
elfybluesabre: not just me bug 138289708:35
ubottubug 1382897 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar open default not respecting the mime type editor nor its own setting on default open with" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138289708:35
Unit193Weird, vbox booted fine, I didn't even do anything weird.09:23
elfymmm 09:31
elfyso I installed easytag - now mp3 etc want to open with that - looking in mimeinfo.cache - it's added easytag - at the beginning of the line09:32
elfyUnit193: 32 or 64 bit - wxl was saying he didn't see it in 32bit09:33
Unit19332, it's what I had.09:33
elfymight be a 64 bit only issue then 09:34
elfydoesn't make any logical sense - not even in the order I installed things nor alphabetical09:42
elfypretty sure that slickymaster uses 32bit for testing 09:43
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/wK9NXE9TF4UoYaiQczCh diff of the manifests.09:47
bluesabreelfy/Unit193: It boots fine for me every now and then... 64bit10:54
Unit193Thought systemd also fixed it.  Pretty sure I got the black bug too before, I think.10:54
bluesabrealso, with that bug above, sometimes things steal mimetypes.  Like installing wine, Notepad takes a lot of things over10:55
bluesabreit might be a thunar bug that causes it... I wonder if we can recreate the issue outside of xfce10:56
elfyI've asked people on the forum to look - likely most will be ubuntu10:57
elfybluesabre: up to a point installing something changes it - just illogically in mp310:58
elfybut torrent isn't in mimeinfo.cache - but wants to open with file roller10:59
elfyand why would it want to open pdf with gimp - not installed anything extra in either of those 2 cases10:59
elfybluesabre: anyway - another cycle that one :p11:01
bluesabrepdf is in gimp's .desktop file11:01
bluesabremp3 probably in easytag11:02
elfyyea 11:02
elfyand should be 11:02
elfybut why is it being put at the beginning of the line I guess is the issue 11:02
bluesabreI'll see if there is some bad logic somewhere11:02
bluesabremaybe not today though, got a tight schedule this morning, and then I got volunteered to help at an orchard today11:03
elfymmm - loads to eat then :D11:03
elfybluesabre: VV will do :)11:03
elfynothing about torrents in the archive manager desktop - I can't see the logic in this at all11:06
ali1234speaking of mimetypes11:42
ali1234is there a way to say "open all videos with mpv instead of parole"?11:43
ali1234without having to change the setting for every file type?11:43
ali1234and if not, why not?11:43
knomeali1234, i guess nope, and no because nobody wrote an application that does that..12:38
elfyxset piskies have been busy again here :(13:15
elfybluesabre: I reported that mimeinfo issue now -  bug 138297714:24
ubottubug 1382977 in desktop-file-utils (Ubuntu) "Default open with wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138297714:24
brainwashelfy: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11212 ?14:32
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11212 in general "Default application not respected with glib >= 2.41" [Critical,New]14:32
brainwashI did not take a closer look yet, just remembered that I saw something similar upstream14:34
elfybrainwash: looks like the kiddy 14:41
elfyI'lla dd it for the time being at least 14:42
elfyand changed it to Thuanr14:44
brainwashI guess you could add https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=763726 also14:47
ubottuDebian bug 763726 in thunar "thunar: trouble with file associations since glib2.0 upgrade to 2.42" [Normal,Open]14:47
brainwasha candidate for the known issues list14:48
elfyaaah 14:50
elfythat mimeapps list is where torrent was associating with archive manager14:51
elfy2 out of 3 fixed :D14:52
elfynot letting me add the debbug as well as bugzilla14:54
brainwashI've added it14:55
brainwashAlso affects distribution/package > Debian GNU/Linux14:56
elfyyea saw :)14:56
brainwashelfy: bug 138289715:03
ubottubug 1382897 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar open default not respecting the mime type editor nor its own setting on default open with" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138289715:03
brainwashit's a dupe I'd guess15:04
elfyI saw that - then forgot when I was trying to get an idea of if it was mimeinfo and a bug with that15:04
elfytbh from experience if it's a debian issue I expect it will get fixed long after I've stopped caring15:06
brainwashit's not debian specific15:06
brainwashthere is a patch attached to the Xfce upstream report, even tested by at least 2 users15:07
brainwashbluesabre: ^15:07
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11212 in general "Default application not respected with glib >= 2.41" [Critical,New]15:07
brainwashSRU worthy I think15:08
Pwnnait's pretty critical16:13
Pwnnacan we get this out before release?16:16
elfyI'd say that's highly unlikely - we're talking about 3 days16:23
GridCubeelfy, i got a mail saying my membership to QA is expiring and to get in touch with you :)16:43
elfyyep - ok - and are you going to do anything to help me during VV - if you are I'll do it now16:44
elfyand hi :)16:44
GridCube:) hi16:44
GridCubeelfy, If i can help i will, don't know if that means i need to be member of qa tho, probably not16:45
GridCubeI never understood how to use the tools you showed me last time, never knew what i should be doing16:46
GridCubeso i did nothing16:46
elfyyou don't need to be a member of QA to do testing etc - but I'm going to be wanting people in it to do things outside the norm16:46
GridCubeelfy, as said, if you ask me to do something i will try to do it16:47
elfyok - then I'll be asking you to do stuff then ;)16:47
GridCube:) do so16:47
elfydkessel has joined -qa team 18:52
elfyindeed :)18:53
Pwnnacan anyone confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-settings/+bug/1382888?23:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 1382888 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "xfsettingsd crashes after disconnecting from screen and ac" [Undecided,New]23:59

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