cLoCkWiSe | test | 00:00 |
cLoCkWiSe | how do you go to the next screen in 'screen' | 00:00 |
cLoCkWiSe | i am using irssi and screen | 00:00 |
ffffuuuuuuuuuuuu | hey guys, i have a dumbass problem about uninstalling openvpn, is there anyone free i can query? | 00:00 |
cLoCkWiSe | but i don't know how to go to the next room or private msg | 00:01 |
Pici | cLoCkWiSe: Those are two different questions. moving to another irssi tab can be done by typing something like /win 5 (to go to window 5) | 00:02 |
Pici | cLoCkWiSe: Going to another screen window can be done by pressing ctrl-a then by either pressing N to go to the next screen, P to go the previous one or by typing the screen number. | 00:03 |
Pici | cLoCkWiSe: Keep in mind that it is ctrl-a then you let go, then you press p or n or 2 | 00:03 |
cLoCkWiSe | awesome dude! | 00:03 |
cLoCkWiSe | thanks alot | 00:03 |
cLoCkWiSe | nice dude thanks for your helpful information | 00:03 |
Pici | np :) | 00:03 |
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LMNOP | is anyone here? | 00:22 |
JokesOnYou77 | Anyone know what just happened? Did a server go down somewhere or something? | 00:26 |
daftykins | go ask in #freenode | 00:26 |
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LMNOP | hullo? | 00:27 |
daftykins | LMNOP: ask a question... | 00:28 |
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LMNOP | anyone here or no? | 00:34 |
Sergio965 | Yes. | 00:34 |
rcampbel4 | Ubuntu 14.04 - how do I set an init script to start automatically on boot with upstart? what's the equivalent of /etc/rc3.d/S99foo in /etc/init/foo.conf ? | 00:34 |
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Sergio965 | rcampbel4: | 00:36 |
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KayTheFlower | noooooooooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 00:38 |
KayTheFlower | noooooooooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 00:39 |
Ben64 | KayTheFlower: don't do that | 00:39 |
KayTheFlower | !ops | ben64 | 00:39 |
KayTheFlower | wow these fucking ops know how to deactivate the fun | 00:39 |
trndr | KayTheFlower: and especially not that | 00:40 |
Ben64 | !op | 00:40 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 00:40 |
KayTheFlower | Ben64, see i am banned from doing | 00:40 |
KayTheFlower | that | 00:40 |
elb0w | Anyone installed ubuntu on a surface pro 3? | 00:40 |
acerspyro | I have one of those laptops with no physical keyboard LEDs, anything I can do to see it on-screen? | 00:41 |
decci | How to cache all the network DNS? | 00:41 |
KayTheFlower | fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck | 00:42 |
KayTheFlower | fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck | 00:42 |
KayTheFlower | fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck | 00:42 |
* Ben64 pokes phunyguy | 00:42 | |
phunyguy | take a little longer chanserv | 00:42 |
decci | KayTheFlower: please mute your bed time activity | 00:43 |
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acerspyro | decci: Be later than ChanServ | 00:43 |
decci | acerspyro:? | 00:45 |
acerspyro | read up | 00:45 |
decci | acerspyro: are you taking about my question | 00:46 |
acerspyro | no | 00:46 |
acerspyro | Talking about the spammer | 00:46 |
decci | acerspyro: okay..I didn't understand what do you mean when you say be later than chanServ | 00:47 |
acerspyro | read up -.- | 00:48 |
ramiro | how can I read the "empty space" in an ext2 partition? someone hacked into my server and deleted the log files. I want to search for them there | 00:48 |
Ben64 | ramiro: photorec | 00:48 |
EriC^^ | ramiro: or testdisk | 00:49 |
ProfessorKaos64 | My touchpad works on the unity bar, but when a GUI app opens, I can't drag or click | 00:49 |
ramiro | Ben64, EriC^^: these will do a full search. I just want to look at the "empty space" | 00:51 |
ramiro | the people running the box are way too dumb, so they don't know how to mount the HD as read-only in another box. currently everything I do is trashing the empty space | 00:52 |
Ben64 | ramiro: its almost impossible to find a text file that was deleted | 00:53 |
Ben64 | ramiro: time to format and reinstall | 00:53 |
decci | Last week I tried installing swat on ubuntu trusty but looks like the package is not avl | 00:54 |
EriC^^ | ramiro: you can look for the logs, select the partition and press "p" over the partition and use the right arrow to go through the filesystem as normal | 00:54 |
Ben64 | decci: what is swat? | 00:54 |
decci | Any idea how can I get samba swat installed | 00:55 |
acerspyro | Tried installing Chrome from and the software center told me the package was of bad quality... | 00:55 |
acerspyro | wat | 00:55 |
decci | Ben64: Samba Web Admin Tool | 00:55 |
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Ben64 | decci: yep, not in ubuntu. you can try to find a PPA that has it, or compile it yourself or whatever, but it isn't supported in this channel | 00:57 |
decci | Ben64: I have samba 2:4.1.6 running.Can you forward the right ppa link | 00:57 |
Ben64 | decci: i don't know of one | 00:58 |
decci | Ben64: though there is a swat page for 2:3.x,x | 00:58 |
decci | For trusty | 00:58 |
Ben64 | "SWAT is no longer actively maintained, and its default configuration is not secure for use over an untrusted network. SWAT will also rewrite smb.conf, rearranging the entries and deleting all comments as well as include= and copy= options, so is not suitable for use in conjunction with hand-edited smb.conf files or the default package-managed configuration." | 00:59 |
Ben64 | maybe it is time to learn how to edit smb.conf :D | 00:59 |
decci | Ben64: I have couple of Windows admin who still learning Linux | 01:00 |
decci | Ben64: slowly they will catch up | 01:00 |
Ben64 | decci: so teach them the proper way instead of using something that is no longer maintained | 01:00 |
decci | Ben64: okay | 01:01 |
squinty | decci: might want to check out system-config-samba which is in repo's | 01:01 |
decci | squinty: will check it | 01:02 |
acerspyro | My Radeon driver is forcing vsync, how do I prevent that? | 01:05 |
ramiro | ah, photorec can search only empty space. nice. | 01:05 |
angry75 | | 01:06 |
daftykins | angry75: no thanks | 01:08 |
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acerspyro | Noone knows how to disable vsync on radeon drivers? | 01:11 |
existensil | I have two graphics cards: AMD R9 270, nvidia GTX 750. Trying to figure out which one should go in my linux desktop and which one in my gaming (unfortunately, Windows) machine. Both should be adequate for gaming, but not sure which is better supported in linux/ubuntu. Thoughts? | 01:11 |
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existensil | The 270 seems to have OK support, but not great. Wondering if its worth the effort to install the 750. | 01:12 |
acerspyro | existensil: nvidia is better supported imo | 01:12 |
mjayk | existensil: if it works it works right typically ive found nvidia has better support but if the ati is working why bother | 01:13 |
existensil | well, minecraft framerate seems low for how powerful the 270 is | 01:14 |
existensil | so if my odds are good of exceeding my current 20-30fps with nvidia, I'll put in the effort | 01:15 |
acerspyro | existensil: minecraft is made in java | 01:15 |
acerspyro | don't expect a lot | 01:15 |
existensil | I am aware | 01:15 |
existensil | it still runs better in windows on an old 450 | 01:15 |
existensil | by a ton | 01:15 |
acerspyro | ik | 01:15 |
existensil | sounds like I should give the nvidia a try | 01:15 |
acerspyro | Anyone knows whether I should use the open-source or the Catalyst drivers? | 01:15 |
acerspyro | I'm looking for performance | 01:16 |
Avenger | i am a man of men. | 01:16 |
* Avenger opens his mouth for gimp editor | 01:16 | |
Avenger | gimp does not run on ubuntu for some reason | 01:16 |
existensil | acerspyro: performance in what? | 01:16 |
Avenger | because of a dependincy issue? | 01:16 |
acerspyro | Avenger: it does | 01:16 |
existensil | I find the open source drivers actually seem to do video a little better on this 270, but 3D the catalyst is much faster | 01:16 |
acerspyro | existensil: overall | 01:16 |
mjayk | acerspyro: for performance catalyst always work better for me depends upon the card though | 01:17 |
acerspyro | Oh, games | 01:17 |
acerspyro | mjayk: Mobility Radeon 5470 | 01:17 |
existensil | yeah, for games the catalyst appears to be a full order of magnitude faster | 01:17 |
existensil | that's for a very new card though... maybe the open source drivers have better support/performance for your older GPU | 01:18 |
acerspyro | existensil: I don't think it's that old | 01:19 |
acerspyro | Mobility Radeon HD 5470? | 01:19 |
existensil | its significantly different architecturally | 01:20 |
acerspyro | idk I get vsync and poor performance with the open drivers | 01:21 |
acerspyro | existensil: Take Red Eclipse for example | 01:26 |
acerspyro | In some angles it runs perfectly | 01:26 |
acerspyro | But on most angles, it does 10 FPS instead of the capped 60 FPS | 01:26 |
acerspyro | even on the lowest graphics setting | 01:27 |
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existensil | I really just want it to work well with minecraft :-P anything else is icing | 01:33 |
LMNOP | hullo? | 01:39 |
acerspyro | Hm, the catalyst installer is doing simply nothing | 01:42 |
acerspyro | nvm, solently done | 01:42 |
acerspyro | silently* | 01:42 |
ProfessorKaos64 | anyone that could help me find out what's going on with my touchpad on my laptop? Ubuntu 14.04, movement works, scroll and buttons do not. I found that if I use the keyboard to disable/enable the touchpad, it works again until reboot. :( | 01:44 |
LinusTorvaldII | ProfessorKaos64, is it an older model? | 01:45 |
ProfessorKaos64 | 2013 Zareason Strata, loading 14.04 after a while of other distros. It had it preinstalled, it is something odd, since a usb keyboard+touchpad doesn't work wither | 01:46 |
ProfessorKaos64 | either | 01:46 |
LinusTorvaldII | does and external mouse work? | 01:49 |
ProfessorKaos64 | don't have one unfortunatly | 01:50 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I have two keyboards with built in touchpads | 01:50 |
nabn | hi. i messed up my unity desktop when i tried to enable static application switcher in ccsm. Is there a way to reset unity to its defaults? i tried the reset to default option in ccsm, but that did not work | 01:50 |
acerspyro | existensil: hello? | 01:51 |
acerspyro | The Catalyst driver makes a HUGE difference on performance and stability | 01:52 |
LinusTorvaldII | ProfessorKaos64, longshot but...did u install the ubuntu restricted extras? ru fully upto date? | 01:53 |
Bashing-om | nabn: Try -> dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ , unity --reset-icons <- To get back the default set of Unity Launcher icons . | 01:53 |
=== Malsasa- is now known as Malsasa | ||
fernha | holi? | 01:54 |
nabn | Bashing-om, tried that. when i do that from gnome-session-fall back DE, it takes me back to unity, but the launcher, windows are all messed up. Cant move windows for instance | 01:54 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I am up to date, but not sure about restricted extras | 01:55 |
ProfessorKaos64 | My fix for now was a gsettings hack to toggle the touchpad | 01:55 |
yas | Hi | 01:55 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I do have proprietary drives / restricted enabled | 01:56 |
ProfessorKaos64 | so aggrivating, hopefully when I have more time I can attack this | 01:56 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I have to get my laptop up and runnign for Ohio Linux fest | 01:57 |
LinusTorvaldII | i guess if it were me and if i had no answers from here...the nest thing i would do dould be to run the latest linux mint thru her live and see if it doesnt all work...since it is really based on ubuntu-but with more stuff in it by default. then at least u would know what was going on. | 01:57 |
LMNOP | wut? | 01:58 |
Bashing-om | nabn: Mind ya, I do not know ,, but ya might try from the lightdm environment. Boot to grub, 'e' key -> replace "quiet splash" with "text" ; key combo clt+x to continue the boot process to a Textual terminal. Log in here .. and what results -> sudo service lightdm start <- . Try the dcong commmands again from this environment. ?? | 01:59 |
LinusTorvaldII | whoah | 01:59 |
nabn | Bashing-om, hmm.. do you think reinstalling unity would help? | 02:01 |
Bashing-om | nabn: Maybe .. Can not hurt to try .. but I have little confidence as anoth desk top is installed (Gnome ?) . Package conflicts ?? | 02:02 |
Bashing-om | anoth/another* | 02:02 |
nabn | Bashing-om, okay.. the lightdm env? how do i get to that? | 02:02 |
Talven81 | Hi, I'm just learning linux. I want to execute a java command at startup, under a certain user, prior to anyone logging in. How do I do this? | 02:04 |
Bashing-om | nabn: As above, boot to the grub boot menu, 'e' key for edit mode -> boot options screen, and replace quiet splash with the term text. ctl+x to continue the boot process. | 02:04 |
nabn | Bashing-om, this laptop had ubuntu preinstalled, and doesn't show a grub window at startup.. so i am not sure how i get to the grub menu | 02:05 |
daftykins | nabn: you hold down left-shift just before the disk is about to be read | 02:05 |
Bashing-om | nabn: When booting depress and hold the right shidt ket as soon as the bios screen clears .. IF a EFI system the escape key . | 02:06 |
Bashing-om | shidt/shift* | 02:06 |
nabn | Bashing-om, thanks. i'll try as you said. | 02:06 |
Bashing-om | nabn: Wont hurt to try. | 02:07 |
LMNOP | nabn: Mind ya, I do not know ,, but ya might try from the lightdm environment. Boot to grub, 'e' key -> replace "quiet splash" with "text" ; key combo clt+x to continue the boot process to a Textual terminal. Log in here .. and what results -> sudo service lightdm start <- . Try the dcong commmands again from this environment. ?? | 02:07 |
sydney | Where is deja- dup's config files? | 02:15 |
sydney | NM | 02:20 |
LinusTorvaldII | does ubuntu restriced extras work in a kubuntu install? | 02:37 |
LinusTorvaldII | or does it have to be kubuntu restricted extras? | 02:37 |
EriC^^ | i think it works | 02:37 |
LinusTorvaldII | hmm a guy cant get netflix to work | 02:37 |
LinusTorvaldII | weird | 02:37 |
LinusTorvaldII | says he has ubuntu restricted extras | 02:38 |
LinusTorvaldII | ok ty | 02:38 |
EriC^^ | np | 02:38 |
=== robert__ is now known as robertzaccour | ||
Steven- | boot-repair has me use the command: "sudo apt-get install-y --force-yes grub-pc linux" but I get an error saying "E: Unable to locate package linux" Any ideas?? | 02:38 |
robertzaccour | howdy | 02:38 |
robertzaccour | It's saying can't find packages that I add ppa for. Any suggestions? | 02:39 |
EriC^^ | Steven-: are you sure that's the complete command? might need to scroll to the right | 02:39 |
EriC^^ | Steven-: are you typing linux before grub-pc? | 02:40 |
Steven- | EriC^^, that's what I assumed but no, that's alll that is there | 02:40 |
EriC^^ | Steven-: hmm | 02:40 |
namredips | Trying to get a preseed working for a multi-nic machine, but even with d-i netcfg/choose_interface select auto, installer is asking for primary nic. This is with 14.04.1 LTS | 02:40 |
EriC^^ | what are you trying to do anyways | 02:40 |
namredips | any thoughts? done some searching and not really getting anywhere. | 02:41 |
Steven- | EriC^^, i just setup a dual boot system but I dont get an option to choose the os. It just boots striaght into linux. The screen flickers a lot more than usual during boot | 02:42 |
EriC^^ | ok | 02:42 |
EriC^^ | with win7? | 02:42 |
Steven- | win7pro 64 | 02:42 |
EriC^^ | ok | 02:43 |
administrator | what does NIT mean? | 02:43 |
Bashing-om | Steven-: DEid you , from ubuntu _. sudo update-grub <- to pick up and chainload Windows ??? | 02:43 |
Bashing-om | deid/did | 02:43 |
administrator | NIT in a git context that is | 02:43 |
Steven- | Bashing-om, no I don't think so | 02:43 |
EriC^^ | Steven-: try to sudo update-grub as Bashing-om suggested | 02:43 |
robertzaccour | I added the ppa for plank, updated, and now it says unable to locate package. Any suggestions? | 02:43 |
Steven- | well boot-repair just removed my grub so now I guess it's trying to reinstall it | 02:44 |
EriC^^ | did it say installation finished no error reported? | 02:44 |
robertzaccour | Steven-, I recommend a spare hard drive over dual boot. They're relatively inexpensive these days and take just seconds to swap out. | 02:44 |
Steven- | ya | 02:45 |
EriC^^ | sudo apt-get install grub-pc | 02:45 |
xangua | robertzaccour: sounds like that PPA repository has no packages for the Ubuntu release you are using | 02:45 |
robertzaccour | I'm using Trusty xangua but also on an ARM laptop. Could that be the cause? | 02:45 |
Steven- | | 02:45 |
robertzaccour | xangua, same thing for plank and peoflashplugin | 02:45 |
Steven- | my setup | 02:45 |
namredips | robertzaccour: I assume you also did ‘apt-get update’ and that worked out well | 02:45 |
EriC^^ | Steven-: ok, did it mention finding linux kernels (vmlinuz) ? | 02:45 |
robertzaccour | *pepflashplugin | 02:45 |
robertzaccour | Yes I updated namredips | 02:45 |
robertzaccour | So neither plank nor flashplugin PPA seems to update softare | 02:49 |
robertzaccour | It adds ppa but package isn't found after updating. | 02:49 |
namredips | hmm.. maybe my preseed is best asked in ubuntu-server | 02:49 |
namredips | robertzaccour: what Ubuntu are you trying to install on? | 02:50 |
robertzaccour | namredips, Trusty. I have an ARM Chromebook did a crouton install. | 02:50 |
namredips | robertzaccour | 02:51 |
namredips | oops | 02:51 |
namredips | robertzaccour: | 02:51 |
namredips | robertzaccour: sure looks like it has 14.04 in the pp | 02:52 |
B0bsF1sh | How can I troubleshoot and prevent this from happening again? "Read-error on swap-device" followed by "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!" and "Pid: 1, comm: init Tainted: G 0 3.2.0-44-generic #69-Ubuntu" | 02:52 |
robertzaccour | namredips, pp? | 02:52 |
Sveinburne | Hi there! Having problem here with the mapping of a bash command. Any help would be very welcomed! I intalled groovy by hand, puting all the archive in /usr/local/groovy, adding +x to bin folder. I can launch groovy script without any problem from the bin folder, but cannot through bash. I did append /usr/local/groovy/bin to PATH, and export... any suggestions? | 02:53 |
namredips | robertzaccour: sorry ppa | 02:53 |
robertzaccour | namredips, Has what? | 02:53 |
namredips | robertzaccour: support for trusty, looking at the published package list | 02:54 |
namredips | robertzaccour: what does your sources.list look like? did you verify it has the correct entry? | 02:54 |
robertzaccour | namredips, what is the directory for that? | 02:56 |
namredips | robertzaccour: something like “deb trusty main | 02:57 |
namredips | robertzaccour: /etc/apt | 02:57 |
robertzaccour | just found that thanks namredips | 02:57 |
Scarllet | Clodoaldo | 02:57 |
Steven- | ahh im all good now :-D | 02:58 |
Bashing-om | Steven-: When you are good, you are good ! :) | 02:58 |
Steven- | Bashing-om, endeeeed! lol | 02:59 |
Steven- | now I can get some zZzz! | 02:59 |
Steven- | Thanks Bashing-om, EriC^^ | 03:00 |
Steven- | Cheers! | 03:00 |
robertzaccour | namredips, No it isn't, but I see it in "other software" in software center. | 03:02 |
namredips | robertzaccour: how did you install the ppa? | 03:02 |
robertzaccour | namredips, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/docky | 03:03 |
namredips | robertzaccour: using this: | 03:03 |
namredips | robertzaccour: hmm, wierd that should do it.. but I don’t much use the software center | 03:03 |
namredips | robertzaccour: so not very familiar, maybe it uses a different sources list… | 03:04 |
namredips | robertzaccour: but still… if you did add-apt-repository it shoudl end up in the right spot | 03:04 |
namredips | robertzaccour: oh… no wait, yea take a look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d you should find the file ricotz-docky-trusty.list | 03:07 |
robertzaccour | here's a screenshot namredips | 03:08 |
robertzaccour | namredips, ok I"ll check | 03:08 |
robertzaccour | namredips, there is no .d the directory doesn't exist | 03:09 |
bashfr3ak | so if i have trap '' 1 at the beginning of my shell script, why is it still being killed when i exit my ssh connection ? | 03:10 |
robertzaccour | This is very strange software center says it's there but sources.list says it's not. And the package can't be found. | 03:11 |
Sveinburne | anybody to help me around here? | 03:11 |
namredips | robertzaccour: yea its very strange, I just went through the process and it works fine | 03:13 |
namredips | robertzaccour: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/docky | 03:13 |
robertzaccour | namredips could it be an ARM issue? | 03:13 |
SchrodingersScat | Sveinburne: how do you launch it from the bin folder? | 03:13 |
Sveinburne | ./groovy | 03:13 |
namredips | robertzaccour: could be, the PPA doesn’t seem to list an ARM version. | 03:14 |
namredips | robertzaccour: but not sure why it would specifically… | 03:15 |
robertzaccour | check this namredips | 03:16 |
namredips | robertzaccour: and not sure why it would not add to the sources.list…. though I can’t say precisely how apt-add-repository works, maybe it figures out there is no pacakge for arm... | 03:16 |
robertzaccour | namredips, Notice the ppa added and system updated successfully, and after that the package is nowhere to be found. | 03:16 |
robertzaccour | namredips, Is PPA the only way? | 03:17 |
robertzaccour | namredips, wget worked fine for the windowck plugin | 03:17 |
namredips | robertzaccour: check this | 03:19 |
namredips | robertzaccour: did exactly the same thing, but got the expected results | 03:19 |
namredips | robertzaccour: on trusty, but not ARM | 03:19 |
namredips | robertzaccour: you could add the line into your sources.list and see if that works, or I think you can try to compile from source | 03:20 |
robertzaccour | Add what line to the source list? | 03:20 |
Aric_ | I created a cronjob to restart MySQL if it is down and I just noticed MySQL was down for an hour today and the cronjob didn | 03:20 |
namredips | robertzaccour: on this page: click on the “techinical details about PPA” | 03:21 |
somsip_ | Aric_: you might be better served finding why mysql is going down. | 03:21 |
namredips | robertzaccour: it will give the template | 03:21 |
Aric_ | I created a cronjob to restart MySQL if it is down and I just noticed MySQL was down for an hour today and the cronjob didn't work here are the cronjob plus bash script: | 03:22 |
Aric_ | Did I do something wrong above? | 03:22 |
somsip_ | Aric_: basically, you're sticking a band-aid on the warning light. You have a mysql problem if it's going down. Fix that and ditch the cronjob | 03:23 |
Aric_ | somsip_: I'm aware but this is temporary and I noticed it didn't work this morning | 03:23 |
Aric_ | I would like to cronjob to be there long term as well to keep the wbesite up regardless | 03:24 |
Aric_ | it's a short memory probelm and we can't up the memory yet | 03:24 |
robertzaccour | namredips, still no :( | 03:24 |
Aric_ | so the cronjob is a known bandaid but isn't working as it should | 03:24 |
somsip_ | Aric_: then amend your my.cnf to correctly utilise the memory you have | 03:24 |
robertzaccour | namredips, I know some apps aren't made for ARM. Well at least Docky and Cairo Dock work fine. | 03:24 |
robertzaccour | namredips, Oh, forgot to import key file | 03:25 |
namredips | robertzaccour: that must be the issue | 03:25 |
robertzaccour | oh ok thanks | 03:25 |
robertzaccour | figured that | 03:25 |
namredips | robertzaccour: oh yea do that | 03:25 |
robertzaccour | I need software center for that | 03:25 |
robertzaccour | brb | 03:25 |
robertzaccour | namredips, so add plank to that list along with chrome and skype | 03:28 |
namredips | Aric_: any log output? has this script worked? | 03:28 |
robertzaccour | namredips, and video playback from local storage, and flash player | 03:28 |
namredips | robertzaccour: bummer | 03:29 |
Aric_ | namredips: i was getting some new mail in /var/mail/root but didn't say anything | 03:29 |
namredips | Aric_: it could be as simple as the cron worked to try and restart, but when it tried to start mysql it failed… might need to rule that out. what ever caused it to stop running, might have still been the case for that hour | 03:31 |
Aric_ | I started the mysql no problems by running the script | 03:31 |
Aric_ | the cron job should have run the script without me though | 03:31 |
namredips | Aric_: the scripts look fine to me, pretty sure that is the right “every minute” option for the cron | 03:32 |
namredips | Aric_: could it be a permission issue? | 03:32 |
namredips | Aric_: I assume you have tried to “bring down” mysql when the cron is active, and see that it actually brings it back up | 03:33 |
namredips | Aric_: suppose that might not be possible | 03:33 |
Aric_ | since this cron has been setup MySQL has gone down twice | 03:34 |
Aric_ | hmm I'll look a bit more | 03:34 |
Pinkamena_D | has anyone even come across a solution to get two different video cards to run two monitors? I have been through editing about six sample xorg.conf files and the best I have been able to obtain is seeing the secotop on the second screen and putting the mouse cursor over to it | 03:51 |
Pinkamena_D | (windows will not move to it, though) | 03:52 |
Pinkamena_D | desktop* | 03:52 |
Swanster_Pigmon | SERVER #QuakeNet | 03:55 |
Swanster_Pigmon | ALLCHANL | 03:56 |
somsip | Swanster_Pigmon: what are you trying to do? | 03:56 |
Foxhoundz | somsip: spam. | 03:56 |
Swanster_Pigmon | No | 03:56 |
Swanster_Pigmon | I want to get to a room established on quatenet | 03:57 |
Swanster_Pigmon | quakenet | 03:57 |
Swanster_Pigmon | server | 03:57 |
Swanster_Pigmon | How do I do that | 03:57 |
somsip | Swanster_Pigmon: connect to quakenet server then. And don't ask for instructions on how to do that in here. | 03:57 |
somsip | Swanster_Pigmon: read up on how your IRC client works | 03:57 |
Swanster_Pigmon | I just started like 5 mins ago | 03:57 |
Swanster_Pigmon | I need help getting there the webirc is so much easier to use | 03:58 |
somsip | Swanster_Pigmon: being new is not an excuse for being lazy | 03:58 |
Swanster_Pigmon | Don't need to be an ass about it | 03:58 |
somsip | Swanster_Pigmon: go read up on how your IRC client works | 03:58 |
Swanster_Pigmon | All I'm asking is for help If you can tell me how to get to a room then I'd appreciate it, if not then I'll keep on trying my way | 03:59 |
ratsarebig | Swanster_Pigmon: Yes | 04:00 |
=== luckybunny is now known as BobbiMorse | ||
CountryfiedLinux | howdy | 04:13 |
CountryfiedLinux | Video playback seems terribly supported on ARM. Will this last for long? | 04:14 |
azizLIGHT | how do i change how long notification appears | 04:16 |
azizLIGHT | on 14.04 | 04:16 |
CountryfiedLinux | Any idea how long ARM support will be sloppy? | 04:25 |
staticshock007 | Hi. Anyone here from the Philippines? | 04:35 |
somsip | staticshock007: this isn't a chat channel. Do you have a support question? | 04:35 |
staticshock007 | I'm trying to look for official Ubuntu Stickers for my laptop (the cover and the start menu) | 04:36 |
staticshock007 | *start button | 04:36 |
somsip | staticshock007: stickers? Like to cover the windows key on the keyboard? | 04:36 |
staticshock007 | yup | 04:37 |
somsip | staticshock007: | 04:37 |
CountryfiedLinux | So will ARM soon be better supported or am I stuck with a half-baked Ubuntu for a while? | 04:37 |
staticshock007 | thanks. | 04:38 |
moncho | is any trick hiding around in windows 7 to install ubuntu? | 04:40 |
Kuwanger | Under which package should I file a bug report about wanting a config option changed for building the linux kernel? | 04:40 |
staticshock007 | got disconnected, also, just want to see if anyone has has tried flashing ubuntu touch on any samsung phones. | 04:40 |
somsip | !touch | staticshock007 | 04:41 |
ubottu | staticshock007: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 04:41 |
CountryfiedLinux | moncho Wubi installer perhaps? It basically envelopes Ubuntu in Windows. | 04:41 |
azizLIGHT | any ideas on the notifications | 04:41 |
Bashing-om | moncho: 4 partition limitations with MBR partitoning scheme ?? | 04:42 |
somsip | Kuwanger: probably but maybe worth looking through for similar bugs in case it is the wrong place | 04:42 |
moncho | CountryfiedLinux, i have a bootable CD but i dont know whats wrong as it jumps to windows again | 04:42 |
moncho | Bashing-om, what? | 04:43 |
Bashing-om | moncho: In bios set to boot the cd as 1st boot priority . | 04:43 |
CountryfiedLinux | moncho Use a different one or usb stick | 04:43 |
moncho | yeah but doesnt work | 04:43 |
azizLIGHT | is notify-osd whats used for 14.04 ? articles on google are about 4 years old | 04:43 |
moncho | and i am having also troubles to configure the internet connection in windows | 04:44 |
Bashing-om | moncho: So, cd is set as boot priority, what happens when booting the DVD ? | 04:44 |
somsip | moncho: try to focus on one problem at a time, windows is not supported here, and try to give more details than 'doesnt work'. This will help people to help you | 04:45 |
azizLIGHT | moncho: you got iso and you burnt it to dvd, correct? | 04:45 |
moncho | starts reading the cd but the jumps to windows...and this cd i had use before | 04:45 |
Kuwanger | somsip: Yea. Turns out someone else noticed the same issue with espfix in the precise kernel and a fix was commited 16 hours ago. Thanks for narrowing down the search. :) | 04:46 |
somsip | Kuwanger: np | 04:46 |
moncho | i have a ubuntu 13.04 in a DVD | 04:46 |
somsip | !13.04 | 04:46 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and | 04:46 |
somsip | moncho: better to install a supported version | 04:46 |
azizLIGHT | moncho you should get a ubuntu 14.04 lts iso | 04:47 |
moncho | i just didnt wanted to deal with windows | 04:47 |
somsip | moncho: still better to install a supported version | 04:47 |
moncho | got ya | 04:48 |
azizLIGHT | moncho: get 14.04 lts iso, burn it to dvd, insert dvd into target computer. turn on computer. mash del key or f12 key or f8 key to get into bios setup. set dvd as first boot option. save bios and exit. restart and boot into ubuntu | 04:49 |
lotuspsychje | and disable secureboot | 04:50 |
azizLIGHT | hm yea | 04:50 |
lotuspsychje | how can i easy disable system services like cups? im looking to tweak unwanted stuff at startup.. | 04:52 |
darkelfjuggalo | how do I flush of clear me DNS Cache in ubuntu 14.04? i've found a few options for commands and all give me an error. The commands I am testing are on this page | 04:53 |
somsip | lotuspsychje: man update-rc.d but not sure if this is the best way | 04:53 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: yeah i have read some articles on update-rc.d but im looking something gui to enable/disable like jobs-admin or startup items | 04:54 |
somsip | lotuspsychje: no idea then | 04:55 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: tnx anyway mate, i dont use cups on netbook so i wanted to disable | 04:55 |
somsip | lotuspsychje: makes sense actually. I have it enabled and don't have a printer. I should fiddle with it myself... | 04:56 |
lotuspsychje | !info jobs-admin | somsip | 04:56 |
ubottu | somsip: jobs-admin (source: jobs-admin): system job management utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-0ubuntu4 (trusty), package size 14 kB, installed size 137 kB | 04:56 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: found this for the full list of other startup items, but cups is not there, will be in update-rc.d | 04:57 |
somsip | lotuspsychje: I'll put it on the to-do list. Ta | 04:57 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: reading the update-rc.d man tnx | 04:58 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: Example of disabling a service: | 04:59 |
lotuspsychje | update-rc.d -f foobar remove | 04:59 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: now to find the whole list :p | 04:59 |
darkelfjuggalo | again; how do i clearn my dns cache | 05:00 |
somsip | lotuspsychje: cheers | 05:01 |
CountryfiedLinux | So will ARM soon be better supported or am I stuck with a half-baked Ubuntu for a while? | 05:01 |
lotuspsychje | !arm | CountryfiedLinux | 05:01 |
ubottu | CountryfiedLinux: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel. | 05:01 |
skyfall | can anyone tell me how to block the annoying ads ? | 05:06 |
somsip | skyfall: which ones. | 05:06 |
skyfall | using mozilla ? | 05:06 |
skyfall | like in webpages | 05:07 |
arwan | hi all | 05:07 |
skyfall | is there any other way ? | 05:07 |
somsip | skyfall: I use | 05:07 |
skyfall | is it safe to use plugins ? | 05:07 |
skyfall | addons | 05:07 |
skyfall | somsip, what does it do actually ? | 05:07 |
somsip | skyfall: redirects all attempts from the browser to connect to known adserving (and other) sites and returns a 404, so nothing is displayed | 05:08 |
squinty | skyfall: firefox addon adblock plus | 05:08 |
skyfall | somsip, can you tell me how to do that please ? | 05:09 |
skyfall | squinty, is it safe to use an addon ? | 05:09 |
somsip | skyfall: read the webpage. The instructions are on there | 05:09 |
skyfall | okay | 05:09 |
skyfall | ty ! | 05:09 |
somsip | skyfall: it is only one solution. There are many. | 05:09 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: think i found it: ls /etc/init.d to list them | 05:11 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: lotuspsychje@R00TB00K:~$ update-rc.d -f cups remove | 05:13 |
lotuspsychje | Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/cups ... | 05:13 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: yess worked | 05:13 |
somsip | lotuspsychje: cool | 05:17 |
=== peter is now known as Guest34363 | ||
EsoRotica | So, after a year of dealing with this its time to finaly ask: I have a TV plugged into my computer that uses HDMI Audio. when the TV is turned off, the sound output switches to S/PDIF a(nothings plugged in) as opposed to rear panel. Is there a way to change priorities, or unload the spdif module? | 05:18 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: ive disable cups, cups-browsed, bluetooth,saned not sure about others are safe to remove :p | 05:18 |
richac | join #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:18 |
richac | $#@! | 05:18 |
richac | is that even a room? | 05:18 |
EsoRotica | !ot richac | 05:18 |
EsoRotica | Yes | 05:19 |
richac | ubuntu social requires invitation | 05:19 |
EsoRotica | you're missing a slash | 05:19 |
richac | | 05:19 |
jar_of_beans | is there any ubuntu for phone or tablet that s currently on version 3.0? | 05:20 |
lotuspsychje | jar_of_beans: version 3? | 05:20 |
jar_of_beans | lotuspsychje , is there? | 05:21 |
lotuspsychje | !touch | jar_of_beans | 05:21 |
ubottu | jar_of_beans: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 05:21 |
BUSY | how can i use gparted on the partition that its installed on? is there a way to boot without mounting? | 05:22 |
richac | haha i'm already in the room i didn't see the tab | 05:23 |
bubbasaures | BUSY, No, you need a live environment. | 05:24 |
BUSY | bubbasaures: i've got unetbootin, any idea which image might be the smallest download? | 05:24 |
bubbasaures | BUSY, gparted has an iso. | 05:25 |
BUSY | it's not booting for me =\ | 05:25 |
BUSY | the usb is getting recognized as FDD | 05:25 |
BUSY | is there a certain drive format i should be using? | 05:25 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: some services requier root to remove like brltty (braille support) | 05:26 |
bubbasaures | BUSY, fat32 | 05:26 |
BUSY | hmmm. will try again, the image is asking to overwrite some of it's own files so i'll try not doing that this time | 05:26 |
BUSY | when installing bootloader, /syslinux/menu.c32 already exists | 05:28 |
BUSY | even after a fresh format | 05:28 |
bubbasaures | BUSY, Having the release you have installed on the usb is what many of us have in out tool kit. | 05:30 |
bubbasaures | our* | 05:30 |
BUSY | unfortunately my bios recognizes the usb as a device but when choosing to boot from it i just have a blinking cursor | 05:31 |
brucelee | do i have to reboot for the hostname to change? | 05:32 |
BUSY | i think it has to do with installing the bootloader from unetbootin though, because it's always trying to overwrite that certain file that isn't existent before the process | 05:32 |
bubbasaures | BUSY, Never seen that error with unetbootin, have you checked the sum of the iso? | 05:33 |
BUSY | bubbasaures: yeah, but could i have selected the wrong architecture? | 05:33 |
BUSY | i486 should be pretty universal right | 05:34 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: lol | 05:34 |
bubbasaures | BUSY, That should work yeah 32 bit. | 05:35 |
BUSY | hmmm.. i guess i'll try not overwriting it. maybe the 2nd alternative of it isn't correct | 05:36 |
BUSY | should be back soon :P | 05:37 |
evilwombat | Hello. Is there an official PPA location for a more modern version of libavformat than ships with 14.04? There's a bugfix upstream that I would really love to have locally. | 05:37 |
=== DaemonicApathy is now known as Daemon | ||
EsoRotica | evilwombat: maybe webup8? | 05:42 |
=== Daemon is now known as Guest56152 | ||
Flannel | evilwombat: Which bugfix is that? The latest 14.04 one has updates from 9.14 (some, probably not all) | 05:42 |
=== Guest56152 is now known as DaemonicApathy | ||
BUSY | does DSL have a tool to manage partitions? | 05:48 |
BUSY | ahhhh parted magic looks like it will do the trick | 05:50 |
BUSY | ahhhhh except for the cost now haha weird | 05:52 |
EsoRotica | Busy, dthe gparted iso is 194 mb. | 05:53 |
=== justinS_ is now known as jhsimpson | ||
BUSY | that's odd. mine hashed out correctly and shows 203 | 05:54 |
cLoCkWiSe | hello all | 05:54 |
cLoCkWiSe | how do i format a 3TB drive on ubuntu server | 05:55 |
cLoCkWiSe | gpt? | 05:55 |
dzragon | i think so | 05:55 |
cLoCkWiSe | i downloaded gpt but it in spanish? | 05:55 |
dzragon | sudo apt-get install gparted | 05:56 |
dzragon | it handles mbr and gpt partitioning | 05:57 |
cLoCkWiSe | cool | 05:57 |
cLoCkWiSe | ty dzragon | 05:57 |
dzragon | yw | 05:57 |
Ben64 | gparted does require a graphical interface, servers usually don't have one | 05:58 |
=== Shaun__ is now known as Shaun | ||
BUSY | hmmmm. same issue for parted magic it must be the unetbootin version | 06:03 |
evilwombat | Flannel, to be honest, I am not exactly sure. I am seeing a problem in the version shipped with 14.04, which is not present when I test the statically-linked ffmpeg snapshot from (as of today) | 06:04 |
tapout | when I first booted ubuntu, it showed a 'keyboard shortcut window', how do I get to that again? | 06:06 |
tapout | !disable amazon | 06:07 |
tapout | ahh, hold down winkey! | 06:10 |
explodes | 2 things, 1) is it possible to disable windows popping into view and stealing focus while i'm trying to type? (i.e. some process is loading a window for a few seconds but i'm already doing something else in another app) | 06:10 |
theadmin | tapout: You can disable online searches in the Dash using System Settings -> Privacy | 06:10 |
explodes | and, is it possible to change alt-tab and alt-~ behavior so that alt-tab ONLY cycles between different programs and alt-~ ONLY cycles between windows of the same program? | 06:11 |
theadmin | explodes: Yes. Install the CompizConfig Settings Manager and configure focus stealing prevention. | 06:11 |
dzragon | cLoCkWiSe as Ben64 said, i didnt read thoroughly what you wrote, with server you could use gparted, but then youd go for the .iso version and put that on a usb or cd/dvd and boot off it, format the drive and back to server again | 06:11 |
theadmin | explodes: Dunno aobut your second question. | 06:11 |
explodes | theadmin: thanks | 06:11 |
cLoCkWiSe | huh | 06:12 |
dzragon | is there such a ting as linux/unix keyboards? | 06:12 |
cLoCkWiSe | i was looking to format a 3tb drive on ubuntu server | 06:13 |
theadmin | dzragon: Eh, you can probably find a keyboard with a penguin instead of the Windows logo, yes. | 06:13 |
makara | dzragon: Dell | 06:13 |
cLoCkWiSe | should i delete my fdisk partiion with fdisk before using gparted? | 06:13 |
evilwombat | dzragon, I think you mean ? | 06:13 |
explodes | theadmin: perfect. thank you | 06:13 |
evilwombat | "and look, it's got facebook buttons too!" | 06:14 |
cLoCkWiSe | thats an awesome keyboard | 06:14 |
cLoCkWiSe | haha | 06:14 |
cLoCkWiSe | face book thumbs up | 06:14 |
dzragon | ok theadmin, ty makara :), hehe evilwombat :D | 06:14 |
cLoCkWiSe | LOLERZ | 06:14 |
cLoCkWiSe | hey dzragon, should i delete my fdisk partiion with fdisk before using gparted? | 06:15 |
dzragon | dont think you need that, just boot in to gparted and let that do its thing, it offers a gpt/mbr option | 06:16 |
dzragon | in the menu | 06:16 |
makara | hi. When I open in firefox on my attached screen, if I click the fullscreen button it goes full on my laptop screen in stead of the attached. Is this Ubuntu / Firefox / or the website? | 06:16 |
theadmin | makara: The website has no control over which screen it gets displayed on. Probably the browser. | 06:17 |
nisstyre | dzragon: system76 laptops come with a ubuntu logo instead of a windows one | 06:17 |
cLoCkWiSe | ok it has a menu | 06:17 |
cLoCkWiSe | so i do parted /dev/sda | 06:17 |
nisstyre | also many mechanical keyboards, e.g. my steelseries one, don't come with the windows logo | 06:17 |
nisstyre | it has the steelseries logo | 06:17 |
dzragon | nisstyre nice :] | 06:17 |
dzragon | | 06:25 |
dzragon | hmm | 06:25 |
evilwombat | mmm, cherry | 06:25 |
dzragon | lovem | 06:26 |
dzragon | wouldnt mind buying an older like that together with the corsair cherry rgb, one for gaming, one for nix | 06:26 |
nisstyre | dzragon: I recommend a mechanical keyboard | 06:27 |
nisstyre | if you don't mind the noise | 06:27 |
dzragon | ok | 06:27 |
everesttt | / a | 06:31 |
everesttt | I have this weird thing going on. My harddisk has three partitions ext4 (/ ), linux-swap and ext4 (/ extra). The third partition / extra isn't mounted by default. I do that manually from terminal when I need it. The thing is, I can still see some folders in / extra even though it isn't mounted. What is happening here?? | 06:33 |
everesttt | ...I can also see the files in Nautilus. But I cannot open them. | 06:34 |
Celroc | everesttt: It sounds like some folders where made/copied to the mount-point for the disk when the disk was unmounted | 06:36 |
everesttt | Celroc: But how is it possible to copy files to a partition that isn't even mounted? Also if I access / extra from the terminal I see different set of folders but no files. | 06:37 |
cLoCkWiSe | does anyone know how to format in GPT for 3TB partition / | 06:38 |
cLoCkWiSe | ? | 06:38 |
cLoCkWiSe | from ubuntu server | 06:38 |
Celroc | everesttt: It's not actually possible to copy files to an unmounted partition. However, if you unmount the disk and then try to move a folder to /extra, the files and folders will still copy there but end up on the root partition. When you mount the drive manually on /extra, it will cover the files (effectively, just hide them) until it is unmounted again | 06:39 |
Celroc | everesttt: I'm afraid I don't know why the terminal and Nautilus are showing different files and folders. That really is strange | 06:40 |
everesttt | Celroc: Ah! Of course. Basically the mount-point is just a folder so I understand how I see the files when mounted and unmounted. But yeah, the terminal vs nautilus behavior is baffling. | 06:42 |
Celroc | everesttt: It might be a case of out-of-date info being displayed in Nautilus. Can you try refreshing the Nautilus window and see if it changes anything? | 06:44 |
everesttt | Celroc: Haha...I pressed F5 and now the terminal and nautilus agree! This is the first instance of me pressing F5 in Nautilus for anything useful. | 06:45 |
r_a_x | i have double booted my ubuntu and it keep on saying low disk space but the drive in which I have installed ubuntu has very high space?? | 06:46 |
everesttt | Celroc: Thanks ;) | 06:47 |
Celroc | everesttt: Lol. Weird, I sort of thought that Nautilus refreshed itself. I guess not. Anyway, you are very welcome :-) | 06:48 |
mehdi | how can i run complete removal with apt-get? | 06:52 |
mehdi | ubottu, apt-get purge remove | 06:52 |
ubottu | mehdi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 06:52 |
explodes | What is your favorite ubuntu image editor? | 06:53 |
mehdi | ubottu, remove package | 06:53 |
somsip | mehdi: apt-get purge {package} | 06:53 |
mehdi | somsip, the profile still remains i try to downgrade my ff33 to 32 | 06:54 |
somsip | mehdi: it won't purge configs amended by users or amended after initial creation (mostly) | 06:54 |
cristian_c | Hi | 07:06 |
starsnova | hi cris | 07:07 |
cristian_c | If I try to use apache, I get in the browser: 404 not found | 07:07 |
cristian_c | though i've put the directory in /var/www | 07:08 |
cristian_c | Any ideas? | 07:08 |
somsip | cristian_c: put what directory in there? By default, apache will server *.htm(l) files, but NoIndex will be turned off so directories should not be listed | 07:09 |
cristian_c | somsip, I've downloaded kalkun | 07:10 |
cristian_c | and I've put it into /var/www | 07:11 |
somsip | cristian_c: how does it look in there? like '/var/www/kalkun'? | 07:11 |
cristian_c | somsip, many things can ben put into /var/www/: wordpress, ecc.... | 07:11 |
cristian_c | somsip, yes | 07:11 |
somsip | cristian_c: so you don't have a virtual host pointing to the kalkun document root (/var/www/kalkun). That's why it isn't working | 07:12 |
cristian_c | somsip, virtual host? | 07:12 |
somsip | cristian_c: what version of ubuntu are you on? | 07:13 |
cristian_c | 14.04 | 07:13 |
starsnova | anyone try kodi beta on 14.4 | 07:14 |
somsip | cristian_c: examples here. You need a DocumentRoot at /var/www/kalkun this is an okay example | 07:15 |
helmut_ | hi | 07:23 |
Rory | helmut_: I swear you join here every day and just say hi | 07:29 |
somsip | Rory: no swearing in the channel please ;-) | 07:29 |
Mrokii | Hello. Does anybody know if I can make the Python app Cuttlefish run on Ubuntu 14.04 or where I can get its source? | 07:31 |
somsip | Mrokii: this one? | 07:32 |
Mrokii | somsip: yep. | 07:34 |
Ben64 | Rory: | 07:34 |
somsip | Mrokii: so does that url give you what you need? | 07:35 |
Mrokii | I'll try. | 07:36 |
=== BobbiMorse is now known as luckybunny | ||
sacarlson1 | anyone want to add input as to if I should release Backdoor to the public? I have already prereleased the first draft of the users manual on how to install and use it . I have the remaining files ready to be published not at the push of a button. | 07:40 |
sacarlson1 | not = now | 07:41 |
Mrokii | somsip: Yep, it looks like I get the source from there. Thanks. | 07:41 |
somsip | Mrokii: k | 07:42 |
cristian_c | somsip, I've looked at the askubuntu page | 07:43 |
cristian_c | somsip, but i don't know what answer you refer to | 07:43 |
gladioacuto | hi there | 07:45 |
gladioacuto | gnome-power-manager is installe in my system but i cannot find any gnome-power-manager command. I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, any help? | 07:45 |
somsip | cristian_c: all of them. The question tells you how to make the virtual host file, the first answer tells you how to name and activate it, the second answer reminds you to setup an entry in your hosts file, and the third answer links to another tutorial | 07:46 |
Rory | Ben64: I knew it | 07:49 |
cristian_c | somsip, ok | 07:51 |
cristian_c | somsip, ok, but I'm already using http://localhost/kalkun | 07:53 |
cristian_c | (for example) | 07:53 |
cristian_c | 'new address not available by http://bow.loc and available by http://localhost.' | 07:54 |
somsip | cristian_c: up to you if you want to do it that wa | 07:54 |
somsip | *way | 07:54 |
cristian_c | somsip, you are right, but it's unavailable also with localhost prefix | 07:55 |
cristian_c | :) | 07:56 |
somsip | cristian_c: you're asking my advice but you're not taking it, then asking me to help you when it doesn't work. It's frustrating to help you this way. Are you following a guide on how to set kalkun up? | 07:58 |
cristian_c | somsip, yeah, but this is a question about apache configuration | 07:59 |
cristian_c | general configuration for sites or similar | 07:59 |
somsip | cristian_c: and I've given you a link to a tutorial that tells you how to do that. I don't think I can help you any more | 07:59 |
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga | ||
mago_ | would it be possible to create an account that only allows ssh:ing to other hosts, and no other commands? | 08:08 |
sacarlson1 | mago_: you might be thinking of using rssh restricted shell. I'm not sure that's what you want | 08:09 |
sacarlson1 | mago_: were as rssh restrict I think just about everything by default I think it can be configured to allow some commands. there are other shells that provide limited commands also | 08:11 |
sacarlson1 | mago_:,d.c2E | 08:11 |
sacarlson1 | opps that doesn't look like the link I copied | 08:12 |
mago_ | sacarlson1, thanks! i will look into rssh. Basically, i want an account on my server which you can login in to and from there ssh to another host (on a private lan, only reachable from my server) | 08:13 |
mago_ | i do not however want the users on my server to be able to do anything else to the system, e.g. poke around in the file system, run daemon processes etc | 08:13 |
sacarlson1 | mago_: seems better you just openvpn them to the point you want through that system just as a skip point, but I assume that method would also work | 08:15 |
sacarlson1 | mago_: just more hasle to setup and maintain | 08:16 |
sacarlson1 | mago_: I wonder if my last release of Backdoor would already work for that just by chance as basicly it just sets up a reverse ssh tunnel that could maybe also be used to connect to other local computers were conected to it | 08:18 |
mago_ | Backdoor? | 08:19 |
sacarlson1 | backdoor was never intended for that purpose but may work by accident | 08:20 |
sacarlson1 | I would have to setup another system on my local network to test it to prove it won't or will | 08:20 |
sacarlson1 | or modify it so that it would | 08:21 |
borw3 | Is it normal? My firefox after update from 12.04lts o 14.04lts can't use the manual proxy settings but can use the system proxy settings all using the same proxy? | 08:23 |
angs | I installed ubuntu (with grub2) on windows 8 uefi. somehow grub does not start in the boot and it just boots from windows. how can I fix it? | 08:23 |
angs | or what is the name of the issue so that I can search on google to see an instruction | 08:24 |
vitimiti | Hi | 08:24 |
somsip | !uefi | angs | 08:24 |
ubottu | angs: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 08:24 |
=== WhoElse is now known as Guest3816 | ||
borw3 | Something to do with uefi restrictions on windows 8. Google how to overcome UEFI and dual boot Ubuntu and windows 8 | 08:25 |
angs | somsip, if I search it as an uefi, it will show me what is uefi. I Am asking what is the name of the issue that I am experiencing so that I can find related issues | 08:25 |
mago_ | sacarlson1, okay. might have a look at that. the devices i want to reach are test devices that are brought up dynamically, running different test software. they get a ssh server installed dynamically as they boot. perhaps Backdoor was built for a more static setup | 08:25 |
angs | than you borw2 | 08:26 |
angs | borw3 | 08:26 |
somsip | angs: there is a link in the factoid. There are other links from that page that may also help you. Did you read it or just react? | 08:26 |
somsip | angs: eg: | 08:26 |
gladioacuto | hi is there any way to customize unity-2d-panel and gnome-panel under ubuntu 12.04 LTS? | 08:26 |
angs | it is already installed, it has been working fine months. now all of a sudden it does not work | 08:26 |
borw3 | Is it normal? My firefox after update from 12.04lts o 14.04lts can't use the manual proxy settings but can use the system proxy settings all using the same proxy? | 08:27 |
angs | windows might change any settings with an update | 08:27 |
sacarlson1 | mago_: no backdoor was made to just access a single system from behind a hard to reach nat'ed network. but once you connect to that system you can connect to anything local around that system same as if you were there | 08:28 |
borw3 | Help. Is it normal? My firefox after update from 12.04lts o 14.04lts can't use the manual proxy settings but can use the system proxy settings all using the same proxy? | 08:29 |
gladioacuto | does unity-2d-panel have a pager and a workspace tray? | 08:29 |
sacarlson1 | mago_: it is setup with rssh at the point of entry and from there you can login to any local account | 08:30 |
gladioacuto | no answers for me? | 08:32 |
sacarlson1 | mago_: but I still think that an openvpn method might work but maybe not as easy I would think as you create these new systems they would have to include a package with the needed working keyset for openvpn, oh unless you just run with no keys | 08:33 |
borw3 | Help. Is it normal? My firefox after update from 12.04lts o 14.04lts can't use the manual proxy settings but can use the system proxy settings all using the same proxy? | 08:38 |
sacarlson1 | mago_: also it would seem you can scp -3 file bettween to remote sites from the center node with only the center node haveing valid authority to do so. so you can just ssh into the center and the ssh into any of you nodes and or copy files bettween them | 08:43 |
sacarlson1 | mago_: | 08:43 |
borw3 | Help. Is it normal? My firefox after update from 12.04lts o 14.04lts can't use the manual proxy settings but can use the system proxy settings all using the same proxy? | 08:44 |
=== bipul_ is now known as bipul | ||
borw3 | Help. Is it normal? My firefox after update from 12.04lts o 14.04lts can't use the manual proxy settings but can use the system proxy settings all using the same proxy? | 08:50 |
sacarlson1 | borw3: maybe just try another browser with better proxy features | 08:51 |
=== choiwonjun is now known as maum | ||
AviMarcus | Hiya. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS and every few hours I have one of several problems: I see Load average shoot up and usually google chrome crashe, or I'm watching a video and it freezes for 3 seconds (and I miss what's in the middle), or iowait goes up while things are stalled. And just recently I see actual CPU jump up e.g. when I tell banshee to skip tracks. How can I track this down? I assume there's a problem with my SSD of the OS or one of the 2 driv | 08:55 |
AviMarcus | es on raid 1, but SMART, benchmarks, and iotop don't point me to anything obviously being a problem. How do I track this down? I didn't have this problem with other SSDs/HDs on ubuntu 10, so I don't think it's the mobo/cpu | 08:55 |
AviMarcus | wow that was long. | 08:55 |
cfhowlett | AviMarcus, next time: paste :) | 08:55 |
AviMarcus | paste? | 08:56 |
cfhowlett | !paste | AviMarcus | 08:56 |
ubottu | AviMarcus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 08:56 |
AviMarcus | well, it wasn't a debug output, so I that didn't really seem appropriate... | 08:56 |
cfhowlett | AviMarcus, more useful as a tool to avoid WOT (wall of text) | 08:57 |
AviMarcus | I'll keep it in mind. | 08:57 |
cfhowlett | AviMarcus, sorry, but I don't know anything about your issue | 08:57 |
AviMarcus | k, thx. | 08:57 |
mikhael_k33hl | I have a host in a public subnet used to access the servers in my private subnet. I'm using ssh agent forwarding. Can I setup a VNC server on one of my serveres then use VNC client form another local machine while using ssh agent forwarding? | 08:58 |
=== root is now known as Guest77501 | ||
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: I;m actually facing the same issue it seems | 09:02 |
sacarlson1 | I don't fully understand what your doing with ssh agent forwarding, but vnc and ssh run on different ports and can run both at the same time on one or each system | 09:02 |
AviMarcus | EsoRotica, interesting... are you also on 14.04? | 09:02 |
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: I've just cleared some space off of my ssd so as to make sure there is enough free space to general operation | 09:02 |
EsoRotica | Yes, no aid though | 09:02 |
EsoRotica | RIAD* | 09:02 |
EsoRotica | Chrome or Chromium? | 09:03 |
EsoRotica | As it appears to be related in my case to Chromium. And IIRC its ONLY when chromium is open | 09:03 |
AviMarcus | this has been happening for months.. chrome both normal and beta, I kept switching back and forth. Fewer tabs = less trouble | 09:03 |
EsoRotica | Same isse here | 09:03 |
EsoRotica | Are you by chance on an AMD Card? | 09:03 |
AviMarcus | I tried switching the tmp to be raid instead of SSD but that didn't help | 09:03 |
AviMarcus | nvidia | 09:03 |
AviMarcus | on intel cpu | 09:03 |
EsoRotica | Interesting. | 09:03 |
=== xtriz__ is now known as IIT | ||
AviMarcus | hmm. I checked, my ssd only has ~10 free. hmm. | 09:04 |
EsoRotica | I'd be interested to see if you've changed as many settings in chrome as I have. | 09:04 |
EsoRotica | 10 g? | 09:04 |
AviMarcus | erm. sec. | 09:04 |
EsoRotica | df -h | 09:04 |
AviMarcus | ah, I was looking at my old system.. 55% free, 44gb | 09:04 |
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sacarlson1 | opps looks I failed of forgot to add mikhael_k33hl to my last post | 09:05 |
=== kevin is now known as Guest86022 | ||
AviMarcus | EsoRotica, is this a new issue? I think I've had it for months, and yes, the worst part is chrome repeatedly crashing. Thank god for session saver so I never lost any open tabs, because sometimes it would just crash when trying to reopen tabs over and over | 09:06 |
=== Guest86022 is now known as ydho | ||
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: do you have any of the CPU accel setting checked? | 09:06 |
AviMarcus | where? | 09:06 |
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: I know the feel | 09:06 |
AviMarcus | chrome? | 09:06 |
EsoRotica | chome://gpu | 09:06 |
EsoRotica | At some point I had this all enabled. It seems though that these settings are all off now, and It's also been months in my case. ~2 prolly | 09:07 |
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: Now that I think about it, this may conincide with the switch over from using NPAPI plugins | 09:08 |
AviMarcus | EsoRotica, -- says a bunch of acceleration is disabled. NPAPI? | 09:08 |
AviMarcus | I do have a LOT of chrome plugins. | 09:08 |
AviMarcus | I have videos freezing for a few seconds too... could coincide with chrome being open... chrome is always open :) | 09:09 |
EsoRotica | Are you having a full OS freeze up, or only chrome/videos in chrome exclusively? | 09:09 |
AviMarcus | hmm. chrome crashes, rarely freezer. video freezes, iowait.. is only e.g. for opening the folder. I don't think the OS ever freezes. | 09:10 |
welvfree | hello | 09:11 |
AviMarcus | EsoRotica, you? | 09:12 |
EsoRotica | Okay AviMarcus maybe we are having simialr but not exactly the same issue. My load time is going up excruciatingly high and I'm having toget to a tty. | 09:12 |
EsoRotica | close out a few browser processes. | 09:12 |
EsoRotica | then I can generally get back to the WM | 09:12 |
AviMarcus | Hmm, nope. Sometimes a ton of chrome tabs crash, and perhaps won't open a new one website, until I close a bunch of other tabs | 09:13 |
sacarlson1 | AviMarcus: EsoRotica I too was having problems with chrome to a point I just use firefox now. but now today I note in google drive I couldn't do some function without chrome so I loose again | 09:14 |
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: Did you see this in your GPU tab | 09:15 |
EsoRotica | NVIDIA cards with nouveau drivers in Linux are crash-prone: 94103 | 09:15 |
sacarlson1 | sounds similar with locked up functions on chrome but the rest of my system was working | 09:15 |
EsoRotica | Check that report and check sysmptoms | 09:15 |
AviMarcus | it has a huge list of problem dedected! | 09:16 |
EsoRotica | sacarlson1: I'm had so many isses as of lately that I;m about headed in that route myself | 09:16 |
EsoRotica | As do I. It seems my driver isnt botting either. | 09:16 |
EsoRotica | Booting* | 09:16 |
sacarlson1 | EsoRotica: I'm not sure you can use the voip features or google drive copy entire directory and other stuf without chrome | 09:17 |
AviMarcus | "Disabled Features: all" so that means it just won't use GPU acceleration? | 09:17 |
=== Malsasa is now known as Guest48490 | ||
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa | ||
EsoRotica | sacarlson1: Thats going to be frustrating. i use Voice near daily >< | 09:18 |
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: I'm currently consulting | 09:18 |
sacarlson1 | EsoRotica: only the voip from within the browser that google suports | 09:18 |
EsoRotica | sacarlson1: Thats what I mean unfortunately. | 09:19 |
AviMarcus | oh. I thought hangout was rather spotty... because of no GPU. | 09:19 |
sacarlson1 | EsoRotica: I had started using it thinking it would replace skype that at the time was giving me trouble but now I"m back to skype | 09:19 |
user74747 | Hi! I want to upgrade my RAM. dmidecode -t17 says that my current RAM's speed is 1333 Hz, but by having googled its Part Number (hmt325s6cfr8c-pb), I found out that the plank is 1600Hz. Which frequency memory should I buy now? | 09:19 |
user74747 | *MHz | 09:20 |
=== vieu is now known as anonewfaq | ||
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: As I said, I had most of the gpu accelleration running at some point in the recent past. | 09:21 |
AviMarcus | and turning it off you think made it worse? | 09:21 |
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: it ran near flawlessly for a good period of time. | 09:21 |
EsoRotica | avi I do. | 09:21 |
AviMarcus | so.. let's try, might as well. | 09:21 |
=== root___ is now known as l34rn | ||
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: I'll be doing the same thing. Hopefully one of the two things willfix my issue. | 09:25 |
AviMarcus | what's the other? | 09:25 |
EsoRotica | only had ~1.5g freespace on my SSD | 09:26 |
EsoRotica | not terrible, but not good. | 09:27 |
mikhael_k33hl | sacarlson1: VNC is using ssh, and yeah they are using two different ports. | 09:28 |
root___ | ;;;; | 09:28 |
mikhael_k33hl | sacarlson1: like ssh forwarding is there something like vnc forwarding too? I don't think so, hehehe but yeah I think I need a direct connection host to host to be able to establish a vnc connection | 09:29 |
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: It appears my GPU accelleration was disabled due to my TV turning on and off and causing an error. My settings have restored. | 09:29 |
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: attempt to restart chrome and check your GPU tab again | 09:29 |
AviMarcus | I set "force" | 09:30 |
AviMarcus | it's still using 6 work-arounds though | 09:30 |
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: For what setting? | 09:30 |
AviMarcus | don't disable gpu | 09:30 |
sacarlson1 | mikhael_k33hl: sorry did I say vnc? I meant vpn as in openvpn | 09:31 |
AviMarcus | google hangout is much snappier.. | 09:31 |
sacarlson1 | mikhael_k33hl: if vnc is what you need I think they also have reverse connect vnc also to get out of a nat'ed network | 09:32 |
EsoRotica | Heres how my GPU tab looks now AviMarcus | 09:32 |
EsoRotica | I'll have to make sure my TV doesnt turn off or that I restart chrome more often to see if the problem persists and I dont sem to be able to find reporucable steps | 09:33 |
Zihuatanejo | exit | 09:34 |
streulma | Is it good to do a do-release-upgrade -d today? Or better wait to tomorrow... | 09:35 |
EsoRotica | is it 10 already?! | 09:35 |
streulma | yeah, tomorrow :) | 09:35 |
ikonia | it's not good to do a do-release-upgrade -d at all | 09:35 |
Ben64 | streulma: whatever you feel like, but keep in mind 14.04 has support until 2019, and 14.10 goes EOL in July | 09:36 |
EsoRotica | I updated exactly 180 days ago >< | 09:36 |
EsoRotica | its been so smooth | 09:36 |
ikonia | you should wait for it to be stable and then do a stable update, not a development update | 09:36 |
streulma | ok then I'll wait | 09:36 |
streulma | I can always try in a virtual machine :) | 09:36 |
streulma | it is with Mir ! | 09:36 |
streulma | | 09:37 |
cfhowlett | EsoRotica, leading = bleeding-edge. LTS is WAY less painful. | 09:38 |
EsoRotica | AviMarcus: I'm not sure if I can be of any help. Its almost 3Am here. I'm going to crash out. Hope this helps with preformance | 09:38 |
EsoRotica | Of course cfhowlett | 09:38 |
AviMarcus | thx, I'm playing with GPU now | 09:38 |
EsoRotica | Also, Thank you. | 09:38 |
bumbar1 | i'm using ubuntu 14 and cinnamon de, and today cinnamon stopped loading properly | 09:40 |
bumbar1 | i've tried alt f2 and r to restart it, several times, also tried software rendering mode but it didn't help | 09:41 |
user74747 | Do I understand it correctly that only the max frequency is specified for a ram in stores, and it can run at any of the lower freqs? | 09:41 |
EsoRotica | cfhowlett: I also put that in my phrase bucket along side "standard is better than better" | 09:41 |
cfhowlett | EsoRotica, I like it! | 09:41 |
EsoRotica | besides, when you want to replace me, someone else will knwo what to do! its a real sales tool! | 09:42 |
skyfall | after i install wine using the terminal command i get a windows open in terminal showing "Configuring ttf-mscorefonts-installer " | 09:42 |
EsoRotica | skyfall, tab ususally allows you to move to ok | 09:43 |
skyfall | oh man you are a lifesaver | 09:43 |
skyfall | thanks ! | 09:43 |
EsoRotica | skyfall: You're welcome Goodnight all | 09:43 |
layman806 | hi guys | 09:45 |
layman806 | Would you recommend any tools for starting to learn java | 09:48 |
skyfall | how to install a windows application using wine ? | 09:48 |
maxvi | when ubuntu 14.10 will be released ? | 09:49 |
skyfall | i installed wine in my system | 09:49 |
cfhowlett | !wine | skyfall, | 09:49 |
ubottu | skyfall,: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 09:49 |
Ben64 | maxvi: when it is released | 09:49 |
skyfall | yeah . i installed wine | 09:49 |
cfhowlett | maxvi, 10/23 | 09:49 |
cbr1000 | Hi, I'm having problems reading MP3 files with Rhythm, Amarok, Listen....Missing seconds, in a random way. Files are read correctly anywhere else. | 09:49 |
skyfall | after that i meant. | 09:49 |
skyfall | can we run exe file ?" | 09:49 |
cfhowlett | skyfall, "Join #winehq for application help" | 09:49 |
maxvi | cfhowlett: thanks ! | 09:49 |
cfhowlett | maxvi, happy2help | 09:49 |
skyfall | exit | 09:50 |
layman806 | Please, I need help with java | 09:51 |
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layman806 | exit | 09:52 |
ksbalaji | ந | 09:56 |
layman806 | #exit | 09:56 |
ksbalaji | Sorry - err | 09:57 |
akhilesh | hi | 09:57 |
=== MindSpark_ is now known as MindSpark | ||
Pum | hello | 10:06 |
Pum | Patryk parówo | 10:07 |
xubuntu2 | pump pum pum | 10:07 |
Egzorcysta | hello my friends | 10:09 |
Egzorcysta | hai | 10:09 |
Egzorcysta | help me | 10:09 |
Egzorcysta | someone want to kill me !!! | 10:09 |
xubuntu_ | hejka | 10:09 |
Egzorcysta | AAAAA | 10:09 |
Egzorcysta | HELP ME | 10:10 |
Egzorcysta | guyssss | 10:10 |
Egzorcysta | dzisiaj jest dobry dzien na umiernia | 10:10 |
Egzorcysta | kurwa | 10:10 |
Egzorcysta | zle | 10:10 |
DJones | Egzorcysta: Please don't, this is a support channel, not a general chat channel | 10:10 |
=== Owner__ is now known as Guest60381 | ||
therue | what's the difference between virtualbox and virtualbox from ubuntu? | 10:17 |
cfhowlett | therue, ubuntu is an OS. virtualbox is NOT an OS. | 10:21 |
streulma | maxvi tomorrow ! | 10:21 |
therue | no i know :) | 10:22 |
therue | i plan on setting up a virtualbox and install ubuntu on it | 10:22 |
therue | but it seems ubuntu also has its own virtualbox | 10:22 |
therue | for you to use | 10:22 |
cfhowlett | therue, what is your host OS? | 10:22 |
therue | windows | 10:22 |
therue | oh i see i see. so the ubuntu virtualbox is for people with linux/ubuntu host os | 10:23 |
cfhowlett | therue, ubuntu does not have its own virtualbox. VB is an Sun Oracle owned pogram | 10:23 |
therue | to simulate other os | 10:23 |
cfhowlett | therue, and vbox runs on MANY different host OS | 10:23 |
therue | "There are two versions of VirtualBox available, one packaged by Ubuntu, one by VirtualBox. Both are Open Source ( " | 10:23 |
=== charles_ is now known as Guest77565 | ||
cfhowlett | therue, go to download and install for *windows hosts*. then install ubuntu inside a vbox virtual machines | 10:24 |
moatazY | hello there :) i have unknown display anyone interested giving me help :) | 10:32 |
Mrokii | sudo apt-get install pushbullet-indicator nautilus-pushbullet | 10:33 |
Mrokii | oops, sorry. | 10:33 |
moatazY | hello there :) i have unknown display anyone interested giving me help :) | 10:36 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: lspci | 10:36 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: | 10:38 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: now you know: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82Q33 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) | 10:39 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: but i cant change my resoultion above 1024 | 10:39 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: how high do you want it? | 10:40 |
yeaaa | hello | 10:40 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: 1440*900 | 10:40 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: or 1280*720 | 10:41 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: I also have intel (not that model) and can only get up to 1280 | 10:43 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: ok that will work for me :) how to apply it ? | 10:43 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: oh my other monitor goes up to 1900+ so I think it has to do with what it thinks your monitor can handle | 10:44 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: I have to assume you already know how to get to user prefereces for monitor | 10:45 |
srw91 | hi | 10:45 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: sure :) | 10:45 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: then I would look at the model of your monitor and see what it's real specs are. if it can do more then you may be able to override the default limits with custom config files | 10:46 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: okay how to start | 10:47 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: start with model number | 10:47 |
srw91 | does anyone here have any experience with juicessh? | 10:48 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: example samsung syncmaster 920a (google) find specs | 10:48 |
JuiceSSH | srw91: A bit :) | 10:49 |
srw91 | haha :P | 10:49 |
JuiceSSH | What's up? | 10:49 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: dell CN0PVGRC7444452BDCBKM | 10:49 |
srw91 | i cannot seem to connect to my VPS | 10:50 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: oh is that a laptop? | 10:50 |
streulma | srw91 I can help | 10:50 |
JuiceSSH | srw91: What's the error message you're getting? | 10:51 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: nothing on that search so I assume that's the serial number | 10:51 |
srw91 | putty works fine just juicessh keeps asking for my password | 10:51 |
JuiceSSH | Sure you got your username setup right in JuiceSSH? | 10:52 |
streulma | srw91 what provider? | 10:52 |
JuiceSSH | Some keyboards love to add in extra spaces at the end etc | 10:52 |
srw91 | im kinda a linux noob but i thought i wasnt too incompetent ;P | 10:52 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: nothing is written on it exept del | 10:53 |
srw91 | the user is root, i dont know if that is the problem? | 10:53 |
JuiceSSH | It shouldn't be, if that works from putty | 10:53 |
maddd | Hey guys check this out. I installed ubuntu in uefi mode. Only windows 8 booted. Then i booted from live dvd (wanted to use bot up fixer) but gave me a low graphics mode error. Reebooted normally, windows keeps loading but does not boot. Booting from any live dvd does not work not even in legacy mode. Gpartedlive gives me some bad blocks errors reading device | 10:54 |
maddd | And windows 8 install dvd cannot help | 10:54 |
JuiceSSH | Can you send over a debug log? You can generate one by long pressing the app version number at the bottom of the JuiceSSH settings page. That will open a hidden debug log viewer, there's a button there to email it to us | 10:54 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: thats it | 10:54 |
srw91 | i just set up my identity with correct password and root as username | 10:54 |
srw91 | it just says authentication failure and ask foor password for root | 10:54 |
srw91 | im having a hard time troubleshooting since i cannot read the messages on the emulator i guess | 10:55 |
JuiceSSH | See above - can you send us a debug log? | 10:55 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: I found this article at the section about Problem: Autodetection results in reduced resolutions available | 10:55 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: going to check it | 10:56 |
srw91 | ok thanks ill do that | 10:56 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: am kinda lost in the website :( | 10:57 |
srw91 | i opened to log | 10:58 |
srw91 | do i need to manually share it or ..? | 10:58 |
JuiceSSH | Click share, then email | 10:58 |
JuiceSSH | and the email address should be pre-populated | 10:58 |
srw91 | ah yes i see | 10:59 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: your specs for that monitor Maximum Resolution 1280 x 1024 , I don't see the frame rate so try select as slow as posible as many times I've had that if I run fast frame rate the resolution will be limited lower | 10:59 |
srw91 | should i put something in the title or just keep the defaults? | 10:59 |
JuiceSSH | Doesn't matter, it just goes to our email and i'll see it come in | 11:00 |
srw91 | ok i just sent it | 11:00 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: my monitor resoultion and freq 144*9@60 | 11:02 |
=== doge is now known as cups | ||
sacarlson1 | moatazY: ?? what's 144*9?? | 11:03 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: that my max resoution specs and freq 1440*90@60 hz | 11:03 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: 1440*900 my zero is glitching :) | 11:03 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: that's not the speac I"m reading at this site that advertise 1280X1024 | 11:04 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: or is that what is selectable in monitor setting mode? | 11:05 |
=== cups is now known as c[_] | ||
moatazY | sacarlson1: no thats what it shoud be the selected is 1024*768 | 11:06 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: the other only option is 800*600 | 11:06 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: so did you try the 60hz or lower number if posible? | 11:06 |
Farioko | Ethernet and wifi doesn't work after fresh install. Ethernet worked while installing, but after booting it doesn't. | 11:06 |
Farioko | BCM4401 | 11:07 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: no thats not possible | 11:07 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: well if the option is not in the settings then you can make you own overriding setting in config as it states in the article I posted you | 11:07 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: iam kinda afraid to mess around am sort of linux noob | 11:08 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: I've had good and bad luck making custom settings. make sure you setup a spare account to try to recover when it fails to display anything | 11:08 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: i have it | 11:09 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: good cause I'm too lazy to walk you through creation of a custom X windows config | 11:09 |
xfel | Hi. How do I use gtk+ version >3.10 in Ubuntu version 12.04.5? (preferably one which does not include caveats such as "may make your system unstable") | 11:09 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: u mean that i wil go for step 8 in page content ?! | 11:10 |
=== c[_] is now known as d_\ | ||
Farioko | yo? :) | 11:11 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: I don't know what page 8 your talking about. xorg.conf modification for a noob may be a bit much | 11:12 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: | 11:12 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: ya the details to isolate and correct are there with details to custom modify xorg.conf file in etc | 11:13 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: 7 or 8 !? | 11:14 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: I only see steps 1 - 4 Problem: Wrong resolutions, refresh rates, or monitor specs | 11:16 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: thx alot for ur help :) | 11:17 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: no problem good luck and I hope next time somone with better tools that I can help you | 11:17 |
prelc | Can anybody see that? :) | 11:17 |
prelc | First time on chat via terminal wuhu : | 11:18 |
prelc | * :D | 11:18 |
cable | prelc see what? :p | 11:18 |
prelc | Looks like it is working :) | 11:18 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: appreciated :) | 11:18 |
cable | prelc I think you're delirious! ;) | 11:18 |
* cable is developing more and more in linux xD a few days ago I thought it was bull crap xD until some more and more easy steps I come across xD | 11:19 | |
=== prelc is now known as Prelc | ||
logos_ | how to add file text.txt in a compress file | 11:21 |
TenLeftFingers | docker search is failing with 'permission denied' from behind a proxy on 14.04. I've done the needful with but no change after restarting the service. /etc/default/ doesn't exist. Anyone come across this? | 11:21 |
sacarlson1 | logos_: I don't normaly add files to compress I just right click on a group or directory and select compress. but do you want to use command line? | 11:23 |
moatazY | i cant set the right resoulutin for my screen anyhelp :) | 11:25 |
sacarlson1 | logos_: seems you can't direct add files to a compresesd tar see the anwer 7 in this article | 11:25 |
kokut | When i try to copy large files from one HDD to another i get "49.0 GB more space is required to copy to the destination." while having 310GB free. | 11:28 |
kokut | Is there anything i can do to copy the files? | 11:28 |
stianhj | kokut: it's saying it needs 359 GB free | 11:29 |
kokut | stianhj: i don't think so, now i tried again and it says "37GB" are needed, i have 310GB free.. | 11:30 |
kokut | stianhj: | 11:31 |
kokut | stianhj: im copying to sda4 | 11:31 |
stianhj | kokut: but how much are you trying to copy? | 11:31 |
k1l | kotk: and you dont have 310GB free | 11:32 |
=== floown_ is now known as floown | ||
k1l | kokut: and you dont have 310gb free | 11:32 |
kokut | stianhj: I need to copy 350GB to a partition that had intitally 450GB free, after 1.5 hours it stopped, i tried to copy the files again and it says that i need 37GB | 11:32 |
k1l | kokut: and in most cases you still have a 5% blocked reserve on it | 11:32 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: oh the link was the 6th in the contents, but all you needed to do is provide the link to it, the links to th 7th and 8th are way to old I would think as those versions are back in the year 2010 | 11:33 |
k1l | ah wait, its ntfs | 11:33 |
kokut | k1l: man i should have 100GB free after the transfer | 11:33 |
streulma | k1l: try rsync | 11:33 |
k1l | kokut: are you sure about the starting filesize? did you test it with du? | 11:34 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: am beyond being lost in it , | 11:34 |
kokut | k1l: check this | 11:35 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: well if you afraid to start an open heart sergery because your afreaid to kill someone then your not ready for this | 11:35 |
kokut | k1l: i need to copy that folder to my other HDD | 11:36 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: well am ready but i cant keep up with right commands and sudo's | 11:36 |
kokut | k1l: which had, originally, 450GB free | 11:36 |
k1l | kokut: i suggest you use "du" to verify that size. then use rsync to copy it | 11:36 |
kokut | okay can you please explain a bit how to do that? | 11:37 |
sacarlson1 | moatazY: like a doctor you should work on cadavers first so you have no fear | 11:38 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: iam not afraid :) but i need someone to take my hand there show me the right instruction am new to linux am not introduced to linux right | 11:41 |
MagicSpud | hello this is annoying: I get three or four warnings like that every time I login what should I do to fix it? | 11:41 |
k1l | kokut: while cd to that folder in terminal then do this command "du -hs . " that will show the actual used space from this folder | 11:42 |
kokut | k1l: ok, and the rsync command? | 11:42 |
kokut | k1l: it say the size is 321GB | 11:43 |
k1l | kokut: after that you should use rsync with "rsync -a /path/to/folder /path/to/folder" | 11:44 |
streulma | should I mount my / on vps with defaults or with defaults,errors=remount-ro | 11:45 |
MagicSpud | how do I get rid of origin?? I thought it was uninstalled but I can find clues it is not on the system log | 11:45 |
MagicSpud | indeed is the first thing kernel tries to initialize | 11:45 |
moatazY | sacarlson1: is there any easier guide to go through !? | 11:46 |
MagicSpud | what rsyslogd does? | 11:46 |
kokut | k1l: is there a way to save some time using the sync directory option of rsync? i cant waste more time trying to copy this files, i gotta get to work. | 11:46 |
k1l | kokut: rsync will skip file that are already there anyway | 11:46 |
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streulma | kokut: rsync -avrz <nameofdirectory> <otherfolder> ? | 11:47 |
kokut | k1l: will it check that the files are already there are the same size? i can't afford to lose any data | 11:48 |
kokut | ok streulma i will try with that | 11:49 |
k1l | kokut: that is the intention of rsync | 11:49 |
k1l | !rsync | kokut | 11:49 |
ubottu | kokut: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: | 11:49 |
k1l | so go and read yourself into it if you dont trust us | 11:50 |
kokut | k1l: it looks like its working like a charm, lets see the final result in 3 hours or so.. :) thanks for helping me out, streulma | 11:53 |
John1759 | hello! i have rented a virtual server and are configuring multiple ip adresses on eth0 eth0:0 eth0:1 etc. everything seems like to be configured properly, just strange thing is, that only the first ip seems to be reachable (pingable) from outside, additional ip addresses not. anyone got any idea what might be wrong? | 11:58 |
zy3pD | hi does anybody know how to find out the distro name in terminal e.g. ubuntu or kubuntu or xubuntu | 11:59 |
John1759 | zy3pD cat /etc/issue | 12:00 |
zy3pD | John1759, there it says Ubuntu, but i'm using lubuntu | 12:00 |
lancelot_of | hello i am in a urgent trouble! i installed gdm and cound not remove lightdm. I purged gdm, set lightdm as default then reboot. Now my system crashes completely, i cannot have power management and wifi running, no system monitors etc. Ubuntu desktop does not start indeed, and service networking start returns: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket | 12:01 |
lancelot_of | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS | 12:01 |
lancelot_of | please help | 12:01 |
lancelot_of | but if i switch to console, i can login and startx independently, always however without system stuffs (wifi, battery monitor etc) running | 12:02 |
lancelot_of | now i am on another pc and dunno how to fix | 12:02 |
lancelot_of | any suggestion? | 12:04 |
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MindSpark | cn someone tell me how to preserve permissions to a directory on which an ext4 fs is supposed to be mounted on? | 12:07 |
MindSpark | it seems to me that after the mount, the owner of that folder change to root:root | 12:07 |
therue1 | hmm weird. i downloaded the 64bit virtualbox, but when i try to create a new virtualbox i can't set the version to ubuntu 64bit.. all of the selectable os o virtualbox screen are 32 bit for some reason :( | 12:07 |
MindSpark | is there an option I can set in fstab to keep the owner/group/perms? | 12:07 |
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MagicSpud | hello I run opensimulator under ubuntu 14.04 using mono. my sim recently crashed due to a fatal mono error could you help me fixing it? could I get some directions at least about how to solve it? I dont know where to begin | 12:13 |
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moatazY | hello i cant set my resolution higher than 1024*900 | 12:14 |
MindSpark | noone? | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: can you please pastebin the output of: sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; uname -a | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | MindSpark: wassup? | 12:15 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: 1 sec | 12:15 |
MindSpark | ActionParsnip: fstab/owner/ext4 issue | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: you canuse or similar to host the output | 12:15 |
MindSpark | basically need to mount a system on a directory and preserve directory owner/group and permissions | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip | MindSpark: did you chown the file system to your user once mounted? | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip | MindSpark: oh | 12:16 |
MindSpark | yes, that works | 12:16 |
geirha | MindSpark: After unmounting, the directory belongs to the "outer filesystem" | 12:16 |
MindSpark | but I want that to happen automatically | 12:16 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: thats it | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip | MindSpark: Ext4 is a Linux filesystem, so will store the owner and group-owner | 12:16 |
geirha | you're basically looking at two completely different directories | 12:16 |
MindSpark | geirha: after unmounting? | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: OmgUbuntu has a guide on using the Intel driver installer, may help | 12:17 |
MindSpark | yes, but is there an option I can set in fstab that will use the same permissions as the directory it is mounted on? | 12:17 |
geirha | MindSpark: No | 12:17 |
MindSpark | I was g+s and u+s | 12:17 |
ActionParsnip | MindSpark: you can set the uid and gid in fstab, yes | 12:17 |
MindSpark | want | 12:17 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: how can i reach that guide !? | 12:17 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: search the web | 12:17 |
MindSpark | ActionParsnip: I’ll give that a shot | 12:17 |
geirha | ActionParsnip: for ext4? I don't think that's allowed | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip | MindSpark: ive seen it on ntfs partitions, but the same should apply | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip | geirha: possibly, its free to try | 12:18 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: u has been very helpfull thx :) | 12:18 |
streulma | my disk is ext3 on vps, is it better to rebuild on ext4? | 12:18 |
geirha | ntfs only has it because it doesn't use standard unix permissions | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: I try | 12:18 |
MindSpark | wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/xvdb, | 12:20 |
MindSpark | missing codepage or helper program, or other error | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip | MindSpark: then fsck the partition, use a different superblock | 12:20 |
geirha | It's the "bad option" triggering, since uid and gid are not valid options for ext4 | 12:21 |
MindSpark | yea, I think the man page doesn’t mention anything about uid/gid for ext4 | 12:21 |
MindSpark | geirha: there’s gotta be a way to do that without init | 12:21 |
MindSpark | no? | 12:21 |
zaffy | you can't specify uid/gid for a mounted ext4 partition | 12:21 |
streulma | I love my vps host :) | 12:22 |
geirha | MindSpark: You already have chown and chmod, so there's no point in having uid and gid mount options | 12:22 |
MindSpark | geirha: what if I want that to happen every time the system starts? I mean if I want it in the fstab | 12:23 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: | 12:23 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: am i there !? | 12:23 |
geirha | MindSpark: mount it, chown/chmod the way you want. That's permanent, you only have to do it once | 12:23 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: for 14.04 ubuntu !? | 12:23 |
MindSpark | geirha: once every time it is mounted… | 12:23 |
logos_ | how to add file text.txt in a compress file by command line? | 12:23 |
MindSpark | no? | 12:24 |
geirha | MindSpark: I don't get why you want different ownership/mode every time you mount it | 12:24 |
streulma | I can my tar.gz of Ubuntu 14.04 Server everywhere :) | 12:24 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: yes | 12:24 |
streulma | deploy | 12:24 |
MindSpark | geirha: oh ok! Got it, just realized the permissions stay after I remounted it. | 12:24 |
zaffy | MindSpark: uid/gid and permissions are stored in the filesystem | 12:24 |
therue | hey, how big is ubuntu by default? for a full install | 12:24 |
MindSpark | zaffy: yes, I know that… :) | 12:24 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: which command to start with cuz am sort of noob : | 12:25 |
therue | trying to decide how much disk size to allocate for ubuntu on my virtualbox | 12:25 |
MindSpark | geirha: so basically unmounting and remounting keeps the permissions I had just set... | 12:25 |
sathyrion | Hi, Could anyone help me with my current issue? Running a server with screen command. screen -dmS "name" command. Problem is that it's not showing up with the given "name" under ps x. Anyone have a clue why not? Or am I just going mad? :) | 12:25 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:26 |
logos_ | how to add file text.txt in a compress file by command line? I search in google and this commands doesn't work because add the files without compress | 12:27 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: just read the page...omgubuntu is not a massively technical site | 12:28 |
whowantstolivefo | hiyaguys | 12:28 |
israel_ | hi | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | logos_: | 12:29 |
whowantstolivefo | i have seagate portable HD and when i plug-in my ubuntu 12.04 in terminal with lsusb i get this text from terminal | 12:29 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: thx again | 12:30 |
whowantstolivefo | how can i reach my files in my HD ? | 12:30 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: u have been very helpfull | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | whowantstolivefo: if you run: sudo fdisk -l do you see the drive and it's partition? | 12:30 |
geirha | MindSpark: Yes, the ownership and mode is stored in the filesystem | 12:31 |
MindSpark | geirha: alright, thanks | 12:32 |
whowantstolivefo | ActionParsnip: << | 12:32 |
ActionParsnip | whowantstolivefo: what file system is the partition using? | 12:32 |
whowantstolivefo | ActionParsnip: i was using this on Windows computer... but it doesnt work in windows so i try it in Ubuntu i think it was NTFS or FAT ? i am not sure | 12:33 |
=== skramer_ is now known as Guest62909 | ||
therue | does anyone have experience with oracle's virtualbox? for some reason when i try to create a virtualbox, it only shows all the os as 32bit available for you to choose :\ | 12:34 |
ActionParsnip | whowantstolivefo: unplug the drive and run: sudo dmesg -c then plug in the drive and run: dmesg; lsb_release -a can you please pastebin the output | 12:34 |
ActionParsnip | therue: there is a tick box you need | 12:34 |
ActionParsnip | therue: what CPU does the host have please? | 12:34 |
therue | intel core i7-4770k cpu | 12:35 |
therue | 64bit | 12:35 |
therue | windows | 12:35 |
streulma | therue: known problem, restart your computer | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | therue: worth a shot ^ | 12:36 |
streulma | I had the same on an Acer | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | therue: why do you want a 64bit guest anyway? | 12:36 |
whowantstolivefo | ActionParsnip: and | 12:37 |
logos_ | ActionParsnip: the commands in this page doesn't work | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | whowantstolivefo: sounds like the IDE isnt happy "READ CAPACITY failed" | 12:38 |
whowantstolivefo | ActionParsnip: hmmm will i try from another ide ? | 12:38 |
ActionParsnip | whowantstolivefo: its USB, how are you going to do that exactly... | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | logos_: all I can suggest is extract, add file, recompress | 12:40 |
ActionParsnip | logos_: or try in #bash | 12:40 |
israel_ | Anyone know how to run xdg-user-dirs-update from a DIFFERENT account to populate a newly created account (from useradd in bash script) | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | israel_: use the su command, you can run commands as other users with it | 12:42 |
Miar | Hi guys. Could someone please tell me what would be the minimum specifications I would need to make a pc for experimenting with oss and stuff? | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip | whowantstolivefo: could try it in Utpic liveCD, the newer kernel may be more forgiving | 12:43 |
israel_ | ActionParsnip thanks, I will try it and let you know how it works. | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip | !requirements | Miar | 12:43 |
ubottu | Miar: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu | 12:43 |
Miar | ty | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | Miar: short answer, not much by modern systems | 12:44 |
whowantstolivefo | ActionParsnip: Utpic LiveCD ? | 12:44 |
Miar | Would this be sufficient for running most other os as well? | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | whowantstolivefo: Utopic.....Ubuntu 14.10 | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | Miar: would _what_ be sufficient. What is "this" | 12:46 |
whowantstolivefo | let me try | 12:46 |
Miar | The hardware requirements which you linked me to. | 12:46 |
ActionParsnip | whowantstolivefo: you can run the OS in LiveCD desktop, leaving your system alone, if the drive shows then the kernel is Utopic makes the hardware work | 12:46 |
ActionParsnip | Miar: those are the requirements for Ubuntu, other OSes may differ | 12:47 |
kk_drop | Where I can change page title on entity page? | 12:48 |
Pici | kk_drop: Can you provide context? | 12:49 |
kk_drop | sure. I want to change title of page on field_collection_item page from "field collection item [number]" to one of item field. | 12:50 |
Pici | kk_drop: This is #ubuntu, I have no idea what you are referencing. Are you sure you're in the right channel. | 12:50 |
kk_drop | sooorrry! | 12:50 |
=== mez is now known as Mez | ||
whowantstolivefo | ActionParsnip: i am downloading utopic live cd | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | whowantstolivefo: worth a shot | 12:52 |
ActionParsnip | whowantstolivefo: you dont have to install it, just use the try option :) | 12:53 |
teward | so i finally upgraded my precise system to trusty, and I see a new `adm` user just sitting there on the login screen, do I need to be concerned? | 12:57 |
israel_ | ActionParsnip thanks that is getting me pretty close now! | 12:57 |
c0mrad3 | any one using redshif | 12:59 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: i get some errors | 13:01 |
c0mrad3 | please check this question | 13:04 |
=== renato is now known as Guest27564 | ||
moatazY | ActionParsnip: i got this while running intel graphics installer for linux from omg ubuntu any idea what is this ? | 13:04 |
fdsgv | How do I get brightness working on a Lenovo IdeaPad? | 13:05 |
fdsgv | many methods have been tried | 13:05 |
mao_ | fdsgv, sudo gedit /etc/rc.local ... | 13:06 |
cfhowlett | moatazY, edit software sources.list | 13:06 |
fdsgv | mao_: tried,doesn't work | 13:06 |
moatazY | cfhowlett: how to do it !? | 13:06 |
moatazY | cfhowlett: i checked all of rep | 13:07 |
cfhowlett | moatazY, system > software updater >settings | 13:07 |
mao_ | Y460 ? Y470? Y480 ? | 13:07 |
moatazY | cfhowlett: everything already checked | 13:07 |
fdsgv | mao_: y450 | 13:07 |
cfhowlett | moatazY, you need to UNcheck the DVD! | 13:08 |
OerHeks | cfhowlett +1 | 13:08 |
moatazY | cfhowlett: done | 13:08 |
moatazY | cfhowlett: then sudo apt-get update !? | 13:09 |
mao_ | fdsgv, I use Y460 , it's work well. | 13:10 |
fdsgv | mao_: have you modified the grub? | 13:10 |
mao_ | fdsgv, NO. | 13:11 |
fdsgv | mao_: which command do you write in /etc/rc.local | 13:12 |
mao_ | fdsgv, echo 3 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness , The number min 0 max 10 . | 13:16 |
fdsgv | mao_: thanks,but the problemsi that no folder called acpi_video0 in /.. just a folder called ideapad | 13:18 |
stivu | Hi! PowerBook G4 lubuntu 14.04 There is no sound | 13:19 |
mao_ | fdsgv, didi you use ubuntu 12.04 LTS? | 13:19 |
zetheroo | I am wondering if the keyring in Ubuntu can be used/integrated into Firefox .. something like Lastpass ... | 13:19 |
fdsgv | mao_: 14.04 | 13:20 |
Farioko | I installed Ubuntu on a laptop. Ethernet worked on the live cd, but after the install was done and rebooted, it was gone. How do I get it working? It's a broadcom 4411. BCM4401-B0 | 13:22 |
Farioko | I try to install bcmwl-kernel-source, but it hangs at DKMS: install complete | 13:22 |
Farioko | Really? Does nobody know? | 13:26 |
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studio_ | hi | 13:28 |
studio_ | german spoken here ? | 13:29 |
DJones | studio_: #ubuntu-de is the German language support channel | 13:29 |
studio_ | k | 13:29 |
studio_ | i need help for a tablet-PC MT 8127 based | 13:30 |
studio_ | someone here knows BQ ? | 13:31 |
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therue | so i just got ubuntu to run on my virtualbox | 13:31 |
therue | but how come there's only 3 resolutions in it for me to choose from :( | 13:32 |
therue | no 1920x1680 :\ | 13:32 |
nagchampa | So i normally run apt-get autoremove to clean up old dependencies but i was reading about deborphan, so I've run it and it's suggesting 3 packages not suggested by apt-get autoremove | 13:32 |
k1l | therue: install the guest additions inside the vbox | 13:32 |
=== matheus is now known as Guest1758 | ||
nagchampa | libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a libdevmapper-event1.02.1 and libdebian-installer4 | 13:33 |
studio_ | is here in irc a channel for ubuntu arm tablet devices? | 13:33 |
nagchampa | Is it safe to remove anything suggested by deborphan? | 13:34 |
k1l | studio_: #ubuntu-arm but keep in mind that this is a community channel. | 13:34 |
cfhowlett | therue, virtual machine is virtual = no actual gpu. your "hardware" options are limited. install the guest additions package and enable. help is in the vbox manual | 13:34 |
studio_ | @k1l I need some help ... | 13:35 |
Linolex | hi all, which part of the system is affecting the "file type" filter in the "file open" or "file upload" dialog boxes in Ubuntu 12.04? I have only "all files", and would like to filter by "only images" etc. | 13:35 |
Guest1758 | fdsfdsfds | 13:35 |
Guest1758 | fdfd | 13:35 |
Guest1758 | fd | 13:35 |
Guest1758 | fs | 13:35 |
Guest1758 | ff | 13:35 |
Guest1758 | df | 13:35 |
Guest1758 | df | 13:35 |
unopaste | Guest1758 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 13:35 |
therue | k1l: guest addition? | 13:38 |
zetheroo | I am wondering if the keyring in Ubuntu can be used/integrated into Firefox .. something like Lastpass ... anyone know ? | 13:38 |
=== Guest1758 is now known as GoTheuS | ||
edsage | My vim and vim plugins aren't working. They can't create or read files for some reason. I have to use sudo vim. Does anyone know why this would be? | 13:39 |
zumba_addict | morning folks. Any reason why chmod 777 wouldn't take effect even if root was being used? | 13:40 |
OerHeks | zumba_addict, give more info please, take effect on what? | 13:41 |
OerHeks | cd-rom? | 13:41 |
zumba_addict | chmod 777 somedir | 13:41 |
zumba_addict | it wouldn't change from 775 to 777 | 13:41 |
zumba_addict | i'm running chmod as root | 13:41 |
cfhowlett | therue, r - t - f - m virtualbox help | 13:41 |
nagchampa | edsage does root own your ~/.vim directory and ~/.vimrc owned by root? | 13:42 |
Pici | cfhowlett: Thats not helpful here. | 13:42 |
zumba_addict | oh, so it's different when it's virtual box | 13:42 |
edsage | how can I check? | 13:42 |
cfhowlett | Pici, noted. | 13:42 |
nagchampa | edsage: from your home directory run ll .vim* | 13:42 |
edsage | .vim is owned by root, but .vimrc is owned by my user | 13:43 |
nagchampa | edsage: have you installed any of your own vim stuff in .vim? | 13:44 |
k1l | therue: yes, guest additions. | 13:52 |
k1l | therue: that will install the "drivers vor vbox" to make it run better. | 13:53 |
k1l | !virtualbox | therue | 13:53 |
ubottu | therue: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at . Additional details can be found at | 13:53 |
therue | hmm how can i set my resolution to 1920x1080? | 13:56 |
therue | i just installed a fresh install on my virtualbox | 13:56 |
cfhowlett | therue, did you install guest additions? | 13:56 |
therue | sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms | 13:57 |
therue | i did this | 13:57 |
therue | | 13:57 |
therue | found this from here | 13:57 |
therue | but i'm not logged in as guest though | 13:57 |
therue | i'm logged in on my own account as michael | 13:57 |
k1l | therue: guest means guest in the vbox. as the host is the OS that runs the vbox on. | 13:57 |
therue | oh i see | 13:58 |
therue | sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms | 13:58 |
therue | is this right then? | 13:58 |
ActionParsnip | therue: look in the menus at the top of the guest | 13:59 |
ActionParsnip | therue: you will need to run the script in a terminal prefixed with sudo | 13:59 |
etzer | hello all | 13:59 |
etzer | ? | 13:59 |
=== Guest45646 is now known as kirkland | ||
therue | ya run that line in the terminal right? | 14:00 |
etzer | how can i increase the system font in ubuntu? | 14:00 |
ActionParsnip | therue: no | 14:00 |
ActionParsnip | !info virtualbox-guest-dkms | 14:00 |
ubottu | virtualbox-guest-dkms (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - guest addition module source for dkms. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.10-dfsg-1 (trusty), package size 440 kB, installed size 3516 kB | 14:00 |
ActionParsnip | etzer: increase in what way, the size? | 14:00 |
ActionParsnip | therue: seems so, go for it | 14:00 |
etzer | yes the size because they are too small. | 14:00 |
gorbyebrius | Hello! I am not really sure what to search for so I figured I'll ask here. I have a small home server in a virtual machine intended for file storage exclusively. It works fine with sshfs and sftp, however, I would like to be able to to a FULL system backup from my laptop to said file server, and in order to do that, I want to be able to retain my file permissions. Whats the best way to achieve that? | 14:01 |
moatazY | hello there i cant change my resouion any help :) | 14:02 |
etzer | ActionParsnip: yes the size because they are too small. even though i went to apperance and increase it to 16 still not showing like it is increase. | 14:02 |
=== ARMEN_ is now known as EREVAN | ||
etzer | ActionParsnip: yes the size because they are too small. even though i went to apperance and increase it to 16 still not showing like it is increase. | 14:04 |
ActionParsnip | etzer: I believe ubuntu tweak can do that | 14:04 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: you need to remove the install CD as a package source | 14:05 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: i used that instaler its usless and my driver was already installed | 14:05 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: my probplem with the display it self | 14:06 |
nabn | hi. is there a way to partition the hard drive that's currently mounted? i have a 500gig partition that i want to partition into two. | 14:06 |
gorbyebrius | To clarify, if it's possible I'd like to match the owner:group uid and gid from the machine doing to backup to the file server. | 14:06 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: is that what the installer said? | 14:07 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: when i go to sys setting and displays it says that i has unknown display | 14:07 |
cfhowlett | nabn, NEVER partition a mounted drive if you care at all about what's on it. | 14:07 |
etzer | ActionParsnip: you said ubuntu tweak, how do i do that. i remember the old version there was an option on appearance where you can change it to the size that you want but now this option is no longer there. | 14:07 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: installer is done | 14:07 |
knightfelt | @nabn You can unmount the drive partition it. So long as it's not the one running the OS | 14:07 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: if you restart the X server, does it help? | 14:07 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: with no errors | 14:07 |
gorbyebrius | Nabn: if you have ONE partition that's being used then no. However, you can boot into a live USB/CD and do that, but resizing a partition always comes with data-loss risk. | 14:08 |
nabn | knightfelt, as i said, i have only one partition on the drive, and the os is currently booting from it. | 14:08 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: how to restart x server , he asked for pc start , | 14:08 |
lancelot_of | how to boot in console mode in ubuntu? | 14:08 |
nabn | gorbyebrius, i see. what's the safest way to do that please? | 14:08 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: save all your open docs so you dont lose data then run: killall -u $USER | 14:08 |
nabn | lancelot_of, i guess alt-ctrl-f1 | 14:09 |
knightfelt | nabn: I would burn a live CD like Knoppix and use the tools available on that to repartition | 14:09 |
gorbyebrius | nabn, check out gparted live. If you boot from that and have an extra hard drive, the SAFEST way is to copy your files and just create two new partiotions | 14:09 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: you can clear the GPG erroir you are seeing with these commands: | 14:09 |
lancelot_of | nabn, something gone wrong with lightdm and ubuntu desktop, so i cannot gain access to console with Ctrl Alt F* and black screen | 14:10 |
lancelot_of | nabn, i thought som failsafe boot | 14:10 |
gorbyebrius | But you can resize existing partitions. I've never had a problem with that, but the smarter people who wrote those programs give a warning so i'm just passing alogn those warnings. | 14:10 |
nabn | gorbyebrius, thanks. i'd rather not risk it. will create a folder instead. i just need to backup files from my old pc. | 14:10 |
Fillipe | hey guys, after updating my ubuntu to 14.04 my phpmyadmin url access show 'forbidden' - any ideas on how to fix it? | 14:10 |
akp | anyone here using a clipboard manager? | 14:10 |
gorbyebrius | akp, just ask your question, worst case it won't get answered. | 14:10 |
nabn | lancelot_of, oh. sorry. i don't think i can help you.. | 14:11 |
akp | can anyone suggest a clipboard manager that can handle images as well? | 14:11 |
lancelot_of | anyone can help me? | 14:11 |
lancelot_of | nabn thanks anyway | 14:11 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: what was the website again ? | 14:11 |
nabn | gorbyebrius, resize you say? i tried gparted. i think it requires the partition to be unmounted before it can be edited.. or am i wrong? | 14:12 |
Pici | 36 | 14:12 |
gorbyebrius | akp, I use xfce4-clipman, it works with images, however I'm not sure you can use it in ubuntu with unity | 14:12 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: i just wanna make it clear i dont have additional driver like or properity diver in my update list | 14:12 |
gorbyebrius | It does have a systray, so it's worth a try | 14:12 |
akp | i'm using cinnamon anyways | 14:12 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: in additional driver i mean | 14:12 |
gorbyebrius | nabn, you are correct. That's why you need to boot a gparted live disk or a knoppix as someone else suggested | 14:13 |
nabn | gorbyebrius, got it. | 14:13 |
gorbyebrius | By booting a live distro from a USB stick then your system won't be mounted. | 14:13 |
gorbyebrius | akp: try xfce4-clipman, it handles images | 14:13 |
akp | gorbyebrius: cool. thanks | 14:14 |
Fillipe | does anyone has a tutorial about how to define fixed ip address to ubuntu 14.04? it is to a small company server network | 14:14 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: x,org isnt a driver... You have an Intel GPU, which should work out of the box, or with the additional driver from Intel themselves. | 14:14 |
moatazY | i have no proprietary drivers are in use | 14:14 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: if you use another screen, is it ok? | 14:14 |
akp | Fillipe: what do you mean | 14:14 |
akp | Fillipe: do you need the ubuntu machine to have a static IP address | 14:14 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: no its not same problem with many displays | 14:15 |
Fillipe | akp i'm having hard times to set up my localhost machine as static ip address | 14:15 |
akp | Fillipe: or is the machine a server for the network and give out IP addresses to the network? | 14:15 |
Fillipe | exaclty akp | 14:15 |
akp | exactly? which one is it? | 14:15 |
Fillipe | i have a dedicated machine here that i'm using as server with ubuntu 14.04 | 14:15 |
akp | or is it both, you can't setup a static on it, and you can't get it to hand out address to the network | 14:16 |
gorbyebrius | Fillipe, what handles IP addresses is called a DHCP server. You usually need to configure the DHCP server to give out a static address based on MAC-addresses. | 14:16 |
gorbyebrius | Fillipe, which machine gives out the IP-addresses in your office network? | 14:16 |
Fillipe | gorbyebrius: I was trying to do that but it stopped my internet connection | 14:17 |
Fillipe | gorbyebrius: my server machine ip | 14:17 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: what was the website u gave it to me again | 14:18 |
gorbyebrius | You may have tried to configure how whichever machine connects to the internet gets an IP for the outside world. | 14:18 |
ActionParsnip | moatazY: the omgubuntu one? | 14:19 |
gorbyebrius | Fillipe, you have a machine connecting to the outside world, which in turn runs a DHCP server. The DHCP server gives out IPs to the local machines, and then directs traffic from the outside world into your Local network. It sounds like you want to have a static address within the Local network, is that correct? | 14:19 |
morpheusx | I decided to drop Windows and fulltime shift to ubuntu any config tips for getting the ultimate speed out of ubuntu | 14:20 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: no the other one after sudo killall -u | 14:20 |
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Fillipe | gorbyebrius: yes, that is correct. Local network only | 14:21 |
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ActionParsnip | moatazY: killall -u $USER | 14:21 |
Fillipe | gorbyebrius: just to work as files server for now | 14:21 |
gorbyebrius | The machine thats connecting to the outside world, is that a linux box or a router? | 14:21 |
moatazY | ActionParsnip: yeah u gave me guide through website after it | 14:21 |
gansteed | where is the font configuration file in ubuntu 14.04? | 14:22 |
gorbyebrius | morpheusx, are you not pleased with the responsiveness of your system? | 14:22 |
gorbyebrius | gansteed, use unity-tweak-tool for that, not need to edit files. | 14:23 |
morpheusx | Gorbyebrius i have to install it but remembered from last time the dash being slow | 14:24 |
gansteed | gorbyebrius: I'm not change font in my desktop, I'm gonna write a gtk-app, I need set the default fonts to use | 14:24 |
Fillipe | gorbyebrius: regular router | 14:25 |
gansteed | so, I think I should find the configuration file first | 14:25 |
gorbyebrius | morpheusx, I'd suggest using a lighter window manager then, but that's all personal preference. There isn't much tweaking to be done to make a huge difference. I use xubuntu. | 14:25 |
moatazY | hello i need help :) i cant change my resolutions | 14:27 |
gorbyebrius | Fillipe, you simply need to log into your router and configure it from there. Somewhere you will find something called DHCP leases, that's IP addresses temporarily held for specific machines. There you will get the MAC address of your ubuntu file server. Somewhere in there you should also find something "static addresses". | 14:27 |
moatazY | i have unknown display | 14:27 |
gorbyebrius | If you do everything correctly, the DHCP server of the router will always dish out the same IP to the file server | 14:27 |
gorbyebrius | gansteed, I can't help you with that. | 14:27 |
Morpheusxnl | gorbyebrius, any tips on the dash | 14:28 |
gorbyebrius | morpheusx, I'd suggest using a lighter window manager then, but that's all personal preference. There isn't much tweaking to be done to make a huge difference. I use xubuntu | 14:28 |
gansteed | gorbyebrius: thank you anyway. | 14:28 |
moatazY | and i have no proprietary driver in use as my oc said | 14:28 |
ghja | Any ideas where I can start troubleshooting if I installed the UFRII Canon driver for printing and from my perspective everything works but nothing is printing? The printer is working fine for others. The last line in my access_log for cups is "200 421 Print-Job successful-ok" | 14:29 |
ghja | I even get low toner notifications! | 14:29 |
gorbyebrius | ghja, could it be this? | 14:30 |
moatazY | hello i need help :) i cant change my resolutions ,i have unknown display ,and i have no proprietary driver in use as my pc said | 14:33 |
gorbyebrius | moatazY, is it an external monitor? How is it connected? | 14:34 |
moatazY | gorbyebrius: vga cable | 14:35 |
moatazY | gorbyebrius: yeah ext monitor with that blue parallel cable | 14:35 |
vad3rman1156 | hi, how do I make a USB boot from the minimal install? | 14:36 |
vad3rman1156 | I can't seem to do it.. | 14:36 |
gorbyebrius | moatazY, try this: xrandr --newmode $(cvt 1280 1024 60 | grep Mode | sed -e 's/.*"/1280x1024/') | 14:36 |
knightfelt | Sometimes you have to enable USB boot from the BIOS | 14:36 |
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Morpheusxnl | gorbyebrius, thank you well last time i installed no drivers nothing, maybe i need to look into video drivers to get it optimal it is an intel i7 with 4gb of ram so that should be good enough | 14:37 |
gorbyebrius | vad3rman1156, which steps have you done so far? How did you create the live USB? | 14:37 |
moatazY | gorbyebrius: and ? | 14:37 |
vad3rman1156 | knightfelt: yeah but I can't create it | 14:37 |
gorbyebrius | moatazY, check if the new resolution is now available | 14:37 |
vad3rman1156 | I can't create the usb boot, it doesn't show under when I click it, just shows my usb stick. | 14:37 |
knightfelt | vad3rman1156: what have you tried so far? | 14:37 |
ghja | gorbyebrius: tried installing the 32 bit drivers only but still getting an identical error after restarting cups and re-adding the printer. ill try adding 64 bit on top now and see what happesn | 14:37 |
moatazY | gorbyebrius: nothing still unkown display and my max reso is 1024 | 14:38 |
knightfelt | You can use a program to create it for you. I'll find the name | 14:38 |
gorbyebrius | Morpheusxnl, which graphics card do you have? | 14:38 |
vad3rman1156 | I'm using startup disk creator, I click it in downloads, my usb is there but it's not letting me create it? | 14:38 |
bashfr3ak | do you redirect output from another shell.... to the current shell ? | 14:38 |
vad3rman1156 | I click open and nothing opens, just shows my usb stick. | 14:38 |
knightfelt | vad3rman1156: There is a special USB creation program. Hang on | 14:38 |
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gorbyebrius | ghja, if you have a 64-bit system you should install the 64-bit package. The solution i showed was installing a specific 32 bit library and linking that. Just follow the steps provided at askubuntu | 14:38 |
r_a_x | disk analyser says root usage 100% but other folders show 0% usage | 14:39 |
knightfelt | vad3rman1156: try unetbootin | 14:39 |
gorbyebrius | moatazY, 1024x? | 14:39 |
moatazY | gorbyebrius: i got this | 14:39 |
vad3rman1156 | sec | 14:39 |
vad3rman1156 | installing | 14:39 |
vad3rman1156 | sec | 14:39 |
moatazY | gorbyebrius: 1024*768 4;3 | 14:39 |
r_a_x | ubuntu keeps popping a message user system running on low disk space, | 14:41 |
daftykins | r_a_x: open a terminal and run "df -h" then share it via please | 14:41 |
r_a_x | and the disk analyser only shows root usage 100% | 14:41 |
vad3rman1156 | it's doing it now knightfelt what next? | 14:42 |
ghja | gorbyebrius: i tried it but the find command gives me nothing, i tried apt-get install lib32stdc++6 and it installed but it didnt fix the issue, restarting cups didnt help either | 14:43 |
knightfelt | vad3rman1156: If it's creating the start up USB, you have to enable USB boot in your BIOS | 14:43 |
knightfelt | Then when you start up your machine you should load from the USB instead of the disk | 14:43 |
vad3rman1156 | yeah I know that :p but I can use it to install? | 14:43 |
r_a_x | daftyins: | 14:43 |
gorbyebrius | ghja, Sorry then :) | 14:43 |
knightfelt | Sure, you can use it the same way you use a live CD | 14:43 |
vad3rman1156 | the minimal won't add any extras right? | 14:44 |
knightfelt | Nope | 14:44 |
daftykins | r_a_x: what OS is this? | 14:44 |
r_a_x | ubuntu | 14:44 |
gorbyebrius | vad3rman1156, be advised it will also not install an X server, no GUI | 14:44 |
daftykins | version? | 14:44 |
knightfelt | It's going to just be a terminal. You ok with that? | 14:44 |
r_a_x | I have double booted ubuntu on windows 7 | 14:44 |
vad3rman1156 | I don't have a server...want it as my desktop.. | 14:45 |
=== simone_ is now known as en0m15 | ||
knightfelt | So you need a GUI ya? | 14:45 |
gorbyebrius | vad3rman1156, then you probably don't want the minimal install :) | 14:45 |
daftykins | r_a_x: ok well yeah it's a bit odd that your / is showing up as loop0, but you've definitely installed too much cruft. try sharing the output of "ls -al /boot" | 14:45 |
vad3rman1156 | I don't want all the libre office an stuff | 14:45 |
daftykins | (via pastebin site again) | 14:45 |
knightfelt | You'd be best off by installing traditional Ubuntu and removing what you don't want | 14:45 |
gorbyebrius | vad3rman1156, it's usually less of a hassle to simply uninstall the things you don't need | 14:45 |
Morpheusxnl | gorbyebrius, an amd / ati | 14:45 |
knightfelt | gorbyebrius: lol. I hear an echo in here! | 14:46 |
daftykins | ^that's my usual line :P | 14:46 |
r_a_x | daftykins, | 14:46 |
gorbyebrius | Morpheusxnl, that machine should be more that capable to run Unity, make sure to enable propertatian drivers though through your "Software sources". Don't go to ati and download the drivers from there | 14:47 |
Morpheusxnl | gorbyebrius, i will do that | 14:47 |
gorbyebrius | If you really want to ditch your windows, best thing is to install ubuntu and spend time IN ubuntu. | 14:47 |
vad3rman1156 | gorbyebrius: oh, right. so just install ubuntu but remove what I don't need? | 14:47 |
daftykins | r_a_x: and can you share "cat /etc/issue" ? it should only be one line so you can paste it here | 14:47 |
r_a_x | daftykins, Ubuntu 12.10 \n \l | 14:48 |
gorbyebrius | knightfelts echo replies yes. :) | 14:48 |
daftykins | r_a_x: ok, that's a dead unsupported release i'm afraid so you're better off reinstalling a supported one. i can tell you now that 5GB is nowhere near enough though for a working ubuntu install | 14:48 |
daftykins | !12.10 | 14:49 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and | 14:49 |
r_a_x | daftykins, okay so which version should i use and can use wubi to install it | 14:51 |
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r_a_x | daftykins, I am also using windows 7 | 14:51 |
daftykins | r_a_x: aaaah, that's why it was loop then. i always recommend avoiding WUBI, it is absolutely terrible. 12.04, 14.04 and soon 14.10 are to be out. only the first two are LTS (long term support) releases though so i'd go with them ideally. | 14:51 |
gorbyebrius | wubi is generally not as good as using a dual boot, but the choice is there | 14:52 |
daftykins | gorbyebrius: if you'd like to be the channel's chief WUBI support volunteer, go for it ;) | 14:52 |
daftykins | me, i'd rather everyone avoid it. | 14:52 |
knightfelt | daftykins: why's that? | 14:52 |
daftykins | ever tried resolving someone's broken WUBI install when they can only boot Windows/ live sessions? :) | 14:53 |
gorbyebrius | daftykins, that's what I politely wrote, don't use it :) | 14:53 |
daftykins | especially if they're a beginner, mounting the NTFS volume followed by the image before you even get to start looking at the problem is not fun. | 14:53 |
knightfelt | I've never used it before, just heard about it. Was wondering why you avoid it | 14:53 |
=== Owner__ is now known as Guest12564 | ||
CryptoSiD | Err precise/restricted i386 Packages | 14:54 |
CryptoSiD | 404 Not Found [IP: 2001:67c:1562::15 80] | 14:54 |
CryptoSiD | whats wrong | 14:54 |
cfhowlett | knightfelt, I HAVE used it. when it failed, it drove me away from linux for years ... and I have a high pain tolerance. it was that bad when it was a supported project. | 14:54 |
OerHeks | CryptoSiD, try again or change mirror | 14:54 |
gorbyebrius | CryptoSiD, your /etc/apt/sources.list has an address thats not reachable | 14:54 |
gorbyebrius | CryptoSiD, if you go into synaptic package manager, there you can choose mirrors | 14:55 |
CryptoSiD | isnt it the restricted section causing problem? | 14:55 |
CryptoSiD | im console only, no gnome/kde | 14:55 |
gorbyebrius | CryptoSiD, choose the "pick best mirror" from "synaptic" and it will find the best mirrors for you based on ping! | 14:55 |
gorbyebrius | Ah. | 14:55 |
knightfelt | cfhowlett: that sucks | 14:55 |
daftykins | r_a_x: depending on what you use Ubuntu for, you might be better off just installing it in a Virtual Machine (VM) under virtualbox on top of Windows | 14:56 |
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eeee | CryptoSiD: sit tight maybe it's the server, or sed -i 's/us.archive.ubuntu/archive.ubuntu/' /etc/apt/sources.list | 14:56 |
knightfelt | daftykins: I run virtualbox everyday for work and it has it's own headaches, that's for sure lol | 14:56 |
r_a_x | daftykins, generally I code on ubuntu | 14:56 |
Noiro | I run Ubuntu natively on my home PC and it works great. I switched out unity for gnome and grabbed a couple packages and I was good to go | 14:57 |
r_a_x | daftykins, But I uses ubuntu most of the time | 14:57 |
moatazY | gorbyebrius: mine just crashed and it was out of range | 14:57 |
daftykins | r_a_x: ah, you may want to look into making more space to install it with a proper dualboot setup beside Windows 7 then, avoiding WUBI | 14:58 |
CryptoSiD | yeah look like its the server | 14:58 |
daftykins | knightfelt: i know, but anything is better than WUBI. | 14:58 |
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knightfelt | daftykins: that bad huh? | 14:58 |
r_a_x | daftykins, okay I will install ubuntu withour wubi then | 14:58 |
gorbyebrius | moatazY, Try around with different resolutions with the commands I gave you, otherwise I can't help you any more. | 14:59 |
CryptoSiD | | 14:59 |
CryptoSiD | right? | 14:59 |
moatazY | gorbyebrius: send me the commands again in private chat if u may | 14:59 |
daftykins | r_a_x: come back from in Windows with a screenshot of diskmgmt.msc if you'd like some further input. | 14:59 |
r_a_x | daftykins, okay | 15:00 |
_nedR | Hello. I am trying ubuntu 14.04... it is asking me for user name and password | 15:03 |
_nedR | when booting as live cd | 15:03 |
OerHeks | username empty, password ubuntu ? | 15:04 |
k1l | _nedR: that should not ask for it. what cd is it exactly? | 15:04 |
OerHeks | maybe it asked this when screenprotection goes on? | 15:04 |
_nedR | k1l, actually its live usb i got from 14.04 | 15:05 |
_nedR | OerHeks, tried doesn't work | 15:05 |
_nedR | k1l, downloaded from website | 15:05 |
knightfelt | try user:livecd and no password | 15:05 |
jniebla | Hi There, I'm trying to install tripwire on Ubuntu 14.04.1, while trying to run tripwire —init, it fails with segmentation fault | 15:05 |
gorbyebrius | knightfelt, i think the user is simply live ? | 15:06 |
OerHeks | oh, then "default username is ubuntu, and the password is blank on an Ubuntu LiveCD" | 15:06 |
gorbyebrius | noo | 15:06 |
gorbyebrius | ubuntu! | 15:06 |
OerHeks | other way around | 15:06 |
jniebla | is there any known issue? | 15:06 |
Fillipe | hey guys, after updating my ubuntu to 14.04 my phpmyadmin url access show 'forbidden' - any ideas on how to fix it? | 15:06 |
_nedR | knightfelt, doesn't work | 15:07 |
OerHeks | jniebla, "sudo tripwire --init" > | 15:07 |
knightfelt | _nedR: try OerHeks suggestion | 15:08 |
gorbyebrius | Fillipe, I am sorry for saying this but you're a bit over your head in this. If you simply need a file server in your office you don't need php. Write more of what you're trying to achieve with this whole office server setup and maybe we can help. | 15:08 |
_nedR | knightfelt, OerHeks tried that | 15:08 |
_nedR | this never happened before.. maybe drive is corrupted.. will try rewrite usb drive | 15:08 |
cmishra | Is it possible to retrieve the user password if one has forgotten? | 15:08 |
gorbyebrius | Fillipe, did you resolve the static IP address from the router? | 15:08 |
Fillipe | gorbyebrius: sorry, that is another issue from a different server.. lol | 15:09 |
knightfelt | Wait, is it asking in a GUI window or at a terminal? | 15:09 |
_nedR | knightfelt, at GUI | 15:09 |
Fillipe | gorbyebrius: no, I will try this afternoon.. I'm now trying to dig into this phpmyadmin issue | 15:09 |
Fillipe | that's killing me | 15:09 |
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_nedR | when clicking "Try ubuntu without installing".. | 15:09 |
knightfelt | _nedR: I don't think it's ever done that for me when I use the Ubuntu live cds. You're using the official ones? When did you download it? | 15:10 |
mcphail | _nedR: as far as I recall it shouldn't ask | 15:10 |
k1l | _nedR: official iso? or some other website? | 15:10 |
_nedR | knightfelt, A while back.. | 15:10 |
gorbyebrius | Fillipe, can you ssh into the machine? | 15:11 |
Fillipe | yeap gorbyebrius | 15:11 |
Fillipe | I'm on it now | 15:11 |
gorbyebrius | | 15:11 |
_nedR | k1l, Yes official (torrent)... I guess the disk is corrupted will remake liveusb | 15:11 |
knightfelt | _nedR: I would grab a fresh copy and remake the live usb | 15:11 |
k1l | _nedR: yes | 15:11 |
_nedR | okay guys thanks for help will redo | 15:11 |
mkumar | cmishra: using recovery mode | 15:11 |
knightfelt | _nedR: it shouldn't ask for any passwords or usernames | 15:11 |
mcphail | _nedR: maybe time to get rid of the old USB stick | 15:12 |
cmishra | Recovery mode? At grub? | 15:12 |
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Fillipe | gorbyebrius: I saw that one, but is to Fedora... I'm using Ubuntu | 15:12 |
moatazY | gorbyebrius: is there anyother way ? | 15:12 |
championofcyrodi | anyone using openstack nova w/ ubuntu? | 15:13 |
moatazY | gorbyebrius: i tried severa resoultions | 15:13 |
gorbyebrius | Doesn't hurt to try as long as you can backtrack your steps to go to the previous config | 15:13 |
mkumar | cmishra: yes,in advance boot options | 15:13 |
cmishra | Okay thanks... | 15:13 |
OerHeks | LoLz backtrack is EOL | 15:13 |
gorbyebrius | moatazY, as I said, I can't help you! | 15:13 |
championofcyrodi | I'm trying to determine where the "cloud-init" script ends up on ubuntu 14.04 cloud image with nova boot --user-data my-cloud-script.init | 15:14 |
moatazY | gorbyebrius: am very grateful for ur help and thx alot :) for ur effords | 15:14 |
jniebla | thanks OerHeks, that is the url I was using as reference | 15:14 |
championofcyrodi | because it's not being execute on 14.04 (but is w/ centos 6.5) | 15:14 |
Fillipe | gorbyebrius: any idea if I reinstall phpmyadmin I will lost my old data? | 15:15 |
coalwater | ubottu: clone | 15:15 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate | 15:15 |
coalwater | !automate | 15:15 |
ubottu | Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at - See also !cloning | 15:15 |
gorbyebrius | Usually apt-get purge *packagename* removes the package PLUS config files | 15:15 |
jniebla | it fails on sudo tripwire --init | 15:16 |
jniebla | it produces the following error: Please enter your local passphrase: | 15:16 |
jniebla | Parsing policy file: /etc/tripwire/tw.pol | 15:16 |
jniebla | Generating the database... | 15:16 |
jniebla | *** Processing Unix File System *** | 15:16 |
jniebla | Software interrupt forced exit: Segmentation Fault | 15:16 |
jniebla | Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 15:16 |
unopaste | jniebla you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 15:16 |
gorbyebrius | apt-get remove only removes the package but not the config files | 15:16 |
r_a_x | daftykins, | 15:17 |
jniebla | | 15:17 |
gorbyebrius | Fillipe, you have to have the courage to fiddle with config files if you're going to do admin tasks though. Just make sure to backup any files you fiddle! cp foo.conf foo.conf.bak and change anything you want | 15:17 |
gorbyebrius | anything goes wrong you just mv foo.conf.bak foo.conf and you're back where you started | 15:17 |
ActionParsnip | gorbyebrius: i wish more people would do that | 15:18 |
ActionParsnip | !info cpd | 15:19 |
ubottu | Package cpd does not exist in trusty | 15:19 |
ActionParsnip | gorbyebrius: we use cpd where I work | 15:19 |
ActionParsnip | boo | 15:19 |
moatazY | Can't set screen resolution to 16:9 anyhelp ? | 15:19 |
gorbyebrius | haha ActionParsnip I am really really really bad at that myself, but hey, do as I say not as I do :) | 15:19 |
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tellendil | hi ! I'm triying to enable core dumps on ubuntnu and it works on ubuntu desktop but not on ubuntu server, I did the same thing on both... any idea what I could miss ? ulimit, core_pattern and coredump_filter too | 15:19 |
emotion | gorbyebrius: like "take my advice, i dont use it" | 15:19 |
gorbyebrius | haha that's even better, I am using it | 15:20 |
knightfelt | tellendil: What have you tried so far? | 15:23 |
tellendil | knightfelt, "ulimit -c unlimited", "echo /tmp/core.%e > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern" and "echo 0x7f > proc/self/coredump_filter" | 15:25 |
moatazY | hello :) how to install the right driver | 15:25 |
mcphail | moatazY: graphics driver? | 15:26 |
c0mrad3 | hi any redshift users | 15:26 |
moatazY | mcphail: vga driver | 15:26 |
mcphail | moatazY: what graphics card? | 15:27 |
knightfelt | tellendil: And you have core dump files in your /tmp directory? | 15:27 |
moatazY | mcphail: its built in chip and i cant set my res higher than 1024*768 or even cant change my ratio to 14;9 | 15:27 |
moatazY | mcphail: 16:9** | 15:27 |
tellendil | knightfelt, on ubuntu desktop yes, on ubuntu server no | 15:28 |
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mcphail | moatazY: built in to what, though? Motherboard chip? ARM SoC? | 15:28 |
moatazY | mcphail: motherboard its name is Intel® Q33 | 15:29 |
gorbyebrius | tellendil, you have a slash missing on the last redirect | 15:29 |
knightfelt | tellendil: well if you don't have any core.* files in /tmp then when you enter "echo /tmp/core.%e > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern" won't do anything | 15:29 |
moatazY | mcphail: and no proprietary drivers are in use | 15:30 |
tellendil | gorbyebrius, oh sorry, this is a type | 15:30 |
tellendil | knightfelt, what ? I don't understand what you are trying to explain | 15:30 |
moatazY | mcphail: the list is empty from additional driver | 15:30 |
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mcphail | moatazY: not sure it supports widescreen. It is QXGA and you need WQXGA | 15:32 |
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c0mrad3 | seems no one's responding I have a problem with redshift :( | 15:32 |
moatazY | mcphail: how to get it !? | 15:33 |
knightfelt | tellendil: run ulimit -a and verify core file size is unlimited | 15:33 |
OerHeks | c0mrad3, why not ask your real question and find out? | 15:33 |
mcphail | moatazY: don't know if you can get it natively. You can try messing about with modelines and xrandr | 15:33 |
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tellendil | knightfelt, it is ! | 15:34 |
c0mrad3 | OerHeks: i am using ubuntu-gnome and redshift is not at all working | 15:34 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: do they have their own channel? | 15:36 |
knightfelt | tellendil: see this site. It might help you: | 15:36 |
c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: unfortunately no | 15:36 |
mcphail | moatazY: install cvt and run something like "cvt 1280 720" | 15:37 |
moatazY | mcphail: how to make sure ? | 15:38 |
mcphail | moatazY: install cvt and run something like "cvt 1280 720" | 15:38 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: | 15:39 |
moatazY | mcphail: i mean the right commands for it !? | 15:39 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: check your config file, the package doesnt ned to be built | 15:39 |
ActionParsnip | !info redshift-gtk | 15:39 |
ubottu | redshift-gtk (source: redshift): Adjusts the color temperature of your screen with GTK+ integration. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8-0ubuntu6 (trusty), package size 25 kB, installed size 486 kB | 15:39 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: tried that GUI too ^ | 15:39 |
c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: I am using ubuntu gnome | 15:39 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: its the same | 15:40 |
stivu | help, please, powerbook g4, no sound, lubuntu 14.04 | 15:40 |
mcphail | moatazY: I always use this page. It is for Arch but is appropriate here: | 15:40 |
c0mrad3 | I think that redshift doesn't support gnome | 15:40 |
mcphail | | 15:40 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: not sure, worth a try though | 15:40 |
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c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: the is nothing but the copy paste of the redshift official page | 15:41 |
moatazY | mcphail: i think the problem with driver it self maybe 1?!! | 15:41 |
mcphail | moatazY: maybe but work through that page first | 15:41 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: did you compare your ~/.config/redshift.conf with the one on the page? | 15:41 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: have you tried installing xfce4, see if it works ok there | 15:42 |
c0mrad3 | I copy pasted the same thing :) | 15:42 |
moatazY | mcphail: am kinda noob i dont wanna to screw around , i tried xrander but no help | 15:42 |
mcphail | moatazY: have you tried the steps outlined on that page? | 15:42 |
glcheetham | stivu: Install the package pavucontrol and attempt to diagnose/fix the problem that way | 15:43 |
c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: I have only gnome on my system | 15:43 |
moatazY | mcphail: yeah and nothing happens , and no screen resolution added already , and unknown display is my main prob :) | 15:43 |
zlude | Hello! I do a thing wrong, i use "chown -R user:user /" now i'm having some problems, can i fix it? | 15:43 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: yes, thats why I said "have you tried installing xfce4" | 15:43 |
gorbyebrius | zlude, you really shouldn't have done that | 15:43 |
moatazY | mcphail: i tried many resolutions from guys helped me here but he gave up | 15:44 |
glcheetham | zlude, why? | 15:44 |
c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: no I don't want to shift my desktop environment | 15:44 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: its just to test..... | 15:44 |
jargon | what happened to the libnss-winbind package for 12.04? why is it in 14.04 but not in 12.04? | 15:44 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: then we will know for sure that the gnome-shell is the issue, won't we | 15:44 |
mcphail | moatazY: you may well hit a brick wall. As I said above, your hardware isn't designed to output 16:9 | 15:44 |
zlude | glcheetham, involuntarily | 15:44 |
zlude | can i fix? | 15:44 |
c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: I am not into contribution or testing :) | 15:45 |
c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: do anyone of them are facing the same issue | 15:45 |
moatazY | mcphail: on windows it works fine | 15:45 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: its to investigate your issue, see where the problem lies | 15:46 |
zlude | glcheetham/<gorbyebrius>, can i fix or need reinstall? | 15:46 |
c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: so what should i do now | 15:47 |
mcphail | moatazY: beyond adding modelines generated by cvt I can't help further. Sorry. | 15:47 |
moatazY | mcphail: appreciated ur help thx :) | 15:47 |
gorbyebrius | zlude, you can always fix a broken install, but it's a question of whether it's worth it... At this point reinstalling is probably the quickest solution. Do you have your /home on a seperate partition? And also, can you at the moment use sudo? | 15:47 |
nisstyre | :/buffer 38 | 15:48 |
nisstyre | :| | 15:48 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: install xfce4, log off, log into XFCE, test redshift. Then log off, log in to gnome-shell session, uninstall xfce4 | 15:48 |
zlude | gorbyebrius, no. i can't sudo | 15:49 |
OerHeks | zlude, backup your data and reinstall | 15:49 |
tellendil | knightfelt, ok, it works sporadically, thanks, I'll continue checking ! | 15:50 |
knightfelt | tellendil: Glad to hear it! | 15:50 |
c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: are you a contributor of gnome | 15:50 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: no, I'm a user and Ubuntu member..... | 15:51 |
someone1123 | hi | 15:51 |
c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: have you used redshift | 15:51 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: never heard of it til you mentioned it | 15:51 |
moatazY | mcphail: $ xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1280x1024_60.00 | 15:51 |
moatazY | this worked for me appeard in my lis finay but with 5:4 aspect ratio | 15:51 |
zlude | OerHeks, thx | 15:52 |
c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: do you think that such applications depends on the desktop environment | 15:52 |
ActionParsnip | <c0mrad3> OerHeks: i am using ubuntu-gnome and redshift is not at all working | 15:53 |
mcphail | moatazY: have you added a 1280x720 mode? | 15:53 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: maybe it doesnt work with the desktop you have is my point | 15:53 |
c0mrad3 | ActionParsnip: why does it happen like that | 15:54 |
ActionParsnip | c0mrad3: no idea | 15:54 |
Talven81 | I'm trying to run a java server at startup, (Prior to anyone logging in) by issuing java <options> -jar server.jar under a new user account I just created (with elevated permissions). How do I kick off the java command under this user? | 15:55 |
gorbyebrius | zlude, dpkg --get-selections | awk '{printf "%s ",$1} END {print ""}' will show all your currently installed packages, can come in handy if you're reinstalling. | 15:55 |
ActionParsnip | Talven81: does the application need the X server to be running? | 15:55 |
Talven81 | Negative. | 15:55 |
mcphail | Talven81: several ways. I use cron | 15:55 |
mcphail | Talven81: use "crontab -e -u theuser" and add a line starting "@reboot" | 15:56 |
ActionParsnip | Talven81: if you add the command in /etc/rc.local above the 'exit 0' line it will run at boot, as root. You can use the su command to run the command as another user.Be sure to background the command with an ampersand so that the boot doesn't hamg | 15:56 |
ActionParsnip | mcphail: thats good too :) | 15:56 |
Talven81 | Well the instructions I have been reading tried to get me to create a service... /etc/init.d/myserver which worked the first time, but now it comes up as unknown service (wiped and rebuilt server). | 15:56 |
daftykins | lol don't advise running something Java as root ;) | 15:57 |
ActionParsnip | daftykins: use su to run the command as another user..... | 15:57 |
daftykins | ActionParsnip: not sure why you're directing that at me, i wasn't asking a question :) | 15:58 |
Talven81 | Yeah that's why I made another userid. | 15:58 |
mcphail | Talven81: Messing with init scripts is the elegant way. I prefer quick and dirty solutions... :) | 15:58 |
ActionParsnip | daftykins: it looked like you were suggesting that I was suggesting to run java as root. | 15:58 |
daftykins | yeah it did seem that way | 15:58 |
ActionParsnip | daftykins: ;) | 15:58 |
Talven81 | mcphail:> LOL yeah that's where I am now, I'd love to make a service script but I haven't touched *nix since RedHat in the 1990s. Trying to brush up. | 15:59 |
mcphail | Talven81: if you use cron, there isn't an easy way to stop the service without killing it. If you don't need to kill it, cron is fine. | 15:59 |
Talven81 | Yeah avoiding cron, well... except for my backup script. | 15:59 |
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mcphail | Talven81: no need to avoid it if it works ;) | 16:01 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, just edit /etc/rc.local , since it's run as root at boot, you add su **javauser** -c " **command you want** " <= Just clarifiying what others already suggested | 16:01 |
Talven81 | ActionParsnip:> Yeah well I may need to restart the server without restarting other service. | 16:01 |
Talven81 | gorbyebrius:> Thank you, was just about to ask that and how to background. | 16:02 |
Talven81 | How do you use & to background? | 16:02 |
ActionParsnip | Talven81: then you can make a handy init script and treat it like a service | 16:02 |
Talven81 | All I really need is the one java command. | 16:02 |
ActionParsnip | Talven81: add it to the nd of the command after a space | 16:02 |
gorbyebrius | It's really quick and dirty, but I think learning init and creating a startup script is a bit of an overkill if you just want to execute something as another user :/ | 16:02 |
Talven81 | Ah END... I was just trying &gedit LOL | 16:02 |
Talven81 | gorbyebrius:> Eventually I want to. | 16:03 |
ActionParsnip | Talven81: gedit & | 16:03 |
Talven81 | Yup got it now thanks. | 16:03 |
fridaynext | hdparm -y spins down my hard drives - how do I spin them back up? | 16:04 |
Talven81 | Awesome guys, this was much easier than what the tutorials on the web were trying to get me to do. | 16:04 |
Talven81 | Thank you much, will see what I can do from here. | 16:04 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, as said, make sure to end the command with ampersand "&" | 16:05 |
gorbyebrius | Oh, it was already said again :) Sorry for echoing | 16:05 |
Talven81 | Yup, and you can do multiple commands like cd /srv/server && java -jar server.jar correct? | 16:05 |
gorbyebrius | Well, && executes the second command ONLY if the previous one exited with 0 | 16:06 |
Talven81 | Ah! Good to know, will work with what I want but... | 16:06 |
gorbyebrius | that means that the previous command EXITED wihtout errors | 16:06 |
Talven81 | Yup | 16:06 |
Talven81 | Didn't know it only continued on exit0 | 16:06 |
gorbyebrius | but really, you dont need to cd into the dir | 16:06 |
Talven81 | Could be handy. | 16:07 |
Talven81 | I do the way the jar is set up. | 16:07 |
gorbyebrius | you can do java -jar /srv/server/server.jar | 16:07 |
Talven81 | Yup and then the server.jar dumps files into wherever it was executed from. | 16:07 |
Talven81 | Badness. | 16:07 |
mcphail | Talven81: that's java for you... | 16:08 |
theadmin | It has nothing to do with Java. | 16:08 |
Talven81 | \o/ | 16:08 |
Talven81 | No it doesn't but java is still fun. | 16:08 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, su "user" -c "cd /directory && java" & will work fine if you only want to execute java if the directory exists | 16:08 |
gorbyebrius | the alternative to && is ;, which whill execute the next command regardless of exit status | 16:09 |
mcphail | theadmin: OK, it is the peril of running a cross-platform technology where an application may not have been optimised for your platform of choice | 16:09 |
theadmin | mcphail: Nah. It's just the fact that the application is configured to dump everything into the working directory. It's dumb regardless of platform. | 16:10 |
gorbyebrius | cant you just redirect the java stdout though? Or does it not write to std? | 16:10 |
mcphail | theadmin: :) | 16:10 |
Talven81 | gorbyebrius:> Also good to know, thanks. In this case && is appropriate though. | 16:10 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, I'd say so :). | 16:10 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, you can also use || ! Like this: cd /foo && exec bar || echo '/foo does not exist' > /var/log/myscripterror | 16:12 |
gorbyebrius | then echo '/foo does not exist' will only execute if && failed | 16:12 |
Lucax | hello, seems to me that synaptic has more packages than software center, true/false? | 16:12 |
gladioacuto | hallo | 16:13 |
gorbyebrius | Lucax, software center doesn't show packages, but applications | 16:13 |
gladioacuto | how to configure gdm in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS? | 16:13 |
gorbyebrius | for instance, libreoffice is several packages, synaptics will show all of the packages that make libreoffice, software center will show the application libreoffice | 16:13 |
gladioacuto | According to here there should be either a tool or a config file, but none of them i can find in my /etc/gdm: | 16:13 |
gorbyebrius | gladioacuto, what are you trying to achieve exactly? | 16:13 |
gladioacuto | gorbyebrius, changing theme | 16:14 |
gorbyebrius | gladioacuto, do you have gdm installed? | 16:14 |
gladioacuto | the default one is horrible | 16:14 |
gladioacuto | gorbyebrius, yes of course | 16:14 |
gladioacuto | installed and running | 16:14 |
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gorbyebrius | gladioacuto, I am asking because the default Display manager for ubuntu is lightdm, not gdm | 16:15 |
gorbyebrius | can you do "dpkg -s gdm" ? | 16:15 |
gladioacuto | gorbyebrius, yes i know, i purged lightdm intentionally | 16:15 |
ActionParsnip | gorbyebrius: if you search for packages rather applications, you will see them | 16:15 |
gorbyebrius | ActionParsnip, I wasn't aware of that, haven't used Software center for a while :) | 16:16 |
gorbyebrius | gladioacuto, have you tried googling "gdm change theme"? | 16:16 |
ActionParsnip | gorbyebrius: its just taht most folks search for top level applications rather than the underlying libs | 16:16 |
gladioacuto | gorbyebrius, i'd like to do it via system tools, not third party | 16:17 |
gorbyebrius | dpkg-query -L gdm will show all files created by a package. You can go from there I guess. | 16:18 |
night-owl | could someone kindly point me towards a nice looking bash color scheme/theme? every one i find seems to be a .terminal file and I somehow ended up with this lovely turquoise/forest green/banana prompt that is going to make me throw up | 16:19 |
Talven81 | Ok thinking I'm borking this command... getting exit code 1... su scheduler -c " cd /srv/server && <java command> " & | 16:21 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, are you trying the command out in a terminal? | 16:22 |
Talven81 | LOL yup because it failed on startup. | 16:22 |
Talven81 | Guessing it won't work at term? | 16:22 |
gorbyebrius | can you su scheduler ? | 16:22 |
Talven81 | Yes | 16:22 |
gorbyebrius | what do you get when you cd /srv ... && java | 16:23 |
mcphail | Talven81: make sure you have the full path to java | 16:23 |
gorbyebrius | "/usr/bin/java" | 16:23 |
Lucax | I just ran a pip install and got permission denied, how do I permit? | 16:23 |
Talven81 | Shouldn't affect it, I can execute it without full path outside of the su command. | 16:23 |
gorbyebrius | Lucax, sudo pip install | 16:23 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, mcphail is right :) | 16:24 |
mcphail | Talven81: that's not the point. Your user environment in the command might not have a $PATH set | 16:24 |
ActionParsnip | night-owl: | 16:24 |
Talven81 | Ah user not system... could be. | 16:24 |
Talven81 | But no... this worked like this before I wiped the server. | 16:24 |
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Talven81 | I'll try with full path but... | 16:24 |
Talven81 | Now I have to remember where OpenJava installs to LOL | 16:25 |
mcphail | Talven81: "which java" | 16:25 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, either /usr/bin/ or /urs/local/bin/ | 16:25 |
gorbyebrius | or /home/user/.local/bin but thats unlikely, so it shouldn't be hard to find out | 16:26 |
Talven81 | . /usr/bin ... I just used Ubuntu Software Center to install OpenJDK because I'm lazy. | 16:26 |
night-owl | ActionParsnip: Thanks for the link. It seems like all I can find are solarized schemes, and I'm not a big fan of solarized :[ | 16:27 |
Talven81 | OK this is strange... so in... su scheduler -c "<command>"... with <command> by itself it works fine, as soon as I include su scheduler -c it exit code 1 | 16:31 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, how do you check the exit code? | 16:32 |
Talven81 | It's printing to the terminal. | 16:32 |
gorbyebrius | the exit code is stored in $? it's either 0 or 1 | 16:32 |
hyukiuyt | anyone write delphi? | 16:32 |
tgm4883 | you can also check the last exit code by doing 'echo $?' | 16:32 |
emotion | echo $? | 16:32 |
Talven81 | Hmm wait may have figured it out. | 16:33 |
Talven81 | My & was outside the "" | 16:33 |
gorbyebrius | if su user -c command gives $?=1, then its the su user command that fails | 16:33 |
jack | how can i make my system recognize | 16:33 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, that should work in rc.local as well | 16:33 |
Talven81 | Nope just failed silently this time <sigh> | 16:34 |
tgm4883 | gorbyebrius: it can be more than 0 or 1 | 16:34 |
jack | /add my builtin intel audio=?? | 16:34 |
jack | dummy output is a bit silent... | 16:34 |
ricco45 | hello | 16:34 |
gorbyebrius | tgm4883, ty, but anyhow Talven81, non 0 exit code means error | 16:34 |
jack | i need sound :) | 16:34 |
gorbyebrius | jack, are you on ubuntu 14.04? Try pavucontrol first before fiddling with anything else. | 16:36 |
jack | gorbyebrius, i think so - thx | 16:37 |
meksof | Is it possible to downgrade ubuntu from 14.04 to 12.04? I have to install WHMCS, I tried to downgrade php5.5 to php5.3 but unfortunately there is a lot of dependency for mysql, gd extension .. | 16:38 |
xhv | i would like to boot win7 tho a virtual machine, which VM software is the best on ubuntu 12.04 | 16:38 |
xhv | virtualbox? | 16:38 |
k1l | meksof: no, no downgrade possible | 16:38 |
Nokiabot | Someone nuked me out of offtopic ? Is he here | 16:38 |
k1l | xhv: vbox is the most user friendly one. | 16:38 |
xhv | k1l perfomance wise? | 16:38 |
k1l | Nokiabot: #ubuntu-ops for issues with the channels | 16:38 |
k1l | xhv: no, end-user wise. | 16:39 |
meksof | kll what do you advice to make php5.3 work in ubuntu 14 | 16:39 |
k1l | xhv: as in "easy to use" | 16:39 |
xhv | which one does offer better perfomance? | 16:39 |
xhv | i understood | 16:39 |
Nokiabot | K1l:? Dont know can you check ? | 16:39 |
k1l | xhv: hmm. i think the other ones like kvm or qemu will provide more performance. but i am not a virtualisation guy. | 16:40 |
gorbyebrius | xhv, what do you want to use ur VM for? | 16:40 |
k1l | Nokiabot: this is the wrong channel as i told you already. join #ubuntu-ops to talk to the ops | 16:40 |
xhv | win7 / win8 / android-x86 | 16:41 |
xhv | photoshop and truecrypt | 16:41 |
Nokiabot | K1l:i cannot join anymore | 16:41 |
pbx | what's the right way to add a keyboard shortcut for something in a specific application that doesn't offer a way to do it? | 16:41 |
gorbyebrius | xhv, virtualbox will work fine for that. But i would look at other alternatives over truecrypt if i were you. | 16:42 |
xhv | gorbyebrius is far i understand there is no equvalent on ubuntu with a gui | 16:42 |
xhv | right? | 16:42 |
gorbyebrius | xhv, absolutely there is! | 16:43 |
xhv | gorbyebrius feed me with knowledge | 16:43 |
gorbyebrius | sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility | 16:43 |
jack | 20,0 kB/116 kB 17%. | 16:43 |
xhv | gorbyebrius ha! | 16:44 |
jack | ...yawn | 16:44 |
gorbyebrius | then you can create an encrypted partition, and nautilus should be able to mount it normally given the passphrase | 16:44 |
xhv | eeergh i need it for a container | 16:44 |
gorbyebrius | first off check | 16:44 |
xhv | yea the enesaa forced him to give up | 16:45 |
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jack | ...yawn | 16:48 |
Azjo | can anyone tell me why my router goes half dead when i start up torrenting? Just pinging my router gives me pings above 700ms | 16:49 |
gorbyebrius | xhv, if you google around a bit there are loads of guis for encrypting files. I personally just use "openssl aes-128-cbc < unencrypted_file > encrypted_fil" | 16:49 |
jack | gorbyebrius, no output device available in pavucontrol | 16:49 |
jack | :/ | 16:49 |
k1l | Azjo: too much connections? | 16:49 |
Talven81 | OK well no idea what's going on so I just removed: su scheduler -c ... not working at all. Command by itself runs fine, guess I'll just have to deal with it as root for now. | 16:49 |
Azjo | if i limit upload to 50kb, then its relatively okay | 16:50 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, paste your rc.local on pastebin.... | 16:50 |
xhv | gorbyebrius is there a tutorial for it | 16:50 |
xhv | just to google openssl for linux? | 16:50 |
Talven81 | K one moment, server is not as... friendly as my desktop. | 16:50 |
gorbyebrius | xhv, you really just need two commands: 1: openssl aes-128-cbc < unencrypted_file > encrypted_file and 2: openssl aes-128-cbc -d < encrypted > /tmp/decrypted | 16:51 |
xhv | could that work with a folder? | 16:52 |
Talven81 | gorbyebrius:> | 16:53 |
sacarlson | gorbyebrius: I'm not sure what you all want to encrypt but I like Cryptkeeper gui that make it easy to create and open encrypted directorys | 16:53 |
sacarlson | not sure how secure it really is | 16:54 |
Talven81 | Cryptkeeper? OMG haven't heard that in YEARS. | 16:54 |
Talven81 | Didn't know it was still around. | 16:55 |
sacarlson | Talven81: ya I never found any better that still do what it does | 16:55 |
sacarlson | if someone knows of a better I would be welcome to try it | 16:56 |
Talven81 | When it comes down to it most use the same or similar encryption so meh... it's mostly come down to your favorite interface these days. | 16:56 |
gorbyebrius | sacarlson, I wasn't the one looking for a gui to encrypt, xhv is though | 16:56 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, try hitting alt+ctrl+F1 and log into a non-x console | 16:57 |
gorbyebrius | there you can make sure that the java thing works without an X-server running | 16:57 |
Talven81 | That's the thing though, the command by itself works fine. It's the su part that's failing. | 16:58 |
wubea | can HAMLET HSKVOIC work with ubuntu? (a YES/NO answer is all I need :) | 16:58 |
Talven81 | Also how do I get back to X? | 16:58 |
Talven81 | LOl | 16:58 |
gorbyebrius | Alt ctrl F7 | 16:58 |
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gorbyebrius | so now you've tried the command in NON-X as user scheduler and it works= | 16:59 |
gorbyebrius | how did you ass user scheduler? | 16:59 |
nabn | hi. i need to transfer files between two (ubuntu) computers via a direct lan wire connection. how do i do that please? | 17:00 |
gorbyebrius | ass was supped to be add.... | 17:00 |
Lanco | ubuntu 14.10 releasing tmrw ?? | 17:00 |
k1l | Lanco: yes. but dont ask at 00:01 :) | 17:01 |
gorbyebrius | nabn, Direct LAN? Do you have a straight LAN cable? The straigt part is important. | 17:01 |
Lanco | Im from India | 17:01 |
Lanco | at what time is the launch ? | 17:01 |
k1l | Lanco: somewhere in the afternoon in western timeszones. so think about your evening time | 17:02 |
nabn | gorbyebrius, i am pretty sure its straight. the cable originally shipped with a router, so must be straight, right? | 17:02 |
nabn | gorbyebrius, i suppose you mean straight as opposed to crossover | 17:02 |
k1l | Lanco: there is no fixed time. its released when the servers and mirrors are synced and there is no problem in the last .iso tests. | 17:02 |
gorbyebrius | actually you need a crossover cable :) | 17:03 |
ActionParsnip | nabn: patch cable is the name ;) | 17:03 |
nabn | ActionParsnip, didn't know that. thanks for the tip. | 17:03 |
k1l | i thought in newer hardware there is no crossover cable needed anymore | 17:03 |
ActionParsnip | k1l: depends | 17:04 |
gorbyebrius | I might have read something like that at some point. But anyhow, to establish a connection you need to set one of the machines as a DHCP server, you can do that GUI way by going into network connecitons and choosing "Method" to "shared to other computers" | 17:04 |
Talven81 | gorbyebrius:> Sorry roommate interrupted... no what I meant is if I remove su scheduler -c and just issue the command as-is it works under any user. | 17:05 |
gorbyebrius | and then you'll have to install some sort of file server, could be samba, or ssh server | 17:05 |
ActionParsnip | Talven81: if you make a script of the commands, you could use su to run the script. May help | 17:05 |
gorbyebrius | so really k1l it's more simple to get a usb stick or really ANYTHING, if its a one time tihng | 17:05 |
k1l | gorbyebrius: or sync with dropbox :) | 17:06 |
jnxd | hi | 17:06 |
Talven81 | ActionParsnip:> I might do that, I already have a .sh for this might just execute that script as my user scheduler. | 17:06 |
gorbyebrius | Talven81, you can do "su scheduler" though right? | 17:07 |
Talven81 | gorbyebrius:> Hmm, I think I know the problem LOL. I set scheduler up as a system no-home user. | 17:09 |
gorbyebrius | I've been asking you if you can su into scheduler for quite some time now.... | 17:10 |
ActionParsnip | Talven81: as long as it has a login shell, should be ok | 17:10 |
jack | how can i make my system recognize/add my audio hw? dummy output is too silent | 17:10 |
Talven81 | gorbyebrius:> I thought I could... remember I haven't touched this shit since 1990 Redhat. | 17:10 |
gorbyebrius | there are two commands to add a user useradd and adduser, you'll want to use the latter one | 17:10 |
ActionParsnip | jack: what is the output of: wget -O && chmod +x ./ && ./ --upload | 17:10 |
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sacarlson | jack: I thought most audio hardware is plug and play these days | 17:11 |
ActionParsnip | gorbyebrius: or usermod ;) | 17:11 |
jack | on | 17:11 |
ActionParsnip | sacarlson: some is an ass in Linux | 17:11 |
khax | !office | 17:11 |
jack | e sec | 17:11 |
jnxd | I was trying to obtain Ubuntu GNOME's artwork creation kit from the wiki, but was getting a 503 error. Does anyone have alternate links or links to similar skeletons? | 17:11 |
gorbyebrius | ActionParsnip, what does usermod do to a user that doesn't have a home yet? | 17:11 |
khax | how do i install ms office 2013 in Ubuntu 14.04 ? | 17:11 |
ActionParsnip | gorbyebrius: you can set the user's home folder with usermod | 17:12 |
gorbyebrius | khax, wine or virtualbox, it's a hassle, be warned. | 17:12 |
khax | ah | 17:12 |
ActionParsnip | khax: check the wine appdb for compatibility | 17:12 |
khax | ok i will get wine and report back | 17:12 |
ActionParsnip | khax: may need crossoveroffice, not free | 17:12 |
ActionParsnip | khax: check if it works in wine first or you may be wasting your time | 17:12 |
khax | yea | 17:13 |
khax | i will install wine and try | 17:13 |
khax | (y) | 17:13 |
ActionParsnip | khax: | 17:13 |
ActionParsnip | khax: it doesnt work | 17:13 |
klaasman | hey guys | 17:13 |
Talven81 | gorbyebrius:> OK well at least I'm on the right path now, thanks. I think I can get it from here, I just need to poke around and figure things out a bit. Just so freaking rusty. | 17:13 |
khax | thanks.. i will try ms office 2010 or will stick with libre office .. | 17:14 |
ActionParsnip | khax: yeeah 2010 gets a platinum rating :) | 17:14 |
ActionParsnip | khax: | 17:14 |
klaasman | I'm struggling in installing compiz for 14.04 | 17:14 |
gorbyebrius | khax, I can recommend playonlinux, contrary to what the name (and probably initial intention) of the application, it's very usefull for all kinds of windows programs | 17:14 |
khax | thanks, i will check that out too | 17:15 |
ActionParsnip | klaasman: its in a default install | 17:15 |
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klaasman | you mean ? | 17:15 |
motz | Hi, I need a print server (hardware) to connect my printer to my LAN, Which hardware is compatible with ubuntu and mac osx? | 17:15 |
ActionParsnip | here is jack's alsa output | 17:15 |
gorbyebrius | khax, it will configure wine FOR you, install the right wine version and all needed files | 17:15 |
klaasman | sorry but I'm kinda new to linux | 17:15 |
ActionParsnip | jack: Mint is not supported by the Ubuntu community. It has its own support network | 17:15 |
ActionParsnip | jack: it has it's own IRC too | 17:15 |
ActionParsnip | !mint | jack | 17:15 |
ubottu | jack: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 17:15 |
khax | right | 17:16 |
khax | thanks guys | 17:16 |
sacarlson | motz: I haven't had a working printer in years but my canon printer used to work fine on linux | 17:16 |
ActionParsnip | khax: if you have resources, you can run virtualbox in seamless mode but you will be running BOTH Oses at the same time, just for Office | 17:16 |
sacarlson | ActionParsnip: seamless mode what is that? | 17:17 |
gorbyebrius | sacarlson, its a window mode for virtualbox which hides all the MS stuff and makes it look like MS office is ran nativelly | 17:18 |
ActionParsnip | sacarlson: you don't see the desktop and you can drag applications around as if they were normal apps but Windows is fully running underneath | 17:18 |
ActionParsnip | sacarlson: you also get the start menu at the bottom of the screen | 17:19 |
khax | ok it doesnt work, worth the try though | 17:19 |
sacarlson | ActionParsnip: cool, not that I have a use for it but it could come in handy. so this mode will also work on another linux or osx also with ubuntu as host? | 17:20 |
gorbyebrius | sacarlson, any guest that suuports virtualbox guest additions, so no, not OSX atm | 17:21 |
sacarlson | oh a guest additions thing. I like the file shareing thing I added with it, I thought that's all it did | 17:22 |
sacarlson | it also added cut and paist that was cool | 17:22 |
gorbyebrius | Nah, it also supports mouse integration and some other things | 17:22 |
ActionParsnip | sacarlson: | 17:23 |
JokesOnYou77 | Hi all. How can I read the output of unattended-upgrade --dry-run to see just what would be upgraded? The output is very long and I can't tell what packages it actually want s to upgrade | 17:23 |
inkscaper56501 | Hello? | 17:23 |
ActionParsnip | hi inkscaper56501 | 17:24 |
inkscaper56501 | Is there a stable version for 14.04? | 17:24 |
inkscaper56501 | And how do I get it? | 17:24 |
ActionParsnip | inkscaper56501: 14.04 is released and stable | 17:24 |
bynarie | inkscaper56501, | 17:24 |
inkscaper56501 | I just converted to open source from windows | 17:24 |
bynarie | or if you prefer, kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu | 17:24 |
ActionParsnip | inkscaper56501: it was released in April this year. The (04)th month | 17:24 |
sacarlson | ActionParsnip: nice, oh maybe I can fool my friend into thinking I can run any app on linux now as he always compains that there is this one app he needs so can't do it with windows | 17:25 |
inkscaper56501 | I mean | 17:25 |
inkscaper56501 | Wait | 17:25 |
inkscaper56501 | Amm | 17:25 |
mago_ | what would be the easiest way to extract the value of a string such as SOMETHING="value" in a shell script? | 17:25 |
ActionParsnip | sacarlson: just need to add an Ubuntu theme to the Windows install ;) | 17:25 |
inkscaper56501 | Isn't this inkscape chat? | 17:25 |
ActionParsnip | mago_: $SOMETHING gives the value in scripts | 17:25 |
gorbyebrius | sacarlson, any apps that need hardware acceleration (i.e. all games) will not run so nicelly in VM :) | 17:25 |
ActionParsnip | inkscaper56501: no, this is Ubuntu support | 17:25 |
bynarie | inkscaper56501, this is IRC freenode #ubuntu for ubuntu support | 17:25 |
sacarlson | inkscaper56501: inkscape I love it , used it for the first time only about 1 week ago | 17:26 |
ActionParsnip | mago_: eg: echo "The value of something is "; echo $SOMETHING | 17:26 |
mago_ | ActionParsnip, yeah, it's a string though. So I basically have: $DATA = "SOMETHING=\"value\"" .. and I'd like to get the value out it | 17:26 |
kostkon | !alis | inkscaper56501 | 17:26 |
ubottu | inkscaper56501: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 17:26 |
inkscaper56501 | Damn, guys from #inkscape sent me here to find out what's the way to get inkscape on 14.04 | 17:26 |
ActionParsnip | mago_: so you want the data in the quotes? | 17:26 |
kostkon | inkscaper56501, oh ok | 17:26 |
mago_ | ActionParsnip, yeah | 17:26 |
ActionParsnip | mago_: you'll ned cut then | 17:26 |
richac | ubottu: hello | 17:26 |
gorbyebrius | mago_, I can warmly recommend #bash for that kind of questions | 17:27 |
sacarlson | gorbyebrius: ya but his favorite app is like dragon that voice recognition. that might not work also in virtualbox | 17:27 |
richac | stop following me corey | 17:27 |
kostkon | inkscaper56501, you mean the latest version of inkscape? | 17:27 |
mago_ | gorbyebrius, thanks | 17:27 |
bynarie | inkscaper56501, are you trying to get the linux version? | 17:27 |
inkscaper56501 | Yes | 17:27 |
bynarie | - inkscaper56501 | 17:27 |
sacarlson | inkscaper56501: it's just a simple package install unless you want some new version maybe | 17:28 |
inkscaper56501 | Yes, I found it there but there's no 14.04 version listed | 17:28 |
bynarie | inkscaper56501, have you tried to install with apt? or synaptic? ubuntu software center? | 17:28 |
inkscaper56501 | Or version for 13.10 works too? | 17:28 |
sacarlson | inkscaper56501: I assume you mean ubuntu 14.04, | 17:28 |
jnxd | sudo apt-get install inkscape | 17:29 |
jnxd | inkscaper56501, use the command I posted above | 17:29 |
inkscaper56501 | Ok, thanks, gonna try it. If it works, you won't see me, if it doesn't...U'll have a bad time :D | 17:29 |
inkscaper56501 | Thx, guys | 17:29 |
bynarie | make sure you update ur cache first | 17:30 |
bynarie | then run apt-get cmd | 17:30 |
tgm4883 | that does beg the question as to why it doesn't show up for 14.04 on that site | 17:30 |
sacarlson | my inkscape on this ubuntu 14.04 is showing 0.48 can that be correct? | 17:30 |
jnxd | indeed it does | 17:30 |
kostkon | !info inkscape | 17:30 |
ubottu | inkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.48.4-3ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 9440 kB, installed size 60648 kB | 17:30 |
sacarlson | kostkon: yup that's what I got | 17:31 |
inkscaper56501 | Oh, while I'm still here | 17:31 |
inkscaper56501 | U guys know anything about Epson TM-C3500 drivers for ubuntu? | 17:31 |
inkscaper56501 | Before I totally delete my windows | 17:32 |
toma678 | I'm back with another issue! My TF2 is blackscreening on startup... | 17:32 |
sacarlson | inkscaper56501: I used to think gimp was the best until I tried inkscape but there is still times you need gimp | 17:32 |
bynarie | have you tried to configure the printer without any drivers, inkscaper56501 | 17:32 |
richac | inkscaper56501: delete windows!?!?! | 17:32 |
jnxd | inkscaper56501, don't do it so hastily | 17:32 |
inkscaper56501 | No, I haven't yet | 17:32 |
bynarie | inkscaper56501, i have yet to need any drivers for any printer | 17:32 |
inkscaper56501 | You see, the printer is not just "some" printer | 17:33 |
inkscaper56501 | It's a label printer | 17:33 |
toma678 | The last time I had this issue was when the NSA busted my install open (bady installed rootkit) | 17:33 |
toma678 | Anyone got any ideas? | 17:33 |
Esor | does it make sense to install ubuntu 14.10 live now ? or should i wait for its release? | 17:33 |
Esor | i wanted to install it now because i have few days off this week | 17:33 |
bynarie | Esor, thats wat im running | 17:33 |
bynarie | it runs good | 17:33 |
gorbyebrius | Esor, if you're a newbie, install 14.04 and stick with it until 16.04 comes out | 17:33 |
toma678 | Esor, I'd just wait. Personally I'm waiting for Debian 8, but that's me :3 | 17:33 |
Esor | i have been using ubuntu since 5.10 | 17:34 |
toma678 | Anyone got any suggestions on fixing the blackscreen on startup? | 17:34 |
tgm4883 | Esor: +1 to sticking with 14.04 | 17:34 |
ActionParsnip | mago_: DATA="Something \"value\""; echo $DATA | awk {'print $2'} | sed "s/^\([\"']\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g" | 17:34 |
sacarlson | Esor: I prefer this present 14.04 as it's the long life one | 17:34 |
peto_ | hi | 17:34 |
gorbyebrius | Actually, I always stick with the LTS:es since I don't feel like updateing every 6 months | 17:34 |
ActionParsnip | toma678: what GPU do you use? | 17:34 |
toma678 | ActionParsnip, AMD/ATI HD7750 | 17:35 |
kostkon | inkscaper56501, did you ttry to add the print in system settings -> printing and what happened | 17:35 |
sacarlson | gorbyebrius: and and I find from one update to the next that some of my software no longer runs | 17:35 |
ActionParsnip | toma678: is it a new install? | 17:35 |
DJones | kostkon: They've quit | 17:35 |
kostkon | oh | 17:35 |
toma678 | ActionParsnip, Yeah, just reinstalled due to a badly installed rootkit (NSA employ skiddies now I guess) | 17:36 |
sacarlson | Esor: and you can normaly backport I guess you call it to bring in really fresh apps that aren't directly released on older version of ubuntu | 17:36 |
=== HELPME is now known as Guest78158 | ||
ActionParsnip | toma678: try the boot option: radeon.nomodeset=1 | 17:36 |
Guest78158 | Alright, so i downloaded a gui onto my server because i could and ive been searching for an answer to this question yet i cant seem to fin it so now im here. how the fuck do i access the gui | 17:36 |
toma678 | For TF2 start options? I know steam when initially installing has an issue with proprietary drivers | 17:37 |
ActionParsnip | Guest78158: why do you want the GUI anyway? | 17:37 |
ActionParsnip | Guest78158: what will you do once you get onto the GUI? | 17:37 |
bynarie | Guest78158, startx? | 17:37 |
sacarlson | Guest78158: there is a way to run a gui headless on a server | 17:37 |
toma678 | oh, @ ActionParsnip ^^ | 17:37 |
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gorbyebrius | Guest78158, if you really want a GUI all the time you need to install a configure a display manager, try sudo apt-get install lightdm | 17:38 |
Guest78158 | it was easier downloading the server edition and downloading a gui then downloading the desktop and then downloading LAMP | 17:38 |
ActionParsnip | toma678: ahh i see, missed the game bit. Do you have full updates? | 17:38 |
ActionParsnip | Guest78158: why do you need a GUI on a lamp server? | 17:38 |
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sacarlson | Guest78158: I'm not sure it doesn't take just as much resources to run headless as not and not really sure what the difference is | 17:38 |
toma678 | ActionParsnip, Yup, up to date | 17:38 |
Guest9911 | hi | 17:39 |
ActionParsnip | toma678: is it a know n issue with ATI GPUs? | 17:39 |
Guest9911 | alguien de habla Hispana? | 17:39 |
xangua | !es | Guest9911 | 17:39 |
ubottu | Guest9911: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 17:39 |
tgm4883 | Guest78158: without knowing how/what GUI you installed, that could be a bit difficult to answer. That said, why do you need a gui on a server | 17:40 |
toma678 | ActionParsnip, not that I know of, all other opengl games work | 17:40 |
Guest9911 | join #ubuntu-es | 17:40 |
bynarie | other than build-essential, are there any other required packages for compiling? | 17:40 |
toma678 | ActionParsnip, well the one's I've played anyway. | 17:40 |
richac | toma678: whats wrong with your game? | 17:40 |
gorbyebrius | bynarie, depends on what you're trying to compile | 17:40 |
ActionParsnip | bynarie: you may need the build deps of what you are compiling, but build-essentials will be most of what you need | 17:40 |
bynarie | kernel | 17:40 |
toma678 | richac, TF2 just blackscreens on startup (still plays valve sound) | 17:40 |
ActionParsnip | toma678: ok with other steam games? | 17:40 |
Guest78158 | tgm4883 gorbyebrius actionparsnip sacarlson this isnt just a server i found laying around its my home computer and i need to make a music server for class so im gettting two things out of the way. just need the command to start up the gui. it was unity i beleive. | 17:41 |
richac | toma678: what vid card do you have? | 17:41 |
toma678 | ActionParsnip, Yeah, Gmod etc run fine | 17:41 |
toma678 | richac, ATI HD7750 | 17:41 |
ActionParsnip | Guest78158: a music server, like icecast? | 17:41 |
richac | toma678: make sure you have all the gstreamer codecs installed, make sure sync to vblank is on, make sure anti aliasing is turned off, make sure latest vid drivers | 17:41 |
gorbyebrius | If the package you're trying to compile is also in the repos, you can always try sudo apt-get build-dep package | 17:41 |
toma678 | richac, I'll see if xubuntu-restricted-extras do anything | 17:42 |
Corey | richac: wat. | 17:42 |
Guest78158 | actionparsnip no jinzora i needed one that other people can upload their music too and create jukeboxes n such and jinzora was perfect. only guide i found is in the gui as well, so theres another reason | 17:42 |
ActionParsnip | toma678: is the version of opengl given by the card up to what TF2 needs> | 17:42 |
richac | toma678: make sure anti aliasing is turned off and vsync is on | 17:42 |
sacarlson | Guest78158: well like I said headless it can be done. headless just means you don't have a video card installed. you can still view the graphics on another box that you remote into to see it | 17:42 |
toma678 | richac, performance isn't an issue, it doesn't even show the startup clip | 17:43 |
richac | the same problem with civ5, its due to anti aliasing problem | 17:43 |
gorbyebrius | Guest78158, install a display manager. lightdm for instance | 17:43 |
ActionParsnip | Guest78158: | 17:43 |
ActionParsnip | Guest78158: you can do it all over SSH, then run the web interface | 17:43 |
richac | toma678: yes, exactly. | 17:43 |
gorbyebrius | sacarlson, headless means no mouse, keyboard monitor attached :) | 17:43 |
richac | toma678: make sure aa is off, and either turn off or on sync to vblank | 17:43 |
ActionParsnip | Guest78158: you dont need a GUI at all. Once the SSH instal is done you configure it via HTTP | 17:43 |
Guest78158 | sacarlson this is gaming computer that im using. | 17:43 |
ActionParsnip | Guest78158: so why do you need a desktop on the server at all? | 17:43 |
sacarlson | Guest78158: gorbyebrius no mouse keyboard and video then I guess but most my servers still had those | 17:44 |
toma678 | ActionParsnip, Yeah, I'm running 4.3.12798 | 17:44 |
sacarlson | Guest78158: also music player software has a standard api interface that might work in some way without graphics | 17:44 |
ActionParsnip | toma678: are you using Unity? | 17:44 |
richac | toma678: its the same issue on a couple games, usually turning off aa fixes the black screen issue | 17:45 |
ActionParsnip | Guest78158: I suggest you research more before you actuially take action | 17:45 |
toma678 | richac, AA is off on the card setup | 17:45 |
toma678 | ActionParsnip, Nope, xfce | 17:45 |
richac | toma678: and you still getting black screen? | 17:45 |
ActionParsnip | toma678: ahh ok that kills that idea dead | 17:45 |
Guest78158 | actionparsnip again this isnt JUST a music server its also now my computers os now so i would like a gui. also theres no need for ssh when i bring this computer everywhere with me. | 17:45 |
richac | toma678: is sync to vblank on? | 17:46 |
toma678 | richac, Yeah, I guess GDB is the next step | 17:46 |
ActionParsnip | Guest78158: install lightdm and you will get a login page | 17:46 |
toma678 | ActionParsnip, Yeah, I've chucked xubuntu-restricted-extras on, that might give me something | 17:46 |
richac | yes do all the gstreamers, bad ugly, sometimes if there is movie in loading it will black out | 17:46 |
ActionParsnip | toma678: seems to mention the TF2 black screen bug | 17:46 |
sacarlson | Guest78158: if it's not JUST a server then just install desktop software on it and call it a real computer | 17:47 |
richac | same thing happens with people on civ5 and portal2 apparenlty | 17:47 |
richac | its also a windows problem for many | 17:48 |
toma678 | ActionParsnip, richac, oh, TF2 just grabbed my screen.. | 17:48 |
sacarlson | Guest78158: I do run server software on my desktop like apache, mysql, bind9, isc-dhcp-server..... | 17:48 |
toma678 | but with nothing on it. | 17:49 |
richac | toma678: what do you mean grabbed? you mean it actually tried to load something this time? | 17:49 |
toma678 | what's the name of the naughty codecs package ..? | 17:49 |
richac | search gstreamer-plugins | 17:49 |
toma678 | richac, It did it before, it refocused, but nothing | 17:49 |
toma678 | richac, isn't it libav something? | 17:49 |
ActionParsnip | toma678: did you try the link I gave....? | 17:50 |
richac | i just install gstreamer good bad ugly | 17:50 |
toma678 | richac, my bad, gstreamer nonfree | 17:50 |
richac | BrandonB holy ish | 17:50 |
toma678 | ActionParsnip, that's a fix for the 2012 blackscreen bug, that's been fixed now | 17:50 |
ActionParsnip | toma678: I se | 17:50 |
Caz | Hey everyone! I'm having some trouble with my apt-get packages. I have some unmet dependences (texlive mostly) and doing apt-get -f install does not work. Any other ideas? | 17:50 |
richac | toma678: apt-cache search gstreamer-plugin | 17:50 |
richac | and install good bad and ugly | 17:50 |
richac | like an old western movie | 17:51 |
daftykins | Caz: tip: you'll get more accurate help if you share a pastebin of running apt-get -f install | 17:51 |
sacarlson | toma678: it used to have the word extra in it but seems they must have changed the name | 17:51 |
Caz | sure thing, one sec, thanks daftyt | 17:51 |
Guest78158 | sacarlson its much easier for both right now and in the long run that i have a server edition with a gui. 1. its easier to install a gui than to installl all the programs that come with the server edition onto the desktop edition. its iterally the same thing just one way is easier(or so i thought) 2. i might be getting another gaming computer so its easier to just delete the gui and have a working server edition than to restart t | 17:51 |
toma678 | sacarlson, Alright I'll do some searching | 17:52 |
richac | ugly might not be in your repos lol | 17:52 |
toma678 | richac, Already installed | 17:52 |
richac | all three? | 17:52 |
richac | ok | 17:52 |
richac | so you have aa off, vsync on, all the codecs, and latest driver, i'm out of ideas, sorry bud. | 17:52 |
richac | reboot maybe | 17:52 |
toma678 | richac, Yeah I've got nonfree on, nah, I had this issue last time... | 17:53 |
richac | toma678: i was helping osmeone last night with the issue on civ5 | 17:53 |
richac | his issue was AA | 17:53 |
Guest78158 | actionparsnip is lightdm an os by its self? because i already have unity installed. | 17:53 |
gorbyebrius | Guest78158, no. lighdm is a display manager | 17:54 |
dstarh_ | When I install postgres on ubuntu it creates a postgres user and sets the data directory to /var/lib/postgres which seems normal. | 17:54 |
toma678 | richac, hm, that just sounds like the VRAM was getting cluttered and full, my card is doing fine, might be the source engine TF2 uses | 17:54 |
dstarh_ | When I sudo -su postgres and then create an ssh key for it, it's created in /var/lib/postgresql | 17:54 |
toma678 | I'll try HL2 | 17:54 |
gorbyebrius | Guest78158, for the third time. To get your problem resolved, just do sudo apt-get install lightdm and reboot. | 17:54 |
richac | toma678: has nothing to do with vram | 17:54 |
sacarlson | Guest78158: the whole desktop doesn't take that much space anymore as compared with what is minimaly available. unless you need the horse power that can be waisted in a desktop to be some how used on a server | 17:54 |
richac | toma678: its a steam thing, not even a linux thing | 17:54 |
dstarh_ | rather /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh/id_rsa* | 17:55 |
Guest78158 | gorbyebrius ok thank you, thats what i was reading but its better just to make sure | 17:55 |
toma678 | richac, I'll gdb it and see what the backtrace gives me | 17:55 |
dstarh_ | my question is why is $HOME = /home/ubuntu when I'm sudo -su'd as the postgres user? | 17:55 |
sacarlson | Guest78158: and can also just shutdown the gui X host stuf even with it installed if the power is needed for something else | 17:55 |
richac | toma678: i would reboot and try first | 17:55 |
gorbyebrius | dstarh_, are you on a live enviroment? | 17:55 |
richac | make sure you turn aa off, and vsync either on or off | 17:56 |
dstarh_ | gorbyebrius: not sure what you mean by live | 17:56 |
toma678 | richac, this issue persists, after a TF2 update a while a go | 17:56 |
richac | toma678: i don't think it has anything to do with tf2 | 17:56 |
gorbyebrius | dstarh_, what exactly are you trying to achieve? | 17:56 |
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toma678 | dstarh_, running off a disk | 17:56 |
richac | toma678: the kid last night had exact issue on civ5 and portal2 | 17:56 |
postgres | dstarh_: hey got solution from #postgresql, there was a rouge installion in /opt which was hogging postgresql port | 17:57 |
toma678 | richac, I know portal2 has the same engine as TF2, so it seems its the only common factor, considering every other game works | 17:57 |
richac | hmm maybe civ5 does too then | 17:57 |
FilthyMacNasty | but no cake | 17:57 |
dstarh | we're just curious why $HOME isn't /var/lib/postgresql for the postgres user | 17:57 |
postgres | dstarh: I had to edit port inside postges-config and all worked | 17:57 |
richac | one of those fixes worked for him though | 17:57 |
richac | good luck | 17:57 |
toma678 | alright, I'll see what happens, thanks :) | 17:58 |
dstarh | gorbyebrius: ^^ | 17:58 |
benemy | Hello all. Im having problems upgrading from 14.04 to 14.10. Ive switched to search for all updates in the update manager but it refuses to show n upgrade. | 17:58 |
EsoRotica | is this discussion about the HL2 enginge going black screen on the game starting? | 17:58 |
toma678 | EsoRotica, Yeah, TF2 especially | 17:58 |
EsoRotica | Oh, Any actual fixes?! | 17:58 |
toma678 | EsoRotica, Downloading HL2 to test | 17:58 |
dstarh | postgres: not following you, perhaps you meant someone else? | 17:58 |
toma678 | EsoRotica, What wm are you using? | 17:59 |
EsoRotica | Unity | 17:59 |
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oii2 | hello everyone! It happens that nautilus doesnt open. I last tried to extract a tar.gz file, and it began freezing. I restarted the computer, and now when I click to start it, the cursor tries to load for a bit, and gives up. | 17:59 |
toma678 | EsoRotica, Hm, have you tried running TF2? Does it blackscreen? HL2 works fine | 17:59 |
EsoRotica | Yes, its TF2 with the problem | 18:00 |
emotion | oii2: try typing nautilus in the terminal | 18:00 |
toma678 | oii2, run nautilus from term | 18:00 |
postgres | dstarh: ahhh, because you are using *postgres* in your discussion, it was showing like you are pointing to me, newver mind :D | 18:00 |
EsoRotica | Also, FGLRX | 18:00 |
OerHeks | oii2, freeza as the nautilus window goes grey ? then it is just buzy calculating | 18:00 |
dstarh | postgres: <doh> | 18:00 |
OerHeks | oii2, if caps lock or mouse does not respond, that would be freezing | 18:01 |
oii2 | OerHeks, only nautilus freezes. the computer runs normal | 18:01 |
toma678 | EsoRotica, Guess its a common issue, I'll do a GDB backtrace and raise a bug on valve then, seems it's reproducable | 18:01 |
EsoRotica | toma678: This problem does seem to be happening across quite a few users. Seems to have happened with the Oct 1st update. | 18:01 |
oii2 | OerHeks, sorry, not freezes, froze. | 18:01 |
toma678 | EsoRotica, Alright, well hopefully there's something in the pipeline! | 18:01 |
oii2 | after restart it didnt freeze but just doesnt open when clicked | 18:01 |
EsoRotica | toma678: for reference: | 18:02 |
toma678 | Quick one, command to restart xfce4-panel? | 18:02 |
FilthyMacNasty | I've recently had 3 machines that I had to add acpi=off to grub so theyll reboot | 18:02 |
Caz | Hey everyone! Im having some issues with apt-get -f install. tried to use that to fix some broken depdendencies, but it was not successful. here's a pastebin of the command: | 18:02 |
oii2 | when I type nautilus in terminal, I get this: Could not register the application: Timeout was reached | 18:03 |
gorbyebrius | Caz: sudo apt-get remove thailatex first and then apt-get instlal -f | 18:03 |
richac | toma678: you don't like gnome? | 18:03 |
gorbyebrius | Caz: remove thailatex:i386 | 18:03 |
richac | i just realized, one of the things i had to tell the kid is to not use lxde or xfce. | 18:03 |
richac | might not be the issue but who knows | 18:04 |
toma678 | richac, I like XFCE, just nicer IMHO | 18:04 |
Caz | Hey gorby, when I run that I get the following: | 18:04 |
OerHeks | oii2, maybe removing ~/.config/nautilus will solve? | 18:04 |
richac | i hate gnome so i understand. i used cinnamon when running steam | 18:04 |
sacarlson | Caz: should we assume you already did sudo apt-get update ; ?? | 18:04 |
richac | i'm using kde right now | 18:04 |
Caz | yes, I did | 18:04 |
FilthyMacNasty | anyone know how to get Mate to install properly on 14.04? | 18:05 |
daftykins | Caz: try "dpkg -r thailatex:i386" | 18:05 |
toma678 | EsoRotica, as we speak, a TF2 update was just released.. Fingers crossed... | 18:05 |
sacarlson | Caz: and what version of ubuntu are you running? | 18:05 |
compdoc | FilthyMacNasty, sure. its easy | 18:05 |
EsoRotica | toma678: I downloaded an update 2 days ago or so, no change. | 18:05 |
compdoc | whats the problem? | 18:05 |
richac | EsoRotica: you have the same problem? | 18:06 |
EsoRotica | richac: Sure do. | 18:06 |
Caz | Hey sac: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS | 18:06 |
oii2 | OerHeks, how can I remove it via command line, as I cant access Nautilus? | 18:06 |
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Caz | @dafty | 18:06 |
toma678 | EsoRotica, Was just released | 18:06 |
richac | EsoRotica: what gpu driver you using? | 18:06 |
EsoRotica | FGLRX | 18:06 |
gorbyebrius | Caz: do the dpkg -r as suggested instead, then apt-get install -f should be able to fix it | 18:06 |
Caz | After I ran that, I got "Ingoring request to remove thailatex which isn't installed" | 18:06 |
richac | EsoRotica: what version? | 18:07 |
OerHeks | oii2, i think sudo rm -Rf ~/.config/nautilus | 18:07 |
Caz | ok for install -f now? | 18:07 |
benemy | Is there anyway to upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10 using the command line? Ive tried with the instructions on the ubuntu website but I cant get the software updater to show 14.10. | 18:07 |
toma678 | EsoRotica, Nah, still black, got my hopes up! | 18:07 |
gorbyebrius | sudo dpkg -r thailatex:i386 | 18:07 |
richac | toma678: is there an option before running game to change dx version? | 18:07 |
FilthyMacNasty | compdoc: it throws an error right at the end of install and it will not work | 18:07 |
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toma678 | richac, dx? o.o | 18:07 |
richac | oh is that only a windows thing? lol | 18:08 |
Caz | @gorby, yeah I ran it with sudo, still getting that dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove thailatex which isn't installed | 18:08 |
richac | deepak! | 18:08 |
oii2 | OerHeks, is it a sure command that nothing will go worse after using it? | 18:08 |
compdoc | FilthyMacNasty, are you following some guide on the web? got an url? | 18:08 |
toma678 | richac, Yeah, opengl is where it's at :P | 18:08 |
EsoRotica | GL | 18:08 |
richac | i'm telling you dude, under open GL, turn off AA and reboot | 18:08 |
FilthyMacNasty | unomomento | 18:08 |
richac | turn sync to vblank on | 18:08 |
richac | make sure you are using a later driver | 18:09 |
EsoRotica | eh, my xorg.conf so dirty | 18:09 |
Caz | So wierd... so dpkg says thailatex doesn't exist yet apt-get says it's an installed package with unmet dependencies? | 18:09 |
gorbyebrius | Caz, sudo dpkg -r texlive-base:i386 ? meybe? | 18:09 |
OerHeks | oii2, that R stands for recursive, and f for force, that would not hurt your system nor nautilus, as it should make that folder again | 18:09 |
richac | EsoRotica: doesn't ati have a gui menu? | 18:09 |
Caz | nope, same problem gory, ignoring bc isn't installed | 18:09 |
gorbyebrius | you do actually type "thailatex:i386" to get to the 32 bit package righ? | 18:09 |
FilthyMacNasty | compdoc: | 18:10 |
richac | EsoRotica: are you using xfce too? | 18:10 |
toma678 | richac, I'm running current, and it's been reproduced by +15 people now | 18:10 |
EsoRotica | richac: Unity | 18:10 |
toma678 | | 18:10 |
richac | toma678: what version is current to you? | 18:10 |
Caz | sudo dpkg -r texlive-base:i386 | 18:10 |
richac | EsoRotica: what version gpu driver are you using? | 18:10 |
Caz | That's what I ran, just like you said | 18:10 |
Caz | as well as udo dpkg -r thailatex-base:i386 | 18:10 |
longfei | hi | 18:11 |
longfei | new here | 18:11 |
EsoRotica | richac: 13.35.5 | 18:11 |
toma678 | richac, latest repo version (14ish I think) | 18:11 |
richac | toma678: that is a problem for many games, also on windows | 18:11 |
richac | toma678: install it | 18:11 |
gorbyebrius | Caz, do "sudo dpkg -r tex" and press tab like 1000 times to see what packages dpkg actually sees? | 18:11 |
Caz | kk, sec | 18:11 |
compdoc | FilthyMacNasty, thats looks ok. Are you installing on Ubuntu Desktop that already has Unity? I install on ubuntu server that has no desktop | 18:11 |
richac | many of these games were relased on linux, probalby after the verison your using | 18:11 |
richac | install the latest vid driver | 18:12 |
richac | turn off AA, reboot | 18:12 |
FilthyMacNasty | yes it had unity | 18:12 |
toma678 | richac, I ran the game with this before, update came out, and bam, black screen | 18:12 |
FilthyMacNasty | which is eeebil | 18:12 |
toma678 | same setup exactly | 18:12 |
gorbyebrius | Caz, the 1000 times was a joke. Twice is enough :) | 18:12 |
EsoRotica | richac: These aren't first runs. | 18:12 |
richac | toma678: did you update your vid driver yet? lol | 18:12 |
gg2_ | hello, this is really stupid question. I have setup fetchmail to retrieve my mail off gmail server. i receive "New main for $USER". but when i type mail. it says 0 messages. | 18:12 |
richac | EsoRotica: did you update your vid driver yet? | 18:12 |
Caz | Hey gory, here's the pastebin of the results: | 18:12 |
gg2_ | whats wrong? | 18:12 |
oii2 | OerHeks, oh, ok, thank you! :) | 18:13 |
toma678 | richac, This version runs everything fine, it seems the bug is with TF2, not anything else | 18:13 |
daftykins | Caz: it was thailatex:i386 , no -base | 18:13 |
ph88_ | hey guys does ubuntu have a problem if you boot your disk within another laptop ? | 18:13 |
richac | toma678: i just linked you a discussion i had with someone last night, regarding civ5 and tf2 | 18:13 |
toma678 | richac, most games are still running opengl3, I've got 4something | 18:13 |
EsoRotica | richac: I'd agree with toma. The system worked fine before the update. | 18:13 |
richac | al you have to do is google black screen and linux | 18:13 |
richac | many games, on many diff systems | 18:13 |
gorbyebrius | Caz try to remove all of those with dpkg (or some) do install -f and instlalö what you want after | 18:13 |
daftykins | ph88_: not unless the graphics hardware doesn't match any installed drivers | 18:13 |
sacarlson | Caz: my guess is your going to have to do a force package remove with something like sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename* /tmp/ ; then apt-get --purge packagename | 18:13 |
richac | black screen steam | 18:13 |
bluenemo | hi guys. when I write ps aux | tail, why is tail already in the process list? istn first ps executed, which is then piped to tail? | 18:13 |
richac | I really don't think it has anything to do with ati or tf2, but who knows | 18:14 |
Caz | hey dafty, i did try thailatex:i386 first | 18:14 |
Caz | only did -base later after that dint ork | 18:14 |
ph88_ | daftykins: they probably don't match .. can i reinstall other drivers ? | 18:14 |
EsoRotica | richac: With that being said, why suggest a driver update then. | 18:14 |
richac | toma678: i think you have to update your vid driver and turn off AA | 18:14 |
richac | thats my opinions lmao | 18:14 |
Caz | alright guys, thanks | 18:14 |
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compdoc | FilthyMacNasty, unity isnt bad once you get used to it. My problem is, Unity no longer supports vncserver | 18:14 |
richac | EsoRotica: did you really ask why suggest a driver update? | 18:14 |
oii2 | OerHeks, I applied it, but still the same | 18:14 |
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richac | you using an old ass driver, and there was an update for the game itself | 18:14 |
richac | maybe the update no longer supports your old driver | 18:15 |
richac | ? | 18:15 |
gg2_ | any one please. what could be problem? | 18:15 |
FilthyMacNasty | compdoc x11vnc | 18:15 |
daftykins | ph88_: depends if you ever installed any proprietary ones on the original system. start by just trying it | 18:15 |
OerHeks | oii2, maybe logout/login again? | 18:15 |
oii2 | maybe I try restart again | 18:15 |
compdoc | I use xrdp | 18:15 |
oii2 | OerHeks, yes, that, too :) | 18:15 |
richac | the kid i hlped last night was using an old nvidia driver, the standar 331, thats no good for steam, I told him to update to 340 | 18:15 |
richac | and TURN OFF HIS AA | 18:15 |
OerHeks | oii2, then i have no clue, maybe reinstall nautulius? | 18:16 |
FilthyMacNasty | I like the fact that if you run x11vnc from ssh it shuts itself off when you are done | 18:16 |
toma678 | EsoRotica, Can you run steam from terminal and boot up TF2, you may be getting the same error as me.. (failing to load shaders and fonts) | 18:16 |
EsoRotica | toma678: I think thats always been the case. | 18:16 |
paulcsiki | Hi everyone, I have a small problem with my server. I added an iptables rule for the network to access the machine then added another rule to log it to syslog. I can see packets being logged, however packets don't get back to the client. I only see in the log SYN packets for the ICMP packets I'm sending but no I don't get a reply | 18:16 |
gorbyebrius | FilthyMacNasty, x11vnc can take the flag -forever if you want to keep it running after vnc disconnect | 18:17 |
FilthyMacNasty | why leave a security hole if you don't have to | 18:17 |
paulcsiki | I use OpenVPN to access my network. Client is on and server is on | 18:17 |
gorbyebrius | I thought you were being ironic of it exiting. | 18:17 |
richac | EsoRotica: here is the discussion i had helping someone last night.... | 18:18 |
ph88_ | daftykins: didnt install propertery drivers | 18:18 |
toma678 | EsoRotica, Alright, well there's no obvious errors thrown, so it must be a TF2 bug, otherwise it'd moan about a driver or something. | 18:18 |
daftykins | ph88_: just boot it and see then :) | 18:18 |
richac | toma678: doubtful | 18:18 |
paulcsiki | I can see all packets come through the VPN tunnel, get correctly routed to the server but the response packets seem lost, I would like to know if anyone has any ideas why | 18:18 |
sacarlson | paulcsiki: how about paistbin sudo iptables -L ; to start | 18:18 |
richac | toma678: imo you didn't shut off AA or update your driver | 18:18 |
richac | your using an old driver to play video games | 18:19 |
richac | lol | 18:19 |
toma678 | paulcsiki, NSA forgot to plug your fiber into the centre properly ;) | 18:19 |
richac | video games that are newly released for linux steam | 18:19 |
toma678 | richac, I'm on the latest driver. AA was already off. | 18:19 |
richac | toma678: you told me the rep had 14.0 already | 18:19 |
toma678 | richac, No need for a restart if nothing's changed. | 18:19 |
richac | and you are on an ealer 13 driver | 18:19 |
Z3 | Hi, I would like to know when will be the MIR display server installable in Ubuntu 14.04 (a fully working version, for use everyday including gaming) | 18:19 |
toma678 | richac, I said I'm running 14 and you said update to 13 ._. | 18:19 |
richac | toma678: i said nothing of the sort, now i think your lying. if you don't want to try the advice, then stay with your black screen | 18:20 |
toma678 | wat. | 18:20 |
gorbyebrius | Z3: 18 months | 18:20 |
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paulcsiki | Actually I just noticed that the machine does reply back but the firewall fails to route it back to the VPN network: Oct 22 20:20:00 email kernel: [199825.295248] Caught VPN Reply: IN= OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=62877 PROTO=ICMP TYPE=0 CODE=0 ID=1 SEQ=29 | 18:20 |
sacarlson | paulcsiki: also we should look at sudo router -n | 18:20 |
toma678 | richac, <toma678> richac, latest repo version (14ish I think) | 18:21 |
Z3 | gorbyebrius ok, thank you ! | 18:21 |
richac | toma678: and i sad soe install the latest version | 18:21 |
benemy | anyone have exp with upgrading 14.04 to 14.10? | 18:21 |
toma678 | latest repo version (14ish I think) | 18:21 |
toma678 | Anyway, I'll see what GDB says | 18:21 |
OerHeks | benemy, wait until release, else join #ubuntu+1 for support | 18:21 |
squinty | benemy: /join #ubuntu+1 | 18:22 |
benemy | oerheks isnt it already out and sry if im in the wrong channel | 18:22 |
daftykins | paulcsiki: heading out on the wrong interface, perhaps? | 18:22 |
paulcsiki | sacarlson, toma678, daftykins: iptables -L | 18:23 |
OerHeks | benemy, tomorrow 23th .. maybe | 18:23 |
paulcsiki | sacarlson, toma678, daftykins: I use pfSense as a firewall, maybe it's blocking the reply packets | 18:23 |
toma678 | paulcsiki, What protocol are you using ? OpenVPN? | 18:24 |
daftykins | toma678: the original question said so, yes | 18:24 |
paulcsiki | sacarlson, toma678, daftykins: I use OpenVPN and here is my packet trace done by iptables: | 18:24 |
toma678 | daftykins, my bad, didn't see that bit | 18:24 |
benemy | OerHeks thanx. I saw where the beta was out n thought id give it a go. | 18:24 |
toma678 | paulcsiki, Well it seems it knows that the VPN's there and the handshake has occured as it has a recv. addr., is your firewall logging anything? | 18:26 |
paulcsiki | sacarlson, toma678, daftykins: I just checked my route table and it seems that is not listed, this may be it | 18:26 |
daftykins | paulcsiki: ah-har it doesn't know where to go! :) | 18:26 |
sacarlson | paulcsiki: next time maybe we should add sudo iptables -L -v to see the packet count, and we still need sudo route -n | 18:27 |
jhutchins | paulcsiki: THere are essentially three options: Make the VPN the default gateway, route only the target network to it, or mess up and forget to set the routing. | 18:27 |
jhutchins | paulcsiki: There's usually something in the config for that VPN connection. | 18:27 |
daftykins | sacarlson: not sure that route -n requires root. | 18:28 |
daftykins | (well y'know, sudo) | 18:28 |
paulcsiki | sacarlson, toma678, daftykins: I ran "route add -net netmask gw dev eth0:1" and now it works | 18:28 |
jhutchins | paulcsiki: The target/server also needs to be set to a) allow connections to the server only, b) route to the LAN, or c) Route to LAN/Internet. | 18:28 |
paulcsiki | sacarlson, toma678, daftykins: Thank you all! My heroes! | 18:28 |
daftykins | paulcsiki: now you need to add it persistently at boot! | 18:28 |
jhutchins | paulcsiki: Ok, there should be a setting for that in the config. | 18:28 |
jhutchins | daftykins: If not at boot, perhaps when the connection comes up. | 18:29 |
daftykins | *nod* | 18:29 |
daftykins | ah yes as it was VPN | 18:29 |
jhutchins | Shouldn't need an external command, the VPN client should do it. | 18:29 |
benemy | Quick question. In my menu text (for grub) can i set the timeout to be 0 or does it need to be at least 1? | 18:30 |
paulcsiki | sacarlson, toma678, daftykins: I added it to the /etc/network/interfaces with an up statement | 18:30 |
toma678 | paulcsiki, as jhutchins says, the VPN client should add the gateway, is the config done properly for the connection (just tell me if this has already been said, I missed a bit of the issue) | 18:31 |
paulcsiki | sacarlson, toma678, daftykins: Thanks again! Good day to all. | 18:31 |
paulcsiki | sacarlson, toma678, daftykins: I was using a custom gateway for the VPN, the VPN gateway was not the default gateway :) | 18:32 |
slack64 | buen dia | 18:33 |
toma678 | Bah, guess I'll be waiting on Valve to fix this bug! | 18:33 |
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AndChat487881 | T | 18:34 |
mightcould | Hello! is this working? can anyone see me? | 18:34 |
EriC^^ | no | 18:35 |
jnxd | I don't know if this issue was taken up, but a few hours back an issue came up where a newbie came looking for inkscape on Ubuntu 14.04. They came to this point: | 18:35 |
daftykins | mightcould: reading you 5x5, ask a question | 18:35 |
daftykins | preferably of Ubuntu support, in nature | 18:35 |
FilthyMacNasty | inkscape is in the repos | 18:35 |
sacarlson | jnxd: yes and the question is? | 18:36 |
richac | toma678: i guarantee you othe rpeople on ubuntu are playing it right now lol | 18:36 |
mightcould | yes hello, i built a new computer and i've decided to give linux a full go at it. i like to play games and i have a 32gb SSD for the OS and a 1TB HDD for games, i've installed steam but i am unable to set the HDD as the drive for the steam library. In fact im not allowed to access my HDD at all. May i have assistance please? | 18:36 |
reisio | mightcould: how're you unable? | 18:37 |
okj8j | OerHeks, hello again, me from some minutes ago with the nautilus problem. the computer took ages to shut down, so I powered it off. now it starts in some safe mode where I cant even login because special character is not possible to type in. | 18:37 |
toma678 | richac, 114 people aren't, due to this bug, and they're just the people that commented. | 18:37 |
richac | toma678: oh there was update today, i see | 18:37 |
okj8j | and I dont see any option to skip safe mode at can I do itß | 18:37 |
okj8j | ? | 18:37 |
richac | toma678: actually that link is old | 18:38 |
richac | only one person commented since october 16th hahah | 18:38 |
jnxd | he/she was confused because it didn't mention 14.04. I wonder of three site needs an overhaul, because 14.04 is not mentioned for any app | 18:38 |
mightcould | reisiso: i do not have permission to even create a file in the HDD. and in steam i can only manage the library in the 32gb SSD. it wont even let me select another drive nor partition to set a new steam directory | 18:38 |
richac | toma678: only one person has your issue | 18:38 |
toma678 | richac, ~20 days. The bug has been prevalent for over a month. | 18:38 |
richac | toma678: there have been udpates since, and people are playing it | 18:38 |
khax | when is ubuntu 14.10 being released? | 18:38 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: how are you mounting the partition? | 18:39 |
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richac | i thought your issue was from todays update maybe | 18:39 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, can you post your output of "sudo fdisk -l" and "mount" in pastebin? | 18:39 |
richac | but thats doubtful | 18:39 |
tgm4883 | khax: tomorrow | 18:39 |
khax | really? | 18:39 |
=== Sagitt_Away is now known as Sagitt | ||
mightcould | Well i got the icon on my task bar, i select it, the window pops open and gparted confirmed it is mounted | 18:39 |
khax | nice! | 18:39 |
bubbasaures | !14.10 | khax | 18:39 |
ubottu | khax: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) will be the 21st release of Ubuntu. It is due for release sometime on October 23rd 2014, until then support is in #ubuntu+1. For more info see | 18:39 |
richac | toma678: i just realized, that one guy is you! hahah | 18:39 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: no idea about steam, but i guess you could mount --bind your library to the other partition if nothing else avails | 18:39 |
khax | thanks | 18:40 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius> ok ill try that | 18:40 |
jnxd | sacarlsen: please look up. It's not exactly a question, but something I wanted to point out. Sorry if this is not a place for such discussions. | 18:40 |
richac | toma678: have you noticed the last post is about vblank? | 18:40 |
stivu | Hello! someone set up a sound for PowePC ubuntu 14.04?r | 18:40 |
slack64 | hello mundo | 18:41 |
slack64 | hello world | 18:41 |
richac | toma678: its usually bad drier issue, missing codecs for the intro movie, or an AA problem | 18:41 |
mightcould | <- hope that worked | 18:42 |
slack64 | // hola /// | 18:42 |
toma678 | richac, I can hear the menu buttons clicking, opengl is failing to draw the menu at all. | 18:43 |
richac | toma678: yes you have the dreaded black screen, which is very common on many games, on many platforms with steam | 18:43 |
FilthyMacNasty | stivu: | 18:43 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, do you have any data you'd like to keep on your 1TB? | 18:44 |
AbsoluteNoob | could someone please assist me in Enabling POSIX Share Memory to load ATI drivers | 18:44 |
AbsoluteNoob | i googled that and read many forums to no avail | 18:44 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius> yes my 2 NFTS partitions that i have my work files on, i have 2 partitions on it thats ext4 i dont understand why its so difficult to use them? | 18:45 |
AndChat487881 | Any good reading on emacs and stumpwm wm | 18:45 |
AndChat487881 | ? | 18:45 |
kokut | Hello, rsync ran out of space on the receiver while copying 350GB, i managed to delete enough space for it to carry on, is there a way to sync the two folders without copying all the files again? | 18:46 |
mightcould | thats why i got a 1tb drive to split it up half for windows and half for linux | 18:46 |
AcIdBaTh | Hey everyone. Im trying to get some info on finding out what driver i have and how to go about updating it. | 18:46 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, sorry, wasn't familiar with gpt, post the output of "sudo parted -l" instead | 18:46 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius> yes sir, one second | 18:46 |
AbsoluteNoob | Enabling POSIX Share Memory to load ATI drivers anyone can help me? I see some users had success with it. their GC's are recognized | 18:47 |
okj8j | I tried 'advanced options' in grub, and then selected the version without recovery mode, still it goes into recovery mode | 18:47 |
toma678 | richac, I'll grab civ5 and see if that blackscreens | 18:47 |
jhutchins | kokut: If you re-run the original command it will only transfer the list of files and sizes and any differences - ie it'll pick up where it left off. | 18:47 |
richac | toma678: here is a trick worked for someone, if you hear the ctrl alt f1 and then ctrl alt f7 to go to text mode and back | 18:47 |
kokut | jhutchins: That is true, thank you very much, it is working like a charm, damn i feel lucky :D | 18:47 |
jhutchins | okj8j: Why do you think it's recovery mode? | 18:47 |
JokesOnYou77 | During an upgrade I took the option to "Open a new shell to examine the situation" how do I get back to my upgrade now? | 18:48 |
jhutchins | kokut: It's a pretty fine tool. | 18:48 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius>: | 18:48 |
jhutchins | JokesOnYou77: Probably just type "exit" <cr>. | 18:48 |
AbsoluteNoob | Enabling POSIX Share Memory to load ATI drivers... anyone? | 18:48 |
kokut | jhutchins: yea, a bit slow tho, if i copy it with nautilus it goes up to 35mb/sec, with rsync its around 4mb | 18:48 |
jhutchins | JokesOnYou77: You might also try Alt-F1-F4, sometimes that will switch and leave the shell open (been a while since I ran the installer). | 18:49 |
okj8j | jhutchins, I only happened to want to extract a tar file, then nautilus froze. then I restarted and this time nautilus didnt open at all. then I wanted to restart again, but because it took so long to first shut down, I manually powered it off. since then it starts in safe mode | 18:49 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, and lastly output of "mount", It sounds like you don't have write permissions to your 1tb drive, it shouldnt be hard to resolve | 18:49 |
JokesOnYou77 | jhutchins, this is in screen also, does that matter? | 18:49 |
jhutchins | okj8j: There really isn't a "safe mode" in Linux. | 18:50 |
toma678 | richac, nah nothing, still dead | 18:50 |
jhutchins | JokesOnYou77: You mean a window? | 18:50 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius> no thats exactly the issue, only root does. i did a little googling before i made it here. i dont have permissions to the drive. | 18:50 |
stivu | <FilthyMacNasty>, Thank you very much admire | 18:50 |
jhutchins | JokesOnYou77: If it's a window, Alt-Tab might switch. | 18:50 |
richac | did you try civ5? | 18:50 |
acovrig | I’m trying to setup a Client-to-Client-LAN, I have everything connected, but how would I route and what FW rules do I need? is a diagram of what I’m trying to do; would I setup a route on client1 to the net and a firewall rule to allow traffic from tun0 -> LAN? | 18:50 |
toma678 | richac, still downloading | 18:50 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, exactly, YOU don't have write permisions, root does :) | 18:50 |
mightcould | | 18:50 |
AcIdBaTh | How to I go about updating my NVIDIA driver? | 18:51 |
AbsoluteNoob | Enabling POSIX Share Memory to load ATI drivers, help me please | 18:51 |
okj8j | jhutchins, I am talking about the mode where ubuntu logo is displayed horizontally stretched, and where one cannot type in special characters in the login window | 18:51 |
jhutchins | okj8j: I suspect that what you're getting is either single-user/rescue mode or just a console login screen. | 18:51 |
jhutchins | okj8j: Ah, that's better information. | 18:51 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, sudo chown *yourusername* -R /media/mightcould/ds1 | 18:51 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius> right | 18:51 |
mightcould | ok | 18:51 |
EriC^^ | gorbyebrius: isn't it better to mount as another user? | 18:51 |
OerHeks | AbsoluteNoob, posix shared memory does not ring a bell, ati driver for what card? | 18:52 |
AbsoluteNoob | Enabling POSIX Share Memory to load ATI drivers? HELLO | 18:52 |
JokesOnYou77 | jhutchins, no, I mean the screen terminal multiplexer over ssh | 18:52 |
gorbyebrius | EriC^^, I figured if this works i'll help him add the entry to fstab :) | 18:52 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: you could try to remount with uid=<your uid>,gid=<yourgid> | 18:52 |
ASHER1 | Hello | 18:52 |
jhutchins | okj8j: Will it reboot? (Try Ctrl-Alt-Del) If so select rescue mode and see if you can figure out what's wrong. | 18:52 |
OerHeks | AbsoluteNoob, open terminal : lspci | grep VGA # and paste that line here | 18:52 |
ASHER1 | i try inside to /var/www and the folder no find what i need to do? | 18:52 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: sudo mount -o remount,uid=1000,gid=1000 (if your uid is 1000, first user you added while installing) | 18:52 |
jhutchins | JokesOnYou77: Running the installer in screen, or running screen in the installer? | 18:52 |
okj8j | jhutchins, it doesnt reboot with ctrl+alt+del | 18:53 |
AbsoluteNoob | 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV610 [Radeon HD 2400 PRO] | 18:53 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius> omg you did it! i can now use my other HDD :D i just made a file in it! | 18:53 |
EriC^^ | gorbyebrius: ok | 18:53 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, chill chill | 18:53 |
mightcould | thank you so much :D | 18:53 |
stivu | FilthyMacNasty: Thank you very much | 18:53 |
FilthyMacNasty | theres a proprietary driver for that radeon HD | 18:53 |
OerHeks | AbsoluteNoob, that is an old card, use the open drivers | 18:53 |
gorbyebrius | we want to do this permanent and mount the drive the **proper** way now don't we | 18:53 |
mightcould | oh its not perm yet? | 18:53 |
toma678 | AbsoluteNoob, Sorry to state the obvious but fglrx doesn't support below the 5000 series, IIRC.. (you probably know this) | 18:53 |
OerHeks | FilthyMacNasty, nope, as 2xxx 3xxx 4xxx are no longer supported | 18:54 |
OerHeks | !ati | 18:54 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 18:54 |
gorbyebrius | you have a file called /etc/fstab, this is where we put drives to be mounted | 18:54 |
jhutchins | !tell AbsoluteNoob about radeon | 18:54 |
ubottu | AbsoluteNoob, please see my private message | 18:54 |
FilthyMacNasty | oh thats a bummer | 18:54 |
richac | toma678: do you have 64 bit? | 18:54 |
gorbyebrius | open that file with gedit by doing sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 18:54 |
toma678 | richac, yes | 18:54 |
EriC^^ | no | 18:54 |
EriC^^ | gorbyebrius: gksu | 18:54 |
AbsoluteNoob | Notes: The above drivers support English only. The display driver requires POSIX shared memory to be enabled on the system. Kernel Source package is no longer required if Kernel Header package is installed. | 18:54 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: gksu gedit /etc/fstab | 18:54 |
jhutchins | AbsoluteNoob: You're probably making it harder than it is. | 18:54 |
richac | toma678: oh ok libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 and libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0:i386 is there x64 version of these do you have thenm installed? | 18:54 |
EriC^^ | ( you shouldn't use sudo with gui programs ) | 18:54 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius> ok file is open. | 18:54 |
jhutchins | AbsoluteNoob: Don't worry about memory. | 18:55 |
toma678 | richac, Yeah, and they're installed | 18:55 |
gorbyebrius | actually sorry, in another terminal do "sudo mkdir /media/externalOne" | 18:55 |
JokesOnYou77 | jhutchins, I'm running my update over ssh in a screen session | 18:55 |
mightcould | ok, accordingly to my little knowledge of python there is 2 enteries in here, the ext4 and the swap | 18:56 |
ASHER1 | ? | 18:56 |
mightcould | ok | 18:56 |
okj8j | jhutchins, I must leave now. would you have a final suggestion for me? | 18:56 |
jhutchins | JokesOnYou77: Ok, so something like dist-upgrade or aptitude full-upgrade or what? | 18:56 |
=== Sagitt is now known as Sagitt_Away | ||
AbsoluteNoob | i have been trying to get my GC recognized for over a year... I tried with opensuse for many months. Ubuntu works better out the box for me. | 18:57 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius> ok both commands have been done, gedit is open and the second idk if it did anything but i did it | 18:57 |
AbsoluteNoob | but my GC is still GALLUM | 18:57 |
gorbyebrius | and then you add to /etc/fstab: /dev/sdc4 /media/externalOne ext4 defaults,allow_other 0 0 | 18:57 |
jhutchins | okj8j: CHeck the filesystem, check the logs. | 18:57 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, chiiil chil :) I am giving you tailored commands | 18:57 |
okj8j | jhutchins, I will do, thank you for your help! | 18:57 |
JokesOnYou77 | jhutchins, do-release-upgrade -d | 18:57 |
jhutchins | Okaria: Good luck! | 18:57 |
mightcould | ok on gedit i add /dev/sdc4 /media/externalOne on a new line? | 18:58 |
gorbyebrius | after that do "sudo umount /media/mightcould/ds1" and "sudo mount -a", if the external works again, then we've done things almost the complete proper way | 18:58 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, you add everything i wrote to a new line | 18:58 |
AcIdBaTh | will additional divers under software and updates let me select the newest version for my driver? | 18:58 |
JokesOnYou77 | jhutchins, exit worked :P | 18:58 |
gorbyebrius | including ext4 defaults and all than | 18:59 |
mightcould | ok | 18:59 |
mightcould | space before the /? | 18:59 |
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gorbyebrius | no | 18:59 |
mightcould | k | 18:59 |
daftykins | AcIdBaTh: newest *available* yes, as in that someone's put into packages / tested | 18:59 |
mightcould | should i save n close gedit before running the command? | 19:00 |
gorbyebrius | :) Yes. | 19:00 |
mightcould | k | 19:00 |
gorbyebrius | at least save | 19:00 |
EriC^^ | gorbyebrius: mightcould UUID would be better here | 19:00 |
Jordan_U | mightcould: gorbyebrius: You should be using UUIDs rather than static device nodes in your fstab entries. Look at how the other entries are done, and you can get a list of filesystems and their UUIDs by running "sudo blkid". | 19:00 |
gorbyebrius | EriC^^, care to pitch in how? | 19:00 |
gorbyebrius | Thats why i wrote done things almost the complete proper way | 19:00 |
EriC^^ | ok, sudo blkid | grep /dev/sdc4 | 19:01 |
EriC^^ | ok, sudo blkid | grep /dev/sdc4 | 19:01 |
mightcould | wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc4 ) after doing sudo mount -a | 19:01 |
AcIdBaTh | daftykins would you suggest the proprietary, tested or just the proprietary?? | 19:01 |
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gorbyebrius | can you paste exactly what you added? | 19:02 |
mightcould | yeah | 19:02 |
AcIdBaTh | Im on 304 and wanna switch to 331.38 but it has 2 of em. Ones tested. | 19:02 |
gladioacuto | hallo | 19:02 |
mightcould | /dev/sdc4 /media/externalOne ext4 defaults,allow_other 0 0 | 19:03 |
mightcould | yeah and now i cannot read form ds1 | 19:03 |
FrEaKmAn_ | hi all.. I'm trying to get number of pages in PDF with pdfinfo | 19:03 |
toma678 | richac, civ5 works fine, its TF2. | 19:03 |
daftykins | AcIdBaTh: what type is this? | 19:03 |
FrEaKmAn_ | based on question here, I should just use pdfinfo and grep "Pages" | 19:03 |
AcIdBaTh | nvidia | 19:04 |
richac | toma678: their most popular steam game? | 19:04 |
daftykins | AcIdBaTh: experiment! :) | 19:04 |
FrEaKmAn_ | but when I try to get value echo $x, I get Binary file (standard input) matches | 19:04 |
gorbyebrius | EriC^^, Jordan_U , any idea what went wrong with the filesystem type? | 19:04 |
gladioacuto | for some reason the only dm working on my system is gdm. I'm on 12.04 LTS and my dream is to purge every unity/gnome/ubuntu/dependency,from a desktop point of view, and have only a very fast system with a light dm and fluxbox. Is it possible?Can you help me? | 19:04 |
richac | toma678: i have a hard time believing, that, especially if its been a week | 19:04 |
AcIdBaTh | daftykins: Ok i just didnt wanna mess anything up to bad. lol | 19:04 |
toma678 | richac, well multiple people have had this same issue, but ok | 19:04 |
richac | toma678: your the only guy in that thread since the 16th, and the posts before you ended up talkinga bout fps fixes | 19:05 |
gladioacuto | the problem is that i come from debian, and i don't know where to put hands in ubuntu, given it seems to me a lot of applications have dependencies, like sounds graphics and so on | 19:05 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: please type sudo blkid | awk '/dev\/sdc4/ {print$2}' | 19:05 |
mightcould | ok | 19:05 |
Jordan_U | FrEaKmAn_: Please pastebin your entire script and its complete output. | 19:05 |
toma678 | richac, because it wasn't fixed... Anyway I'm off | 19:05 |
EriC^^ | paste whatever is returned here | 19:05 |
richac | I did find ac ouple guys on this thread.... but again......thats 2 weeks ago, and there wasn't many | 19:05 |
FrEaKmAn_ | Jordan_U: actually it grep -a to force reading of text | 19:05 |
richac | i also don't believe its just an ati thing either lol | 19:05 |
metallic | ok people, I am pretty pissed off, I hope you can help me with this: I want to run a script from the terminal, when I do ./ I get "bash: ./ Permission denied" I tried to modify my rights for this file but apparently I did not do it well, I hope you can tell me how it should be done | 19:05 |
gorbyebrius | and instead of /dev/sdc4, you write UUID="*put uuid there*" | 19:05 |
bazhang | gladioacuto, get the mini iso and build up, perhaps | 19:06 |
bazhang | !mini | gladioacuto | 19:06 |
ubottu | gladioacuto: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See | 19:06 |
gorbyebrius | metallic, chmod +x | 19:06 |
Jordan_U | metallic: chmod +x | 19:06 |
mightcould | Eric: LABEL="ds1" | 19:06 |
metallic | yeah yeah... Jordan_U and gorbyebrius I already tried that | 19:06 |
AcIdBaTh | metallic: chmod +x | 19:06 |
AcIdBaTh | beat me to it. lol | 19:06 |
Jordan_U | metallic: If that fails, then your script is probably being stored on a filesystem that doesn's support *NIX permissions, or has been mounted with noexec, or both. | 19:07 |
gladioacuto | bazhang, i's like not to reinstall the whole syste, which came from dell with some specific settings... | 19:07 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: please type sudo blkid | awk '/dev\/sdc4/ {print$3}' | 19:07 |
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EriC^^ | ^^^instead | 19:07 |
Jordan_U | metallic: Please post the output of "ls -l /path/to/your/script". | 19:07 |
metallic | Jordan_U, my script is on a different partition on my hard drive, does it count? | 19:07 |
bazhang | gladioacuto, I did not see that in your original post, sorry | 19:07 |
gladioacuto | for example, i cannot understand why any display manager other than gdm shows blank screen | 19:07 |
mightcould | UUID="2de63771-3c49-47f9-93d2-2020a5f8aa62" | 19:07 |
gladioacuto | bazhang, very welcome | 19:08 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: ok, type gksu gedit /etc/fstab | 19:08 |
Jordan_U | metallic: It counds in that the filesystem and mount options of that mount count. Please also pastebin the contents of /proc/mounts . | 19:08 |
mightcould | EriC: done | 19:08 |
mightcould | i have the fstab file open | 19:09 |
zyuiop | hi | 19:09 |
chriys | Hi all, I'm looking to install a secured mail server on my vps. What option do you advise me? I'm also trying to avoid long hours behind the screen to set it up. thanks in advance | 19:09 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: ok | 19:10 |
ToBeFree | chriys: what do you expect said server to do? :) | 19:10 |
richac | toma678: try the game in windowed mode, if that works then maybe its your wm. | 19:10 |
EriC^^ | add UUID=2de63771-3c49-47f9-93d2-2020a5f8aa62 /media/externalOne ext4 defaults 0 2 | 19:10 |
ToBeFree | chriys: should it be something you can use as MX record and use for SMTP, POP3 and IMAP with your desktop client? Or just something to send out mail from the server? | 19:10 |
jhutchins | gladioacuto: Look at /etc/gdm/gdm.conf and see if it has special display settings. | 19:11 |
chriys | ToBeFree: receive and send emails. I also want to connect to it using regular email clients such mac mail | 19:11 |
metallic | Jordan_U, I am going to pastebin what you have demanded, the weird thing is that I can modify read-write permissions but not execution rights :/ | 19:11 |
jhutchins | gladioacuto: You should also probably check Dell's support channels for info on how to use other dms. | 19:11 |
chriys | ToBeFree: MX record for SMTP and IMAP and use it with desktop client | 19:11 |
FilthyMacNasty | many ISP's block port 25 | 19:12 |
jhutchins | chriys: You'll need an MTA like exim, postfix, or sendmail, and a POP server like Cyrus, Dovecot, or the UI servers. | 19:12 |
ToBeFree | chriys: okay; I hope one of the nearly 1800 users here has experience with that and can help you :) I'd just like to note that it might *not* be as easy as you might think, as - in the long term - you'd have to care about SPAM and maybe even attacks on the server. Also, what chriys said, it won't work with a server on a home connection, probably | 19:12 |
jhutchins | chriys: Because of the potential security and spam issues, it | 19:12 |
ToBeFree | ;D | 19:12 |
gladioacuto | jhutchins, no /etc/gdm/gdm.conf file | 19:13 |
jhutchins | chriys: It's not a point-and-click operation. | 19:13 |
jhutchins | gladioacuto: locate gdm.conf? | 19:13 |
Jordan_U | FrEaKmAn_: Did you see my request earlier? | 19:14 |
jhutchins | chriys: | 19:14 |
chriys | jhutchins: I see I tried few years ago and I struggled a bit. | 19:14 |
gladioacuto | jhutchins, ok in /etc/init | 19:14 |
jhutchins | gladioacuto: Sorry, non-ubuntu example. | 19:14 |
gladioacuto | so what should i check? | 19:14 |
FrEaKmAn_ | Jordan_U: yes yes.. but in that second I found the solution online :) | 19:14 |
jhutchins | gladioacuto: The conf file? | 19:14 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: you good? | 19:14 |
FilthyMacNasty | if you want a pushbutton mail server google deeproot linux | 19:14 |
chriys | ToBeFree: Of course that I'm not using a home connection it will be on a vps from DigitalOcean | 19:14 |
gladioacuto | jhutchins, /etc/init/gdm.conf | 19:14 |
mightcould | no still broke :( Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sdc4: Command-line `mount "/media/externalOne"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: wrong fs type | 19:15 |
ToBeFree | chriys: I don't want to stop you from setting this up yourself, but I'd like to note that there are many services that offer you a real MX record for your own domain, maintained professionally and paid, not one of these free services that you can't really depend on | 19:15 |
ToBeFree | that's at least what I personally, being the owner of a VPS which I use for nearly everything I could imagine, from webserver to Tor node and whatever, *except* e-mail, would say.^^ | 19:15 |
Jordan_U | mightcould: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" and the contents of your /etc/fstab. | 19:15 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: ok, what does blkid say about the file system? | 19:15 |
mightcould | ok one sec | 19:16 |
chriys | ToBeFree: ok I see. Think I gonna do that | 19:16 |
mightcould | | 19:17 |
gladioacuto | jhutchins, i don't understand...i see in the conf file but it seems to me there is no line preventing other dm to work | 19:17 |
ToBeFree | :) (but hey, don't stop experimenting. And do try to set that up, and if it's just to see how it works. Setting up stuff can be pretty fun, especially if it does not necessarily have to work 24/7. That leaves room for weird experiments and crazy configurations.^^) | 19:18 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: you didn't add the line i gave you earlier | 19:18 |
EriC^^ | add UUID=2de63771-3c49-47f9-93d2-2020a5f8aa62 /media/externalOne ext4 defaults 0 2 | 19:18 |
jhutchins | gladioacuto: No, but there might be lines specifying display driver or resolution, which you might need to implement in the configuration of lightdm or whatever you run. | 19:18 |
EriC^^ | and remove the one starting with /dev/sdc4 | 19:18 |
EriC^^ | ( @ mightcould ) | 19:18 |
vlt | Hello. I have a USB stick with a bootable 14.04 iso on it (not in a file system). Is there a way to boot that from Grub2 if the computer's BIOS doesn't support it? | 19:18 |
jhutchins | gladioacuto: Also, you can start lightdm or nodm with sudo and see if it gives you any errors. | 19:19 |
Jordan_U | vlt: Yes, as long as you have grub itself installed to a device that your BIOS can boot from. | 19:19 |
chriys | lol ToBeFree | 19:19 |
ToBeFree | ^^ | 19:19 |
chriys | thax\nx | 19:19 |
chriys | thanx* | 19:19 |
ToBeFree | no problem, you're very welcome ^.^ | 19:19 |
metallic | Jordan_U, nevermind, I just moved the file to a non-FAT partition and it worked :) | 19:19 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: when you're done, save, and type umount /dev/sdc4 | 19:20 |
EriC^^ | *sudo umount /dev/sdc4 | 19:20 |
mightcould | Eric: sorry i didnt know i was suppose to add that. one sec i'll do that now. im sorruy | 19:20 |
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EriC^^ | no worries | 19:20 |
jhutchins | vlt: | 19:20 |
vlt | Jordan_U, jhutchins: Thanks. | 19:21 |
ircfox | hello guys! | 19:21 |
mightcould | umount: /dev/sdc4: not mounted | 19:21 |
mightcould | < thats what it said, that bad? | 19:21 |
mightcould | Eric hey i think you did it :D | 19:22 |
ircfox | I am facing some issues in to connect into my server using a ssh. I need to identify the user/password for ssh service. How do I do that? | 19:22 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, sudo mount /dev/sdc4 | 19:22 |
mightcould | i can open it now and make a new doc. | 19:22 |
mightcould | it mounts everytime i opened it i think | 19:22 |
jhutchins | Who was it who decided that removable devices should be read-only anyway? | 19:22 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, it should mount at startup now | 19:23 |
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EriC^^ | mightcould: ok, you need to set the files's ownership to yourself now | 19:23 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: the command you issued earlier sets the owner only | 19:23 |
EriC^^ | hold on | 19:23 |
mightcould | awesome, thank you two very much. 1 out of 2 problems are solved now. i really appreciate it guys :D | 19:23 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, sudo chown:mightcould:mightcould -R /media/externalOne | 19:24 |
mightcould | Eric: oh ok. how would i do that? :) | 19:24 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, sudo chown mightcould:mightcould -R /media/externalOne | 19:24 |
Pinkamena_D | Hello, I was messing with compiz and I enabled a plugin which I guess was bad because literally as soon as I clicked it the scren went black leaving only the mouse cursor. I have tried deleting ~/.config/compiz_1 and restarting X but no luck yet. | 19:24 |
StephenS | whats the best tool for 14.04 to handle laptop when on battery? | 19:24 |
mightcould | ok | 19:24 |
EriC^^ | gorbyebrius: mightcould or chown mightcould: -R /blabla | 19:24 |
Pinkamena_D | any ideas for a quick reset | 19:24 |
mightcould | Eric: is that the right syntax he posted? i dont wanna rush it, i wanna make sure i dont make a mistake | 19:25 |
EriC^^ | it's right | 19:25 |
gorbyebrius | :) | 19:25 |
EriC^^ | they do the same thing | 19:25 |
mightcould | ok thanks, just double checking | 19:25 |
gorbyebrius | Let's not forget who initially started helping here | 19:25 |
vlt | Jordan_U: Hmmm, I run grub2 from that internal hard drive and go to its CLI. There I can see a (hd1) device, which is an iso and (hd1,msdos2), which is FAT and contains an /efi/boot/ directory. How to "chainload" that now? | 19:26 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius> ofc not, i owe the well being of my linux os to the both of you :D | 19:26 |
EriC^^ | Pinkamena_D: maybe dconf reset -f /org/compiz | 19:27 |
mightcould | ok i typed it in. nothing happened which i take it was a good thing | 19:27 |
EriC^^ | Pinkamena_D: ( i think that's the command ) | 19:27 |
gorbyebrius | StephenS, powertop will show you which processes and devices use the most power. It will also show you which devices can be configured to save power. | 19:27 |
Pinkamena_D | ok. | 19:27 |
=== Synchunk` is now known as Synchunk | ||
StephenS | gorbyebrius, I don't get brightless screen when I turn to battery, | 19:27 |
Jordan_U | vlt: First, if your BIOS doesn't support booting from USB then you should *not* be seeing your USB drive listed in the output of "ls -l" from grub, yet. Can you confirm that you cannot currently see the USB drive you want to boot from in the output of "ls -l"? | 19:27 |
Linolex | hi all, which part of the system is affecting the "file type" filter in the "file open" or "file upload" dialog boxes in Ubuntu 12.04? I have only "all files", and would like to filter by "only images" etc. | 19:27 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: yeah | 19:27 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, for future reference adding internal hard drvies to fstab is the correct way of doing things. Using the UUID of the partition is the absolute best way, so that if you repartition or add new harddrives, you will be sure everthing is mounted correctly | 19:28 |
mightcould | now that that's figured out, does anyone know how to make a Steam Library on a drive other than the OS drive? | 19:29 |
vlt | Jordan_U: Can't confirm :-D I can see the USB drive as "hd1". | 19:29 |
gorbyebrius | in order to add /dev/sdc2 , you just do the same steps, create another folder in /media, get the UUID for sdc2, and add that to fstab | 19:29 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: i have no idea about steam, but you could mount --bind the library directory to the other partition | 19:29 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: i'm sure there's a better way though | 19:30 |
OerHeks | mightcould, you might want to ask this in #ubuntu-steam too, there is a solution | 19:30 |
Name141 | Anyone know why Windows wont find the "name" of the ubuntu machine on the local network, but can find the names of the Windows machines with machine names ? | 19:30 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius> ok so i can just pull the UUID of a new HDD and copy the /media/externalOne ext4 defauts 0 2 after it on a new line and the new drive should work? | 19:30 |
Pinkamena_D | "can not autolaunch D-bus without X11 display" from a TTY | 19:30 |
Name141 | I'm having to use the IP# to connect to the ubuntu machine | 19:30 |
Jordan_U | vlt: OK, then there is probably a way to boot it directly from your BIOS, but since we're already at the grub shell you can just run "root=(hd1); chainloader +1" and if those two commands complete without error, run "boot". | 19:31 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, yes, just set a different mountpoint though, preferably in /media | 19:31 |
Pinkamena_D | I can use the loginmanager to switch to GNOME, and the command runs but produces no output, and ubuntu unity still does not work | 19:31 |
Name141 | Is it because there isn't any samba shares? | 19:31 |
EriC^^ | Pinkamena_D: try deleting other compiz directories as well as ~/.gconf maybe | 19:31 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius> ok thanks, im glad i got that figured out, i felt trapped in a box being only able to use a 32gb drive haha | 19:31 |
gorbyebrius | also, to move the library go into "home/mightcould/.local/share/Steam" | 19:32 |
vlt | Jordan_U: Great! Thank you, it worked that way. | 19:32 |
gorbyebrius | see if thats where the library is stored. If thats the case, you can just move the "Steam" directory into the large partition, and then do ln -s /media/externalOne/Steam /home/mightcould/.local/share/ | 19:33 |
Jordan_U | vlt: You're welcome :) | 19:33 |
gorbyebrius | or you could do the mount --bind way as EriC^^ suggested. | 19:33 |
gorbyebrius | ln -s will create a symbolic link, its a shortcut in a sense, so that everything is physically stored in the other drive but for all practical purposes it appears in .local/share as well. | 19:34 |
hcl2 | where can i get more info on start-stop-deamon? it always says tomcat isn't running even when the pid file is present and the proc is running | 19:35 |
vlt | Hello. Any idea why on current Ubuntu versions SysRq-b doesn't seem to work anymore (while SysRq-o works just fine)? | 19:35 |
gorbyebrius | But really, are there that many games in Steam for you to need any more than 32 gigs? :) | 19:35 |
nisstyre | gorbyebrius: some games take 10 gigs of space or more | 19:36 |
nisstyre | e.g. RAGE | 19:36 |
mightcould | <gorbyebrius>: but a symbolic link, if file space is an issue wont it fill up the 32gb drive and the larger one? | 19:36 |
gorbyebrius | Ah, going back to my openttd :) | 19:36 |
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gorbyebrius | mightcould, no | 19:36 |
mightcould | oh it just appears but isnt actually there | 19:36 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, yes. | 19:36 |
mightcould | sweet | 19:36 |
nisstyre | of course RAGE doesn't run that well if you don't have an SSD and a very good gpu either | 19:37 |
mightcould | wow, thanks <gorbyebrius>, my confuser is working now! i am able to install my steam games on ds1 and its like a dream come true! | 19:38 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, wonderfull, glad to help | 19:38 |
acerspyro | I have one of these laptop keyboards that lack state LEDs on them, and rely on on-screen LED notifications under Windows, is there any such thing available for Ubuntu? | 19:38 |
marcel_ | hello can anybody please help me? I installed Xubuntu 14.04 on a old Toshiba Laptop P100-275 en have no sound. I searched on the internet for simular problems but i can't find a solution. In terminal i opened alsamixer and i see card HDA Intell. | 19:38 |
acerspyro | #gmqcc | 19:39 |
acerspyro | Hm | 19:39 |
mightcould | i'm glad there's still nice people like you and Eric in this world to help new comers like me :D | 19:39 |
acerspyro | Don't think it's spam, I forgot to add the join command :E | 19:39 |
gorbyebrius | Yeah well, I wanted to feel smart for once so I took a break from studying to come here. It isn't helping though :/ | 19:40 |
nisstyre | marcel_: when you open alsamixer, is the channel for your intel card muted? | 19:40 |
mightcould | another quick question, whats the keyboard shortcut for paste? im so use to ctrl+v | 19:40 |
acerspyro | mightcould: ctrl+v | 19:40 |
nisstyre | you should see an "M" and no red/green bar | 19:40 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, depends on the application | 19:40 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: in the terminal it's ctrl+shift+v | 19:40 |
acerspyro | it's the same thing | 19:40 |
acerspyro | Yeah, in terminals you need to add shift to most shortcuts | 19:40 |
mightcould | hmm cntrl v nevers seems to work for me | 19:40 |
OerHeks | mightcould, middle click mouse in terminal | 19:40 |
OerHeks | that is a safety feature | 19:41 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: you'll find ubuntu has a cool option of selecting a text, then using the middle mouse button to paste | 19:41 |
mightcould | ahh that worked ty | 19:41 |
EriC^^ | ( so you really have 2 clipboards ) | 19:41 |
acerspyro | Mind if I re-ask my question? | 19:41 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, in the terminal ctrl - c i reserved for stopping a running instance, so there's that | 19:41 |
gorbyebrius | or killing :) ctrl - x is for stopping | 19:41 |
gorbyebrius | z... | 19:42 |
marcel_ | nisstyre, no the channel is not muted | 19:42 |
acerspyro | I have one of these laptop keyboards that lack state LEDs on them, and rely on on-screen state notifications under Windows, is there any such thing available for Ubuntu? | 19:42 |
reisio | acerspyro: lots of things | 19:42 |
acerspyro | Hate that keyboard, french mac keyboard, I hate them, no angled brackets or anything. | 19:42 |
gorbyebrius | acerspyro, do you want your OS to inform you if Caps Locks is enabled? | 19:42 |
acerspyro | gorbyebrius: Well, not with a button to ask Is it on or off | 19:43 |
reisio | acerspyro: if you aren't looking at the keyboard, that's a simple software problem | 19:43 |
acerspyro | reisio: The keyboard has no LEDs | 19:43 |
nisstyre | marcel_: mind pasting the output of 'aplay -l' to or wherever you like? | 19:43 |
acerspyro | laptop keyboard | 19:43 |
Pa^2 | acerspyro, | 19:43 |
reisio | acerspyro: sounds lovely, I hate LEDs | 19:44 |
nisstyre | marcel_: also, how are you testing the sound? Are you sure the application is using the correct device? | 19:44 |
reisio | y'know how I know my keyboard is doing what I want it to? | 19:44 |
reisio | I have eyes and fingers | 19:44 |
acerspyro | reisio: lol I prefer them | 19:44 |
jack- | how do i force ubuntu (saucy) to (re)scan the usb bus? i need my internet... | 19:44 |
gorbyebrius | acerspyro, I prefer running "setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps" | 19:44 |
nisstyre | marcel_: test by running 'speaker-test -c 2' | 19:44 |
acerspyro | gorbyebrius: I still want caps lock and num lock... | 19:45 |
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nisstyre | you can also force a certain device name with that (man speaker-test) | 19:45 |
acerspyro | I just want to be notified when they are turned off, note the behaviour on Windows. | 19:45 |
acerspyro | But the link whoever posted to me seems to be my fix | 19:45 |
gorbyebrius | jack-, explain the initial problem more thoroughly | 19:45 |
marcel_ | nisstyre, idid the speakertest but i hear nothing | 19:47 |
jack- | gorbyebrius, it boots but doesn't initialize the usb-interweb stick | 19:47 |
nisstyre | marcel_: and the output of aplay -l? Paste that somewhere | 19:47 |
jack- | how do i trigger that scan... | 19:47 |
acerspyro | When I boot, I see a blank purple screen until the very last second, where I see the boot screen for maybe a second... I care about aesthetics, anyone knows why? | 19:48 |
mightcould | so does anyone else have issues with bookmarks in chrome? i signed into chrome, and i have no bookmarks, it shows my history and my 6 tile frequently visited sites. but no bookmarks. and import bookmarks is useless | 19:48 |
championofcyrodi | Another cloud-init question. I'm running ubuntu 14.04 cloud image and everytime i reboot a nova instance and connect using SSH i get: WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!, where the ECDSA key is changed and i have to clean it from my ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. | 19:48 |
championofcyrodi | Is there a way or document describing how to disable this ssh key injection so that it is always the same, or that it does not change? | 19:48 |
gorbyebrius | And why do you assume that "(re)scan the usb bus" whatever that means would help? Anyhow, so you have a USB wifi stick and it isn't recognized by your Ubuntu. What the model of the stick? | 19:48 |
acerspyro | omfg webchat hurts my eyes. | 19:49 |
nisstyre | dlink models in particular (wrt usb wifi) sometimes need custom drivers, which you have to compile yourself | 19:49 |
nisstyre | (as a kernel module obviously) | 19:49 |
oldnetbook | Anyone experience with LXLE? | 19:50 |
jack- | gorbyebrius, huawei something (from o2 germany) | 19:50 |
marcel_ | nisstyre, i see on board 0 Intell HDA Intell | 19:50 |
nisstyre | marcel_: yeah but I need the actual output | 19:50 |
gorbyebrius | jack-, post the output of lsusb into pastebin | 19:50 |
nisstyre | marcel_: it contains information about the default device and the index of it | 19:50 |
gorbyebrius | jack-, (while the stick is connected) | 19:50 |
nisstyre | marcel_: does it say "card 0" ? | 19:51 |
drkfdr | hmm.. "sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning" gives no results. 14.04, RTL8723AE. is this device not supported? | 19:51 |
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marcel_ | nisstyre yes card 0 | 19:51 |
nisstyre | marcel_: ok, that means it should be the default device | 19:51 |
jack- | Bus 001 Device 002: ID 12d1:1436 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E173 3G Modem (modem-mode) | 19:51 |
oldnetbook | Trying to boot lxle, black screen, eventually goes back to installed OS, #! works fine.. any ideas? | 19:52 |
nisstyre | the problem is likely either alsa somehow got misconfigured (unlikely, but possible, you could try configuring it manually), or it's a hardware problem | 19:52 |
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nisstyre | marcel_: | 19:52 |
marcel_ | nisstyre thank you | 19:52 |
marcel_ | i will search further | 19:53 |
gorbyebrius | jack-, if you click on your network connections icon on the top right, do you see a "mobile something something" somewhere? | 19:53 |
mightcould | What does this mean? its not allowing me to install conky manager E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 19:53 |
acerspyro | Is there an applet that allows you to monitor your CPU temperature | 19:53 |
jack- | it _is_ recognized (worked already).... | 19:53 |
nisstyre | marcel_: rebooting may also "fix" it | 19:53 |
oldnetbook | mightcould: sudo | 19:54 |
acerspyro | mightcould: It means something else is already installing / removing packages | 19:54 |
FilthyMacNasty | what version of ubuntu are you installing the huawei on? | 19:54 |
acerspyro | Might be updates, installs, whatever | 19:54 |
gorbyebrius | jack-, I am not following you. If it's working, what is the problem? | 19:54 |
mightcould | you can only install one thing at a time in linux? | 19:54 |
gladioacuto | i have pulseaudio running but no sounds are reproduced, what's going wrong? ubuntu 12.04 LTS | 19:54 |
acerspyro | mightcould: Well, you can have them queued on the same command line, but no | 19:54 |
mightcould | oh i see | 19:55 |
acerspyro | Because programs need to configure each other at the end in order to share libraries, notify themselves about the installation of a program or whatevs | 19:55 |
jack- | oh's working in mint right now but i want it in my ubuntu too :) | 19:55 |
genii | mightcould: The install process locks some files, so while they are in that state, they cannot be opened by running another install process | 19:55 |
mightcould | ok that makes sense i guess | 19:55 |
acerspyro | So, an applet to monitor CPU temp? anyone? | 19:55 |
gorbyebrius | jack-, which ubuntu version are you using? | 19:56 |
gladioacuto | jhutchins, however if i purge gdm so from console just startx, no X appears with "X. cannot stat /etc/X11/X (no such file or directory). aborting." It seems to me without gdm i cannot use X, and it is so weird | 19:56 |
xangua | !info psensor | acerspyro | 19:56 |
ubottu | acerspyro: psensor (source: psensor): display graphs for monitoring hardware temperature. In component universe, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 50 kB, installed size 409 kB | 19:56 |
gorbyebrius | jack-, | 19:56 |
acerspyro | xangua: is it an applet? | 19:56 |
zyuiop | hello there anyone | 19:56 |
zyuiop | anyone use MUA named Mail ? | 19:56 |
jack- | thx | 19:56 |
acerspyro | zyuiop: just ask your question | 19:57 |
zyuiop | it wasn't a question ? | 19:57 |
gorbyebrius | zyuiop, ask your SUPPORT question | 19:57 |
acerspyro | Yeah, (carrot goes here) | 19:57 |
acerspyro | Hate that damn keyboard | 19:57 |
gorbyebrius | as in: I am trying to do X in ubuntu X but this and that | 19:58 |
zyuiop | oh ok | 19:58 |
stoogenmeyer | hi i'd like to ask 2 questions: If I edit an already existing UPSTART script, does upstart reload the new script when I restart the service? or do I have to reload everything somehow? and the second is how do I sleep inside an upstart script? I tried sleep 10 and it doesn't seem to work | 19:58 |
mightcould | Hey guys is there anyway i can move the taskbar to the left? its kinda annoying right there | 19:58 |
acerspyro | mightcould: no | 19:59 |
acerspyro | Don't ask me why | 19:59 |
zyuiop | using mail MUA " mail " i send the mail : sendmail < /tmp/email.txt | 19:59 |
hcl2 | seriously, can anybody get start-stop-daemon to report that any pid file is running, i always get negative answers no matter the daemon | 19:59 |
zyuiop | from my server | 19:59 |
acerspyro | zyuiop: that's an affirmation, not a question | 20:00 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, is that several monitors? | 20:00 |
mightcould | yes | 20:00 |
acerspyro | lrn2usefulquestions | 20:00 |
mightcould | and its annoying as hell having it on the left of my right most monitor | 20:01 |
acerspyro | mightcould: Oh, that | 20:01 |
zyuiop | so received the mail from user@servername i connect to i can see the mail sent by user : user@servername | 20:01 |
acerspyro | Uh, I don't have any of my computers with me right now, but it is possible | 20:01 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, | 20:01 |
acerspyro | Altho, I do agree it is pretty annoying, since it would end up in the asscrack of the screens. | 20:01 |
mightcould | ty <gorbyebrius> | 20:01 |
hcl2 | nm, docker problem :( | 20:01 |
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Guest84025 | trying to install ubuntu 12.04 on acer aspire one netbook. "creation of swap space failed" any ideas? | 20:02 |
zyuiop | but the problem if do reply to the mail i don't know how to see the replied mai | 20:02 |
zyuiop | but the problem if do reply to the mail i don't know how to see the replied mail | 20:02 |
acerspyro | Guest84025: why so old? | 20:02 |
mightcould | <acerspyro> yes its terribly annoying, i dont understand why linux is so barely customizable. im trying really hard to like it but i feel like i cant do anything with it | 20:02 |
Guest84025 | the computer or os? | 20:02 |
acerspyro | mightcould: I never said that | 20:02 |
acerspyro | Guest84025: OS | 20:03 |
Guest84025 | all the others seem to be too bugy to install | 20:03 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, if linux is anything, that's customizable :) Now the desktop Unity might not be, but Linux is customizable... | 20:03 |
mightcould | <acerspyro> well i'd like to atleast move it to the bottom, or anywhere besides there | 20:03 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, try unity-tweaker-tool | 20:03 |
Guest84025 | any ideas whats going on with that error | 20:04 |
mightcould | is it possible to change the desktop without changing ubuntu? i really like the desktop of projectreality | 20:04 |
acerspyro | mightcould: Nice trolling btw | 20:04 |
mightcould | <acerspyro> what do you mean trolling? | 20:04 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, but no, as far as I know you can't move it to the bottom, but if customizability is imporant to you, like me, then you definetly should give xubuntu a try | 20:04 |
acerspyro | That | 20:04 |
reisio | mightcould: project reality? | 20:04 |
acerspyro | using brackets, if it is your client that is set to do that, then please disable it and use something else like a comman | 20:04 |
mightcould | <acerspyro> i dont understand what you mean | 20:05 |
acerspyro | comma* | 20:05 |
reisio | mightcould: there's a launchpad bug on moving the launcher bar to the bottom, including solutions | 20:05 |
Superdawg | I've got a 14.04 host that is refusing to mount NFS mounts at boot time. I see in the boot.log " Block the mounting event for NFS filesytems until statd is running". I have rstatd installed, but it doesn't seem to be having any effect on mount status. | 20:05 |
acerspyro | Because when you put a username in brackets, it means you're quoting that user, and I find it really irritating. | 20:05 |
Superdawg | Anyone have a pointer they can provide me? My searches haven't been very helpful | 20:05 |
acerspyro | Superdawg: 0x00FE99 | 20:05 |
gorbyebrius | Superdawg, post your /etc/fstab in pastebin | 20:06 |
mightcould | acerspyro the <>? sorry i didnt mean to upset you, it does that when i copy n paste your name | 20:06 |
acerspyro | mightcould: I know, but just type ace and press tab | 20:06 |
mightcould | acerspyro, | 20:06 |
mightcould | oh neato! | 20:06 |
acerspyro | lol | 20:06 |
acerspyro | Use that next time, not copy and paste. | 20:06 |
gladioacuto | no help for me? | 20:07 |
mightcould | reisio, yeah project reality, i have it on a hirens disc. its a live boot i use to fix windows when it doesnt wanna work right. | 20:07 |
reisio | mightcould: where's its home page? | 20:07 |
mightcould | it has a awesome desktop with a taskbar on the bottom and a start menu like windows | 20:07 |
reisio | doesn't sound that unique... | 20:08 |
Superdawg | gorbyebrius: | 20:08 |
Guest84025 | "the creation of swap space in partition #5 of scs12 (0,0,0) (sda) failed" any ideas? | 20:08 |
acerspyro | mightcould: KDE does it too | 20:08 |
acerspyro | So does LXDE | 20:08 |
acerspyro | Malsasa-: Love your hostname | 20:08 |
Superdawg | gorbyebrius: this config works fine on anything <14.04 | 20:08 |
reisio | Guest84025: /nick part5 | 20:08 |
Guest84025 | whats that mean? | 20:09 |
acerspyro | Guest84025: it means to type it on | 20:09 |
acerspyro | in* | 20:09 |
acerspyro | Stuff that starts with slashes are commands | 20:09 |
acerspyro | And the nick command changes your nickname | 20:09 |
Guest84025 | in where? | 20:09 |
mightcould | reisio, i must have the name wrong, did a google and all that comes up is yet another war game. its a linux live cd distro with tools on it, called project something | 20:09 |
acerspyro | in the chat | 20:09 |
acerspyro | reisio: lol | 20:10 |
Guest84025 | jr/nick part5 | 20:10 |
gorbyebrius | Superdawg, is mountall still running? ps -ef|grep mount | 20:10 |
acerspyro | Type toolkit or something | 20:10 |
reisio | mightcould: yes, well, that's not very specific is it :) | 20:10 |
Guest84025 | like that? | 20:10 |
acerspyro | *googles for Sauerbraten* | 20:10 |
acerspyro | Guest84025: no | 20:10 |
acerspyro | /nick part5 | 20:10 |
Superdawg | 'mountall --daemon' is running | 20:10 |
=== Guest84025 is now known as part5 | ||
acerspyro | Finally | 20:10 |
part5 | ty | 20:10 |
part5 | but yea any ideas? | 20:11 |
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gorbyebrius | Superdawg, it appears like it's this bug | 20:11 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1095917 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "nfs mounts failing during reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:11 |
gorbyebrius | there is a script as a workaround that mounts your nfs drives at startup | 20:11 |
acerspyro | What's NFS? Could it be NTFS? | 20:11 |
Zaitzev | cifs ftw | 20:12 |
gorbyebrius | acerspyro, just google nfs ffs | 20:12 |
acerspyro | oh I'm domb | 20:12 |
acerspyro | dumb | 20:12 |
reisio | don't bother, nfs is awful | 20:12 |
acerspyro | Forgot about that one | 20:12 |
Superdawg | gorbyebrius: Oh, I see the script. I didn't find it last time I looked at this ticket. | 20:12 |
mightcould | reisio, well its the only live cd linux on hirens 15.2, and googling for the past 2 minutes shows no results. sometimes i dislike google | 20:14 |
acerspyro | Oh people, don't you know, I could never hold a job to assist people. | 20:14 |
mightcould | reisio, ok i asked my buddy on steam, mybad its actually called parted magic. thats the desktop i love | 20:14 |
reisio | mightcould: this? | 20:15 |
mightcould | reisio, yes thats the one! i love that one | 20:15 |
mightcould | growing up with windows i really love my start menu haha | 20:16 |
reisio | mightcould: you can make any DE look like that | 20:16 |
reisio | mightcould: but you can also use that specific one/configuration, too, if you want | 20:17 |
mightcould | reisio, i would absolutely love to. whoever thought to stick a taskbar in the middle of the screen and not give you any ability to move it is a cruel man. | 20:17 |
reisio | mightcould: they're not cruel, they're just barely developers :) | 20:18 |
mightcould | oh | 20:18 |
gorbyebrius | well in their defense it isn't a taskbar, it's a launcher :) | 20:18 |
mightcould | reisio, but would it still be ubuntu? would i still have the ubuntu software center? cause thats the only way i know how to install stuff. and the search window to run stuff | 20:19 |
reisio | mightcould: yes | 20:19 |
mightcould | well awesome, no offense to unity fans but i perfer a bottom taskbar and desktop icons over an unmoveable launcher | 20:20 |
reisio | :) | 20:20 |
reisio | you can move it to the bottom, but truly not as simply as using a different launcher, indeed | 20:21 |
metallic | Unity sucks nuts -_- | 20:21 |
mightcould | After the whole windows 8/10 issue i never want to give microsoft another dime ever. | 20:21 |
reisio | mightcould: for this, though I would use Xfce | 20:21 |
reisio | mightcould: but like I say, you can use the exact same software & configuration as parted magic uses, if you want | 20:21 |
k1l | metallic: no need for that nonsense language in here. | 20:23 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, you can just do "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" log out, and choose xubuntu | 20:23 |
metallic | k1l, it was needed to understand my point of view hihi | 20:23 |
mightcould | ok, i looked in my repo with synaptic and results on Xfce returned a lot of results. is it difficult to change your desktop? i was hoping it'd be like switching themes n win7 | 20:23 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and you're done | 20:24 |
gorbyebrius | xubuntu-desktop is a meta-package that will install all the necessary packages for a full blown xubuntu desktop | 20:24 |
mightcould | ok, the SS's of xubuntu seem neat i guess. | 20:25 |
gorbyebrius | SS's? | 20:25 |
Toph | gorbyebrius,,, can you then switch between several desktops easily during a session? | 20:25 |
mightcould | screen shots mybad | 20:25 |
gorbyebrius | Toph, you'd have to log in and out | 20:25 |
Toph | ok | 20:25 |
gorbyebrius | or have two different user accounts and have each running one and switching with ctrl alt F7-8 | 20:26 |
mightcould | ok so the login screen has an option to which desktop you want? | 20:26 |
gorbyebrius | but that's just stupid | 20:26 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, yes, top right | 20:26 |
mightcould | well awesome, imma do that now. tyvm | 20:26 |
mightcould | wait, there is no downside to it right? | 20:26 |
gorbyebrius | Well unity can sometimes break some things in xfce but not the other way around | 20:27 |
mightcould | ok, sounds like its worth it. | 20:27 |
k1l | mightcould: ubuntu offers a lot of desktops. you can install many at the same time and choose them on the login screen. | 20:27 |
gorbyebrius | if you decide to keep xfce4, you might want to apt-get remove indicator-keyboard indicator-xkbmod | 20:28 |
k1l | and they dont break stuff on other desktops. | 20:28 |
mightcould | ok, yeah something has to be better for triple screens and multi taskinh, i have about 20+ windows open and its terrible trying to sort through them. and alt+tab doesnt show them all | 20:29 |
k1l | mightcould: on unity: just hover the mouse over the launcher icon and make a mouse-wheel scroll | 20:29 |
mightcould | kil yeah but thats still a hassle, in windows you can hover over the icon and it shows a preview for every window of that time. partly my fault though. i got 16gb of ram so i never close anything | 20:31 |
mightcould | type* | 20:31 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, another tip for switching to xfce4, use compiz instead. xfwm4 doesn't vsync properly. Simplest (dirty way) is apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager and add "compiz --replace" to your startup apps.... | 20:32 |
k1l | mightcould: on unity: hold the super-key (windows key) and see if there is a shortcut that suits you | 20:32 |
k1l | mightcould: sounds like you want "alt + ^" (or whatever is labeld the key left of "1" for you) | 20:33 |
mightcould | yeah vsync is important to me, thanks gorbyebrius. | 20:33 |
mightcould | k1l yeah i think i found a temp solution i enabled work spaces so i can have 4 sets of 3 screens, so i can do gimp in one, broswers in another, and chat rooms in a 3rd. i think thats easiest for me | 20:34 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, workspaces is the linux way | 20:35 |
mightcould | woot :D | 20:35 |
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k1l | well, yes. the big inovation for windows is old news on linux desktops. that is right. | 20:35 |
mightcould | workspaces was such a huge hassle in windows xp. and after the nvidia drivers stripped that feature it was a real pain back in those days | 20:35 |
JCT | ugh | 20:36 |
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k1l | mightcould: you are not forced to use unity. you can test and use any other desktop you like. ubuntu ships all big desktop-enviroments and a lot of smaller ones. just find the right one for your needs. | 20:36 |
JCT | for some reason, my interface on Xubuntu has gone and f**ked itself up | 20:36 |
JCT | Xubuntu is a good alternative to ubuntu | 20:36 |
JCT | feels like windows and is much more costomizable | 20:37 |
mightcould | You all are so nice, i'm really glad i was able to take the day off work and spend it with you folks and getting to know linux better. :D | 20:37 |
JCT | something i did... and now the window indicator isn't showing!! | 20:37 |
gladioacuto | could you please help me solving my audio issue? pulsaudio is running but no audio can be reproduced... | 20:37 |
JCT | i'll snap it | 20:37 |
k1l | mightcould: this are the big ones: but there are even more | 20:37 |
JCT | so i can show you | 20:37 |
mightcould | yeah i got 91% done at 2.1MB/s on my game dl, after that in gonna install the xubuntu :D | 20:38 |
gladioacuto | this happened after pm-suspend, but even after reboot | 20:38 |
k1l | JCT: what did you do? | 20:38 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, if you're installing a game in steam, you can still install things through synaptic/apt-get | 20:38 |
mightcould | ooh i really like LXDE. | 20:39 |
mightcould | i LXDE as good as xubuntu? | 20:39 |
mightcould | is* | 20:39 |
k1l | its called lubuntu. | 20:39 |
richac | mightcould: lxde is really light and stable, but hard to configure | 20:39 |
gorbyebrius | gladioacuto, try pulseaudio -k and check again by restarting whichever app is supposed to make sound | 20:39 |
mightcould | lol all these funny names | 20:39 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: it's more minimalistic, and it's designed especially for low-performance pc's | 20:39 |
JCT_ | so glitched out | 20:40 |
JCT_ | anyway | 20:40 |
k1l | lubuntu is specialized on lightweight and old hardware. its more minimalstic and doesnt offer that much services by default like xfce, kde or gnome/ubuntu | 20:40 |
part5 | "the creation of swap space in partition #5 of scs12 (0,0,0) (sda) failed" any ideas? | 20:40 |
mightcould | oh ok, so im better off with xubuntu than i guess. as long as it kinda looks like parted magic i'll be thrilled | 20:40 |
elnhr | Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but since we're taking WMs, does anyone have experience with i3 + multiple monitors? | 20:40 |
mightcould | yup | 20:40 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, xfce4 is minimalistic, lxde is even more minimalistic.... Really, all those questions don't have any good answers, try them out for yourself. There is a reason k1ll here probably uses unity me xfce and probably other people user gnome kde etc etc | 20:40 |
JCT_ | now i can't see the minimize/maximize/exit and the window name | 20:41 |
JCT_ | i can't even move the window | 20:41 |
JCT_ | nor alt tab | 20:41 |
JCT_ | all i can see is the panel i created | 20:41 |
gorbyebrius | JCT_, it sounds like your window manager isn't running | 20:41 |
gorbyebrius | are you using xfwm4 ? | 20:41 |
richac | mightcould: if you have a modern computer, you might find more compatibilty with gnome or kde | 20:41 |
k1l | JCT_: what did you do before the error? | 20:41 |
JCT_ | how do i check | 20:41 |
JCT_ | hmm.. | 20:41 |
gorbyebrius | terminal ps aux | grep xfwm | 20:41 |
k1l | JCT_: "i didnt do anything" is the wrong answer :) | 20:41 |
JCT_ | i ran unity while i was running xfce session | 20:41 |
JCT_ | must be the problem | 20:42 |
JCT_ | logged out | 20:42 |
* Snake2k hugs JCT_ randomly. | 20:42 | |
JCT_ | back in then windows glitch | 20:42 |
schmidtj | Hi. I tried googling for an answer to my following question, but kind of coming up empty. We have a VM on our network running Ubuntu Server LTS 14.04. This VM is not registering itself with the Windows Active Dir DNS service. I don't really want to try to fully join the server to the Domain - I just want it to register it's hostname with DNS. Anyone know how to do this? | 20:42 |
* JCT_ hugs back | 20:42 | |
gorbyebrius | How did you "run unity" while xfce was running | 20:42 |
mightcould | ok so my top 2 options are KDE, xubuntu, i dislike gnome (no offense) | 20:42 |
Snake2k | :D | 20:42 |
JCT_ | i opened a whisker menu | 20:42 |
Snake2k | I EXIST!!! | 20:42 |
Pa^2 | JCT_ Menu | All | About Xfce | 20:42 |
richac | mightcould: i dislike gnome too lol my favs are kde and cinnamon | 20:42 |
JCT_ | searched the command/app | 20:42 |
k1l | mightcould: then go and test it. | 20:42 |
JCT_ | it was there | 20:42 |
JCT_ | ok | 20:42 |
gladioacuto | gorbyebrius, tried pulseaudio -k then mp3blaster can't play anything. Pulseaudio --start and mp3blaster plays but nothing can be heard | 20:43 |
mightcould | ok can i have xubuntu + kde + unity at the same time? so i can switch between them? | 20:43 |
schmidtj | Probably the reason the machine isn't registering it's hostname is because it's using static dns | 20:43 |
schmidtj | err | 20:43 |
schmidtj | static IP address | 20:43 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: yes | 20:43 |
schmidtj | configuration in the file /etc/network/interfaces | 20:43 |
mightcould | ok thanks guys imma go try that now. woot | 20:43 |
Snake2k | mightcould: Yep at the login screen | 20:43 |
k1l | mightcould: install the packages. choosing then on the loginscreen | 20:44 |
Pa^2 | Xfce was the best choice for my 4-monitor array...without the bloat of KDE or Gnome | 20:44 |
moi9j | hello everyone, my machine starts in recovery mode, how can I make it start in normal one? | 20:44 |
gorbyebrius | gladioacuto, when you do pulseaudio -k it should respawn by itself, have you fiddlet anything with pulseaudio recently? | 20:44 |
schmidtj | So, the question is, is it possible to use static network config, but still have the server contact DHCP to register the hostname? | 20:44 |
JCT_ | aww fu** fuk crap wtf happened....... now i can't even see whai'm typing | 20:44 |
EriC^^ | moi9j: why is it starting in the recovery mode? | 20:44 |
Snake2k | mightcould: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop | 20:44 |
JCT_ | can't resizer windows | 20:44 |
gorbyebrius | JCT_, have you rebooted? | 20:44 |
Snake2k | Pa^2: i3 > Life | 20:44 |
gorbyebrius | We know you can't resize your windows, you probably dont have a window manager running | 20:45 |
JCT_ | no. | 20:45 |
JCT_ | i'm trying to do things | 20:45 |
gorbyebrius | .... Reboot. | 20:45 |
JCT_ | i think the "JCT, ___ works cuz it sho | 20:45 |
JCT_ | crap | 20:45 |
JCT_ | shoudl i reboot? | 20:45 |
Pa^2 | Snake2k, i3? Not sure I understand. | 20:45 |
k1l | JCT_: see .xsession-errors or xorg.log. | 20:45 |
richac | schmidtj: i'm on kde and have a static address set, and my hostname still shows in my router, oddly though if static on windows it doesn't. | 20:46 |
richac | i just set it up right on network manager in the panel | 20:46 |
Snake2k | Pa^2: Yep i3 i3wm i3status ... Desktop environment, tiling window manager, and a status bar... Nothing gets more lightweight | 20:46 |
reisio | well, dwm does :p | 20:46 |
reisio | but not much more | 20:46 |
schmidtj | richac: This is Ubuntu Server - no X Windows, no KDI, n o network manager control panel | 20:46 |
schmidtj | err, no KDE that is | 20:46 |
Pa^2 | Ah, the real minimalist. good on you. | 20:47 |
Snake2k | Pa^2: It's essentially a highly customizable tiling window manager, has a bit of a learning curve though | 20:47 |
reisio | i3 and i3wm are the same thing, though, it's justa wm | 20:47 |
richac | schmidtj: so you already set it as static and its not showing the hostname? | 20:47 |
moi9j | EriC^^, first nautilus froze (turned gray) when I wanted to unpack a tar file. then I restarted ubuntu and this time nautilus didnt open when I clicked on it (cursor loaded and loaded and then gave up). when I tried restarting for the second time, it took ages, so I manually powered off the computer. since then it starts in recovery mode (ubuntu logo stretched sideways, and special chars are not accepted at login) | 20:47 |
Snake2k | Pa^2: Nah, I realized that I don't use anything except the terminal. So I just got a window manager that tiles shit... Now I'm happy... Terminator, irssi, cmus (music), ranger (file explorer), Vim... What else do I need? lol | 20:47 |
Snake2k | reisio: Pretty much lol | 20:47 |
schmidtj | Other machines on the network cannot ping or connect to it via the hostname - the hostname is not registered in our DNS server | 20:48 |
schmidtj | I might be able to get IT to manually register it | 20:48 |
moi9j | ctrl+alt+del doesnt reboot, but ctrl+alt+f1 opens the terminal | 20:48 |
schmidtj | But, I think there is a way that machines are supposed to be able to register themselves into the Windows DNS server? | 20:48 |
EriC^^ | moi9j: check dmesg for errors maybe | 20:48 |
Pa^2 | Snake2k, Terminal only ... you are a better man than I. | 20:48 |
JCT | damnit, that didn't work at all... (rebooting) | 20:49 |
moi9j | EriC^^ I dont know the command for this..and even if I knew, I dont know how to fix errors | 20:49 |
JCT | urgh | 20:49 |
k1l_ | ctrl+alt+del is disabled | 20:49 |
Snake2k | Pa^2: terminal > life | 20:49 |
schmidtj | JCT: You might want to try forcing Linux to run fsck next time you reboot | 20:49 |
k1l_ | moi9j: check dmesg if hardware issues are there | 20:49 |
richac | schmidtj: is it your dns server? | 20:49 |
gorbyebrius | JCT, post the output of ps aux | grep xfwm .... | 20:49 |
EriC^^ | moi9j: type sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit | 20:49 |
schmidtj | JCT: If your computer is booting into recovery mode, might indicate a filesystem problem | 20:49 |
JCT | no | 20:49 |
JCT | all it is | 20:50 |
gorbyebrius | schmidtj, what are you basing that on? | 20:50 |
moi9j | all right, EriC^^. doing it now, and will let you knwo | 20:50 |
moi9j | know* | 20:50 |
mightcould | have you tried pressing F8 upon booting? in windows that'll give you the boot to option | 20:50 |
Pa^2 | For $WORK I do rdesktop sessions with Winders boxes ... gotta have them purty pitures. | 20:50 |
schmidtj | richac: What do you mean is it my dns server? My company has, I think, a Windows domain server that acts as DHCP server and DNS Server as well | 20:50 |
JCT | all i did to initiate the problem was probably run unity via program "run unity" | 20:50 |
richac | schmidtj: ask the admin to just add them manually | 20:51 |
schmidtj | I just know that other Windows machines automatically register themselves in DNS, and I'm pretty sure that Linux machines that get IP config via DHCP also register their hostnames in dns | 20:51 |
JCT | man running unity made it worse last time | 20:52 |
JCT | i reboot | 20:52 |
championofcyrodi | schmidtj: not all linux DHCP clients will register their hostname. Sometimes you have to specify in dhcp client config | 20:52 |
richac | championofcyrodi: hes static though I think | 20:52 |
JCT | should i logout of xfce and use unity instead? | 20:52 |
schmidtj | Yeah, this machine is statically addressed | 20:52 |
JCT | see if that fixes | 20:52 |
schmidtj | in /etc/network/interfaces | 20:52 |
championofcyrodi | i believe if you just put: | 20:53 |
championofcyrodi | iface eth0 inet dhcp | 20:53 |
championofcyrodi | hostname fancyhostname | 20:53 |
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richac | schmidtj: i believe it depends on how the dns server is setup | 20:53 |
moi9j | EriC^^ this is the output: | 20:53 |
championofcyrodi | the dhcp client will request that hostname, and active directory will register it in DNS via DHCP (if active directory has enabled DHCP to update DNS) | 20:54 |
gorbyebrius | richac, and championofcyrodi, in case you missed that, the machine is in a VM.... | 20:54 |
richac | gorbyebrius: ya i did lol | 20:54 |
mightcould | ok now in xubuntu, question, when switching my desktop i noticed after Xubuntu it said (Session) does that mean its not full access or that im limited in some way? just wondering | 20:54 |
EsoRotica | richac: After installing via their installer, it seems to have just rebuilt the same version as the repos >< | 20:54 |
EsoRotica | richac: FGLRX that is | 20:54 |
hfsdfuf77 | #windows | 20:55 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, no, xubuntu session is what you want | 20:55 |
reisio | mightcould: just a string of chars | 20:55 |
mightcould | ok sweet. thanks. imma begin fiddling :D | 20:55 |
richac | EsoRotica: weird, but it was a diff version you downloaded from them? | 20:55 |
EsoRotica | richac: I lied, just reports an incorrect number in CCC | 20:55 |
EsoRotica | dmesg shows the proper version | 20:56 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, first thing you want sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins-extra | 20:56 |
EsoRotica | Either way, no change. | 20:56 |
gladioacuto | gorbyebrius, i didn't, i just installed volti to have a volume icon, it owrked, then after pm-suspend it stopped. I rebooted but nothing. Now i purged volti but sound still does not work | 20:56 |
richac | weird | 20:56 |
imbezol | how can i blacklist a mirror? it always gets autoselected for me but it's missing half the files | 20:56 |
gorbyebrius | gladioacuto, install pavucontrol if it isn't already and check your volumes there | 20:56 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, will that in any way mess with my nvidia drivers? | 20:56 |
richac | EsoRotica: you have sync to vblank on and AA off right? | 20:56 |
EsoRotica | Mesa was fine, but I dont care to use it. Card gets far too hot | 20:56 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, no | 20:56 |
richac | do you get alot of screen tearing? | 20:56 |
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gorbyebrius | after you install compiz, it takes some configuration, familiarize yourself with compifconfig. you do "compiz --replace ccp" to use compiz temporarily. You can add that to your startup applications from you settings manager panel | 20:57 |
schmidtj | championofcyrodi: If I change the interface to use the dhcp method instead of static, won't that cause the machine to grab a new IP address via dhcp? | 20:57 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, ok that was successfully added :D | 20:57 |
hfsdfuf77 | I type 35 word/min , is that good enough ??? and i don't think i can improve my typing since i have a short fingers... | 20:58 |
richac | schmidtj: most likely will use same one, but yes thats possible. | 20:58 |
schmidtj | I wonder what happens if | 20:58 |
gladioacuto | gorbyebrius, what do i have to check? | 20:58 |
richac | EsoRotica: what if you make the changes to /etc/environment? | 20:59 |
schmidtj | I change it to dhcp | 20:59 |
schmidtj | as the method | 20:59 |
schmidtj | but leave the line | 20:59 |
k1l_ | hfsdfuf77: please switch to #ubuntu-offtopic for that topics | 20:59 |
gorbyebrius | gladioacuto, that all volumes are up and nothing is muted | 20:59 |
richac | EsoRotica: what if you run the game in windowed mode instead of full screen? | 20:59 |
schmidtj | address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn | 20:59 |
gladioacuto | gorbyebrius, i did, nothing is muted, all volumes are up | 20:59 |
EsoRotica | richac: Checking into it now | 20:59 |
schmidtj | maybe the address line will override the dynamic IP from dhcp, but the dhcp client would still add the hostname? | 20:59 |
schmidtj | Guess I just have to try | 20:59 |
gladioacuto | but still nothings exit from audio device | 20:59 |
mightcould | ok small issue, xubuntu has my screens mixed up and im in the desktop settings and i dont see how to set them right? | 21:00 |
EriC^^ | moi9j: i don't spot anything | 21:00 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, mixed up? | 21:00 |
m_tadeu | what package can I find the "bzr rebase" command? | 21:00 |
mightcould | yes like not in order | 21:01 |
k1l_ | mightcould: monitor settings. or the driver settigns if you use a prop. driver | 21:01 |
mightcould | instead of left to right, 1,2,3 its 2,3,1 | 21:01 |
mightcould | ok | 21:01 |
gorbyebrius | oh, that you fix from nvidia-settings | 21:01 |
EsoRotica | richac: set FSAAScale to 1? | 21:01 |
richac | EsoRotica: where do you see that option? | 21:01 |
nutella | Guys, how can i mount an encrypted home directory that is on an external disk? | 21:01 |
gorbyebrius | you should see nvidia settings in you settings manager | 21:01 |
gorbyebrius | nutella, how is it encrypted? | 21:02 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, well in xubuntu nvidia doesnt show up in the search like it does on unity | 21:02 |
moi9j | Gosh, I made a mistake..sorry EriC^^ , I will post the correct one in a min. | 21:02 |
moi9j | sorry really | 21:02 |
EsoRotica | richac: Frankly, i dont. Looking of r aplace to set it now | 21:02 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, all settings are done through the settings manager, look in there | 21:02 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, the standard home encryption that ubuntu 12.04 did | 21:02 |
EsoRotica | for a place* | 21:02 |
gorbyebrius | so you are trying to restore an old install? | 21:02 |
EsoRotica | prolly xorg.conf | 21:02 |
richac | EsoRotica: when running the game use this option -noborder for windowed mode. | 21:02 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, coying a few files from my old diks yes | 21:03 |
nutella | *disk | 21:03 |
richac | oh wait nevermind | 21:03 |
gorbyebrius | nutella, did you choose the "encrypt my whole system" or "encrypt my home directory" when installing the old install? | 21:03 |
richac | wait it might still work | 21:03 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, the latter | 21:03 |
EriC^^ | moi9j: no problem | 21:03 |
gorbyebrius | then sudo ecryptfs-recover-private | 21:03 |
richac | yes tf2 is a source game it should work | 21:04 |
=== jottr_ is now known as jottr | ||
richac | -windowed -noborder | 21:04 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, oh, thanks a lot! | 21:04 |
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gorbyebrius | nutella, no probs! It should locate it for you and everything | 21:04 |
mightcould | ok sweet got hat fixed. you guys are awesome! :D | 21:04 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, yeah i just started the command and was amazed :) | 21:05 |
richac | EsoRotica: oh wait do what they say here.... -windowed -noborder -w (your monitors width) -h (your monitors height) | 21:05 |
irlanco | hey guys what's a good xfce tiling manager | 21:05 |
moi9j | EriC^^ , I was inadvertent and ran the command on the wrong I did it with the correct one, and got a message: 'dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 21:05 |
=== Caroga is now known as Caroga_afk | ||
EriC^^ | moi9j: ok, type what it said | 21:06 |
k1l_ | moi9j: run that command from the error message | 21:06 |
richac | EsoRotica: to shut off aa, you should be able to do that right from menu for the amd settings. | 21:06 |
EsoRotica | Not seeing it, only override app settings | 21:06 |
moi9j | EriC^^, my guess is that, in the session which I manually powered off when shutdown took long, I'd had a software update. possibly some update-related process took long and I interrupted it by powering off.. | 21:07 |
moi9j | if it makes sense | 21:07 |
moi9j | ok, processes are running through the screen. good sign, I guess.. | 21:08 |
moi9j | EriC^^ it finished with an error message while processing: 'libpam-systemd: i386' ...can I reboot nowß | 21:09 |
moi9j | ? | 21:09 |
=== athos-ribeiro_ is now known as athos-ribeiro | ||
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga | ||
EriC^^ | moi9j: what was the error msg? | 21:11 |
EriC^^ | pam-systemd doesn't sound too good | 21:11 |
mightcould | you guys have no idea how happy i am right now with this xubuntu :D | 21:12 |
moi9j | EriC^^ the final line is: 'Errors were encountered while processing: libpam-systemd: i386' | 21:13 |
moi9j | I guess all ran ok except the last line: it set up packages, processed triggers and installed new versions.. | 21:13 |
EriC^^ | ok | 21:13 |
EriC^^ | moi9j: try to reinstall it maybe? | 21:15 |
EriC^^ | moi9j: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpam-systemd | 21:15 |
moi9j | EriC^^ it returned an error of unmet dependencies, and recommended to try '-f install'..and when I did it, it installed a host of packages.. after that I was able to reinstall libpam-systemd. | 21:17 |
EriC^^ | ok, great | 21:17 |
moi9j | so now it seems to be installed | 21:17 |
moi9j | reboot is due, I guess :) | 21:18 |
EriC^^ | moi9j: if you wanted to be a bit anal you could sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 21:18 |
EriC^^ | otherwise sudo reboot :) | 21:18 |
moi9j | EriC^^ I will try reboot and see if it normally boots | 21:20 |
moi9j | oh, yes, normally booted! | 21:20 |
=== beisner is now known as beisner-afk | ||
EriC^^ | great :) | 21:21 |
mightcould | now i just dont get why i cant start the nvidia control panel in xubuntu. it shows as installed | 21:22 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: try to run it in a terminal | 21:22 |
genii | mightcould: Does lsmod | grep nvidia it loaded? | 21:23 |
genii | ( the nvidia control panel won't run if nvidia module is not loaded) | 21:23 |
mgolisch | realy? | 21:23 |
moi9j | EriC^^ is it probably the reason that I broke some update completion by manually turning off the computer? | 21:23 |
mightcould | genii, idk what means, Eric idk how to run stuff in the term | 21:24 |
EriC^^ | moi9j: could be, there were some packages that weren't configured | 21:24 |
moi9j | yes, from experience, dpkg message has come every time an update / upgrade is not properly run :) | 21:25 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: open a terminal and type the command that opens the nvidia program | 21:26 |
moi9j | EriC^^ thank you so much for your helping hand! | 21:26 |
=== Jake is now known as Guest682 | ||
EriC^^ | moi9j: np | 21:26 |
mightcould | EriC^^, the ubuntu software center page doesnt list the command to open it. | 21:27 |
=== Stu| is now known as Stu|[A] | ||
EriC^^ | mightcould: ok, open a terminal and type apropos nvidia | 21:27 |
moi9j | have a good day! | 21:28 |
EriC^^ | moi9j: thanks, you too! | 21:28 |
moi9j | thank you! | 21:28 |
mightcould | EriC^^, woot that worked tyvm | 21:28 |
EriC^^ | np | 21:28 |
=== Guest682 is now known as jake | ||
Ubuntu-server | hello | 21:30 |
Ubuntu-server | Hey guys | 21:30 |
Ubuntu-server | are you kidding me | 21:31 |
Ubuntu-server | really someone is here? | 21:31 |
mightcould | hi im here | 21:31 |
Ubuntu-server | join #Jinbin665 | 21:31 |
grizzly34 | Ubuntu-server: your commands are messed up | 21:31 |
nomatter01 | hi | 21:32 |
Sergio965 | hi | 21:32 |
EriC^^ | hi | 21:33 |
nomatter01 | is there some way to disable usb3.0 in ubuntu, i.e. somehow disabling xhci_hcd? | 21:33 |
bekks | nomatter01: Whats the issue behind that? | 21:33 |
gorbyebrius | nomatter01, have you checked your BIOS first? | 21:33 |
nomatter01 | it seems to be built into the ubuntu kernel and the only way I can think of right now is recompiling the kernel with setting the option to module | 21:33 |
grizzly34 | s | 21:33 |
Sergio965 | nomatter01: Your BIOS or UEFI might have a setting for it. | 21:34 |
nomatter01 | Sergio965: thx i will check that | 21:34 |
nomatter01 | other than that only recompiling the kernel will work right? | 21:35 |
gorbyebrius | nomatter01, what's the underlying issue causing you to want to remove usb 3.0 support? | 21:36 |
nomatter01 | the asus xtion without the firmware update won't work with usb3.0 | 21:36 |
syntroPi | nomatter01, why not "rmmod xhci_hcd" or "modprobe -r xhci_hcd" and then just blacklist it for next reboot? | 21:36 |
nomatter01 | syntroPi: xhci_hcd is built into the kernel | 21:36 |
nomatter01 | so i would have to rebuild the kernel with xhci_hcd as a module to do that | 21:37 |
syntroPi | oh ic | 21:37 |
syntroPi | mabye ther might be a boot kernel parameter to disable integrated module then?? | 21:38 |
nomatter01 | if the bios dosn't support it i'll most likely go with that | 21:38 |
nomatter01 | syntroPi: that would be great but i don't know if such a thing exists | 21:38 |
syntroPi | i mean in /etc/default/grub and then update-grub | 21:38 |
syntroPi | idk which parameter that might be though | 21:38 |
John32 | hi, a few days ago, I lost the ability to change screen backlight brightness, /sys/class/backlight/ is empty, any idea why? | 21:39 |
gorbyebrius | John, whats your laptop model? | 21:40 |
John32 | and old one, with intel945 | 21:40 |
gorbyebrius | John32, try installing xbacklight and see if you can control the brightness with that | 21:42 |
John32 | *an, hp compaq v6420et, with intel945gm | 21:42 |
John32 | but I think there is nothing to control.. /sys/class/backlight is empty.. | 21:42 |
=== gthank is now known as zz_gthank | ||
EriC^^ | is there intel or acpi? | 21:43 |
EriC^^ | nevermind | 21:43 |
nagerst | Is ubuntu 14 using systemd or upstart? | 21:44 |
EriC^^ | upstart | 21:44 |
nagerst | EriC^^: thank you | 21:44 |
EriC^^ | np | 21:44 |
gorbyebrius | John32, try the two solutions posted here | 21:44 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, INFO: Success! Private data mounted at [/tmp/ecryptfs.8r8A8UxD] but there is no data in that directory unfortunately | 21:44 |
k1l_ | nagerst: there are 2 ubuntu releases each year, so ubuntu 14 is not specific. but systemd is planed to by standard in 16.04 | 21:45 |
Ubuntu-server | hi | 21:45 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, with sudo ecryptfs-recover-private | 21:45 |
Ubuntu-server | sorry to see you go wiiguy | 21:45 |
gorbyebrius | nutella, it took this long time? I thought you were "amazed" :) | 21:45 |
nagerst | i am asking, as i am not a fan of systemd and really would like to keep using upstart. | 21:45 |
John32 | gorbyebrius: thanks, also, xbacklight said: No outputs have backlight property, I am trying the link you posted | 21:45 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, I was amazed that it searched :) Yes it took that long ;) | 21:45 |
EriC^^ | John32: maybe xrandr, but that's a software solution i think, xbacklight would be better | 21:46 |
k1l_ | nagerst: its using upstart until the integration of systemd is completed (which just started). so there is some time left | 21:46 |
nagerst | great! | 21:46 |
gorbyebrius | nutella, so it mounted the encrypted container without any errors after you entered the passphrase and it's empty?! | 21:46 |
nagerst | Is unity8 in ubuntu 14.04? | 21:47 |
EriC^^ | nagerst: nope | 21:47 |
nagerst | It was suposed at first to be available on 13.* right? | 21:47 |
EriC^^ | i think it's in 14.10 Desktop Next or something | 21:47 |
k1l_ | nagerst: to test mir and unity8 use the ubuntu desktop next isos | 21:48 |
nagerst | Is there any way to use optimu/primus on mir? | 21:49 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, yes exactly | 21:50 |
k1l_ | nagerst: depends on nvidia shipping egl drivers. but mir/wayland is still some time ahead. | 21:50 |
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gorbyebrius | nutella, in a terminal: cd /tmp/ecryptfs.8r8A8UxD && ls | 21:51 |
gorbyebrius | sorry, ls -a | 21:51 |
hggdh | X/grep IdleOne | 21:51 |
IdleOne | Permission denied. This incident will be reported | 21:51 |
nutella | cd /tmp/ecryptfs.8r8A8UxD && ls | 21:52 |
nutella | bash: cd: /tmp/ecryptfs.8r8A8UxD: Permission denied | 21:52 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, | 21:52 |
gorbyebrius | nutella, ah, do "sudo su" first and then same thing | 21:52 |
bekks | gorbyebrius: sudo su is not necessary. USe sudo -i or sudo -s, if you really have to. | 21:52 |
gorbyebrius | bekks, are you a bot? | 21:53 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, when I do that it is just empty | 21:53 |
nutella | ls does not return the list | 21:53 |
gorbyebrius | do ls -a | 21:53 |
John32 | gorbyebrius: Second one solved it, thank you! | 21:53 |
gorbyebrius | John32, you're welcome. For you OWN sake try google before coming here in the future though. | 21:54 |
PLoctaux | Anyone have have a time for Utopic? | 21:54 |
k1l_ | PLoctaux: #ubuntu+1 does :) | 21:54 |
bekks | gorbyebrius: Thats not helpful. People might not have your google skills, so telling them to google is not even not helpful, but even unfriendly. | 21:55 |
PLoctaux | k1l_: Can I know? | 21:55 |
mightcould | whoa, i went to go make breakfast and when i got back there was this really cool screen saver on :D Xubuntu is awesome! | 21:55 |
John32 | gorbyebrius: I did, may I ask your keywords if you did too? I might have used wrong ones | 21:55 |
gorbyebrius | "intel 945gm backlight ubuntu", second hit | 21:56 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, | 21:58 |
bp | I have a file which I've found to be a socket, how can I find what it is a socket "to" ? | 21:59 |
gorbyebrius | nutella, that's very odd! Is it possible you had sevral encrypted accounts in your old /home? | 22:00 |
EriC^^ | bp: fuser maybe? | 22:01 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, that is possible yes. I cannot remember if the other home were encrypted. I re-run the command again and see what is happeing | 22:01 |
=== anon098 is now known as anonewfaq | ||
nutella | sudo ecryptfs-recover-private | 22:01 |
gorbyebrius | nutella, when you choose to just encrypt your home directory, an encrypted container is created plus a file called .Private if i remember correctly | 22:02 |
pierremauger586 | my network neth0 doesn't work | 22:02 |
gorbyebrius | what do you have in your OLD /home/ directory? | 22:02 |
gorbyebrius | pierremauger586, eth0? Describe your problem more thoroughly... Did you connect an ethernet cable expecting to have internet and it isn't connecting? | 22:03 |
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pierremauger586 | yes | 22:04 |
gorbyebrius | Do you know if the same cable works with other OSes/machines? | 22:05 |
pierremauger586 | now i'm only connect on wireless | 22:05 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, well Files and stuff I wanted to copy. I didn't realise that it will be that hard to mount that encrpted home, otherwise i would just have cpied the important stuff to an usb or so | 22:06 |
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ | ||
gorbyebrius | nutella, I didn't ask that. I asked whats the contents of your old /home directory at the moment | 22:07 |
mightcould | Is it ok that i stay here even though my problem is solved? I'd like to watch and learn some things. Or would a Moderator kick me for that? Just wondering i dont wanna upset anyone :) | 22:07 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, there's also #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:08 |
John32 | (: I think it would be ok mightcould. | 22:08 |
mightcould | Ok, i promise not to bother anyone. you people just seem really cool :D | 22:09 |
squinty | mightcould: if you look at the number of total participants here in the channel (1700), I suspect you could answer your own question :P | 22:09 |
mightcould | ahh i thought the 1700 meant like in xchat total | 22:09 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, Readme.txt and Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop | 22:10 |
gorbyebrius | try sudo ecryptfs-recover-private /dir/to/old/home | 22:11 |
gorbyebrius | it should skip the searching... | 22:11 |
beranova | when some java applet pops up on firefox, I clicked on "run always" | 22:13 |
guest716 | why I can't my gmail contacts when offline in evolution but I can access emails? | 22:13 |
beranova | when some java applet pops up on firefox, I clicked on "run always"? | 22:13 |
bekks | guest716: Because the gmail contacts are accessed online only. | 22:13 |
guest716 | I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | 22:14 |
EsoRotica | is there any way to unload only the S/PDIF module in input / output devices or decrease its priority | 22:14 |
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guest716 | bekks: I see | 22:15 |
area-51 | i farted | 22:17 |
genii | Congratulations. | 22:18 |
area-51 | thanks it was hard | 22:18 |
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest49487 | ||
gorbyebrius | You may want to refrain from keeping them in for long in the future. | 22:19 |
area-51 | thanks will do lol | 22:20 |
mightcould | ok so when you start a app with the term, you need to keep the term open? | 22:22 |
vitimiti | Hi | 22:22 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, short answer, yes | 22:22 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: you can background the process | 22:22 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, ok thanks | 22:22 |
EriC^^ | gorbyebrius: noooo | 22:22 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: hold on dude | 22:23 |
bekks | mightcould: Correct answer: it depends on how you started it. | 22:23 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, sudo ecryptfs-recover-private /media/nutella/763e56fe-cce3-4fe6-ab5d-50426cbd408e/home/.ecryptfs/nutella/.Private | 22:23 |
gorbyebrius | :) | 22:23 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: you can close the terminal however you started it | 22:23 |
k1l_ | mightcould: as user solution: press alt+f2 then type the command | 22:23 |
bekks | EriC^^: Thats not true. | 22:23 |
nutella | afterwards I had to input the passphrase, and it wirked just fine | 22:23 |
EriC^^ | bekks: sure it is | 22:23 |
mightcould | ok i was just curious, i closed a term and my nvidia disapear just wondering if it was related. | 22:23 |
bekks | EriC^^: It isnt. | 22:23 |
EriC^^ | bekks: press ctrl+z | 22:23 |
EriC^^ | then bg | 22:23 |
EriC^^ | then type exit | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | erm, it is :) | 22:24 |
bekks | EriC^^: That will exit the shell and exit background processes as well. | 22:24 |
nutella | I noticed that it says "success"even though the passphrase was entered wrong. so that was the problem | 22:24 |
bekks | EriC^^: You are mixing it up with "nohup". | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | no it wont | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | try it | 22:24 |
gorbyebrius | or you type nohup "command" & and it works fine | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | bekks: try it | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | start firefox | 22:24 |
gorbyebrius | yeah both work! | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | press ctrl+z | 22:24 |
bekks | EriC^^: Graphical applications do not rely on the terminal at all. Try a CLI. | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | then type bg | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | then type exit | 22:25 |
EriC^^ | bekks: ah ok, i know | 22:25 |
bekks | EriC^^: For a CLI application, it will be terminated when closing the terminal. Thats why you have to use nohup. | 22:25 |
EriC^^ | i thought mightcould was asking about starting gui apps in the terminal, as he opened nvidia from there earlier | 22:25 |
pierremauger586 | exit | 22:26 |
EriC^^ | my bad, mightcould if it's a terminal based program, it is different | 22:26 |
mightcould | EriC^^, yes i was, and you were right. i hit cntrl+z typed bg then exit, the term is close and the settings window is still open. | 22:26 |
EriC^^ | oh ok | 22:26 |
mightcould | yeah its a gui app but i can only start it in xubuntu with the term | 22:27 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: if you haven't started it yet, you can type <gui program> & | 22:27 |
EriC^^ | that will background it straight away, then type exit | 22:27 |
gorbyebrius | nutella, so the issue was resolved? I saw in about the wrong passphrase bug but i figured it wasnt affecting you since you didnt see anything in /tmp/ecrypt ..... | 22:27 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1028532 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "ecryptfs-recover-private mounts in /tmp but does not decrypt" [Low,Fix released] | 22:27 |
gorbyebrius | EriC^^, Ha! didn't know about that. If you just ampersand it and then CLOSE the terminal instead of typing exit, then the GUI window is killed with it | 22:28 |
EriC^^ | yup | 22:28 |
=== matheus is now known as Guest11152 | ||
nutella | gorbyebrius, yes now it works. it was because of the wrong password. And also one has to input the full path to the Private file. otherwise if you only point it to /home/user then it akss for the passphrase that was generated and should have been ssaved | 22:29 |
nutella | ok got to go to bed, thank you very much gorbyebrius | 22:29 |
gorbyebrius | you are very wellcome nutella. Goodnigh | 22:30 |
gorbyebrius | t. | 22:30 |
mightcould | the edges of windows are so thin in xbu tho. i have to turn down my mouse dpi to resize a window haha | 22:30 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, are you using compiz or xfwm4? | 22:31 |
arrowsatanas | hi, how i can acitvate root account of my ubuntu 14.04 System? | 22:31 |
clueless- | Hey guys! So, what's a pretty decent software for logmein hamachi-esque VPNs? Obviously not hamachi | 22:31 |
rww | !noroot | 22:32 |
ubottu | We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information. | 22:32 |
clueless- | arrowsatanas, sudo | 22:32 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, compiz as advised by you, idk what xfwm4 is | 22:32 |
nutella | gorbyebrius, when I come online again, My nickname then will be adac once I recovered the old xchat settings :) see you and good night | 22:32 |
arrowsatanas | i know, but have not fuction: $ sudo passwd root command | 22:32 |
mightcould | Goodnight nutella :D | 22:32 |
clueless- | arrowsatanas, what do you mean? | 22:32 |
arrowsatanas | pls moment | 22:32 |
clueless- | just type "sudo" before the command.. it will ask you for your password | 22:33 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, xfwm4 is the default window manager for xfce4. Anyway, since you're using compiz, you get to even pick your own window decoration program! yipieeee :) | 22:33 |
clueless- | if you need to access nautilus with root or something just type gksudo nautilus | 22:33 |
clueless- | and if you're using dolphin, gksudo dolphin, etc | 22:33 |
gorbyebrius | In compizconfig-settings-manager there is a box called "window decoration" | 22:33 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, but i have xbuntu not xfce? | 22:33 |
gorbyebrius | if you install "emerald" you can make compiz use emerald for your window decoration. And emerald can be themed however you like. You can have 20 pixel window borders if thats your thing | 22:34 |
clueless- | anyway, does anyone know a decent VPN software? | 22:34 |
arrowsatanas | To rename a system file I need to have the user rights of the root group. But this I can not simply assume, as in Windows. The command: $ sudo passwd root was not successful. How can I enable the root account so that it is displayed at the next system startup? | 22:34 |
clueless- | I want to play LAN games with friends without setting up a static IP or anything like tht | 22:34 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, the desktop enviroment is called xfce4. In the ubuntu repositories they decided to call their implementation xubuntu | 22:35 |
gorbyebrius | clueless-, I use remmina client, works fine | 22:35 |
clueless- | arrowsatanas, oh, you don't. You can have temporary root access to a folder with "gksudo nautilus" | 22:35 |
gorbyebrius | as a server i use x11vnc, but thats for existing xserver instances. It works fine too | 22:35 |
clueless- | gorbyebrius, thanks, I'll check it out | 22:35 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, oh ok, and yes i like the color emerald and i would enjoy 4-8 pixel borders, how may i get that please? | 22:35 |
gorbyebrius | sudo apt-get install emerad to install | 22:36 |
mightcould | ok thank you! | 22:36 |
arrowsatanas | Hmm and how do I get the gksudo nautilus? | 22:36 |
clueless- | arrowsatanas, open up terminal | 22:36 |
kostkon | !gksudo | 22:36 |
ubottu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 22:36 |
gorbyebrius | and compizconfig >> window decoration >> set the field Command to /usr/bin/emerald | 22:36 |
arrowsatanas | is opened | 22:36 |
clueless- | type "ctrl+alt+t" | 22:36 |
clueless- | awesome | 22:36 |
clueless- | just type "gksudo nautilus" | 22:36 |
clueless- | without quotes | 22:37 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, that sudo didnt work, emerald not found. and compizconfig didnt work in the term | 22:37 |
arrowsatanas | you mean $ sudo apt-get install gksu? | 22:38 |
gorbyebrius | you can access compizconfig-settings-manager from your settings panel | 22:38 |
=== xangua_ is now known as xangua | ||
BadAtMath | Hey guys. I'm switching from Windows (7 Ultimate, build 7601) back to Ubuntu (14.0* LTS) and I want to keep my verification keys for Pidgin OTR. I have no idea how to do this however, and googling has only given me advice on how to use OTR, not backup the keys (perhaps I'm not very good at google). The only helpfile I found on OTR itself was explaining how verified and unverified encryption works. Can anyone help me? | 22:38 |
clueless- | arrowsatanas, no not at all | 22:38 |
=== smethia is now known as smethia_afk | ||
clueless- | gksudo nautilus should be enough | 22:38 |
Psil0Cybin | BadAtMath: I was in the same position as you! Perhaps | 22:39 |
mightcould | ok i got compiz open, do i still need emerald? | 22:39 |
gorbyebrius | Be warned though: using xfce4 with compid and with emerald starts nearing a very hackish desktop thats picks packages from left and right. Generally thats not recommended :) | 22:39 |
Psil0Cybin | there is a .pidgin folder | 22:39 |
Psil0Cybin | ? | 22:39 |
Psil0Cybin | I know forwindows maybe it might be in your pidgin config folder?? | 22:39 |
Psil0Cybin | I do not remember if i was able to actually transfer the OTR | 22:39 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, oh so i dont want emerald? i dont wanna make this unstable | 22:39 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, you don't **need** any of those things. If you want you can decorate your windows with emerald. Then you can configure more things. | 22:39 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, i just dont understand hackish desktop. would the screen no longer be drawn from the bottom up but rather left to right? | 22:40 |
BadAtMath | Psil0Cybin: I'll poke around there. I'm not actually very good at computers, I just love using Linux because, y'know, it's better. I don't think windows uses . to have hidden folders? I'll look around in there again. | 22:40 |
Kwaku | Hello, I am trying to convert a batch of files using sox. I try the following command: sox *.aiff *.mp3 :to no avail. I am searching the web, but I thought I would ask a few chat rooms also... | 22:41 |
gorbyebrius | Eeeehr. I think LCD:s refresh rowwise from the top left-to-right :) | 22:41 |
Psil0Cybin | BadAtMath: I know windows do not have hidden folders you are right maybe there is a .config? | 22:41 |
Psil0Cybin | or a text file that might have a key like a GPG key | 22:41 |
Psil0Cybin | or PGP Key | 22:41 |
Psil0Cybin | Perhaps..... | 22:41 |
Psil0Cybin | I am prob wrong! | 22:41 |
Psil0Cybin | Just trying to use some logic... | 22:42 |
clueless- | ubuntu *does* have hidden folders | 22:42 |
clueless- | first get root access and then show hidden folders under preferences | 22:42 |
mightcould | cntrl+h to see hidden | 22:42 |
clueless- | also that | 22:42 |
BadAtMath | clueless mightcould: I'm on Windows prepping for a switch to Ubuntu. | 22:42 |
mightcould | oh sorry | 22:42 |
clueless- | oh, I can't read | 22:42 |
mightcould | tehn yeah folder options | 22:43 |
arrowsatanas | clueless is not run | 22:43 |
gorbyebrius | Kwaku, for file in $(ls); do sox $file.aiff $file.mp3; done | 22:43 |
alphasmike | hi all | 22:43 |
clueless- | arrowsatanas, hrm.. it's not asking for your password after typing "gksudo nautilus" ? | 22:43 |
Gl4di4t0r | is version 14.10 fully cooked yet ??? | 22:43 |
BadAtMath | Psil0Cybin: I don't see anything.. does anyone know how to open .pm files? | 22:44 |
alphasmike | pas de francais ? | 22:44 |
arrowsatanas | my password is accept in terminal for sudo commands. but the command gksu is not run | 22:44 |
BadAtMath | clueless mightcould: Easy mistake. :) | 22:44 |
k1l_ | !fr | alphasmike | 22:44 |
ubottu | alphasmike: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 22:44 |
BadAtMath | arrowsatanas !language | 22:44 |
arrowsatanas | German | 22:44 |
BadAtMath | Whoops, forgot that command. Thanks, k1l_ :) | 22:44 |
alphasmike | Ich liebe dich | 22:44 |
Psil0Cybin | BadAtMath: ! | 22:45 |
Psil0Cybin | I know | 22:45 |
Psil0Cybin | this is not for windows! | 22:45 |
Psil0Cybin | | 22:45 |
Psil0Cybin | Perhaps you can relate this to windows folders? | 22:45 |
clueless- | arrowsatanas, what message is it giving you when you use the gksudo command? | 22:45 |
arrowsatanas | moment pls | 22:45 |
XteaM | could somone help me with an iptables issue ? | 22:45 |
Psil0Cybin | BadAtMath: "Pidgin, on GNU/Linux, stores the OTR private key and fingerprints in ~/.purple/otr.private_key ~/.purple/otr.fingerprints | 22:45 |
BadAtMath | psil0cybin: You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. | 22:45 |
Kwaku | gorbyebrius, I'm not sure I understand. But I tried your command and got the same message as before. which is: sox FAIL formats: can't open input file `.aiff': No such file or directory | 22:45 |
arrowsatanas | nothing | 22:46 |
arrowsatanas | no comment or failure message | 22:46 |
gorbyebrius | Kwaku, you need to "cd" that is, Change Directory, to the directory where your aiff files are located | 22:46 |
BadAtMath | psil0cybin: Ah, that seems to be for Linux archetecture. | 22:46 |
Kwaku | go | 22:46 |
Psil0Cybin | BadAtMath: I am aware, but do you maybe have a purple folder? for Pidgin? | 22:47 |
Kwaku | gorbyebrius, I have done that... | 22:47 |
Psil0Cybin | or anything related? | 22:47 |
clueless- | arrowsatanas, because what should happen is that when you type "gksudo nautilus" in terminal, it should prompt you for your password. Once you input the password it should open up a new nautilus window under root | 22:47 |
XteaM | im trying to host a gaming tunnel on my root , and the tunnel runs on port 50000 udp and tcp , i tried inserting them into iptables , at the game lobby it shows that the tunnel is up but i cannot start the game from it . any idea ? | 22:47 |
BadAtMath | psilocybin: The closest thing is, which I'm googling how to open now. | 22:47 |
gorbyebrius | Kwaku, keep in mind i am not familiar with sox or .aiff. I just gave you a command that will run sox file.aiff file.mp3 for every file that is in tha t directory | 22:47 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, hate to bother you again, but im in compizconfig, theres lots of options but i dont see anything that does window border sizes. | 22:47 |
Bashing-om | arrowsatanas: A fresh install of release 14.04 . then 'gksu' is not installed any longer by default. terminal command -> sudo apt-get install gksu < - . | 22:47 |
sergio-br2 | hey guys | 22:47 |
XteaM | i even tried to flush the iptables still nothing | 22:47 |
sergio-br2 | does ubuntu 14.04 exists in ARM arch ? | 22:47 |
k1l_ | sergio-br2: yes | 22:48 |
clueless- | oh, Bashing-om, I totally overlooked that. Thanks! | 22:48 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, I am not sure how to do it with the default compiz. I use emerald, which I already wrote how to install. | 22:48 |
sergio-br2 | k1l_, do you have a link? | 22:48 |
mightcould | ok | 22:48 |
azizLIGHT | how do i disable the mouse scrolling on the launcher causing open apps to come to focus on top of what iwas doing | 22:48 |
guest716 | is it necessary to have firewall enabled on a single Ubuntu system and what would be the ideal setup? | 22:48 |
sergio-br2 | i searched in the cdimage, but there is no iso for arm there | 22:48 |
Bashing-om | clueless-: Yeah ! old thought patterns .. pkexe is the new kid on the block. | 22:48 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, to clarify, I use emerald with compiz. Compiz is the window manager, emerald is the window decotor, which compiz has a default on as well | 22:49 |
k1l_ | sergio-br2: but its not like you put a cd into the device like on the pc, and everything works ootb. | 22:49 |
clueless- | Bashing-om, for sure. | 22:49 |
Kwaku | gorbyebrius, *.aiff is essentially the same as $file.aiff etc... | 22:49 |
BadAtMath | psil0cybin: No such luck. | 22:49 |
arrowsatanas | The message is: Ups! Etwas ist schief gegangen. Ein notwendiger Ordner kann nicht angelegt werden. Bitte erstellen Sie folgenden Ordner oder ändern Sie die Zugriffsrechte so, dass Nautilus ihn anlegen kann: /root/.config/nautilus <<<---- this is the failure message | 22:49 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, ok, im working on installing emerald. that sudo you gave me didnt work but im sure i can figure it out | 22:49 |
guest716 | I am not experienced in firewalls | 22:49 |
sergio-br2 | k1l_ , do you know if it's possible to make packages easily in launchpad, for arm ? | 22:49 |
ogl2x_ | francais | 22:50 |
k1l_ | sergio-br2: most packages are build for arm, too. | 22:50 |
k1l_ | !fr | ogl2x_ | 22:50 |
ubottu | ogl2x_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 22:50 |
clueless- | is there a French ubuntu channel? | 22:50 |
clueless- | oh, nevermind | 22:50 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, have you used ppas before? | 22:50 |
BadAtMath | Well, thanks for your help Psil0cybin. I'm going to hop off of hear because the last time I hung out on this IRC for too long I got cracked so I'm a little nervous. >.> | 22:51 |
clueless- | arrowsatanas, yeah, apparently you have to do "sudo apt-get install sksu" first | 22:51 |
sergio-br2 | k1l_, i mean PPAs | 22:51 |
sergio-br2 | in the debian/control, it have Architecture: any | 22:51 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, no | 22:51 |
clueless- | In other news, I am a ditz | 22:51 |
sergio-br2 | but this any is only for i386 and amd64 ... | 22:51 |
Dmidma | Hi all, how can learn basics of ubuntu | 22:51 |
arrowsatanas | i install sksu know? | 22:51 |
xangua | ! Manual | Dmidma | 22:51 |
ubottu | Dmidma: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 22:51 |
clueless- | arrowsatanas, gksu | 22:51 |
arrowsatanas | i have installed gksu | 22:52 |
arrowsatanas | but work not | 22:52 |
sergio-br2 | k1l_ the website, 12.04 ... | 22:52 |
clueless- | oh good. so gksu should work for you now | 22:52 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, in most(all?) Linux distros, you hav repositories. Thats esentially a list of online resources to get packages. Ubuntu has made it very easy to add more resources to get and update packages, which are called PPAs | 22:52 |
k1l_ | sergio-br2: | 22:52 |
sergio-br2 | thanks | 22:53 |
arrowsatanas | hmmm i see not work xD, sorry i ubuntu is a new platform for me | 22:53 |
sergio-br2 | | 22:53 |
orbisvicis | anyone familiar with java development? I've installed libjdom1-java, but javac tells me package "org.jdom" does not exist | 22:53 |
sergio-br2 | ups, wrong channel | 22:53 |
orbisvicis | with "import org.jdom.*" | 22:54 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, yeah i found a online guide for cimpiz and emerald, all i had to do was replace gtk-window-decorator with emerald | 22:54 |
clueless- | arrowsatanas, | 22:54 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, cool! emerald-theme-manager will allow you to custumize your window decorator now | 22:54 |
orbisvicis | i didn't see naything in /etc/profile.d/* pertaining to the java classpath, so I haven't relogged in since installing libjdom1-java | 22:55 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, sweet, im excited to make a super cool theme :D | 22:55 |
Dmidma | ubottu, i had a look on Getting started with ubuntu; but that's not what i'm looking for | 22:55 |
ubottu | Dmidma: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 22:55 |
EriC^^ | arrowsatanas: try pkexec if you want, pkexec nautilus | 22:55 |
arrowsatanas | With a linux live CD or password recovery CD, you can enable the Administrator account. Is there such a not for Ubuntu? | 22:55 |
arrowsatanas | To me it would be important to have the root account. ok i see youre link i open this and read it | 22:55 |
Dmidma | ubottu, coooool | 22:55 |
mesaboogie1 | please help me, I need pidgin to give up the server window so I can register, I can't find this option anywhere and the net seems to think this window will pop up automatically | 22:56 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: stop with that bad windows habbit do be root all the time. | 22:56 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, its ok to enable open gl right? | 22:57 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould: you want to enable open gl | 22:57 |
k1l_ | sergio-br2: support in here only, please :) | 22:57 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, ok thanks just double checking :D | 22:57 |
sergio-br2 | ok | 22:57 |
mesaboogie1 | was that olli cash someone? | 22:58 |
arrowsatanas | k1l_ My Administrator-Account of Windows is locked :-) | 22:58 |
bekks | !root | arrowsatanas | 22:58 |
ubottu | arrowsatanas: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 22:58 |
sergio-br2 | k1l_ do i have to request to managed to build packages for arm in PPAs ? | 22:58 |
k1l_ | sergio-br2: the link i told you explains the process. you need a very active PPA and then talk to launchpad to let them make you ARM packages | 22:59 |
k1l_ | sergio-br2: yes. | 22:59 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: so where do you need root permissions? | 22:59 |
arrowsatanas | ubottu - i type in Terminal sudo pkexec nautilus. Error Messge is: error: XDG_Runtime_DIR not set in the enviroment (nautilus:4040): GtK-Warning **:cannot open display: | 23:00 |
ubottu | arrowsatanas: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:00 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, idk if its working, i enabled free trans windows, cntrl+shift+mouse should allow me to rotate the window. it doesnt work? | 23:00 |
=== eniLCP_ is now known as PCLine_ | ||
EriC^^ | arrowsatanas: yeah, sorry | 23:00 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: why do you want to use root nautilus anyway? | 23:00 |
gorbyebrius | arrowsatanas, do you essentially want help from us to recover a lost windows password using a live usb image? | 23:01 |
arrowsatanas | k1l_ i want set startup sound for ubuntu by systemstart | 23:01 |
bekks | arrowsatanas: pkexec is not designed for running graphical applications. You and do not need to run nautilus with root privileges. | 23:01 |
EriC^^ | no need for sudo btw (pkexec is like sudo and gksu) | 23:01 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, I haven't tried that plugin, but it sounds very unnecessary :) | 23:01 |
mightcould | might be unecessary but it looks like the coolest thing to do on a computer | 23:02 |
arrowsatanas | For the general understanding: I want to change the melody when Ubuntu is started. In my application I want to use a different Melody. But this I must be in a user group to be root so that I can make changes in the required directory. | 23:03 |
bekks | arrowsatanas: which you dont need nautilus for. | 23:03 |
EriC^^ | arrowsatanas: you can switch the files in the terminal if you want | 23:04 |
EriC^^ | arrowsatanas: odd that gksu isn't working though | 23:04 |
=== Maser is now known as zllebudt | ||
arrowsatanas | The question is, how can I assign myself in this authorization group to obtain appropriate permissions? | 23:06 |
arrowsatanas | On Windows that goes like this: The requested user must be an administrator has moved in this group to have special rights. This administrator is disabled by default. But this can be activated with a Linux password recovery CD. | 23:06 |
arrowsatanas | I like Search now to catch for Ubuntu, or another solution to these rights sought | 23:06 |
bekks | arrowsatanas: How about just using sudo instead. | 23:06 |
EriC^^ | arrowsatanas: i can think of a way of doing it with no harm | 23:06 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: can you make exact specific which program etc. | 23:06 |
EriC^^ | arrowsatanas: type sudo -i | 23:07 |
EriC^^ | then type nautilus | 23:07 |
bekks | arrowsatanas: Dont do that. | 23:07 |
EriC^^ | i think it shouldn't mess any files up | 23:07 |
bekks | That will mess up permissions. | 23:07 |
OerHeks | i think you want users&groups | 23:07 |
EriC^^ | bekks: he'd be starting it as root with his home as /root | 23:07 |
EriC^^ | arrowsatanas: or sudo su - , instead | 23:07 |
bekks | EriC^^: None the less that will mess up permissions. | 23:07 |
OerHeks | we all had to learn with messing things up | 23:07 |
bekks | EriC^^: sudo su is discouraged in favour of sudo -i or sudo -s | 23:08 |
EriC^^ | bekks: sudo su - , would mess up permissions? | 23:08 |
EriC^^ | how so? | 23:08 |
bekks | EriC^^: when starting nautilus afterwards, it will. | 23:08 |
EriC^^ | if you're root you can't use nautilus? | 23:08 |
arrowsatanas | bekks work not when i type sudo -1 message is: bash: type:-1 not found | 23:08 |
bekks | EriC^^: you can. gksu nautilus | 23:08 |
bekks | arrowsatanas: sudo space minus small letter i | 23:08 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: -1 is not -i | 23:09 |
arrowsatanas | commadn not found | 23:09 |
arrowsatanas | *command not found | 23:09 |
k1l_ | what? | 23:09 |
bekks | arrowsatanas: so whats the exact command you are typing? | 23:09 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: what ubuntu is that exactly? | 23:09 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, there must be something im not doing right, none of my effects are working | 23:09 |
gorbyebrius | I use sudo nemo from a terminal and I've never had an issue with it. :) | 23:09 |
arrowsatanas | i type: sudo - 1 | 23:10 |
bekks | arrowsatanas: thats not sudo space minus small letter i. | 23:10 |
EriC^^ | nope | 23:10 |
bekks | arrowsatanas: sudo -i | 23:10 |
EriC^^ | sudo -i | 23:10 |
arrowsatanas | i have installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | 23:10 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, have you enabled composite and opengl? | 23:10 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: "sudo -i" ein i und keine 1 | 23:10 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, yes | 23:10 |
k1l_ | ein ihhh | 23:10 |
EriC^^ | arrowsatanas: i'd use sudo su - , i think sudo -i is the same but just in case | 23:10 |
arrowsatanas | o i not 1 | 23:10 |
area-51 | my underwear are sticky | 23:10 |
arrowsatanas | ok i type new | 23:10 |
bekks | EriC^^: sudo su is different from sudo -i. sudo -i starts an interactive root shell while sudo su starts su with root privileges. | 23:11 |
gorbyebrius | erhm mightcould, have you actually ran "compiz --replace" yet? | 23:11 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, motion blur isnt working, window decor, freewins, water effects. anything i turn on, nothing works | 23:11 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, well no i didnt know to do that? | 23:11 |
arrowsatanas | i have new Name: root@ArrowSatanas:~# | 23:11 |
EriC^^ | bekks: yes, i'm saying sudo su - , not sudo su | 23:11 |
gorbyebrius | Because if you hadn't then you weren't using compiz all this time, but xfwm4 | 23:11 |
bekks | EriC^^: the - passes the root environment to su. The above still applies. | 23:11 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: yes, that is a root-shell now. be aware of not making stuff now you will regret later | 23:12 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, emerald not found | 23:12 |
gorbyebrius | just run compiz --replace, preferably from the run command prompt, not a terminal | 23:12 |
arrowsatanas | can i moderate alle root folders? | 23:12 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, explain more like what you've done so far | 23:12 |
arrowsatanas | oh, i mean: can i know moderate all root folders? | 23:12 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, well oops, i ran that command and now all my X buttons are gone from every window | 23:13 |
gorbyebrius | that's ok, that just means compiz has the wrong window decorator settings. Since you actually did change something there to put emerald | 23:13 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: you now have full "administrator" rights on every thing you do in this shell. | 23:13 |
EriC^^ | bekks: sudo su - and sudo -i are almost identical, sudo -i only uses the shell specified in /etc/passwd, that's all ( just googled the difference ) | 23:13 |
gorbyebrius | in compizconfig, whats the value of "Command" in the plugin window-decorator | 23:14 |
arrowsatanas | and how i can delete root shell? | 23:14 |
sergio-br2 | k1l_, so after the request, do i need to change anything in debian/control ? It's using "any" | 23:14 |
bekks | EriC^^: There are far more differences, I told them. | 23:14 |
k1l_ | EriC^^: and a bunch of enviroment stuff is different. on ubuntu sudo -i is more clean | 23:14 |
EriC^^ | ok | 23:14 |
k1l_ | sergio-br2: wait for the answer of that request | 23:14 |
sergio-br2 | ok | 23:14 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, now i cant move any windows or close them, this is what i did. i opened the compiz thing, followed the online guide to replace the default window decor with emerald. then after selecting options i ran the command you said. emerald again not found was the only error. now i can move windows | 23:14 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: "exit" | 23:14 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, its set to emerald now, ill switch that back to default | 23:15 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: usually you just preface a command that needs root permissions with sudo (when its a CLI command). | 23:15 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, ok switched, now my windows work again (phew) | 23:15 |
gorbyebrius | after reverting to default, just run "compiz --replace" again | 23:15 |
mightcould | ok | 23:16 |
gorbyebrius | Don't be too worried about braking things, You seem fully capable of fixing any errors that arise. | 23:16 |
gorbyebrius | But be a bit worried. Taking backups of config files is very very good practice | 23:16 |
xangua | mightcould: did you set the window decorator plugin to use emerald? Did you install emerald and selected a theme? Also notice emerald hasn't been developed or supported for years | 23:17 |
arrowsatanas | thanks, i can moderate the systemsounds | 23:17 |
gorbyebrius | But anyhow, now you should be able to try out the different plugins | 23:17 |
arrowsatanas | Youre support is nice | 23:17 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, i set back to default, re ran the command, i have the X buttons back but now i cannot move my windows at all | 23:18 |
gorbyebrius | xangua, I feel bad for suggesting emerald, but then he started installing it so I couldn't back out haha | 23:18 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, just enable the window move plugin | 23:18 |
quadHelix | My computer is connected to 2 networks. I have routing enabled, how do I make it persist? The article I read stated to add the `route add` line to /etc/network/interfaces but this directory is empty (ubuntu 14.04LTS) | 23:18 |
arrowsatanas | i testing the results .-) | 23:18 |
Avenger | installing steam was hard | 23:19 |
Avenger | when i type sudo apt-get it says inable to resolve host | 23:19 |
clueless- | really? | 23:19 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, ok i see, i need to enable all the functions i want it to have. and i prob wont mess with emerald. i tried 3 times and everytime it doesnt work so i'll pass on emerald | 23:19 |
clueless- | Avenger, did you install steam in the software center? | 23:20 |
Avenger | clueless- : in the software center it said it was inable to be installed. | 23:20 |
Avenger | but apt-get found it | 23:20 |
clueless- | hmm | 23:20 |
clueless- | sorry to hear | 23:20 |
Avenger | in the software center i could not click on install | 23:20 |
gorbyebrius | Might as well for the time being. But there is a ppa for emerald and it works fine with ubuntu 14.04. But if you got a completely unmatched theme, like a blue one, you can set the theme for that to greybird (in compiz config default window decorator) | 23:21 |
arrowsatanas | ok, i restart my system.... the new start sound is working and is better as the standard blingblong sound. Thanks for the support | 23:22 |
arrowsatanas | easy with sudo -i | 23:22 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, ok, thanks for showing me compiz, im sure that even without emerald i can still kinda customize it i think. | 23:22 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, lol yeah free window transformer works now and i screwed up and window lol | 23:24 |
arrowsatanas | can i with root rights operate in wondows folder? i have ubuntu install paralell to windows? | 23:24 |
arrowsatanas | i mean windows | 23:25 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: stop using root all the time now. | 23:25 |
EriC^^ | arrowsatanas: no need for privileges in a windows folder | 23:25 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: dont use root rights where you dont need root rights at all. | 23:25 |
arrowsatanas | i need root not | 23:26 |
arrowsatanas | i needed root for system sound modifying | 23:26 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, another (useful) advice for compiz: enable vsync in OpenGL >> Sync to V Blanc AND unckeck composite >> "Detect refresh rate" | 23:26 |
EriC^^ | arrowsatanas: don't use root all the time, you'll go blind | 23:26 |
EriC^^ | :P | 23:26 |
k1l_ | arrowsatanas: stop thinking about using root now. the user on desktop will not need that anymore. | 23:27 |
EriC^^ | arrowsatanas: if you need privileges use sudo | 23:27 |
EriC^^ | sudo <program> | 23:27 |
EriC^^ | if you're really lazy you could make it so that it doesn't require a password ( not recommended though ) | 23:27 |
k1l_ | when its a CLI program | 23:27 |
k1l_ | but again: the user on the desktop will not need to use sudo in most cases. | 23:28 |
EriC^^ | yeah only use it when it's required | 23:28 |
arrowsatanas | No no, I am aware of the effect of the absolute administrator rights. It would be fatal to exploit this and at the end I have a rigged system then that does not work anymore. I have the root privileges needed to adapt the system sounds as I would like. | 23:29 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, thanks i wanted to make sure vsync was on :D | 23:30 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, if application gives you video tearing, you should add that application to "Unredirect Match" in "Composite". | 23:32 |
arrowsatanas | Eric and k1l_; I think that I'm a lost cause anyway lawn when I would think that I have mastered Ubuntu. Ubuntu or generally Linus is a new construction site for me and I will dedicate the system to know this. Therefore, the question I prefer a thousand times before after I set something that could damage my Ubuntu system. | 23:32 |
gorbyebrius | As you see, these are the drawbacks of using systems like xfce4 and lxde, especially when you start nitpicking things from left and right, you have to fiddle around with the settings. The alternative is Unity and Gnome 3, which tend to work more out of the box, but are not as configurable | 23:33 |
arrowsatanas | i mean Linux, not linus | 23:33 |
mightcould | FYI don't try freely transformable windows. extremely glitchy and it doesnt work right. | 23:34 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, I did try it. It's unusable on my system too. | 23:34 |
clueless- | if you want to best performance out of ubuntu, make sure to use wobbly windows and the desktop cube in compiz | 23:34 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, a shame too, looks really neat. | 23:34 |
clueless- | that was a lie, DO NOT do that.. | 23:34 |
EriC^^ | lol | 23:34 |
EriC^^ | i was about to try that out :P | 23:35 |
gorbyebrius | haha, the desktop cube works fine | 23:35 |
gorbyebrius | I prefer the wall since i have 9 desktops though :) | 23:35 |
mightcould | ooh a desktop cube? like a 3d desktop? (click) | 23:35 |
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as Joshua^Dunamis_i | ||
clueless- | mightcould, it *is* a shame.. but the only times I've actually truly broken linux distros was messing around with compiz | 23:35 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, try the desktop cube | 23:35 |
gorbyebrius | and try the wobbly windows too, play around! | 23:35 |
mightcould | ok lol | 23:35 |
clueless- | uuhhh | 23:35 |
arrowsatanas | clueless eric and k1l_ youre best support for ubuntu users :-) | 23:35 |
XteaMz | how can u make java listen on ipv4 ? | 23:35 |
XteaMz | instaed of ipv6 | 23:35 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: you need compiz-plugins for that ( sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins ) it adds a bunch of stuff | 23:35 |
pbx | is there a way to have separate brightness presets on my laptop depending on whether it's on AC or battery? | 23:36 |
gorbyebrius | clueless-, I haven't used anything but compiz since before it was merged with beryl :) | 23:36 |
clueless- | gorbyebrius, obviously I have compiz installed.. I just don't touch it | 23:37 |
mightcould | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 226 not upgraded. | 23:37 |
mightcould | does that mean i didnt get the plugins? | 23:37 |
reisio | pbx: yes of course | 23:37 |
reisio | pbx: I dare say GNOME already has a facility for that, go into prefs and look for power | 23:37 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: no, i think it means you have them | 23:37 |
mightcould | oh nvm it says im already at the newest one | 23:37 |
pbx | reisio, running 14.04 with unity | 23:38 |
reisio | pbx: Unity is 90% GNOME | 23:38 |
gorbyebrius | well it means you should do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, but you have the plugins, you probably have the package with the extra unsupported plugigns if you had window transformation. | 23:38 |
pbx | reisio, no separate battery/AC settings that are visible in Power prefs | 23:38 |
mightcould | whoa haha wobbly windows is awesome! how do i get the cube? i have it enabled | 23:38 |
gorbyebrius | Check the keyboard hotkey to enable it | 23:39 |
pbx | nor in Brightness/Lock settings | 23:39 |
coconut | Hello everyone! | 23:39 |
gorbyebrius | And also in general settings make sure you have sevral desktops and not just one | 23:39 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, yeah it says ctrl alt down, but it doesnt work | 23:39 |
gorbyebrius | make sure you have more desktops than just one. | 23:39 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, oh thats it, i only have workspace on unity. ok ill try that | 23:39 |
gorbyebrius | and mightcould press alt+ctrl and your mousebutton, that's the "cool" way to rotate the cube | 23:40 |
reisio | pbx: I find that unlikely, hang on | 23:40 |
gorbyebrius | The desktop wall is obviously better for productivity. But the cube works too | 23:41 |
Spark | is there some way of building an ubuntu system using apt, but a specific version from the past? | 23:41 |
Spark | the intention is to get hermetic builds | 23:41 |
mightcould | ok i typed in 4 for the number of workspaces but i still only have one? and can only rename one? | 23:41 |
pbx | reisio, thanks for looking, i would happily be wrong on this point | 23:41 |
gorbyebrius | clueless-, I like that it's obvious that you have compiz installed even if you don't use it | 23:42 |
arrowsatanas | gud night @ all and thanks for help | 23:42 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, set the horizontal size to four for the cube, and check the hotkey to start it | 23:42 |
genii | Spark: You want to install a specific package onto your ubuntu which is older than the one which would be installed by default? | 23:42 |
mightcould | gorbyebrius, there is no option for horizontal size? | 23:43 |
Spark | genii: ideally, i would be able to say "i want packages no newer than time T" | 23:43 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: did the desktop cube work for you? | 23:43 |
Spark | and then every time i execute within that constraint, the result would be the same | 23:43 |
gorbyebrius | Where did you change the desktop size? You'll want to do that within compizconfig, not unity-twak-tool or anything like that | 23:43 |
Spark | so if ubuntu was a git repository, it'd be like checkout out a previous revision | 23:43 |
EriC^^ | ctrl+alt+down isn't doing anything, i enabled workspaces | 23:43 |
gorbyebrius | EriC^^, that's what we're trying | 23:43 |
mightcould | EriC^^, no still unable to enable workspaces on xbuntu | 23:43 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould, in ccsm General options >> Tab: Desktop Size? | 23:44 |
genii | Spark: Ah. Unfortunately, it has no concept of time, only of lesser or greater version numbers. | 23:44 |
reisio | pbx: you don't have a window that has different prefs for 'on ac' and 'on battery'? | 23:44 |
mightcould | on ubuntu it was super easy, enable workspaces, select the number, hit the hotkey. doesnt work here | 23:44 |
Spark | genii: so i think pip has this concept of a freeze, where you dump a manifest of version numbers for every package | 23:44 |
Spark | genii: that would at least allow you to go to a previously recorded point | 23:45 |
gorbyebrius | As I said earlier, be prepared for things needing some configuration before working if you intend to use xfce4 with compiz. | 23:45 |
gorbyebrius | But it has it's perks: lightweight but flashy, very customizable | 23:45 |
mightcould | desktop size 1x1, you said to set horizontal to 4? | 23:46 |
reisio | not much configuration, though | 23:46 |
Spark | genii: but i don't think apt makes older versions of things available, right? | 23:46 |
genii | Spark: If you have apt-listchanges it keeps a record of system changes. So if a newer version messes up, you can look through it's archive to see which one was previous and then do like sudo apt-get install something=exact-version-here | 23:46 |
genii | Spark: If the older version is still in the repositories, it can install it | 23:47 |
gorbyebrius | mightcould....? Are you asking me to repeat things on IRC? Just scroll up dude | 23:47 |
Spark | genii: what's the retention policy | 23:47 |
genii | Spark: Not sure, sorry | 23:48 |
XteaMz | how to switch java from listening to ipv6 to ipv4 | 23:48 |
=== pzkpfw_ is now known as pzkpfw | ||
genii | Spark: You might also want to look into pinning | 23:49 |
genii | !pinning | 23:49 |
ubottu | pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 23:49 |
gorbyebrius | but keep in mind if you pin a package in apt-get synaptic might still update it if you use mainly that | 23:50 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: the repaint thing is pretty cool | 23:50 |
=== LinusTorvaldsII is now known as LinusTorvaldII | ||
EriC^^ | Show repaint | 23:51 |
rgb-one | hello | 23:51 |
pbx | reisio, "Power" settings have battery/AC split for "Suspend when in active" and "When the lid is closed" only. "Brightness & Lock" settings have no such split | 23:52 |
EriC^^ | mightcould: if you enable the water effect with it | 23:52 |
EriC^^ | your ubuntu effectively becomes a disco or something | 23:52 |
rgb-one | Does anyone know how costly managing an IT infrastructure compared to other operations within a university? | 23:53 |
reisio | pbx: I'm sure there's some GUI for it, but I don't use Unity/GNOME myself, so it's hard for me to find it, best ask someone else | 23:54 |
reisio | pbx: or just do it a reliable way: | 23:54 |
gorbyebrius | pbx, you can install xbacklight, find the backlight u'd like by trying it out on a terminal, and then add that en /etc/acpi/ and also adding a config file in /etc/acpi/events. It takes some patience though | 23:55 |
gorbyebrius | pbx, the link reiso posted is exactly what I was talking about. If you try that out, I'm sure somebody will be able to help here in case you get stuck on sometihng. | 23:56 |
pbx | reisio, thanks for the pm-utils link, that has some promise. too bad the UI isn't complete on this front | 23:56 |
rgb-one | I have used a program called light before that dims the light more than any other programs I have used does | 23:57 |
rgb-one | it is available in the AUR | 23:57 |
rgb-one | search "light" | 23:57 |
gorbyebrius | hmmm. Actually I use acpi for that not pm-utils | 23:57 |
guilherme | hello guys | 23:57 |
=== guilherme is now known as Guest39107 | ||
rgb-one | for power management you can check "tlp" | 23:57 |
Guest39107 | hello guys | 23:57 |
gorbyebrius | and powertop | 23:57 |
reisio | pbx: it is, I just don't know where it is, I don't use GNOME | 23:59 |
obelich | hiyas | 23:59 |
obelich | hiyas | 23:59 |
reisio | pbx: dpkg -l | grep -i power, then dpkg -L those packages | grep -i bin | 23:59 |
reisio | obelich: ohio | 23:59 |
mightcould | Ok i got workspace working and the cube hotkey works but it just shows a strip not a cube? | 23:59 |
obelich | some one here have Intel hd 4600 runin wit crossover ? | 23:59 |
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