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mvogel | I'm using a nexus 4 and my snap decision notification does not look some of the videos I have seen. No translucent backgrounds, flat color buttons, etc. Anybody know what might be going on? | 01:19 |
mvogel | look as nice as ^ | 01:20 |
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staticshock007 | hello | 04:41 |
staticshock007 | has anyone here successfully flashed ubuntu touch on a galaxy note 3? | 04:41 |
lotuspsychje | !devices | 04:43 |
ubot5 | You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 04:43 |
lotuspsychje | staticshock007: you can try the XDA forums for other devies | 04:44 |
staticshock007 | ok | 04:45 |
jar_of_beans | is it ubuntu-touch just for a few devices? | 05:29 |
lotuspsychje | !devices | 05:30 |
ubot5 | You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 05:30 |
lotuspsychje | jar_of_beans: for now yes mostly nexus | 05:30 |
lotuspsychje | jar_of_beans: but 2 phone brand comming this fall with ubuntu touch | 05:30 |
lotuspsychje | and developers are working hard on the RTM version | 05:30 |
jar_of_beans | is it ubuntu-touch for a few devices only? what is the actual version? | 06:42 |
nhaines | jar_of_beans: you already asked that and received an answer. | 06:50 |
nhaines | It unfortunately hasn't changed in the last 20 minutes. :) | 06:50 |
jar_of_beans | im sorrybbut ihha to leave before i got the answer. could you paste it? | 06:51 |
jar_of_beans | * i had to | 06:53 |
vitimiti | Hi | 08:24 |
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jgdx | nhaines, you can use !devices | nhaines | 12:12 |
gcollura | how can I make ContentHub work on desktop? | 12:15 |
jgdx | gcollura, for development? | 12:16 |
gcollura | jgdx, yep | 12:17 |
jgdx | gcollura, did you start $ content-hub-service # ? | 12:21 |
gcollura | jgdx, it fails to run | 12:24 |
jgdx | gcollura, $ CONTENT_HUB_LOGGING_LEVEL=2 content-hub-service | 12:25 |
jgdx | see if you can figure out why | 12:25 |
jgdx | or just paste the output | 12:25 |
gcollura | ** (process:32703): WARNING **: Unable to get manifest for 'com.ubuntu.gallery' package: com.ubuntu.gallery does[2/3239] | 12:26 |
gcollura | st in any database for user random [1/3239] | 12:26 |
gcollura | ** (process:32703): CRITICAL **: manifest_version: assertion '*manifest != NULL' failed | 12:26 |
gcollura | ** (process:32703): CRITICAL **: ubuntu_app_launch_triplet_to_app_id: assertion 'version != NULL' failed | 12:26 |
jgdx | (let's use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ) | 12:26 |
jgdx | gcollura, those are determined to be spurious by QA. Does the process die or is it running? | 12:29 |
gcollura | it fails to register the service "com.ubuntu.content.dbus.Service" | 12:30 |
jgdx | gcollura, that does not answer my question, though | 12:30 |
gcollura | from htop it seems to be running actually | 12:31 |
jgdx | gcollura, right, so ignore those errors for now. What are you trying to do with content hub? | 12:32 |
gcollura | jgdx, testing my app when it needs to load images from the gallery and camera through contenthub. I can use my phone to test it, I was just wondering if I can from desktop | 12:34 |
gcollura | (I remember it used to work some time ago) | 12:35 |
jgdx | gcollura, I know you can get images from the gallery on unity7, but you need to 1) run the click app 2) give it an ID | 12:35 |
jgdx | so I run my built click app from the gallery-app source like this $ APP_ID=com.ubuntu.gallery_gallery_2.9.1.997 ./gallery-app | 12:37 |
gcollura | jgdx, it just that when I load ContentPeerPicker, the gallery is unavailable | 12:42 |
jgdx | gcollura, anything in the log? | 12:47 |
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gcollura | jgdx, from my app log, no errors | 12:52 |
jgdx | gcollura, gallery-app is running? | 12:56 |
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gcollura | jgdx, yes is running | 13:05 |
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Joseph | hi, anyone using utouch on Nexus5 ? | 15:16 |
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spanky | What do I put when it ask for ubuntu login | 16:00 |
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dobey | spanky: where exactly? | 16:08 |
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dholbach | jdstrand: meet rschroll - rschroll: meat jdstrand :) | 17:52 |
mterry | tedg, do you know much about location service? | 17:52 |
jdstrand | rschroll: hello again :) | 17:52 |
rschroll | jdstrand: howdy! Any question, or just saying hi? | 17:52 |
jdstrand | rschroll: just wanted to let you know I am talking with mandel about the bug and working on it | 17:53 |
rschroll | Great! Let me know if I can help. | 17:54 |
jdstrand | rschroll: actually, you can | 17:59 |
jdstrand | rschroll: can you add this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8630479/ | 18:00 |
jdstrand | rschroll: to /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/click_com.ubuntu.developer.rschroll.beru_beru_0.9.8 before the final '}' | 18:00 |
jdstrand | rschroll: after you do so, please do: 'sudo apparmor_parser -r /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/click_com.ubuntu.developer.rschroll.beru_beru_0.9.8' then try again | 18:01 |
jimmy__ | Hi there! | 18:11 |
jimmy__ | I'm looking for news about the ubuntu phone :) do you know anything special besides it might be available in december? and might be a meizu mx4 ? | 18:13 |
popey | jimmy__: we're working on it. | 18:13 |
popey | jimmy__: mx4 isn't the first phone, no | 18:13 |
jimmy__ | I know you guys are working on it and I'm realy looking forward to it, you already did a great job on ubuntu itself! :) | 18:16 |
jimmy__ | So, thanks btw., I'm on Ubuntu since 6.04 i guess! | 18:16 |
jimmy__ | popey, so, the mx 4 won't be the first phone? are there any information you can share about the device(s)? | 18:17 |
ramio | will those phones be available worldwide or for just some countirs ? | 18:21 |
rschroll | jdstrand: That does it! Thanks. | 18:29 |
jdstrand | rschroll: great, thanks! | 18:30 |
popey | jimmy__: not really anything other than what we've said already - BQ & Meizu are first partners | 18:32 |
mterry | larsu, why doesn't indicator-location listen for updateState requests, but only "activated" requests? | 18:38 |
larsu | mterry: I don't know anything about this indicator | 18:40 |
mterry | larsu, bummer | 18:40 |
larsu | mterry: which action are you talking about? | 18:40 |
mterry | location-detection-enabled and gps-detection-enabled | 18:41 |
larsu | mterry: charles might be able to help | 18:41 |
larsu | mterry: they should honor updateState there as well. it's a bug | 18:42 |
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jimmy__ | popey, ok, thanks for your answer, I'm looking forward to december, I love the idea of using my phone in full desktop mode! :) | 18:49 |
rschroll | jdstrand and/or mandel: Can I bug one or both of you with questions about the DownloadManager? | 19:03 |
mandel | rschroll, bug me, jdstrand brain cycles are more important ;) | 19:03 |
taiebot | rschroll: Sorry just join the chat. Do you know that beru do not start any more on the device. | 19:05 |
jdstrand | hehe :) | 19:06 |
jdstrand | I don't know about *that*, but mandel's brain cycles are more tuned to udm :) | 19:06 |
rschroll | taiebot: Yeah, it's broken in the name of progress. | 19:06 |
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rschroll | mandel: Should I come find you, or do you want to find me? | 19:07 |
taiebot | rschroll: good to know that you are aware of it. | 19:09 |
mandel | rschroll, coffee table infront of ricks room? | 19:09 |
rschroll | which room is that? | 19:09 |
rschroll | mandel: Found it. Out here with a green shirt and too much hair | 19:15 |
mandel | rschroll, lets meet at the elevators and we walk from there to grab a coke ;) | 19:15 |
rschroll | mandel ok | 19:16 |
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rschroll | mandel: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/11.epub.noimages?session_id=f5e86ca4851e170ddff0965a4b0f164577932ed6 | 19:57 |
daker | rschroll: glad you were able to attend the sprint ;) | 19:58 |
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JamesTait | Anyone know if it's possible to forward a TCP port on my device to my laptop over USB (via adb or something)? | 20:54 |
JamesTait | I'm on a wireless network that isn't forwarding connections between wireless devices, and I want to connect to a socket on my laptop. | 20:54 |
daker | JamesTait: https://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html#forwardports | 20:56 |
daker | JamesTait: adb forward tcp:<PC port> tcp:<device port> i guess | 20:56 |
afm | local wireless networks don't forwards ports.. less you have a reason to change internally | 20:57 |
JamesTait | daker, right - I can set up port forwarding from my laptop to my device (that's how phablet-shell works), but I want to do it the other way around, so connections to a local port on the device get forwarded to a port on my laptop. | 20:57 |
JamesTait | afm, right - I've got used to (spoiled by :-P) my own network at home. :) | 20:58 |
JamesTait | So I think I might just have to replicate what phablet-shell does, but add the ssh port forwarding myself. | 21:02 |
JamesTait | Oh well. | 21:02 |
afm | why do you need to go the reverse way? phone to laptop? curious | 21:02 |
afm | i hate answering a question with a question.... | 21:03 |
afm | i dont have touch working yet... can't seem to get help porting :P | 21:03 |
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JamesTait | Bingo. | 21:06 |
JamesTait | afm, I'm working on a new updates service (i.e. what the updates panel in System Settings talks to to see if you have software updates available) and I want to check it works with an actual device. | 21:07 |
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JamesTait | So `adb forward tcp:2222 tcp:22; ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -R 8000: -p 2222 phablet@localhost` sets up the remote port forward, and then `initctl set-env URL_APPS=` makes system settings talk to the forwarded port on the device. | 21:09 |
daker | JamesTait: nice :) | 21:13 |
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genii | Will there be an Ubuntu Touch release to coincide with the regular Ubuntu release tomorrow? | 21:39 |
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ogra_ | genii, no | 21:40 |
genii | ogra_: OK, thanks | 21:40 |
ogra_ | in ubuntu touch is rolling | 21:40 |
ogra_ | the actual release will happen from ubuntu-rtm, not from ubuntu | 21:41 |
mardy | kenvandine: we should use tonight's hackfest to find out why qDebug() doesn't work in system-settings ;-) | 21:42 |
kenvandine | mardy, that doesn't sound like fun :) | 21:42 |
mardy | kenvandine: wait until you try it ;-) | 21:43 |
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vitimiti | Hi | 22:22 |
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