
valorieyes, tomorrow 01:02
valoriedarn, Scarlett should be first, so I could learn from her interview01:03
ScottKRiddell: kubuntu-meta needs a different version number.  Apparently that one's been used before.01:39
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soeegood morning06:17
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lordievaderGood morning.06:43
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valorieapachelogger, shadeslayer, yofel, Riddell, I've been reviewing the threads on kubuntu-devel on both CI and moving to debian git07:18
valoriehow are both working out, in comparison to our hopes?07:19
valorieaside from wrap-and-sort madness07:20
valoriealso, happy birthday shadeslayer!07:21
valoriemaybe a day late here07:21
valorieah, I thought it was the 20th07:22
valoriebad info07:22
apacheloggerah wait, I had a mindlaps07:23
apacheloggervalorie: it's the 21th xD07:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: u very old yet?07:24
valorieeven older than ubuntu07:25
apacheloggersuch old07:26
Tm_Tsuch old, much wow?07:30
valoriethat meme died pretty fast07:31
* apachelogger broke the vueling website07:42
valorieapachelogger: specific question about CP: are we now using the "releasable tarballs" from KDE you spoke of in August?07:48
apacheloggerno, not implemented yet on either end07:50
valorieis there a timeframe from them?07:51
valorieand how much of our packaging is covered now by our CI?07:53
apacheloggermore or less all of plasma507:54
valorieso are we just doing new stuff for the forseeable future?07:56
valorieanother freaky oppossum on my front porch07:57
apacheloggervalorie: yeah, also debian hasn't said much about the git sharing yet, since there is not much sharing as debian is still working on kde4 things for the most part08:00
apacheloggeralso there's CI QA that is still missing that I can't remember08:01
apacheloggershould make a list08:01
apacheloggerah yes08:01
valorieok, I don't want to overstate what we're doing08:01
apacheloggerdoing aaaaaaalllllllllllll packaging through CI (also releases) is a big one08:01
valoriebut it's really cool so I want to talk about it08:01
valorieI realize that's the goal08:02
Riddellapachelogger: do you think applications 14.12 will become part of CI?08:25
apachelogger14.12 very unlikely08:26
apacheloggernot on my time anyway08:26
apacheloggerif someone else wants to make that happen, be my guest ;)08:26
Riddellit'll be a big enough packaging job as it is08:26
apacheloggerit'd first have to go into git really08:29
apacheloggerbzr is al sorts of bad for this08:30
Riddellovidiu-florin: what do you think about having a season of kde project for the new website?08:37
soeeRiddell: it was just apt full-upgrade afetr next-ppa is added to get plasma5 ?08:40
soeei want to install it here on my work machine08:40
soeealso someone can confirm if 2 screens will work with Plasma5 ?08:46
Riddellsoee: apt install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop08:53
Riddellapt full-upgrade08:53
Riddell(save anything); sudo reboot08:53
Riddell2 screens working great for me08:54
soeeok let me try08:54
soeeRiddell: this packages will be removed after full-upgrade: kde-window-manager klipper libkactivities-bin09:03
soeeis that fine ?09:03
Riddellfine with me09:04
Riddellhi DrSkyLizard, want to finish off the new website for kubuntu? :)09:16
DrSkyLizardRiddell: hi :-), what's are the technologies used for the new website? 09:19
DrSkyLizarderr, s/what's/what09:19
DrSkyLizardI assume the person doing it will need to be versed in both client side and backened stuff, right? I'm not that good on the former, but I have a brother and he might be interested in helping. I asked primarily for him for web projects for Season of KDE :-)09:23
RiddellDrSkyLizard: send in your brother then :)09:30
RiddellDrSkyLizard: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/ is wordpress09:31
RiddellI've no idea why it's set to a blood red theme09:31
Riddellhi sgclark, was the countryside nice?09:31
sgclarkRiddell: very nice :)09:38
soeeim back09:38
DrSkyLizardRiddell: Is there a Trello task for this with some details?09:42
DrSkyLizardFound it https://trello.com/c/dqp1iW1A/1-migrate-copy-the-kubuntu-site-to-wordpress09:43
kubotu[Kubuntu Promotion :: Doing :: Migrate/Copy the kubuntu site to wordpress ++ OB, AH, JAR]09:43
RiddellDrSkyLizard: I should say it's ovidiu-florin who's been working on it so far and I don't know his current plans09:44
soeeall seems to work fine, sddm to here :)09:53
soeeall i need is to clear icons cache somehow because on some bigger sizes the old ones are displayed09:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: yep, I am old now :(09:53
Riddellthat's a good thing! you've achieved another successful year09:56
sgclarkHappy birthday shadeslayer!09:56
sgclarkme thinks you are not old! or I probably fall under dinosaur now lol09:57
shadeslayerI can very much assure you that you're still alive / not extinct :P 09:59
shadeslayersgclark: thanks though :)09:59
soeeok got it, /var/tmp/kdecache-* 10:05
Riddell"Warning: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes" is what usb-creator is moaning about for me11:18
RiddellI wonder what that means11:18
apacheloggerbad driver11:18
apacheloggeror bad device11:18
apacheloggeror both11:18
Riddelland yet dd seems to work fine11:19
apacheloggerthe warning seems a bit nitpicky tbh11:20
apacheloggernot sure why one woudl care anyway11:21
apacheloggerlike... it detected the mismatch and supposedly adjusts accordingly, why is it telling you? xD11:21
Riddellwell it's an error from parted11:21
Riddellso I guess usb-creator doesn't like parted to error11:21
apacheloggerit's a warning11:21
apacheloggerit says so :P11:21
Riddelloh no, it's a warning11:21
Riddellso yeah, I don't care11:22
Riddellhttp://paste.kde.org/pgsg6yuqc  seems like it's udisks which treats the warning as an error11:28
apacheloggersilly thing11:29
Riddelland udisks looks like I'm out of my depth: this code has goto in it!11:32
Riddelland even if I ignore it in usb-creator helper code another genuine error pops along soon after11:35
rahulchHi. I found a post in the KDE community website about a Season of KDE project posted by Jonathan Riddell, but there was no email-id or anything given there. How do I contact him? Thanks11:46
* Riddell looks around11:46
Riddellooh here he is!11:47
Riddellrahulch: there may be a need to finish off the http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/ website11:47
apacheloggerdo we have an indicator patch against quassel going?11:47
* apachelogger sees two quassels in systra11:47
apacheloggerdpkg-source: info: applying kubuntu_02_enable_message_indicator.diff11:48
Riddellrahulch: but I still need to talk to ovidiu-florin who started it11:48
rahulchRiddell, can I send a pm?11:48
Riddellrahulch: you can, although things are usually better in the open11:49
soeei tested some screens configuration, than kdeini5 (krunner) so i decicded to reboot, now lightdm loaded not sddm and i didn not reconfigured it11:49
soee*kdeinit5 crashed11:49
apacheloggersoee: dpkg -s sddm; dpkg -s lightdm11:50
apacheloggercat /etc/X11/default-display-manager11:51
soeeapachelogger: /etc/X11/default-display-manager - no such file11:52
apacheloggerthen you broke your system11:52
apacheloggeror maybe a bogus package did, who knows11:52
apacheloggersoee: create the file and put the full path of sddm in it11:53
apacheloggerotherwise whichever job starts first wins and gets to be DM...11:53
apacheloggerRiddell: ur plasma mail is highly confusing11:53
apacheloggersubject says tuesday, content says wednesday11:53
soeei did an upgrade to Plasma5 and all worke dfine, few minutes ago i have installe donly upgrades to breeze themes that landed in next-ppa11:53
Riddellapachelogger: yes sorry, I ment wednesday11:53
apacheloggerkk 11:54
yofelDrSkyLizard, Riddell: test.ku.c.u is blood red because we had a fixed width theme, decided to go with something resizable, so aaron added some bootstrap based theme and didn't get to fixing the colors12:12
RiddellDrSkyLizard has competition, rahulch wants to work on it too12:19
DrSkyLizardRiddell: I've talked with my bro, he doesn't want to work on with Wordpress12:20
Riddellso all rahulch's then12:20
Riddellrahulch: current kubuntu.org code at lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org12:21
Riddelldunno where the test.kubuntu.co.uk code is, maybe just on the server, e-mail ovidiu-florin to check12:21
ovidiu-florinIt's just on the server 12:22
rahulchRiddell, what is the "lp:~" part of the link to the code?12:23
rahulchovidiu-florin, how do I get access to the test.kubuntu.co.uk code?12:24
Riddellrahulch: the code is in Bazaar revision control and lp: is a shortcut to bazaar.launchpad.net, apt install bzr; bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org12:25
yofelshould be in /home/ovidiu-florin/kubuntu_wordpress/ on qa IIRC12:25
rahulchok, thanks.12:26
Riddellrahulch: I guess the first tasks would be to set up analytics on current kubuntu.org and then to investigate themes for the new one, if you do those we will know you well enough to give you access to the server12:33
rahulchRiddell, okay, I will get started with the analytics part now.12:35
rahulchRiddell,  I need google account to sign up for it and register for the website , should I create a new google account or will you provide me with one?12:42
Riddellrahulch: um, dunno, is it best to use a non-personal one?13:08
rahulchso should I create a new one or shall you give me an id that i can use?13:12
Riddellrahulch: I can set up an e-mail address13:14
Riddellrahulch: where should the address forward to?13:14
rahulchRiddell,  subhajitm6@gmail.com13:14
Riddellrahulch: hmm, have you received a test e-mail?13:17
rahulchRiddell, bukai is back with his own laptop :)13:18
bukaiRiddell: I will check it.13:18
Riddellwelcome back bukai!13:24
bukaiRiddell: i did not get the email, I have sent you a mail can you reply to it with the configuration.13:25
bukaiRiddell:  thank you :)13:25
Riddellbukai: how about now?13:30
Riddellbukai: I've not got any e-mail from you13:31
bukaiRiddell: can you send me your email id once again? I sent you a mail at jr@jriddle.org but it failed13:33
bukaiRiddell: Yes i got the mail13:34
Riddellbukai: typo, jr@jriddell.org13:34
Riddellbukai: great, so you can use that google@kubuntu.co.uk address to set up an account13:34
Riddelld_ed: this is the change we had to the sddm pam files http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/kde-std/sddm.git/commit/?id=ebfe27d43edba563e441a60ca758f9fa704f72e013:34
RiddellScottK: remember korean sru bug 133563913:35
ubottubug 1335639 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Trusty) "Korean fonts displayed as boxes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133563913:35
bukaiRiddell: I need the password too13:36
Riddellbukai: make one up?13:37
soeeRiddell: does sddm loads on one screen for you or is expanded to both ?13:38
sgclarkmine expands13:39
sgclarkwhich screen the login shows up on is not consistant heh13:40
Riddellat login I think it mirrors the displays with the secondary display stretched13:40
Riddellat lock screen it has two separate displays but I can't interact with the secondary one13:41
bukaiRiddell: I need a gmail account and password, I am creatiing one myself. The site that we need to register for analytics is test.kubuntu.co.uk . What shall i do with google@kubuntu.org?13:46
Riddellbukai: does the gmail account need a first e-mail address?  if not ignore it and send me the details13:47
Riddellbukai: the site to register is www.kubuntu.org13:47
Riddellcos that's what I want to know how much traffic if gets at release time13:48
Riddellwhich is thursday!13:48
Riddellvalorie: seems we have a volunteer for season of kde on the kubuntu website, do i need to do something to make that more official?13:48
bukaiRiddell: paste this code http://pastebin.kde.org/poalzwwtz on all the pages , I can't do it now as I do not have the server address and I will mail you the id n password of google analytics to check analytics of the site14:01
bukai*access not address14:02
Riddellbukai: can you add it to the drupal theme in bzr?14:02
bukaiRiddell: Ok, I will do it after i finish installing bzr14:11
Riddellapt install bzr, easy peasy :)14:13
bukaiyes i hav installed but when i am writing this : bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org, I am getting the following result: http://pastebin.kde.org/pcvnsiluc14:19
bukaiRiddell: ^^14:21
Riddellbukai: yeah best to get a launchpad account and put ssh keys into it14:22
Riddellthen you can write to changes too14:22
bukaiRiddell: should the structure be something like this: http://ur1.ca/ige7c14:50
sgclarkRiddell: what tags are you using on launchpad for plasma5? stuff all over the place and I want to get it in one place14:51
Riddellsgclark: in bugs I'm tagging as  plasma5  bugs on the kubuntu-ppa project14:56
sgclarkok, same as me, just wanted to verify, thanks14:56
Riddellbukai: yes it would14:56
* bukai leaves for dinner14:56
Riddellsgclark: and I'm using the link at http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ "kubuntu-ppa/next Plasma 5 bugs" to list them14:56
Riddellseems our release upgrade notification is busted :(14:57
Riddellapachelogger: I'm getting "an unresolvable problem occurred with the upgrade" waa, I hope it's the one you fixed15:07
apacheloggerRiddell: no15:08
apacheloggerthe thing I fixed was a crash15:08
apacheloggeralso, I didn't see a non-resolvability15:09
apacheloggerassuming you are talking about trusty15:09
Riddellapachelogger: yeah I'm upgrading from trusty, did it work for you?15:16
RiddellScottK: ping ping15:27
RiddellScottK: sru needed bug 138376715:28
ubottubug 1383767 in muon (Ubuntu Utopic) "muon does not find releasechecker" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138376715:28
bukaiRiddell: I have no idea about drupal theme. Can you send me some links about the same?15:29
Riddellbukai: neither do I :)15:29
Riddelld_ed: irc.debian.org15:33
Riddell #debian-qt-kde15:33
bukaiRiddell: then how do I proceed?15:40
sgclarkI have worked with drupal. what do you need to know?15:42
Riddellsgclark: he needs to know how to put the google analytics code into the theme15:42
Riddellat lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org15:42
Riddelloh god muon doesn't compile any more15:44
sgclarkRiddell: bukai: best to add it as a module: https://www.drupal.org/project/google_analytics15:44
bukaithe script to be inserted is  15:44
Riddellit uses some nepomuk header that doesn't exist15:44
bukai http://pastebin.kde.org/poalzwwtz on all the pages , I can't do it now as I do not have the server address and I will mail you the id n password of google analytics to check analytics of the site15:44
bukai[21/10/2014 19:32:09] <bukai> *access not address15:44
bukai[21/10/2014 19:32:16] <Riddell> bukai: can you add it to the drupal theme in bzr?15:44
Riddellsgclark: we have limited ability to add modules to that server15:44
sgclarkok, let me finish my current task and I will take a look15:45
Riddellwhich is kindae why we want to move to a new site in the first place15:45
Riddelland now apport-kde is broken and doesn't want to report my problem in dist-upgrade15:48
Riddellsuddenly everything is going wrong15:48
bukaisgclark: Riddell,please ignore the previous post. Cant we simply include the script or paste it on the html pages?15:48
Riddellbukai: it can be added to the relevant header file in the theme15:49
sgclarkdrupal generates pages on the fly, so add the code to template.php15:53
sgclarkto get in all pages that are generated..15:53
bukaisgclark: ok , thanks16:01
* Riddell out for a couple of hours to try to de-stress16:05
sgclarkhaha good luck16:05
bukaisgclark: on typing  bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org   i am getting the following error , bzr: ERROR: Connection error: Couldn't resolve host 'xmlrpc.launchpad.net' [Errno -2] Name or service not known how do i ressolve this?17:02
bukaiRiddell: ping17:06
sgclarkbukai: hmm works for me, behind a proxy? got ssh key all setup in launchpad? dunno may have to wait for Riddell: though he is out for a few hours AFAIK17:27
sgclarkand on that note I have to step out for <= 1 hour myself17:33
Riddellbienos noches19:33
apacheloggerRiddell: upgrade worked fine for me, but that was with a completely new install19:44
Riddellapachelogger: how did you launch the upgrade tool?19:45
Riddellmvo uploaded a fix so it may well be in19:46
Riddellhi bukai_ 19:48
apacheloggerRiddell: ~devel-upgrade19:51
apacheloggeractually manually but same command as devel-upgrade would19:51
apacheloggerI can do another try tomorrow19:51
Riddellapachelogger: what command?19:51
apacheloggerI have a vm snapshot of it19:51
Riddellah good mvo's fix seems to have done it for me too19:52
Riddellso now we just have muon being broken19:52
Riddelland broken in utopic for another reason19:52
apacheloggerneed to get ci going for that ^^19:53
Riddellapachelogger: for what?19:54
RiddellScottK: new upload for bug 1335639 with fixed version number20:16
ubottubug 1335639 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Trusty) "Korean fonts displayed as boxes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133563920:16
sgclarkRiddell: do we change the install path for documentation anywhere?20:36
valorieRiddell: if you want to mentor them, sign up to mentor at season.kde.org and make sure they do as well20:39
Riddellbukai: ↑20:51
Riddellsgclark: no I don't think so20:52
Riddell/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML comes straight from extra-cmake-modules I'm sure20:52
Riddellthis being kf5, in kde4 we do alter it20:52
sgclarkThat is where I am at, I have made some progress on https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/137874620:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 1378746 in Kubuntu PPA "kde4 apps can not launch khelpcenter" [Undecided,In progress]20:53
Riddellvalorie: applied20:53
bukaiRiddell: I am still unable to ressolve the bazaar launchpad login problem20:54
sgclarkRiddell: that is the problem, kf5 khelpcenter cannot find the docs for kde4 apps20:56
Riddellsgclark: but also kde4 apps can't find khelpcenter to launch it no?20:57
sgclarkRiddell: due to my efforts today, that has been fixed, read my notes :)20:58
Riddelloh, awooga20:58
valoriein the interview now21:01
Riddelloh ooh21:04
apacheloggertell em to get to the meat, I need to go to bed :P21:10
Riddellchat on  irc.geekshed.net #jupiterbroadcasting 21:10
apacheloggertoo shy :'<21:11
Riddellis Mate really pronounced mah-tay ?21:13
apacheloggerpronnounced like the plant I reckon21:13
shadeslayerthe drink you mean21:14
Riddellor like that weird caffinated drink you get in eastern europe?21:14
apacheloggerthe drink name comes from the plant as well :P21:14
sgclarkall I see is irc chat21:15
shadeslayersee what I did there :p21:15
apacheloggersgclark: no porn for you :P21:15
apacheloggertalking about porn.....21:15
Riddelltoo much information21:15
apacheloggernot nearly enough to be too much I say21:16
* Riddell doesn't click21:17
valoriethis is a business, they have to have advertising and such....21:17
apacheloggernot targeted ads though21:18
apacheloggerI need sleep drug ads and what do I get, learning things21:18
Riddellis anyone able to test muon in trusty?21:20
* shadeslayer runs away21:20
apacheloggerI can tomorrow21:20
* sgclark does not have trusty installed anywhere21:20
shadeslayerRiddell: what channel is this ?21:20
Riddellshadeslayer:  irc.geekshed.net #jupiterbroadcasting21:21
Riddellbukai_: can you dig xmlrpc.launchpad.net ?21:25
bukai_Riddell: dig as in?21:28
Riddellbukai_: run the command   dig xmlrpc.launchpad.net21:28
Riddellit should give you the IP
bukai_yes it is
Riddellbukai_: and still  bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org  says it can't resolve it?21:31
Riddellbukai_: how about  bzr checkout lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu.org kubuntu  ?21:33
RiddellI suddenly have a craving to buy a Ting, whatever that is21:34
sgclarkok all I see is Linux Academy ad, am I missing this?21:36
Riddellsgclark: can't you hear them?21:36
Riddellhttp://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/1030/jblive/  ?21:36
bukai_Riddell: it worked, I got the code finally!21:37
Riddellbukai_: awooga21:37
Riddellsgclark: has a flash player21:37
valorieI was on there, and will be on again later21:37
valoriesorry apachelogger21:37
Riddellbukai_: when you make a change commit with  bzr commit --local21:38
Riddellbukai_: and then you can put it on launchpad with  bzr push lp:~<lpuser>/kubuntu-website/mybranchname21:38
sgclarkwell google chrome flash player, which evidently doesn't work21:38
bukai_ok, I will put the analytics code there and push it21:39
sgclarkand it seems kmix does not start with system now... 21:40
sgclarkblah oh well21:40
shadeslayervalorie: was that it?21:41
Riddellshadeslayer: she says she's back on later21:42
Riddellhopefully with more kubuntu bigging-up21:42
valorieit ended up (so far) being about community in general and KDE specifically21:42
valorieno kub. yet21:42
Riddelland I didn't once hear you say how good looking all the kubuntu developers are21:43
valoriechris is the host, and he's the one asking the questions21:43
Riddell"subject: [ubuntu/trusty-updates] muon 2.2.0-0ubuntu3.2 (Accepted)" yay, muon fixed!21:44
Riddelland I got it to compile in utopic21:44
Riddellso life is good, I need to go to bed, good luck valorie21:45
soeewhat was wrong with muon ?21:45
Riddellthe releae upgrade notification didn't work21:46
Riddellso now it means people will need to do an update before they get notification21:47
Riddellbut well that's always been recommended21:47
valorieniters all you beautiful boys and girls21:49
shadeslayervalorie: night22:03
shadeslayeralso, no more Kubuntu stuff?22:03
valorienot sure.....22:05
shadeslayerI have managed to break bash somehow I think22:29
valorieI will submit my notes for the show notes22:52
valorieor come back later for more kubuntu, I guess22:52

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