
Azelphurali1234: you happen to be around at this time of night? having a bit of a panic here00:30
Azelphurali1234: basically, there's a full drive encrypted partition on my laptop that contains my cold wallet, and it's not showing up in grub any more, and I think my cleaner threw out my paper backup00:30
Azelphurso...kinda shitting bricks00:30
ali1234sorry but... lol00:30
Azelphuryea I know, lol00:30
Azelphurbut uhh, halp?00:30
ali1234i don't use full drive encryption00:31
Azelphurthe partition is still there00:31
ali1234for exactly this reason00:31
Azelphurand I have the keys to decrypt the partition00:31
ali1234well the first thing you should do is unplg the hard drive and image it before you make the problem worse00:31
ali1234read only mode00:31
ali1234i can't understand why the cleaner would throw out paper wallets00:33
Azelphurali1234: whoo, called the cleaner and she told me she moved it00:33
Azelphurthank fuck...I was panicing like hell lol00:33
ali1234did you just leave them lying around on the floor or somehting?00:33
Azelphurali1234: not the best of places, under the bed xD00:33
ali1234if so, how do you nkow the cleaner won't steal them?00:33
ali1234could have copied them00:33
Azelphurthis is the kick in the teeth to backup properly.00:33
Azelphuryea I know00:33
ali1234seriously, so many problems00:33
Azelphurnot the best of solutions, I am gonna sort this first thing tomorrow, that is definitely the kick in the teeth I needed.00:34
Azelphurali1234: and cleaner is my brothers sister, I trust her not to steal them00:34
Azelphurbut yea, phew none the less :)00:34
Azelphurbrothers sister...I mean brothers fiance00:35
ali1234your brother's sister... isn't that like, your sister?00:35
daftykinsi've only ever seen heartache from FDE users in #ubuntu00:35
ali1234yeah, same00:36
ali1234mind you, if it works, why would you even mention it?00:36
AzelphurTomorrow I shall try and fix that partition, and then take multiple backups :)00:36
ali1234like all things, you only hear about it when it breaks00:36
Azelphurnn folks :)00:36
daftykinsnn sir00:36
ali1234azelphur going to bed early, is this real life?00:50
daftykinsi had to check if i was asleep00:57
diddledan_I'm not01:01
shaunoI use FDE .. zero problems01:28
diddledan_shauno: you're on a mac01:29
shaunoI'm sorry :(01:30
shaunoping me when 'the year of the linux desktop' gets here and I'll take another look :p01:30
shaunoassuming I've found a way to actually boot linux on this by then :/01:32
daftykinsshauno: really? i thought it was pretty do-able on all macbooks, using rEFInd or similar01:40
shaunoif I rip my 2nd drive out so I can put a cdrom back in, yeah01:41
shaunoit has to be done via bios-emulation so the gpu switching is disabled01:41
shaunobecause my grandmother understands gpu switching better than linux does01:42
daftykinsi always found the 'ROM' qualification to be redundant, after all the vast majority of optical media people are going to encounter will be read only :>01:42
shaunoat the moment, it boots, discovers the amd chip, and switches to it01:44
shaunobut doesn't invoke the gpu switching stuff, so it's driving a gpu that isn't connected to anything01:44
shaunoand nothing I've tried re: blacklisting will stop it01:44
daftykinsAMD beside intel on-die?01:45
shaunoright, one of each01:45
shaunoon osx, it switches between them based on what GL routines are in use, which is snazzy01:46
shaunobut you can't just start using whichever gpu takes your fancy.  you have to poke the gmux so the right one is pointed to the screen01:47
daftykinsmmm, all this hybrid graphics stuff is quite funky01:47
daftykinsyeah must not be too far off nvidia's optimus tech01:47
shaunowhich I can do from osx, and from grub, but not from linux01:47
shauno(well, I can in theory, by shoving some bytes down ioctl.  but not if I can't stop the kernel from switching to that gpu before the gmux has been told to power it, because that causes the kernel to halt)01:52
daftykinswhich model is this? i wasn't aware any of them had showstopping Loonix usage yet01:53
shaunowell that's it, all the docs say it works fine, because it does if you boot it with bios-emulation01:53
shaunobut that needs my cd drive back :(01:53
shaunoif you boot with bios emulation it uses the amd gpu exclusively, because bios doesn't provide the interface to switch.  so that entire problem goes away (along with your battery heh)01:54
daftykinsah ok :)01:54
daftykinsyeah i think i'd heard of some complaining about high temps and bad battery01:55
shaunothat's almost certainly why.  even in osx, which has some pretty astounding power management, using the discrete gpu gets quite toasty01:56
diddledan_why do you need your cd drive for bios mode?02:08
diddledan_just boob off a usb02:08
daftykinsbecause bootcamp i suspect02:10
diddledan_yeah bootcamp can do usb02:11
shaunobecause apple's efi implementation is terrible02:11
shaunoyou get bios emulation if you boot from an internal device02:11
diddledan_as far as it's worked for me it boots bios mode if I tell it to boot an mbr02:12
diddledan_with ubuntu dvds the default os selector lists two boot options for a usb stick - one for bios and one for efi02:13
diddledan_the efi is nicely labelled "efi boot"02:14
diddledan_so you can choose the other02:14
shaunothat doesn't strike me as logical02:14
shaunojust tried 14.04.1 - I do get two options, but theyre both named "efi boot"02:43
daftykinshaha nice02:44
diddledan_how did you create the usb? it needs to be done with dd not diskutil02:51
diddledan_I _think_ that's accurate anywho02:51
shaunoit was dd, yeah02:54
diddledan_in that case then I'onno02:55
shaunoand I have a little faith it's written, because I get to & past grub02:55
shaunobut after grub the screen switches off, and then the fans failsafe02:55
shauno(eg, hairdryer)02:56
shaunolooking to see if I still have the copy of grub-efi I built03:04
shaunoI find ubuntu's practically unusable because instead of my beautiful 10-line config file, it uses a small book's worth of bash nonsense03:05
diddledan_yeah, grub2 configs are pretty indecipherable03:06
diddledan_not that they need to be like that03:06
shaunothey're not, that's just it03:06
daftykinsanother example of progress, eh?03:07
diddledan_update-grub takes an age sometimes03:07
diddledan_apt-get install foo.... lets update grub 4 times03:08
shaunoeg, my grub.cfg is http://paste.ubuntu.com/8609763/03:10
shaunothat I can understand :)03:10
shaunoand boot.cfg is http://paste.ubuntu.com/8609765/03:11
shaunowhich is also perfectly readable.  even with all my attempts to get the radeon to bugger off03:11
shauno(and yes, as you can tell, I love being able to loop isos in grub2.  it makes the bootstick full of OSes remarkably sane)03:16
* daftykins makes a cross with his fingers at the referneces to raring03:19
shaunoheh, that'll be last time I was giving this a shot03:21
mappshi all03:22
shaunoI tend to have that problem  i dont remember how long ago things were until i wake up the pxe box and it offers me 8.0603:23
daftykinsmornin' mapps03:23
daftykinsshauno: :D03:24
mappsguessing u all havent been to sleep:P03:24
shaunomapps: whats that?03:24
daftykinsok my HTPC freaks me out, it just spontaneously booted03:26
daftykinsi need to sleep shortly, got a friends telco engineer visit coming up03:26
shaunosurely youshould be awake for that?03:26
mappsat what time:D03:27
daftykins1:30pm \o/03:27
daftykinsassuming he remembers to come to my house and post me a spare key so i can get in03:28
shaunossh on the ipad is ugly03:29
shaunoI think I'll carry on fighting with that another time.  I need to update bits for 14.04 because they never leave the kernel in the same place twice03:30
shauno(also curious to find out what happens if I move grub into the efi partition)03:32
shaunoreminds me of when I figured I could install from the harddrive, to the harddrive, by making a small partition and dd'ing the iso to it.  I figured it'd just show up in the list of bootable partitions03:33
shaunoturns out the mac's efi doesn't like that.  big time.03:33
mappswhich ipad you got?03:35
shauno2, I think03:36
shaunoit's old and beat up, but the battery still lasts for days, so I can't see a use for a new one yet03:36
shaunoit took a nice knock on a corner - now if you push your hands on top & bottom of it, you can see behind the screen03:38
shaunoI think I need new toys though :(  my laptop's getting old enough that it took a hex editor to make sure I got all the new tricks in 10.1003:41
shaunothere's a whitelist of which models get the 'continuity' stuff.  mine's not on it because it didn't come with bt-le.03:43
shaunobut since I replaced the bt board with one from a newer mac, I fixed the list03:43
daftykinsah yes i was following that news as it came out :)03:43
daftykinsi bootcamp'd win7 on my clients mid 2010 iMac as she wants to go fully Microsoft now03:44
daftykinsso i doubt i'll be bothering to reinstall with Yosemite on there03:44
shaunoslightly annoying as you not only have to take a hex editor to a kernel module to do it, but you also have to break the signing stuff so it doesn't reject it03:44
mappssince being here ive smoked more than normal..so cheap here03:50
mapps£2.40 for 20 marlboro/camel lights03:50
mappscant help myse;f it seems:D03:50
mappswhy cant cigarettes not be bad!03:50
daftykinsdrugs are bad, mmk03:52
shaunothat's hardly fair.  it's not the cigarette's fault your body isn't designed to process them03:53
daftykinsnn guys03:59
mappsnight mate03:59
shaunoI think we lost diddledan_ too04:00
mappsNetwork File Server (Windows Networking)04:01
mappsServer Enabled:Yes04:01
mappsServer Name:Gibtelecom04:01
mappsServer Description:DSL Gateway04:01
mappswhats that hm04:01
mappsThe irc logs fdont have on joins logged?04:29
mappstrying to find out what my old sky ip was04:29
shaunomapps: creepy stalking in /msg ;)04:59
shauno(get it while it's hot, I put a 1hr expire on it .. because)05:01
MooDoomorning all06:57
SuperMatttwo days till release day!07:17
foobarryfound this hilarious http://vimeo.com/10916971908:19
foobarrynow i know why canonical dropped u1. dropbox charges $10 a month for 1tb storage now08:33
DJonesfoobarry: There's that and if you use Office 365, you also get !tb effectively free (assuming you're paying for MS Office anyway)08:37
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:51
zmoylan-pimorning mammals08:52
brobostigonmorning carbon based zmoylan-pi lifeform08:52
awilkinsMicrosoft are ANNOYING me08:54
awilkinsI have a new laptop08:55
awilkinsI have bleached the Taint off it and installed Ubuntu08:55
awilkinsIn order to service the needs of my new corporate masters with regard to running things like MS Project, I have decided to put a VM on it and install Windows 7 Pro in it08:55
awilkinsLike a good little drone, I have determined that I need a new license, even though the one included with the laptop is not being used08:56
awilkinsI know you can get a nice clean no-bloatware ISO for the OS straight from Microsofts CDN08:56
awilkinsSo all I need is a license key08:56
awilkinsIf you google "Buy OSX online" ; top four links are for the Apple store. The top link offers to sell you Snow Leopard for £14 but helpfully points out that Yosemite is free.08:57
awilkinsIf you google "Buy Windows online" you get a bunch of sponsored links. Most of them for double glazing.08:58
zmoylan-pitry that search on bing08:58
MooDoohttp://msft.digitalrivercontent.net/win/X17-24281.iso  64bit windows 7 pro iso08:58
awilkinsYup, that's the official ISO08:58
foobarrysome guy i worked with 15+ years ago is asking for a reference08:58
foobarrydo i decline politely?08:58
foobarryall i can remember is a massive mistake he made08:59
zmoylan-pihow good is he at making sandwiches?08:59
awilkinsIf you go to MicrosoftStore.com (which despite looking dodgy on a search engine does seem to be actual MS property)09:01
zmoylan-pibeen ms makes it dodgy to my mind09:02
awilkinsThey only want to sell you Windows 8.109:02
awilkins£189.99 incVAT09:03
MooDooI just purchased a legit key from ebay and downloaded the iso....09:03
awilkinsOEM or retail?09:03
zmoylan-pijust so it looks like you're getting a bargin when it's bundled with your pc instead of been the millstone it is09:04
awilkinsYeah, Ubuntu on this new hardware goes ka-chow09:04
awilkinsHave the mSATA as a backing cache for the spinny rust09:04
MooDooawilkins: oem i think, it works and is activated, legit hologram too09:04
awilkinsMooDoo, ah, so they don't email you the key?09:05
awilkinsOr do they email you the key then post you the COA?09:05
MooDooawilkins: yes, they post it to you, and you can reqeuest email which I did09:05
awilkinsNot sure if you're actually allowed to install OEM version on a VM09:05
awilkinsAlthough no technical measures to stop you apparently09:05
MooDoothe only issue i had was i had to phone activate it. but it wored fine.09:06
awilkinsPhone activation is just inconvenient09:06
awilkinsAll robot based these days, innit? No actual person grilling you.09:06
awilkinsTesco.com selling Windows 8.1 for £96.5809:06
awilkinsAh, they've cunningly omitted the "Home" from home versions now, haven't they09:07
zmoylan-pi but is that win 8.1 starter basic home edition?  not a lot of windows in that :-)09:07
foobarrystill a lot of money09:07
awilkins"Full version" (except it's not pro because it's the purple box)09:07
MooDooif it's just 7 you want, cost me about £2509:07
MooDooI think09:07
foobarryi'd want to feel like a software was amazing to pay more than £10 for09:07
awilkinsYeah, 7 pro09:08
awilkinsTa for the referral09:08
MooDoo:) ok09:09
awilkins30 squids09:13
awilkinsMuch better09:13
awilkinsHooray for dumpster diving of licenses09:13
MooDooabsoolutely chuffing it down here09:25
foobarrythats bad09:25
foobarryi have a 4ft trench in my garden09:25
foobarryand the gutters are also draining into the trench09:25
zmoylan-pino problem, dig another hole beside the trench and bail the water into there :-p09:43
foobarryit goes around in a u-shape09:45
foobarrymore like a moat09:45
safiyyahMorning all, I have decided that I am not getting on with gnome on trusty (I hate unity), I want to have kde OR xfce I want to ask if I should just do a reinstall with kubuntu so I can have kwin instead of compiz and all the other kde stuff rather than trying to work them out one by one. Also can someone explain if xfce is the same?09:51
safiyyahali1234,  read above please? really need a pointer in the right direction09:52
=== lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3
safiyyahI need to say that I liked gnome (metacity) but then none of the docks worked because on my system despite compiz setting mgr being there and the compositing feature being ticked, it is not compositing!!!  Anyway had a look around and I can live with kde or xfce.09:54
MooDooif you don't have a problem with a complete reinstall, just install xubuntu or kubuntu....09:55
MooDooor isn't there something like desktop-xfce you can install?09:55
zmoylan-pithis adds xubuntu as option to log in menu at startup09:56
zmoylan-pisave a reinstall09:56
safiyyahyou install the desktop but there seem to be alot of kde packages in general which I  want09:56
diploI always go with a fresh install now adays09:57
safiyyahI only installed my system 2 weeks ago zmoylan-pi  so I don't mind09:57
MooDoowell you could always - sudo apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies09:57
diploOtherwise you have to keep all the other deps from all other WM's updating09:57
MooDooor if you want full - sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop09:57
zmoylan-pibut you had such troubles installing it safiyyah09:57
safiyyahzmoylan-pi, yes I agree, but once I set up a system that's it for 2 years until the next LTS, I think it's a long time to live with something you are unhappy with09:58
safiyyahis the 64 bit kubuntu the one to get? I have 64 bit ubuntu. I don't want one that is fixy please?10:03
zmoylan-piif you're using 64 bit ubuntu then 64 bit kubuntu is the one to go for10:05
safiyyahthanks, I thank you in advance for all the help am going to be asking for10:05
zmoylan-pifingers crossed it all goes well10:11
safiyyahDownloading, but have a lesson between now and 1, so be back about 1:30ish10:28
ali1234if you just install xfce-desktop along side unity it can cause problems10:43
ali1234in theory it is supposed to work, but in practice it doesn't10:43
zmoylan-pithat's how i've installed it a few times.  no real problems sprung to mind.10:44
ali1234kde is easier, because it doesn't use the same libraries as unity, but it could still have problems10:44
ali1234bug 130765710:45
lubotu3bug 1307657 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu Trusty) "UBUNTU_MENUPROXY should not be set in Xfce" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130765710:45
ali1234bug 131478210:46
lubotu3bug 1347272 in xfce4-volumed (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1314782 Several XFCE applications appear unresponsive after communicating with a daemon" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134727210:46
ali1234just a couple of problems caused by having unity installed on an xfce system10:46
zmoylan-pifair enough, haven't experienced either luckily enough10:50
zmoylan-piyet... :-)10:50
Azelphurali1234: to reply to yesterday, yea I've started keeping more sane hours :)10:51
Azelphurin other news...on things you definitely don't want to see in the morning: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oo606qjndmn3fl5/2014-10-21%2011.50.38.jpg?dl=010:51
Azelphurthat drive better not be failing, that's one of my 3TBs :(10:53
zmoylan-piif there is any doubt there is no doubt... :-(10:53
AzelphurIt's only a backup drive so there's no data loss, just have to buy a new one10:54
foobarryhow do i make a url disappear from the chrome awesome bar?12:05
foobarrydelete key no worky12:05
ali1234i don't think you can. i didn't know you could do that in firefox until recently12:07
foobarryalso chrome has taken to not remembering my passwords lately12:07
foobarryand not keeping me logged in12:07
foobarryyay ali1234 ta12:08
foobarrydel does nothing, so shift-del is unintuitve :(12:08
ali1234well del isn't exactly inuitive either, when the text field has focus. you would think it would delete the character after the cursor12:09
ali1234this is how i accidentally discovered the feature12:09
ali1234so i suppose it is kind of inuitive, in a reall terrible way12:09
Azelphurhttps://owncloud.azelphur.com/owncloud/public.php?service=files&t=56c81165bb14f1511c56484f2dbe9f39 it's times like this when open source is awesome :)12:30
safiyyahali1234 so next time you will just get xubuntu straight out of the box?12:36
ali1234sure, i always do that12:37
safiyyahali1234,  sorry had a lesson just finished so only just reading the text12:37
ali1234i only know about these bugs because people report them12:37
ali1234and then i have to fix them12:37
safiyyahokay so you agree with my new install12:37
safiyyahali1234, I feel like you cursed my love of gnome12:37
safiyyahyou were talking about xfce12:37
safiyyahand now I have been unable to get on with gnome.... it's only logical that you are the one who put the ideas in my head12:38
safiyyahI cant decide between kde and xfce, have finished downloading 64bit kubuntu12:39
safiyyahtrying to find a deciding youtube review12:39
foobarrysafiyyah: have you used elementaryos?12:44
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
safiyyahfoobarry, no12:55
foobarryits nice13:01
safiyyahfoobarry, looking it up13:01
safiyyahfoobarry, this is an OS, but I like ubuntu, am not happy with the desktop environment so looking at other options13:03
brobostigonyou can install whatever DE you like ontop of ubuntu, one isnt exclusive to the other.13:06
ali1234you need a ppa for elementary though13:09
ali1234and there is no guarantee it works properly13:09
ali1234also looks a bit dated13:10
safiyyahali1234,  have your tried running kwin on xfce?13:18
ali1234what would be the point?13:18
safiyyahits more stable than compiz..... my compiz has issues13:18
ali1234use xfwm then13:18
ali1234compiz 0.9 is really buggy13:18
safiyyahrefuses to composite at will13:18
safiyyahxfwm? looking it up13:19
safiyyahali1234,  you do realise the only youtube video on it is someone running openbsd..... that screams not user friendly13:21
ali1234on xfwm?13:21
ali1234xfwm is the default window manage of xfce and therefore xubuntu13:21
MooDooxubuntu is great13:22
ali1234xfce is commonly used on bsd, because it's pretty much the only desktop that is portable enough to run there, while still being half decent13:22
safiyyahali1234, so what made you choose xubuntu over kubuntu?13:23
MooDooi did it as i don't like kde, simple as that really13:23
ali1234do you really want to know? because you won't be able to stop me ranting for about an hour if i start13:23
safiyyahMooDoo,  suffering from a newly discovered hatred of gnome, now am lost!13:23
safiyyahlol ali1234 I genuinely want to know because I dont know if I should do kubuntu or xubuntu13:24
ali1234i even have illustrations to go with the rant13:24
MooDoowhy you hate gnome, i hated it as It didn't look right, then I tried some extensions to make it look how I wanted and disable other features.13:24
ali1234like this one: http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/random/kdefail.png13:24
ali1234that pretty much sums up why i don't like KDE13:24
ali1234and no, it hasn't improved13:24
safiyyahbut they have great aps13:25
safiyyahk3b etc13:25
safiyyahthats what was selling me , their apps13:25
ali1234great UI design, really makes good use of the space13:25
TwistedLucidityali1234: Amarok is probably *the worst* example for a KDE GUI. I changed a few highlight colours and the entire blasted thing turned pink!13:26
ali1234totally not a confusing mess13:26
TwistedLucidityNo KDE itself, just Amarok.13:26
ali1234amarok is fairly representative of KDE applications in general13:26
ali1234applications that aren't a confusing mess like amarok are horribly skeumorphic plasmoid monstrosities13:26
TwistedLucidityali1234: As a user of KDE, I wouldn't say so13:27
ali1234i'm looking forward to KDE 5, it looks like it might fix some of the worse problems13:27
TwistedLucidityAlthough you are right, they seem to chase features/configuration rather than boring-ness (i.e. stability). I miss GNOME2 :-(13:27
ali1234like the use of a default theme that Qt is incapable of rendering correctly13:27
TwistedLucidityI hope menus work. They don't in KDE13:28
TwistedLucidity"KDE 4"13:28
ali1234i used to be a KDE user years ago13:28
ali1234i stopped using it when i switched to ubuntu actually13:29
ali1234before canonical fixed up gnome, KDE was the best thing available13:29
safiyyahthey fixed gnome until it was really good, and then they made the worst invention i.,e unity thereafter13:30
ali1234bug reference for "Qt can't render the default theme properly" bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28310613:30
lubotu3KDE bug 283106 in general "Button text vertical alignment is off with Oxygen theme." [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]13:30
safiyyahI feel like I have to click 20 times and type to pull things up on gnome.... and the metacity gnome refuses to composit13:31
ali1234you can enable compositing in metacity still13:31
ali1234althugh i don't know how you're using metacity in gnome shell, that's impossible13:31
safiyyahali1234, it fixes and breaks!13:31
safiyyahI just want it working13:31
safiyyahand not have to think about configurations for about a year or two13:32
safiyyahthen I will come back and find out about the new LTS13:32
safiyyahmy usual need for updates is when skype updates and doesn't work on the lts, thats when I upgrade,..... which is about 2.5 years13:32
safiyyahali1234, at the log in there are 3 gnome options, and one says metacity13:33
ali1234that's gnome classic or fallback or whatever they are calling it now13:33
safiyyahits has the layout I want without sending me on a clicking run but wont composit13:33
safiyyaheven though compiz config mgr says compositing is on13:33
ali1234yes, metacity is not compiz!13:34
ali1234metacity used to have a config panel where you could turn on compositing13:34
ali1234it was removed like everything else good13:34
ali1234however, metacity is still capable of compositing13:34
ali1234you just have to edit the configuration manually13:34
safiyyahright so perhaps the solution is xubuntu with kwin13:35
ali1234lol, why do you want kwin?13:35
ali1234why not just use xubuntu with the default window manager?13:35
safiyyahlooks cool, was the reason I fell in love with compiz13:35
ali1234xfwm also has compositing13:36
ali1234none of these window managers look even slightly similar however13:36
ali1234i think you're talking about something else when you say compositing13:36
ali1234because it isn't something you can see, it's just a way of drawing windows.. the windows themselves look the same unless they have transparency, which is rare13:37
safiyyahali1234,  there is a compositing issue with gnome because NONE of the docks work. cairo dock, docky ... ANY dock because the compositing breaks13:38
ali1234that depends entirely on which version of gnome you are using13:39
ali1234external docks are quite likely to break in gnome-shell, because their entire desktop is designed to be incompatible with anything else13:39
safiyyahi can accept that13:39
ali1234they no longer use a separate WM and dock model13:39
safiyyahbut that doesn't solve my click-about-the-computer problem to get to things.13:40
ali1234in gnome fallback with compiz, you will also get breakage, because compiz is no longer tested with anything but unity13:40
safiyyahthe dock was meant to resolve that13:40
ali1234that also goes for xfwm13:40
safiyyahI dont like being sent around town all the time13:40
ali1234(compiz doesn't work properly with xfce either)13:40
TwistedLucidityIf anyone is in Nottingham on 27th Oct, you might like this: http://nlug.ml1.co.uk/event/matt-lee-talks-about-stuff13:40
safiyyahali1234, am ready to ditch compiz.... stary eye with kwin :)13:40
ali1234i highly recommend that you stick to one desktop, and don't try to mix components13:40
safiyyahI can live with either xfce or kde.... kde 5 looks wow13:41
safiyyahali1234,  so you do not pimp out your desktop at all?13:44
ali1234sure, but i only use xfce software13:44
safiyyahare you a youtuber?13:44
safiyyahgive me a link to your setup on youtube please13:44
ali1234i never talk in videos13:44
safiyyahdoesn't matter13:45
safiyyahjust want to see13:45
safiyyahwell.... your version of pimping13:45
ali1234also most of my videos are about bugs13:45
safiyyahlol for all your love of xfce, you never did a 'show off' video on it?13:46
ali1234yeah i did a few, hang on13:46
ali1234some features shown in those videos may not be available in a released version yet13:50
ali1234also https://plus.google.com/117474986382867317779/posts/BWvsyYA6BLH13:53
safiyyahali1234, your xfce setup  is what gnome used to look like before13:56
ali1234yeah, i know13:57
safiyyahyes so I liked gnome at that time, its the new one making me crazy13:58
ali1234if you want something like that, maybe use ubuntu mate13:58
foobarrytried MAET then?13:58
foobarryyeah what ali1234 said13:58
ali1234but wait until 14.10 is released (couple of weeks)13:58
ali1234because it isn't in 14.0413:58
foobarrythe image search for vervet are somewhat pornographic13:58
foobarryone in particular13:58
safiyyahfoobarry, i dont use any mini upgrades only lts13:59
safiyyahhad one hell of an experience with maverick meerkat13:59
safiyyahnever ever again13:59
foobarryetc etc14:00
ali1234yeah i probably wouldn't go with the PPA14:00
safiyyahwhy not?14:02
popeythat ppa is good.14:03
popeyits maintained by Martin, who is an upstream MATE dev14:03
safiyyahfoobarry, i like the mate one but its still buggy14:06
safiyyahi think getting it would be premature14:06
ali1234because ppas are nothing but trouble if you're not very familiar with how repositories and packages work14:06
ali1234in my experience anyway14:07
safiyyahali1234, i am beginning to miss synaptic because it gave you all the dependencies14:07
ali1234install it then?14:07
safiyyahwill be14:07
ali1234it's usually the very first thing i install on a fresh system14:07
safiyyaham starting again, downloading kubuntu14:08
safiyyahsorry i mean xubuntu14:08
safiyyahjust got a couple of things to back up and get going on it again14:08
ali1234you'll probably be better off with MATE, really14:09
ali1234it's exactly the same code as the old gnome14:09
safiyyahali1234, can I delete unity?14:09
ali1234if you want to?14:10
safiyyahyes that would give me some satisfaction14:10
ali1234i would just use the 14.10 ubuntu mate installer14:10
ali1234when it is released14:10
safiyyahokay so no need for a fresh install, just add mate?14:10
safiyyahno i dont do those 6 month  releases14:11
safiyyaham alergic14:11
ali1234i'm not going to tell you that will work fine14:11
safiyyahsince mavericj14:11
ali1234i honestly don't know14:11
ali1234there is potential for problems14:11
safiyyahwhen I upgrade in two year, mate will be better14:11
ali1234attempting to uninstall unity from an existing system is also prolematic14:11
safiyyahtoday their is kubuntu and xubuntu14:11
ali1234there is also lubuntu and ubuntu studio (which is xfce)14:12
safiyyahlubuntu caught my eye14:12
safiyyahvery light weight14:12
safiyyahbut I figure more of you guys will be kubuntu and xubuntu type of people so I can get better support14:13
* awilkins is a plain ol' Ubuntu with Unity person14:21
safiyyahawilkins, dunno how u do it14:21
* brobostigon is on I3 tiling DE right now.14:21
awilkinsWell, most of the time I'm using the apps, or a terminal14:21
awilkinsLearn a few KB shortcuts and Unity doesn't really get in your way14:22
zmoylan-pii used unity for 3-4 months, after having windows 8 on this laptop for 3-4 months it was such an improvement it didn't annoy me at first :-)14:22
brobostigonparentage, are both users of lxde and xfce.14:23
safiyyahno offence but unity feels dated to me and it is ugly14:23
safiyyahzmoylan-pi, been using ubuntu since gutsy, nothing has topped that gnome 2, with compiz....14:25
safiyyahhavent used windows in about 6 years or7, if thats the state of things..... I dont know why people are using windoes14:27
BigRedSAnyone know a way of getting the time fs attributes were last changed?14:33
BigRedSso the output of lsattr on a file looks weird, I'm wondering when it changed14:33
AzelphurBigRedS: ls -l says the modified time14:44
BigRedSyeah, does chattr modify that?14:45
BigRedSI don't think chown does, ls shows mtime doesn't it?14:46
AzelphurI dunno14:47
BigRedSyeah, it does. I just realised how easy that was to test :)14:48
AzelphurBeach is kinda interesting with the weather today, funky patterns \o/ https://owncloud.azelphur.com/owncloud/public.php?service=files&t=27caad6c59d35899048e711b4676215314:50
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)14:55
BigRedSgood morning!14:57
bigcalmHave I missed much this past month?15:04
bigcalmMoving house is pants15:04
zmoylan-pi1 zombie outbreak, 1 hunt for red october, shiny new ipads, overall not much15:07
awilkinsHas #gamergate been going on longer than a month?15:11
zmoylan-pihas't that been boiling over for ever?15:11
directhexabout 2 months.15:14
directhexalthough yeah, some of it is ~2 years old15:14
directhexif you follow some of GG's loudest voices back in time15:14
zmoylan-pii remember the complaints about advertising in 80s for games like barbarian and gameover.  and complaints about game reviews having no connection with the games reviewed goes back as far too15:15
directhexwell, the modern "movement" isn't so much about those things, as a reactionary attempt to stop the cleaning up of those things15:19
directhexa lot of it ties in to a woman doing kickstarter-funded videos about sexist themes in games, which is about 2 years ago15:19
arsenipwhy is postgres replication documented in such a confusing manner15:25
arsenipclearly a #ubuntu-uk problem15:25
foobarryi remember A&B computing did a 5yr old using gimp censoring of linda lusardi in the barabrian ad15:26
foobarrymassive blue "dress"15:26
foobarrywas on the back page of the mag15:26
foobarryi appear to have entered a competition where 95% of the people have got the answer wrong15:27
popeyAny of you watched "Halt & Catch Fire"?15:28
popeyit's a rather good AMC TV series15:28
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
zmoylan-pii watched 1-2 episodes, meh15:35
zmoylan-pidoesn't seem to have gotten the same same buzz as mad men15:40
popeynot watched mad men15:42
popeyi watched all 10 episodes of HCF in a row15:42
zmoylan-pimind the first 1-2 episodes of that didn't grab me.15:42
zmoylan-pimight be time to watch 1-2 more episodes16:01
christel17:41  <popey> i watched all 10 episodes of HCF in a row16:18
christelchild on keyboard16:20
DJoneschristel: Put the child in a bed rather than expecting them to sleep on a keyboard, I'm sure it'll be more comfortable17:08
ali1234is what out yet?19:42
diddledan_I'm assuming the bot tells us about ubuntu19:43
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest88208

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