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nudtrobert | ypwong sso后台有些错误没法解决,给你和seb128发了邮件,能帮忙找人看看吗? | 01:40 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 你们都尝试看过问题的源头吗? | 01:51 |
nudtrobert | ypwong 看了,没找到原因 | 01:55 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 这个 sso 项目有专用的 irc 或者 mailing list 吗? | 01:56 |
nudtrobert | ypwong 上次CCN会议seb128说帮忙找人,但一直没有回邮件 | 02:00 |
nudtrobert | seb128找到的martin albisetti没有回邮件,可能对UbuntuKylin不太熟悉 | 02:01 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 以前讨论software center 的时候,有跟 martin 打过交道,不太helpful | 02:45 |
nudtrobert | ypwong, 能找到其他人帮忙看看吗? | 02:46 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 直接 irc 找他 | 02:50 |
nudtrobert | ypwong, 知道在哪个频道吗? | 02:52 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, #ubuntu-devel | 02:55 |
ypwong | try /whois beuno | 02:55 |
nudtrobert | ypwong, OK | 02:56 |
nudtrobert | ypwong, martin 一直没有回复。能帮忙找到其他人吗? | 09:17 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 啊,这周他们应该在 sprint,反应可能慢点 | 09:17 |
nudtrobert | ypwong, 九月到现在已发了几次邮件 | 09:18 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 的确 sso 已经不会再投入资源维护和支持了 | 09:29 |
nudtrobert | ypwong, 这两天代码还有人push,帮忙看一下问题应该不用花太多时间 | 09:30 |
ypwong | jzheng ^^ | 09:33 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 是不是碰到bug? | 09:38 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 版本不对? | 09:39 |
nudtrobert | ypwong, lp上只有debug config,我们按照该config部署到生产环境之后,在特定情况下会出现用户无法登录,过一段时间又好了 | 09:40 |
nudtrobert | 服务器上留下了www-oops log记录,最后一部分都提示SoftRequestTimeout | 09:41 |
nudtrobert | log记录附在之前发的邮件中 | 09:41 |
nudtrobert | 特定情况为:使用用户名、密码登录之后(从服务器换回token),很快退出(删除本地缓存的token),再次使用用户名密码登录,很大概率会登录超时,此时其他用户也会登录超时 | 09:45 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 那你是怀疑部署的config不对? | 09:48 |
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nudtrobert | ypwong, config改过很多,还怀疑是否代码中有时间限制防止重放攻击,都没有解决 | 10:18 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 直接发 email 问一下写那部分代码的人吧 | 10:26 |
nudtrobert | ypwong, 不知道是哪部分的问题,所以向请人看看log | 10:31 |
nudtrobert | 想请人 | 10:31 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 找找看吧,这是我想到的办法,他们没有邮件列表很难发群发邮件 | 10:33 |
nudtrobert | ypwong, 好吧... | 10:34 |
nudtrobert | 但是代码里没有写作者,只有Copyright 2010 Canonical Ltd. | 10:36 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, use bzr log | 10:36 |
ypwong | bzr blame | 10:36 |
nudtrobert | ok | 10:37 |
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nudtrobert | ypwong, 认识anthony.lenton@canonical.com吗? | 12:34 |
ypwong | nudtrobert, 貌似离开了 | 12:37 |
nudtrobert | willcooke, hi | 12:50 |
willcooke | hi nudtrobert | 12:50 |
willcooke | I'm afraid that Canonical SSO provider is not something we can support | 12:50 |
willcooke | it's end of life | 12:50 |
nudtrobert | yes | 12:50 |
willcooke | and isn't supported or maintained anymore | 12:50 |
willcooke | we explained this during the meetings in Changsha | 12:51 |
nudtrobert | But could someone have a look at the problem? | 12:51 |
nudtrobert | I thought i will take too much time | 12:51 |
nudtrobert | code in is still pushing to lp, actually | 12:52 |
nudtrobert | the last update is 2014-10-16 | 12:53 |
nudtrobert | so maybe some good guy is still very familiar with the code :) | 12:54 |
nudtrobert | sorry, i mean i thought it will not take too much time | 12:55 |
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