
mlankhorstcan someone approve xxv-intel? ^08:48
smbSorry if that is repeating a known fact which is going away with the final release. Just noting that right now with the daily iso the "release notes" link is pointing to the ubuntu.com main page.10:01
LocutusOfBorg1can anybody please give a feedback to me about bug 1382848?10:12
ubot2bug 1382848 in ettercap (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Sync ettercap 1:0.8.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138284810:12
LocutusOfBorg1I really would like to see it in the upcoming utopic, the current kernel spot a race condition in one of the core parts of ettercap10:13
apwsmb, i _think_ that the link doesn't actually point there, i think it points to something "dynamic" which webops have to sort ... but best to let someone else confirm10:39
smbapw, Yeah, I just wanted to bring it up in the case this needs something done in the installer, too. maybe I could copy the link to find out what exactly it is. Its not obvious by hovering over it or when firefox comes up10:51
cjwatsonsmb,apw: I can confirm this is not a problem with the installer; web team (not webops) needs to fix it12:14
smbcjwatson, Ok, thanks.12:15
M-SaundersHi everyone. Was the 14.10 RC released on the 16th? I can't find a trace of it12:45
stgraberM-Saunders: we don't do RCs12:47
infinityOr, rather, we don't "release" them.12:48
M-SaundersAh, thanks. I was going on this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule12:49
infinityIt's logically nonsensical to release a release candidate.12:49
M-SaundersI'm making a coverdisc for a magazine (Linux Voice), and my deadline is Friday12:49
infinityM-Saunders: Click the ReleaseCandidate link there, it explains it.12:49
infinityM-Saunders: The real release is Thursday, that's the ISO you'll want to be using.12:50
M-Saundersinfinity: Yeah. For testing in the meantime, would you recommend using the nightlies?12:50
infinityM-Saunders: Yep.12:50
M-SaundersGreat, thanks12:50
M-SaundersAnd as far as you know, should the release happen on Thursday? I haven't seen any talk of slippage12:51
infinityM-Saunders: It's been years since we slipped, I don't anticipate it.12:51
M-SaundersYep, you guys have been reliable in recent years indeed. Ta!12:52
=== doko_ is now known as doko
knomeRiddell, the number you have dialed cannot be reached.13:26
Riddellit's the ultimate twitter hashtag13:27
LaneyWhere are we with accepting stuff / britney blocks / respins?14:03
infinityLaney: britney block should happen.  Happy to have you do that, if you'd like.14:26
infinityLaney: There's a guaranteed respin tomorrow for a kernel issue, so we can squeeze some other bits in in the meantime if they seem sane.14:26
LaneyI'll do a mega block and we can block-all source later on14:27
* Laney stabs this latency14:27
mdeslaurcan someone please accept xchat-gnome so I can start sruing it, thanks14:28
infinitymdeslaur: Looking.14:29
Laneythe world is blocked14:48
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Trusty 14.04.1, Utopic Beta 2 | Archive: Final Freeze, packages on images blocked | Utopic Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
mdeslaurinfinity: sooooo many packages in the archive force sslv3... /me cries15:06
infinitymdeslaur: Sadness and loss.15:08
=== flufl is now known as barry
* Laney collides with stgraber 15:50
mdeslaurinfinity: same fix, but for xchat ^16:09
infinitymdeslaur: Having fun with this one yet? :P16:23
mdeslaurinfinity: I don't think we have the same definition of "fun" :)16:24
infinitymdeslaur: Do you have a list of still-affected packages?16:24
infinitymdeslaur: And can you prioritise stuff that's on images (as seen by seeded-in-ubuntu(1)), so they get into respins?16:25
mdeslaurinfinity: I don't have a list yet...I started, but then got depressed and switched to looking for beer.16:30
mdeslaurinfinity: I'll try and see after lunch16:33
* cjwatson updates ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu translations17:36
cjwatson<joeyh> debconf-updatepo... also known as "I'm feeling unproductive today.17:36
cjwatson        Please give me a huge diff to check in"17:36
=== georgelorch2 is now known as georgelorch
jibelinfinity, bug 1381766 and bug 137873518:06
ubot2bug 1378735 in syslinux (Ubuntu) "Unable to use PXE boot with 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Daily Build: "Failed to load ldlinux.c32"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137873518:06
cjwatsonpossibly same as https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=75058618:15
ubot2Debian bug 750586 in debian-installer "syslinux-common: Boot fails. Failed to load ldlinux.c32. File must be in /. Upstream bug" [Important,Open]18:15
cjwatsonpretty sure CPing that will do the job18:18
cjwatsonjibel: fix committed18:20
pittihello all18:25
jibelcjwatson, thanks18:26
pittibdmurray pointed me to bug 1372665, which is because we currently run *both* /etc/init.d/apport (unintentinoally) and /etc/init/apport.conf (intentionally) during boot18:26
ubot2bug 1372665 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport reports suspend/resume failure twice on boot (apportcheckresume)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137266518:26
pittiI just committed a trivial fix for that to trunk, is that something which we still want in the release, or as SRU at this point?18:26
mdeslaurinfinity: ok, my search only found spamassassin in the seeded list: bug 138341518:46
ubot2bug 1383415 in spamassassin (Ubuntu) "Incorrect use of SSL options" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138341518:46
mdeslaurinfinity: all the others aren't seeded18:47
mdeslaur(that's just searching for the same type of issue as xchat-gnome had...)18:47
mdeslaurinfinity: and it's not important enough for a quick fix18:47
pitticjwatson, all: we have an idea what changed last Friday -- the old distro-info said that utopic was released at that day; this can't be a coincidence, there's surely something in the autopkgtest machinery that still uses that18:47
pittiuntil that, test runs are stalled, I'll request those manually while we investigate18:48
kenvandinepitti, thx18:48
jibelpitti, actually the problem is not what I thought but an SSL issue http://paste.ubuntu.com/8605136/18:51
pittijibel: FTR, manually running tests doesn't help -- they are available in jenkins with the right version, but britney doesn't pick those up; consistent with the SSL prob?18:53
jibelpitti, yes the error comes from the job that consumes the queue18:59
jibelpitti, it should be unblocked. The SSL errors happens when it fetches changes from LP to find latest uploader. I disabled notification of the uploader for the moment.19:02
cjwatsonjibel,pitti: I bet this coincides with SSLv3 being turned off on Launchpad frontends19:05
cjwatsondue to the recent catastrophic vulnerability in it19:06
cjwatsonwhat is trying to use SSLv3?19:06
cjwatsonProbably ought to be ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 nowadays19:10
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8605356/ maybe (untested)19:11
cjwatsonI wonder if we should retain the fallback in case in future LP upgrades to TLSv1.319:13
mdeslaurplease use ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 for everything19:13
mdeslaurthat will negotiate the best19:13
cjwatsonNot clear that ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 would interop with that, but ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 tries everything19:13
mdeslaurcjwatson: ^19:13
cjwatsonmdeslaur: right except it's failing here19:13
cjwatsonthe log is really misleading but when it says "Trying SSLv3" it's actually falling back to trying ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv2319:14
pitticjwatson, mdeslaur: but SSLv23 is the one that is failing, no?19:14
cjwatsonso maybe it's just that the fallback doesn't work19:14
cjwatsonI bet it needs to reopen the socket from scratch19:14
mdeslaurperhaps you can't try a different wrap_socket19:14
mdeslaurcjwatson: yeah19:15
cjwatsonsince it's probably already done some negotiation19:15
pittioh, right http://paste.ubuntu.com/8605136/ doesn't actually show an SSLError19:15
cjwatsonso yeah, just use ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 across the board and drop the override; that's what httplib does itself anyway, so you can just drop this whole misguided thing19:15
pittiso PROTOCOL_SSLv3 succeeded, but then fails later on19:15
cjwatsonno, the SSLError was swallowed by the except19:15
cjwatsonand then the fallback attempt failed because it was in the wrong place in the protocol to restart ssl.wrap_socket19:16
pittican we apply that locally on snakefruit to test it before we commit it to lp:britney2?19:16
cjwatsonI am reasonably sure that you can just do http://paste.ubuntu.com/8605402/19:16
cjwatsonpython2.7's httplib uses the ssl_version we want19:17
cjwatsonpitti: this isn't on snakefruit19:17
cjwatsonit's somewhere that has /var/lib/jenkins/QA/19:17
cjwatsonand it's not in britney2, it's in lp:auto-package-testing19:17
pittiah, I don't have access to that19:17
jibelon tachash19:17
pitticjwatson: cheers19:17
mdeslaurcjwatson: I think you still need that to specify the certs, or it defaults to no cert checking19:18
cjwatsonreally?  I didn't see that when comparing the code19:18
* cjwatson looks again19:18
cjwatsonno, that's passed to the constructor and the default implementation passes it through19:19
cjwatson            self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file)19:19
cjwatsonfrom the default impl19:19
pittiyay, I'm getting jenkins-failed mails again, so I suppose it's working again19:20
pitti(with the degraded notifications)19:20
cjwatsonmdeslaur,jibel: so I don't think I see a reason to keep that; but should clean up a bit more, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8605441/19:21
cjwatsonurllib2 certainly works against LP without any of that stuff, although I don't have an easy way to confirm what TLS version it's using19:25
cjwatsonmdeslaur: (if you could confirm at some point that would be good ...)19:28
mdeslaurcjwatson: yeah, sorry, that the client cert...I don't think urllib2 does any sort of server cert verification at all, actually19:29
cjwatsonit doesn't look like it.  but the code in adtnotify doesn't appear to help with that19:29
mdeslaurcjwatson: is this python2 or python3?19:30
cjwatsonmdeslaur: python219:30
cjwatsonmdeslaur: actually, ssl.py in python2.7 appears to default to CERT_REQUIRED when in client mode19:30
mdeslaurcjwatson: ok, so no cert verification in there19:31
cjwatsonsee create_default_context19:31
cjwatsonor do you need ca_certs= to make that work?19:31
cjwatsonpitti: apport> looks fine, accepted, thanks19:40
mdeslaurcjwatson: where can I get the whole adtnotify.py file?19:42
pittimdeslaur: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~auto-package-testing-dev/auto-package-testing/trunk/view/head:/jenkins/adtnotify.py19:44
mdeslaurpitti: thanks19:44
mdeslaurpitti, cjwatson: right, so no server cert verification in there, and the removed code had no impact on that19:47
Laneyarges: I'd appreciate it if you could consider the e-d-s I just uploaded so we can get both versions in at once20:01
argesLaney: ok i'll take a look20:08
Laneysorry for forgetting that one initially20:09
Laneybut the bug sucks a bit20:09
wxlum, are there supposed to be new images in daily? i see everything's old again.20:15
infinitywxl: Shouldn't be anything new, no.20:16
wxlinfinity: ok, cool. thanks :)20:16
argesLaney: ok just to confirm, that e-d-s upload overrides 3.10.4-0ubuntu1.4 and is a superset of fixes?20:16
Laneyarges: It's another patch on top, yeah20:16
argesLaney: ok yea looked like it, just wanted to make sure i wasn't missing anything20:17
Laneysure, no worries20:17

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