it looks like problem is with qt apps | 05:22 |
knome | so... final image testing | 10:22 |
knome | elfy, do we still have the two bugs? | 10:22 |
knome | ouch, apparently we do | 10:23 |
elfy | yep | 10:23 |
elfy | well - we have one | 10:23 |
knome | woot, we have a LOT of tests done | 10:23 |
knome | like, a lot... | 10:24 |
elfy | lots of flavours have one too | 10:24 |
knome | yep | 10:24 |
elfy | and frankly I can't really get myself worked up about either | 10:24 |
knome | have you tried the workaround that bluesabre recommended in the bug? | 10:24 |
elfy | yea - didn't work for me | 10:25 |
knome | as long as the virtualbox bug is in the release notes, people who run to it should be run to it | 10:25 |
knome | okay | 10:25 |
elfy | yea - release notes will do for the vb one for sure | 10:25 |
knome | can you drop that line in the bug comments as well | 10:25 |
knome | so others outside the team/elfy+bluesabre know that isn't working as well :) | 10:26 |
knome | (especially if we're seeking for help from xnox or so) | 10:26 |
elfy | and while the other doesn't look very nice - it's not the end of the world | 10:26 |
knome | yes | 10:26 |
knome | it's better to have a black background than a debian/ubuntu one | 10:26 |
knome | because that would be an obvious bug | 10:26 |
elfy | indeed :D | 10:26 |
knome | this one is just... really, a minorish one | 10:27 |
knome | though the bug importance should probably be something else than low | 10:27 |
knome | is it cheating if i mark it high? | 10:27 |
elfy | nope - I'd not call it cheating :p | 10:28 |
knome | i'm thiking medium is pretty much spot on, but i'm sure that doesn't help us get it fixed | 10:28 |
knome | ok, it's now high | 10:28 |
elfy | right - that's all the upgrade tests I'll be doing in hardware | 10:29 |
knome | mhm | 10:29 |
elfy | in fact that's all the testing I'll be doing until there's a respin or VV | 10:33 |
knome | :) | 10:33 |
elfy | not sure who akxwi-dave is - but whoever it is does a LOT of testing for us | 10:49 |
knome | :) | 10:51 |
elfy | anyone else see torrent files default app as Archive Manager? | 12:58 |
elfy | on right click of the torrent - properties shows transmission | 12:58 |
bluesabre | elfy: it sounds like your mimetype associations have been seriously messed up lately | 13:42 |
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy | ||
elfy | bluesabre: yea - I am just not sure how or when it occurred - Unit193's seen similar issues | 13:56 |
elfy | I guess as long as it's not a general issue I'm not going to bother with bugs | 13:59 |
bluesabre | I wonder if I should make a basic listener so we can see when these things happen | 14:11 |
bluesabre | choose what files to watch, send notification when they are modified | 14:12 |
elfy | well I'd love to have something like that - I get this screensaver change by the piskies when I'm not looking as well too :D | 14:12 |
bluesabre | I might crank that out while we wait for v to open up | 14:12 |
elfy | would be super useful I think for the likes of me running it for a whole cycle | 14:13 |
elfy | bluesabre: what's the shortcut to resize a window - someone with trackpad sensitivity issues and old hands - so the alt +right click + drag is | 14:15 |
elfy | nvm - alt+rightclick+drag is doing the job | 14:17 |
bluesabre | yeah, would love for somebody to hack the compositor to give a bigger grab region | 14:19 |
elfy | I'll do it when I learn how :p | 14:19 |
elfy | don't wait though ... | 14:19 |
bluesabre | yay a sacrifice | 14:19 |
bluesabre | s/sacrifice/volunteer | 14:20 |
elfy | lol | 14:20 |
elfy | you do know that all coding is voodoo in my mind :) | 14:20 |
bluesabre | yup | 14:20 |
bluesabre | compositors are a scary area for me | 14:20 |
elfy | ha ha | 14:20 |
elfy | imagine how it is for me :D | 14:20 |
bluesabre | so, I thought they had fixed the vbox black screen issues at one point, or was that only lightdm not starting? | 14:24 |
elfy | bluesabre: noooooooooooooo - don't mention vbox :p | 14:26 |
bluesabre | haha | 14:26 |
elfy | it seems that one gets fixed and leads to another one :) | 14:26 |
bluesabre | I know a few weeks ago they were talking about importance, and said vbox wasn't as important as kvm... do many people actually use kvm/qemu/libvirt ? I've always found the performance lacking | 14:28 |
elfy | I've no idea tbh | 14:28 |
bluesabre | ok | 14:28 |
elfy | I think that it's more likely that Joe the User will use vbox than kvm or qemu | 14:29 |
bluesabre | yeah | 14:29 |
* bluesabre continues image testing | 14:29 | |
elfy | I've done what I can - create bugs with it - let the QA manager know - and kept letting him know | 14:29 |
bluesabre | cool | 14:30 |
elfy | he's seen it - whether -release get their knickers in a twist over it who knows - but at least now it is just vt1 -> vt7 and it works - no starting or stopping services | 14:30 |
elfy | as knome says - as long as it's on our release notes if it's still there on Thursday - which I guess it will be | 14:31 |
elfy | talking of which | 14:32 |
elfy | !team | 14:32 |
ubottu | bluesabre, elfy, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit193 | 14:32 |
elfy | for us | 14:32 |
bluesabre | thanks | 14:32 |
bluesabre | was going to start drafting a full changelog, might as well do it there | 14:33 |
elfy | cool | 14:33 |
elfy | release team job really - not seen the other third of us for a while now | 14:34 |
brainwash_ | bluesabre: will you fix the black background installer glitch? if the current method to set the background does not work anymore, then we should switch to something which actually works (feh or whatever) | 16:20 |
elfy | or not worry about it | 16:20 |
bluesabre | it's a pretty minor issue, and very low chance that a fix I provide will land in time for release | 16:20 |
brainwash_ | so, should we even mention it in the final release notes? | 16:21 |
elfy | yes | 16:21 |
bluesabre | its still an issue, regardless | 16:21 |
brainwash_ | it does not break anything | 16:21 |
bluesabre | but not a critical issue | 16:22 |
bluesabre | also, nobody has been able to verify my workaround, so there's that | 16:23 |
brainwash_ | it will obviously work with feh, or not? | 16:24 |
brainwash_ | didn't ubiquity even utilize feh at one point? | 16:25 |
bluesabre | modifying the ubiquity code, and including feh worked for me | 16:25 |
bluesabre | but I think the issue is minor enough to leave be for now. We can fix it for 15.04 | 16:26 |
brainwash_ | I think so too | 16:27 |
bluesabre | Instead, we should focus more effort on the image testing | 16:27 |
brainwash_ | the black background even fits somehow, 14.10 is an "experimental" release after all | 16:27 |
brainwash_ | oh... what about xfdesktop in trusty? | 16:29 |
brainwash_ | sadly not yet uploaded to -proposed | 16:30 |
bluesabre | yeah, need to poke sru team again, they've been a bit unresponsive to my requests lately | 16:31 |
bluesabre | the growing number of menulibre-2.0.3 bugs are killing me | 16:32 |
chatr | hi | 16:40 |
chatr | what's the application that manages WIFI hotspot selection in Xubuntu? | 16:40 |
elfy | bluesabre: had another go with feh - worked | 16:40 |
elfy | still though not that concerned if we release with black background - we could just say it's by design :p | 16:41 |
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