
Laogeodrittruben23: as in you're looking for files starting with "IN"?00:07
Laogeodrittruben23: if yes, `find /directory/to/search -name IN\* -print` would work. You can look into other options for find (and ways to pipe the output to other commands) if you need to do operations on the files found00:09
=== peter is now known as Guest4358
=== __darren is now known as xdsk
Abhijitthis is my pressed raid configuration http://paste.fedoraproject.org/143429/78657714/  failed to write metadata /dev/sda error creating array /dev/md1 whats wrong? help06:31
Abhijitusing ubuntu 14.04 server iso.06:31
lordievaderGood morning.06:38
ochorochlordievader: fyi, my SSH Login issues was not fixed by updating the kernel ...06:39
ochorochlordievader: Good Morning..06:39
lordievaderochoroch: Hmm, that is too bad.06:41
ochorochyep ... my boss forces me to find a solution even if it means reinstall using CentOS 7.... :-( ...06:42
Abhijitreinstalll the boss.06:43
ochorochAbhijit: we did recently ...06:43
lordievaderrm -rf <boss>06:44
* ochoroch investigating ... 07:15
Abhijitthis is my pressed raid configuration http://paste.fedoraproject.org/143429/78657714/  failed to write metadata /dev/sda error creating array /dev/md1 whats wrong? for two disks with 750gb each07:21
Abhijiton ubuntu 14.404 server iso07:21
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ochorochlordievader: is there a chance that a "busy" mysql prevent any login ....?08:18
ochorochafter the weekend even apache died ...08:18
lordievaderochoroch: Seems unlikely.08:37
lordievaderochoroch: Have you checked your harware? Is it in okay condition?08:37
ochorochlordievader: asked the HyperV admin several times ... "Its new, it works and all lights are green" ....08:44
ochorochlordievader: i'll try to run a apache benchmark against the server to get this issue in minutes ...08:45
ochoroch... instaed of hours08:45
Abhijit_how to force ubuntu preseed to follow d-i passwd/make-user boolean false? its ignoring that line and asking me to type non root username and password?09:05
=== Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit
Abhijitno one uses preseed ? :-(09:09
lordievaderochoroch: That lights are green is no diagnostic...09:33
ochorochlordievader: i know .. this is what they say ... :-( ..09:33
ochorochone thing i just noticed: mysql tells me some tables are crashed, before i reboot ...09:34
ochorochcrashed tables disapear after the reboot ...09:34
lordievaderochoroch: Ask them nicely again, show them you have problem and would like to rule out hardware issues.10:39
ochorochlordievader: ok ...10:39
ochorochlordievader: asked as friendly as a german could be.... ;-) ... waiting for response ...10:52
ochorochlordievader:  ab -n 50000 -c 100 http://domain.org/ .... <- tried to get the error when getting some load on that maschine ... but this did not change a thing ...10:54
ochorochare these messages normal for MySQL ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8600572/10:55
lordievaderochoroch: I'm not familiar with the command ab.11:00
ochoroch-n is Users .... -c is requests per user iirc ....11:01
ochorochab is Apache Benchmark ...11:02
ochorochlordievader: Windows admin said, Hardware is fine! ...11:22
lordievaderDid he check?11:22
ochorochHE said he checked ... today, and the day the hardware arrive ...11:23
ochorochTHe Hardware is fairly new, 6 Month ...11:23
ochorochlordievader: only thing i can do is "Trust the Windows admin" ....11:23
lordievaderIf it would be a Linux admin I might trust him... but Windows :P11:24
ochorochme either ....11:24
ochorochtime told me win and Linux does not fit together ...11:24
cyber_dwellerdo host in group in dhcpd.conf are considered known hosts? or i should host them also outside the group to make them known?11:53
yocapybarahi guys I'm trying to remove ubuntu-desktop from a machine leaving it with just ubuntu-server.  I've tried tasksel but I just get aptitude failed (100), even after running apt-get update prior.  Any tips on how to completely remove the GUI without breaking the machine?  I'm on 14.04.113:38
sarnold_yocapybara: start with apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop unity xorg13:39
sarnold_yocapybara: it'll complain about packages that depend upon those. add those to the command line and re-run.13:39
yocapybarasarnold_: thanks ok and I just rinse and repeat that until it stops complaining?13:40
sarnold_yocapybara: yeah, or you have no computer left :) hehe13:40
yocapybarasarnold_: :)13:40
=== Guest4574 is now known as mfisch
jargonanybody know how to configure active directory with pam and kerberos? i can kinit on the server, but cannot ssh to it with an existing AD account. auth.log says http://dpaste.com/36FVM6A14:14
patdk-wkwhy bother posting a log with a bunch of errors and warnings that tell you exactly what to do to fix them?14:16
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
learningI am trying to compile stunnel 5.06 but getting this error in "make" step: stunnel-5.06/src/options.c:2123: undefined reference to `SSLv2_client_method'16:07
learningAny idea how to fix this?16:07
sarnold_learning: try changing that to SSLv23 ....16:08
learningsarnold_: how to do that?16:10
learningduring ./configure step?16:10
sarnold_learning: dunno, it might require patching if they didn't expose it easily..16:12
learningbtw, are there any alternative to stunnel?16:25
sarnold_learning: ssh tunnels, socat, setting up a vpn, setting up ipsec16:25
learningsarnold_: How about autossh?16:28
sarnold_learning: sounds nice..16:29
linuxtechI was about to fix a bug and debian/patches/series is non existent.  Does this mean that the other patches, including a CVE are not applied to build, and thus the all Ubuntu users?16:35
rbasaklinuxtech: there are some older patch mechanisms that might be in use there. In older times, debian/rules applied and unapplied the patches manually.16:37
linuxtechSo I should check the rules and make sure my patch goes in there also, or use quilt as usual?16:38
rbasakFigure out what the packaging is doing, and fit in with that.16:39
tewardrbasak: ping, got a couple minutes?16:39
rbasakteward: not many, but shoot.16:39
tewardrbasak: incoming PM, then16:39
linuxtechOK, Thanks, I'll email you later about it since you triaged the bug I am working on.16:40
=== Mogwai is now known as Guest43202
rostamHI I am using ubuntu 14.04,  I see these messages on my log files, which seems cron job but not sure what command it runs:  CRON[23114]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1)      thanks19:10
sarnold_rostam: apt-file search debian-sa1  shows it comes from sysstat19:12
jrwrenrostam: its in /etc/cron.d/sysstat which sets a custom PATH19:16
rostamsarnold,  jrwren  thank you so much19:17
learninghey guys, when I run stunnel, I get this error: [!] error queue: 2606A074: error:2606A074:engine routines:ENGINE_by_id:no such engine [!] ENGINE_by_id: 260B606D: error:260B606D:engine routines:DYNAMIC_LOAD:init failed [!] Line 18: "engine = capi": Failed to open the engine20:24
learningHow to fix this?20:24
mfischhey zul, just finished talking to the keystone guys and you need to up the dep of python-keystoneclient to 0.10.1 for keystone21:49
zulmfisch: oh?22:37
mfischyeah 0.10.1 is in the UCA anyway so anyone using it may be ok22:38
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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