
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
pittiLaney: yeah, I'm quick on the retry trigger (stupid tar EOF error or the dreaded apt-get update hash sum mismatch)12:26
pittidesrt: cheers; I think we should just remove the policy entirely12:27
pittidesrt: that's what we did in the package now12:27
desrtpitti: ie: not install the file at all?12:27
pittidesrt: right; there's no real reason for it any more, as the systmed-services split is a thing of the past12:31
desrtpitti: was this a case of two packages trying to install the same file and the difference causing grief with dpkg or something?12:32
GunnarHjHi pitti!13:17
pittidesrt: no, the files have different names (org.freedesktop.systemd-shim.conf vs o.f.systemd1.conf), they don't collide13:38
pittihey GunnarHj, how are you?13:38
pittidesrt: we needed it in the past as systemd-services didn't ship o.f.systemd1.conf13:39
GunnarHjpitti: Fine thank; hope you are too.13:39
pittiGunnarHj: terribly tired, but ok otherwise; thanks13:39
GunnarHjpitti: Wondering why there is no ce (Chechen) language packs. We created the locale a few weeks ago.13:40
pittiDEBUG: Processing locale ce...13:43
pittiERROR: no supported locales for known language ce13:43
pittiGunnarHj: oh yes, I need to sync maps/supported-locales in langpack-locales13:43
GunnarHjpitti: Ok..13:44
pittiGunnarHj: yep, got it now13:44
RAOF_desrt: Hey, about libhardware.13:53
RAOF_desrt: Are you trying to build the android platform? Because from a first check that's the only thing with a hard depend on libhardware?13:54
RAOF_desrt: By default we try to build the Android platform (that changed between 0.4 and 0.8) and don't do autodetect, so that might be your problem?13:55
desrthow do i turn it off?13:56
RAOF_-DMIR_PLATFORM=mesa to cmake should do it.13:57
RAOF_Or doing the equivalent in one of the cmake guis.13:57
RAOF_desrt: Any joy?14:15
desrtRAOF_: yes!14:16
desrtRAOF_: but from the tea and pastries -- not from mir14:16
desrti'll try now and let you know :)14:16
RAOF_desrt: Is it tea and pastries time!14:17
desrttrying the build now...14:18
desrtseems to be working14:18
desrti have closed the bug14:20
desrtnow i need only to bother duflu about this usleep() issue14:20
RAOF_Are we not randomly sleeping enough?14:21
desrtone of the demo programs calls usleep()14:23
desrtwhich is a non-POSIXism14:23
desrtbut it doesn't properly #define the right _GNU_SOURCE or whatever14:23
desrtand you use -Werror14:23
desrtso ... fail14:23
desrtmeanwhile the issue with failure to open the drm device persists with 0.814:23
desrtthis may be more interesting for you to look at14:24
seb128Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/totem/+bug/99737014:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 997370 in totem (Ubuntu) "Totem does not use the va-api gstreamer backend" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:24
=== tiheum is now known as tiheum_
desrtRAOF_: i suspect this is caused by a new udev or kernel version, but probably you will have to deal with this eventually....14:28
desrtRAOF_: seems to be a mismatch of drm version number14:34
desrtturns out that this is the actual failing call: ioctl(9, 0xc0106407, 0x7fffdd0d4930)    = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)14:37
GunnarHjHi seb128!14:38
seb128GunnarHj, hey, how are you?14:38
desrtwhich is the check-version ioctl on the dri device /dev/dri/card0 -- the stuff that followed was just error handling stuff14:38
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GunnarHjseb128: Fine thanks, hope you are too.14:38
seb128I am, thanks!14:38
GunnarHjseb128: What has happened with libpango-1.0-0 in precise?14:38
LaneyYou specified the wrong package name14:40
GunnarHjLaney: What makes you say that? Exactly the same source builds fine in trusty and utopic.14:40
GunnarHjLaney: Hmm... Must check debian/control...14:43
GunnarHjLaney: So it seems. Thanks!14:46
=== tiheum is now known as tiheum_
desrtRAOF_: one more if you're still around15:12
RAOF_desrt: Sure15:13
desrtonce i get the mir server started on a VT, how do i switch back to X?15:13
RAOF_desrt: Ctrl-Alt-F7 ?15:19
RAOF_desrt: Assuming you started Mir as root, so it has access to the input hardware :)15:20
desrtthis appears not to work15:20
desrti started it as a user that has access to .... hmm15:20
desrtthe user has access to ttys dri and input15:20
desrtmaybe some other thing is required for VT-switching that it lacks15:20
* desrt should just run it as root15:21
desrti hate that i end up with a root-owned socket in that case15:21
desrtseems that we talked about this 6 months ago :)15:21
RAOF_desrt: Just suck it up and chown :)15:28
RAOF_(Also, yes, sucky)15:28
desrtRAOF_: i recall that there was going to be an option to fix this :)15:29
RAOF_Hm. I don't recall that :P15:31
desrtbe nice.15:31
Laneyyeah vaapi is bad for me16:16
Laneyit breaks totem16:16
Laneylibva error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/nvidia_drv_video.so init failed16:16
Laneyseb128: install vainfo16:20
Laneyand then just run the command16:20
Laneyassuming you get vdpau-va-driver16:20
Laneyso try this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gst-libav1.0/+bug/1290368/+attachment/4095344/+files/00004.MTS16:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1290368 in GStreamer "totem-video-thumbnailer crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [Critical,Fix released]16:21
* Laney stabs ubot5 16:21
=== gatox is now known as gatox2
larsuqengho: hi18:18
willcookeqengho, hihi18:18
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, I filed bug #1384361 if you have any comment on the issue (I mentioned to Olivier who said to file it)18:22
ubot5bug 1384361 in webbrowser-app "Clicking on google "intent" url leads to error pages" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138436118:22
desrtlarsu: can you jhbuild mir for me?18:30
desrtbut wait!18:30
desrtur1 predicts apple's next product line: vaporisers for weed18:32
larsudesrt: sure.18:33
larsudesrt: do I need to update the modulesets or something?18:33
desrtlarsu: this is a patch against the git master version of jhbuild today18:33
desrtlarsu: i want to know what happens with examples/progressbar.c18:34
desrtthe __USE_BSD in there is questionable18:34
larsuit wants a bunch of system pkgs :/18:34
desrtapt-get build-dep mir should help :)18:34
Sweet5hark1qengho: ping?18:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks. I commented on it ;)18:51
chrisccoulsonand assigned it to you :P18:52
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks18:52
seb128chrisccoulson, I saw what you did with that naming email!18:52
seb128you troll18:52
seb128it's not even friday yet ;-)18:52
chrisccoulsonEvery day is appropriate for trolling18:53
Sweet5hark1qengho: reeeping!19:11
Sweet5hark1thank God its Trollday!19:11
robert_ancellseb128, yo19:29
robert_ancellwillcooke, now I know what you meant about the weird inter-terminal transfers at Dulles19:30
willcookerobert_ancell, ha!  Bad luck19:30
willcookerobert_ancell, welcome to 198019:30
robert_ancell80s sci-fi movie!19:30
robert_ancellI like the fins on the top of them19:30
=== JanC is now known as Guest53977
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128mterry, hey20:11
seb128mterry, what .qml has the pam password entry ui?20:11
mterryseb128, /usr/share/unity8/Components/*Lockscreen*20:12
seb128mterry, thanks20:12
Laneylarsu: why?20:19
larsuLaney: -1 lame20:19
larsu-1 sad20:19
larsu+2 has-feelings20:19
seb128-1 is only a desktop20:20
kenvandineseb128, do you by chance have a copy of an old version of a google calendar click?20:34
seb128kenvandine, no, but popey sure has?20:36
seb128kenvandine, people.canonical.com/~alan/clicks/2014-06-04-100001/com.ubuntu.developer.webapps.webapp-googlecalendar_1.0.1_all.click20:37
kenvandineseb128, no... he trusted his mirror to btrfs20:37
kenvandinehe has two mirrors!20:37
seb128or is that the current?20:37
kenvandinethat's old20:37
willcookehappyaron, FJKong - are you free?  can you come downstairs to Las Vegas?20:38
seb128mterry, it seems to not use those files?!20:49
mterryseb128, who doesn't?20:49
seb128unity8's lock screen on desktop20:50
seb128I did vi away without seeing any result :/20:50
seb128mterry, tried to edit /usr/share/unity8/Components/PassphraseLockscreen.qml20:52
mterryseb128, ...  I don't know where else it would get a passphrase screen20:53
seb128mterry, Lockscreen.qml hits the20:54
seb128if (resetting || !root.required) {20:54
seb128return ""20:54
seb128in the Loader20:54
larsudesrt: why does jhbuild insist on building glib 2.42?20:57

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