
Kilosmorning all04:17
Kilosinetpro  talk to me04:59
Kilosis giving dolphin root privileges the same as using chown?04:59
Kilossafer maybe?04:59
Kiloshi Tonberry  05:00
Kiloshi bduk  05:36
bdukMore Kilos  and everyone05:36
SquirmKilos: I see you're here early today05:46
Squirmmaking up for los time on IRC05:46
Kiloslearning more about kde05:47
Kilosdolphin can give you root privileges so no need for chowning05:47
Squirmchown sets file permissions05:50
Kilosya and now dolphin can do it for you05:51
Squirmyou still want your files to be owned by you...05:51
Kilosless typing05:51
Kiloslets say05:51
Kilosyou plugin another drive and cant do anything on it because of the permissions thing05:51
Kilosdolphin can now give you those permissions with a right click05:52
Kiloswb ThatGraemeGuy  06:27
Kilosthough you fell inna deep hole in your mine06:27
Kilosdunno why the t fell off06:31
ThatGraemeGuymorning :)06:32
ThatGraemeGuybeen off sick and still without ADSL06:33
Kilosyou better now?06:33
ThatGraemeGuystill coughing and short of breath but I'm going mad at home so I rather came to work again06:33
inetprogood morning06:52
inetproKilos: just be extremely careful!!! All I'm saying06:53
Kilosok ty inetpro  06:53
inetprotry to avoid using root privileges as far as humanly possible 06:55
Kilosyip i just used chown to other drives06:59
Kilosand sticks etc06:59
Kilosi remember the time i chowned my root stuff and the weed rewrote a lot of stuffs to keep me going07:02
Squirmand dont do a chown -R on /07:16
Kiloshehe yeah i think that was what i did somehow07:18
Kilosshame poor weed worked hard to get me going agin07:18
inetproanyone else struggling with google?07:36
inetproactually google+07:37
* inetpro getting "500. That’s an error."07:37
inetpro"There was an error. Please try again later. That’s all we know."07:37
ThatGraemeGuyi had a spreadsheet that struggled to save and I'm getting "temporarily unable to access your Contacts" as well07:38
inetproyep, contacts also broken for me07:38
somaunnhello guys07:39
somaunnhi inetpro07:39
somaunnhi Kilos07:39
somaunnHi Squirm07:39
Squirmcoffee time07:42
somaunnI'm still strugglin with kf507:42
somaunnI'm battling to install kdelibs4support-debuginfo07:42
somaunnI'm getting  this [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.07:44
Kiloshi somaunn  SilverCode  07:47
Kilossomaunn  have you disabled some mirrors?07:47
Kiloswhere is the main mirror for that os07:48
somaunnhi Kilos07:51
Kilosi see fedora have an irc channel07:52
somaunnI haven't disabled any miror07:52
somaunnall are activated and working, maybe i need to disable winff mirror for the time07:52
Kilosthey should know07:53
Kiloshi Xethron  07:53
somaunnThese folks are too fast and even talking about something else07:53
Kilosinstall ubuntu man07:54
somaunnI'm asking for help since days but nothing07:54
Kiloseven kubuntu07:54
somaunnahahahah that's strange07:54
Kiloswell im using kde so i can help a bit with it07:54
somaunnUbuntu gives me headaches remember i get that gen.xyz error that cannot be solved07:54
Kilosall the yum stuff is strange07:54
Kilosoh ya 07:55
somaunnso impossible to browse internet and network access is very slow when i install ubuntu07:55
Kilossomething funny happening there by you07:55
somaunnI just chosed to lol it07:56
Kiloswhat pc are you using? isnt something corrupt in it07:56
Kiloswe only have squirm here who is a redhat man07:57
Kiloshow is your internet connection? it seems strange that it cant find the morrors07:59
Kiloswhat does that yum upgrade command show08:00
somaunnKilos: using Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E43008:03
Kilosis the drive good?08:04
somaunnKilos: worx very well since I've decided to reinstall Fed 21 Alpha (no more getting that gen.xyz error) 08:04
Kilosis the alpha version stable?08:05
Kilosdo you have man pages on fedora?08:05
somaunnthe drive is good, u know what strange? my younger bro did installed Ubuntu 14.04 and he's battling with that error gen.xyz + slow network speed (he uses HP EliteBook 6930p)08:05
Kilosoh my08:06
Symmetriaany indication yet of when the next ubuntu release is?08:06
Kiloshope that helps Symmetria  08:07
Kilosyou can ask drussel when he comes online, he is a dev and works at canonical in the uk08:09
somaunnSymmetria: or you can google for omg ubuntu08:16
Kilosarent you happy with 14.04?08:18
somaunnKilos: please tell me is Ubuntu 14.10 released already ?08:19
ThatGraemeGuysomaunn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule08:19
Kilosi dont think so somaunn  08:19
somaunnThatGraemeGuy: thank you so much, a bit of download and try won't kill at all08:21
ThatGraemeGuyits stable for me, I generally upgrade after beta 2 i haven't had an issue in years08:21
somaunncomes with KDE 4 last version right (i mean kubuntu)08:21
* Squirm looks around08:24
Squirm'lo ThatGraemeGuy 08:24
ThatGraemeGuysomaunn: http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/kde/ - looks like 4.14.208:25
ThatGraemeGuy'lo Squirm 08:25
somaunnThatGraemeGuy: cool08:28
charlgood morning09:00
charlMaaz: coffee on09:00
* Maaz starts grinding coffee09:00
Kiloshi charl  09:02
KilosMaaz  coffee please09:02
MaazKilos: Righto09:02
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!09:04
KilosMaaz  ty09:04
MaazYou are welcome Kilos09:04
charlMaaz: thanks09:13
Maazcharl: Sure09:13
charlhi Kilos 09:13
charltomorrow new ubuntu ?09:14
charlmorning ThatGraemeGuy 09:19
ThatGraemeGuyor a few weeks ago if you're me09:19
ThatGraemeGuywireless link at the new office a littly flaky09:46
ThatGraemeGuyfibre not in yet, grr09:46
charlThatGraemeGuy: i'm also running my new laptop under 14.10 already but some things are a bit flaky12:10
charlThatGraemeGuy: for example, youtube video playback under vlc seems to be broken12:11
charlpeer got you!12:27
Kiloseish sis just had her bb, tablet and nokia stolen out of car in supposed secure parking12:43
Kiloswhat a blow12:43
Kilosi go replace door locks13:12
charlsorry to hear Kilos and not meaning to sound unsympathetic but even in europe we don't leave those things in a car13:26
charlthat's kind of on the typical list of things not to do13:27
Kilosi told her this morning to only take her cheapest cell with, but what do i know13:55
ThatGraemeGuy_Telkom have finally decided they will replace our cables14:21
ThatGraemeGuy_service restoration targeted for friday14:21
ThatGraemeGuy_thank goodness because this 3G business ain't cheap14:22
=== SDCDev is now known as shield____
=== shield____ is now known as SDCDev
inetproKilos: ?16:10
Kiloswhat a job changing locks16:14
Kiloshave you ever tried to fit a new cylinder in an old lock that they forced16:14
Kiloslocking paul forced way out of place16:23
Kilosek sukkel so i can almost say i need a drink16:23
Kiloshi Vince-0  16:27
somaunnHello guys16:46
somaunni've done some updates on my kde 5 16:46
somaunni get this error http://slexy.org/view/s2uUKjVHZL16:46
Kilosim not clued up at all somaunn  but looks like you have 2 versions of network manager installed. am i right16:49
Kiloslet one of the clever guys check it out16:50
Kiloswb bushtech  16:51
somaunnKilos: yeah you right 16:56
somaunni'm currently chatin with the mirror maintainer16:57
Kilosi go eat now17:00
somaunnsorted but still need to sort out some other stuffs17:11
Kilosgood just do one thing at a time and youll get there17:28
somaunnlook like it's sorted17:34
charlgood evening all18:19
Kiloshi charl  18:30
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:32
somaunnHello Guys21:08
somaunnbroke my SDDM after all updates so needed to reinstall everything from the beginning21:09
somaunnnow back have almost 700Meg of updates to do21:09

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