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codygarverdarkxst, do you have any leads about this bug? a patch or anything? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/129239805:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1292398 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Second screen position isn't saved from one session to another" [Low,Triaged]05:32
codygarverat elementary OS we are getting hammered with reports about it, rightfully so05:34
codygarverthe upstream bug report (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=694761) suggests 'gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xrandr default-monitors-setup do-nothing'05:42
ubot5Gnome bug 694761 in xrandr "gnome-settings-daemon is ignoring X config snippets" [Normal,Needinfo]05:42
codygarverricotz, fancy meeting you here05:53
codygarverwhat I'm trying to figure out now is if we want do-nothing or follow-lid, I think I'm just gonna have to be not lazy and unpack my laptop to test this05:57
darkxstcodygarver, what version of gnome-settings-daemon are you using?07:41
codygarverdarkxst, ok I just tested the gsettings change and nothing improved,
darkxstcodygarver, 3.8 still uses gnome-desktop to handle xrandr stuff, though g-s-d may load the monitors.xml config file08:18
darkxstanyway been quite a while since I played with such old code, and I don't have a quick fix for that bug08:18
darkxstwe are now onto 3.12 where monitor config is handled by mutter08:19
codygarverdarkxst, I see it's attached to your 14.04.1, are you planning on submitting a patch to ubuntu or Won't Fix?08:19
codygarverwe use mutter 3.12 but g-s-d 3.808:20
codygarveror are you saying you use the stuff in the gnome3 staging ppa?08:32
codygarverI wonder if we could succeed with that08:32
codygarvercherrypick that g-s-d08:32
codygarverhas a lot of other dependencies that also need to be cherrypicked, a lot of overhead to fix this one bug, may not be feasible for us :(08:36
darkxstcodygarver, utopic is shipping 3.12 of most of the core GNOME stuff08:53
darkxstmutter 3.12 with g-s-d 3.8 is likely your problem though08:53
darkxstyou end up with both mutter and g-s-d trying to control monitor config08:54
darkxstif you can update to gnome-desktop 3.12, then probably best to try with g-s-d/g-c-c 3.12 also08:55
codygarverdarkxst, thanks, it turns out r*c*tz was already a few steps ahead of me, he has some backports available. Although they are current broken :P08:58
darkxstcodygarver, pretty sure that is not how you spell it!09:00
codygarverwe do that at elementary to avoid pinging him because he's in every chatroom on the internet and should only alert him when we really need his attention, because it's splintered09:01
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darkxstNoskcaj, why were there string changes in your ubiquity-slideshow MP?10:33
l3onhello! .. I have a patch for Mutter to set the right window shadows for Ambiance and Radiance themes .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8614197/plain/12:02
l3onit can be reviewed ?12:02
l3onvalues come from ubuntu-themes/**/unity.css12:02
LinDolhi all13:42
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Noskcajdarkxst, Did it? i just copied in the stuff you sent me19:04
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darkxstNoskcaj, ok alfredo must have made them then21:17
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