
=== alexpilotti_ is now known as alexpilotti
=== Guest4574 is now known as mfisch
=== gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
smoserharmw, 'make test' is failing for me. :-(18:10
smoserand in test_simple_write_freebsd18:10
smoseri'm not sure why. o rhow i didn't see it before.18:10
harmwsmoser: harlowja did something in that area recently18:11
harmw*to fix some fault18:12
harlowjasmoser ya i fixed it18:22
harlowjasmoser try https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/test-fixups18:22
harlowjaconnected to https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/138042418:23
smoserharlowja, you rock. 18:24
harlowjano u do18:26
harlowjasmoser https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/rpm-spec-fixups also if u want18:36
harlowjadiscovered those when rebuilding the rpm for y!18:36
harlowjaand https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/fixed-rhel7 if u want18:36
smoserharlowja, thanks. merged.18:40
harlowjahttps://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/rpm-spec-fixups/+merge/238219 might need a freebsd specific distro variable though, not sure18:41
harlowjaharmw let me know and i can adjust that18:41
=== Guest52830 is now known as mgagne
harlowjabasically distros get a new constant 'usr_lib_exec'18:42
harlowjawhich i guess varies between rhel and others18:42
harlowjamainly used to locate where 'write-ssh-key-fingerprints' is18:42
smosermaybe its time to replace that. :)18:42
harlowjathats another option, ha18:43
harlowjacant 'write-ssh-key-fingerprints' just use python to do it all (i'm not to sure why we need it actually)?18:43
harlowjaits not so complex script18:43
smoserits just vestigial from smoser's love of /bin/sh18:44
harlowjalike that 3rd arm of yours18:44
harlowjadon't make me shake the 3rd arm again in paris18:44
harlowjaso thats the other option, i can just replace that, lol18:44
harmwyou both updated to Juno already?18:46
* harlowja we aren't that quick, ha18:47
smoseri'm deploying a juno *right now*!18:49
smoserand after ditching horizon from my devstack config, devstack actually works a fair aount of the time.18:49
harmwhorizon.. puh18:49
smoser(rather htan failing due to pip on some horizon dependency)18:49
harmwI hardly ever use horizon18:50
harmwIll probably update to Juno somewhre thursday, to finally go dualstack ipv4/ipv618:50
harlowjausers like horizon though, so i'll/someday at y! probably have to figure out why horizon broken there, lol18:51
harlowja*internal users18:51
harlowja*i'll/someday -> i'll/somebody18:51
smoserharlowja, that lockstuff18:55
smosertha tyou poitned me at18:55
smoserthats an entirely local operation right ?18:55
harlowjadefine local18:55
harlowjalocal to same host?18:56
harlowjait is18:56
smosernot sending messages to say "hey, let me lock a file please!"18:56
harlowjado u want more than that?18:56
smoserno. i do not.18:56
smoserit just seemed slow.18:56
harlowjai can point u at another library i work on for remote locks, lol18:56
harlowjahttps://github.com/stackforge/tooz 18:56
harlowjasmoser as for speed, ya, i'm not sure, it not doing anything to crazy18:57
harlowjamainly https://github.com/openstack/oslo-incubator/blob/master/openstack/common/lockutils.py#L14118:58
harlowjaalthough u might want to see how much contention is happening @ https://github.com/openstack/oslo-incubator/blob/master/openstack/common/lockutils.py#L8618:58
harlowjawhich depending on the contention rate could be significaent18:58
harlowjaalso time.sleep(0.01) there...18:58
harlowja^ which is like an eternity in computer time18:59
harlowjaso u might try tweaking that down18:59
smoserk. yeah, that loks sane.19:06
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
j12tIs there some place that describes the difference between "cloud-init init" and "cloud-init modules"? Or in general how to invoke the thing?22:46
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja

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