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mterry | lpotter, did you ever get sorted with testing u8 on your device? | 12:24 |
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tedg | Saviq, Is there instructions on how to build qtmir in a silo? /me forgot again. | 12:50 |
tedg | Messing up the twin, rebuild, etc. | 12:50 |
Saviq | tedg, first, build with IGNORE_MISSING_TWINS | 12:54 |
Saviq | tedg, then prep an MP of lp:~mir-team/qtmir/gles-sync with the version and silo number updated, like so: https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/gles-sync/+merge/238123 | 12:55 |
Saviq | tedg, add that to the silo, build qtmir-gles alone | 12:56 |
tedg | Hmm, okay. Seems the twins build is missing a version. | 12:57 |
tedg | Saviq, It seems there's extra revisions that are in https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/rtm-14.09 that aren't in trunk. | 12:58 |
tedg | (releases) | 12:58 |
tedg | Saviq, Should I merge rtm-14.09 into my branch and land onto there? | 12:59 |
Saviq | tedg, right, we need to resolve that | 13:03 |
tedg | Saviq, So, do you want me to do that? Or are you going to? | 13:05 |
Saviq | tedg, we will, need to grok what exactly needs to happen | 13:07 |
tedg | Saviq, Sure, do you want to use my silo? I've got rtm silo 2 to try and land a qtmir branch. | 13:09 |
Saviq | tedg, I think I could use mine for unity8, just can't take care of this right now, will have some free time around 10 | 13:10 |
tedg | Saviq, K, works for me. Also can you add this to your U8 silo? https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/unity8/dash-oom-score/+merge/238888 | 13:11 |
Saviq | tedg, already done, it's WiP still, though | 13:12 |
Saviq | tedg, that's safe to land without your qtmir branch anyway, right? | 13:12 |
tedg | Saviq, Correct, let me change the status. | 13:13 |
tedg | Saviq, It'll set the value and qtmir will change it today. | 13:13 |
Saviq | mzanetti, bug #1383782 is a dupe... but guess what, can't find it :P | 13:21 |
ubot5 | bug 1383782 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[greeter] on n10 swiping from right to left before typing the password/pin opens application spread" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1383782 | 13:21 |
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paulliu | kgunn: Do we have a similar page for unity8. https://unity.ubuntu.com/contact-us/ | 14:13 |
paulliu | kgunn: this page seems to majorly for unity7. | 14:14 |
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liuxg | pete-woods, ping | 14:30 |
pete-woods | liuxg: hi | 14:30 |
liuxg | pete-woods, are you available now? | 14:30 |
pete-woods | liuxg: yes, sure | 14:30 |
liuxg | pete-woods, OK. thanks. which room? | 14:31 |
pete-woods | liuxg: dallas | 14:31 |
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dandrader | dednick, Saviq do we still want this as we should be targetting only trunk nowadays? https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/edges-demo-indicator-improvements/+merge/238698 | 16:05 |
dednick | dandrader, Saviq: deleted | 16:06 |
tsdgeos | larsu: can you write in https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/unity8/stop-using-statusicon/+merge/234502 the required branch for it to work? | 16:13 |
larsu | tsdgeos: sure | 16:14 |
tsdgeos | larsu: description if possible | 16:14 |
larsu | tsdgeos: of what? The branch has commit messges and an MR with some discussion | 16:15 |
tsdgeos | larsu: i meant in the descirption of the MR :D | 16:18 |
tsdgeos | i shall be more verbose | 16:18 |
tsdgeos | larsu: i'll put it there | 16:18 |
larsu | tsdgeos: oh, ok :) | 16:18 |
tsdgeos | larsu: actually to be bureaucrazy proper you should put https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/Checklists/Unity8 into your description | 16:19 |
larsu | tsdgeos: rather, I should stop MRing stuff to unity8 and let you guys deal with breakages from the toolkit :P | 16:22 |
larsu | too much process over here | 16:22 |
tsdgeos | larsu: i'm not the bureaucrazy guy | 16:22 |
tsdgeos | tell Saviq ;) | 16:22 |
tsdgeos | larsu: besides the toolkit should just not break | 16:23 |
tsdgeos | we're supposed to have third party people using it ;) | 16:23 |
larsu | tsdgeos: this was a change Saviq requested... | 16:23 |
tsdgeos | sure sure | 16:23 |
tsdgeos | that's fine | 16:23 |
larsu | and we're still in the unstable phase, no? | 16:23 |
tsdgeos | for a few days more, yep | 16:23 |
larsu | ah, rght :) | 16:24 |
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mzanetti | Saviq: ok... issue: using urihandler focuses the app immediately | 18:15 |
mzanetti | Saviq: but we need to switch it to the scope behind the other app, without switching | 18:15 |
mzanetti | I'm afraid we can't get rid of DashCommunicator | 18:16 |
mzanetti | tedg: or is there a way to dispatch something with urihandler without actually focusing the app? ^^ | 18:17 |
mzanetti | tsdgeos: I guess this is it then, at least for now https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/setCurrentScope-index/+merge/239268 | 18:52 |
* tsdgeos reads | 18:54 | |
tsdgeos | Wellark: so were are we having that hud event? :D | 19:17 |
tsdgeos | Cimi: ping | 19:22 |
lpotter | mterry: no, still stuck with the equivs package missing | 19:31 |
mterry | lpotter, it will be forever missing | 19:37 |
lpotter | ok | 19:37 |
mterry | lpotter, I recommend just building on device | 19:37 |
lpotter | that's what I am trying to do, but ./build.sh -s needs equivs package :) | 19:41 |
lpotter | that also misses lcov and gconvr seems to not be there as well | 19:43 |
lpotter | gcovr | 19:44 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/remove_unused_end/+merge/239294 | 20:06 |
Saviq | mterry, fun times 1384419 | 21:06 |
Saviq | bug #1384419 | 21:06 |
ubot5 | bug 1384419 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "com.canonical.UnityGreeter.HideGreeter defeats password requirement" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1384419 | 21:06 |
mterry | Saviq, that's... by design? | 21:06 |
Saviq | mterry, yeah, I know | 21:06 |
mterry | Saviq, do we care about that bug? | 21:07 |
seb128 | greyback, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8632284/ | 21:08 |
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greyback | seb128: hmm, it's blocked on trying to create a dbus connection :( | 21:37 |
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seb128 | greyback, does that make any sense to you? | 21:46 |
greyback | seb128: I've seen it a few times unfortunately. But I've no idea why unity8-dash fails to make a connection with the dbus server. | 21:53 |
greyback | and I'm unable to reproduce it reliably | 21:53 |
seb128 | yeah, I can't either | 21:56 |
greyback | seb128: I'd need someone with dbus skills to help out with it. Do you know who would be a good person to ask? | 21:58 |
seb128 | greyback, desrt? | 21:59 |
greyback | when it happens, dbus-monitor is printing both session and system messages | 21:59 |
greyback | seb128: noted, thanks] | 21:59 |
seb128 | greyback, desrt guess "code trying to access the same dbus connection from more that 1 thread" | 22:02 |
seb128 | greyback, but he seems tired and doesn't want to think more about it today | 22:03 |
seb128 | greyback, I can try to ping him again tomorrow | 22:03 |
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