
netherlands6Please how to make plank(docky) start automatically when start session, this one didnt found no site explain how00:11
krytariknetherlands6: Just copy "/usr/share/applications/plank.desktop" into your "~/.config/autostart/".00:17
dna113pAnyone have a good solution to a workspace indicator? I just started using xubuntu and am used to having a visual queue of what workspace I am on and switching to as I use them heavily00:18
netherlands6this was my next question thank dna113p00:18
knomedna113p, netherlands6: have you tried to add the one shipped with xubuntu into the panel?00:19
netherlands6wich is?00:19
knome"Workspace Switcher" ?00:20
dna113pknome: I have tried this. I have a very small res laptop running this and it fills up a huge portion of my panel. If I could have something that popped up with that when I activated a keybinding to switch workspaces it would be perfect00:21
dna113palmost like alt-tab interface for workspaces00:21
netherlands6ya like in elementary it is windows key+s00:22
netherlands6for the workspace I found what you mean in sytem setting add widget to bar00:27
netherlands6but for the start programs at start I didnt understand how you create the file for make plank start automaticaly00:28
netherlands6there is not a panel that you choose all the programs you want to start00:30
netherlands6/usr/share/applications/plank.desktop  is it a command? I foud the start preferrence so if I put this in command case it will open?00:34
krytariknetherlands6: Just to be clear, I referred to a file, a target directory in your home, and the copy method. :)00:58
netherlands6ok but I copy the file in the folder and It do the samething That I just told earlier thank01:03
netherlands6have a good night or day dont know wich one thank again01:05
netherlands6have a good night or day dont know wich one thank again krytarik01:10
krytariknetherlands6: You're welcome - that'd have been me and knome. :)01:12
craigbass1976do-release-upgrade -p  Is that the best way to get from an up to date 12.04 to a new 214.04?01:14
craigbass197614.04 -- sorry01:14
craigbass1976I kept getting an error doing it via the GUI, but I get the same error now in the command line.   A problem occurred during the update.  This is usually some sort of network problem...01:18
xubuntu614Hi everybody, Xubuntu installer is stucked into the process of "file system detection" previously it told me that it is not able to dismount the partition "CDROM" and asked to close every software using it.06:33
xubuntu614but i'm booting with Xubuntu installer, and i don't have any other software opened.06:34
xubuntu614can somebody help?06:34
MuinasjutuvestjaI know what it is. At least what it was for me.07:23
Muinasjutuvestjaxubuntu614, You're using  2TB or 3TB hard drive?07:24
Muinasjutuvestjadamn, already gone.07:24
MooDoohello all08:03
MooDooyay xubuntu installed, nice n fast :D08:23
rghvdberghi, I upgraded to 14.10 but file associations are all messed up.08:47
rghvdbergpdf are openend in preview08:48
rghvdbergjpg are opened in firefox even though the default says ristretto ..08:49
elfyyep - seems so - bug 138289708:49
ubottubug 1382897 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar open default not respecting the mime type editor nor its own setting on default open with" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138289708:50
rghvdbergow thanks .. I thought something went horribly wrong during upgrade :-)08:50
rghvdberghad to upgrade because of kernel, USB would somtimes stop working during boot on the old 14.04 kernel08:51
elfyno - just something wrong elsewhere ;) I've managed to deal with pdf but not anything else08:51
rghvdbergright click ...08:53
rghvdbergalso my favorite icon set (numix) don't work very well in the menu08:59
MooDoohmmm so don't upgrade to utopic at the moment then?09:00
rghvdbergwell everything else is working just fine09:00
rghvdbergexcept for my bluetooth but that didn't work on 14.04 either09:01
MooDoohmmm tempted then seeing as it's only a week or so away09:01
MooDoothen again I've only just installed 14.04 :D09:01
rghvdbergI wouldn't have upgraded if I didn't need the new kernel09:03
rghvdbergalso nvidia card is now supported right out of the box09:04
rghvdbergI have xubuntu running on my pc in my studio (I teach piano/keyboard). People allways asking which version of windows it is :-)09:05
rghvdbergnew kernel, need to reboot ...09:08
mohsen-rashidiHello there.10:13
mohsen-rashidiI use Clementine as my defualt music player. I was wondering if there is a way to keep Clementine's window always on top. While i am in Clementine's window, the music specific bottoms work. Like pause, stop and etc. I want to use those keys when i'm working with another software.10:19
Unit193mohsen-rashidi: As in, click the icon at the top left and hit "Always on Top"?10:20
mohsen-rashidiThank you very much10:23
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Guest43107hello! please, i need help with Xubunut11:49
Guest43107i'm trying to install xubuntu 14.04 in my computer11:50
gabkdllyWhat kind of problem are you running into ?11:51
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest12816

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