
=== nisstyre is now known as cholera-virus
=== mfisch is now known as Guest28430
=== kirkland is now known as Guest8370
=== cholera-virus is now known as nisstyre
sage__Does anyone know if 14.10 will use systemd by default?02:38
rekbyHello. I want notify about large changes of timezones in Russia. It applies in tzdata 2014f, but ubuntu have tzdata 2014e (previous version).03:11
rekbyChanges will apply 26.10.2014 (in few days).03:11
rwwA newer version was uploaded to proposed yesterday.03:15
rwwlp bug 137781303:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1377813 in tzdata (Ubuntu Trusty) "tzdata SRU to 2014f because of law changes in Russia" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137781303:16
rekbyOk. thanks. I have tried update tzdata few minutes ago and tzdata was old. How many days take publishing fixed package to repositories usually?03:19
rwwI don't know what Ubuntu's migration delay for proposed is, but I expect that since it's marked critical it won't be too long. (i.e., will be before the 26th)03:22
infinityrww: The delay is "as soon as I test it and promote it", there's no automated machinery that does migration for stable releases.04:07
rwwah, thanks. I'm too used to Debian ;)04:08
infinityrww: Does Debian automate stable releases?  They sure didn't used to.04:10
rwws/Debian/Debian testing/. Just ignore me. And thanks for the info :)04:10
darkxstxnox, will you be releasing another slideshow package before release? bug 137645211:14
ubottubug 1376452 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Update Ubuntu-GNOME slideshow artwork" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137645211:14
hjdWhen a package is removed from Debian (for instance https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libjogl-java https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=757837) will it be removed from Ubuntu in the next development release, or will it stay until someone requests its removal? (Just curious)12:09
ubottuDebian bug 757837 in ftp.debian.org "RM: libjogl-java -- ROM; Superseded by libjogl2-java" [Normal,Open]12:09
geserhjd: it's a semi-automatic process, once in a while an archive admin "imports" those removals from Debian13:31
geserunless it has an Ubuntu delta in which case someone has to investigate if the delta is needed in the new package and file a removal request for the old package13:32
hjdgeser: Ok. Thanks :)14:54
=== mfisch is now known as Guest4574

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