
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode00:05
EriC^^!datarecovery | ASHER100:06
EriC^^ASHER1: try testdisk00:06
ASHER1never mind00:10
ASHER1i have something good from this00:10
sydneyOk, i am running ubuntu 14.04. I just logged out and my screen resolution dropped down to 1024 x 768. I cannot get it to go back to 1600 x 900. What do i do to fix this?00:11
sydneyIve never had this issue before :s00:11
EriC^^try xrandr00:12
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EriC^^did you try to reboot00:12
sydneyHere is xrandr output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8595248/00:12
ap0cIf I want to switch video drivers because certain games like certain drivers better, can I just restart lightdm rather than doing a full reboot?00:13
ap0cusing Kubuntu00:13
Vari-DI'm having trouble connecting my Turtle Beach PX3 headphones to my laptop on 14.04.1 LTS through USB. I don't have access to another OS or computer to test it on.00:15
EriC^^ap0c: i think you have to reboot00:16
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DWSRWhat's the recommended way of changing an init.d script that is located inside of a package?00:24
sluckxzap0c: this guy was trying semi recently,  made a little headway too.00:29
ap0csluckxz: hrm? you were trying to?00:30
sluckxznope not trying.00:31
DWSRWhat's the recommended way of changing an init.d script that is located inside of a package?00:31
rommel092079good day. I am new to ubuntu just because I was testing the easyhotspot.  I would like to ask how to update chillispot and the freeradius in ubuntu 9.0400:31
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.00:32
rwwrommel092079: 9.04 hasn't been supported since 2010. Switch to a supported version for help here.00:32
ap0crommel092079: You should get 14.04.1 LTS00:32
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sluckxzap0c: sorry didnt notice i didnt post the link...  http://askubuntu.com/questions/418296/fastest-way-to-reload-graphics-driver-module00:34
rommel092079yes I know that ubuntu has new latest version but easyhotspot is on ubuntu 9.04.  i tried upgrading the operating system and all but after upgrading, my desktop turn to terminal. I am not sure.00:34
Foxhoundzgood day ubuntu00:36
rommel092079can someone help me also help me how to properly upgrade that ubuntu 9.04 desktop to lastest version.00:36
FoxhoundzI am using minidlna to serve music and images00:36
Foxhoundzbut how do I protect the shares?00:36
Foxhoundzor is it even possible with the DLNA protocol?00:36
rommel092079help pls00:38
EriC^^rommel092079: download the 14.04.1 ubuntu iso from releases.ubuntu.com ( i think )00:39
EriC^^rommel092079: amd64 ?00:40
rommel092079eric, if I do that, and install it, will it overwrite all my installations in jaunty?00:40
EriC^^backup whatever data you have00:41
EriC^^and get a list of the installed packages00:41
EriC^^then copy the data back and install the packages you had00:41
rommel092079does the new install have the option to ugrade only not new installation?00:42
EriC^^rommel092079: you can upgrade from the current installation00:43
rommel092079ok. i will try00:43
EriC^^but it will take a few upgrades to get there00:43
EriC^^like 9 to 10 then 10 to whatever00:43
xanguaBut it would be faster to do a clean install rommel09207900:43
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rommel092079Eric: I am thinking to burn the new version and use that to upgrade. will that be possible?00:44
EriC^^you can clean install with it00:44
EriC^^if you want to upgrade, you don't need to download anything00:45
rommel092079that is what I am afraid of.  can you teach me instead how to upgrade from like 9 to 10 then 10 to whatever.00:45
EriC^^sudo do-release-upgrade , in the terminal00:45
sluckxzrommel092079: http://mlerley.wordpress.com/2013/07/23/upgrading-old-ubuntu-versions/00:45
rommel092079last week I tried to upgrade but it turned my desktop to terminal :(00:45
sluckxzget a perfect backup first!  good luck.00:46
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:46
rommel092079Eric: last week, I have modified my sources.list to old-releases.ubuntu.com but like I said after updating, it turned my desktop environment to just terminal.   What happened? how can I bring back my desktop environment from there?00:49
sydneyPhewph, my vga cable was not connected fully :P00:50
holymacany1 with a server they are willing to spare?00:51
EriC^^rommel092079: you changed it to old-releases, but same release?00:52
EriC^^or old-releases and a different release?00:52
EriC^^holymac: ?00:53
holymacIm looking for a server to run a legit node.js website00:54
EriC^^rommel092079: wb00:54
rommel092079sorry dc00:54
EriC^^rommel092079: you changed it to old-releases, but same release? or old-releases and a different release?00:54
lucianwhat are your thaughts on Elementary OS ?00:55
xangualucian: that it's not supported here00:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:56
rommel092079yes I changed it to old-releases and upgrade it like the article you provided but after that my computer rebooted and made my desktop to terminal. so from there i dont know what happened why it turned out like that.00:56
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FailFarm /join #Debian00:56
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hoverboardhey all00:59
EriC^^rommel092079: are you on it right now?00:59
hoverboardoh funny seeing you here00:59
rommel092079I am trying to upgrade again00:59
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EriC^^type grep -m 1 "^deb" /etc/apt/sources.list01:01
EriC^^rommel092079: and paste it here01:01
rommel092079wait will try01:03
rommel092079deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty main restricted01:05
rommel092079universe multiverse01:05
rommel092079that is the result Eric01:06
EriC^^ok looks good01:06
EriC^^you're using jaunty01:06
EriC^^why don't you want to fresh install?01:06
rommel092079i cant. I am afraid that my packages there specially easyhotspot and all its dependencies and configurations will be removed.01:08
rommel092079it was preinstalled on the easyhotspot iso01:08
rommel092079can you help me instead now how to upgrade manually to each version?01:10
EriC^^yeah sure01:10
EriC^^try sudo do-release-upgrade in a terminal01:10
oaulakhhow to boot windows iso with ubuntu grub without usb01:13
phishfihey guys, does anyone know how to set a static IP from the linux terminal?01:14
daftykinsphishfi: just once or every boot?01:14
oaulakhjust once01:15
oaulakhhow to boot windows iso with ubuntu grub without usb01:15
daftykinsphishfi: modify /etc/network/interfaces01:15
phishfidaftykins: thanks! I googled that and it brought me to what I hope is an easy step-by-step01:18
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mac_How are you01:31
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a_personI have a problem with Xubuntu 14.04.  I can't properly shut down.01:40
a_persondoes anyone have an idea what the probem might be?01:41
Steven-If I have two fresh HDs and I want to install & dual boot Ubuntu/Win7Pro (both on same HD) do I just install Win on one drive and just resize the partitions?01:42
bubbasauresSteven-, The manual MS install has a partition sizing option.01:44
Steven-during the install?01:44
bubbasauresSteven-, It is an option in the install gui, called advanced I believe.01:45
RPiAwesomeness#LinuxGeek here01:46
RPiAwesomenesswrong room01:47
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rommel092079Eric: done this sudo do-release-upgrade but it states an upgrade from jaunty to lucid is not supported with this tool01:49
rommel092079what should I do now?01:49
trndrrommel092079: read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Jaunty01:54
somsipanshikam: do you have a support question?02:02
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anshikamyes somsip02:05
somsipanshikam: best way to get help is to ask it02:05
anshikamsomehow not able to connect my mirc windows client02:06
anshikamto the ubuntu channel02:06
anshikam*freenode channel #ubuntu02:06
=== Joshua^Dunamis_i is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
rwwIRC help in #freenode, Windows help in ##windows, mIRC help in ##mirc02:08
rww(Ubuntu help here)02:08
n1ckyis there something similar to the AUR of archlinux in ubuntu?02:08
EverspaceHello! I have a problem with PuTTY, and trying to edit things. When I go to SSH in to to do something like sudo 'nano /ect/fstab', there is no such file or directory. But I can copy and paste the command fine. What am I doing wrong?02:08
n1ckyI've used a lot of distros over time, most recently gentoo for the past year. Arch was always a treat, before then. I first started using linux on debian, and later ubuntu.02:09
rwwEverspace: try sudo nano /etc/fstab02:09
n1ckyI'd like to come back to ubuntu but I use a lot of obscure packages where I'd like something similar to the AUR on arch02:09
EverspaceI get a new file from nano02:10
EverspaceBut when I copy-paste it in, it loads02:10
EverspaceAre my line endings weird?02:12
anshikamAnyone has any idea02:14
anshikamhow to connect a windows IRC client to the IRC server02:14
anshikamchannel #ubuntu02:14
adam_Help, I got a new 1080p LCD TV for a monitor but when I boot up I cant see the sidebar but if I hover over it I can see the word of which one it is02:15
rwwanshikam: ask ##mirc or ##windows or #freenode, not here02:15
Everspaceadam_: Sometimes you have to set the monitor to be "stretch" to fit rather than whatever it defaults to02:16
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TheClitCommanderrww, repent or perish!02:19
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Steven-So many dual boot tuts out there makes my head hurt02:22
richacSteven-: is vm better?02:23
Steven-I thought about that :-/02:23
sluckxzwhen i dual boot /often/ i just load up windows7 then install linux and it just works.  have you tried that?02:25
Steven-sluckxz, I have windows 7pro 64 install on a 120gb ssd. I have another 1TB HDD drive. I'm a little confused on the best way to go.02:30
Steven-I was thinking maybe partitioning the 120gb SSD 90gb for Windows and 30GB for ubuntu02:30
Steven-then I'm not sure what I have to do for the other 1TB drive which would be for files02:30
sluckxzi put my dual OS's on one drive and let linux manage the bootloader/chainloading02:31
sluckxzyou can mount storage later02:31
sluckxzif your a newb to it.. unplug the data,  image the ssd and go to town testing.02:32
Steven-it'll be a fresh install02:32
Steven-not worried about losing anything02:33
sluckxzthen just go.  it works pretty easy.02:33
sluckxzi like to unplug my storage drives when im messing around just to be safe..02:34
sluckxzyou can mess with partition sizes before or after win7 install02:34
sluckxzthen load linux and let linux install the bootloader02:34
Steven-ahh was going to ask that02:34
Steven-alright then. seems fairly straight forward then. I'll give it a go02:35
sluckxzworst case you have a clean win7 install,  image the system and figure the rest out at your leasure02:35
Steven-why do I need to image?02:36
sluckxzyou dont need one02:36
Steven-ah ok02:36
sluckxzunless you bork something it saves time so you dont have to start over02:36
sluckxzjust doing windows updates is worth a system image to me.  pita02:38
Steven-haha, I cant totally agree with that02:38
Jeffrey_fHow to fix a user's problem with windows........fresh install02:39
Steven-sluckxz, I appreciate the help. I'll likely lurk here if I run into any issues. heh02:41
Steven-sluckxz, do I need to do any partitioning in the win gui installer?02:43
Steven-or just let it do the default02:44
sluckxzeither way you can before or after up to you02:44
modelenginehello all, does anybody know the command line to uninstall the CUPS driver?02:45
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu02:46
AR45Does anyone know of a good website that has interesting articles that can open our minds to new concepts?02:50
somsipanshikam: !ot | AR4502:50
somsip!ot | AR4502:50
ubottuAR45: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:50
AR45somsip: Thank you.02:51
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AvengerHello. I am curious to know if there are other desktop lay-outs. For example I would like to move the tool bar on the left to perhaps the bottom of the desktop.03:00
somsipAvenger: under Unity? No - just on the left03:01
lotuspsychjeAvenger: you can hide left unity bar and use docky or something03:01
lotuspsychje!info docky | Avenger03:01
ubottuAvenger: docky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-2 (trusty), package size 591 kB, installed size 3594 kB03:01
Avengeri will try research about docky and how to use it. thank you very much.03:03
lotuspsychjeAvenger: sudo apt-get install docky in terminal to install, usage is pretty easy :p03:04
Avengerlotuspsychje : i will type that now.03:04
Avengerlotuspsychje : there is so much stuff happening in the terminal!03:06
lotuspsychjeAvenger: its installing probably03:06
Avengerlotuspsychje : i think it is done but how to configure and open this?03:07
lotuspsychjeAvenger: open startbutton left corner and search for docky to start03:07
Avengerlotuspsychje : something appeared at the bottom now. that looks like how mac does it! will it stay open and how to configure sir?03:09
Avengerthank you very much03:09
lotuspsychjeAvenger: when you open a program, it will show icon on docky then you can rightmouse it to lock on docky03:09
Avengerlotuspsychje : but is this a good replacement for the default tool bar on the left hand side of ubuntu? am i able to add applications to docky like skype, etc..?03:11
lotuspsychjeAvenger: yes, every program you open should appear on docky03:11
lotuspsychjeAvenger: but unity leftbar is more solid of course, once you get used to it, its very intuitive03:12
Avengeri just want unity to be at the bottom03:13
lotuspsychjeAvenger: not possible as somsip said :p03:13
Avengerand i dont want to have to open a program for it to be shown on docky. i wish that i could add applications to docky and launch them from it.03:13
lotuspsychjeAvenger: i just told you howto, did you read it?03:14
lotuspsychjeAvenger: when you open a program, you can right click it to 'lock' on docky so it stays03:14
Avengerlotuspsychje : right click and "pin to dock" ?03:15
lotuspsychjeAvenger: yes03:15
Avengerlotuspsychje : i am very happy you have helped me. thank you very much sir.03:16
lotuspsychjeAvenger: no prob03:16
Avengeri am very new to linux ubuntu but i want to learn as much as i can so that one day i can help others to enjoy the freedom of linux ubuntu and not be windows zombies03:17
Bashing-om!manual | Avenger03:19
ubottuAvenger: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:19
lotuspsychjeAvenger: tight plan03:20
surai connect vpn then i can not connect to internet03:30
Alphakaremwalk us through your setup please03:31
surahow can i add route make vpn connect only acacess local ip03:35
suranetwork named un003:36
Bashing-om!details | paul_39303:41
ubottupaul_393: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)03:41
=== Massrawy1 is now known as Alphakarem
EverspaceHello! I'm back :(03:44
Everspacecd / && sudo ls ect -> No such file or directory03:44
kevivGParted isn't letting me make an extended partition. It's only allowing primaries. Also, I apparently have 6 primary partitions, including one formatted using "unknown". What gives?03:44
kevivEverspace: what does ls / say?03:45
EverspaceSay's it's there03:45
kevivIt says ect is there?03:45
kevivAre you sure you don't want etc?03:46
lotuspsychjekeviv: what kind of hd is this?03:46
EverspaceI've been doing this for hours03:46
EverspaceI'm an idiot03:46
kevivlotuspsychje: oh boy. Hell if I know. But it's from an OEM HP laptop03:46
kevivlotuspsychje: it's win8 btw03:46
EverspaceI'm going to go run rf -r /03:46
lotuspsychjekeviv: whats your endgoal exactly?03:47
kevivI think they did something funky with UEFI whatnot03:47
kevivlotuspsychje: install 14.04 dual boot03:47
lotuspsychje!uefi | keviv03:48
ubottukeviv: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:48
lotuspsychjeuefi dualboots are nightmares03:48
kevivEverspace: can't only root do that? :D03:48
LinusTorvaldsIIuse VM instead03:48
=== Massrawy is now known as Alphakarem
lotuspsychjekeviv: i would install 14.04 single and use virtualbox win803:48
kevivHmm maybe03:48
lotuspsychjekeviv: ive installed 30+ machines with 14.04 single on win8 machines already, worked all like a charm03:49
kevivOh nice03:49
lotuspsychjeuse the hardware as it should be03:49
kevivThat is, not UEFI?03:50
lotuspsychjekeviv: some boxes need secreboot off for singleboot, others dont03:50
kevivlotuspsychje: yeah I had to turn it off for my live USB to boot03:51
lotuspsychjekeviv: i never liked dualboots, with any Os, but thats just an opninion right03:51
kevivlotuspsychje: yeah I feel ya03:51
kevivlotuspsychje: honestly I'm only using Windows because some of my Steam games don't work 100% on linux yet, and then I'm more comfortable with Office than I am OpenOffice/LibreOffice, and I can't afford interruptions in my writing03:52
lotuspsychjekeviv: there is steam for ubuntu, and playonlinux you can simulate ms office also03:53
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux | keviv03:53
ubottukeviv: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.2-1 (trusty), package size 1107 kB, installed size 4208 kB03:53
kevivHmm indeed03:53
lotuspsychjekeviv: libreoffice saves files in .doc and docx also03:54
lotuspsychje14.04 is really the best Os for any machine :p03:55
jazzytrumpetanyone know anything about ubuntu?03:55
lotuspsychje!ask | jazzytrumpet03:55
ubottujazzytrumpet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:55
kevivlotuspsychje: yeah I just mean the actual program itself. I really couldn't care less about the format that Office saves its stuff in (causes enough trouble for us Python devs :P)03:55
deadevilboyhello guys03:55
kevivdeadevilboy: who killed you?03:56
deadevilboyjust give me some ideas...03:56
lotuspsychjekeviv: wine, playonlinux or virtualbox :p03:56
deadevilboykeviv: bridge wlan0/eth003:56
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu03:56
modelengineok, so i need to find out the status of my cups driver. can n e one tell me what the command line for this is?03:56
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modelenginesys info is: Ubuntu 14.04 dell vostro 8 gig ddr3 64 bit03:57
deadevilboyis it possible to be connected to a physical lan (eth0) and use my own laptop to allow other pc's on that lan to connect to my wlan0 router ----> internet?03:58
lotuspsychjemodelengine: nice specs03:58
lotuspsychjemodelengine: wich printer are you trying to setup?03:58
deadevilboyis it possible to be connected to a physical lan (eth0) and use my own laptop to allow other pc's on that lan to connect to my wlan0 router ----> internet? thks04:02
lotuspsychjedeadevilboy: try the ##networking guys04:03
kevivdeadevilboy: it's probably not just going to be one command btw04:03
jrgillI'm at some console that just shows kernel messages and handles SysRq; is there a special way to get back to a shell?04:03
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kevivdeadevilboy: pretty sure you have to setup DNS and DHCP yourself04:05
deadevilboywell.. I need to instal04:05
deadevilboy*install dnsmasq then04:05
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kevivOr not04:06
kevivShows what I know about networking04:06
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=== Massrawy is now known as Massrawy1
modelenginelotuspsychje, sorry, was off playing portal. i'm trying to setup a brother usb AIO04:16
bigrig_New to LXLE.  trying to find "lxshortcut"  aka Shortcut Editor which came already isntalled by default.  help please?04:17
modelenginelotuspsychje, it's weird, cuz when i was using ubuntu 13.10, i just plugged in my usb printer and it printed without needing to set up CUPS04:18
theruehello :)04:22
choiwonjuncc1: fatal error: include/linux/autoconf.h:04:26
choiwonjunwhat is this mean?04:26
bigrig_so..any ideas..anyone?04:26
bigrig_Ok i can see this is a waste of time04:40
bigrig_I can see why so many Windows users just end up going back to an OS world that JUST WORKS.04:41
_kruxbigrig, what is it that you need help with?04:41
Paulus68the channel is slow this morning :(04:46
maybefbiwhat does "ip route add VPNSERVER_IP via LOCALGATEWAY_IP dev eth0  proto static" mean?04:52
kevivMy laptop has 2 hd slots. Can I make some sort of dual boot that way, yet still have each hd an independently bootable system?04:53
kevivDid that even make sense?04:53
daftykinskeviv: yep04:54
kevivdaftykins: do I just specify the second hd's partitions during setup?04:57
daftykinskeviv: what i would do, is pull the disk and install to the second as the only drive in there... then i'd use the laptop's boot menu to switch between.04:58
kevivAh ok04:58
kevivAlso, if I have a live persistent USB, will saving in /home persist, or do I have to save in he casper fs?04:58
daftykinswhere's /home?04:59
daftykinsi don't know much about persistent ones to be honest04:59
kevivOh wait sorry not home04:59
kevivI don't know. I just shit it off05:00
kevivBut it might've been /ubuntu?05:00
daftykinshmm doubt it, but no clue05:01
kevivOK. I saved in both places.05:01
kevivI'll see next time05:01
Aceultra noob here how do i install a hardrive05:02
Ben64Ace: like physically install it?05:02
Acei hooked it up to the sata cables05:03
Aceand power05:03
Acebut windows doesnt recogonize it05:03
Acei wanna put ubuntu on it and run it on another machine05:03
Ben64this is an ubuntu support channel, you should head over to ##windows for windows support05:03
Aceok will do05:04
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Aceis it possible though to put ubuntu on a hardrive and then boot a machine from that05:04
Ben64or if you want to install ubuntu on it, put it in the computer you want to install it on, download the iso and write it to a dvd/usb05:04
Aceyou can do it with a usb?05:04
Ben64indeed you can05:04
Acehow many gigs is it?05:05
Acesry if these are stupid questions05:05
Ben64need probably at least 1GB free on the usb to put the installer on it05:05
HikaruBGanyone runnig ubuntu web Server?05:05
HikaruBGhi all05:05
Aceso just download the installer and put it on the usb stick and boot from that?05:05
Ben64well you have to write it a specific way05:06
Ben64Ace: check here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick05:06
Acekk thnx05:06
HikaruBGhow to configure apache web server virtual hosts to be accessed from another computer? to be visible from the network?05:06
Aceben64 the complicated part is that im salvaging hard drives from an old windows machine to install on a different machine with a fried hard disk that i want to put ubuntu on05:07
Aceis #windows on freenode?05:09
Ben64its ##windows and yes.05:09
Ben64but why cant you put the drive into the actual computer where you want it to be?05:09
Acedont i need to wipe it clean and reformat it?05:09
Ben64no, the installer can do that05:09
therueanyone uses ubunto for web development?05:17
therueor as web server?05:17
Tim_Milleri am going to be05:17
Tim_Millerif i ever get it to install05:17
therueyou do backend or frontend web dev?05:18
Tim_Millermy wife does the web development she does both05:19
Tim_Millershe has just been asking me to get the server up05:19
Tim_Milleri know she prefers the front end05:20
daftykinsTim_Miller: are you stuck on something?05:21
Tim_Milleri would keep getting a black screen during different parts of the install and the computer would lock up05:22
daftykinsbad ISO? bad RAM?05:22
dw1why is launchpad.net so picky.. https://pastee.org/d687e https://pastee.org/6evyv - I copied the request directly from Chrome web developer.. every other SSL site works fine. Weird.05:23
Tim_Milleri think it was the graphics card (knock on wood)05:23
daftykinsfor a server? aren't you installed server? :)05:23
AR45Would a TITAN Z GFX card perform on linux equally as it would preform on windows? does the same go for cpu?05:24
daftykinsthat's task dependant05:24
daftykinsor rather, application dependant05:25
Tim_Millerno i am not installing server, i wanted to play with the gui version05:25
daftykinsTim_Miller: did you try nomodeset ?05:26
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:27
dw1AR45: prob too specific and noone knows the answer05:27
dw1AR45: but it likely works fine05:27
Tim_Millerafter pulling and reseating the graphics card and setting the bios to the correct vram size and agp speed it seems to be working05:28
AR45dw1: yes works fine but at its best? what if the developers at intel for the i7 cpu do more driver updates for windows05:28
daftykinsTim_Miller: hah, AGP - nice.05:29
dw1AR45: when's the last time you installed a CPU driver :p05:29
AR45dw1: never lol05:29
CryptDriftHey guys/gals, I forgot my unlock password for ssh keypair is there anyway around it?05:29
Tim_Millerya its a old p3 system that has a blazing 866 MHz processor05:29
daftykinsAR45: that is most definitely not how processors work :P05:29
AR45I'm asking because I'm picking parts for my first computer build05:30
AR45and I do plan on using ubuntu as my primary os05:30
daftykinsright, a Titan Z is not a very wise choice. you'd know if you wanted one of those05:31
daftykinsit really depends what you're going to *do* with it05:31
* nlabw hi guys ... . According to you'r governor deal with Us ... . National Laboratory of The World which is 0x71 (xc) Our Hacker Team Researcher ... . We are please to announce , We already open for public ... . Take a look of Our research at http://nlabw.wordpress.com ... . This is not advertisement ... . Just to let you know ... . 10 + Research will be publish today ... . all 0day05:33
AR45just a new environment to learn programming05:33
AR45comfortably on a desktop05:34
AR45that's super fast05:34
Tim_Millermake you a deal on a P3 computer05:34
agent_whiteCryptDrift: Unless you know the old one, you need to make a new pair.05:34
rommel092079guys I need help. after updating my ubuntu 9.04 desktop to 9.10 to 10.01 LTS, i am now facing a terminal environment and not desktop environment. how can I turn this back to desktop?05:35
CryptDriftagent_white, thanks I should try not be smart when making passpharse this time05:35
rommel092079and I cant even login05:35
agent_whiteCryptDrift: Or look into using a keychain manager so you won't have to remember :)05:35
daftykinsAR45: that's a really silly idea.05:37
AR45daftykins: o_o05:37
Tim_MillerARRRGGGG its working but its soooooo sloooooooo05:38
daftykinsTim_Miller: DVD boot? what RAM?05:39
Tim_MillerHDD boot, i think around 400Mb of PC133 LOL05:40
daftykinsoh so you installed already.05:40
daftykins400MB? i'm amazed that booted the live session. that thing is barely good enough for a headless server.05:41
Tim_Milleryep i got it installed, the problems seems to of been the graphics card05:41
Tim_Millerlol, it met the minimum requirements exactly05:42
daftykinsmaybe for Lubuntu05:42
Tim_Milleris there a way to turn off the menu fades05:43
daftykinsyou should try lubuntu and xubuntu instead05:44
daftykinsunity is just not going to happen on that thing05:44
Tim_Millerso click and wait 5 minutes is not normal05:49
daftykinslol no.05:49
daftykinshonestly, i tell people with old dual core processors and 1GB RAM to consider xubuntu first.05:50
daftykinsUbuntu just isn't that lightweight anymore05:50
daftykinsit's probably mostly graphics with your situation right now though05:50
Tim_Millerits been a while since i used it but it used to be you could install it on anything05:50
daftykinswhat graphics chip type is it? which driver is in use?05:50
Tim_Millerradeon 9200 128Mb Vram05:51
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daftykinsok i don't think drivers are going to help you05:52
daftykinsthe Unity desktop being 3D is just too much for that spec05:52
Tim_Millerprobably not05:52
daftykinswipe it and try xubuntu or lubuntu instead :)05:52
daftykinsbut really i have a headless web server with more than twice the RAM05:52
Tim_Millerbut i just got it working :(05:53
daftykins5 minute delays is working? :)05:54
Tim_Millersure better than looking at a black screen05:54
Tim_Millerit doesnt want to shut down lol05:55
Tim_Millerany preferences on xubuntu or lubuntu05:58
daftykinsTim_Miller: xubuntu will be middle of the road, lubuntu will be the absolute lightest06:01
daftykins(though i find lubuntu sacrifices too much in looks, personally)06:02
Tim_Milleri enable 4x AGP its a bit faster now LOL06:02
theruehey guys, i'm interested in downloading ubuntu and getting more familiar with it.. i'm currently running windows 7.. what do you guys would be the better way for me to install ubuntu? can i set it up so i can use both windows and ubuntu simultaneously? i remembered back in the days there were software i belive called wine or something that allows the user to switch between os06:05
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:05
daftykinstherue: if you mean at the same time, look into virtualbox06:07
therueoh i see. so once i installed virtualbox i can just switch between at the same time06:08
theruei still need to dual boot though right?06:08
Ben64virtualbox allows you to have a virtual computer, with any os on it you wish06:09
theruefor someone who is simply learning linux and not yet completely switching from windows to linux06:10
theruevirtualbox would be the way to go then? instead of dual boot... since there's no hassle of logging out and signing on to the other os?06:11
daftykinstherue: correct06:12
therueah ok :)06:12
theruehave you tried other linux distros?06:13
therueway back in the past i've tried slackware 3.506:13
theruethen i think redhat got pretty popular06:13
therueand alot more user friendly06:13
theruethen ubuntu made it even more user friendly for people i believe06:13
theruebut what are the differences between the various distros that are available these days06:14
theruelike opensuse, arch, fedora, redhat, ubuntu, etc06:14
daftykinstherue: plenty to be learnt on distrowatch.com or online in general06:16
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sacarlson1ok at your request a preview of my backdoor software release https://github.com/sacarlson/Backdoor06:30
ratsarebigsacarlson1: You big dope06:31
sacarlson1ratsarebig: so I take it, it's a bad idea?06:32
ratsarebigYou breathing is a bad idea sacarlson106:34
sacarlson1ratsarebig: ha ha thanks06:34
sacarlson1I"m sure it was out there someplace just most people didn't see it06:35
fortyninehow secure and private is ubuntu?06:38
fortynineis it open source?06:38
sacarlson1fortynine: yes it's open source strictly06:38
monkwitdafunkthe kernel is open source as well as a lot of packages06:39
fortynineso its impossible for them to get away with snopping?06:39
monkwitdafunkubuntu is aka GNU linux06:39
monkwitdafunkexcept certain modules and other non-free06:40
monkwitdafunkare apart of the repositories06:40
sacarlson1fortynine: being the code is open with all the world to see,  there is no easy way to hide a snooper06:40
fortynineim gona give it a try, i just hate unity ;(06:40
sacarlson1fortynine: there are other options than unity like mate that is more like the old windows XP or ubuntu 10.X06:41
__unikI am using LXDE. very good.06:42
__unikunity sucks in every dam nway06:42
sacarlson1fortynine: there is also Linux Mint that is a directly connected dirivitive of ubuntu that has a defaulted Mate envirnment06:43
vozzAll my sound is playing at about a semitone and a bit higher pitch than it should be. I thought it might be something to do with sample rate, so I worked out 48000/44100 = 1.088 = 8.8%, one semitone is 5.95% difference, two is 12.25% percent, so the ratio is indeed a semitone and a bit different. How do I fix this?06:44
__unikI use 16:9 monitor so... two panels make my screen a gnome ... lol06:44
sacarlson1vozz: what are you using to play the sound with and what format is the sound file?06:45
fortynineoh god, so much input lag ubuntu in VM06:45
vozzsacarlson1: It happens with everything, youtube, tuxguitar through fluidsynth, and vlc playing mp3s06:46
sacarlson1fortynine: ya with the added eye candy that unity has it takes some power to display.  you might find that mate envirnment runs a bit faster as it has less eye candy to run06:47
rommel092079hello. can I ask how to update a package like if I want to update chillispot, what is the command line for updating that?06:48
sacarlson1vozz: I never heard of this happening before.  I assume sound driver then maybe alsa06:48
hip2theehopsudo apt-get install chillispot06:48
sacarlson1vozz: sure it's not hardware.  does it do this on other platform?06:49
Tim_Miller was playing with some settings on my sound card the other day and there was a pitch shift setting06:49
Tim_Millernever knew it was there06:49
sacarlson1hip2theehop: if your interested in chillispot you might be interested in this https://github.com/sacarlson/mini-isp.debpackage06:50
vozzsacarlson1: i fixed it! put default-sample-rate = 44100 in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf and restarted pulseaudio06:50
vozzi wish I'd known that 5 years ago, i remember troubleshooting it with completely different hardware when gnome2 was the default, and never solved it so i gave up on linux ;_;06:51
rommel092079I have error sub-process: /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:51
rommel092079it is when I install freeradius06:51
sacarlson1vozz: oh cool, I guess my card just happens to default at the correct number06:52
rommel092079or anything after I update my 9.04 to lucid06:52
vozzit's strange, when I first had the problem i was on a crappy laptop with pretty standard audio hardware, this time i'm on a desktop using a usb pro audio interface06:53
sacarlson1rommel092079: I recall some time back I couldn't get the freeradius package to work,  I had to compile a fresh copy from the developers.  not sure that is still the case as that was over 1 year ago06:53
fortyninemy goodnes, the unity interface is hideous06:54
fortyninethis reminds me of vista06:54
rommel092079sacarlson1: i cant uninstall it too using apt-get remove06:54
rommel092079i get the same error when removing.06:54
sacarlson1rommel092079: I use freeradius and you can see examples of my using it at https://github.com/sacarlson/mini-isp.debpackage06:55
sacarlson1rommel092079: or maybe more detailed uses of freeradius can be found here in my other less updated git https://github.com/sacarlson/mini_isp06:56
Tim_Millerlol i'm wiping unity and installing xubuntu06:57
Tim_Millersee how this works06:57
sacarlson1Tim_Miller: that should run much faster  or lubuntu06:57
Tim_Milleri figured i'd try xubuntu first if its still slow then i will go withe lubuntu06:57
rommel092079sacarlson1: thanks for the links. anyway can I ask something? which software manages the download and upload speed for the users? is it the chillispot or the freeradius or none of them?  I am utilizing easyhotspot as my experiment.06:58
__unikTim_Miller: had you done apt-get update && apt-get upgrade06:59
sacarlson1rommel092079: as far as I know it's none of them.  on my system I have two different methods of bw control the new being in the package  git06:59
__unikyou have to do that after installing any new desktop enviroment06:59
Tim_Milleractually i did07:00
Tim_Millerwent to settings then get update07:00
fortynineok, so whats the best replacement desktop envir for ubuntu?07:01
sacarlson1rommel092079: my present release uses this as part of bw control in the package edition https://github.com/sacarlson/mini-isp.debpackage/blob/master/mini-isp-1.0-1.debpackage/usr/share/mini-isp/bwc.sh07:01
sacarlson1rommel092079: my script should easily port into openwrt router to run there also if needed.07:04
fancyfetushey guys07:05
fancyfetushow come when I theme everything, nautilus doesn't change?07:05
fancyfetusI'm changing my close, minimize maximize buttons, but nautilus stays the same.07:05
sacarlson1rommel092079: the new versions of chillispot or it's dirivitives might also add methods to control bw as it's not hard to do07:05
fancyfetusterminal changed.07:05
rommel092079sacalson1: are you familiar with easyhotspot?  I dont know how they control bw but on their gui, when you create an access for user, their is this download and upload rate that you should set also. but I dont know what manages it.07:13
sacarlson1rommel092079: if they added the data to the freeradius link then they probly use it at the router point in easyhotspot.  they are all dirivitives of chillispot.  I"ve tried many of them but presently don't use any of them.  easy just to plug in any access point on my system without the need to flash them07:17
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rommel092079ok thanks. can you suggest me any package for bw control that I incorporate ?07:18
sacarlson1rommel092079: my method can also be cheaper as you don't need an expesive accesspoint that can run openwrt, any cheap one will work07:19
idarI am having some trouble with dhcp on one of my nics, noramlly it works. Now i don't receive the dhcp offer the server send to my client. Client log says dhcpDiscover, server log says dhcpdiscover and dhcpoffer.07:19
arcskygood morning, when i login via ssh there is a script which show some tech data. how do i add so eth0 shows their IPv6 address too?07:19
rommel092079ok thanks I will check on your work.07:20
sacarlson1rommel092079: I incorporate bw control at the gateway point as seen in my ilistrations in my wiki of my package07:20
sacarlson1rommel092079: https://github.com/sacarlson/mini-isp.debpackage/wiki07:20
rommel092079thanks. I will study that.07:21
sacarlson1rommel092079: should be easy to install with 3 clicks of the deb file07:21
rommel092079do you mind if I ask you for any email contacts where I can ask if ever there will be problem?07:22
sacarlson1rommel092079: my email contact is on github07:22
rommel092079tnx. good day07:32
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Tim_Millerit seems like it is taking xubuntu much longer to install than ubuntu07:38
Tim_Millerxubuntu much faster :)07:48
Tim_Millerno waiting 5 min for a menu to open07:49
arcskygood morning, when i login via ssh there is a script which show some tech data. how do i add so eth0 shows their IPv6 address too?07:49
fortynineTim_Miller, your logo is a rat!07:53
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Tim_Millerim having a problem with xubuntu08:08
Tim_Millereithernet says its connected though i cannot connect to the network08:09
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Guest62385is ther any linux version of zkemkeeper dll?08:15
KevindfHello, Ive set up openvpn on my ubuntu server and can perfectly connect to the vpn on a diff netwok but when i go to what is my ip, the ip is not changed to where my host is located08:28
KevindfIs this because i have to set the vpn to bridged?08:28
arghahow to install  add one in ubuntu firefox08:30
arghathere is no menu bar on the fireox08:30
arghacan anybody tell me how do i fix this08:31
arghacan anybody tell me how do i  plug in the add one in my firefox ?08:34
arghathere is no menu  bar on the firefox  from where we can  download the add one08:35
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Tim_Milleropen firefox08:38
Tim_Millerin the bar next to the home button on the right side there is a box with 3 horizontal lines08:38
Tim_Millerclick on it and there icon in the drop down menu for add-ons08:38
Tim_Milleri cannot get firefox to connect to the internet :(08:39
hitori_Hi. I need help with motion. I want to switch to the vlc window when motion is detected. I'm using wmctrl for that `on_event_start wmctrl -a vlc`. But when I start motion as a service wmctrl command doesn't work. I think it's because the sevice is started as a motion user. How can I fix this? Thanks.08:39
lh_why the rt2800usb driver doesn't stable?My wifi card is rt3070 chip.08:40
lh_It's easy to auto disconnect.08:42
decciI am unable to install swat package on ubuntu 14.0408:53
decciI am having samba 2:4.1.6 installed08:54
decciI just tried apt-get swat but it said that there is no candidate08:54
decciI tried wget from launchpad for swat 3.6.x version08:55
decciBut it conflicts with sama common package08:55
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decciAll I need is to access samba through Web browser08:56
decciPlease suggest08:56
argha_hello Zy3pd09:01
goukiWith 14.04, has anyone ever had the compose key (right AltGr) not working no matter what?09:03
jeorasi'm missing some icon in system setting09:05
jeorashow to fix them09:05
Almis90hello guys, I installed python-webkit2png and when I running it in the terminal everything works fine but when I executing through browser using the php's exec function its not working as expected, I googled and as I understood there is problem with permision, can someone guide me to solve this problem?09:08
zaffydecci: no more swat: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+package/swat09:09
deccizaffy: does it mean no web browser access09:10
deccizaffy: how shall I access samba through browser09:12
deccizaffy: was there any replacement or this feature completely obseleted..09:13
zanzacarwhere is a decent place to go for general hardware questions?09:14
zanzacarno linux specific? I am just trying to figure out information on i7 4800 or if a mini display port is processed by the gpu or the cpu etc etc etc.09:15
decciDoes it mean we can't access now the samba through browser09:16
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fbretelhi All, can someone point me to a tutorial on how to detect if some appindicator service is running in C (this is for a cross-DE/WM application) ?09:18
pkcan anybody suggest me which plc works fine on linux09:19
pksiemens plc s71200 doesnt support linux platform09:19
jack_talk bout WINE?09:38
jack_how to install WINE on elementary?09:39
Ben64elementary isn't supported here, sorry09:39
Luyinjack_: should be accomplished via 'sudo apt-get install wine'09:39
jack_last chaos?09:40
jack_game server?09:41
jack_is a mmorpg.09:41
Ben64ElementaryOS support is in #elementary, this channel is ubuntu only09:41
Ben64not sure why you're talking about a game server really09:41
jack_ok dude09:41
ankkis there a console tool to automaticly fix all network issues?09:45
ankkmust i do everything manually at this age?09:45
Ben64ankk: theres no magic button for anything09:45
ankkBen64 is there a way to make linux detect network devices from beginning and set it?09:46
ankklike fresh linux installation09:46
Ben64could you describe your issue09:46
ankki'm using ubuntu in a virtual machine and i changed network connection type. but i want it to detect that changes automaticly09:47
ankki don't want to install linux again or manually change settings09:47
Ben64you might need to restart for it to take effect09:47
ankkthere must be a tool to do this without reboot09:48
Ben64ankk: when you change the settings of a virtual machine, its like changing hardware09:49
Ben64which you normally can't do while the computer is on09:49
ankkBen64 thank you09:51
pnglHi everyone. I'm having an issue with my touchpad on Ubuntu 14.04. Some time after reboot, it stops working. I have a trackpoint, so I can still use my laptop, but I need to reboot for the touchpad to work again. I looked at the system logs and saw nothing suspicious. What should I try to investigate?10:01
buIaPls VOTE mis BULA as TOP TROLL 201410:04
buIaThanks :-)10:04
BlackDalekHow do I disable the "DING!" sound effect every time I transfer a file from phone to computer via bluetooth?10:04
kakashiA1hey guys, I am using ubuntu 14.04 LTS with the firefox that you can have from the repos10:10
kakashiA1I am german and I have problems to render some letters correctly10:10
kakashiA1but if I activate unicode it looks fine10:11
kakashiA1but if I refresh, I have to activate unicode again10:11
kakashiA1I cant set unicode as default10:11
pipi_Hi guys, why does hexchat not come with perl on ubuntu 14.10 ?10:24
Ben64pipi_: 14.10 support in #ubuntu+1 until release10:25
pipi_Ben64: thanks.10:26
hydeHi, is there an official way to install Ubuntu as read-only on HD? Ie. basically same as booting live CD from HD partition.10:26
hyde...official, or just documented unofficial, actually10:26
RoryDoes anyone know of any good resources for learning about and implementing the "acct" tool? Google throws up plenty, but I'm sure most is just blogspam10:29
sacarlsonhyde: I've installed ubuntu in this manner that boots the same as you see from a live cd by adding an entry in grub210:31
kailashi guys, if i am developing applications for Ubuntu, how can i submit them, or what is the procedure to follow after development is done?????10:31
sacarlsonhyde: this link looks a bit old but I think it should still work this way https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot/Examples10:32
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sacarlsonkailas: I recomend to start by publishing on github.com  like in this example https://github.com/sacarlson/Backdoor10:33
sacarlsonkailas: you can also publish on code.google.com or sourceforge.com  but github.com to me is the best10:34
sacarlsonkailas: i've never tired it but I think anyone can also publish on pps10:35
kailassacarlson: The reason I ask is, I have to present in class, and state what the development procedure for Ubuntu looks like, so is there a certain procedure, like an end to end description of how changes are incorporated or how ppas are added to the official repos10:36
sacarlsonkailas: oh I'm not sure but my guess is that ppa is involved at one point before anything is certified into the standard repo http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/apps/other-forms-of-submitting-apps/ppa/10:38
kailassacarlson: perfect, that sounds good, thanks10:39
sacarlsonkailas: many times there will be mirrors of github and ppa and branches that never get published direct10:39
kailassacarlson: ok10:40
sacarlsonkailas: I think I've found what you are looking for and it does involve ppa in the steps as seen here http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/scope/application-states/10:52
kailassacarlson: Thank you so much, that is precisely what I needed, its almost 7am and I could barely keep going, this is great help... :D10:53
sacarlsonkailas: np10:54
MagicSpudhello I am having this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/1374841 does anybody know whether it is fixed yet or what?10:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 1374841 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "gstreamer crashes when opening WMA files" [Undecided,New]10:57
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Ben64MagicSpud: well you linked to the page where it would say if it was fixed10:58
MagicSpudBen64 the post is one month old... how long will it take? I miss my favourite songs11:00
mnrhello everyone11:00
MagicSpudhello mnr11:01
Ben64MagicSpud: use a better format? :S11:01
mnri just installed ubuntu 14.04 but having a few problem11:01
sacarlsonMagicSpud: I guess a work around would be to use mint-meta-codecs  from the mint repository, but I"m not sure how you would import it11:01
tykayn-ubuntui cant see xdebug call stack in my browsers , despite having it enabled in php info11:01
MagicSpudoh cool wise suggestion...which would be the shell command to turn all wma files into mp3?11:02
mnrfirst prob is vlc does not start]11:02
Ben64MagicSpud: playing a wma file here in rhythmbox fine here btw11:02
MagicSpudubuntu 14.04 fundamentalist here11:02
Ben64- one of those heres11:02
mnrneed help? anyone?11:03
Ben64MagicSpud: wma isn't a good format to start off with, but you can probably convert using lame11:03
sacarlsonBen64: does your version of ubuntu running in i386 or amd64?11:04
mnrMagicSpud:  hey can u help me?11:04
MagicSpudhmmm they are cds I bought how come they have that weird format?11:04
Ben64mnr: be patient, also, give more details11:04
MagicSpudwhat do you need mnr?11:04
Ben64MagicSpud: cds don't have wmas on them...11:04
MagicSpudyeah specify buddie11:04
mnr i just installed vlc .. but its not working11:05
Ben64define "not working"11:05
brent!define not working11:05
ubottubrent: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:05
mnrin  terminal :   VLC media player 2.2.0-pre2 Weatherwax (revision 2.2.0-pre1-15-g5178b24) [0829a158] core libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface. [083351d0] skins2 interface error: no suitable dialogs provider found (hint: compile the qt4 plugin, and make sure it is loaded properly) [083351d0] skins2 interface error: cannot instantiate qt4 dialogs provider [083351d0] [cli] lua interface: L11:06
sacarlsonas the bug that MagicSpud has might only fail on the amd64 platform11:06
Ben64well i'm on 64, so nope11:06
mnrim on 32 bit11:07
Ben64mnr: that version isn't an ubuntu version11:07
MagicSpudmnr you already posted a hint: qt411:07
mnrso what i need to do?11:07
MagicSpudgo to synaptic and check which qt4 packages you have installed11:08
Ben64get support from whoever you got that vlc from11:08
Ben64since its not an official package11:08
sacarlsonBen64: oh so maybe you don't have the ubuntu-restricted-extras package installed?  but you can still listen to mp3 and mwv files?11:08
erjonike passa chavalesss11:08
tykayn-ubuntuok i had the display_erros to off in php.ini :D11:08
MagicSpudif any11:08
Ben64sacarlson: ii  ubuntu-restricted-addons11:08
Ben64try again :)11:08
erjonisoi el yonatan11:08
erjonivamonos arriba nanoooooos!!"!11:09
mnrMagicSpud:  im new i dont know how to fix... n what qt4 is11:09
erjonipff el samu se ha rayao11:09
Ben64mnr: where did you download vlc from11:09
Ben64erjoni: english only here, please11:09
MagicSpudyeah me neither... mind it is something you need on your sytem for vlc to work11:09
erjoniyu jave to delete11:09
sacarlsonMagicSpud: so that must be another workaround try install ubuntu-restricted-addons , if that fails still uninstall ubuntu-restricted-extras11:10
MagicSpudmnr I would first check out whether it is installed or not11:10
erjoniben64 te revientoooo11:10
Ben64mnr: uninstall that vlc however you got it, and install the one from the software center11:10
Ben64!es | erjoni11:10
ubottuerjoni: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:10
MagicSpudsacarlson,  okay I ll give it a shot11:10
erjoniokai grasiaaas benni11:11
erjonime fum0o la distancia11:11
erjonientrr tu y yo nano11:11
mnrMagicSpud:  i just put this code into terminal...   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:djcj/vlc-stable11:11
MagicSpudsacarlson,  it says it is already in the latest version11:11
mnrsudo apt-get install vlc11:11
Ben64mnr: yeah, don't use PPAs unless you know what they do and what you're doing11:12
MagicSpudmnr okay which ubuntu version are you using?11:12
Ben64ubuntu already has VLC, and it works if you install it normally from the software center, no PPA required11:12
therue1should i do a regular install? or bare install? my goal is to get more familiar with ubuntu for web development, web hosting in the future11:12
mnrBen64:  ok man... im new here.. thats the all thing i need to know11:12
Ben64!ppa | mnr11:12
ubottumnr: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge11:12
therue1having too many soaftware could cause problems sometimes right?'11:12
mnr]14.04 lts11:12
Ben64therue1: not really11:13
sacarlsonMagicSpud: so is ubuntu-restricted-extras a dependancy of ubuntu-restricted-addons?  maybe you could unistall ubuntu-restricted-extras.  there must be something different installed on Ben64's sytem11:13
MagicSpudsacarlson,  why do you think uninstalling ubuntu-restricted* would fix the problem?11:13
MagicSpudno idea11:13
sacarlsonMagicSpud: well that's were the bug is located11:14
Ben64not necessarily11:14
Ben64could be the file(s)11:14
MagicSpudoh and reinstall the addons?11:14
Ben64wma supports funky stuff and that could be breaking things11:14
mnrBen64:  so what should i do ? remove the ppa11:14
Ben64mnr: if you want support here, yes11:14
MagicSpudI like funky11:14
MagicSpudthats precisely what is not playing11:14
sacarlsonBen64: MagicSpud: the package that is documented as having the bug is ubuntu-restricted-extras, as I don't have it installed and I can run all the codecs with no problem then ....11:15
mnrok .... how to do that then :D11:15
Ben64sacarlson: its not even confirmed to be a bug yet11:15
MagicSpudokay uninstaled do I need to reboot?11:16
sacarlsonMagicSpud: Ben64 well it's confirmed not being a bug for me and Ben6411:16
Ben64MagicSpud: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37793&p=2851469#post285146911:16
Ben64a method to convert a bunch of music11:16
mnrBen64:  hey how could i remove ppa?11:16
Ben64!ppa-purge | mnr11:16
ubottumnr: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html11:16
mnrok thanx man11:17
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MagicSpudoh thanks for the alternative solution Ben6411:18
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MagicSpudlets fix that vlc problem11:18
Ben64a little ppa-purge and installing the proper vlc should do it11:18
MagicSpudmnr so 14.04lts vlc not default installed but you can easily get it from software center11:19
mnrMagicSpud:  ok man11:19
MagicSpudI myself like to install software using ppa aswell...11:19
MagicSpudbut if youre doing so you need to satisfy dependencies11:19
MagicSpudI use to go to launchpad page to do so11:20
MagicSpudor to the package info page at ubuntu packages11:20
mnrBen64:  it says .. 'sudo ppa-purge ppa:djcj/vlc-stable ' it says  'sudo: ppa-purge: command not found'11:21
MagicSpudmnr you will see in this page : https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/ubuntu/stable-daily a green text saying: technical details about this ppa11:22
k1linstall ppa-purge first11:22
user74747Hi! I want to make a paswordless telnet user with my ncurses game for a shell. But if you make a passwordless user in ssh, anybody can mess up his files with scp. Are there any similar catches associated with telnet?11:22
mnrMagicSpud:  ok i'm gonna check this out11:22
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MagicSpudmnr you click the arrow and then you see the repositories you just need to add your ubuntu version there and copy paste those lines into your sources.list11:23
Ben64mnr: MagicSpud: installing more ppas is not the answer :|11:23
MagicSpudthe easiest way to do so is to have synaptic installed on your system...oh?11:23
MagicSpudI just tell what I usually do to get latest versions11:24
Ben64latest isn't always better11:24
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mnrBen64:  MagicSpud  so i wanna remove the ppa first that i added .. but pppa-purge is not working11:24
Ben64you need to install ppa-purge first11:24
MagicSpudI didnt know about that one11:25
k1lmnr: install ppa-purge11:25
mnrk1l:  ok man11:25
k1lmnr: its not installed as default, so install it.11:25
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html11:25
MagicSpudI was telling the way to install latest versions as for mnr seems reticent to use software center...which is the tested version for the system11:25
Ben64the default ubuntu repositories contain a huge amount of software, probably everything that you could need. PPAs add unnecessary complexity and usually problems11:26
MagicSpudbut you cant install webmin that way for instance Ben64 you will need to add repositories11:27
k1lMagicSpud: webmin is a no-go11:27
k1lMagicSpud: there is a reason it was pushed out of ubuntu and debian.11:27
MagicSpudwhat does no-go mean?¿11:27
k1lMagicSpud: not good, trash, evil.11:28
sacarlsonuser74747: you can setup a passwordless ssh that is still secure or more secure than passwords by setting key pairs11:28
MagicSpudat school the teacher loves it11:28
k1l!webmin | MagicSpud11:28
ubottuMagicSpud: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.11:28
k1lMagicSpud: webmin will make trouble. and then you can do nothing than make a reinstall.11:29
MagicSpudokay so webmin is a nogo11:29
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).11:29
Ben64if you're going to run a server, you should really know how to administer it without fancy tools11:29
sacarlsonuser74747: for details about passwordless ssh see http://www.linuxproblem.org/art_9.html11:29
MagicSpudoh no I only used it on virtual box machines...for school practices11:29
k1land you dont need to install the latest version of all program. most times the ubuntu version will run fine and you will not even feel a difference.11:30
MagicSpudand its a real monster with cloudmin and so11:30
MagicSpudhey mnr is that vlc running or what¿11:31
mnrMagicSpud:  just still renoving it lol11:32
user74747sacarlson: Yes, I know about it, but it would require few additional commands from the user, and the telnet way seems to be secure, since I'm not sending any passwords over it anyway. Also, I couldn't find a way to log in into a predefined user with ssh. In telnet you don't have to specify the username, just the IP.11:32
user74747*a few11:32
mnrMagicSpud:  okay its done... now which way i should install it11:32
MagicSpudI removed the restricted extras but it is still crashing I dont know whether I need to reboot logout or what11:32
MagicSpudmnr sudo apt-get update11:33
MagicSpudand then use software center to install it11:33
arcskyhi i have some errors while do a apt-get install , http://pastebin.com/3J39d7RW11:33
mnrMagicSpud:  ok11:34
k1lmnr: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vlc"11:34
k1lmnr: the ppa is removed, right?11:34
MagicSpudyep that will also do11:34
fwaokdamy chromium context menus have alot of padding. is there a way to solve this anyone knows of?11:34
Ben64arcsky: ls -ln /etc/openntpd/ntpd.conf11:34
arcskyBen64: -rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 579 Dec 24  2013 /etc/openntpd/ntpd.conf11:35
mnrMagicSpud:  Ben64  : i did the ppa perge but the thing is vlc still installed in the softare i found11:35
mnrsoftware center11:36
Ben64mnr: apt-cache policy vlc | grep -i installed11:36
MagicSpudarcsky it seems you need to change some permissions11:36
erjonixhavalesss e buelkto11:36
MagicSpudlist them first ls -la yourfile11:36
howlymowlyhi poeple.. short question: copying files from my usb stick to the computer is *very* slow any idea, whats going on here? or a hint where I should start to look for a bug or an error or something?11:37
howlymowly(I am on ubuntu 14.04)11:37
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Guest24046im testing the internet11:37
erjonihowllymowly gay11:37
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erjonia ver putos primarios11:37
Guest24046what ?11:38
Guest24046bro im new here11:38
Guest24046on which port does it connect11:38
Guest24046can you answer me ?11:38
customOSGood morning! I was wondering if anyone here has installed ubuntu 14.04 mini on a laptop? My wireless isnt setting up, and its asking me if I want to manually configure my dhcp server. would it auto detect the internet if I connected it to ethernet? Or can I download the driver for my wireless and install it by dropping into terminal during installation?11:38
Guest24046i cant open a browser due to restrictions11:38
k1lGuest24046: what is your ubuntu support question?11:38
mnrBen64:  hey i did it but vlc still installed11:38
Ben64Guest24046: do you have an ubuntu support question?11:38
Ben64mnr: yeah but what is the output from that command i gave you11:39
mnrBen64:  Installed: 2.1.4+git20141006+r54582+19+11~ubuntu14.04.111:39
Ben64then you have the ubuntu version now :D11:39
arcskyBen64: any ideas?11:39
Ben64arcsky: looks like root can modify it, dunno, sorry11:39
mnrBen64:  ok but what i need to do run the softawre11:40
mnrBen64:  im completely new on ubuntu :D11:41
Ben64mnr: it is probably in the dash if you search for vlc, or in a menu or something, i don't use vlc, not sure11:41
hydesacarlson: thanks!11:41
k1lthat vlc is still the ppa one right?11:42
mnrBen64:  i mean still vlc is installed on software centre... so should i remove it from there?11:42
Ben64  Candidate: 2.1.4-0ubuntu14.04.111:42
Ben64and i don't have PPA for it11:42
k1l!info vlc11:42
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ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.4-0ubuntu14.04.1 (trusty), package size 1170 kB, installed size 3604 kB11:43
k1lyes, but he said: 2.1.4+git20141006+r54582+19+11~ubuntu14.04.111:43
Ben64i just paid attention to the 2.1.411:43
Ben64k1l: before he was on 2.2.something11:44
mnrBen64:  k1l  : so what should i do?11:44
Ben64multiple PPAs perhaps?11:44
k1lmnr: please use a pastebin and put the following output there: "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d/"11:44
k1l!paste | mnr11:44
ubottumnr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:44
k1lmnr: its still the wrong version, you seemed to have one some mess already there11:44
user74747...So, I guess, there's nothing wrong with a passwordless telnet access with a application program instead of a shell. Unless the program has security breaches, ofc.11:46
geirhauser74747: maybe look at what services like nethack.alt.org are using. (telnet nethack.alt.org to test)11:50
cyber_dwellerdo group in dhcpd.conf are considered known hosts?11:50
mnrk1l: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 অক্টো  20 17:28 . drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 অক্টো  20 16:39 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  136 অক্টো  20 17:28 djcj-vlc-stable-trusty.list -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  134 অক্টো  20 16:50 djcj-vlc-stable-trusty.list.save -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  146 অক্টো  20 16:50 videolan-s11:52
k1l!paste | mnr11:52
cyber_dwellerdo host in group in dhcpd.conf are considered known hosts? or i should host them also outside the group to make them known?11:52
k1lmnr: put it into a paste service. not in here. in here we need only the link11:52
mnrk1l:  oh ok sorry11:52
mnrk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8601019/plain/11:53
k1lmnr: ok, so that is still 2 PPAs for vlc. that is pure mess.11:53
k1lmnr:  use ppa-purge to get rid of them both11:54
mnrk1l:  ok ...but i allready use  'sudo ppa-perge'11:54
chenqirprA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.11:55
k1lmnr: no. its still there11:55
mnrk1l:  sudo ppa-purge ppa:djcj/vlc-stable11:55
k1lmnr: what was the command and what was the output? please copy all that into a pastebin again11:55
mnrk1l:  it worked before.. but now it says ... PPA to be removed: djcj vlc-stable Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: djcj vlc-stable11:57
user74747geirha: Thank you, that was informative. They use dgamelaunch. But I'm not sure what are its advantages over plain old telnet. And I'm not sure if it includes a pseudo-terminal emulation like telnetd. Curses has strange glitches if its stdout is connected to a pipe/socket, and not to a terminal.11:58
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k1lmnr: yes, that is what i meant with mess. :/, try the other ppa with ppa-purge12:00
geirhauser74747: nethack is very much a curses game12:01
jirka_Hallo. How can I ubuntu-bug code:shutdown?12:03
theruewhy did ubuntu change their ui from gnome to unity? now i'm staring at a desktop that looks more like a mobile device :\12:04
k1ltherue: because gnome stopped making the desktop.12:04
k1ltherue: try xubuntu-desktop or Lubuntu-desktop if you want the old style desktop back12:05
jirka_therue, look at http://ubuntugnome.org/12:06
theruei see12:06
theruewould it be better for a beginner to use ubuntu or mint? or is there basically not much difference12:07
k1ltherue: ubuntu (because you come to the ubuntu community to ask). for desktops see: http://imgur.com/a/9iaLJ12:07
jirka_Because I help develop Ubuntu, I can say Ubuntu is better.12:07
mnrk1l:  what is the next step solve it?12:08
k1lmnr: show the pastebin of what you did and what the output was12:08
mnrk1l:  it just shows two  lines of info... like this Updating packages lists PPA to be removed: djcj vlc-stable Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: djcj vlc-stable12:09
k1l!paste | mnr12:10
user74747geirha: I wish they wrote what's the reason for using dgamelaunch. The article says something about a chroot jail, maybe it is the reason in some way.12:10
dagon_does anyone of you have any experience with rfid readers?12:10
mnrk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8601129/12:10
dagon_I'm currently having a scemtec rfid reader/writer12:10
dagon_need a driver for rfdump etc.12:11
k1lmnr: so what about the other ppa?12:11
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user74747geirha: ...And it uses telnet too. I guess, I should ask on their IRC channel. Thank you!!12:15
mnr_hello evryone12:16
mnr_k1l:  u there?12:17
mnr_i got disconnected12:17
dagon_is there even a generic driver for rfid devices?12:17
k1lmnr_: still the same task for you: remove the ppas with ppa-purge and show the _whole_ output in a pastebin. and not only what you find interesting but everything.12:18
k1lmnr_: we cant help you if we only see half of what is going on.12:18
aibwhere is the udev log?12:18
mnr_k1l:  could u just tell me what code i should i type in the terminal12:19
k1lsudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory>12:19
mnr_k1l:  that was the full code12:19
mnr_k1l:  yea i did it12:19
aibanyone know where the udev(d) log file is?12:19
k1lmnr_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8601019/plain/ lists 2 ppas12:20
irgendwer4711hi, I am doing an dist-upgrade right now. some config files should be replaced and I select "watch it in a shell". now, how to get back?12:20
aibdist-upgrade? is 14.10 out?12:21
irgendwer4711aib: no, to 13.0412:21
irgendwer4711aib: I am stuck in samba upgrade process :-(12:22
mnr_k1l:  it just shows the same line12:22
aibthere was some program that run during, that used a weird key combination to exit12:22
mnr_PPA to be removed: djcj vlc-stable Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: djcj vlc-stable12:22
k1lmnr_: the other PPA!12:23
mnr_k1l:  which one12:23
irgendwer4711aib: ctrl + d?12:23
aibirgendwer4711: C+q or +x or something12:23
k1lmnr_: ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d           lists all your ppas12:23
aibcan you tell what process has your input?12:24
k1lmnr_: get rid of them all12:24
mnr_k1l:  ok12:24
irgendwer4711aib: may be too late. I closed ssh session12:24
mnr_k1l:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8601245/12:25
k1lmnr_: yes, and that is crap that you got both ppas installed. that is a mess.12:25
mnr_k1l:  so how can remove them all12:26
k1lmnr_: so remove the 2 PPAs with ppa-purge. and first come back if you are done with that or you provide the full output including the command and all messages after that, in a pastebin12:26
k1lmnr_: its still the same what i tell you since 30min now.12:26
aibirgendwer4711: wild guess here, any chance it's on a screen? try "screen -ls"12:26
mnr_k1l:  i think u didnt get me12:27
mnr_k1l:  its just not working12:27
mnr_k1l:  can you tell me what should be the code exactly.... from the output12:28
mnr_k1l:  to remove these?12:29
k1lmnr_: use ppa-purge for the other PPA, the videolan one12:29
ddsscgot chrome-beta installed but for some reason it won't launch from my stripe and forgets all my setting when I launch it from terminal. how do I make it launch for stripe?12:31
ddsscubuntu 14.04 lts12:31
jjavaholici'm looking for app to process 7,000 + image xmp metadata which app would you recommend?12:34
k1lmnr_: so after 1,5 hours i am leaving now. the task is still the same. use ppa-purge to get rid of both ppas. if there is the warning that there is no package list just remove the ppa by hand. after that make sure you got the original ubuntu vlc installed and stop messing around with the ppas12:38
ddsscgot chrome-beta installed but for some reason it won't launch from my stripe and forgets all my setting when I launch it from terminal. how do I make it launch for stripe? 14.04 lts12:42
ddsscthink I installed it as root12:43
cfhowlettddssc, installed as ROOT?  why?  anyway that's probably why it won12:43
cfhowlettwon't work.  root owns it.  delete and try again12:43
White_Catroot is woot12:44
mnrk1l:  hey still u there?12:44
mnrk1l:  what was the code to check the ppas?12:44
OerHeksmnr, to list them:  ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d12:45
mnrOerHeks:  ok12:46
bentinataHello, anyone know how to run application without screen?12:46
ddssccfhowlett: do I need to purge and reinstall with my user using sudo? or is there a way I can make it open with my user, maybe if I give access right to my user to chrome files?12:46
bentinataCurrently I use xdummy, but it give screen not found error.12:47
cfhowlettddssc, sudo dpkg -i foo.deb will install and should be available to all.  note: this is NOT root.12:47
ddssccfhowlett:  do I need to purge first?12:47
bentinataWhile xvfb give segmentation fault in the middle of process.12:48
Piciddssc: how did you install it?12:48
cfhowlettcfhowlett, yep.  I think you need to go to root and dpkg -r foo.deb12:48
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mnrOerHeks:  hey can u help me?12:49
ddsscPici as root12:49
mnrOerHeks:  just having prob with vlc and ppa12:49
Piciddssc: How?12:49
Piciddssc: Did you run some random script? Did you use dpkg? did you use apt?12:50
OerHeksmnr, k1l suggested to remove those ppa's ?12:50
mnrOerHeks:  yes12:50
OerHeksmnr, sudo ppa-purge ppa:djcj/vlc-stable12:51
ddsscPici: apt from ppa as root12:51
OerHeksmnr and the 2nd:  sudo ppa-purge ppa:videolan/stable-daily12:51
Piciddssc: Okay.  Then how did you run the application itself?12:51
OerHeksmnr this will reverse to the standard vlc12:52
mnrOerHeks:  i already did those12:52
OerHeksmnr, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:52
OerHeksmnr, still strange errors?12:52
mnrOerHeks:  updating12:53
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mnrOerHeks:  yes still it does http://paste.ubuntu.com/8601487/12:54
OerHeksmnr, stange, i think 2 ppa's with the same programm messed up :-(12:56
OerHeksmnr, what ubuntu version are you on?12:57
OerHekscurrent vlc is 2.2.0 in trusty12:57
mnr_OerHeks:  u there?12:58
OerHeksmnr, what ubuntu version are you on?12:59
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Piciddssc: You likely have configuration files owned by root in your user's home.  Reinstalling/purging the software is not going to help.  You can either try to remove the root owned files in your home dir, or just chown them to your user.13:02
xiaoyHow can I make the search panel smaller. I tried this solution, but doesnt work (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1751587)13:03
Hacker_ABI come here to ask a question which confused me for so long time13:05
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Hacker_ABwho can decode the IKE encrypted packets?13:06
PiciHacker_AB: Thats probably a better question for ##security or ##networking.13:06
Hacker_ABdo you have the chatroom number?13:06
pbxyeah, Hacker_AB, this doesn't sound particularly related to ubuntu support13:06
PiciHacker_AB: I just gave them to you.13:07
Hacker_ABThanks you guys13:07
Hacker_ABubuntu guys are so nice13:07
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jstephangood $localtime13:09
jstephani have a problem, when is ssh to a server, i get a broken pipe when i have a long output like dmesg turns into broken pipe after 10 lines13:09
jstephan... when i ...13:10
xiaoyehm... so, no solution for this problem?13:12
Dekker3DHey all13:12
Dekker3DFor a piece of software, I'll need to install libboost-system1.48.0, a library that's so old it's no longer in the apt repository.13:12
Dekker3DI'm rusty with Ubuntu. Can anyone tell me what to do? I've already tried looking for ppa repositories to add13:13
loganrun I have a 4TB software raid partition /dev/md127 that I want to back up to a 4TB backup drive that I can boot off of if need be. is "dd if=/dev/md127 of=/dev/sdd" the correct way to do this?13:16
BluesKajHiyas all13:16
xiaoyHow can I make the search panel smaller. I tried this solution, but doesnt work (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1751587)13:21
ddr9hello community members, pls help me in ubuntu installation dual boot with windows13:22
ddr9on booting the usb drive it says low graphics error and no option13:23
ddr9to click13:23
cfhowlettddr9, try booting with nomodeset13:25
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:25
OerHeksxiaoy, i can't find any setting, not in unity-tweak nor in dconf13:26
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ddr9cfhowlett,ubottu: one more thing, last time i somehow installed ubuntu using black window 'terminal', but the heatup was so huge that after 30 mins I had to close the system and uninstalled everything; while this never happens on windows13:27
xiaoyOerHeks, its strange, not that is a very big problem, but i was used to have a little nice panel with 12, and now I don't understand why i can't change settings with 1413:27
cfhowlettddr9, too vague to analyze.13:27
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ddr9okay, I have integrated Intel graphic card HD 4000 and ATI AMD Radeon HD 8570M13:28
cfhowlettddr9, radeon is not especially well supported on linux/ubuntu.  nvidia is preferred13:29
ddr9cfhowlett: any fix to this?13:32
ddr9by default that Gallium is installed and I guess thats the reason for the heatup13:32
cfhowlettddr9, not the kind you'll like: if possible get an Nvidia card13:32
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yocapybaraguys is there a recommended way to remove all the ubuntu-desktop software from the system, leaving it just as ubuntu-server?  I've tried tasksel but I just get aptitude failed (100) even after apt-get update13:35
yocapybarajust want to get the GUI removed entirely13:36
cfhowlett!server | yocapybara, server channel would know13:36
ubottuyocapybara, server channel would know: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server13:36
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yocapybaracfhowlett: thanks will try that13:36
xiaoyOerHeks, another thing: do you know if its possible to iconize already opened windows by clicking on their icon on the icon panel?13:41
OerHeksxiaoy, what do you mean with iconize ?13:41
xiaoyOerHeks, i mean minimize13:41
OerHeksxiaoy, no, but that should be a feature.13:42
xiaoyOerHeks, so it's not possible, right?13:42
OerHeksxiaoy, yes, not possible AFAIK13:43
OerHeksjust the min button on the corner of the window13:43
xiaoyOerHeks, well, are there any shortcuts?13:43
Dekker3DCan anyone help me install libboost-system1.48.0?13:43
pbxxiaoy, yes, you can set a keybinding for minimization.  i use "pause"13:45
OerHeksis it out yet?13:46
pikarenhow could i prevent myself from loggin in during a certain period of the day, for self-control purpose? :p13:46
cfhowlett!isitout | OerHeks you're about THREE! DAYS! early.  Chillax13:46
ubottuOerHeks you're about THREE! DAYS! early.  Chillax: NO13:46
pbxxiaoy, System Settings > Shortcuts > Windows > Minimize Window13:46
xiaoypbx, thanks13:46
OerHeksThank you cfhowlett13:46
cfhowlettOerHeks, happy2help13:47
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142513:47
pbxpikaren, prevent yourself from logging in to what?13:47
pikarenpbx: to the DE?13:48
pbxpikaren, by the nature of permissions there isn't much you could set up yourself that you couldn't get around yourself. you might need to enlist a human helper for this one :)13:50
agent_whiteNot to mention, if you do lock yourself out and want to get in, you _will_ do it. ;P13:52
pikarenhmm thanks for the response13:52
vividgoing to get pinged relentlessly on that one13:53
pbxpikaren, some ideas: http://alternativeto.net/software/macfreedom/?platform=linux13:53
pauljwpikaren, you might look at RSIBreak in the repos.  It is used to force rest periods to prevent repetative strain injury.  don't know how long you could set the break period for.  it can be set to lock the screen.13:53
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slobbyIs there anyone here that can help me install a program from a tar file?13:59
OerHeksslobby, untar it, and read the read.me ?14:00
slobbyHow do i open a terminal from the in folder?14:01
OerHeksslobby, just double click the tar, and it will open in fileroller14:01
slobbydoes fireroller also install it14:02
OerHeksno, just untars it14:02
slobbyI got it untared into a folder14:03
jargonanybody know how to configure active directory with pam and kerberos? i can kinit on the server, but cannot ssh to it with an existing AD account. auth.log says http://dpaste.com/36FVM6A14:15
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mnrhello everyone14:22
mnr i have reinstalled ubuntu...14:23
Snake2kmnr: Awesome14:23
* Snake2k hugs mnr.14:23
mnrSnake2k:  its fresh... but having problem14:24
mnrSnake2k: hugs14:24
mnrSnake2k:  give me some idea what should be basic stuff14:25
mnrthe install button in software is not working or available... anyone any idea?14:26
mnranyone there ??? i need some basic help14:29
Snake2kmnr: Umm.... It probably means that something is installed :|14:30
Snake2kmnr: Basic stuff: Just use the system as a daily driver... If you run into problems, solve it, don't restart to another OS.14:31
mnrSnake2k:  no... when i go to software centre n search for something then there is no option for install right of the screen14:31
cfhowlettmnr, picture14:32
FishsceneGreetings. I was here last week and noted an issue with the customized livecd tutorial here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization A kind person was able to help me with an alternative command, but I've run into another issue which at this point, probably warrants someone investigating and updating the tutorial. Who/How should I contact someone to update the tutorial?14:33
mnrSnake2k:  would u plz send me the link ubuntu screenshot site?14:33
cfhowlett!paste | mnr14:34
ubottumnr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:34
cryptic0I am trying to mount a nfs share, but this does not seem to be working: sudo mount -v -t nfs -o proto=tcp,port=2049 server:/sharename /local/mountpoint14:34
pcatineanHow does one extract the contents of a deb file instead of runing/installing it?14:38
mnr_OerHeks: still u there?14:40
Massrawypcatinean ar vx mypackage.deb14:42
MassrawyThen extract the contents of data.tar.gz using tar:14:42
Massrawytar -xzvf data.tar.gz14:42
MassrawyOr, if you just need to get a listing of the files:14:42
Massrawytar -tzvf data.tar.gz14:42
Massrawyfor more info ... http://www.g-loaded.eu/2008/01/28/how-to-extract-rpm-or-deb-packages/14:42
pcatineanbut it's a deb not .tar Massrawy14:43
pcatineanor am I missing something? :-s14:43
Massrawyyou are14:43
Massrawy"ar vx mypackage.deb"14:43
pcatineanthat "switches" from deb to tar?14:43
Massrawyit should14:43
geirhadpkg-deb -x foo.deb dir/to/extract/in/14:44
pcatineanhmm, takes quite some time14:44
MassrawyPlease read the link provided ^^^ for more info14:44
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mnr_fresh installed ubuntu 14.04 .... install button is not enabled on softwae center... anyone .. any idea?14:45
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Massrawyhave you tried a terminal ?14:46
Massrawysudo apt-get install <package_name>14:46
pcatineangeirha, that was just what I needed thanks!14:46
pcatineanMassrawy, thanks as well for providing help and resource, much appreciated!14:47
Massrawyif updating "sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"14:47
Massrawypcatinean, you're welcome :)14:47
mnr_k1l:  hey man i reinstalled the ubuntu i need the basic instruction...  would plz help me14:52
L1NHi, normally when we format and reinstall windows. We do install a number of drivers. Whereas in Linux, do we need them ?14:53
learningHow to ensure that stunnel connection stays live for long duration14:53
AlkeemikL1N, depending on the kernel you're using..14:54
L1Nkernel as in hardware ?14:54
MassrawyL1N, you don't usually need drivers for Linux14:56
loganrundoes anyone how I can make a partition of a particular size in bytes14:57
MassrawyKernel is a collection of instructions and codes that have a bunch of drivers already available for the OS, think of it as the heart of the OS14:57
Massrawyfor a more Technical read please check this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_%28operating_system%2914:59
L1Nkernel comes itself with ubuntu right? we dont need to change anything i assume ?14:59
Massrawyyes it does and no you usually don't15:00
Massrawywithout Kernel no OS :)15:00
Massrawyplease read the link to get an idea what it is15:01
mnr_install button disabled in ubuntu software center... anyone any idea?15:05
jimmy51v_how can I set up a login script (interactively) in cinnamon?15:05
tonyt-thought cinnamon was used in linux mint15:06
Massrawymnr_, please read above and let's know the result15:06
catcherI just upgraded from 12.04 -> 14.04, and I'm unable to use the key bindings to switch to other workspaces.  This is looking like a known bug, does anyone have a workaround?15:07
jimmy51v_tonyt: apt-get install cinnamon gets you cinnamon on ubuntu15:07
OerHekstonyt-, cinnamon was removed in trusty, but will return thursday in Utopic 14.1015:07
jimmy51v_tonyt: well, after you add the repo.  i'm trying to set up a login script that runs regardless of the user's DE15:07
vvver_562Will 14.04 run well on 2 gb ram?15:07
mnr_Massrawy:  i dont get it.. what to read.. ?15:07
OerHeks!info mate-desktop15:07
loganrunwhat will happen if I use dd to copy from a partion that is slightly smaller to one that is slightly bigger. i.e. dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 where sdb1 is slightly bigger than sda115:07
ubottumate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-1 (trusty), package size 17 kB, installed size 95 kB15:07
loganrunwill sdb1 be mountable and usable?15:08
digitalcrowhelp ! Can i install ubuntu 14.10 beta 2 or still has the problem with mencoder dependencies ?????15:08
OerHeksloganrun, sure, the left over space will not be used.15:08
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/136315:08
loganrunok thanks15:08
OerHeksdigitalcrow, support in #ubuntu+1 untill release15:09
Alphakaremmnr_, have you tried a terminal ?15:09
Alphakaremdo you have root access ?15:09
Alphakaremsudo apt-get install <package_name>15:09
mnr_Alphakarem: softare center?15:09
digitalcrowcan you tell me why i have 100% perfect 3d performance with linux and on windows 8.1 it sucks ?15:10
digitalcrowi have intel integrated graphics card15:10
mnr_Alphakarem:  yes i have root access15:10
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BluesKajloganrun, you can "fix" the partition after dd has finished by using gparted to "check" the partition which restores the partition a normal state...at leas that was my experience after dd15:11
vvver_562will 14.04 run fine with 2gb ram?15:12
OerHeksvvver_562, sure15:12
anuvratUnable to connect my nexus 5 to ubuntu 14.0415:13
anuvratsyslog flooded with messages https://dpaste.de/LjVr and https://dpaste.de/YWjz15:13
anuvratdepending upon whether I connect to usb 3.0 or 2.015:13
Alphakaremmnr_, are you trying to update your installation or install a new package ?15:14
mnr_Alphakarem:  i just installed ubuntu 14.04... now i need to install some software15:15
mnr_Alphakarem:  and i updated successfully15:15
Alphakaremtry to reboot, if that doesn't help try this "apt-get install <enter_your_package_name_here>"15:16
mnr_Alphakarem: have a look at this someone allready have had the problem...  http://askubuntu.com/questions/90734/install-button-in-software-center-is-disabled15:17
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mnr_Alphakarem: anyway i need to install vlc first... what would be the code in terminal15:18
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Alphakaremsudo apt-get install vlc15:19
fwaokdamy chromium context menus have alot of padding. is there a way to solve this anyone knows of?15:20
squintyanuvrat:  no expert on this topic but you many want to google for   mtpfs, android and see if your phone is set to mtp (in your phone settings)15:21
Alphakaremmnr_, it's a bug but as stated on the page you shared, seems like it's a bug, future updates will hopefully fix it. in the meantime you can use terminal or the method mentioned in the link.15:21
mnr_Alphakarem:  ok i wanna install vlc through terminal... what would be the code for ubuntu repo15:23
mnr_Alphakarem: donta wanna do it via ppa15:23
squintymnr_: he already said  <Alphakarem> sudo apt-get install vlc15:24
mnr_squinty: ok15:24
squintymnr_:  if you haven't updated recently then you might also want to run  sudo apt-get update  first before  sudo apt-get install vlc15:25
mnr_squinty: yea  i just updated 10 mins ago15:25
Alphakarem"sudo apt-get -t wheezy-backports install vlc" this should do it from wheezy repo15:26
OerHekswheeza backports ?15:27
OerHeksuh oh15:27
AlphakaremOerHeks, :) well .. he can adapt to his need i assume15:28
OerHeksAlphakarem, please don't suggest that, and if you do, say we don't support it. ( and mnr_ will have issues like a few hours ago)15:28
mnr_Alphakarem:  but allready did apt-get install vlc... is that ok?15:28
OerHeksjust keep it with our repos15:29
mnr_OerHeks:  i just did sudo apt-get install vlc .... is that ok?15:29
AlphakaremOerHeks, he was looking for the syntax of the command this is a syntax of how to get from a repo15:30
Alphakaremmnr_, yes that ok and perfectly fine because you are using ubuntu's offical repos15:31
OerHeksmnr_, that is fine15:31
OerHeksmnr_, you won't see the install button ( geyed out) unless you select a package15:31
mnr_OerHeks:  yeah after selected the install button is just look like disabled.. take look here kind of like this http://askubuntu.com/questions/90734/install-button-in-software-center-is-disabled15:33
OerHeksmnr_, that is an old bug, sure you are on 14.04?15:34
mnr_OerHeks:  yess15:35
mnr_OerHeks:  ubuntu 14.04 lts15:35
redts456I just bought lenovo z510 laptop with pre-installed Windows 8.1. I like to install ubuntu and completely wipe out Windows and its recover partitions. Is this ok? I hope i dont brick my laptop..15:36
OerHeksmnr_, i am sure you run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade", you might want to run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get distr-upgrade" too to see if there are newer packages15:37
OerHeksthis will not bring you to 14.1015:37
OerHeksredts456, sounds music to my ears :-D15:37
mnr_OerHeks:  ok im on this15:38
Insomniac17Hi everyone15:38
LucaxHi, where is system/administration/software services?15:39
redts456OerHeks, am i doing it right? Should I remove windows specific recovery partitions?15:40
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catcherI just upgraded from 12.04 -> 14.04, and I'm unable to use the key bindings to switch to other workspaces.  This is looking like a known bug, does anyone have a workaround?15:41
OerHeksredts456, if you never want to go back, yes, but i would keep that, just in case15:41
redts456Any official guide from community regarding backup in this direction would be preferable15:42
redts456And ty15:43
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:43
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe15:45
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate15:45
tehcerealhello i installed gsynaptics and i want to remove it now but when i remove it gpointing-device-settings stays installed15:46
tehcerealdid i install gpointing-device-settings with gsynaptics or its just there?15:46
tehcerealby default15:47
squintytehcereal:  on my laptop here, that particular software is not installed so would image it is not part of the default install... therefore probably in your case it was installed after15:51
redts456There is a One Key Recovery Button on most of the laptops these days which is used to restore Windows to a factory set restore position. Can ubuntu works same like this and utilize this button for its own backup recovery?15:51
subhojit777I have updated some applications, and after that I notice the system startup has become slow. How can I fix it. Is there any way I can diagnose the problem15:51
tehcerealsquinty, thx15:52
squintysubhojit777:   System Monitor, or top or  htop (needs to be installed)  see if any resources are taking excessive cpu time etc15:52
squintytehcereal:  yw15:53
ActionParsnipredts456: you could implement a partition with an image of a working Ubuntu system partition. You can then use dd to spit the image over the top of a standing install (in live CD).15:53
subhojit777squinty, the startup has become slow. Rest of the things are alright15:54
ActionParsnipsubhojit777: run:  dmesg | less       look for large gaps in time on the left hand colomn (this is time in seconds since the kernel came up)15:54
Lucaxfor a beginner, could you mention the basic things that I most probably need like: python, openssl, synaptic..more?15:55
Lucaxit might save me some time15:55
arcade_highhey guys15:55
arcade_highand girls15:55
squintysubhojit777:  oops! sorry misread your question :(15:56
ActionParsnipLucax: those things are in a default install, ubuntu is made for linux beginners so has a lot of that stuff already15:56
ActionParsnipLucax: you dont need synaptic, there is software centre now......15:57
Lucaxoh I figured that15:57
* squinty still prefers synaptic :P15:58
* ActionParsnip prefers apt-fast :)15:58
LucaxI go on and surf old linux info, haha15:58
arcade_highprefers apt-get15:59
ActionParsniparcade_high: indeed16:00
ActionParsniparcade_high: apt-get + axel = apt-fast]16:00
arcade_highoh okay16:00
LucaxI am trying to install getdeb to make use of their packages...hmmm, not managing16:01
arcade_highI don't know i miss the gnome2 days16:01
arcade_highgnome3 is so bulky and stuff16:01
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arcade_highthe unity desktop i cannot get along with anyway16:02
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ActionParsniparcade_high: unity isnt a desktop, its a shell16:02
arcade_highi don´t mock ubuntu at all, i switched from windows to ubuntu16:03
arcade_highyes a shell my bad16:03
arcade_highbut bulky and slow16:03
arcade_highhowever it is still great to learn linux16:03
zestererHello? I was wondering if anyone could help me configure the FOSS graphics drivers on Ubuntu. I have an Intel Ivybridge integrated card, and an AMD Radeon HD 7700M Series discrete graphics card. But at the moment, the drivers are only using the intel card for games, not the AMD card (I think)16:04
ActionParsniparcade_high: I use openbox as standalone WM, super light :)16:04
arcade_highActionParsnip good choise ;)16:04
arcade_highdid you try awesome ?16:05
zestererI'm using the proprietary fglrx drivers atm for performance reasons - but they cause all kinds of visual glitches outside of games, and make everything very slow16:05
arcade_hightiling window manager16:05
arcade_highlightning fast16:05
cryptic0I am in sudoers list, and would like to change my username.  How do I accomplish this while I am logged in?16:05
arcade_highbut yeah i usually use openbox or xfce aswell16:06
ActionParsniparcade_high: not yet but I'm finding openbox ok tbh16:06
Lucaxok, how to leave a directory, in dos it was cd..16:06
Lucaxsay I have /home/lucax/dadadadada how to come to /home/lucax16:07
arcade_highAction can you simply uninstall nautilus and install thunar?16:07
facepalmLucax, cd ..16:07
squintyLucax:  leave a space between cd and the dots16:07
AxtonLucax cd ..16:07
ActionParsnipcryptic0: http://askubuntu.com/questions/34074/how-do-i-change-my-username#34075   you may need to change sudoers in root recovery ode16:07
Lucaxkind of dosy16:07
learningI am trying to compile stunnel 5.06 but getting this error in "make" step: stunnel-5.06/src/options.c:2123: undefined reference to `SSLv2_client_method'16:08
ActionParsnipcryptic0: actually, the username should still be in the sudo group....16:08
arcade_highor do you have to leave the ubuntu files16:08
learningAny idea how to fix this?16:08
cryptic0ActionParsnip: does this need rebooting?16:08
ActionParsnipcryptic0: i don't believe so, you may need to log off and on16:08
ActionParsniplearning: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue16:08
cryptic0I take it this has to be done on localhost16:08
ActionParsnipcryptic0: well....yeah, wherelse?16:09
learningActionParsnip: 12.04.5 \n \l16:09
ActionParsnipcryptic0: but you are connected to the box you want o manipulate, so commands ran there will act on localhost16:10
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cryptic0ActionParsnip: Ah I see. I can do sudo su -, and then just do usermod?16:11
ActionParsniplearning: did you check the readme file in the install and readme files in the source16:11
ActionParsnipcryptic0: sure, probably less issues too16:12
learningActionParsnip: yea. ./configure make and make install16:12
learningI get error in make step16:12
cryptic0ActionParsnip: how do I then get out of root mode?16:12
gladiator-cccan i install linx (forcedly ? ) to a loopback device. i mean forcing installer to install to a loopback device. since by default it causes errors.16:12
ActionParsnipcryptic0: press CTRL + D or type:  exit16:12
arcade_highlearning did you install build-essential?16:12
cryptic0ok thanks16:13
arcade_highapt-get install build-essential16:13
cryptic0ActionParsnip: user olduser is currently being used by process 1970 (bash)16:13
learningarcade_high: This error is not due to that.16:14
arcade_highmissing unmet dependecies and libraries16:14
learningarcade_high: Its not due to build-essential dependencies.16:15
learningthose erros are of different kind16:15
aliusHI ! I need help, How can I create a .deb with a file.sh ?16:15
trismlearning: http://stackoverflow.com/a/9857204/277418816:16
tehcerealanother question, what are my minspeed and maxspeed in synclient to get a "raw" input from my touchpad16:17
tehcereali use 6/11 pointer speed on windows16:17
sacarlsonalius: I guess we need a bit more info than that as to what is in the file.sh and why would you need to make it a package?16:17
tehcerealso i want to match that on linux16:17
MaltahlHi i have some trouble, when i plug in the secondary display to my laptop i get logged out instantly and if i try to login agian with GUI while having the secondary display plugged in it will just get black screen for a moment and then show login screen agian.16:17
mnr_OerHeks: hey u there?16:19
mnr_OerHeks:  just updated n upgraded16:19
arcade_highMaltah unplug the second screen and go to energy settings16:20
mnr_OerHeks:  but vlc still not working16:20
Maltahlarcade_high : im there16:20
arcade_highswitch action desktop lid closed to "nothin" or "ignore"16:20
ActionParsnipmnr_: tried renaming it's configuration folder?16:20
aliussacarlson: hello, I download a software and the file is .sh, I just want to know if it's possible to buil the .deb pkg with dpkg or if I can only do sh my_file.sh ?16:20
gladiator-cclol kvirc is interesting it detect live users and zombie ones and shows statistics about it :D16:21
mnr_ActionParsnip:  which folder... where is it?16:21
arcade_highif there is no such option open a terminal and "dconf-editor"16:21
ActionParsnipmnr_: ~/.config/vlc16:21
ActionParsnipalius: you will need to run it as a scrtipt. What are you installing?16:21
mnr_ActionParsnip:  n how to reaname it would plz tell me on terminal16:22
arcade_highnavigate to org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power16:22
ActionParsnipmnr_: mv ~/.config/vlc ~/.config/vlc_old16:22
aliusI want to install netbeans (the latest version) from the official website16:22
sacarlsonalius: the *.sh file normaly is a script file that can be run direct without the need for any dependencies or other libs.  *.deb file are normaly created for that reason to pull in needed dependencies16:22
Maltahlarcade_high its been disabled already by myself16:23
ActionParsnipalius: yeah thats how it is done16:23
arcade_highah okay16:23
arcade_highdo you have any propiertary drivers installed?16:23
mnr_ActionParsnip:  should i just type vlc then?16:23
arcade_highvideo drivers16:24
aliusso the only reason is that there no dependencies with other pkg and I just need to run the script ?16:24
aliuswhy !netbeans ?16:24
ActionParsnipmnr_: yes, run it as you expect16:24
Maltahlarcade_high Yes Nvidia_331 but it have not caused me trouble before16:24
aliusok thank you16:24
ActionParsnipalius: sacarlson was trying to see if Ubottu had a factoid for netbeans, apparently she doesnt16:24
mnr_ActionParsnip:  but still not working16:24
ActionParsnipmnr_: what happens when you try to launch it?16:25
arcade_highwait Maltahl i'll try to help you16:25
arcade_highgimme a second16:25
mnr_ActionParsnip:  in terminal itsays something like thsis http://paste.ubuntu.com/8603663/16:26
Maltahlarcade_high Yes Nvidia_331 but it have not caused me trouble before16:26
Maltahlarcade_high ups sorry, yes no problem16:26
sacarlsonalius: I would assume so, but a script can do most anything including install things in a different manner than we normally do in ubuntu.  so without knowing what is in the *.sh file it's hard to say16:26
ActionParsnipalius: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Netbeans16:27
ActionParsnipmnr_: can you please pastebin the output of:    lsb_release -a; uname -a; apt-cache policy vlc16:27
mnr_ActionParsnip:  yeah sure!16:28
subhojit777is there any risk of upgrading kernel?16:28
aliusthe script said that I do not have a compatible JDK, what's happen ?16:29
ActionParsnipsubhojit777: there is risk in any upgrade]16:29
mnr_ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8603687/16:29
sacarlsonsubhojit777: there is always some risk but the standard kernel upgrade method had fallback built in in most case if it fails you can fallback to last kernel16:29
ActionParsnip!info libqtgui416:30
ubottulibqtgui4 (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 GUI module. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.5+git192-g085f851+dfsg-2ubuntu4 (trusty), package size 4086 kB, installed size 12667 kB16:30
ActionParsnipmnr_: install libqtgui416:30
ActionParsnipmnr_: https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=11908916:30
ActionParsnipmnr_: http://paste.eseaf.com/?pid=34016:31
ActionParsnipmnr_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173316116:32
mnr_ActionParsnip:  should i just type 'sudo apt-get install libqtgui4'16:33
ActionParsnipmnr_: yes.....too obvious?16:33
mnr_ActionParsnip:  ok man :d16:34
AlphakaremI have a problem with IR on Ubuntu16:34
sacarlsonAlphakarem: still not working?16:35
mnr_Alphakarem:  but it says 'libqtgui4 is already the newest version'16:35
ActionParsnipmnr_: I suggest you report a bug, seems quite prevelant16:35
Alphakarem"sudo irrecord -d /dev/lirc0 /home/your-xbmc-user-name/myremote.txt" fails as file not found16:35
ActionParsnipmnr_: do the other links not give clues?16:36
Alphakaremthis is the link I was recommended to use http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=17037216:36
sacarlsonAlphakarem: I'm sure you looked at this by now http://lirc.org/16:36
MaltahlActionParsnip can you help ? :  using Elementary OS Freya (based off Ubuntu 14.04) i suddenly started to not being able to use my secondary display ( i normally use laptop screen for web and chatting and the other one for games or whatever im doing) when i plug in the HDMI i get logged out instantly. and not able to login while the HDMI is plugged in16:37
ActionParsnipMaltahl: elementary isnt supported here or in any of the Ubuntu support channels16:37
ActionParsnipMaltahl: Elementary has its own support community16:37
mnr_ActionParsnip:  how to use this code http://paste.eseaf.com/?pid=34016:38
ActionParsnipMaltahl: I suggest you ask in #elementary16:38
Alphakaremsacarlson, yea I did and in one of the so many install earlier i updated to the lates :)16:38
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ActionParsnipmnr_: compare the second package list with ones you have installed16:38
MaltahlActionParsnip i tried but its dead over there in the IRC...16:38
ActionParsnipMaltahl: thats not ubuntu's problem16:38
sacarlsonAlphakarem: oh is that what your attempting to do is record other ir remotes to emulate them?16:38
ActionParsnipMaltahl: if you arent using ubuntu you are not supported by the ubuntu community. NONE of the "Ubuntu based" distros are supported here16:39
ActionParsnipMaltahl: just like Ubuntu is based on Debian, but if you ask for Ubuntu support in #Debian or Debian forums you will be told to ask the Ubuntu community16:39
mnr_ActionParsnip:  i dont get it16:40
Alphakaremsacarlson, I have a cyberlink remote and I am trying to get the thing to work with XMBCBuntu .. have been doing this for the last 3 weeks and no luck yet16:40
ActionParsnipmnr_: run:     dpkg -l | less       then READ the second lot of packages at the bottom of http://paste.eseaf.com/?pid=34016:40
ActionParsnipmnr_: if there are packages listed that you dont have installed, install it16:40
ActionParsnipmnr_: could you not try a different media player, probably easier than all this fuss16:41
sacarlsonAlphakarem: it seems obvious the first error you show is due to you taking this literaly /home/your-xbmc-user-name/myremote.txt"    I think the  word your-xbmc-user-nam  needs to match your real user name16:42
Alphakarema gentleman from #xbmc refered that mentioned link ^^^ as a guide ... "irrecord -list namespace" works however "sudo irrecord -d /dev/lirc0 /home/your-xbmc-user-name/myremote.txt" doesn't erroring witha a file not found .... ls/dev doesn't show the file16:43
Alphakaremsacarlson, yea I replaced with my actual path but still no luck16:43
mnr_ActionParsnip:  its huge n unreadable16:44
sacarlsonAlphakarem: well the other error you got when the correct user name is used may have more use to us16:44
ActionParsnipmnr_: thats why we use less, you can scroll the text up and down using cursor keys16:45
mnr_ActionParsnip:  so what can i do16:45
sacarlsonAlphakarem: from the paistbin it apears you need to run as sudo16:45
ActionParsnipmnr_: compare the 2 lists, are there any packages in the link that you dont have installed?16:46
ActionParsnipmnr_: its simple reading....do you see the same words in your output as on the page. Nothing technical here16:46
Alphakaremsacarlson, I am running all commands as root actually16:46
mnr_ActionParsnip:  its fresh installed ubuntu.. n downloaded it just yesterday16:46
ActionParsnipmnr_: doesnt matter if it 20 years old, are the packages the same....16:46
sacarlsonAlphakarem: when you paistbin it's best to also include the commands entered to get the results or we can't tell what you are doing16:47
Alphakaremmy apologies16:48
sacarlsonI have a doctors apointment early tomaro so I can't continue to play.  But it's been fun all and good luck to all16:48
AlphakaremThanks sacarlson16:49
nuntwohi all16:49
nuntwowhere can i report package dependency problems?16:50
sacarlsonAlphakarem: be sure you look at the directory /dev/ to verify that /dev/lirc0 file exists.  sounds like it may be named something like /dev/lirc1 or /dev/lirc16:50
nuntwoe.g. i cant install openssh-server or audacity16:50
sacarlsonAlphakarem: good luck16:50
mnr_ActionParsnip: no dont find anything same16:50
geniinuntwo: A pastebin of whatever errors you are encountering may be useful16:51
rockymy /etc/lsb-release says i'm running ubuntu 11.04.1 LTS ... shouldn't update-manager show me the new 14.10 release for upgrading?16:51
ubottuvaledances: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:51
punkgeekhi, im using sed s/1/2/g test.txt but this command didnt change this changed on my file, just show me with this changed, what should i do?16:51
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:51
ActionParsnipmnr_: then install all the package names in the link.16:52
squintyrocky: no  14.10 hasn't been released yet and update manager doesn't work that way anyways16:53
nuntwogenii: here is the paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8603913/16:53
punkgeekno body help me?16:54
rockyoh, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_14.04_LTS made it seem like 14.10 was out16:54
nuntwoit seems the package that is installed as a dependency is newer than the version on the servers16:54
nuntwowhich is weird16:54
squintyrocky:  ask in #ubuntu+1 channel16:54
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francesco2good evening16:54
mnr_ActionParsnip:  i tried but .. output can not locate package16:54
pavlospunkgeek, sed s/1/2/g test >result16:54
francesco2guys someone could help me to understand how to run on startup a sudo program?16:55
rockysquinty, haha, chicken and egg problem... do i go into #ubuntu+1 to ask about a release that may have happened, if so they'll tell me to go to #ubuntu much like you just did16:55
squintyrocky: #ubuntu+1 is the correct channel for 14.10 questions etc16:56
mnr_ActionParsnip: what does this mean? skins2 interface error: no suitable dialogs provider found (hint: compile the qt4 plugin, and make sure it is loaded properly)16:56
mnr_ActionParsnip:  how compile the qt4 plugin16:57
squintymnr_: fwiw, i just install vlc on my 14.04 laptop here and are not facing any of the dependancy problems you seem to be encountering.  I suspect you may have more problems than just what you are currently encountering.16:57
odinhosquinty: But rocky is on 11.04.  So EOL.16:57
odinhorocky: Don't upgrade. Reinstall. You're on an unsupported version.16:58
odinhorocky: If you want, you can still upgrade though, but it's a hassle IMHO.16:58
squintyoddie:  yes but this is still not the channel to be enquiring about 14.1016:58
mnr_squinty:  so how to configure all the problem i have?16:58
squintyodinho:  ^^16:58
mnr_squinty:  should i change the server location?16:59
nuntwoso where can i report this problem?16:59
odinhosquinty: Yeah, though I guess s/he wants to go to 14.04, as per what rocky wrote.  (being confused about what's the current version)17:00
squintymnr_:  no idea.  I have no idea what you have done to your system but personally if I were encountering such problems I would be more enclined to reinstall rather than waste time chasing down buglets.  If the same situation happens again after reinstalling then a fresh approach to the problem may be possible17:00
mnr_squinty:  i just reinstalled it couple of ours hour ago... n spending time to solving this issue17:01
squintymnr_:  "......encountering such problems after a fresh install...."17:01
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squintymnr_:  point is you shouldn't be encountering such problems after a fresh install ... period.  yes try switching servers after purging your vlc install and then try installing again17:02
geniinuntwo: Most likely you have some PPA which installed a newer version17:02
nuntwogenii: no i dont. this is a clean setup which was just installed17:03
nuntwoi did the dist-upgrade and i tried several mirrors17:03
nuntwothe problem persists17:03
mnr_squinty:  yeah... that skkks...  even nothing installed just vlc is the single programme17:03
geniinuntwo: Have you done first: (sudo) apt-get update   ...to get the lists current?17:03
geniinuntwo: Please pastebin contents of your sources.list and result of cat /etc/issue17:05
ActionParsnipmnr_: is there no scope to use a different player, like mplayer17:05
nuntwogenii: i need to know where to report my problem. i am not a clueless beginner17:06
mnr_ActionParsnip:  yes i can... but point is im having some problem that should not happen after fresh install ... even install button is not enable in software center17:06
geniinuntwo: If it's actually a bug, it would be with ubuntu-bug <packagename> and it will go to bugs.launchpad.net17:06
ActionParsnipmnr_: then report a bug, like I said earlier. You can start this process with:    ubuntu-bug vlc17:07
mnr_ActionParsnip: what would be the code for skype ' sudo apt-get install skype'?17:08
nuntwogenii: this is not a bug related to a package. it is related to the package archive as it seems17:08
mnr_ActionParsnip:  even i need to install virtual box17:08
geniinuntwo: Since it comes when you try to install for instance audacious, it would be against that package.17:08
geniinuntwo: If it needs to be refiled under some other category, whoever reviews the bug after you report it will do that.17:09
nuntwook, thanks17:09
Avengeri want to learn about virtual machines17:11
lotuspsychje!vm | Avenger17:12
ubottuAvenger: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications17:12
ActionParsnipmnr_: you need the partner repo enabled to install skype17:12
ActionParsnipmnr_: virtualbox is in the repos17:12
Avengervirtual machines are used to run other programs like those for windows right?17:14
brxwhenever i try to install something i get the message17:15
geniiAvenger: Primarily they are used to run an entire other operating system, for whatever reason ( compartmentalizing services, or using a different OS than the host OS)17:15
brxSub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)17:15
mnr_ActionParsnip:  installed skype but it also dosnt start17:16
mnr_ActionParsnip:  output http://paste.ubuntu.com/8604109/17:16
Avengeri think i am looking in the wrong areas. i just dont know what to do with my new linux ubuntu. i installed docky. i like docky very much. but it keeps disappearing and i have to launch docky again and again.17:17
Pyro_KillerTally chaps, I've tried googling this but can't find a good answer, I need to see the progress of my copying progress, and can't find a good alternaitve, any ideas?17:17
geniiAvenger: If you just have some Windows application you want to run, better to try and see if it runs under WINE first17:17
Avengergenii : you are a very nice person. thank you for your help sir.17:18
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alamihello, after suspend, network is disabled some time, can any one help?17:19
mnr_ActionParsnip:  ok so its a symbol error... with skype.. so im gonna face the problem all the way ... i mean with all the software17:19
OerHeksskype is a MS product, reboot after install :-D17:19
mnr_ActionParsnip:  but if in terminal 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/bin/skype'17:20
Pyro_KillerOerHeks: this guy gets it17:20
mnr_ActionParsnip:  then skype just starts17:20
banermatthi there17:20
Nuovociao a tutti17:21
Pyro_KillerNo bu seriously, is there a more verbose version of cp or some alternativ where I can see progress?17:21
genii!it | Nuovo17:21
ubottuNuovo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:21
star_proneI have an Asus laptop with Ubuntu 14.04 installed on it. The laptop has an Nvidia Geforce 750 and I'm using nvidia-331 driver. My problem is that the monitor doesn't detect any resolution and, probably as a consequence, the text displayed is not sharped and the colours are... strange17:22
ActionParsnipmnr_: then make an alias in ~/.bashrc and it will run that way each time17:22
star_pronered is too red, green is too green and bright17:22
star_proneis it a driver problem, an OS problem or a hardware problem?17:22
alamihello, after suspend, network is disabled some time, can any one help?17:22
ActionParsnipstar_prone: sure its not that Optimus nonesense?17:22
banermattI have a problem with hibernation17:22
francesco2guys it seems mission impossible how can I run on start up a sudo program? I already did the sudo visudo thing and add program to the list of start up program but nada17:23
banermattwhen I execute pm-hibernate it works well17:23
mnr_ActionParsnip:  thats not the solution... will i do that for every programme?17:23
ActionParsnipalami: if you unload and reload the network module does it come back to life?17:23
star_prone ActionParsnip: ?17:23
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banermattbut when I restart the system nothing is saved17:23
ActionParsnipmnr_: no, skype is horrible, in general17:23
banermattI checked and I have an active swap partition17:23
ActionParsnipstar_prone: if you run:   sudo lshw -C display    do you see an Intel GPU and an Nvidia GPU?17:23
banermattdo you have an idea where the problem could come from?17:24
mnr_ActionParsnip:  i mean whatever im installing thats not working in a simple way17:24
larry__i have a flash drive that im trying to copy my videos to in order to upgrade my system. does anyone know a way to make the transfer speed faster?17:24
alamiActionParsnip: how to load/reload the module?, i just tryed service networking restart, i don't have service network-manager17:24
star_proneActionParsnip: yes17:24
ActionParsnipalami: is it for the wired, or the wireless17:25
ActionParsnipstar_prone: then you have an Optimus system. Look intgo nvidia-prime or bumblebee17:25
star_proneActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8604203/17:25
mnr_ActionParsnip:  anyway what would be the purge code for vlc exactly?17:26
star_proneActionParsnip: can you please explain "Look intgo nvidia-prime or bumblebee"17:26
larry__ does anyone know a way to make the transfer speed faster? usb on ubuntu 12.0417:26
ActionParsnipstar_prone: r esearch them...use the web.....17:26
OerHeksmnr_, open softwarecenter and remove in there ?17:26
tewardlarry__: USB transfer speed is dependent on hardware, too, USB is always going to be slower than, say, the hard drive itself.17:27
ActionParsniplarry__: what file system are you writing to?17:27
ActionParsnipalami: is it the wireless that goes after you wake up?17:27
larry__how do i find out which file system?17:27
brxwhenever i try to install packages using apt i get E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)17:28
mnr_OerHeks: ok17:28
ActionParsniplarry__: run: sudo fdisk -l; lsb_release -a      pastebin the output using http://pastie.org or similar17:28
ActionParsnipbrx: run:   sudo apt-get update      pastebin the output using http://pastie.org or similar17:29
Pyro_Killerhas anyone tried using Tox?17:29
mnr_OerHeks:  hey is that could be for my country's  server problem17:29
mnr_ActionParsnip: is that could be for my country's  server problem? im from bangladesh17:30
squintyPyro_Killer:  surveys are held next door in offtopic channel :P   Better to just ask your specific question rather than "has anyone...."17:30
ActionParsnipalami: ok, then run:   sudo lshw -C network      under the wireless chip, look for "driver="   what do you see?17:30
alamiActionParsnip: i use wireless17:30
ActionParsnipmnr_: the packages are sync'd so are the same17:30
larry__ok i used pastie.org.. what do i do with it?17:30
Pyro_Killersquinty: fair enough17:30
ActionParsniplarry__: copy text to it and hit the big paste button. When the page changes, copy the URL in the address bar and paste to the channelk17:31
ActionParsniplarry__: you dont have the USB in now.....there is only sda listed there17:32
ActionParsnipalami: try:  sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi; sleep 2; sudo modprobe iwlwifi17:32
ActionParsnipalami: does it start working again17:32
larry__ok so do it again with flash in it?17:33
ActionParsniplarry__: yes17:33
alamiActionParsnip: so i have restarted now, and i have connextion now, if i run this now, i will lost connection to you, but i will try it when i have this issue17:33
ActionParsnipalami: fine by me :)17:33
ActionParsniplarry__: so you are using FAT3217:34
ActionParsniplarry__: /dev/sdb1   *          62    15936479     7968209    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)17:34
ActionParsniplarry__: 8Gb17:34
alamiActionParsnip: but there is no comand service network-manager restart?17:34
larry__..yes whats that mean17:35
ActionParsnipalami: /etc/init.d/network-manager restart       but the hardware isnt awake so wont do anything17:35
ActionParsniplarry__: is it an SD card or USB?17:35
AnthonyUKHi all, I installed the 64bit amd version onto a new intel celeron ivy-bridge pc, but some stuff isnt working like it used to.17:35
alamiActionParsnip: ahh is there a way to solve that permanetly, so i don't have to load/reload module?17:36
ActionParsniplarry__: what version of USB is the port you are using?17:36
AnthonyUKi just thought the amd part of the 64bit was just outdated,17:36
larry__not sure on that one17:36
ActionParsnipalami: lets see if the reload of the module works fist, then we can make it stick17:36
ActionParsniplarry__: is the system a laptop?17:36
alamiActionParsnip: ah okay i will try now17:36
larry__yes laptop17:36
ActionParsniplarry__: so....not thought to maybe check the manufacturers website to find out.....17:37
ActionParsniplarry__: manufacturers post detailed specs of their systems on the Internet you know.17:37
larry__ok.. so nothing i can do to the system to make it faster?17:38
ActionParsniplarry__: if its USB 1.1 it will be slow17:38
ActionParsniplarry__: if it's USB 2.0 it should be ok and a defrag may help a tiny bit17:38
ActionParsniplarry__: if its USB 3.0 it should be super fast17:38
kevindfI have a OpenVPN server running, in order to be able to use a printer from somewhere else that's in my local network I have to set the OpenVPN server up for a bridged connection right?17:38
ActionParsniplarry__: could also make sure you have the latest BIOS. I advise Windows for this unless you use a Dell17:39
larry__its a dell17:39
catcherI just upgraded to 14.04, and I can't seem to bind keys to switch workspaces.  It looks like a known bug, but does anyone have a workaround?17:40
larry__details say its a 3.0 usb17:42
ActionParsniplarry__: are you connecting the device to a USB port that is blue?17:43
ActionParsniplarry__: then its not usb317:43
larry__ok so find and use that one17:44
ActionParsniplarry__: be sure you use the safe removal feature before physically unplugging the device too (important)17:45
AnthonyUKwhich ubuntu should I use for a intel 64bit cpu the amd64bit or the i386-32bit?17:45
geniiAnthonyUK: amd6417:46
AnthonyUKthanks genii17:46
AnthonyUKhow come they still have amd in the release title, i know back in the day amd was making 64 bit cpu's and intel wasn't but that was ages ago17:48
brxActionParsnip, apt-get update works, its a very long output17:49
brxits when i try apt-get upgrade or apt-get install that i get the error17:49
brxtheres no errors show with atp-get update, just a massive list17:50
brxActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/SGzzEsRZ17:51
=== Sauvin is now known as Bocaneri
brxand heres apt-get install http://pastebin.com/TApdRf7q17:52
brxi tried the suggested command "Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)."17:53
brxsame problem17:53
richacman,  if this was the physical world,  and someone told me i'm too lazy to google,   i'd bite their fucking head off17:53
agent_whiteHahah. If I can't find something, I blame my google params and ask others for what terms to google.17:54
brxcan you all stop talking shit please and help me?17:55
agent_whitebrx: `apt-get install recordmydesktop` ?17:55
richacya can you imagine,  you go into a "help" room,   and they smugly tell you to go find help elsewhere lol17:55
brxagent_white, ye that fails17:55
richacbecause they are crying they don't get paid17:55
agent_whiteLooks like it's from an svn repo17:55
ActionParsnipbrx: what is the output of:   apt-cache policy gtk-recordmydesktop recordmydesktop17:56
richaconly ting I would pay them with,  is a punch in the face17:56
richaci'd beat them with their linux cds and then go install windows17:56
brxActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/i8UtN8Pp17:56
ActionParsnipbrx: there is the issue, those versions don't match17:56
ActionParsnipbrx: try:  sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop; sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop17:57
brxActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/ijbkVwxw17:58
ActionParsnipbrx: sudo apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-restricted-extra     then retry the last command17:58
brxthat command gave me E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-restricted-extra17:59
brxnow i try the previous command again?17:59
ActionParsnipbrx: sudo apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-restricted-extras     then retry the last command17:59
ActionParsnipbrx: I missed the 's'17:59
brxahh yes17:59
ActionParsnipbrx: and you didnt spot it either....17:59
brxthat command gave me E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)17:59
brx(with the s)17:59
mariusz_ki got problem with installing ubuntu 14.04 on my dell laptop17:59
larry614when formatting a usb drive it asks for type. which type do i use?18:00
brxActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/7xsjRkHa18:00
ActionParsnipbrx: try:      wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage18:00
agent_whitebrx: What about without the purge? `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras` ?18:00
brxsec agent_white just running that wget script18:01
mariusz_kthe problem is with my hdd his size is 1 tb and its gpt18:01
brxits thinking...18:01
backmanDoes anyone know where does netbeans has its desktop entry for unity?18:01
agent_whitebrx: Also, ensure you have the check mark boxes selected from here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/140246/how-do-i-resolve-unmet-dependencies-after-adding-a-ppa18:01
mariusz_kthe problem is that i got 2 partitions on this drive 1. with windows  7 and 2. with my documents18:01
mariusz_kwhen i start gparted i see erased disk18:02
agent_whiterichac: What was the issue you were dealing with, anyways?18:02
larry614when formatting a usb drive it asks for type. which type do i use?18:03
brxagent_white, im in linux mint, i dont see the dialog you linked me to18:03
rom1504the right one ofc18:03
brxits slightly different in mint18:04
sveinseI can gain access to X apps using "ssh -X user@server", but how can I forward root X apps when the user has been logged in with ssh and then sudo root?18:04
OerHeksmint has its own issues18:04
kevindf_Hello I have created the bash for bridge-start in my /etc/openvpn/bridge-start with the text "https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/miscellaneous/76-ethernet-bridging.html#linuxscript" from the bottom inside18:04
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:04
kevindf_how can i startup this bash file i created in /etc/openvpn/bridge-start/18:04
brxthanks derFlo18:04
brxthanks OerHeks18:05
OerHekslarry614, format for what?18:05
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agent_whitelarry614: What are you using to format the usb drive?18:05
larry614flash drive. im putting my videos on it18:05
dreammindera little of topic: How often when you give an advice or help someone do you rely on your own knowledge and how often you just google it for that person?18:06
OerHekslarry614, depends on what machines you want to use it. fat32 would be universal but has a 4 gb filelimit18:06
kevindf_How to excecute a bash file in ubuntu? Does anyone know18:06
kevindf_i created a bash file in /etc/openvpn/bridge-start but want to excecute it now18:06
dreamminderkevindf_, set chmod +x thefile18:06
dreamminderand then ./thefile18:06
larry61415R (N5110)  dell18:06
kevindf_ok i'll try that out18:07
agent_whitelarry614: Are you wanting to use that usb drive on windows as well as linux computers?18:07
dreamminderchmod +x sets execute bit so that the file can be executed by user and ./ is a generic "command" for executing anything18:07
backmandreamminder: googling to confirm my knowledge :-D18:07
Guest26186can someone help me18:07
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dreamminderI realized that nowadays the ability to find information is just as valuable as any kind of knowledge18:08
OerHeksnever ask and then change your name, guest2618618:08
agent_whitelarry614: Do you know the path to your usb device?18:08
kevindf_dreamminder, i've set the permission set chmod +x bridge-start when in the directory then i type ./bridge start but it says bash: ./bridge-start: Permission denied now18:08
dreammindertry with sudo?18:08
larry614physically yes otherwise no18:08
kevindf_tried says command not found then18:09
agent_whitelarry614: Basically, don't plug it in. Run `lsblk` and `df`. Look at the output. then plug it in, and run both again.18:09
agent_whiteyou'll see which is yours, usually it's /dev/sdc18:09
dreamminderkevindf_, do ls -l on that directory. If the file you set chmod +x is not marked green then it doesn't have the chmod+x18:09
larry614what will that do? do you want me to past the output?18:10
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kevindf_dreamminder,  "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   745 Oct 20 19:58 bridge-start"18:10
dreamminderso it means that it doesn't have the proper chmod set18:10
agent_whitelarry614: Check it out yourself, they WILL be different by a single entry. That single entry will be your usb device.18:10
kevindf_i'll try excute again18:10
dreamminderit has read write for user, read for group and read for others18:10
dreammindertry chmod +x with sudo18:10
kevindf_ok thanks18:10
dreamminderit's very important to have at least a basic knowledge about permissions in linux18:11
agent_whitelarry614: OR... `sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog` and then plug it in, you'll see some lines pop up.18:11
richacdreamminder: do you use selinux?18:11
kevindf_i will try to do sosme more research on that18:11
agent_whitelarry614: Mmm what all you you have in the left-hand column when running `lsblk` ?18:12
dreamminderrichac, nope\18:12
dreamminderkevindf_, can you execute it now?18:12
agent_whiteAlso, if you think it's sdb1... using `lsblk`, check out the column for "size" and see if it's the size of your usb device.18:13
kevindf_dreamminder, still not green, even typed sudo su then went to the directory and tried again18:13
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mariusz_kcan anyone help with gpt partition18:13
kevindf_dreamminder, when i type "sudo set chmod +x bridge-start" it says sudo: set: command not found18:13
dreamminderbecause there is no such command as set18:14
agent_whitelarry614: If you're on a time-constraint, check out http://askubuntu.com/questions/22381/how-to-format-a-usb-flash-drive   -- Though using the terminal is a better learning experience :)18:14
dreamminderyou are supposed to execute sudo chmod+x bridge-start18:14
mariusz_kgot problem with installation of ubuntu18:14
kevindf_ok, let me try that18:14
dreammindermariusz_k, what's the problem?18:14
agent_whitelarry614: You are correct, sdb is the device :)18:14
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kevindf_dreamminder, it is turned green now both start & stop thank you ;)18:15
larry614ok how does that help me with my formatting question?18:15
kevindf_ Mon Oct 20 20:15:18 2014 TUN/TAP device tap0 opened Mon Oct 20 20:15:18 2014 Persist state set to: ON18:15
dreamminderkevindf_, very good :)18:15
agent_whitelarry614: Now, to format it to a fat32 filesystem, we do `sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1`18:15
agent_whitelarry614: It's another way to do it :P18:15
dreamminderbefore you start doing anything in bash get at least a basic understanding of how everything works in linux, otherwise you can do some serious harm to it, especially if you execute your scripts with sudo18:16
agent_whitethen make a directory somewhere (in your home folder), and `sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /home/larry/UsbDirectory`18:16
kevindf_dreamminder, yes i been working for about 1-2 months with linux for first time on desktop and server envoirment so still alot to learn :)18:16
dreamminderdo you like linux, kevindf_18:17
kevindf_dreamminder, i like it alot18:17
nixfreakQuestion: What is the quickest way to install ia32-libs* in Ubuntu 12.04 and then copy it to another Ubuntu 12.04 installation (All of this using the install of Ubuntu 12.04 alternate x86_64)18:17
kevindf_dreamminder, really enjoying working with it so far especially the server version18:17
zzara4Hi, I am unsure as to whether the printer driver must be installed with the printer connected or not. First printer connection then driver or first driver then printer connection?18:17
backmanGuest57894: with?18:18
Laurencebi have a problem, firefox kills my pc18:18
dreamminderLaurenceb, how does it kill it xD18:18
Laurencebinstant reboot if i load a large jpeg18:18
Guest57894backman: sorry?18:18
dreamminderdo you have sufficient memory, Laurenceb ?18:18
Laurencebif the size is over ~4k pixels18:18
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Laurencebits memory related, but how come it kills the machine18:19
Laurencebthat should be impossible surely?18:19
agent_whiteWhat do you mean 'kills'?18:19
Laurencebinstant reboot18:19
dreamminderLaurenceb,  do you have swap enabled?18:19
Laurencebscreen turns off and everything goes dead18:19
Laurencebi hope...18:20
dreammindercheck it18:20
Laurencebit may have broken18:20
dreamminderbasically turn task manager on18:20
dreamminderand see if it has swap18:20
zzara4The printer is a CANON PIXMA18:20
Laurencebit does now18:20
agent_whiteLaurenceb: You may also want to peek through /var/log/kern.log18:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 622849 in firefox (Ubuntu) "FF hangs when opening and saving a large JPG at the same time" [Undecided,New]18:21
agent_whiteAnd possibly /var/log/boot.log18:21
ilkwhy is FF so slow and glitchy lately?18:22
zzara4I couldn't get it to work before. Now I am giving it another shot. Want to make sure I am doing everything correctly.18:22
agent_whiteLaurenceb: Good find, though 'hanging' and rebooting are very different.18:22
Laurencebi know18:22
Laurencebnot the same as i see18:22
ilkiceweasel is even worse!18:22
Laurencebkernel: [23844181.403083] [drm:i915_gem_do_execbuffer] *ERROR* 1292 objects [6 pinned], 388128768 object bytes [106278912 pinned], 106278912/234881024 gtt bytes18:22
lionrougehi !18:23
zzara4It does not install automatically. (driver must be downloaded and installed, also for scanner)18:23
ilkre: firefox and iceweasel ----->  http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/b3/b3d24fb241ec203b8c27ae3d4d3fd60e16a6b4f94af1816bdd4e44a8954a4ec9.jpg18:23
lionrougeafter recent update my flashplayer stopped working18:23
lionrougemaybe i should go for lightspark?18:23
zzara4Also I am not sure whether to install first the printer driver and then the scanner driver or viceversa.18:24
agent_whiteLaurenceb: -ish?  You may want to grab both /var/log/messages, /var/log/kern.log, /var/log/boot.log and poke through to see what happened right before the shutdown.18:24
ilkalmost all browsers are glitching lately....its gotten so bad i use lynx18:24
ilkusing lynx on mobile sites18:24
lionrougeilk, lynx is cool !18:25
Laurencebit may have been a x sever restart18:26
agent_whiteLaurenceb: `/var/log/messages | grep firefox`18:26
agent_white^^ :D18:26
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EriC^^i don't think that command does anything18:26
Laurencebsudo cat18:27
EriC^^there's no messages anyways18:27
agent_whiteNo need to cat to grep. Just grep it!18:27
EriC^^haha, yeah18:27
EriC^^grep firefox /var/log/syslog18:27
Laurencebnothing there18:27
LaurencebOct 20 18:30:03 laurence-desktop AptDaemon: INFO: Shutdown was requested18:28
Laurencebhmm that might not be the first thing that happened18:29
agent_whiteOnly privileged programs can request a shutdown18:29
LaurencebOct 20 18:23:08 laurence-desktop kernel: [23843873.220824] [drm:i915_gem_do_execbuffer] *ERROR* Failed to pin buffer 2 of 3, total 168230912 bytes: -2818:29
Laurenceb^first issue18:29
agent_whiteLaurenceb: Pastebin your output, if you don't mind. Closest ones to the shutdown.18:30
jjavaholicwhen is gimp 2.10 likely to be included in the ubuntu repositories?18:30
agent_white`last -x | less` and `last reboot | less`18:30
larry655usb 3.0 transfer speed is only 4.7 mb/sec is that normal?18:30
Laurencebjust a sec theres confidential stuff in there :P18:31
agent_whiteNo worries at all! Don't pastebin it if it's a hassle.18:32
agent_whiteJust keep sifting :D18:32
moeinsometimes my ubuntu 14.04 starts, its fonts size(menu fonts) become small!18:32
moeinwhat is the problem?18:32
Laurenceberror is line 218:32
ubottuFreedesktop bug 31520 in DRM/Intel "[i915] drm:i915_gem_do_execbuffer error with huge images in firefox" [Major,Resolved: fixed]18:33
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Laurenceblol i need to stop running old stuff18:34
larry655usb 3.0 transfer speed is only 4.7 mb/sec is that normal?18:35
dreamminderdepends on the device18:35
agent_whiteLaurenceb: Did you see that `lspci -vvnn` ? Check the output.18:35
dreamminderI guess you are talking about pendrive?18:35
OerHeksdepends on how many small files too18:35
agent_whiteBut... maybe just update and see what happens ;D18:35
dreamminderlarry655, if you have a pendrive and it has slow memory then even if it was USB4 (non existant yet xD) then the speed would be the same18:36
Gaminglong time ago when using irc, what was the command to change my name?18:36
dreamminderwhy do you think there's such a great difference in prices between pendrives that have the same ammount of memory18:37
Laurenceb00:02.1 Display controller [0380]: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2e13] (rev 03)18:37
dreamminderGaming,  type /nick18:37
Laurencebprobably sufferes from same bug18:37
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testxxxthank you :)18:38
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rgb-oneHow are you?18:42
ProjectHardcoreI'm fine, how about you?18:42
rgb-onesame :)18:42
ProjectHardcorehow was your day :P?18:42
rgb-oneIts been ok18:43
rgb-oneworking on an assignment18:43
ProjectHardcoreaha cool18:43
ProjectHardcoreI've been working at my work, lame18:43
rgb-oneI have a presentation on /etc files18:45
rgb-onecomming up wednesday18:45
h00I am trying to setup networking on a system with 2 nics. one dhcp, one static. I want the def gw to use an address on the static network. does anyone have any documentation on how this can be configured? Ideally I don't want to do this via the gui18:46
NokiabotHola crap name ubuntu 15.0418:49
ProjectHardcoreHaven't been using ubuntu for a while lol, version 15.04 already?18:50
pavlosh00, http://www.sudo-juice.com/how-to-set-a-static-ip-in-ubuntu-the-proper-way/18:50
h00pavlos, thanks for the link. I will take a look in a few18:51
ProjectHardcoreguys, simple question; if im using python terminal and filling memories, do they persist in memory after closing the python terminal? I don't think so, right?18:52
agent_whiteProjectHardcore: Nope! Python has a garbage collector.18:52
NokiabotProjecthardcore:lol thats due in 2015 i was taking of the name as i can barely spell it :p18:52
ProjectHardcorehaha, ok thanks :D18:53
* OerHeks is making artwork with blue balls for 15.0418:54
jimmy51v_how can i completely remove a package and all associated configuration files?  ex: package name is BigMessyApp.  apt-get remove --purge BigMessyApp   or something like that?18:56
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ProjectHardcorejimmy51v_ Hi, i tought it was like sudo apt-get --purge programname, followed with sudo apt-get autoremove18:58
jimmy51v_that sounds familiar18:59
ProjectHardcorejimmy51v_ what you are doing with that latest command is removing the unneeded packages after you removed the program that used those, so i guess that's what you was looking for :)18:59
jimmy51v_i've got a script that installs a lot of tools (and whatever dependencies are needed for them).  I want it such that if they re-run it, it blows away all of the previous and starts over in case they've messed something up.19:00
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cryptosiddi need help mounting my pfsense hdd into ubuntu, to edit 2 file19:03
cryptosiddim about to panic19:03
bpromptjimmy51v_:    should be ->    sudo apt-get purge PACKAGE; sudo apt-get autoremove;      and I think you'd need to issue a "yes"  with an ->  echo "y" to it by means of a pipe to it goes unattended19:04
cryptosiddi need help please.19:05
h00the gateway on my dhcp assigned nic is still trumping the gateway defined for my static nic19:06
cryptosiddi need help please19:07
cryptosiddwhy cant i mount my freebsd partition into ubuntu19:07
Jordan_Ucryptosidd: Please calm down and be patient. Repeating yourself won't get you help any faster.19:08
pbxcryptosidd, instead of pleading, give more context.  have you succeeded at this before? what context is not in the paste? can you summarize the issue without making people read the console session first?19:08
cryptosiddthe issue is im unable to mount my freebsd hdd in ubuntu, i need to mount it so i can edit 2 file and fix my pfsense installation19:09
cryptosiddi never suceed no, never had this prob before19:09
mansourguys i have a question ,,, i've been trying to sniff traffic on my network i tried wireshark i wrote a python scapy code ,, it seems that i cant sniff any traffic other then my on -- i set my interface on promisc by ifconfig nothing seems to work ?????????? what do i doooooo???19:10
cryptosiddall i need is to write /boot/loader.conf and /boot/device.hints but im unable to mount the partition:(19:10
bpromptcryptosidd:    shouldn't you be mounting   sda1?  rather than sda?19:10
Nuovow i korn19:10
cryptosiddits sda1, i tryed sda also19:10
cryptosiddsince sda1 isnt working19:10
mansourhelloooo any one !!19:11
bpromptwell... sda would be the device itself...not a mountable partition19:11
Jordan_Ucryptosidd: You are trying to mount /dev/sda, which is a reference to the entire drive. You need to be passing at least a partition number (if not a bsd subpartition). Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid". Also note that there are many different variants of UFS, and you should therefore always be careful when writing to a UFS volume created by one OS in another.19:11
Terabytehey i'm trying to create an upstart script, but whenever i start it, and check its status it says it's stopped, the upstart script exec's a script that's installed locally, that script contains an exec for java, am i doing something wrong?: https://gist.github.com/danielburrell/bf87ee04fa6d1d8bee7f19:11
mansourtry df -h any see witch device !19:11
mansourguys i have a question ,,, i've been trying to sniff traffic on my network i tried wireshark i wrote a python scapy code ,, it seems that i cant sniff any traffic other then my on -- i set my interface on promisc by ifconfig19:12
Jordan_Umansour: df only lists devices that are already mounted.19:12
cryptosiddjordan as i said i tryed with sda1 also19:12
Terabytemansour wired or wireless?19:13
mansoursorry jordan i wasn't following from the beginin19:13
cryptosiddand blkid dont list sda and sda119:13
mansourguys i have a question ,,, i've been trying to sniff traffic on my network i tried wireshark i wrote a python scapy code ,, it seems that i cant sniff any traffic other then my on -- i set my interface on promisc by ifconfig19:15
mansouranyone helpa19:15
Jordan_Ucryptosidd: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" anyway. Please also pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" and "sudo grub-fstest /dev/sda ls -- -l".19:16
Jordan_Umansour: Try asking in #wireshark.19:17
mansouri dont think Jordan that the issue is with wireshark19:18
mansourcoz when i sniff on a virtual mechine it works19:18
Jordan_Umansour: It may not be, but those in #wireshark may be familiar with these problems.19:19
cryptosiddJordan_u: http://pastebin.com/zNZFj94119:19
cryptosiddim 100% sure the partition i need to mount is sda119:19
cryptosiddim not able to mount it, this is my problem19:19
cryptosidderror say i dont use the right fs19:20
Jordan_Ucryptosidd: No, sda1 is not the correct device. sda1 points to another BSD style partition label, which itself has two more partitions.19:21
cryptosiddso what is the partition i need to mount^19:22
jimmy51v_bprompt:    sudo apt-get -y --force-yes purge PACKAGE; sudo apt-get -y --force-yes autoremove;19:22
cryptosiddJordan_U i only see sda and sda119:23
jimmy51v_hah!  i sent my previous message to my wife on IM.  i mean to ask if there's a recommended way to choose between echo'ing 'y' or passing -y --force-yes19:23
mansourjimmy51v_  hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh19:24
jimmy51v_mansour: ?19:24
EriC^^jimmy51v_: i think -y would be better19:25
cryptosiddJordan_U:  still there^19:25
mansour jimmy51v_ >>>>>>>>>>i sent my previous message to my wife on IM.  i mean to ask if there's a recommended way to choose between echo'ing 'y' or passing -y --force-yes19:25
Jordan_Ucryptosidd: Yes. Please be more patient.19:25
cryptosiddsorry im in panic mode19:25
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Jordan_Ujimmy51v_: I would recommend almost never echoing y, and only slightly less rarely using --force-yes. The nice thing about a command having a -y option is that you know that the developer thought about what might happen in an unattended situation, and tried to avoid the possibility of -y doing really bad things. That is not true of --force-yes (which implies that the developer didn't think it was a good idea to just ...19:27
Jordan_U... blindly always choose yes) and is also not true of echoing y, where the developer didn't plan for it at all.19:27
dyauspitarI just installed ubuntu 14 and its awesome19:32
dyauspitaralmost bug free19:32
LMNOPhey where is everyone19:32
dyauspitarbeen getting my browser inline with how it was on the windows machine19:32
dyauspitargot the plug inst, flash player, adobe connect, silverpipe plug in19:33
dyauspitarlife is good19:33
Terabytehey i'm trying to create an upstart script, but whenever i start it, and check its status it says it's stopped, the upstart script exec's a script that's installed locally, that script contains an exec for java, am i doing something wrong?: https://gist.github.com/danielburrell/bf87ee04fa6d1d8bee7f19:33
LMNOPI need flash it has only been about 6 months19:33
dyauspitarboth really19:33
LMNOPwithout it19:33
dyauspitarjava is a bish to update19:33
LMNOPyou can say that again19:33
Picidyauspitar: Is there a support question here somewhere?  If not, you can join #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support chat.19:34
LMNOPhe was reporting that Ubuntu was sorking19:34
LMNOPisnt this the # to discuss ubuntu?19:35
dyauspitarok thansk ill join19:35
PiciLMNOP: This is a support channel.19:35
cryptosiddJordan_U can i pv you^19:35
pavloscryptosidd, not sure if this helps ... http://rcjbp.wordpress.com/2010/05/13/mount-a-freebsd-filesystem-in-ubuntu/19:36
LMNOPwhere do people go to talk about using ubuntu19:36
dyauspitarI cant find an ubuntu compatible 32 bit download for java 8u25 update19:36
cryptosiddnope same error19:37
cryptosiddit say wrong fs type19:37
LMNOPmay i help u19:38
dyauspitarI cant find an ubuntu compatible 32 bit download for java 8u25 update19:39
dyauspitarI went thro the instructions on java.com but19:39
Slartdyauspitar: I assuming you're not a java developer since you didn't mention that you're looking for oracle java and not just any java19:39
dyauspitarwhen I check my java thro the java site it still reports version 7u2519:39
OerHeksdyauspitar, if you really need that closed source version, http://ppa.webupd8.org/post/100077683311/oracle-java-7u72-and-8u25-available-in-ppa19:39
dyauspitaryoure correct19:40
Slartdyauspitar: have you tried the openjdk java that is in the repositories? if it works it's easier to maintain19:40
dyauspitarI did down load that and its plug in19:40
dyauspitarice tea19:40
Slartdyauspitar: is there a specific reason you need java?19:40
OerHeksopenJDK works for me too, if it fails i question the service19:40
kevindefrenethis might be a stupid question, but what are the advantages of running your OpenVPN server for example bridged on your network compared to non bridged?19:40
dyauspitaryes i take classes online.  No error yet but I was being proactive19:40
ZZRMikeDoes anyone know the default tmp folder for mysql?19:40
dyauspitarmaybe "if its not broke dont fix it?"19:41
Ben64you'll usually have much less trouble using the one in the ubuntu repositories19:41
dyauspitarmaybe i have ice tea plug in enabled and thats why its working19:41
Slartdyauspitar: I would go with openjdk then, for now.. and if you run into problems you can switch to oracle java.. I doubt you'll see any differences in your course19:41
dyauspitarI havent actually had a problem yet, just the java.com version check19:41
dyauspitarokay ill stay with my config19:42
dyauspitarThanks Slart19:42
Slartdyauspitar: you're welcome19:42
* dyauspitar puts the kettle on for some tea19:42
nulldataI've just bought a new laptop ( Acer Aspire E 15 ) and both under the installation ( from USB ) and now that the system is installed the touchpad doesn't work.19:43
nulldataI've tried the `modprobe psmouse` trick but no luck19:43
nulldataThe touchpad device isn't listed under `xinput` either19:44
pavloscryptosidd, there is a ufsutils package, do you have that?19:44
nulldataOnly "Virtual core XTEST pointer" and an empty string is listed under "Virtual core pointers", the empty string pointer the id: 1119:45
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capruroanyone can help me whit ssh?19:49
dyauspitarany funny bot commands in this channel?19:50
geniidyauspitar: The amusing ones are reserved for #ubuntu-offtopic19:50
NokiabotDyausptair:unfortunately no infobot here :(19:51
dyauspitaroh I see19:52
* dyauspitar straightens tie and dress shirt19:52
nulldataHmm it seems like I have the same problem as this guy, but his problem haven't received any attention either: http://askubuntu.com/questions/530896/touch-pad-dosent-work-after-installing-ubuntu-14-04-dual-boot-with-windows-819:53
LMNOPthis blows i have to go to the store because i forgot stuff and then i have to try to install ubunto19:54
LMNOPmaybe some help19:55
SlartLMNOP: what seems to be the problem?19:56
LMNOPfor starters i dunno which version19:56
SlartLMNOP: of regular desktop ubuntu?19:56
k1l_LMNOP: "ubuntu"19:56
LMNOPi kinda want a pxe setup if poss but yeah deskto[19:57
k1l_LMNOP: if you make a more specific question you get more specific answers19:57
LMNOPit is for games19:57
LMNOPyeah totally19:57
k1l_pxe is a install setup, you are aware?19:58
SlartLMNOP: sounds like you want a regular desktop install.. I would go with 64 bit if your cpu can handle it19:58
Jordan_ULMNOP: If this is the first time you're installing Ubuntu for the first time, doing so via PXE is probably not a good idea.19:58
Quantumpantshi guys, can anybody tell me how to get itunes for my ubuntu19:58
LMNOPi do pxe so i can fire up a bunch of vms19:58
arubiHi all, today I got this message on my motd : "/dev/sda1 will be checked for errors at next reboot". this is my /boot partition. running 14.04.1 Server 32bit, this never happened before (been running for months now). should I be worried?19:58
LMNOPto test it there are sooooooo many distros19:59
k1l_Quantumpants: ask apple for a linux client :) or use wine to use the windows one19:59
SlartQuantumpants: use wine and a windows version of itunes? I'm not sure if there is an itunes for ubuntu/linux19:59
Quantumpantsthanks guys19:59
Jordan_ULMNOP: PXE and virtual machines are mostly orthoginal concepts. What is your end goal?19:59
Slartarubi: it does that every X boots in the default settings.. not sure if X is 10 or 30 or whatever.. but it's quite normal20:00
LMNOPi want to be able to use a pxe boot20:00
LMNOPJordan_U, ^20:00
LMNOPit is my preferred method for booting20:00
troiidiscordianuk has been admitted into hospital20:00
Jordan_UQuantumpants: I would highly recommend that you just use one of the native music library software options available in Ubuntu instead of trying to use iTunes.20:00
arubiSlart, thanks. not much rebooting was done on this machine, but it is running for a long time now. good to know it's a 'once in a while' thing.20:01
Jordan_ULMNOP: Why do you wnat to boot via PXE? What machine will be running the tftp server?20:01
LMNOPprobably a windows vm20:01
LMNOPi have a lot of hardware with no cdrom20:02
arubiSlart, I mean, I checked SMART right after I saw this and everything was ok, so I wasn't too worried. thanks for the tip.20:02
k1l_LMNOP: you can install ubuntu from usb-pen drive20:02
LMNOPno i cannot20:02
Jordan_ULMNOP: What machine will be running the tftp server though?20:02
LMNOPa vm20:02
Jordan_ULMNOP: On what physical machine?20:02
LMNOPmy Arch Linux PC20:03
Avengeri downloaded and set up docky. I really enjoy it. but it keeps closing and disappearing randoly. is there any way to get it perminatly attached to the desktop? or maybe there is another solution other than docky?20:03
k1l_LMNOP: so what is your actual ubuntu issue?20:03
LMNOPwell i want to know which version and i want to use ubuntu for gaming20:03
MonkeyDustAvenger  Cairo is similar, install it, so you can select it in Lightdm20:04
LMNOPthat is when i get back from the store because i forgot a bunch of shit20:04
ido_Hello everyone! I'm trying to test out Ubuntu Desktop Next. When I boot the Live USB, I get a "Not a COM32R image" error. By pressing TAB and typing "live", I can get to the desktop environment, but am greeted to a black screen with nothing but a cursor on it. Is there a way to run the USB on live mode?20:04
AvengerMonkeyDusk : i am very new still. where can i get it, and what do you mean by  Lightdm?20:05
Jordan_ULMNOP: Ubuntu 14.04, which is the latest release, and is also a long term support release.20:05
k1l_LMNOP: the answer is plain "ubuntu" if you dont specify anything20:05
ido_I'm running a machine with i5-760 and GT220 by the way20:05
LMNOPi wnat to have a grub partition20:05
LMNOPthat i can select iso20:05
LMNOPmainly Ubuntu, Fedora20:05
MonkeyDustAvenger  cairo is in the software center; Lightdm is the login menu20:05
LMNOPJordan_U, ok as long as it has the latest nvidia20:06
=== flufl is now known as barry
AvengerMonkeyDust : sudo apt-get install Cairo?20:06
Jordan_ULMNOP: We can help with booting Ubuntu isos via grub, but not with booting Fedora isos via grub. For booting Fedora isos via grub, you'll have to ask in #fedora (though off the top of my head, I don't think they support loop booting at all).20:06
BluesKajido_, try disabling secure mode in the uefi/bios20:06
RienzillaHey there. If I change /etc/security/limits.conf to increase the max number of open files, what do I do to activate that change?20:06
LMNOPwell it will NEED to boot from iso20:07
LMNOPthey don't?  so they changed it mayhaps20:07
Jordan_ULMNOP: Ask in #fedora and find out.20:08
ido_BluesKaj: Is it possible that it is even enabled if stable ISO's and beta versions work and only Desktop Next daily doesn't?20:08
MonkeyDustAvenger  i guess it's called cairo-dock20:08
k1l_LMNOP: last time now: what is your actual specific ubuntu question?20:08
LMNOPwhen i get back from the store i need dish soap20:08
LMNOPok heres another specific q k1120:08
LMNOPk11 where is some docs on PXE20:09
k1l_!pxe | LMNOP20:09
LMNOPpm me if u want i bbl thx20:09
pavlosRienzilla, just logout/login will do20:09
Jordan_ULMNOP: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet20:09
LMNOPahh thank you20:09
Rienzillapavlos: it's for a process that is started via start-stop-daemon -c user:group20:10
CryptoSiDhey Jordan_U problem fixed, i used mfsbsd20:11
CryptoSiDand you were right, there is 2 other partition20:11
Rienzillahmm, and even logout/llogin doesn't work20:12
pavlosRienzilla, http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/108603/do-changes-in-etc-security-limits-conf-require-a-reboot20:13
Rienzillapavlos: that's apparently not true20:14
Rienzillaa new ssh session still has the old values20:14
alexglI need to figure out a way to create and deploy images of windows 7 drives and I would like to use an ubuntu virtual machine as the server. VM issues aside, so far trying to setup clonezilla on 14.04 lts is just plain old agravating as the packages do not mach instructions I can find. Has anyone had success with this combo ubuntu 14.04 lts and clonezilla drbl for win7?20:16
=== LinusTorvaldsII is now known as LinusTorvaldII
arubialexgl, this isn't an answer to your question, but as a side note, I was successful in running a live win720:18
alexglarubi: the live clonezilla cd?20:18
arubiover pxe-tftp from hiren's bootcd20:18
arubiI clonezilla is a major part of drbl so.. but I didn't try running that20:19
arubi(sorry for the typos, I'm not on my native keyboard)20:20
alexglarubi: that's part of the problem, when configuring drbl on 14.04 it says i'm missing a bunch of packages20:20
arubilike which?20:20
JarliAnyone out there familiar with Gnome Nanny?20:21
alexglarubi: mkswap-uuid drbl-chntpw mkpxeinitrd-net freedos20:21
arubiyou should probably run some type of dhcp server and tftp server20:22
arubialexgl, is the ubuntu setup only there to host the win7 image? maybe use the drbl image and that's it?20:23
alexglarubi you don't need a full ubuntu server running drbl?20:24
alexglarubi could you point me to a link where i can see how to set it up?20:24
Jordan_Ualexgl: How did you try to install drbl?20:25
arubialexgl, http://drbl.sourceforge.net/20:25
arubimore specifically : http://drbl.sourceforge.net/download/20:25
arubithe live image is perfect20:26
=== themilkboy_ is now known as themilkboy
alexglJordan_U: I've been going through how-to on clonezilla and the official ubuntu how-to at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Clonezilla_Server_Edition20:28
Jordan_Ualexgl: At what point did you get the error message about missing a bunch of packages? Did you edit your /etc/apt/sources.list at all?20:31
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alexglJordan_U arubi i am actually a bit stuck at Server Setup for clients step on that last link I sent20:33
alexglJordan_U arubi I thought I added it with a command, it was last week...20:33
Jordan_Ualexgl: You thought you added what with a command? The instructions about editing your sources.list are only for 6+ year old versions of Ubuntu, so you really shouldn't have followed them.20:35
alexglJordan_U: I did notice that so I wasn't able to follow that step20:35
arubialexgl, on that live image, two scripts are on the desktop. one for setting up drbl (for pxe booting iso's or for thin clients), and the other for setting up a clonezilla server. both pretty much automatic20:35
Jordan_Ualexgl: Good. Did you run "sudo apt-get install drbl" to install drbl?20:36
alexglJordan_U: i found it in the Ubuntu Software Center and installed it through that20:37
alexglJordan_U: it says drbl is already the newest version.20:38
Jordan_Ualexgl: Great. So where were you seeing an error message about "missing a bunch of packages"?20:39
Happy10yearsHapppy birthday!20:40
alexglJordan_U: i ran this: drblsrv -i20:41
Jordan_Ualexgl: Please pastebin the exact output of that command.20:42
alexglJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8606249/20:43
alexglJordan_U: at the bottom20:43
=== lolwhat2 is now known as lolwhat
Avenger_Is there an app to use with linux ubuntu for defraging the hard disk? i remember old versions of windows my dad would always defrag20:44
dyauspitaryeah good question20:45
k1l_Avenger_: ubuntu uses another filesystems that dont need that20:45
pavlosAvenger_, linux does not need defrag20:45
Avenger_oh no kidding.20:45
dyauspitarokay best OS ever20:45
bekksAvenger_: Linux isnt Windows, and linux filesystems work quite differently - no need to defrag on linux.20:45
Avenger_that is really neat.20:45
Avenger_you are both nice people. thank you for the support.20:46
Jordan_Ualexgl: I'm not sure how do deal with that.20:48
vox_ATTENZIONE: Non e' stata intercettata la versione originale di lynx.20:52
vox_Questo script e' in grado di funzionare sono con lynx e non links2.20:52
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k1l_!it | vox_20:52
ubottuvox_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:52
=== Jake is now known as Guest16332
alexglJordan_U arubi so is 14.04 LTS just too new for drbl?20:53
alexglon drbl page they say instructions work for 14.04 but... they don't seem to20:53
bekksalexgl: They dont see to what? :)20:54
alexglbekks: at the bottom of this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8606249/ and this http://paste.ubuntu.com/8606374/20:55
arubialexgl, I think you might not have all the needed repositories, take a look at this : http://free.nchc.org.tw/drbl/pool/drbl/stable/20:56
arubiall those missing packages are found there20:56
miss_sunshinestr(round(1,7)) in Python, then how can I make it return 1,70?20:58
trismmiss_sunshine: round(1, 7) would round the number 1 to 7 digits, which is still 1, also #python is more appropriate to these sorts of questions21:01
alexglarubi: how would i ad them to sources?21:03
bekksalexgl: Described here: http://drbl.sourceforge.net/installation/02-install-required-packages.php21:04
bekksalexgl: As you can see the URL for the packages is the same for 12.04 to 13.10, so a quick look at the URL content should reveal that they will work on 14.04 as well.21:05
JCTwhat's that unity3d webplayer fork being called on ubuntu again? i sitalled it and forgot it's name, but i'm running xubuntu and chromium, and the unity3d web games won't launch even though i installed it21:08
JCTit uses wine and i have wine already21:09
JCTdo i have to start a program for it to work?21:09
trismJCT: you should check if it works in firefox, it is probably an NPAPI plugin and so won't work in chrome/chromium anymore21:09
arubialexgl, I can't find that repo's gpg key, but technically you'd need to create a file "drbl.list" in "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/", and in it paste the line "deb http://free.nchc.org.tw/drbl/ drbl stable"21:09
JCTyea, i noticed chromeapps that use NPAPI don't work almost at all...21:10
arubialexgl, then `sudo apt-get update`, and those packages should be found next time. if they're compatible with 14.04, I can't really tell...21:10
MagicSpudhello why Terminal is not among the options to open a script in shell? using ubuntu 14.04 hre21:11
MagicSpudand how could I bring it up21:12
alexglarubi bekks ok i got it to pull them from drbl repository, i think21:13
OerHeksJCT go for PPAPI  versions, like pepperflash21:13
arubialexgl, you can try running `apt-cache policy <package-name>` for each of the packages that were not found. if you're getting a sane output out of that, then you have a source for those packages.21:14
MonkeyDustMagicSpud  right click on the file, properties > permissions > Allow executing etc21:14
alexglarubi: so far so good it's downloading them and looks like unpacking21:14
MagicSpudbut it will open the file with gedit MonkeyDrone21:15
MagicSpudbut it will open the file with gedit MonkeyDust21:15
arubigreat, hope those really are compatible ubuntu debs'21:15
MonkeyDustMagicSpud  right click, open with21:15
MagicSpudyep and terminal is not in the list!21:15
=== Zerant is now known as Guest40264
MonkeyDustMagicSpud  after you set "make executable", it should ask if you want to run it terminal21:17
MagicSpudIt wont21:17
MonkeyDustMagicSpud  then i don't know21:18
MagicSpudI only can run it from terminal21:18
alexglJordan_U arubi bekks thank you guys, looks like it's installing packages now21:18
MagicSpudpathfinding the file21:18
=== ProjectHardcore is now known as Hardcore7
MagicSpudthanks anyway MonkeyDust, I think I ll add a shortcut the old way21:19
arubigood luck alexgl21:19
=== Tabstar is now known as Tabmow
MagicSpudMonkeyDust, I got it working adding first the shortcut in main menu using alacarte21:21
MonkeyDustMagicSpud  great!21:21
nlabworgon ##hackers21:22
nlabworg* Topic for ##hackers is: How many hackers does it take to screw a lightbulb? | Vulnerability summary for week 2014-9-22 https://www.us-c21:22
nlabworg hi , We are please to announce We are open for public which is National Laboratory of The World ... . We been paid by you'r tax by all country governor ... . you can take alook at Our research http://nlabw.wordpress.com , so far We post all 53 0day research ... . you can archive it if you want and request for research ... . since it is you'r money that paid Us ... .21:23
acerspyroGIMP never remembers the settings I gave it the last time I ran it, anyone know why?21:24
ses1984i have a samba share set to mount in /media/foo when i boot, and on my desktop i have some symlinks pointing to locations within this share. am i doing something wrong or atypical here?21:26
ses1984if my network flakes out even a little bit, the symlinks report as broken, even after the network comes back21:26
ses1984i either have to delete and recreate the symlinks, or restart the desktop environment21:26
ses1984is there some other pattern i can follow instead that will be more tolerant of a flakey network?21:27
=== rigor789 is now known as rigor789|away
arubiacerspyro, what's the output of `ls -l ~/.gimp-2.8` ?21:28
rcixgot a bit of a puzzle for everyone here21:28
rcixi use ibus-hangul, and i was troubleshooting some issues with it (mostly by reinstalling things)21:28
acerspyrorcix: What's blue and teleports?21:28
rcixlol acer21:28
ghutzriopHI! I'm using ubuntu 14.10 and I have both kde and gnome installed. now I try to use an vpn, but even tough the network manager says it's connected, it is simply ignored(whatismyip.com shows my original ip). how can solve this?21:28
rcixand when removing and reinstalling ibus and ibus-hangul21:28
rcix...i no longer have a system settings app21:29
rcixeither that or im completely forgetting what its called21:29
xangua!14.10 | ghutzriop21:29
ubottughutzriop: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/136321:29
k1l_rcix: see the apt logs in /var/log to see what packages got removed21:29
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simonorQuestion for all you 14.10 Beta's: Any improvement in Broadcom support?(I'll find out on Thursday anyway)21:31
kostkonsimonor, #ubuntu+1 for 14.1021:33
rcixwell okay then21:33
rcixfor some reason it decided to remove unity-control-center21:33
rcixto apt-get21:33
simonorThanks KostKon. Ciao.21:33
=== sythe is now known as sythe-afk
ghutzriopxangua: kthxbye21:35
rcixokay i have system settings21:35
rcixthat leaves me with my original problem, which seems to be an ibus-hangul one21:35
rcixanyone here able to help with that, or is there a better channel i canl ook in?21:36
acerspyrorcix: Please hold on while we process your request21:37
* acerspyro turns the request into a cheezeburger21:38
rcixthe problem being it won't combine characters - ㅇㅏㄴㄴㅕㅇ should look like 안녕 (copied from a web IME)21:38
rcixit was behaving until this morning21:38
imbezolmakes it hard to draw alien laser war ascii animations21:39
DX099hi all21:39
DX099is anyone testing daily utopic unicorn isos ?21:39
benzhninjaalso if anyone here has played jetpack joyride, I've got a really funny video to show you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh2zgELokkY21:40
DX099I want to try using one on  Virtualbox and graphics are broken21:40
imbezolDX099: try #ubuntu+121:40
DX099imbezol, thanks !21:40
rcixah ha, i found #ibus21:40
parisis this Linux Mint chat?21:40
acerspyro '/==[ ---- Oo.oOo.oO21:40
acerspyroparis: no21:40
bean1020Hey, does anyone here know how to make gnome desktop background into a live website?21:41
bean1020been trying to find a solution to it and can't wrap my head around it21:41
parisSo how can I join Linux mint?21:41
acerspyroparis: take a wild guess21:41
kostkon!mint | paris21:41
ubottuparis: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:41
kostkonparis, there you go21:42
=== Guest16332 is now known as Jake
Kyte_Could anyone point me to a good tutorial for learning how to operate Linux?21:45
bazhang!manual | Kyte21:49
ubottuKyte: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:49
bazhang!rute | and this Kyte21:49
ubottuand this Kyte: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com21:49
NectarCan someone tell me if i can install the latest lubuntu on on the toshiba ac100?21:50
KyteWhat about for more CLI type tutorial, so for Linux in Gerneral?21:50
bo`you want to start learning unix then21:51
tonyg3622i'm trying to upgrade the kernel and initrd image for pxe booted ubuntu 14.04 installation. i am using the same conf files and modules as before, however for one class of my machines I get "can't open /run/net-eth0.conf kernel panic not syncing init." i have the right modules as checked against my previous version. does anyone have any idea why simply upgrading would break this?21:51
KyteI s'pose I do. heh21:51
cordycepsis there a command that returns the type and quantity of RAM?21:53
jhutchinscordyceps: lshw will21:54
geniicordyceps: sudo lshw -C memory21:54
* cordyceps goin in...21:54
jhutchinsgenii: thx.  Can never remember the syntax.21:54
jhutchinscordyceps: lshw may not be installed...21:55
OerHeks!info dmidecode21:55
ubottudmidecode (source: dmidecode): SMBIOS/DMI table decoder. In component main, is standard. Version 2.12-2 (trusty), package size 41 kB, installed size 155 kB (Only available for any-amd64; any-i386; armhf; ia64)21:55
ajax0x217First time using IRC and I'm already feeling at home.21:55
acovrigIs it possible for Client laptop to connect to a LAN behind another OpenVPN client (see this diagram: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8606998/)?21:57
=== pretty is now known as magic
ajax0x217Things are dead here22:00
geniiajax0x217: It ebbs and flows. Should be pretty busy in 3 days when 14.10 arrives.22:00
Avenger_Docky keeps disappearing! im getting pissed now. why does it keep going away? all i want is a neat task bar at the bottom of my screen!22:01
ajax0x217haha I cant wait for that22:01
MagicSpudhello! one particular case here in which I formated system partition when upgrading but not home one...the point is all the programs installed using wine are still there but the menu shortcuts are not working...which would be the best way to re-sync or if better to re-create them?22:01
ajax0x217<genii> First timer22:02
ajax0x217Why do I feel so happy to be on IRC? The geek part of my soul is amazed22:03
kaddiok, for the last few days Iǘe had horrible issues with my wifi.. can't stay connected for more than a few minutes before the transmitted rate drops to 0b/s22:06
Hardcore7kaddi, i know your trouble; it sucks...22:10
Hardcore7have you tried a different driver?22:10
MagicSpudjust to get to understand wine a bit better...does it work entirely from the home folder...or does it need host system files to get the applications working?..I guess as being installed on ubuntu via apt... It is just like anyother program and I will need to reinstall all the applications I got on the previous ubuntu version...right?22:10
tgm4883kaddi: what card?22:10
kaddii ve reverted to a previous kernel version, which improves things a bit22:11
kaddilemme get that for you.. i've witched to win8 for now22:11
kaddi(and knowing how much i dislike win8... that means a lot :p)22:11
kaddiitś intel22:11
tgm4883MagicSpud: I believe that is incorrect. You have a ~/.wine/ folder that contains all of your windows programs and stuff. You would need to install Wine after the upgrade, but it should automatically see everything you previously installed22:12
MagicSpudthanks for the tip22:12
tgm4883kaddi: I don't know the current status, but I recall seeing quite a few posts about the intel drivers and needing to disable N and/or power management on them22:12
MagicSpudthat was my first thought...22:12
ajax0x217I switched from windows to Ubuntu and I am alot happier than before must be the trust tar taste it has22:12
kaddiMagicSpud, iǘe already done that.. it helped until about 2 weeks ago22:13
MagicSpudbut trying to sync shortcuts with wine folder applications is driving me nuts22:13
Hardcore7i'm running a quadraboot xD windows 2012 R2, windows 8.1, arch linux and ubuntu xD22:13
MagicSpudit didnt work kaddi22:13
kaddiMagicSpud, how do you mean?22:13
=== Hardcore7 is now known as Hardcore_
kaddiah sorry, got you mixed up22:14
kadditgm4883, itś a samsung ativ book 9 with an intel ac7260 wifi card. I think this problem relates to mine: http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-bugs/2014-10/msg14009.html22:15
squintyMagicSpud:  fwiw, there is a #wine channel here on freenode22:16
=== justinS_ is now known as jhsimpson
tgm4883kaddi: were you able to test what david wood stated was helping him in that bug report22:20
=== Synchunk` is now known as Synchunk
tgm4883kaddi: also, it's much easier to follow that bug report here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/135497522:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 1354975 in Unity Linux "iwlwifi Intel 7260 Wifi disconnects" [Undecided,New]22:20
kaddino, not yet. tgm4883... just found it now that iḿ able to actually use the wifi to google22:20
zenman11_had 12.04 server (encrypted homedir) on an ssd, attempted to remove cryptswap using instructions here: http://www.logilab.org/blogentry/29155. machine no longer boots, am i totally screwed trying to erase this drive?22:20
zenman11_i just want to zero the drive out, can't even mount it on a mac, or pc either - not being recognized22:21
kadditgm4883, gonna try now bbiaw22:22
bean1020@zenman11 try zeroing the drive and starting from scratch22:23
geniiAlternately, just zero out the MBR22:23
squintyzenman11_:  gparted see it maybe?22:23
t-askHi, Has anyone a nice triple head xorg.conf file with just one graphics card working? I'm using the Nvidia 770 with three screens while two of them are from the same manufacturer and all are FullHD.22:24
zenman11_bean1020: i want to zero it out, but all i have is a mac and a pc, neither of which can detect the drive22:24
zenman11_squinty: i don't have another linux machine22:24
zenman11_squinty: unless i use virtualbox on my windows pc maybe - but i doubt it'll be able to see the drive there22:24
squintyzenman11_:  gparted live usb or cd/dvd22:25
ObrienDavezenman11_, try a live cd/dvd?22:25
zenman11_ObrienDave, squinty : don't have an optical drive22:25
zenman11_basically fucked22:25
ObrienDaveinstall live system to USB stick?22:25
Speczenman11_: language pls22:25
cinnamonrollzGuys Ive got a question, Whats the last build of ubuntu that doesnt require pae22:26
zenman11_i guess i could make a live usb, boot my windows pc up with that, and attempt it?, sorry Spec22:26
squintyzenman11_:  read my comments again and please remember this is a family channel22:26
bean1020@zenman11_ give me a second, you can make a bootable usb to wipe it22:26
zenman11_squinty: if i do a live usb, i'd have to use my windows pc - boot that up using the usb stick, and then plug in the ubuntu drive with another usb thingy, and then wipe it?22:27
squintyzenman11_:  why not just plug it in to the machine with the problem?22:27
zenman11_squinty: it's mobo doesn't support usb booting - it's from 2006 lol22:28
zenman11_squinty: Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe22:28
squintyzenman11_:  pretty much limits your choice then  :)22:28
ObrienDaveBIOS might have "external drive". try that22:28
zenman11_ObrienDave: it has "Removable" which corresponds i guess to a floppy22:29
bean1020@zenman11_ do you have dvd booting then? or cd booting22:29
zenman11_bean1020: i don't have any optical drive, no22:29
ObrienDaveno optical22:29
Bashing-omcinnamonrollz: see; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2211590 .22:29
bean1020@zenman11_ http://www.killdisk.com/downloadfree.htm22:29
bean1020try going there22:29
bean1020see if one of those will work for you22:30
squintybean1020:  no need for the @ when typing someones nick22:30
bean1020squinty thanks!22:30
squintybean1020: yw22:30
zenman11_bean1020: does this software require that the OS can see the disk? If so, it won't work - no OS I have can recognize the drive22:30
bean1020squinty does it turn a different color when I use your username? I am very new to the irc22:30
EriC^^zenman11_: virtualbox can see the disk if you use a rawdisk image22:31
bean1020zenman11_ try hooking it up into your windows computer and reboot the computer22:31
squintybean1020:  yes.  you can type the first few letters of someones nick and then press the tab key for auto complete22:31
zenman11_bean1020: i'll give it a shot, thx - EriC^^: what do you mean by rawdisk?22:31
bean1020squinty,  that makes it so much easier too22:31
bean1020zenman11_, after the reboot, open up diskmanagement22:32
squintybean1020:  some irc software will also allow  double click on the nick and then paste so no typing is needed22:32
EriC^^zenman11_: you create a file that represents the disk, and use it as the vm's disk22:32
zenman11_bean1020: right now when i go in diskmanagement, it can see the disk - it wants to initialize it, but then fails saying "Disk not ready". I'm guessing this is just the encrypted partition failing to mount22:33
bean1020zenman11_, from there format it22:33
bean1020zenman11_,  right click and it should have an option to format22:34
zenman11_bean1020: can't though, everything just fails22:34
ObrienDavezenman11_, how are you trying to read the drive currently? what size drive?22:34
zenman11_ObrienDave: I have a USB>SATA connector, powered by wall power. It's a 128gb SSD, toshiba22:34
bean1020zenman11_, it might be fried22:35
misohi , is there easy way to full table ps_stock_availability ? i  have it empty and stock managment is not working beecouse its empty :)22:35
bean1020squinty, is there a way to make it so I don't have to see everyone who logs in and out?22:36
zenman11_bean1020: the only evidence i have to the contrary, is that i * was * able to boot the old server up with the drive in it. that was until i attempted to remove cryptswap and probably borked the drive22:36
ObrienDavebean1020, right click channel, hide join/part22:36
ObrienDavein settings22:36
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zenman11_bean1020: tried killdisk - couldn't do it either. i'm almost convinced now that this drive is still encrypted. i'm guessing my best play is the Live USB route then22:39
zenman11_when I do get that going, squinty, ObrienDave, how can I erase/decrypt if it ever becomes visible again?22:39
zenman11_these were the commands i ran previously: http://www.logilab.org/blogentry/2915522:40
ObrienDavezenman11_, kill the partition, make new one22:40
bean1020ObrienDave, I am using xchat, and i don't see it in the settings22:40
bean1020zenman11_, agreed, kill the partition22:40
ObrienDavebean1020, right click channel, settings, hide22:40
ObrienDavebean1020, do yourself a favor, install HexChat22:40
bean1020ObrienDave, much better?22:41
ObrienDavetry it :))22:41
bean1020ObrienDave, and that fixed my problem22:41
bean1020ObrienDave, Just got it22:43
bean1020ObrienDave, It is fantastic in comparison22:44
ObrienDaveknew you would like it22:44
bean1020ObrienDave, much more visually pleasing for chat22:45
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bean1020ObrienDave, do you know anything about virtualbox?22:50
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ObrienDavea bit, but22:51
ObrienDaveOT for this channel22:51
Avenger_hey friends.22:52
bean1020ObrienDave, yeah, I know I am just struggling to get this to work :-(22:52
zenman11_bean1020: i can also maybe answer questions22:52
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ObrienDavebean1020, #ubuntu-offtopic22:53
NCS_Oneanyone using evrouter?22:53
ObrienDavebean1020, /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:55
squintybean1020:  there is also #vbox on freenode which is a specific channel for virtualbox22:57
azizLIGHThelp i have this shadow on my screen and i dont know how to get rid of it?22:57
azizLIGHTubunt 14.04 with a nvidia gtx 770 using the xorgedgers ppa with 340.4622:57
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azizLIGHTheres what it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/pBOKTMh.png22:57
zenman11_ohhh, squinty, ObrienDave - i just booted the drive back up in the old machine...no idea why it let me boot. now is there a way to decrypt this drive from within itself?22:58
zenman11_interestingly when it booted this time it didn't report the encrypted swap being mounted, it mounted the new swap i made up in /dev/sda523:00
zenman11_anyone have experience decrypting ubuntu server drives?23:01
LinusTorvaldIIhi squinty are u the one from PA?23:01
zenman11_he left LinusTorvaldII23:01
kadditgm4883,  how do i do the last two steps of the instructions with the firmware?23:04
kaddiiitgm4883, you still around?23:15
unclescratchiehelp with wifi,  connection is good, hulu streams slow, youtube is fine23:17
Avenger_Hiw do i change my computers hostname?23:28
Bashing-omAvenger_: edit " /etc/hosts , /etc/hostname " .23:30
Avenger_Bashing-om : do i type that in terminal?23:30
zenman11_anyone know why i can't wipe this drive that had ubuntu server 12.04 lts installed on it?23:31
Bashing-omAvenger_: no will have to activate a text editor with the privileges to edit a system file.23:31
Avenger_Bashing-om : i am too new to try this. that sounds too scarry and my dad said not to listen.23:32
Avenger_thank you very much for the responce though friend.23:32
_temp_hi, i'm trying to follow steps from a bug report, but I don't know how to do the following steps23:34
_temp_4. loaded firmware version op_mode iwlmvm23:34
_temp_5. linux-firmware 1.127.723:34
_temp_how do I get a specific version of firmware and how do I check if ti's loaded23:34
celrocAvenger_: Typing "gksu gedit /etc/hostname" in a terminal without the quotes and pressing enter, then inputting your password at the prompt and pressing enter again should open it in a GUI editor with proper privileges23:34
_temp_(and finally what does op_mode iwlmvm" mean23:34
Avenger_celroc : i will try that.23:35
Avenger_celroc : i think you are a nice man. thank you very much for being friendly.23:35
celrocAvenger_: Thanks, I give credit to Bashing-om for listing where the files were located, too.  I sort of springboarded off of his response, so to speak23:36
zykotick9!hostname | Avenger_23:36
ubottuAvenger_: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.23:36
zykotick9Avenger_: careful, i think celroc's suggestion, by itself, will break sudo on your system!23:36
celroczykotick9: It will?  I'm sorry, I didn't hear about that23:37
Avenger_celroc : (gedit:3800): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files23:37
Avenger_i tried to name is Tobasco and press save23:37
celrocAvenger_: Um, I might have messed up, apparently.  I was not aware of the issue zykotick9 brought up.23:38
Avenger_zykotick9 : i have done something terriable!23:38
zykotick9Avenger_: i dount it's "terrible" but, i don't know the fix, good luck.23:39
Avenger_zykotick9 : holy mother of turok have i brke something???23:39
Avenger_sudo apt-get will not work anymore?23:40
zykotick9Avenger_: try "sudo ls" ans see if that works...23:40
Bashing-omAvenger_: All fixable .. do not PAnic.23:40
Avenger_zykotick9 : brandon@brandon-HP-Pavilion-TS-Sleekbook-14:~$ sudo ls23:40
Avenger_Desktop Pictures23:40
Avenger_Documents PlayOnLinux's virtual drives23:40
Avenger_Downloads Public23:40
Avenger_examples.desktop Slideshow23:40
Avenger_Firefox_wallpaper.png Templates23:40
unopasteAvenger_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted23:40
celrocAvenger_: It looks like sudo is still working23:41
Avenger_celroc what is sudo?23:42
ObrienDaveAvenger_, Super User DO23:42
celrocAvenger_: It is a tool commonly used in the linux command-line to run things as the root ("super") user23:42
Avenger_i wanted to change my host name to TobascoSauce23:43
celrocObrienDave: I may be wrong, but I believe it is actually "Switch User Do" as you can actually use sudo to run commands in accounts other than the root, too.  Root is just the default :-)23:43
zykotick9ObrienDave: actually "switch user" i believe...23:43
kadditgm4883: did everything that's in that list.. still having problems23:45
celrocAvenger_: If you open a new terminal, does it list the hostname you typed in that file earlier?23:46
Bashing-omAvenger_: MY file -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8607982/ , see where " 1404mini", change in your file to " TobascoSauce " -> gksudo gedit /etc/host <- ; next is to change "/etc/hostname" .23:46
Avenger_Bashing-om : what file do i open on my computer sir?23:48
celrocAvenger_: Try "gksu gedit /etc/hosts" to get the file he lists23:49
Bashing-omAvenger_: In terminal do:  -> gksudo gedit /etc/host <- opens the file for editing, make the edit and save the file.23:50
Avenger_okay i pressed save23:51
Avenger_now exit the editor?23:51
bellawhen updating ubuntu, the computer froze and now the computer is extremely slow and the font on the desktop changes and then changes back to the original font, its weird. also my external usb drives dont work so i cant backup files. please help23:51
Avengerbashing-om : my host name did not change23:52
Bashing-omAvenger: Well, did you 'save' the file after making the edit ( changing whatever was in that field to TobascoSauce ) ?  - easy does it !23:53
zenman11_can anyone help me get ubuntu off a hard drive so i can install windows on it?23:54
AvengerBashing-om yes sir i changed it to tobascosauce and clicked save. terminal still says a big host name from before23:54
squid22@zenman11: all you have to do is format the hard drive23:54
Avengeri like tobascosauce and i hope i can name my computer it.23:54
celrocAvenger: You may need to open a new terminal to see the change in hostname23:54
Avengercelroc : i did that too my friendship and it still says brandon-HP-Pavilion-TS-Sleekbook-14:~$23:55
Avengermy name is brandon23:55
Bashing-omAvenger: I said above, we must edit 2 files .. right ? .. so next is -> gksudo gedit /etc/hostname <- .. where the old name was, change to "TobascoSauce", save the file and exit. Log off and back on to see the change.23:55
OerHeksyou need to logout/login to let it take effect23:56
Avengerokay friends i will try.23:56
bellawhen updating ubuntu, the computer froze and now the computer is extremely slow and the font on the desktop changes and then changes back to the original font, its weird. also my external usb drives dont work so i cant backup files. please help23:57
celrocbella: Sorry, I don't know a direct fix.  If you can open a terminal, try "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade" to run the updater, maybe it will help fix whatever broke23:58
squid22bella: you can also try "sudo apt-get -f install"23:59

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