
studio_hey guys, is there a disk utility for studio?  something that checks hd health?02:30
deltwhat's a good skype client for linux?02:38
delthehe (:02:39
Unit193The only Skype client is Skype....02:39
deltbut i can't install it... it says my internet connection is down, but clearly not the case :/02:39
Unit193!info skype-bin partner02:39
ubottuskype-bin (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service - binary files. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 19643 kB, installed size 43366 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)02:40
deltcomponent main...?02:40
studio_anyone know from experience the life expectancy of a hard drive?02:40
Unit193You'll have to add the partner repo if you don't have it already, delt.02:40
Unit193studio_: Really depends, keep backups though.  You can generally get advanced warning with SMART tools, but not a money back thing.02:41
deltUnit193: ah, i see ....any other good stuff on that repo?02:41
studio_ok. thanks02:41
Unit193delt: Heh, not really. :P02:41
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »02:42
Unit193studio_: Sure.02:42
delti'm running 64bit.. how come it says all new packages installed will be :i386?02:45
delt(from running apt-get install skype)02:45
Unit193Skype is only built for 32bit, but lucky for you there's multiarch.02:45
delt:) thanks for the info02:46
lexitohello. I made a live version of the ubuntu studio but it fails to run. After i choose to run in live mode, it loads the splash screen and then everything ggoes black17:27
lexitoany help ?please17:27
holsteinlexito: i would try a few things..17:28
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:28
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:28
lexitoholstein: By nomodset do you mean i should clickk that button? Well i did. And even i clicked the acpi thingy....i don't under stand any of those.nothing worked17:30
holsteinlexito: i try all the options.. the only thing to understand is that they can help..17:31
holsteinlexito: confirm your iso download and your live media as well17:31
lexitoholstein: okay I am checking the link17:31
lexitoholstein: the version in the link is for version 11.10 but mine is 14.0417:35
holsteinlexito: sure..17:35
holsteinlexito: you can check your iso the same way17:35
holsteinyou can use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/CDIntegrityCheck17:36
lexitoholstein: so the numbers differ17:37
holsteinlexito: sure..17:37
holsteinlexito: you use the location of the iso you downloaded for the sum17:38
holsteinhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/14.04/release/ for example17:38
holsteinor just use the integrity checker i linked above17:38
holsteinlexito: this is *not* a fix for anything.. so dont waste too much time on it17:38
lexitoholstein: 6842dfc487beb8cbd4787577ad7b717817:39
holsteinlexito: i say, just download main ubuntu, and try that, and if you get the same issue, you can go to the more populous #ubuntu and get assistance for your specific hardware17:39
holsteinlexito: i dont konw if that is the sum for the iso you downloaded..17:39
lexitoholstein: that is the number that came up17:40
lexitoholstein: but i don't want the main ubuntu. I want the ubuntu studio17:40
holsteinlexito: i dont see that sum here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/14.04/release/MD5SUMS17:41
holsteinlexito: i understand that, friend.. but, ubuntustuduio *is* ubuntu17:41
holsteinlexito: anything that can help your specific hardware case run ubuntu will be relevant in running ubuntustuduio17:41
holsteinlexito: but, it seems you are not getting the proper sum17:41
lexitoholstein: you don't understand. I used about a month to download ubuntu studio .I have very slow internet17:42
holsteinlexito: then, i would gurantee that is the issue, then17:42
holsteinlexito: if you have spotty internet, its seems that is the issue17:42
holsteinnot sure how i would proceed.. i might start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:44
holsteinthose iso's are small.. then, i could get my installation done and know the hardware is working and go from there17:44
lexitoholstein: but could it go up to the point of allowing me to select the type of boot? It even showed me the animated splash screen. Is all this possible17:44
holsteinlexito: yes.. thats why i had you check the sum, and you are reporting the sum is not "correct"..17:45
holsteinlexito: wont hurt to run that integrity check17:45
lexitoholstein: i will run the integrity check then and get back here17:47
lexitoholstein: but i think i will have to download with a faster connection again17:59
holsteinlexito: or, you can search about how to fix them..18:00
holsteinlexito: you can try main #ubuntu18:00
lexitoholstein: SINCE i can't see the sum there i think the integrity is wrong18:01
holsteinlexito: i agree18:01
holsteinhttp://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2009/10/29/use-zsync-to-update-existing-iso-images/ may suggest using zsync to "repair"18:02
holsteini have not done this myself, and cannot say18:02
holsteinyou may be able to do with automatically with a torrent setup18:03
lexitoholstein: what do you mean by the torrent setup?18:05
lexitowhere can i get that18:05
holsteinlexito: i dont know what operating system you are using..18:05
holsteinhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads for example18:06
holsteinlexito: im saying, setting up a torrent download, and putting your current iso in place *may* just sync the difference for you automatically.. im not sure18:06
holsteinlexito: im just trying to postulate the path of least resistance for you..18:07
lexitoholstein: i am on mint 1718:11
holsteinlexito: then, the references to the torrent applications will be relevant18:11
lexitoholstein: I am using transmission18:11
holsteinlexito: also, the ubuntustudio applications are in the default ubuntu repos. thus, you can just install them in to mint17..18:12
holsteinlexito: yes.. transmission is what i was implying.. that *maybe* transmission would repair the iso for you18:12
lexitoholstein: Is that possible? I thought it would mess up my system. I tried with simple unity and my whole system was messed up18:12
holsteinlexito: if you just install the applications you want..18:13
lexitoholstein: so you mean I should download with transmission18:13
holsteinlexito: i wouldnt install the ubuntu-studio-desktop18:13
holsteini would just install what i want.. jack, ardour.. qtractor.. whatever18:13
lexitoholstein: Yh I did that. But I felt there should be a different feel with the real thing :)18:14
holsteinlexito: i mean, *maybe* if you load up the torrent file in transmission, and put the iso you have in place at the download location, then *maybe* transmission will zsync the changes and "Fix" the iso18:14
holsteinlexito: there *is* a different feel.. but, its the *same* applications.. and, if i were on limited bandwidth, this would be on the table..18:15
lexitoholstein: I am still not getting the torrent idea. but I think you mean i need not download a new iso file right?18:16
holsteinlexito: thats what im implying that you should try.. i linked zsync as a potential way to fix the iso, that i have not personally tried. you can ask about fixing the iso first hand in #ubuntu as i suggested18:16
holsteini then suggested that *maybe* transmission would just magically do that for you..18:17
holsteinthus, *not* needing to download a new iso18:17
lexitoholstein: oh ok. But how can i do that with transmission. Sorry for the nooby questions18:17
holstein*and*, adding just what you are interested in using into mint17, thus also, *not* needing to download a new iso18:17
holsteinlexito: i would literally get the torrent file for the iso i have.. load up transmission.. and put the iso i have in the download location18:17
holsteinthen, i would start the torrent, and see if transmission check the sum and tries to "fix" it..18:18
lexitoholstein: oh i get it now. Same location right?18:18
holsteinif not, i would read about ways to fix the iso i have downloaded.. if i found no help online,  would ask in #ubuntu18:18
holsteinlexito: i would expect, transmission will try and download.. it will look at the location and see the iso.. and, am postulating, it would run a sum, and check the difference. and hopefully try and repait if18:19
holsteinthe location would have to be the same,yes, for any of that to potentially work18:19
holsteini personally *have* put iso's in that i have previously downloaded in order to seed them.. but i have not needed to try and repair an iso personally18:20
lexitoholstein: ok. Thanks I will read more about it.18:20
studio-user188hey !18:55
nightheronI can't sudo apt-get update my ubuntu studio :(20:55
holsteinnightheron: you can.. try it, and paste any errors..20:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:56
holstein"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"20:56
nightheronok, let me try again...20:56
nightheronA typical 404 not found...20:57
holsteinnightheron: please open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get update" and paste the entire output here..20:58
nightheronErr...it stuck20:58
holsteinnightheron: control c will "break" that..20:59
nightheronBy the way, I set default language as spanish, will it bring any trouble?20:59
holsteinnightheron: no20:59
holsteinnightheron: please open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get update" and share the entire output here.. http://paste.ubuntu.com21:00
nightheronLike this?21:00
holsteinnightheron: looks like you have messed up your sources21:02
holsteini would use http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ to repair that..21:02
nightheronHmm...I can't remenber how many software I tried...21:02
holsteinnightheron: you broke your sources21:03
holsteinnightheron: when you run "sudo apt-get update" you have sources in place that are broken21:04
holsteinnightheron: i dont konw why or how they are broken, but they are21:04
nightheronYeah, I asked for it, thx for the link, I may try.21:04
holsteinnightheron: you get 404's becuase they are broken21:04
holsteinnightheron: ubuntustuduio *is* ubuntu. so you can as about how to repair that in #ubuntu if you like21:04
nightheronEven if it's XFCE environment?21:05
holsteinnightheron: friend.. xfce is just that21:05
holsteinnightheron: ubuntu is the base.. they are *all* ubuntu.. same repos21:05
holsteinnightheron: you have broken repo sources..21:05
nightheronI feel so noob and helpless here. :p21:06
holsteinnightheron: you will replace them with the stock ubuntu ones21:06
holsteinnightheron: you should come here *before* doing whatever it was you did to break your sources21:06
holsteinnightheron: prettu much, anytime you run a sudo command, you can be breaking things. feel free and ask *before* doing that.. it'll make it much easier to help21:06
nightheronAnd what does GPG keys do?21:10
holsteinnightheron: the sources are *very* important21:10
holsteinnightheron: when you install ubuntu, you run "sudo apt-get update" the repo sources are accessed.. the keys insure that things are "signed" and are what they say they are21:11
holsteinits a security attempt21:11
nightheronOk...it said "Replace your /etc/apt/sources.list with the following one"21:16
holsteinnightheron: right.. thats what i said, as well21:17
nightheronAnd I am suck at doing it in terminal21:17
holsteinnightheron: you broke  your sources.. fix them with that ^21:17
holsteinnightheron: then, dont use the terminal21:17
nightheronI mean, it don't authorize me editing the source.list21:19
holsteinnightheron: sure.. you need root permission21:20
holsteinnightheron: gksudo gedit /path/to/file21:20
holsteinnightheron: or, you can use a live CD to "fix" them21:20
nightheronOk, will try...21:20
nightheronIput the liveCD, opened "sotware & update"...21:23
holsteinnightheron: why?21:24
nightheronWhere to reset my source list with my liveCD?21:24
holsteinnightheron: what you need to open is the file you broke, and fix it with the information the link i gave you exported21:24
nightheronOr is that I should reboot with it?21:24
holsteinnightheron: using the live CD is just a way to deal with the permissions issue you are having21:25
nightheronAh...I am a dumb ass...21:25
holsteinanyways.. i gotta run. you can use #ubuntu or #xubuntu may also be able to assist21:26
holsteincheers and good luck21:26
zequencegksudo might not work anymore21:28
zequencesudo should do it though21:28
nightheronI can update now, finally! thx you all! :D21:40

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