knosys | Hey guys a little silly question; What means the X mark that some directories have, in the xfce enviroment? | 00:18 |
knosys | like a big gray X | 00:18 |
knosys | i think it has to do with permissions, nvm :P | 00:20 |
xubuntu952 | Hi, I am on the Xubuntu 14.04 live CD. Where is Gparted? Is it only in the installer now? | 02:19 |
xubuntu952 | Well, I guess I | 02:22 |
xubuntu952 | *try the installer. | 02:22 |
LinusTorvaldII | knome ru here? | 02:29 |
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bullgard4 | [Debian 7.7] The Xfce application menu > Accessories shows two times the menu item »Screenshot«. How can that happen, and how should I | 08:59 |
bullgard4 | [Debian 7.7] The Xfce application menu > Accessories shows two times the menu item »Screenshot«. How can that happen, and how can I remove one of them? | 09:00 |
Unit193 | Simply by having two programs installed with the same GenericName. | 09:02 |
koegs | bullgard4: this is the xubuntu-support channel, not Debian | 09:07 |
bullgard4 | Unit193: You seem to use "GenericName" as a technical term. How do you define "GenericName"? | 09:08 |
Unit193 | bullgard4: In the desktop file. Last bit of information: grep Name=Screenshot /usr/share/applications/* but if you need any more help, there is #debian. | 09:10 |
bullgard4 | Unit193: I do not need any more help. I managed to solve my problem. Thank you very much for your help. | 09:32 |
Unit193 | Sure. | 09:51 |
=== derrick is now known as Guest60691 | ||
Guest60691 | hello guys. I'm new to Xubuntu | 15:19 |
Guest60691 | i want to know how to solve the problem "Gave up waiting for root device" | 15:20 |
GridCube | !details | Guest60691 | 15:22 |
ubottu | Guest60691: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 15:22 |
Guest60691 | !pastebin | 15:22 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 15:22 |
Guest60691 | this is my problem with Xubuntu. I installed it a while ago. The hard drive has no files. | 15:28 |
Guest60691 | I mean the hard drive has no files when I installed Xubuntu. When I'm booting the OS, this always shows up. | 15:30 |
GridCube | Guest60691, looks like it failed to install | 15:35 |
GridCube | you should try again | 15:35 |
Guest60691 | Actually, it starts if I wait for about 1 minute before entering "exit" | 15:36 |
drc | Guest60691: s/install/install correctly ... GridCube has the optimum | 15:37 |
Guest60691 | ok I'll start again. Thanks :) | 15:38 |
GridCube | Guest60691, then you sound like you have some faulty harddrives | 15:38 |
GridCube | i would backup everything and ty and get a new hd | 15:39 |
Guest60691 | I think really. Because this HDD is an old one. a HP dv6500 laptop. | 15:39 |
=== Guest60691 is now known as aster45 | ||
drc | Guest60691: I'd try re-installing as GridCube said (it'll take what? 15 minutes). If the same thing happens, then I'd look at the hardware/hdd | 15:41 |
aster45 | thanks drc and GridCube. thanks for the support | 15:42 |
aster45 | this was the 2nd time I installed it. I better buy a new HDD. | 15:43 |
GridCube | that wouldnt hurt | 15:43 |
GridCube | aster45, if you can boot a live session then your computer should work | 15:44 |
aster45 | yes, it did. My computer worked. | 15:44 |
drc | Guest61563: did you md5sum the iso? Probably not a problem but best to check everything before spending money. | 15:45 |
aster45 | ok I'll get back. I'll do it. | 15:45 |
aster45 | This was the result : ac7829d1b274f4d8b6ac106ec5985c9f xubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso | 15:49 |
aster45 | drc : I checked out the UbuntuHashes with what the iso produced after md5sum | 15:50 |
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Naphatul | when is 14.10 going to be released? | 17:15 |
xangua | ask mark | 17:16 |
slickymasterWork | tomorrow Naphatul | 17:17 |
Naphatul | oh then great, thought it would be some time later | 17:18 |
SaiBork | Hey all | 17:25 |
SaiBork | Quick question | 17:26 |
SaiBork | I'm looking at installing a linux destro on one of my machines to run xbmc on and vmware workstation | 17:26 |
SaiBork | I was looking at Xubuntu and am planning on using 14.10, b2 | 17:26 |
SaiBork | On the site it mentions that 14.10 release is planned for October. Would it be wise to wait with the install until then, or is the beta stable enough and easy enough to update to final release? | 17:27 |
slickymasterWork | SaiBork, 14.10 is going to be released tomorrow, so why not wait? | 17:28 |
drc | SaiBork: 14.10-release should be out tomorrow (sometime) | 17:28 |
xangua | there is xbmcbuntu that already comes with xfce and xbmc SaiBork | 17:29 |
SaiBork | Ah, if it's tomorrow I can definitely wait! | 17:29 |
SaiBork | That's all I needed to know | 17:29 |
SaiBork | I know xangua, but as i want more with it then just xbmc I thought i'd go for this or lubuntu | 17:30 |
drc | On the other hand, is there anything (known) that will change between today (b2) and tomorrow (release)? | 17:30 |
drc | that is "b2+updates" | 17:30 |
SaiBork | I'm not in a hurry, so might as well wait until tomorrow with it | 17:30 |
SaiBork | Give it a nice clean start | 17:31 |
SaiBork | Oh well, thanks all, cya | 17:36 |
Noiro | ok, so I dragged files into a blank CD like I do with windows, and they are showing up, how do I finalize I want it to burn? It's a CD-R and opening xburn is overcomplicated for one, and two, refuses to blank it as blanking 'writes' thus removing the one write I get on the CD | 18:00 |
Poisoned_Dragon | You can't blank a cd-r. It's only a write once disc. | 18:02 |
Poisoned_Dragon | And, I've never tried to use thunar to add files to a CD. I don't believe it works that way. | 18:03 |
Noiro | I know it only writes once, but I only need it to write the files once, how do I do that easily? | 18:05 |
Noiro | I just threw a live boot of xubuntu so I could pull some files off a corrupted windows partition as it has decently fast boottime. I just need the files written to the cd :P Cmon, this isn't hard | 18:06 |
Poisoned_Dragon | It's not if you don't make it hard. Why not use a USB stick, if the files can fit on a CD? | 18:08 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Hell, even I rarely burn discs, anymore. | 18:08 |
Noiro | because I'm already booting off my USB stick :P | 18:09 |
Noiro | why won't xfburn just let me burn files to the CD once? | 18:09 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Did you add the files in xfburn? | 18:09 |
Noiro | my only options are: burn image, blank disc, audio cd, or data composition | 18:10 |
Poisoned_Dragon | This is why you have more than one USB stick. | 18:15 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Did you try data composition? | 18:16 |
Poisoned_Dragon | I believe that's how you burn data CDs. | 18:16 |
xubuntu80o | Hey how do i access root on the live usb? | 18:16 |
Noiro | Trying that now and for some reason it thinks my blank DVD is 700mb :/ | 18:17 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Silly, you are root on a live USB session. | 18:17 |
Noiro | o.O | 18:17 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Not you, Noiro. :) | 18:18 |
xubuntu80o | wait really. everytime I type SU in it asks for pass | 18:18 |
* Noiro has no idea what she's doing | 18:18 | |
xubuntu80o | so ubuntu@ubuntu is root? | 18:18 |
Poisoned_Dragon | You shouldn't need us. Just use sudo. | 18:18 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Su not us | 18:18 |
Poisoned_Dragon | The live session has no password. So sudo won't prompt for one. It's almost like root. | 18:19 |
xubuntu80o | ok than. Thanks | 18:20 |
drc | Noiro: re: 700MB...I'd look for some way to explicitly tell xfburn it's a DVD not a CD (I don't use xfcburn so I can't say how) | 18:23 |
Noiro | I think I finally figured it out. I'm not used to xubuntu, I usually run gnomey stuff, haha | 18:25 |
Noiro | 'data composition' is such a weird wording | 18:26 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Lol | 18:26 |
Poisoned_Dragon | I didn't do it. | 18:26 |
drc | One problem is that USB's are so common nowadays that CD/DVD knowledge is getting uncommon :) | 18:26 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Pretty much. | 18:27 |
Poisoned_Dragon | And, with laptops phasing out optical drives, it's only going to get worse. | 18:27 |
drc | Noiro: re: "'data composition'" You have to remember that applications are written bu coders, not real people so teminoplgy is very often "weird":) | 18:29 |
drc | not to mention spelling :( | 18:29 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Young folks will look at optical media like they do with vinyl or 8 tracks. | 18:29 |
drc | 78's forever! | 18:29 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Lol | 18:29 |
drc | Noiro: Are you getting the burn accomplished? | 18:30 |
Noiro | drc, I think I got it figured out ^^, thank you. My bf's a programmer so you'd think I'd be used to it :P | 18:30 |
drc | Noiro: Ah, so you're imaginary :) | 18:31 |
Noiro | imaginary? | 18:31 |
drc | real programmer has ever had a "real" gf | 18:32 |
Noiro | T.T | 18:32 |
* knome points out that this is the support channel and the general chatter channel is at #xubuntu-offtopic | 18:32 | |
Noiro | to be fair, I'm studying for my CCNA so...I'm not entirely computer illiterate. Linux and coding just arn't my forte | 18:32 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Bwwaaahahahaha! | 18:33 |
Poisoned_Dragon | Imaginary. | 18:33 |
drc | xubuntu80o: You have su vs sudo under control now (i.e., you can do what you wanted to do)? | 18:34 |
Noiro | anywho, thanks for the help! | 18:34 |
Poisoned_Dragon | No prob | 18:35 |
Hedgework | drc: I have three BFs currently...rarely have a GF, though :P | 18:35 |
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GaborTary | jo estét | 22:56 |
GaborTary | lenne 1fontos kérdésem | 22:56 |
knome | garandil, this channel is english only | 22:56 |
knome | GaborTary, ^ | 22:56 |
GaborTary | ooo okay | 22:57 |
GaborTary | i write english | 22:57 |
GaborTary | You can fix this somehow? How do you move the control buttons from right to left? (minimize, and exit Full Screen) | 22:58 |
GaborTary | pls video or anithing | 22:58 |
GaborTary | sorry for my english | 22:58 |
knome | GaborTary, see settings manager -> window manager -> tab style, section "button layout" | 22:58 |
GaborTary | thanks :) | 23:00 |
=== RedDeathi is now known as RedDeath | ||
=== RedDeath is now known as Guest23425 | ||
=== LinusTorvaldsII is now known as LinusTorvaldII |
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