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nudtrobert | beuno: hi, i'am from ubuntu kylin team and reached you via seb128. We deployed canonical-identity-provider for Ubuntu Kylin and there are some problem www-oops reported. I have send a mail attached the www-oops log. If you could have a look? | 03:02 |
mgedmin | does anyone know which package contains the translation for the syslinux boot menu (http://i.imgur.com/gSMVrYk.png) ? | 07:06 |
LocutusOfBorg1 | hi Laney I forgot to ask a sync :/ virtualbox related | 07:24 |
LocutusOfBorg1 | it is kbuild, fixing an RC bug, one line change | 07:24 |
LocutusOfBorg1 | http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-virtualbox/kbuild.git/commit/?id=0437af2183faedf5b9b065bc0910242afba1e53e | 07:24 |
LocutusOfBorg1 | with never kernels rebuilding virtualbox fails because of the error threated as "fatal" | 07:25 |
LocutusOfBorg1 | bug 1384075 | 07:26 |
ubottu | bug 1384075 in kbuild (Ubuntu) "Sync kbuild 1:0.1.9998svn2695+dfsg-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1384075 | 07:26 |
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_nedR | guys.. Could someone shed light on why https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1170647 is not yet fixed? | 11:08 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1170647 in Unity "After minimizing an external media, clicking on the "Files" icon on the Launcher doesn't restore the minimized window, but opens a new one" [High,Triaged] | 11:08 |
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cjwatson | mgedmin: gfxboot-theme-ubuntu | 11:33 |
mgedmin | cjwatson, thanks! | 11:35 |
mgedmin | only none of the translatable messages in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu mention Ubuntu GNOME. hm. | 11:36 |
cjwatson | Oh err it's possible that I forgot to add that :-/ | 11:36 |
cjwatson | Too late now for utopic unfortunately - no way we'd get any reasonable number of translations even if I added it right now. Could you file a bug to remind us not to screw this up for vivid? | 11:37 |
mgedmin | pull-lp-source gfxboot-theme-ubuntu utopic && cd gfxboot-theme-ubuntu-0.17.0 && grep -R 'Ubuntu GNOME' . -> no matches | 11:37 |
mgedmin | sure, I can file a bug | 11:37 |
mgedmin | I don't mind this getting fixed for 15.04 | 11:38 |
cjwatson | Yeah, unfortunately we have to do this for each flavour because they're inflected differently in some languages | 11:38 |
cjwatson | (For an inaccurate analogy, think "an Ubuntu image" vs. "a Kubuntu image") | 11:38 |
cjwatson | And then there are the languages that transliterate the flavour names | 11:39 |
* mgedmin wants a large disk and the sources of all the ubuntu packages, for recursive greps | 11:39 | |
geser | something like http://codesearch.debian.net/ and http://sources.debian.net/ but for Ubuntu would be nice, but it doesn't exist AFAIK | 11:53 |
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beuno | nudtrobert, hi. So, my understanding is that deploying more SSO's is not something we'd want. I'd refer you to willcooke for that. | 12:37 |
nudtrobert | beuno, hi. we have talked about sso deployment in Auguest's Canonical-UbuntuKylin meeting | 12:39 |
nudtrobert | willcooke, hi, we, ubuntu kylin team, meet some problem in deploying canonical-identity-provider. if you could off some help to check the www-oops log? | 12:42 |
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ogra_ | barry, did you try to OTA a phonne today ? | 12:51 |
ogra_ | seems we all have issues | 12:52 |
barry | ogra_: i have not. could be problems with server? | 12:52 |
ogra_ | yeah | 12:52 |
ogra_ | i wonder if the proxy was put in place | 12:53 |
barry | ogra_: direct hits to system-image.ubuntu.com work. can you get a shell on your phone? | 12:53 |
barry | ogra_: i'll be right back. gonna go grab my phone | 12:54 |
barry | ogra_: very well could be the proxy. i'm getting a 404 on https://system-image.ubuntu.com/channels.json | 13:03 |
ogra_ | ah | 13:04 |
ogra_ | barry, hmm, i dont | 13:04 |
barry | ogra_: get a shell and do: system-image-cli --dry-run -vv | 13:04 |
barry | oh, hang on | 13:04 |
stgraber | ogra_: so IS is mirroring http but not https so if they two are out of sync you can expect a bunch of 404s | 13:05 |
stgraber | herb: any chance you can configure the system-image mirror to proxy things back to the original server when hitting 404 (I can probably dig the apache config to do that if that helps)? | 13:06 |
barry | ogra_: http://system-image.ubuntu.com/pool/ubuntu-e89654df318eb90327c644de47bbc4d752ff1a7547c0f5c49020ff0a15eaf10f.delta-ubuntu-f9096ef452d353fcdcd08220b83c907a3200bce9f2e26dee17653f914dc583d8.tar.xz:NETWORK ERROR | 13:06 |
barry | stgraber: ^^ http url gets a network error from udm | 13:07 |
stgraber | barry: right, which is to be expected if the mirror is out of sync | 13:08 |
barry | stgraber: ack | 13:08 |
beuno | nudtrobert, I understand. You should talk to him to figure this out | 13:10 |
stgraber | herb: something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/8627643/ should do the trick (completely untested) | 13:10 |
herb | stgraber: I'd rather not try that right now. I'll give it a whirl around lunch time though if that's already | 13:21 |
* herb would rather not break things while people are working | 13:22 | |
stgraber | herb: ok, in the mean time, can you increase the sync frequency? | 13:29 |
herb | stgraber: it's running continuously | 13:30 |
herb | so... not really? | 13:30 |
stgraber | hmm, ok :) | 13:31 |
herb | I think I sleep it for 5 minutes between runs | 13:31 |
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herb | just so we aren't hammering the origin | 13:32 |
stgraber | ok, seems odd that people are still hitting the 404s somehow | 13:34 |
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herb | hmm. rsync was erroring out. I'm running a sync now manuall | 13:39 |
herb | y | 13:39 |
herb | I'll debug it after that finishes | 13:39 |
doko | rsalveti, can you get rid off the openjdk-6 b-d in gcc-i686-linux-android ? xnox already removed that for the arm toolchain | 13:44 |
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doko | make[1]: Entering directory '/scratch/packages/tmp/gcc-arm-linux-androideabi-0.20130705.1/android' | 14:04 |
doko | build/core/main.mk:45: ******************************************************************************** | 14:04 |
doko | build/core/main.mk:46: * You are using version 4.0 of make. | 14:04 |
doko | build/core/main.mk:47: * Android can only be built by versions 3.81 and 3.82. | 14:04 |
doko | build/core/main.mk:48: * see https://source.android.com/source/download.html | 14:04 |
doko | build/core/main.mk:49: ******************************************************************************** | 14:04 |
doko | build/core/main.mk:50: *** stopping. Stop. | 14:04 |
doko | xnox, rsalveti: ^^^ \o/ | 14:04 |
rsalveti | doko: we have a path for that in our repo | 14:14 |
rsalveti | need to find it though, on a meeting now unfortunately | 14:15 |
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bdrung_work | cjwatson, ping | 14:31 |
cjwatson | bdrung_work: ? | 14:32 |
bdrung_work | i want to talk about your change in netcfg 1.21ubuntu2 | 14:32 |
cjwatson | Er the chances of me remembering anything about the context of that now are basically nil | 14:32 |
cjwatson | It was eight and a half years ago | 14:32 |
bdrung_work | cjwatson, can it be that this was a workaround for bug #1307429? | 14:34 |
ubottu | bug 1307429 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Trusty) "Existing allow-hotplug devices do not come up" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1307429 | 14:34 |
bdrung_work | cjwatson, specifying allow-hotplug works now as expected. | 14:35 |
cjwatson | I'm afraid I have no idea whatsoever | 14:35 |
cjwatson | If you want to propose a change there then I'd suggest talking with stgraber to make sure it's globally sensible | 14:35 |
bdrung_work | cjwatson, what do you mean with 'globally sensible'? | 14:36 |
stgraber | I'm assuming he means that allow-hotplug is globally supported, which it isn't at the moment | 14:36 |
cjwatson | no unexpected results in weird places in the stack that I don't know about | 14:36 |
stgraber | ifupdown does indeed support it now thanks to your change last cycle, but not all of the ifupdown hooks do support it | 14:37 |
stgraber | we've got a bunch of udev and ifupdown hooks that I believe still call ifquery and only care about auto | 14:37 |
bdrung_work | stgraber, do you know which ones? | 14:42 |
ogra_ | herb, hmm, does that mean nobody can work until lunch ? (we all need to upgrade our phones to be on the latest images etc) | 14:45 |
ogra_ | herb, oh, ignore me, seems my phone now upgrades fine | 14:47 |
ogra_ | (thanks !!!) | 14:47 |
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stgraber | bdrung_work: my guess would be at least bridge-utils and vlan, possibly ifenslave too | 15:39 |
cjwatson | mvo: can you have a look at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntustudio/+build/9479 and see if you can puzzle it out? looks like an apt ordering bug, maybe, terrible time to hit one though | 15:52 |
cjwatson | I couldn't reproduce it locally (I was only driving lb directly rather than from a full launchpad-buildd setup though) | 15:52 |
mvo | cjwatson: indeed, that looks nasty | 16:03 |
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smoser | anyone else see compiz (i think) lock ups in utopic ? basically i'm using system fine, and then screen freezes. mouse moves, and even changes icon per content under it (ie, mouseover alink in firefox). | 16:50 |
smoser | when this happens i end up rebooting. | 16:52 |
smoser | kickinz1 was seeing this too. | 16:52 |
smoser | i'm not sure if its kernel or compiz. | 16:54 |
smoser | well, i opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1384342 . i'm not sure if that is separate bugs or the same. | 17:05 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1384342 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel messages intel_crtc_wait_for_pending_flips correlate to compiz hang" [Undecided,New] | 17:05 |
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slangasek | xnox: either you're trolling or you should ++verbose | 17:53 |
sarnold_ | gaughen: tada! :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-pysnmp4/+bug/1349868 | 18:47 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1349868 in python-pysnmp4-apps (Ubuntu) "[MIR] new build dependencies for ceilometer" [Undecided,New] | 18:47 |
maniaque | does anyone know about tzdata update of Ubuntu Server LTS? it was proposed at 17th | 19:31 |
mdeslaur | infinity: ^ | 19:34 |
rsalveti | doko: the patch for that failure: https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=aosp/platform/build.git;a=commitdiff;h=11c351df78fc05ac5a1c73153070901a1862106a;hp=35f35300cd920cfa438ecc0a8ef715dc9862e68c | 20:01 |
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infinity | mdeslaur: I'll test and promote those this afternoon. Sorry, been distracted by the release. | 20:17 |
mdeslaur | infinity: don't apologize to me, my timezone isn't changing :) | 20:18 |
pitti | cjwatson: for ssh's -o ControlMaster=auto and -o ControlPath=$path, is there any way I can tell the ssh multiplexer process to quit, or find out its pid to SIGTERM it? | 20:34 |
pitti | cjwatson: I can do the equivalent of ps ux|grep ssh.*$path, but that's a bit ugly | 20:35 |
pitti | cjwatson: I need it as it has the same stderr as adt-run, which causes a long hang on cleanup | 20:36 |
mlankhorst | pgrep ;-) | 20:43 |
mlankhorst | or grab the pid after forking | 20:44 |
pitti | I was hoping for someting slightly more elegant/robust, like sending a command to the socket or a pid file or so | 20:44 |
pitti | mlankhorst: that fork is under ssh's control, not mine | 20:45 |
geofft | pitti: ssh -O exit | 20:47 |
pitti | geofft: ooooh! just what I was looking for, thanks! | 20:47 |
pitti | cjwatson: unping | 20:47 |
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cjwatson | geofft: thanks for finding that for pitti before I saw it :) | 21:12 |
pitti | working like a charm indeed \o/ | 21:12 |
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doko | rsalveti, fixed | 21:30 |
rsalveti | doko: great | 21:32 |
smoser | anyone want to look at my console log collection of amd64 "works" and ppc64el "does not work". | 21:36 |
smoser | something is different between | 21:36 |
smoser | amd64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8632475/ | 21:36 |
smoser | ppc64el: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8632478/ | 21:36 |
smoser | for some reason ppc64el mountall never says: mounting event sent for / | 21:37 |
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doko | jamespage, can you subscribe your team for the ceilometer deps? | 21:39 |
smoser | slangasek, ^ i know your busy, but as 'mountall' is involved, you're who i bother. | 21:41 |
smoser | i can get similar logs with '--verbose' on console. | 21:42 |
slangasek | smoser: did you work out what the 13th virtual filesystem is that hasn't successfully mounted? | 21:50 |
slangasek | smoser: virtual filesystems are mounted first before local filesystems are attempted (because fsck); so that's where it's getting stuck | 21:51 |
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nemo | Hey folks. I ran into a pretty nasty crash, and wanted to show the devs the stack trace | 22:17 |
nemo | is there any way to copy it out of apport ? | 22:18 |
nemo | erm. that is what the ubuntu crash manager gui is called right? | 22:18 |
* nemo checks process list to be sure | 22:18 | |
nemo | apport-gtk looks like | 22:18 |
nemo | there's a nice tree structure, but can't seem to ctrl-c to copy the stack trace, and there's no export as text option or anything as far as I can see | 22:18 |
nemo | aaand no likely looking files in /tmp | 22:19 |
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cjwatson | pitti: Why does language-pack-af depend on language-pack-an-base? | 22:32 |
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