
=== adam1 is now known as Steve_Jobs
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ochosixnox: hey, might i bug you again about that ubiquity black background issue in xubuntu?09:43
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xnoxochosi: yes you may =)09:55
ochosixnox: i know it's maybe too late for 14.10 now, but i'm still stomped on how there are no obvious changes in the way ubiquity is handling the backgrounds and the xubuntu one not showing up09:56
ochosixnox: lemme know if there's anything we can do to help/test09:59
desrtLaney: awake yet? :)12:12
* desrt sees a seb12:25
seb128desrt, hey12:26
larsudesrt: yes, sitting next to me12:27
larsulaptop not open12:27
larsufundling with adaptors12:27
larsunow he's constructing his workplace12:28
larsudesrt: he's asking what he wants12:28
larsualso, he likes English grammar12:28
desrtlarsu: :)12:33
desrtseb128: hi!!12:33
desrtyou guys are not in the room!12:33
seb128desrt, howdy12:33
seb128what room?12:33
desrtTHE room12:33
desrtyou know... the one outside of the other room12:33
desrtmaybe you'd actually call that a hallway....12:34
seb128the one with windows?12:34
seb128we work on linux here...12:34
desrtthere are no windows in this room12:34
desrtbut there is a hint of something that looks like natural light at the end of the hall12:34
desrtso maybe that's bad12:34
desrton the other hand, the seating is very very comfortable12:34
seb128Laney, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=6d7f5d443187760798fbb8dc5a50b77ce256c53e12:40
ogra_lovely ... lol12:46
xnoxsounds like a lot of fail.13:22
seb128Laney, that doesn't look like a bug in the "use traditional menus or not" codepath as I though it might be :/13:54
seb128both cases work under Unity13:54
seb128like I changed the return value of ev_application_has_traditional_menus()13:54
larsuseb128: want me to have a look?13:54
seb128larsu, if you want, please13:55
seb128I first though I did something stupid13:55
larsuseb128: sure, I'll do that right after the gtk update13:55
seb128like not attaching the menu in the fallback case13:55
seb128but doesn't seem to be it13:55
Laneyhttp://people.canonical.com/~laney/package-junkyard/aisleriot_3.12.1-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb http://people.canonical.com/~laney/package-junkyard/gnome-cards-data_3.12.1-0ubuntu2_all.deb14:02
Laneylarsu: please to test14:02
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seb128larsu, k, uitk staging Icon{} works as expected15:30
larsuseb128: cool!!15:31
seb128larsu, if you only set an height you get those though15:31
seb128seb128@seb-e6410:~/boulot/qml$ qmlscene ~/boulot/qml/label.qml15:31
seb128file:///home/seb128/boulot/qml/label.qml:9:5: QML Icon10: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth"15:31
seb128only setting a width works though15:31
larsuseb128: let's talk to greyback bout this15:31
seb128well the height works too15:31
larsuthanks for testint!15:31
seb128it throws that warning15:31
* larsu hates his keyboard15:32
desrtattente_: hey.  around today?15:41
attente_desrt: hey15:43
desrtattente_: we're missing you here at the sprint15:43
desrti even needed to give larsu a hug last night to make him feel better15:44
larsuhi attente_!15:44
attente_hi larsu15:44
larsuhow are you?15:44
attente_i'm good! how's the sprint?15:44
larsupretty good15:45
desrtVery Vivid.15:45
larsuI'm in a weird session right now though15:45
larsudesrt: viciously so15:45
desrtnice thing about english: pretty much every meaning that you could want to convey has about 20 words for doing so15:46
desrtone of them is probably going to start with the letter you want :)15:46
desrtattente_: i was wondering if you were up for some macos stuff :)15:48
desrtattente_: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73512215:48
ubot5Gnome bug 735122 in Class: GtkApplication "GtkApplication: fix global menubar on Mac OS" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:48
desrtattente_: apply these patches, except for the first one15:48
desrtthen remove all mention of visibility handling from the quartz menu code15:49
desrtand it should 'just work'15:49
desrti'd do it myself but i can't really test it....15:49
larsuattente_: your x-canonical-accel patch doesn't apply anymore15:49
larsulike, at all...15:49
desrtattente: alternatively i could write the patch and you can test it for me...15:49
attente_desrt: oh, ok. i'll look into it15:50
desrtattente_: thanks :)15:50
attente_larsu: i'll look into that as well ;)15:50
desrtshould be pretty much a delete-only patch15:50
larsuattente_: I'm fixing it, don't worry about that :)15:51
larsuattente_: I just like to complain, you know....15:51
attente_larsu: ok, thanks :)15:52
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larsudesrt: mir backend doesn't build on 3.1419:21
larsudesrt: do you have a branch for this somewhere? Don't want to edit the patch directly19:22
desrtlarsu: i didn't build things in a little while due to trouble getting mir itself to jhbuild19:34
desrti'll take a look at that now and file some more bugs19:34
desrti was trying to get mir 0.8.0 in, but i blocked on that19:35
desrtso i'll go back to 0.4 so that i can get gtk sorted at least19:35
larsucool, thanks19:35
desrtmvo made me lie to someone just now19:36
desrti feel bad :(19:36
larsuoh, why?19:37
larsumvo: ts ts ts19:37
mvoyeah, we shouldn't do this again19:37
* mvo feels guilty too19:38
larsuso, we're getting header bars19:41
Laneythis. changes. EVERYTHING.19:41
larsuI like this session19:41
TheMusoHow keyboard interractable are they?19:43
larsuTheMuso: should be the same as toolbars19:44
larsubut we're seeing a couple of bugs right now19:45
larsu(just did some quick tests with devhelp and evince)19:45
TheMusoWell one generally doesn't have a need to access toolbars, because either direct keyboard shortcuts or menus fill that role.19:45
TheMusoAt least from a keyboard user's POV.19:45
larsumenus seem to be going away19:46
larsuwe'll probably continue patching them in for gnome apps, but designers in this session are sying that they _might_ not have them for new apps19:47
TheMusoThis displeases me. *sigh* oh well.19:47
LaneyNo I don't think so19:47
LaneyI think they said they would keep them19:47
Laneydidn't we get a new default wallpaper this time?20:40
* Laney misses xnox 20:42
Laneypitti: got an adt failure email, woot20:44
Laney(transient failure, unwoot, but never mind)20:44
Laneyoh, you already retried, man20:44
hikikohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Debug_Symbol_Packages bschaefer21:30
bschaeferhikiko, thanks!21:30
desrtpitti: okay.  reverted that addition to the xml.21:33
xnoxLaney: i've asked mpt about it at branch on saturday, he says he is not aware of any.22:34
xnoxLaney: so, i don't think so. The best bet is to ask for t-shirt logo + background. #web-team or some such should have something, as they should have website ready.22:35
xnoxLaney: also months ago download pages should have been reviewed with web-team, otherwise things are changed/relayout and wording changes and nobody can find anything anywhere.22:35
xnox(e.g. full sets of images that we are releasesing this time around, etc.)22:36

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