
=== jasonjang is now known as jason_tmp
=== ubot5` is now known as ubot5
=== jason_tmp is now known as jasonjang
=== oCrazyLemn is now known as CrazyLemon
wxlhey folks how can i remove the planet feed thing here http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-or/ ?23:40
wxli thought removing our website (where it pulls from) would be sufficient but i guess not23:40
skellatHold on a sec23:52
skellatwxl: Send us an e-mail at the council address as I think we may need to escalate that23:56
skellatIf you could please23:56
skellatAs I don't see an obvious way to fix it myself23:56
wxlskellat: is that ubuntu-loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com?23:57
wxlah right thx23:57
skellatNo problem23:57
skellatOff to go watch NCIS23:57

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