
=== randomcpp_ is now known as gcollura
adamwwolfjoin #launchpad-dev14:16
adamwwolfHi folks.  I’m working on a package recipe, but I need it to pull a dependency rom my PPA.  Can I do that?14:17
cjwatsonadamwwolf: Yes, your PPA will be listed first in the list of apt sources when the builder goes to install build-dependencies, so generally that should happen automatically if the recipe is causing a source package to be uploaded to that same PPA.  If the recipe is going to a different PPA, you can use "Edit dependencies" to add the PPA with the necessary build-dependencies.14:30
cjwatsonHm, I should probably get to my departure gate, so can't hang around to follow up though, sorry14:31
adamwwolfcjwatson: Excellent!14:31
adamwwolfNo problem, I can’t start work on it til tonight anyway.  Thanks for the help!14:31
cjwatsonNo problem, good luck14:31

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