
cmaloneyYeah, I use w3m on occasion01:16
rick_h_anyone have a fav apache2 redirect rule tool01:17
cmaloneyother than trial and error, no01:18
mrgoodcatrick_h_: redirect or rewrite?02:12
rick_h_mrgoodcat: rewrite, either really.02:13
rick_h_I think I'm close, will have to play with it some tomorrow02:13
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/p6Efb - Apache Rewrite Cheatsheet | BorkWeb02:15
mrgoodcatthe bookmark i have02:15
mrgoodcatis there a list of people who develop silverlight websites so I can figure out who to kill when I finally snap?02:54
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/Ih5sof - Atlas05:16
greg-gfuck yeah05:16
greg-gjust started up tonight05:16
mrgoodcatgreg-g: is that a wikimedia run tor exit node?05:38
mrgoodcatthats cool. need more organizationally run exit nodes. better hardware/speed/reliability/etc12:25
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/mTczNV - Raspberry Pi Founder Shows Off Incoming Touch Panel For Making DIY ‘Pi Pads’ | TechCrunch12:29
rick_h_the good part can be debated for a while14:19
mrgoodcatfinally found time to make a working implementation of a yubikey otp authenticator14:45
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/hBCh5q - dyladan/yubikey · GitHub14:45
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I'd <3 a README.md that explains what that code does. ;)15:32
greg-gmrgoodcat: not exit, relay15:41
mrgoodcatcmaloney: yea in the process of documenting it15:47
mrgoodcatalso library-ifying it15:47
mrgoodcatmaking it so you can decrypt and parse keys separately and read the data from the decoded token15:48
mrgoodcatclient.py has the most basic usage of it but if you want to know how it works you have to ready yubikey/__init__.py and yubikey/util.py15:48
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/nbrpwe - The Game Of Go - Minecraft Implementation of a board for Go (Weiqi, Baduk) - YouTube16:37
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/KFRNC4 - Taylor Swift tops iTunes with 8 seconds of white noise that costs $1.29 | News | Geek.com16:45
brouschcmaloney: Funny. I was just thinking about making a minecraft Go board last night17:10
mrgoodcatanybody have inbox invites?17:11
brouschHave wat?17:12
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/vP2t8L - Official Google Blog: An inbox that works for you17:15
brouschI turned off all the extra crap in gmail17:16
brouschEasier to scroll through new message and deal with them17:16
mrgoodcati turned off the multiple inboxes thing too17:17
mrgoodcati just want to see inbox17:17
brouschHehe, you let me make pretty much the smallest 2 eyed thing possible17:18
mrgoodcatyea i can see that... i'm still not sure how you were able to do that without me stopping it17:21
brouschThere were many chances, but you didn't see what my goal was so you took more reasonable moves17:23
mrgoodcatyea i didnt even notice what you were doing until it was too late17:25
mrgoodcatmove 90 was where i figured out i couln't stop you17:26
brouschSounds right17:26
brouschOne of my random opponents did it to me. I think the tell-tale sign of it is the 2 rows of 2 parallel to a wall17:28
brouschcmaloney: I'm really curious to see if you can preserve and finish that eye before I kill it. It will be a good fight17:48
brouschActually f9 or f7 or j7 will get you the second eye. So many choices!17:53
mrgoodcatcmaloney: updated readme on https://github.com/dyladan/yubikey18:22
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/hBCh5q - dyladan/yubikey · GitHub18:22
cmaloneymrgoodcat: tx18:48
cmaloneybrousch: Yeah. ;)18:49
rick_h_reminder CHC tonight18:49
mrgoodcatcmaloney: if you actually read it let me know what you think18:49
mrgoodcatif you find an obvious mistake or anything like that18:49
rick_h_see rick spike his coffee and dance on coffee tables18:50
mrgoodcati'm pretty excited about being able to use my yubikey for local non-internet applications tho18:50
mrgoodcatlike the pi18:50
mrgoodcatrick_h_: i'd pay to see that. also is this week early edition?18:54
rick_h_mrgoodcat: next week18:54
cmaloneyYeah, this week is late-edition18:54
=== sharp1 is now known as akelling
mrgoodcatbrousch: this game might be over21:02
brouschup to you. i have no more attacks21:03
mrgoodcati'd like to try anyways21:04

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