
TheClitCommanderrww, whats up02:20
lordievaderGood morning.06:38
pipi_Hi guys, why does hexchat not come with perl on ubuntu 14.10 ?10:26
pipi_I tried compiling it, but ./configure says: Perl .................. : no10:27
pipi_checking for perl >= 5.8.1... 5.20.110:28
pipi_checking for perl >= 5.8.0... no10:28
pipi_I don't get it10:28
Mikaelapipi_: try sudo apt-get build-dep hexchat11:05
pipi_already tried that11:06
pipi_I'm now trying cpan upgrade11:06
pipi_here is the log from the configure of hexchat http://sprunge.us/KWUf11:06
pipi_let me know if there's any solution12:04
MikaelaI forgot I was going to try compiling HexChat earlier12:16
Mikaelapipi_: no issues here https://paste.mikaela.info/?773c0f15f05d1d2f#mQlQpNlZPg/uB0ckciqqIvuB7+QNddVn3x/RgMsP568= - I did everything as .travis.yml says12:20
pipi_you on ubuntu 14.10?12:21
pipi_where's that travis.yml ?12:21
pipi_oh there's a dot behind it12:21
pipi_sorry my bad12:21
pipi_will read it12:21
Mikaela.travis.yml, it's hidden folder in HexChats source12:21
* Ciblia is Mikaela from just-compiled HexChat.12:22
Ciblia HexChat: 2.11.0 ** OS: Linux 3.16.0-23-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "utopic" 14.10 ** CPU: 8 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 3,09GHz ** RAM: Physical: 15,4GiB, 87,9% free ** Disk: Total: 456,4GiB, 62,1% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit12:22
CibliaEthernet ** Uptime: 4h 10m 46s **12:22
pipi_still Perl .................. : no :\12:23
pipi_conftest.c:(.text+0x5): undefined reference to `PL_memory_wrap'12:24
pipi_that's why it fails according to config.log12:24
pipi_conftest.c:(.text+0x14): undefined reference to `Perl_croak_nocontext' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status12:24
CibliaThanks, you just made me notice that my oidentd was broken :)12:25
Cibliathis is better12:25
pipi_So my perl is broken12:28
pipi_I think.12:28
MikaelaI have no idea12:35
pipi_gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-V'12:37
pipi_my gcc version is 4.9.112:38
Mikaelaoh, I used clang12:41
pipi_sorry I'm a noob in compiling, never used clang12:41
MikaelaI have these ifs in my bash & zshrc https://github.com/Mkaysi/shell-things/blob/master/zshrc#L77812:42
Mikaelaso I am always automatically using clang when it's installed12:42
Mikaelafor using it just once I think it would be installing clang and then12:44
Mikaelaexport CC=clang12:44
Mikaelaexport CXX=clang++12:44
Mikaelaand then autogen and configure etc. normally12:44
MikaelaYou might want to report that build issue to #hexchat in case it's related to newer gcc12:45
Mikaelaor maybe it belongs to #hexchat-devel , I am not sure.12:45
pipi_now I'm getting configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables12:55
pipi_nvm, just needed to run as root12:55
pipi_I'm running out of ideas, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary on the upgrade.12:55
Mikaelamake should work without root, make install needs root unless you used different prefix12:56
pipi_no I meant ./configure12:58
Mikaelaweird, that shouldn't need root13:03
BluesKajHiyas all13:16
pipi_Mikaela: what perl version you have?13:17
Mikaela% perl --version13:18
MikaelaThis is perl 5, version 20, subversion 1 (v5.20.1) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi13:18
Mikaela(with 37 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)13:18
CibliaHexChat says that there is /pl command, but I cannot find any method to see what perl version this is using.13:20
pipi_Mikaela: did you git clone hexchat?=13:24
pipi_ #perl "people" say it's hexchat's configure that is wrong13:28
pipi_but it can't be because you used the same configure I did13:28
MikaelaI am pastebinning my config.log13:33
Mikaelapipi_: http://sprunge.us/BTiM13:33
Mikaela if it helps13:33
pipi_yes thank13:37
digitalcrowhelp !   can i install ubuntu 14.10 beta 2 or it still has the same dependencies problems with mencoder package ???????15:09
MikaelaI am running Ubuntu 14.10 without issues, but I have no idea about depedency problems and I believe this is release candidate not beta15:10
digitalcrowi have serious problems with dependencies15:11
digitalcrowit misses mencoder15:11
digitalcrowcan you install mencoder ?15:11
digitalcrowthe beta 2 is release candidate ?15:11
elfyPackage mencoder is not available, but is referred to by another package.15:12
elfyis what I see here digitalcrow15:12
lordievader!info mencoder15:12
ubottuPackage mencoder does not exist in utopic15:12
digitalcrowmany video applications needs that15:13
digitalcrowam i gonna be ok if i install today and keep updating15:13
digitalcrowtill sunday that comes out ?15:13
lordievaderI suppose it to be replaced by something, I don't think the maintainers will remove that package without reason.15:14
elfybug 133906815:14
ubottubug 1339068 in h264enc (Ubuntu) "depends on mencoder, which doesn't work with libav 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133906815:14
digitalcrow? what ? its gone forever ?15:16
digitalcrowthats why i got so many dependencies errors what about the packages that need it ?15:18
elfycan't answer that digitalcrow - just pointing you at some relevant information15:18
digitalcrowam  i gonna be ok if i install today ( i have 2 days off from work and i can test and install many apps from repos)  Do you recommend to stay with the lts15:19
elfyif mencoder is something you need and it's working in 14.04 I'd not move to 14.1015:19
imbezolif you have a full 2 days then compile mencoder yourself :)15:21
digitalcrowif i move to 14.10 do i still get the updates till the release ? it would be the same ?15:21
lordievaderdigitalcrow: On that last question: yes.15:26
BluesKajdigitalcrow, install libav-tools, it's the replacementr for mencoder15:30
digitalcrowok thank you i will start download the beta215:30
digitalcrowdo you think its possible to close the vsync from compiz settings when i want to play games for better performance ?15:31
=== magic is now known as pretty
khamerOne of the services on my system is getting goofed up when I disconnect a monitor, and I'm trying to figure out which one - font alaising, my gtk theme, and my icon theme all end up looking like they've fallen back to older looking UI17:03
khamerAlso, keyboard shortcuts stop working - here's what GTK UI elements look like - http://i.imgur.com/QVVH5fw.png17:04
Daekdroomkhamer, is that GNOME Shell?17:05
DaekdroomIf it is, then it's most likely gnome-settings-daemon17:05
khamerDaekdroom: no, its XFCE, but all applications are affected17:06
DaekdroomHm. I don't know how xfce works.17:06
khamerI have gconfd, xfconfd, xfdesktop, and xfce4-session, I wonder if one of those is the culprit17:11
pipi_Mikaela: what was the link for the clang thing again?17:39
Mikaelawhat clang thing? try google17:40
pipi_nvm, found it17:40
pipi_clang fixed the issue17:45
pipi_Perl .................. : yes17:45
* pipi_ claps17:45
pipi_thanks to you Mikaela17:45
Mikaelaclang shouldn't fix the issue or there is a bug, pleaser report it to #hexchat-devel or https://github.com/hexchat/hexchat/issues17:46
pipi_well it did17:46
pipi_all I did was: apt-get install clang and then I went to that link you gave me and I copied from line 778 to line 787 into my .bashrc then I opened a new terminal and so on17:47
pipi_I didn't apply any patches or other packages then clang to fix the issue, clang sorted it out17:47
pipi_I will report it anyway17:47
pipi_#hexchat-devel Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned17:47
pipi_I was never even in the channel17:48
pipi_oh well17:48
pipi_I'm out of here, peace17:48
=== Termana is now known as Guest17934
quidnuncWhere can I get a Utopic vagrant image?20:49
geniiI would imagine https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/utopic/current/20:51
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quidnuncgenii: Doesn't seem to be the same as http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/20:52
quidnunc(same contentes)20:53
geniiAh, yes. Not in there yet.20:53
quidnuncAre Vagrant images not built for devel versions?20:53
ghutzriopHI! I'm using ubuntu 14.10 and I have both kde and gnome installed. now I try to use an vpn, but even tough the network manager says it's connected, it is simply ignored(whatismyip.com shows my original ip). how can solve this?21:31
simonorHello chaps. Anyone know if Broadcom support is any better in Unicorn?(I'll find out Thursday anyway)21:39
geniiIf you mean for network devices using their chips, likely not any better than 14.0421:39
DX099hi all21:40
simonorToo bad. The package uses a newer apparent build, but if no better, well, shame.21:40
maxbWhy would anyone upgrade on Thursday? :-)21:40
geniiEarly adopters :)21:41
DX099I want to use the latest 14.10 iso on Virtualbox but graphics are all broken21:41
maxbSurely you either do it before, or wait a week :-)21:41
simonor23rd is this Thursday?21:41
simonorHey, it's a night in.21:42
DX099could someone help me with this?21:42
simonorDX099 - VirtualBox has a dedicated Graphics emulator, which they might not upgrade in sync with 14.10; I know it works fine with 14.04 as Guest.21:44
DX099simonor, yeah but it seemed strange to see it broken like that...21:45
DX099there are plenty of video on screenshots showing it working...21:46
simonorIf you use 14.10 as HOST, consider QEMU; any guest files you have are readily convertible to QCOW2 format for Qemu, using Vbox command and Qemu commands.21:46
simonorQemu advantage - you can run it as a straight command line, or a script, or in a management GUI.21:47
simonorSo it's the guest 14.10 you want?21:47
DX099I'm using 14.10 as a the guest system to be virtualized under Ubuntu 14.0421:48
simonorRight, you might want to examine the options for video emulation(as you probably have). I only use 14.04 guest on a Windoze 7 Host; won't be upgrading until official time later this week, so I'm not much help.21:50
simonorExcept to say that on 14.04 hosts there are certain advantages to Qemu.21:51
simonorAdvantages - Possibility of iommu hardware passthru for networking and USB, no need for Guest Additions, 100% open source.21:53
simonorDisadvantages - learning curve, graphics not as quick as VBox, possible learning curve.21:54
simonorAnyway, I need to sleep. Hacking embedded hosts tomorrow.21:55
=== pretty is now known as magic

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