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DenBeirenhi,.. still someone awake :-)04:37
DenBeireni’m having problems purging old kernels04:37
DenBeirenanyone able to help out?04:38
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WJBMay I ask a crontab ? on here?05:30
ochorochGood Morning ... i'm still havin problems running Ubuntu 14.04 on HyperV (2012 R2). It becomes unavailable after some time (6-10 hours). i have setup a cronjob so see if mysql comes up again ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/8611033/06:10
ochorochbut i'm now more worried about the last line06:10
ochoroch"HV_FCOPY: open /dev/vmbus/hv_fcopy failed;" <- is this causing the server being unavailable, (no ssh, no apache)....06:11
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lordievaderGood morning.06:43
RSchilderHellp ! I'm wondering if there Is someone who can help me? I'm trying to compile to PHp 4.5.33 in Ubuntu 14.04. Everything works till make-intall then I got the error: I got the error: cp: cannot stat 'sapi/cli/php.1' : No such file or directory. Make: *** [install-cli] error 106:52
RSchilderI'm sorry PHP 5.4.3306:57
_rubenI'm still at a complete loss as how to get a properly functioning cluster using pacemaker/corosync (or any alternatives for that matter) .. none of the howtos I've found sofar match what's available on 14.0407:51
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thejoecarrollanyone here using etckeeper with git on any of their servers?10:31
coreycbzul, jamespage: 2014.1.3 has been released to -updates12:03
zulcoreycb: cool i know :)12:03
jamespagecoreycb, I saw it flush through to the CA staging area as well - zul - there are xen and libvirt updates which ftbfs as well right now12:03
zuljamespage:  ill get that today12:04
jamespagezul, awesome12:04
coreycbjamespage, ah good, the movement to the CA is at least semi-automatic12:04
coreycbzul, thanks12:04
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zuljamespage/coreycb: xen and libvirt updated14:38
coreycbzul, thanks14:44
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ruben23hi guys i have install ubuntu sererv 14.0 LTS ---> is it possible to chnage my default web directory..? how to do it..?15:19
smosersmb, hey. https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/137730815:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1377308 in cloud-init "booting cloud image without initramfs broken" [High,Triaged]15:19
smoseryou have any ideas what would do that ? essentially, boot without initramfs hangs on ppc64el and arm. see comment 3 for the cause of the regression.15:21
smoseri tried diffing kernel configs http://paste.ubuntu.com/8616137/15:22
smoserbut there is a lot of stuff.15:22
smbsmoser, not right away. give a minute to read through stuff15:23
smoseri was hoping for CONFIG_DEVTMPFS is not set15:23
smoserbut did not get so lucky.15:23
geniiruben23: Change the DocumentRoot in whatever sites you have enabled in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/15:24
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
smbsmoser, was 3.13.0-30 actually the last good kernel? As for bad you have a 3.13.0-36 version15:29
smoserno. its not kernel related.15:30
smoserits cloud-init's botched expectation15:30
smoseron intel, somehow /run ends up getting mounted correctly.15:30
smoserwhere on ppc64 and arm it doesnt. and thus blocks boot15:31
* genii ponders /run versus /var/run15:32
lordievadergenii: Isn't one a symlink to the other?15:32
geniiSupposed to be, AFAIK15:33
smbsmoser, Have you tried adding a "debug" to the kernel command line and maybe initcall_debug as a second step. MAybe that shows more clearly where it stops15:33
smoserdebug or --debug15:33
smbsmb, The only next thing in the current logs is probably a message caused by the udev failsave gfx device script.  "debug" makes the kernel more verbose15:34
smbsmoser, So actually, do you say it probably never worked on arm64/ppc64el without initrd?15:39
smbIf so that might be some module (maybe framebuffer) that is in the initrd for those arches...15:41
smosersmb, really. you think fb module could cause that ?15:43
smbsmoser, wild guess. mostly because of the "* Stopping Send an event to indicate plymouth is up" as the first event later than those in the bad case.15:45
smosersmb, just attached full '--debug' logs.15:47
smbsmoser, But "initcall_debug" maybe shows better what is going on15:47
smoseryou want initcall_debug also ?15:47
smoseris that upstart or kernel ?15:47
smbsmoser, I did not want --debug in the first place :-P15:47
smoseralright . debug initcall_debug coming15:48
smbsmoser, But give me a sec, maybe upstart debug is doing  enough15:48
smbsmoser, Erm.... that looks like it was with initrd (or at least came up)15:49
smoserwhy do you say that ?15:50
smoserthe kvm line is there. you can see '-append' is honored (ie, it came from qemu loading kernel)15:51
smbsmoser, Because if you could give me the log with --debug from a start that hangs it would be simpler to figure out what the last thing started was15:52
smosersmb, i gave you that, no?15:54
mdeslaurhallyn: any progress on getting the qemu and libvirt SRUs accepted?15:54
mdeslaurhallyn: I'm waiting for security updates15:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1377308 in cloud-init "booting cloud image without initramfs broken" [High,Triaged]15:54
smoseri have a suspicion15:54
smbsmoser, meh, my fault you gave me amd64 and ppc64el and I looked at amd64 thinking it to be arm6415:55
smoseryeah, those strings are way to similar.15:56
smoseri think this is it:15:56
smoser[    0.258368] init: plymouth-upstart-bridge main process (76) terminated with status 115:56
smoser[    0.258506] init: plymouth-upstart-bridge main process ended, respawning15:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370913 in plymouth "init: plymouth-upstart-bridge respawning too fast, stopped (dup-of: 1309617)" [Undecided,New]15:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1309617 in plymouth "plymouth-upstart-bridge main process (189) terminated with status 1 at boot" [Medium,Confirmed]15:56
smoserand this smells related.15:57
smbsmoser, apparently that happens more often than not. may mean nothing15:57
smosersee comment 17 at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/116007916:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1160079 in plymouth "plymouth aborts in cloud images" [Medium,Fix released]16:00
hallynmdeslaur: i'll takea  look in a bit and see if i can push it along16:03
smbsmoser, So maybe it is in some way related to something about console. As it is working with initrd this sounds something is in there that makes it work. Though I am not that familiar with those two arches16:08
smbI 'll ask around16:08
mdeslaurthanks hallyn16:15
mgwI have a question on how packaging is commonly handled with regard to repositories -- e.g., if I want to maintain a package (for several OS releases) for a git project that has no /debian dir... what is the normal way to set up my own repo?16:24
mgwIs there an ubuntu or debian packaging channel?16:46
RoyK"unexpectedly shrunk window" <-- anyone that knows how I can stop the kernel from logging this?16:48
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dine909do i have to source /etc/fstab.d/*.conf in /etc/fstab for it to work?18:42
sarnold_hah, never seen that before..18:44
sarnold_I suspect it should work without any modifications to /etc/fstab18:45
dine909not so18:45
dine909not sure what this means:18:46
dine909•The feature has been added in the latest util-linux 2.21 (the https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/v2.21/v2.21-ReleaseNotes say "Use filter arg of scandir* to pickup /etc/fstab.d/*.fstab files")18:46
dine909just tried a file called /etc/fstab.d/data.fstab18:47
dine909right under it18:48
dine909"The /etc/fstab.d support has been reverted from mount(8) after upstream http://marc.info/?l=util-linux-ng&m=132740311801201&w=2"18:48
dine909thought it was too good to be true18:48
dine909i'll do it in upstart i guess18:49
dine909same post roughs out a way to mount from a fragment of an fstab18:49
dine909i'm generally liking the .d of things lately18:50
sarnold_it took me a while to come around to it18:52
sarnold_when it was xinet.d I hated it, I really liked inetd :)18:52
dine909makes so much more sense from a packaging aspect18:52
qman__Makes upgrades a lot easier18:52
qman__Package maintainer can change his files without affecting mine18:53
dine909being able to sneak an interface.d file in is so much nicer than having scripts to mangle interfaces file18:53
dine909has anyone found a nice way to clean up a package repo from old packages18:54
raijinhello, I have two libc6's installed and it is causing dep issues18:55
bekksHow did you manage to install two of them?18:57
raijinbekks: it came like this19:01
raijinbekks: it seems to be actually some name issue19:16
bekksraijin: Can you be way more precise please? :)19:17
raijinbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8618614/19:20
bekksraijin: Can you pastebin "apt-cache policy libc6" too, please?19:22
bekksraijin: Can you pastebin "apt-cache policy libc6" too, please?19:23
raijinbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8618643/19:23
bekksraijin: That looks like an odd package source.19:24
raijinit is correct, I was having resolution issues as well19:25
dasjoeIt's (one of) us.archive.ubuntu.com's IP address(es)19:25
raijinmy vps was corrupted and I am attempting to configure the new one, and it came with all these issues19:26
bekksraijin: Can you pastebin a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" then?19:27
raijinI will try it19:28
raijinsame error19:30
bekksWhats the output of the commands asked?19:31
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Alina-malinahow to know what OS is running on current machine, i am in ssh, but i dont know what it is running, because apt-get doesnt work for me:-/19:32
Alina-malinano nano as well :-/19:34
tewardAlina-malina: lsb_release -a19:36
Alina-malinano that doenst work as well :-/19:37
raijinbekks: i posted the pastebin19:37
sarnold_Alina-malina: cat /etc/*release*19:38
Alina-malinaoh super19:38
Alina-malinait is centOS19:38
Alina-malinahow i do the stuff there eh19:38
bekksraijin: The last pastebin isnt showing the commands I gave you.19:38
raijinyes it is19:38
sarnold_Alina-malina: iirc, yum install <foo>19:38
raijinbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8618643/19:38
tewardsarnold_: you're right but the package names vary substantially19:38
Alina-malinawhat is iirc ? do i need to add thate everytime?19:38
teward!centos | Alina-malina19:38
Alina-malinaand there is no nano:(19:39
sarnold_Alina-malina: sorry, "if I recall correctly"19:39
raijinbekks: you want the dist-upgrade results?19:39
tewardAlina-malina: `iirc` is "I I Recall Correctly"19:39
tewardor "If I Remember Correctly"19:39
tewardbooo ubottu19:39
bekksraijin: I want the output of: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"19:39
raijinbekks: sorry , here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/8618794/19:40
tewardsarnold_: quick question - is there any harm in running `do-release-upgrade -s` to see what breaks and stuff?19:41
tewarddurig the upgrade process, that is19:41
teward(LTS-to-LTS, that is)19:41
sarnold_teward: sorry, no idea, never tried it..19:41
* teward shrugs19:41
tewardmeh, i'll backup my home dir... i'm going to need a new hard drive first...19:41
teward(this is on my server :P)19:41
keithzgHmphh. Gmail's thoroughly unhelpful refusal to connect to my SMTP server continues to annoy me. "We are having trouble authenticating with your other mail service" explains nothing, especially since STARTTLS connections from desktop clients work fine. Sigh.20:25
smoserjdstrand, i think you can just answer.20:41
smoseri'm looking to do a sru to trusty of curtin20:41
smosercurtin is at 0.1.0~bzr190-0ubuntu1 in utopic20:42
smoserand want to bring the same (0.1.0~bzr190) to trusty20:42
smosertrusty is now at 0.1.0~bzr126-0ubuntu120:42
smoserwhat version string should i use for trusty-prposed upload ?20:42
smoser0.1.0~bzr190-0ubuntu1~14.04 ?20:42
dine909i run ubuntu machines in exhibition / kiosk type scenarios, where process monitoring is key - i'm looking for a monitoring agent and server - any i should avoid or marry?22:01
dine909apart from opennms which should be taken out back and shot22:02
saucehey, i have ubuntu server 12.04. I am missing /usr/bin/Mail.  so i tried to apt-get install update-alternatives, but the package doesn't exist. anyone know what i'm talkin about?22:04
dine909sauce, try "sudo apt-get install mailutils"22:06
saucedine909 sorry for the confusion, /usr/bin/mail is installed. I am missing the /usr/bin/Mail (upper M)22:09
dine909not sure what package that might be, definitely not a standard ubuntu package22:10
sauceopsview requires that path. no idea why. there is some historical reason for it22:10
sauceeven opsview's apt packages from their repo22:10
dine909try running it under strace22:12
dine909see if you can work out exactly why it needs it and then symlink in the required file22:12
dine909or make a decision based on the strace output22:13
dine909pastebin it22:13
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KawaiolaHey All, can I use any desktop distro as a desktop environment for ubuntu server?23:28

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