[00:44] j12t, i'd suggest looking at the upstart jobs or sysvinit jobs. [00:44] but largely [00:44] cloud-init init --local [00:44] cloud-init init [00:45] cloud-init modules --mode=config [00:45] cloud-init modules --mode=final [00:47] I since found those in the Arch/systemd service files. I think I understand the difference between init and modules, but what about --local and the --modes? === gholms is now known as tbechkam === harlowja is now known as harlowja_away === tbechkam is now known as gholms === alexpilotti_ is now known as alexpilotti === harlowja_away is now known as harlowja [18:23] Why does cloud-init but a (slightly scrambled) version of the abc into .ssh/authorized_keys instead of my public key? Having trouble trusting my eyes here ... [18:24] whats the 'abc'? [18:25] basically ascii table [18:25] each character separated by newline [18:25] od says: \n + \n - \n / \n 1 \n 0 \n 3 \n 2 \n [18:25] 5 \n 4 \n 7 \n 6 \n 9 \n 8 \n = \n A \n [18:25] and so it continues through uppercase and then lowercase letters [18:26] that seems odd, ha [18:26] whats the user-data u used to make this happen? [18:27] I don't really understand how this is supposed to work, but /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt has the correct value [18:28] http://pastebin.com/VTpTbNTS [18:29] it comes via /dev/sdb which is a vfat drive labeled cidata [18:29] well, its the key. [18:30] i suspect. [18:30] If you look at the pastebin, does this file look correct? [18:30] well, i think i probalby intended to support that... but maybe not. [18:31] "that" being ...? [18:31] make the 'ssh-authorized-keys' be a list [18:31] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/doc/examples/cloud-config.txt#L205 [18:31] the our ssh_authorized_keys is a string [18:31] which is then being iterated over as a list of chars [18:31] rather than a [] [18:32] are you saying that if I make it a list, it might work? [18:32] i expect it will work, yeah. [18:32] if your'e by hand writing that. [18:33] then you can just wrap it in [""] [18:33] if you're yaml.dump() ing something then just make it a list. [18:33] ha! you are correct [18:34] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/distros/__init__.py#L389 [18:35] thats the code that is going wrong there. [18:35] could definitely do: [18:35] if isinstance(kwargs['ssh_authorized_keys'], str)... [18:35] Just an error message would be good enough already :-) [18:38] As bugs go, this is a funny one. Was betting on some kind of prank first, but couldn [18:38] t think of a prankster doing this :-) [18:53] i fix it [19:05] https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/ssh-key-types/+merge/239121 [19:05] j12t ^ [19:06] harlowja: very nice, thank you. [19:06] np [19:15] harlowja: ever seen an instance's disk switch to some other storagebackend? [19:15] i haven't :-/ [19:15] sounds bad [19:16] i don thitnk multi_log is righ thtere. [19:16] can't remember I did something, but this instance now thinks it needs to use a qcow2 image when booting, instead of rgular ceph rbd [19:16] "regular". [19:16] hehe [19:16] linux, harmw ? [19:16] my cloud? yep, centos7 [19:17] smoser want me to just use something other than multi_log (or not use it at all?) [19:17] just log i guess. you can warn that. [19:18] LOG.warn that seems potentially bad. as long as 'None' is not going to generate a warning [19:18] that must get filled in somewhere. [19:18] ie, doest raise KeyError on kwargs['ssh_authorized_keys'] [19:19] k [19:24] updated [21:14] hi guys [21:14] question [21:15] why is there no option to set the UID of a user upon creation in cloud-config? [21:22] Because you haven't added support for it yet? :P [21:23] Mostly kidding. I don't know why, but I don't think it was explicitly excluded [21:35] gkze, its possible it would work. [21:35] hm.. no. thought it might . [21:36] The change is simple, you just have to add a k/v item to the dict for user creation and then it will work [21:36] have to just add to adduser_opts in cloudinit/distros/__init__.py [21:36] yeah. [21:36] maybe a few other changes [21:36] i have to run. [21:36] late