
brouschmrgoodcat: sorry, was at grpug meeting01:00
_stink_so you guys are all playing Go against each other?03:10
_stink_i might want in03:10
_stink_getting my ass handed to me03:10
cmaloneyThat is apparently a specialty03:49
brousch_stink_: I'm brousch on DGS12:01
mrgoodcatbrousch: i was gonna ask if we should resume play for the top left corner. I could have killed that bent 3, thus reducing your territory and increasing my own. I would still have lost but I wanted to see how it played out.12:46
brouschTop left? How would you attack that?12:48
mrgoodcatif i go f1212:49
brouschah, top middle12:50
brouschYou should have gone for it12:50
mrgoodcatyour choices are e12 or f1312:50
mrgoodcateither way though, you would have been screwed12:50
mrgoodcatnext time i'll just resume play if i'm unsure12:51
brouschJust ignore the statement that it's over and go for it12:51
brouschOr say something like "I'd like to try to attack some more"12:52
brouschI've always gotten a "go for it" from an opponent when I do that12:52
mrgoodcatyea i'm a little unsure of the etiquette on things like that. since it wouldn't have affected the outcome of the game12:53
brouschI can see a 10 point swing in that spot12:55
brouschMight have made it close enough to attempt something in the lower left12:55
brouschI'd lose 4 territory, you'd gain 3 takes and 3 territory12:57
brouschBut really, your opponent has no choice but to continue if you don't pass12:59
cmaloneyGood morning13:21
cmaloneyApparently the one thing I'm really good at is letting brousch capture me.13:23
cmaloneyI love being handicapped throughout the game. :)13:23
brouschcmaloney: I wasn't sure how long you'd work on that lower right corner before seeing what's up13:25
cmaloneyyeah, lost a lot of ground in there13:32
brouschI think you were only 1 liberty from not losing it13:36
cmaloneyyeah, unfortunately I'm not strong enough to not shoot myself in the foot.13:52
cmaloneyHave a hard time figuring out which shapes are secure and which will get me into trouble.13:52
brousch2 eyes are the only real defense14:02
brouschIf you can't make 2 eyes, you need to make it really annoying to attempt to take14:02
brouschLike right now you have a good eye at h10, but it's vulnerable without the second14:04
mrgoodcatbrousch: i'm not quite sure this is a good idea, but i'm going for it14:37
brouschYes, I'm curious14:38
brouschI think it is legit14:38
brouschMore aggressive than I'm used to14:39
mrgoodcatgood counter. was hoping you wouldn't see that14:46
brouschSeems useful14:49
brouschcmaloney: [Discuss] (forw) [clampkin@teksystems.com: TEKsystems]15:11
brouschI like how it's just "Discuss", not "MUG Discuss"15:11
brouschFits right in with "Michigan User Group"15:12
cmaloneyWe're all about co-opting everytrhing we can. :)15:14
cmaloneyAlso about not violating an RFC or two with some of these overloaded subject lines15:15
brouschYou only need 1 discussion list in your life, and this is it15:16
jrwrenmichigan /usr group15:16
cmaloneybrousch: ++15:18
mrgoodcatbrousch: well at least i'll escape from one side or the other i think15:40
mrgoodcatturns out it was a bad idea to be that aggressive15:40
mrgoodcatlive and learn15:40
mrgoodcattry to anyways15:45
brouschKo fight!15:46
mrgoodcatso it would seem15:52
* mrgoodcat just looked up ko fight15:52
mrgoodcati know laughably little about this game it would seem15:52
brouschThis is my first Ko fight15:52
mrgoodcatyou're going to win15:56
brouschI think so15:56
brouschI don't see a way out for you, but you are often unpredictable15:57
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/gVBIqP - 3 Alternatives to the Adobe PDF Reader on Linux | Linux.com17:20
cmaloneyI'm really starting to despise Adobe.17:20
brouschTook you long enough17:21
cmaloneyBefore it was a dull hate17:21
greg-gthat aching tooth you never get looked at17:22
greg-gthen BAM, infection and you lose half your mouth17:22
greg-gthat is Adobe.17:22
cmaloney greg-g Yeah17:22
cmaloneyThey make great formats. I still think PDFs and ePubs are the bee's knees17:23
cmaloneyand Postscript <3<3<317:23
cmaloneybut their client software support needs to die in a fire17:23
brouschMy favorite interaction with Adobe was when they sponsored a GRWebDev meeting and pimped their new creative cloud stuff. I asked , "Does it run on Linux?" "What's Linux?" "It's what all your creative cloud servers run on" "Oh, no"17:24
cmaloneyI'm using YNAB in Wine because it's brilliant, and also because Adobe stopped supporting AIR under Linux17:24
jrwrenPDF is NOT the bee's knees. It is a security joke.17:24
cmaloneyjrwren: It became one when they added Javascript17:24
cmaloneyThey couldn't leave well-enough alone17:24
jrwrencmaloney: and AIR17:24
jrwrencmaloney: and SWF17:25
cmaloneyjrwren: SWF needs to find a fire real-soon-now17:25
jrwrencmaloney: you can embed a SWF in a PDF and it executes with full desktop security context when you open it in Reader.17:25
cmaloneyAIR I'm mixed on17:25
cmaloneyWhat the fuck17:25
greg-gdon't download things you don't trust, mmmkay?17:25
cmaloneyjrwren: That's probably why they're dropping Linux17:25
cmaloneygreg-g: I think the moral is to just cut your network connection17:26
brouschAir on Linux was killed circa 201117:26
greg-gcmaloney: air lock and faraday cage, yep. It's the only way.17:26
jrwrenbut then adobe does cool things like brackets.17:26
cmaloneyYeah, I mean they have cool stuff17:27
greg-glike the dude from Enemy of the State17:27
greg-gEnemy of Adobe.17:27
cmaloneygreg-g: I'm thinking of Panic Room (or the one with Patrick Stewart)17:27
greg-gnever saw that one17:27
greg-gok, time to do an interview! :)17:28
cmaloneyGlass House maybe?17:28
cmaloneyfor work or something else?17:28
greg-g(I'm hiring a Release Engineer, remote welcome, if you know anyone)17:28
cmaloneyIsn't that you?17:28
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/deQ1lO - Job Application for Release Engineer at Wikimedia Foundation17:28
greg-gI'm now the Release Team Manager :)17:28
* greg-g has a team of 8, soon to be 917:28
greg-git's weird, it's like they think I'm an adult17:30
mrgoodcatpretty good woot right now if anyone needs an A/V receiver17:30
brouschDo they all wear those goofy foot-shaped shoes and sport beards?17:30
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Gah17:31
greg-gbrousch: just me17:31
* greg-g actually only wears "five fingers" when running17:32
brouschgreg-g: Is it wrong that I think everyone who works for Wikimedia looks like you?17:32
greg-gheh, there's a lot of variance in the SF hipster scene, especially the non-profit one ;)17:32
mrgoodcatgryou have a pair of vibrams?17:33
mrgoodcatwtf tab complete sent a weird character instead of completing....17:33
mrgoodcatgreg-g: you have a pair of vibrams?17:33
rick_h_greg-g: :)17:33
cmaloneyChucks or GTFO. :)17:37
cmaloneyI love this bio of J. Random Follower on Twitter17:39
cmaloneyFounder / CEO of @[eponymous company] Building a world class company that delivers on networked knowledge for organisations & ultimately explores the same for humanity.17:40
cmaloneyI'm the Founder / CEO of @squeekyhoho. Building a world class company that delivers on networked knowledge for organisations & ultimately explores the same for humanity.17:41
mrgoodcatit works for pretty much anything17:41
cmaloneyIt's a nothing mission statement17:41
_stink_haha, i love it18:05
* _stink_ puts that on a t-shirt18:05
greg-gmrgoodcat: yeah, I run in them, I like the zero elevation diff betwen front and back of foot18:08
mrgoodcati've been thinking of getting a pair18:09
mrgoodcati heard you can hurt your feet but it stands to reason that people are just hurting themselves because they haven't conditioned their feet properly to run without arch supports18:09
greg-gI ran barefoot for a while as well, but the vibrams give you some protection from rocks and such, which is nice :)18:09
greg-gmrgoodcat: exactly18:09
mrgoodcati run barefoot now18:09
greg-gmrgoodcat: don't go all out at first if... oh, you run barefoot now, cool18:10
mrgoodcatbut it limits where i can run18:10
greg-gwhen I switched to barefoot from shoes, I was running 6 miles a day, so I had to go easy during the transition18:10
mrgoodcati've done some trail running barefoot but i cut myself real bad last year at the chrysler proving grounds18:10
greg-gyeah, fivefingers would help18:11
brouschIf only you could put something tough yet flexible between your feet and the ground to prevent such things. Maybe like a piece of car tire18:19
greg-gsome do!18:20
greg-gas long as there isn't an incline (higher heal than ball) it's probably ok18:20
* greg-g goes afk18:20
brouschIt would probably fall off, so maybe you could strap it over the top of the foot to hold it on better18:21
mrgoodcati think i'll just get a pair of vibrams18:22
brouschMaybe run a strap behind the heel to keep it from sliding off the front, too18:22
mrgoodcatbrousch: i realize you're making fun of me not just buying shoes18:26
brouschOMG you're right that is kind of like a shoe!18:27
* brousch is an ass today.18:27
mrgoodcatvibrams are shoes. just a lot less supportive and restrictive18:28
rick_h_gotta love having the "just do it because I said so feeling" ... and then swallowing it as hard as you can18:37
jrwrenrick_h_: now why would you ever even think that? ;]18:46
rick_h_I just have to remember that when I end up being right, that even saying jfdi would not have been a good thing. :)18:47
rick_h_and chew on some times I was wrong...but damn I'm cranky about how 'right' I was on this one and the fact I let it go until now pisses me off18:47
jrwrenjfdi is NEVER a good thinkg18:47
rick_h_oh I can think it :P18:48
rick_h_and then swallow hard and move along18:48
jrwrenrick_h_: ha, funny that I don't even know what you are talking about ;]18:48
rick_h_jrwren: yea, I'm trapped. I can't vent on twitter because everyone follows me, then G+...same boat, and now in IRC you're here so at least it's only one person lol18:49
rick_h_my dog doesn't give a damn about api implementations :P18:49
jrwrenrick_h_: you can still vent. I'll just /ignore you.18:49
rick_h_good plan18:49
jrwrensomeone let me know if rick_h_ responds. I have him on /ignore :p18:49
rick_h_jrwren: is the best guy on the team, shame he /ignores me !18:50
jrwrenrick_h_: i keep a connection to *other* irc networks for just venting. I drove everyone away.18:50
brouschI thought CHC was for venting18:54
rick_h_yea, I've missed the last few weeks with travel18:55
rick_h_guess we know what tomorrow will bring :P18:55
jrwren... unless i crash :p18:55
cmaloneybrousch: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pi-top-a-raspberry-pi-laptop-you-build-yourself20:59
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/LcByDg - Pi-Top, a Raspberry Pi laptop you build yourself! | Indiegogo20:59
brouschcmaloney: I'm not convinced the rpi is useful for general computing21:01
brouschah, but I have to run. bbl21:02
cmaloneyWow, apparently my linode instance had a hardware fault.21:47
cmaloneyThey took care of it before I could figure out what was going on. :)21:59
mrgoodcatbrousch: i've done general comp with my pi no problem22:57
mrgoodcatmodel B22:57
mrgoodcatjust basic web browsing and media22:57
mrgoodcatI ran arch and i3-wm on it22:58
mrgoodcatwith everything running it only had like 20 processes in htop22:58
brouschIt's quite slow on Raspbian23:02
mrgoodcati never really bothered much with raspbian23:05
mrgoodcati'm surprised its slow though23:07
mrgoodcathave you tried a lighter weight window manager23:07
mrgoodcati'd try slim login manager and openbox or something like that. might free up some resources for you23:10
brouschLighter than lxde?23:25
mrgoodcatoh yea23:25
brouschIt's the browser itself that is slow23:25
mrgoodcatlxde is pretty light as far as traditional window managers go but there are definitely lighter options23:25
mrgoodcatever try links browser?23:26
rick_h_or w3m is what I tend to use for html mail from mutt23:27
mrgoodcatw3m is just the renderer for mutt right?23:27
rick_h_no, it's a browser23:28
mrgoodcathow do you scroll emails in mutt?23:30
mrgoodcati've been using alpine23:30
rick_h_<space> ?23:31
mrgoodcatwow thats quite the help page23:34
mrgoodcatalpine is quite a bit simpler but it seems like mutt has a lot more commands23:34
mrgoodcatyea mutt seems ok23:48

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