miauriel | hey everyone. has anyone got compiz to work in Xubuntu 14.04? I keep getting "compiz (decor) - Warn: No default decoration found, placement will not be correct | 00:29 |
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bonk3rzz | sup all is there a way to view my 2nd display no main monitor (yes i googled) my 2nd display is my TV and it works great right up till i need to move a window or play a next episode | 05:42 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: please rephrase.. | 05:43 |
bonk3rzz | 2nd monitor is around corner want to view it form main monitor | 05:44 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: you want to view it "in form" ? | 05:45 |
bonk3rzz | sure | 05:46 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: what does that mean? | 05:47 |
bonk3rzz | what does in form mean | 05:47 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: i dont understand you, friend.. i dont know what "in form" means.. | 05:48 |
bonk3rzz | i dont want to mirror it just see it from my main display | 05:48 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: you want to see what? | 05:49 |
bonk3rzz | ohhh "it form" typo "it from" | 05:49 |
bonk3rzz | the 2nd display (monitor) | 05:49 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: ok.. so, you have 2 displays.. what are you trying to do with them? | 05:50 |
bonk3rzz | I want to view the 2nd display from the first | 05:50 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: you want to mirror, then | 05:51 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: thats mirroring.. you see the same on both displays | 05:51 |
bonk3rzz | no mirror | 05:52 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: that is mirror, friend | 05:53 |
bonk3rzz | dont want to mirror come out all stupid being that both are different sizes | 05:53 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: sure, but thats the deal.. if you want to see the same on both screens, thats mirroring.. the different sizes can be problematic | 05:54 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: i suggest trying "arandr"... you can have the displays overlap or whatever | 05:54 |
bonk3rzz | i want picture in picture of the screen or something like that | 05:55 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: you'll need to be more precise | 05:57 |
bonk3rzz | omg NEXT | 05:58 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: a "picture of the screen" on one screen, *is* a mirror | 05:58 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: please try using arandr | 05:58 |
holstein | !info arandr | 05:58 |
ubottu | arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 66 kB, installed size 507 kB | 05:58 |
holstein | you should be able to use that GUI tool to set overlapping areas and deal with the mirroring you are describing, and compensate for the different size displays | 06:00 |
bonk3rzz | Mirroring is both monitors the same... PIP is a box that views a 2nd input such and a tv channel... IE as your watching your soaps i can watch a football game at the same time | 06:01 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: PIP = picture in picture | 06:02 |
bonk3rzz | Your a IDIOT | 06:03 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: i can research picture in picture now that you have introduced that term | 06:03 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: theres no need for that.. i honestly didnt understand you | 06:03 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: we are volunteers here, and i *can* and will help you... | 06:04 |
bonk3rzz | well thanks for your help and keep up the good work | 06:05 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: you want this all the time? like a 3rd display setting inside the larger one? | 06:06 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: have you tried something like vnc? or is that not going to meet your needs? | 06:06 |
bonk3rzz | yes but vnc4server is just not doing it so im trying to find a better solution | 06:07 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: whats the goal, here? this is, as i asked above, just for a normal display output? not for video editing setup? | 06:08 |
bonk3rzz | 2nd display is a tv... it runs Netflix, Vlc, Xbmc, Hulu | 06:10 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: so, just a normal display inside there, then? | 06:11 |
bonk3rzz | 1st display is Main Computer and editing or internet is here but from where my computer sits to my tv is 25ft away via hdmi and i cant see my tv to know where to click for the next show or whatever | 06:12 |
holstein | i would just VNC in on another monitor.. | 06:13 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: you can try the main #ubuntu channel. and mailing lists.. i would refer to it as "picture in picture" as soon as you ask. and avoid *ever* refering to anyone as "an idiot" in the official channels.. thanks and good luck | 06:14 |
bonk3rzz | read before i called you a idiot... it say Picture in Picture | 06:16 |
holstein | bonk3rzz: you will likely be asked follow up quesitons.. its a community team here, and you are part of it.. you help me help you by answering follow up questions.. | 06:17 |
holstein | 01:55 < bonk3rzz> i want picture in picture of the screen or something like that | 06:17 |
holstein | ^ that wasnt quite clear enough for me.. and i asked for clarification.. | 06:18 |
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wlxmhls | hi, how to enable xchat multi-line input box? | 12:10 |
KM0201 | anybody having a problem with the weather applet reporting "no data"? i've googled and found some old bug reports, but they don't make a lot of sense | 12:52 |
elfy | KM0201: there is a fix in -proposed bug 1377612 | 13:03 |
ubottu | bug 1377612 in Xfce4 weather plugin "[SRU] Plugin needs updated for locationforecast-1.2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1377612 | 13:03 |
KM0201 | hmm, ok, thanks | 13:03 |
elfy | you can enable proposed - mark the package (just THIS one) and upgrade it - then disable proposed again - and then comment on the bug assuming it works for you | 13:04 |
elfy | if it doesn't work for you - check why and if it is really not working tag it verification-failed | 13:04 |
KM0201 | elfy: i'll try that | 13:07 |
KM0201 | thanks | 13:07 |
elfy | welcome - ftr - it worked ok for me | 13:07 |
KM0201 | i had googled like crazy, and the only bug reports i saw, were from 2011 | 13:07 |
elfy | :) | 13:07 |
KM0201 | lol, i just realized htis machine is running mint... | 13:08 |
KM0201 | could have swore it was running ubuntu | 13:08 |
elfy | no idea if it'll work for that | 13:08 |
KM0201 | i imagine ti will. | 13:08 |
KM0201 | i'm willing to try | 13:09 |
KM0201 | what's the proposed repo? | 13:09 |
KM0201 | nevermind.. i found it | 13:09 |
KM0201 | hmm, not giving me the option to update | 13:13 |
KM0201 | elfy: not sure if it helps or not... but this package solved my issue.. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-weather-plugin/0.8.3-2/+build/6441289 | 13:34 |
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Fohlen | hey guys. I want to entirely "reset" my xubuntu desktop to the default settings. http://anglehit.com/how-to-reset-xfce-panels-to-default-settings/ says I could do this with xconfd and simply deleting ~.config/xfce4/panel but if I'm not wrong this only applies to the panels. Would I delete the whole ~.config/xfce4/ folder if I want to start over? | 14:52 |
Fohlen | and also, which config file defines the Desktop folder? In the German translation it has been changed between 14.04 and 14.04.1 and that is why I need to change the path. | 14:53 |
Fohlen | or would I simply delete ~.config/xfce4/ and force the xserver to respawn? | 14:54 |
GridCube | Fohlen, that would be what i would do | 15:41 |
GridCube | its perfectly safe to do so | 15:41 |
Fohlen | y | 15:42 |
keeper_1986 | hi, after a recent update my weather applet doesnt seem to work anymore. it always show "No Data". I've changed the location several times and tried again: Same Result. Google couldnt help so far | 17:13 |
brainwash_ | keeper_1986: bug 1377612 | 17:15 |
ubottu | bug 1377612 in Xfce4 weather plugin "[SRU] Plugin needs updated for locationforecast-1.2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1377612 | 17:15 |
keeper_1986 | Thank you. Weird that google didnt show me that. All i got was 3 year old simmilar problem reports in bulletin boards. (Checking bugreport) | 17:16 |
brainwash_ | for xubuntu 14.04 you can enable the -proposed repo and reinstall the weather plugin, then disable the -proposed repo | 17:18 |
keeper_1986 | okay thanks. maybe i'll try that. Do you know, whether there will be a "fix" on this via regular update as well? | 17:21 |
brainwash_ | yes, but it may take some more days until the updated package will be available via regular updates | 17:22 |
keeper_1986 | ah okay :-). Thank you very much for your help (and also sorry for my apparently "poor googling") | 17:23 |
linuxnoob | I'm having trouble mounting a shared folder, supposedly it was going to be put at /mnt/hgfs but its not there. When I give the command to manually mount it says I need su. When I use su, it is not taking the password. | 17:23 |
brainwash_ | don't worry :) | 17:23 |
linuxnoob | I installed xubuntu 14 through VMware and put user: x, password: x. none of the prompts said anything about su password. x isn't working for it | 17:24 |
brainwash_ | linuxnoob: try sudo | 17:25 |
linuxnoob | syntax? | 17:25 |
brainwash_ | sudo <your command> | 17:25 |
linuxnoob | so like sudo mount blah blah ? | 17:26 |
brainwash_ | yes | 17:26 |
koegs | linuxnoob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 17:27 |
linuxnoob | says to use "mount -t vmhgfs .host:/foo /tmp/foo" but that gives error unknown file system vmhgfs | 17:28 |
holstein | !root | 17:28 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 17:28 |
holstein | http://askubuntu.com/questions/29284/how-do-i-mount-shared-folders-in-ubuntu-using-vmware-tools might help with that error | 17:29 |
linuxnoob | says if I don't see the shared folder mounted to run VMware configuration tools: sudo vmware-config-tools.pl. when I do that says command not found | 17:31 |
linuxnoob | its supposed to be in mnt/hgfs but mnt is empty | 17:31 |
koegs | did you even install the vmware addons? | 17:31 |
linuxnoob | "vmware tools " ? | 17:32 |
koegs | maybe it is called that way :D | 17:32 |
holstein | linuxnoob: you'll need to install whatever vmware suggests to use the shared folders | 17:33 |
koegs | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Tools | 17:33 |
linuxnoob | it just says to enable the shared folder which I did | 17:33 |
holstein | linuxnoob: it? | 17:35 |
holstein | linuxnoob: i would see that you have the tools package installed.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Tools#What_are_.27VMware_Tools.27.3F | 17:36 |
linuxnoob | run VMware configuration tools: sudo vmware-config-tools.pl | 18:05 |
linuxnoob | oops | 18:05 |
linuxnoob | run VMware configuration tools: sudo vmware-config-tools.pl | 18:05 |
linuxnoob | ugh I guess I have to type it out can't paste from vm | 18:06 |
holstein | linuxnoob: you can.. but, usually the tools you are trying to install can enable clipboard support from host to guest.. | 18:06 |
linuxnoob | package open-vm-tools is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleteed, or is only available from another source | 18:06 |
holstein | linuxnoob: i'll just go to the guide in the guest, and copy paste in there | 18:06 |
linuxnoob | thats what it said after I tried sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools | 18:07 |
holstein | linuxnoob: i would open the package manager of my choice and search for vmware.. or ask vmware what i need to install | 18:07 |
linuxnoob | huh? | 18:07 |
holstein | http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1022525 this actually looks a lot like how i would proceed | 18:08 |
linuxnoob | i put sudo ./vmware-install.pl but it says command not found | 18:13 |
holstein | linuxnoob: sure.. you dont have the tool installed yet | 18:15 |
holstein | linuxnoob: do you have that *.pl at that location? | 18:16 |
linuxnoob | I got the shared folder working ty | 18:32 |
xubuntu827 | Buonasera, siete italiani? | 18:35 |
xubuntu827 | C'è qualcuno? | 18:36 |
koegs | !it | 18:37 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 18:37 |
xubuntu827 | grazie, scusate | 18:37 |
linuxnoob | when I do sudo apt-get install build-essential it says unable to locate package | 18:38 |
linuxnoob | same thing with OpenSSL and SQlite | 18:41 |
skribblezatcha | well then install it from synaptic linuxnoob. | 18:41 |
Unit193 | Time to apt-get update. | 18:43 |
skribblezatcha | honestly openssl is always installed. but yeah, run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 18:45 |
skribblezatcha | then after all updates are installed go and look for those packages linuxnoob. | 18:45 |
xubuntu289 | ciao a tutti | 18:58 |
xubuntu289 | consigli su xubunttu? | 18:59 |
linuxnoob | how do I gain real access to my wifi card from within VMware running Xubuntu? lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4 echoes nothing | 19:54 |
bekks | linuxnoob: You dont. | 20:08 |
linuxnoob | I found out I have to use a USB wlan card, so I've gotten one. just trying to get it to detect in xubuntu | 20:09 |
bekks | Which vmware product do you use? | 20:10 |
linuxnoob | vmware player | 20:12 |
bekks | No chnce then. | 20:12 |
bekks | *chance even | 20:12 |
bekks | You'd have to pass through your USB device to your VM - but I doubt that will be enough. | 20:13 |
linuxnoob | I passed it through already, but I'm not sure how to get it to show up. | 20:15 |
m3n3chm0 | dear all guys, i need your help. After upgrading kernel to 3.17 now my wifi card Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 is not working anymore.. i've installed drivers from adicional drivers option but no sucess yet | 20:18 |
bekks | m3n3chm0: So use the latest xubuntu supported kernel. | 20:19 |
m3n3chm0 | ok | 20:21 |
linuxnoob | can someone help me find a working driver for Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0846:9020 NetGear, Inc. WNA3100(v1) Wireless-N 300 [Broadcom BCM43231] | 20:23 |
m3n3chm0 | bekks now it's fixed | 20:24 |
m3n3chm0 | sudo modprobe b43 | 20:24 |
linuxnoob | sudo modprobe b43 didn't seem to do anything, it asked for my password then just brought up the blank prompt again | 20:29 |
linuxnoob | ok dumb question, where do the files go after an install? | 20:32 |
linuxnoob | I installed ndisgtk but need to run in terminal for sudo access | 20:33 |
linuxnoob | nvm got it | 20:33 |
xubuntu334 | Hi everybody, I'm a new Xubuntu user, just wanted to try the IRC. | 20:43 |
linuxnoob | What do you do if you install a windows driver with ndiswrapper and it says hardware present but otherwise doesn't seem to work? | 20:56 |
holstein | linuxnoob: i'll keep in mind im not able to be promised any support from the manufacturer, and just try other drivers | 20:58 |
linuxnoob | can anyone make heads or tails of this error? http://pastebin.com/cCsAgLUc I'm trying to get a USB wireless card to work, and everyone says it requires ndiswrapper to work. I followed all the steps. | 21:06 |
holstein | linuxnoob: all what steps? | 21:06 |
holstein | linuxnoob: these days, when hardware like that is sometimes sitting in the trash, or quite cheap online, i say, dont waste too much time on it.. you are not able to be promised support from the creator of the hardware for linux | 21:07 |
holstein | linuxnoob: when i have problematic usb wifi devices, i try just plugging.. then, i get as many windows drivers as i can find.. i use the ndiswrapper gui to try a bunch of them.. | 21:08 |
LibreSpiritus | Hello, could anyone help me figure out why my wireless drops randomly? | 21:08 |
holstein | LibreSpiritus: i can suggesting troubleshooting tips to isolate.. i would see if its just that device or if other devices have the same issue. i would try other wifi access points. i would try a supported operting system on the hardware to see if the wifi device is working properly | 21:10 |
holstein | and, can you ping the gateway.. etc.. | 21:10 |
LibreSpiritus | Hardware worked fine under windows, and it seems it's only this device. | 21:11 |
holstein | LibreSpiritus: well, if it was a while ago when it worked fine under a supported OS, then, you cannot confirm that the device is still functioning properly.. but, its likely just driver support.. has is *ever* worked well in linux? | 21:11 |
linuxnoob | the steps I followed are here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1695036&page=5 | 21:12 |
LibreSpiritus | No it has not every really worked well for the time I've been using linux on it. | 21:12 |
holstein | linuxnoob: you installed a custom version of ndiswrapper? | 21:12 |
LibreSpiritus | Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) | 21:12 |
LibreSpiritus | btw | 21:12 |
holstein | LibreSpiritus: you shouldnt need to.. if you installed that version, its likely older than what is in the repos now | 21:13 |
holstein | LibreSpiritus: sorry.. linuxnoob ^ | 21:13 |
holstein | !info ndis-gtk | 21:13 |
ubottu | Package ndis-gtk does not exist in trusty | 21:13 |
holstein | !info ndisgtk | 21:14 |
ubottu | ndisgtk (source: ndisgtk): graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 16 kB, installed size 144 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 21:14 |
holstein | linuxnoob: i would remove the custom version you installed, and install the GUI tool ndisgtk and the repo version of ndis, and try *all* drivers i can find.. for windows 2000 through whatever.. literally and driver i can locate | 21:14 |
holstein | probably wont find any win2000 drivers ;) | 21:15 |
linuxnoob | holstein its not a custom version, it is the latest 1.59 ndiswrapper | 21:32 |
linuxnoob | I am certain I have the correct driver, it was linked in the thread where others got it to work | 21:34 |
linuxnoob | Can someone please help me with this? http://pastebin.com/AwND1vc4 | 21:36 |
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