
perrito666ericsnow: the auto thingisnot workingright?00:38
wallyworld_sinzui: hey, remind me, did we agree that the simplestream content id for tools should be "com.ubuntu.juju:released:tools" always? even for devel/proposed? the devel/proposed tools like at a different url of course, but are we going to lie in the content ids inside the json?01:00
wallyworld_the current code in master generates ids like com.ubuntu.juju:proposed:tools or com.ubuntu.juju:devel:tools which don't match what's in the json01:01
sinzuiwallyworld_, I don't like the lie, but we never agreed to remove it01:04
wallyworld_sinzui: ok. in that case, i'm not sure how 1.21-alpha1 is finding tools01:04
wallyworld_because the code is generating the wrong ids01:05
sinzuiwallyworld_, right. I think a real change requires a longer transition.01:05
wallyworld_sinzui: we can make a fix for alpha2 which generates the expected content ids01:06
wallyworld_sinzui: just to confirm, proposed will live at http://streams.canonical.com/juju/proposed/tools/01:06
wallyworld_devel will live at http://streams.canonical.com/juju/devel/tools/01:06
wallyworld_ok, that's what the code assumes, bt with the wronf content id01:07
wallyworld_so we'll do a fix01:07
sinzuiwallyworld_, I think we need to teach 1.21 that it will change, but probably not change until 1.2201:07
wallyworld_sinzui: yeah, i guess it could look for the correct id and fall back to the incorrect one01:08
sinzuiwallyworld_, We never say you can upgrade from devel to devel though. alpha1 might be able to upgrade to alpha2, but we never say it is so01:08
wallyworld_messy but doable01:08
wallyworld_i would prefer just to fix the ids for alpha201:08
wallyworld_ie have the json generated with com.ubuntu.juju:proposed:tools etc01:09
wallyworld_but if that's not doable, we will have to code the fallback option01:09
wallyworld_which will be very messy01:10
wallyworld_sinzui: let me know your thoughts and we can code the solution to work with what's possible for you01:13
sinzuiwallyworld_, I think we can fix the values in the json, and announce that upgrades from a1 to a3 are not supported...unless sync-tool from alpha2 clients will work01:15
wallyworld_sinzui: sync-tool should write the correct json, so it *should* work. but +1 to making it all correct now during the alpha release stage before it's too late to fix01:17
* thumper takes a deep breath, and continues with deep refactoring dive01:18
wallyworld_axw: standup?01:18
davecheneymercurial hates me01:35
davecheney$ hg pull -u01:35
davecheneyabort: error: _ssl.c:510: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed01:35
davecheneyi know _why_ this stopped working01:35
davecheneybut I don't know _how_ to fix it01:35
perrito666davecheney: doesn't hg allow you to ignore the cert somehow?01:39
davecheneyperrito666: maybe01:43
davecheneymake: Warning: File `../../Make.dist' has modification time 1.4e+09 s in the future02:38
davecheneydfc@bauer:~/go/src/cmd/7a$ date02:38
davecheneyThu Jan  1 01:29:47 EST 197002:39
davecheneyoh wow02:39
davecheneyi guess that is why https wasn't working02:39
wallyworld_axw: hi, review baord and 1.20 aren't playing nicely, could you take a look at this for me? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/92903:55
axwwallyworld_: will do04:05
axwwallyworld_: what part bind-mounts the storage dir?04:16
wallyworld_axw: container/lxc/lxc.go04:16
axwwhy is it doing that? :/04:17
wallyworld_so the container doesn't have to go to http storage to get tools cause there's a race condition on startup04:18
wallyworld_containers would sometimes fail to download tools in cloud init04:18
wallyworld_because the http storage wasn't available04:18
axwyeah, so we put in retries right?04:18
wallyworld_i think that was after this fix04:19
axwthe agent will rm -fr /var/lib/juju on destruction, so mounting anything in there is going to be bad04:19
axwI guess it's too late for 1.2004:19
wallyworld_hence this fix04:19
axwwhat I mean is, this is working around it - it would be better not to mount it04:20
wallyworld_the fix mounts it to /tmp instead but i guess now that retries are there the mount is no longer needed04:20
wallyworld_at lease that assumes the retires will fix the original issue04:20
wallyworld_i'dhave to re-read the orignal bug04:21
axwwallyworld_: reviewed04:22
wallyworld_axw: ah, i think i remember - some hosts had port 8040 closed04:24
wallyworld_hence the curl to the http provider failed04:24
wallyworld_so retries won't help04:25
axwwallyworld_: ah yeah. anyway, shouldn't be a problem in trunk at least04:28
wallyworld_axw: i'm wondering if we should randomise the choice of availability zone when none is explicitly specified and we just iterate over the available zones till we find one where startinstance works04:54
axwfor openstack?04:55
wallyworld_yeah, but also for ec204:55
wallyworld_i'm implementing the choice for openstack04:55
axwwallyworld_: we could randomise at each level of population04:56
wallyworld_since it currently always uses the first zone04:56
axwotherwise it would defeat the algorithm04:56
axwwallyworld_: it uses the first of the ones with the least population from the group04:56
axwunder the assumption that it wouldn't fail, which obviously was wrong04:56
wallyworld_ah, right, in that case i might not do any extra04:57
axwI suggest we just iterate through in ascending order of population04:57
axwlike in ec204:57
wallyworld_yup, ok04:57
axwwe could always change the underlying code in provider/common later to randomise if it's valuable04:57
wallyworld_axw: so in openstack, we do this: zoneInstances, err := availabilityZoneAllocations(e, group)    and then zone-to-use = zoneInstances[0].ZoneName04:58
wallyworld_i'm just going to iterate over the slice and try start instance on each zone till it succeeds04:59
wallyworld_like in ec204:59
wallyworld_the code in there now matches the bug symptom04:59
wallyworld_where it always tries just the same zone each tome04:59
axwwallyworld_: right, I agree with that approach05:12
axwwallyworld_: in ec2 we check for a specific error code, and bail on others05:13
axwnot sure if there's an equivalent on openstack05:13
wallyworld_axw: yep, openstack returns just a 500 sadly05:13
wallyworld_so i gotta check the message :-(05:13
axwwallyworld_: I meant error-code-string in the body05:13
axwsame as aws then05:13
wallyworld_our goose library will return an UnspecifiedErrorCode I think. the underlying openstack message is "No valid host was found"05:14
wallyworld_goose gets a http 500 response code05:15
wallyworld_jam: bug 1383260 is related to scalability - do you have any comments based on your previous work in this area. i fear it will not be something we can easily fix05:54
mupBug #1383260: 1.20.10/MAAS 1.5 relations not being 'started' in a large environment <deploy> <maas-provider> <scale-test> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.20:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1383260>05:54
jamwallyworld_: well he did say "it did eventually complete" but was slow and high CPU/memory. I don't have any specific notes on what we could do to fix that, we just need testing and profiling.06:12
jamwallyworld_: He had ~300+ items and then added a subordinate, which creates 300 new units right away06:12
wallyworld_jam: yep, i wasn't sure if you had any previous profiling which may have showed that issue06:13
jamwallyworld_: I was aware that adding a subordinate is painful, but when I did it with 1k nodes, it pretty much just died. And I haven't done it for a long time. I had actually forgotten about it.06:13
wallyworld_ok, np06:13
wallyworld_i think the bug shoud be moved off 1.2006:14
wallyworld_as we won't get to fix it for that release06:14
* fwereade will be off in a few mins, back when I'm in a hotel on the next island, not far but might be a bit of a wait for the boat06:48
voidspacemorning all07:48
wallyworld_axw: thanks for review. i did08:01
wallyworld_add a test for that eror path i think08:01
axwwallyworld_: yeah I saw it later... sort of tests it indirectly, but that's good enough08:02
wallyworld_yeah, i thought it would be sufficient08:02
axwwhat I meant specifically was in that test, do we get az3 after failing to get az2, or did we go straight to az308:02
axwbut anyway, don't worry about it08:02
wallyworld_ah, i see your point08:04
wallyworld_the other tests sort of prove that we would  hit az2 first08:05
wallyworld_but yeah, not 100% sufficient08:05
voidspacewallyworld_: axw: can one of you run this code and tell me what it outputs please08:30
voidspaceI'm seeing "none", which surprises me08:30
axwvoidspace: hey. sure, one moment08:31
voidspaceit should print the id of the default-vpc for the account08:31
voidspaceaxw: thanks08:31
voidspaceno hurry, I'm grabbing coffee08:31
axwvoidspace: I also get "none"08:31
wallyworld_voidspace: none for me too08:32
voidspaceso either we have no default-vpc for that region, or goamz is buggy, or the amazon api is buggy08:32
voidspaceI tried a couple of different regions and got none for the ones I tried08:32
voidspacewallyworld_: thanks08:32
voidspacenot just my credentials then08:32
axwvoidspace: "ec2-describe-account-attributes default-vpc" gives me something other than none08:34
axwso it's not the first case08:34
voidspaceah, cool08:35
voidspacewell, distinctly uncool08:35
voidspacebut thanks08:35
voidspaceand dimiter is off today of course :-)08:36
axwvoidspace: sorry08:45
axwI was wrong08:45
axwI forgot, I changed my default region in my dot file08:45
axwso ec2-describe-account-attributes was describing ap-southeast-208:45
axwvoidspace: us-east-1 does return "none" when using that too08:46
voidspaceaxw: ah08:46
voidspaceaxw: I get "Client.Unauthorized: Not Authorized"08:47
axwusing ec2-describe-account-attributes?08:47
voidspaceand the ec2-describe-regions08:47
axwyou sourced your creds?08:47
voidspaceyep :-)08:47
voidspaceif you don't do that then you get a traceback instead08:48
voidspaceand naturally it uses different environment variables to the ones we (and goamz) uses08:48
axwdunno then - just works for me08:48
voidspaceaxw: I'm reading the docs08:48
voidspacebut I'll try ap-southeast from goamz08:49
axwah yeah, I should've tried that. yep, works fine08:50
voidspaceaxw: for me too08:50
voidspacecode is probably correct08:50
voidspaceI wonder why my command line tools don't work08:51
voidspaceHmmm... my reviewboard review didn't have a reviewer set09:39
voidspaceNor does it appear to have a diff09:39
voidspaceI'll have to harass ericsnow09:39
voidspaceAh, known issue but thought fixed...09:40
fwereadewwitzel3, ping10:39
voidspacejam: are you around?10:47
jamvoidspace: clicking on the link now10:47
voidspacejam: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/211/diff/1/#111:04
fwereadeif anyone's familiar with the details of what the uniter's trying to do with proxy settings, please let me know12:05
wallyworld_fwereade: i know a little, what did you want to know?12:19
fwereadewallyworld_, so, we rewrite the environment with new proxy settings12:20
wallyworld_it basically allows the user to update the http/ftp/apt proxy settings via an environment config change, and have the hook context reflect those settings when a hook is run12:20
fwereadewallyworld_, what about the impact on the http package?12:20
fwereadewallyworld_, is there any? if so, do we depend on it? if so, how do we deal with the implicit races?12:21
wallyworld_fwereade: well, it sets the HTTP_PROXY env var, so that will affect the http package too12:21
fwereadewallyworld_, quite so12:21
wallyworld_if hook tools invoke http calls12:21
fwereadewallyworld_, that's the source of my concern12:21
fwereadewallyworld_, it's not just the hooks that invoke http calls12:21
fwereadewallyworld_, the uniter downloads charms itself12:21
fwereadewallyworld_, and... hmm, the upgrader doesn't any more, does it?12:22
wallyworld_sure, but the uniter downloading charms would need to use any http proxy setting the user deemed necessary12:22
fwereadewallyworld_, that is, it doesn't because the machine agent's upgrader is guaranteed to have coincidentally downloaded everything already12:23
fwereadewallyworld_, ok, but what happens when the env setting change races with the charm download?12:23
wallyworld_how do you mean?12:23
fwereadewallyworld_, well, we rewrite the env -- and the http package reads the env -- what happens when they collide? can they collide? I may be worrying about nothing12:24
fwereadewallyworld_, can we get nonsense in the proxy settings if we kick off a charm download at just the wrong time?12:24
fwereadewallyworld_, are we maybe safe explicitly downloading charms with no proxy? given that they should always come from the local state server12:25
fwereadewallyworld_, wait scratch that we're not12:25
fwereadewallyworld_, manual env :/12:25
wallyworld_i must admit i don't see an issue. when an env i bootstrapped, the user chooses if they want to set the http proxy in their env.yaml. then later, they can change it using a set-env call, which sends the change to the uniters12:25
fwereadewallyworld_, it's purely about the details of what's happening in-memory12:26
fwereadewallyworld_, is a change of env vars atomic?12:26
fwereadewallyworld_, even if it is, does the http package read them atomically, or could it get non-matching HTTP_PROXY and NO_PROXY values?12:27
wallyworld_not sure. but the seq from a system perspective is: cange hits db -> watcher invoked -> uniter notices -> uniter calls os.SetEnv()12:27
wallyworld_oh i see what you are asking12:27
fwereadewallyworld_, yeah, I'm fine with what's going on at a high level12:27
wallyworld_if the user changes 2 env settings via single set-env call, will that translate into a single EnvironConfig changed event12:28
wallyworld_i would hope so12:28
fwereadewallyworld_, even lower level12:28
fwereadewallyworld_, how does a call to os.SetEnv affect a concurrent http.Get12:28
wallyworld_no idea12:29
wallyworld_i would expect that the tcp connection already made will stick12:29
fwereadewallyworld_, I guess we have the same problem, if it is one, in the machine agent anyway12:29
fwereadewallyworld_, that's doing the same stuff essentially12:29
fwereadewallyworld_, ok, I will pretend it's not an issue for now12:30
wallyworld_i can't see a very common use case of http proxy changing after bootstrap12:30
wallyworld_but i guess it's something to be considered12:30
fwereadewallyworld_, yeah, my suspicion is that it's a bug but not one anyone will actually hit in practice12:30
wallyworld_i agree12:30
wallyworld_but, knowing our luck, someone important will be unlucky12:31
wallyworld_i hadn't thought about it too much, didn't write that code12:31
fwereadewallyworld_, so what I should really do is scrap the yucky uniter code, parameterise machineenvironmentworker, and run one of those in the unit agent (that doesn't write to the global location and just hits the os.Env)12:31
fwereadewallyworld_, no worries12:31
fwereadeI wonder, what's the worst that could happen if I just scrap the code in the uniter, and grab proxy settings for each hook context individually?12:32
fwereadecharm downloads won't use the proxy... but they're (1) almost certainly local and (2) ha, it looks like they're not guaranteed to anyway12:34
wallyworld_fwereade: charm dowsnloads will soon be via the charn store12:35
wallyworld_the local charm store12:35
wallyworld_so it won't matter anyway12:35
fwereadewallyworld_, yeah12:35
* fwereade just saw a check on provider type inside a worker and experienced a brief moment of apoplectic rage12:37
* fwereade better now12:37
wallyworld_oh no, which worker?12:37
wwitzel3fwereade: pong12:49
fwereadewwitzel3, what's the status of the juju-run-in-relation-context work?12:50
fwereadedammit I have to break for a moment12:51
fwereadewwitzel3, would you let me know when I'm back on? hopefully just a few mins12:51
wwitzel3fwereade: it just needs to be reviewed12:52
* perrito666 just learned what apopletic rage is12:55
fwereadewwitzel3, back, sorry13:04
wwitzel3fwereade: np13:04
jcw4w7z: did you get a chance to review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/197/ ?13:44
sinzuinatefinch, do you expect golang 1.2 win-amd64 to "just work" when I build 386 juju.exe with goarch=386?13:53
w7zjcw4: yes, I think we should land, but we also need to coordinate when it happens, as I need to change the landing script at the same time13:54
w7zjcw4: lets do that13:55
w7zjcw4: oh yeah, my one question was have you checked calling to the other script still works when the pre-push one is symlinked into .git/blah ?13:59
natefinchsinzui: yes14:02
sinzuithank you natefinch14:02
voidspaceTheMue: I updated by PR by the way14:15
voidspaceTheMue: added a const for "none"14:15
TheMuevoidspace: hehe, thanks14:18
TheMuevoidspace: just found in my PR that we always use strings for the provider types, which is convenient but error prone14:19
ericsnownatefinch: we basically had a 1-on-1 yesterday, but we can go today if you want to14:21
voidspaceTheMue: :-)14:21
sinzuinatefinch, sorry, I am confused by go building. Do I need to run make.bat each time I switch the target architecture?14:22
natefinchsinzui: just once per architecture... it'll put the binaries in a separate directory, and it'll use the right ones when crosscompiling14:27
natefinchsinzui: er once per arch/OS14:27
sinzuinatefinch, that is what I hoped. this make.bat seems to think I want gcc :(14:28
natefinchsinzui: to be honest, I just use Dave Cheney's scripts, it makes it trivial: http://dave.cheney.net/2013/07/09/an-introduction-to-cross-compilation-with-go-1-114:33
natefinchericsnow: let's have a quick 1 on 1 anyway14:33
ericsnownatefinch: k14:33
sinzuinatefinch, Me too, but in the case of windows, I cannot verify immediately what was built passes a smoke test. We build on windows just like we build our ubuntu packages on the real arch14:34
jcw4w7z: yeah, sorry did test that - yep.14:37
jcw4w7z: will wait to push til you're ready14:37
w7zjcw4: will give you the okay in a sec14:38
ericsnownatefinch: sorry, hangouts died14:39
natefinchericsnow: haha ok14:39
natefinchericsnow: I was talking and talking and then noticed you weren't moving anymore14:39
w7zjcw4: okay, go14:51
jcw4sorry.. added x bit14:58
natefinchI sort of wish the local provider didn't exist.... it confuses people into thinking they should use juju the way they use other deployment systems - i.e. SSH into the machine where you want to deploy stuff and start running juju there.15:03
sinzuinatefinch, me too :(15:04
sinzuiarosales, can you try a bootstrap in azure West US? I can only bootstrap in East US.15:17
arosalessinzui: sure. I am in a few meetings atm, but should be able to try at the top of the hour.15:18
voidspaceok all, g'night17:21
w7zI'm out for a bit, ping me if the landing bot is unhappy should anyone try it later and have issues17:32
natefinchericsnow: btw, I made a review and it didn't give me a diff, so I closed the PR, made a new PR and now reviewboard isn't picking up the PR at all.  This is probably an edge case, but wanted you to be aware.17:35
ericsnownatefinch: this is actually an issue of RB having a unique constraint on the repo revision on each  review request and how discarded review requests hold on to that17:37
natefinchericsnow: figured it was something like that.   What's the workaround?  poke my PR with a new commit?17:37
ericsnownatefinch: that should do it or you could use rbt -u17:38
ericsnownatefinch: and make sure that old review request is open17:38
natefinchgah, stupid "File was not found in the repository"17:39
natefinchprobably why there was no diff in the first place17:39
natefinchthis is from a clean master and only fixing a typo (no new files or anything)17:39
ericsnowit's amazing what happens to your terminal when you run "cat /dev/urandom" :(17:40
ericsnownatefinch: yeah, I'm looking into several of those right now17:41
perrito666aghghh import cycle with dummy provider18:10
natefinchthe dummy provider imports stuff?  That seems bad18:10
perrito666natefinch: import apiserver18:11
natefinchperrito666: so much for being a dummy :/18:13
perrito666uff, more than 30C outside and I live in a country where drinking individually is seen with bad eyes18:14
perrito666what a torture18:14
jcw4perrito666: you need to get a cutout of a drinking buddy18:19
perrito666jcw4: on the good side, beer is way easier to get in 1l bottles than in individuals18:21
jcw4perrito666: lol18:21
jcw4I think they call that a tallboy here18:22
perrito666anyone knows exactly what is the purpose of the apiServer member of environState struct?18:53
perrito666seems to be barely used18:53
natefinchperrito666: seems to only get stopped when environState is closed.  that's the only use I see18:58
natefinchperrito666: it boggles my mind that the dummy provider starts a real apiserver18:59
perrito666natefinch: I am not sure if its there for some obscure use we dont know of19:00
perrito666natefinch: yes, beats a bit the dumminess19:00
natefinchperrito666: so, apiserver.NewServer() has a side effect of running a tls listener19:01
natefinchperrito666: likely some tests are expecting to be able to actually connect to an API19:01
natefinchperrito666: but it's probably worth seeing what happens if you just comment it out19:02
perrito666well the test is killed by sigquit19:28
thumpermorning folks19:29
natefinchmorning thumper19:30
perrito666thumper: morning19:30
* perrito666 ponders how to fix this without writing a dummy apiserver19:39
natefinchperrito666: what's the import cycle?19:42
* natefinch thinks that sounds like a bad song from the 90's19:42
perrito666natefinch: sounds something you would ask in a star trek episode during an engineering crisis19:43
thumperericsnow: getting errors with rbt19:45
bodie_howbazaar = howbazaar on IRC, right?19:45
thumpererror uploading diff19:45
thumperbodie_: wat?19:46
natefinchbodie_: howbazaar = thumper you mean19:46
ericsnowwhat's the error?19:46
bodie_okay :)19:46
natefinchbodie_: and yes19:46
thumperbodie_: unfortunately thumper was taken19:46
bodie_thumper, just looking for a ping back on reviewboard 178 when you have a spare minute19:46
natefinchprobably anyone named howbazaar anywhere is thumper :)19:46
bodie_sorry -- I'm not too savvy with IRL handles19:47
thumpersurprisingly I'm neither howbazaar nor thumper IRL19:47
bodie_that's Thumper H. Bazaar to you19:48
natefinchgreat psuedonym19:49
ericsnowthumper: what error are you getting?19:49
katcois there an example of how to stub a machine with a given id for a test anywhere?19:49
natefinchericsnow: you took out that "screw you, thumper" easter egg, right?19:50
ericsnownatefinch: oh, shoot!19:50
thumperericsnow: error uploading diff19:50
ericsnowthumper: no other info?19:51
natefinchperrito666: so, you're changing peergrouper tests to do something that requires the testing package?19:51
thumperericsnow: The file was not found in the repository. (HTTP 400, API Error 207)19:52
thumperYour review request still exists, but the diff is not attached.19:52
natefinchthumper: yeah, a bunch of us are getting that19:52
thumpernatefinch: any suggestions?19:52
natefinchthumper: ericsnow's been looking at it today, but I don't think he's figured it out.  Manual upload of the diff is probably the only workaround right now.19:53
thumperoh? how do we do that?19:54
* thumper found a link19:54
thumpergot an error uploading diff: The file "api/client.go" (revision b373c16) was not found in the repository19:56
thumperwhich is bollocks19:57
natefinchyeah, I got the same thing for my PR, which was just a 2 character change19:58
thumperso... anyone up for a 4k review?19:59
thumperShowing  36 changed files  with 1,924 additions and 1,237 deletions.20:00
* thumper feels hopeful20:00
* natefinch is OCR20:00
thumpernatefinch: hey there buddy20:00
thumpernatefinch: was reviewed by menno, katco, axw and william already20:01
thumperI was just following up, tweaking20:01
thumperlots of new docstrings20:01
natefinchwell shit, I can just rubberstamp, right?20:01
thumperbut now rb is all in a fuss20:01
katcothumper: sorry about the dupes. menno and i overlapped a bit20:01
thumperkatco: that's fine20:01
thumpermade them easy to address20:01
natefinchdoh, guess it'll have to wait until tomorrow when someone else is OCR...20:01
katcothumper: we didn't know we were reviewing the same thing. on the plus side, you got a new high score :)20:01
* thumper is winning!20:02
natefinchthumper: so is there a diff?20:02
natefinchsinzui: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1370149  is not reproducible for me on trunk.20:03
mupBug #1370149: No defined 'state-servers' on environment file after bootstrap, works after run 'juju status' <bootstrap> <cloud-installer> <cts> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1370149>20:03
thumpernatefinch: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/905/files, or http://paste.ubuntu.com/8618992/20:04
thumpernatefinch: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/16920:04
davechen1ythumper: hang on i have to reboot before the hangout20:05
sinzuinatefinch, Shall we mark it fix committed in 1.21-alpha2?20:06
natefinchsinzui: seems to be true20:07
sinzuiokay, thank you very much natefinch20:08
perrito666natefinch: I am not, I actually added restore, which is part of backups which is registered as a facade by apiserver and since dummy env imports apiserver that creates the cycle20:09
perrito666and well dummyserver is used by testing which is used by the peergrouper tests20:10
natefinchI wonder if we can break the cycle at testing -> dummy20:11
natefinchunless the peergrouper tests need dummy server, which is possible I guess20:11
natefincher dummy provider20:11
perrito666they dont seem to directly but I have not checked if seccond hand they do, I am guessing they do since when I tweak a bit dummy server to remove apiserver they end up being killed for too much wait20:13
* perrito666 drinks a mate and says ugly things in spanish20:16
natefinchericsnow: it looks like the diff upload problem is trickling into existing reviews: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/212/diff/#20:28
ericsnownatefinch: k20:29
* perrito666 sees ericsnow twitching20:30
thumperericsnow: there also seems to be a big difference in my branch where I've moved some files around21:00
thumperericsnow: on github they show as moves with minor edits21:00
thumperericsnow: oh rb, it shows as deletes and adds21:00
perrito666thumper: ouch sorry me commenting on something you where reviewing might have caused you an issue21:01
ericsnowthumper: yeah, something is out of sync with the base revisions21:01
ericsnowthumper: I'm looking into the caching the reviewboard does21:01
wallyworld_sinzui: question - given that 1.21 looks for streams content ids like "com.ubuntu.juju:<stream>:tools", we will either need to teach 1.20 to look for such content ids, or publish metadata using both "release" and <stream> in the proposed and devel streams21:35
wallyworld_we current use tools-metadata-url to tell 1.20 how to find devel and proposed tools, but once/if we change the content ids, 1.20 won't be able to find any metadata21:37
wallyworld_and right now, 1.21 can't find proposed/devel metadata due to the different content ids21:40
perrito666hey wallyworld_ IRQ when you have a sec21:43
perrito666I am obviously asking for processor time on you :p21:43
wallyworld_is that non maskable21:44
perrito666I certainly hope so :p I dont feel like being idle waiting21:45
perrito666I know your time you are completely unfair scheduling :p21:45
perrito666always handling to those that dont bring problems21:46
* wallyworld_ saves registers and current stack frame21:47
* wallyworld_ processes interrupt21:47
ericsnowFYI: reviewboard is happier now; rbt works again and I'm fixing the github integration part right now23:23
ericsnowsorry for the headaches23:24
jcw4thanks ericsnow :)23:47

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