Sveinburne | Hi there! Having problem here with the mapping of a bash command. Any help would be very welcomed! I intalled groovy by hand, puting all the archive in /usr/local/groovy, adding +x to bin folder. I can launch groovy script without any problem from the bin folder, but cannot through bash. I did add the bin path to PATH, and export... any suggestions? | 02:50 |
genii | I just heard someone shot the guard at the Unknown Soldier memorial in Ottawa | 15:29 |
willwh | genii: yeahs | 16:48 |
willwh | sounds like a REAL mess up there atm | 16:48 |
willwh | motorcycle chase being reported or something | 16:48 |
willwh | I had to turn off the radio - too much work to do! | 16:48 |
genii | I'm sort of monitoring the CBC newsfeeds now. I suspect it will turn out to be friends of the kid that ran over the soldiers a couple days ago. | 16:50 |
willwh | yep | 17:13 |
willwh | I'd put money on it if I were a betting man :P | 17:13 |
genii | I was also saying in another channel ... Malala Yousafzai is also in Ottawa this week, maybe they were trying to finish the job they botched before. | 17:17 |
willwh | oh she is? | 17:36 |
willwh | hmm | 17:36 |
willwh | I'm not one for violence unless someone hurts my family, but this stuff makes me really angry. | 17:37 |
genii | They just cancelled Leafs-Senators game tonight because of this crap | 20:28 |
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