
mitchellI forgot my launchpad account password, and my email provider is out of service.  would an admin please help me fix my account?01:18
wgrantmitchell: You'll see a support link at the bottom of the login page.02:10
wgrantThey can assist you.02:10
sergio-br2i'm wanting to know, how can I identify armhf build in debian/rules ?03:23
sergio-br2servers in launchpad do a cross compiler to arm, right?03:23
wgrantdpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH03:27
wgrantBut DEB_BUILD_ARCH and DEB_HOST_ARCH will always match on Launchpad today. We use qemu-user; we do not cross-compile.03:27
sergio-br2uname -m is other possibility?03:31
sergio-br2a friend got armv7l with it03:31
wgrantWhy would you use that?03:31
wgrantThe DEB_HOST_* variables provided by dpkg-architecture are the only things you can rely on.03:32
wgrantuname -m will usually happen to do the right thing on Launchpad, but nothing new should be relying on that.03:32
wgrantdpkg-architecture is for exactly this purpose.03:33
sergio-br2nah, the first you told is better, right?03:33
sergio-br2so, in the rules, i use DEB_HOST_ARCH ?03:34
sergio-br2ifeq ($(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH),armhf)03:35
wgrantThat sort of thing, yes.03:39
sergio-br2could you see this? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/25607703:49
sergio-br2i'm wanting to build packages for armhf03:49
wgrantsergio-br2: Done.03:57
sergio-br2so i can build arm packages now?03:59
sergio-br2wgrant, so using Architecture: any, it'll compile for the 3 architectures ?04:47
sergio-br2i have a package here, that depends in nvidia-cg-dev and nvidia-cg-toolkit, but it depends only in PC architecture05:04
sergio-br2without the nvidia-cg-dev, i get a problem to build05:04
sergio-br2but not in arm.05:04
sergio-br2Are there any way in debian/control to use nvidia-cg-dev | dummy or no-package ?05:05
sergio-br2i don't know if it's possible to have a build-depend exclusive for one architecture05:06
StevenKsergio-br2: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html05:07
sergio-br2ah, I have to use a !05:08
StevenKsergio-br2: You're welcome05:09
sergio-br2so for armhf05:10
sergio-br2nvidia-cg-dev [!armhf]05:10
sergio-br2since this package is not in armhf repo05:11
StevenKYou can do the converse, nvidia-cg-dev [i386 amd64]05:11
sergio-br2hum, yeah05:12
PLoctauxI have a question : I have a .c file, and I want to publish it to my ppa (It's my first time) Anyone knows how to do that?14:22
tewardPLoctaux: package your C file as an actual built executable binary.  http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ is relevant.14:26
tewardand by 'package' i mean as a Debian package, not as just the executable14:27
PLoctauxteward, Thanks! I appreciate that!14:27
tewardtotally honest yet stupid question - when will PPAs be able to build for Vivid?14:59
cjwatsonteward: before end of week15:01
wgrantOnce vivid exists :)15:06
cjwatsonI think my previous answer stands too :)15:07
cjwatsonunless you know of a reason we can't break our record15:07
wgrantI don't see why we can't have it done this evening if we try :)15:07
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sergio-br2I want to know if there are problems building packages for arm with neon enabled15:30
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ki7mtHello All, quick quesiton. I'm packaging a project that requires downloading the SRC packages from Sourceforge, and one HTML from a WEB URL. This all works as expected using pbuilder on my devel machine. I've nto set it to Launchpad to build as I was told, server builds cannot download anything in order to build a package, is this true?17:50
ki7mt.. not sent it to LP . ..17:50
cjwatsonThat's right, you can't fetch external network objects in Launchpad builds; you have to put copies in your source package (for example, automatically fetch them when you build your source package) or put them in other packages that you build-depend on.17:52
cjwatsonThe build servers are firewalled such that they can only fetch anything from a very limited number of hosts.17:53
ki7mtcjwatson, Ok, thanks. I thought that was the case, but needed official confirmation so i could pass that to the upstream dev's17:53
lazyPoweris there any particular reason that launchpad is being finicky on letting me file a bug against a juju charm bundle? http://i.imgur.com/RORkawI.png17:56
lazyPoweri followed the link from this resource to file the bug: https://code.launchpad.net/~bigdata-charmers/charms/bundles/high-peformance-batch-processing/bundle17:56
lazyPowerwhen i choose "I dont know" it just 500 errors and refuses to do anything helpful wrt to letting me file a bug17:56
tewardcjwatson: wgrant: heh.  Just wonderin, because I'd like to publish an nginx update for vivid to the nginx ppas, but i'm pretty patient.  :)18:47
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