
=== RedDeathi is now known as RedDeath
=== RedDeath is now known as Guest74644
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest56782
Fudgeit sure is neet10:27
EngimalHello, could I have some help? :)10:32
mirrorHello! I have a problem on fresh install of Lubuntu 14.04. It's about my wireless hidden network. now when i create wireless network it shows it on the list it finds it and connects to it but cannot use any network tools and says cannot connect to internet etc10:53
mirrordoes anybody have any ideas how to solve this?10:54
hateballiirc network-manager cant handle hidden networks properly10:56
mirroraha will there be a fix or i should make a report to the Lubuntu11:01
mirrorthank you for your time will report it to lubuntu11:03
peseanyone know what time 14.10 final is being released?13:41
zy3pDis 14.10 already released?13:47
=== Guest56782 is now known as IdleOne
pesenot last I checked14:00
peseseems released now: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/utopic/release/lubuntu-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso14:02
pesetorrent: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.10/release/lubuntu-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent14:04
zy3pDthx pese ... really hidden link. i only found betas (also on lubuntu.net)14:09
=== joern__ is now known as joern
Ahmuck14.10 out today?15:47
sheena1My laptop keeps suspending/powering down on inactivity, and I can't find a setting to fix that. Lubuntu 14.04, any ideas?16:10
Ahmuckyes.  change the power setting16:11
AhmuckMenu --> Preferences --> Power Manager16:12
sheena1where is this setting? i have tried changing the setting in Preferences - Power Manager (brings up XFCE Power Manager Settings) and all is set to NEVER but it still suspends16:12
Ahmuckis it the computer going into suspend or the monitor blanking?16:13
sheena1it goes blank and comes up with the lock login sreen when i use the keyboard/mouse to resume it.. but the problem is that it suspends my uploads so i cannot leave it running to upload while i'm away from it.16:14
Ahmuckon power or on battery?16:15
AhmuckSo ... you have under AC and On Battery ... Actions --> BAttery Power is Critical = Nothing, When laptop lid is closed = Nothing, Put the computer to sleep when inactive for: = Never, Monitor: Put display to sleep when computer is inactive for: Never, Switch off dispaly when computer is inactive for" = Never, Extended: Set computer activity mode: Set monitor sleep mode, Lock screen when going for suspend/hibernate16:19
Ahmuckif it were me and i was trying to retain power i would set everything to never.  if it continued to do the same thing than it is not a setting in the power manager16:20
sheena1I have Battery power is critical - suspend16:20
Ahmucki wonder if you need to check the extended settings16:21
sheena1I have set everything to never now, will see if it makes a difference16:21
sheena1set inactivity sleep mode is suspend, it's my only option16:21
sheena1monitor sleep mode has standby and suspend, its set to stantby16:21
sheena1low power is set at 10%16:21
sheena1lock screen is unchecked16:21
Ahmuckmy power monitor shouts critical at me when i have 1 hour left on my battery time.  my batter time is 3.75 hours at a time16:22
Ahmuckyou might uncheck prefer power savings over performance16:22
sheena1i almost never run on battery16:22
tumblerhi guys16:22
sheena1do you know where to change brightness settings, by the way? i cant fifure that out either :(16:22
Ahmucki guess the point i am trying to make is ... set things so that there is no option to suspend and see if you are getting the suspension issue then.16:23
sheena1will do16:23
Ahmuckbrightness settings in that it powers down the display brightness after a while?16:23
tumblerhow can i add a personal menu on mouse riht when i click on desktop???16:24
Ahmucktumbler, describe?  a personal menu on the mouse?16:24
sheena1no, that i can set it to be less bright when it's dark in my room, and as bright as normal when its daylight16:24
Ahmuckmost laptops have function keys that will do that16:24
tumblerlike openbox16:24
tumbleror fluxbox16:25
Ahmucksheena1, you might look at light locking option on preferences as well16:25
Ahmucktumbler, u might need a different panel.16:26
tumblerfor exemple?16:26
tumblercouldn't i set a shortcut key?16:27
sheena1disable lightlocker?16:28
sheena1Ahmuck: this is for the suspend issue, not the brightness, right?16:28
Ahmucktumbler, i would search for "use openbox desktop menu on lubuntu".16:28
Ahmucklight locker is for your suspend issue16:29
sheena1ok. i have disabled it. will see if it helps16:30
sheena1any idea on brightness adjust?16:30
Ahmuckmy observation of lxde (which is what ubuntu is based upon) is it is a conglomerate of programs used to create a desktop.  this is why you have xfce power manager in lxde (amongst other things)16:30
sheena1right, that makes sense.16:31
phillwwe did not re-invent the wheel, xcfe power manager works well and is maintained :)16:32
Ahmuckiirc light locker is a new member to the family.  this may mean you have more than one program trying to control the settings (maybe).16:32
Ahmucki found this out the hard way with language16:32
phillwyou may find it is a BIOS / acpi issue. I can use my Fn keys for brightness.16:33
sheena1phillw: any idea how to check or fix it?16:34
ianorlinor you could install xbacklight to change brightness to work around16:34
ianorlinthen you can set it to  specific level rather than just changing it16:34
ianorlinread the man page for more info on how to do it16:34
ianorlinand xbacklight is added to 14.10 by default16:34
sheena1ianorlin: when is the upgrade available?16:35
ianorlinnot quite sure16:35
ianorlinyou can still install it on trusty16:35
Ahmuckthe link i just gave you gives you a link to xbacklight16:35
phillwsheena1: very soon, mirrors are being updated16:35
Ahmuck14.10 is available today16:35
Ahmucker, now16:36
phillwAhmuck: not yet :)16:36
sheena1xbacklight doesnt seem to have any effect16:36
Ahmucki just downloaded 14.1016:36
phillwAhmuck: you downloaded the Release Candidate.16:37
sheena1$ xbacklight -get                  gives me             0.00000016:37
Ahmuckthat is not what the description indicates16:37
ianorlinit should be xbaclkight -set16:37
Ahmuckthe description is lubntu-14.10-alternate-i386.iso16:37
sheena1i tried set and it did nothing16:37
sheena1-get should tell me the current brightness, says the man file16:38
phillwAhmuck: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker16:38
Ahmuckcurrently with 1 or 2 peers16:38
Ahmuckon the torrent, faster if you go direct.16:38
Ahmuckhere, let me get a link16:38
phillwAhmuck: it is not released, get as many links as you want :D16:39
phillwpeople love to jump the gun...16:39
Ahmuck*shrugs* it downloaded or your descriptions are wrong16:39
Ahmuckon the website16:39
Ahmuckoops, i see16:40
Ahmuckis release = release canidate or release16:40
phillwMirrors are being synced. until that happens release is not live.16:40
Ahmuckwhy did it download then?16:41
phillwas soon as mirrors sync'd should be good to go :) But, until the release team make the announcement it is not released. e.g. kubuntu was only marked as ready an hour or so ago.16:42
phillwubuntu shortly after that.16:42
Ahmuckso the description for the iso i downloaded is wrong?16:43
Ahmuckcause i'm installing it now and i will now in about 10 min16:43
phillwif from cdimages, you *should* be fine.16:44
Ahmuckwhat is the difference?16:45
phillwas soon as we get the okay, all the wiki pages can be invoked.16:45
Ahmuckare you saying it is not available via download button on the wiki until u get the ok?16:45
phillwAhmuck: the mirrors across the globe need syncing16:45
phillwAhmuck: indeed, that page is Release+1 :)16:46
Ahmuckmsg ?16:46
phillwAhmuck: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers/PrePostReleaseTODO#At_Release16:47
Ahmuckphillw, pm16:47
garbonzohi all16:50
Gl4di4t0rVersion 14.10 doesn't work in Virtualbox :(16:50
garbonzoplease can someone advise on a laptop not rebooting properly in lubuntu?16:51
phillwGl4di4t0r: that should be fixed, let me go find the bug.16:51
Ahmuckgarbonzo, ping16:53
Ahmuckgarbonzo, explain further16:53
AhmuckGl4di4t0r, it is working in VB16:53
garbonzohi ahmuck. it's an ancient toughbook cf-18, graphics driver i91516:53
garbonzowhen i reboot it does the shutdown part properly, just doesn't restart16:53
phillwGl4di4t0r: bug 138000516:54
ubottubug 1380005 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Graphical server of Ubuntu 14.10 daily build does not start in Virtualbox" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138000516:54
Ahmuckgarbonzo, version?16:54
Gl4di4t0rI rest my case ;)16:54
Ahmuckgarbonzo, upgrading an option?16:55
garbonzoto 14.10 or a new laptop? :-)16:56
Ahmuckto 14.10 :)16:56
garbonzocould do i suppose16:56
garbonzowhat's the distro upgrade command again? getting old ;-)16:56
Ahmucksometimes I found rather than fighting a problem trying the newer release will fix something16:56
garbonzovery true16:57
Ahmuckgranted, it sometimes breaks things as well16:57
garbonzothat's half the fun16:57
phillwgarbonzo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#Upgrading_from_last_release :)16:58
phillwjust waiting for the fat lady to sing :D16:59
garbonzoright, here goes nuffink. will see you all on the other side of the distro upgrade!17:00
Ahmuckis there a reset to defaults options on xfce power manager?17:04
Ahmuckor for that mattter, any program?17:04
sheena1syntax in bash... i have a txt file that is a list of links i want to open in firefox..17:05
sheena1for i in test2.txt; do firefox i17:05
sheena1that is wrong obivously17:05
sheena1cause it just opens 'i' lol17:06
garbonzono joy...17:14
garbonzo...when's 14.10 out please?17:15
geniiSometime later today17:16
phillw And... we're live!!!17:16
garbonzowow, that's it ready then?17:16
garbonzocongrats, well done and all that17:17
phillwjust doing the housework17:17
Ahmuckheh, already have it installed17:17
Ahmuckhas lubuntu always installed humanity-icon-theme?17:26
zy3pDthink so17:28
zy3pDwhen i wake up my pc, nm-applet says that network is deactivated, but service networking is running, how to solve it?17:30
Ahmuckodd, i'm on the same release and i often move between sections of town and never have to re-activate my network, it's like i never left17:31
Ahmuckzy3pD, version?17:31
zy3pDAhmuck, 14.0417:32
Ahmuckthe network service is running though?17:32
Ahmuckghost message?  after coming out of suspend the message still gets sent?17:34
Ahmuckbbl, checking snail mail17:34
phillwcan some one idiot check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu for me. had to add in 14.04 LTS !!17:39
garbonzodefo showing the 14.10 page version17:45
garbonzohow long before software updater picks it up, assuming i've set it to notify immediately?17:46
phillwupdate notifier usually trips in the early hours as a job. you can manually ask for an update17:58
phillwgarbonzo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#Upgrading_from_last_release17:59
Ahmuck14.10 is running in Vbox as I type17:59
garbonzoyup, i did the cli command and it returned that no new release was available17:59
phillwAhmuck: it was fixed, I chased the failure in virt-manager (KVM)18:00
phillwgarbonzo: then things have not fully filtered through yet. be patient :)18:00
garbonzowhat is this "patient" of which you speak? :-)18:01
Ahmuckdoes not appear to be anything new18:01
Ahmucksomething i would like to see, is software selection upon install18:01
Ahmuckfor example, i dump abiword and gnumeric in favor of libreoffice18:01
joppewhat if you uninstall them, it says remove lubuntu-desktop18:02
joppewhat then happens, i dont know18:02
garbonzowould be great to have that as a software preferences profile on a usb stick...18:02
Ahmucki do anyway18:03
Ahmuckgarbonzo, software preferences as in software selection preferences or software config preferences and data?18:04
Ahmuckx /home/user/.config18:09
garbonzomore the software selection... would be good to always have, for example, focuswriter, geany, xchat, build-essentials...18:09
Ahmuckx /home/user/.local18:09
Ahmuckupon installation18:09
Ahmucki have a script that i run that purges "junk" and installs my "stuff"18:10
Ahmuckafter install18:10
Ahmuckbut having it pre install would be nice18:10
Ahmucksomething i would like to see and am hoping to instigate is a more standards compliant distro.  be it via modification scripts or otherwise.  you would have a script for each program (ie firefox) that would put the configs in /home/user/.config, the data in /home/user/.local/app, user icons in /home/user/.icons, etc.18:12
Ahmuckas well as system wide configs in system wide config directories according to accepted standards18:12
Ahmucksoftware really needs more transparency and configurability in these areas by putting the configs and data back into the hands of the user where they can find them easily18:15
joppewell my question is, if i remove some programs it says remove lubuntu-desktop, what it means?18:18
Ahmucki've done it without problems18:23
Ahmuckwhich is not to say you might have problems, simply i've always done it without problems18:24
joppeso ican remove transmission, because im usin qbittorrent, its safe?18:24
Ahmucklike i said, it did not change anything for me.  are you familiar with aptitude?  i use aptitude to see what it removes.18:27
joppewell i remove via command line and bleachbit does rest :)18:27
Ahmucki wish i had something like that to set configuration for major programs18:31
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu Docs: http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuHelp | Lubuntu 14.10 is out: http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | About: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic
Gamara_Hello, I have this screen popping up before booting on a macbook 1,1 (Tech specs here: http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook/specs/macbook_2.0_white.html ), the error message is here: http://i.imgur.com/Mst8esn.jpg?1 , http://i.imgur.com/4uNGE2C.jpg?1 is this anything I should be concerned about? I have had one hard freeze since using this operating system.20:09
Gamara_I'm running lubuntu 14.04.120:09
silverlionGamara_ : you might want to talk to wxl20:10
wxlsomeone needs mac help?20:10
silverlionhe is our mac expert ;)20:10
Gamara_yeah I was just curious about this error message I'm getting at boot would you like to repost the information?20:11
Gamara_like me*20:11
wxli see20:11
wxli wouldn't be too concerned Gamara_20:12
wxlwhich version Gamara_ ?20:12
Gamara_lubuntu 14.04.120:12
Gamara_is what I'm currently usng20:12
wxlGamara_: when the freeze happened did you run out of resources? could you get to a virtual terminal?20:13
Gamara_I didn't try20:13
Gamara_The laptop currently has 2gb of ram20:14
Gamara_not 51220:14
Gamara_I just hard reset it I really should learn how to shut it down properly on hard freeze20:14
wxlGamara_: you should monitor whether or not you're running out of cpu or ram. you should also watch temperatures and see if that's the problem. if you do get a freeze, you should try using virtual terminals and/or ssh to see if the machine is still alive. if it is, restarting the lightdm service should get you a working gui again. at that point, you should check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors. might be a driver issue.20:16
wxlGamara_: if you can narrow it down to a particular problem, then you can run ubuntu-bug against it. might want to see if /var/log/syslog or dmesg has any errors in it. that may help.20:16
Gamara_how do I do this sorry I'm pretty noob with ubuntu/lubuntu20:17
wxlGamara_: you can use indicators in lxpanel to tell you about cpu and ram and temperature20:18
Gamara_and thank you for the help it is much appreciated20:18
wxlGamara_: virtual terminals can be accessed typically with ctrl-alt-f1. i think on mac that's ctrl-fn-command-f1 or something of the sort. you have to play around with it20:19
Gamara_alright I will try it out20:19
wxlGamara_: these terminals exists outside the graphical context so if you CAN get a working terminal, you have a problem with the GUI20:20
wxlGamara_: that's usually a driver problem20:20
Gamara_it is ctrl-alt-fn-f120:20
wxlGamara_: as a general rule, everything logs to /var/log20:21
wxlGamara_: syslog and dmesg cover general system issues20:21
wxlGamara_: Xorg.0.log is specifically about the x server (the gui)20:21
wxlGamara_: you also might look in /var/crash20:21
Gamara_alright what command do I use to exit virtual terminal20:21
wxlGamara_: go to virtual terminal 720:22
wxlGamara_: note that if you are maxing out your cpu, your temperatures will usually go up and in the case of a laptop, this often means a total freeze and/or hard shutdown20:22
Gamara_what do you suggest the best widget/application for monitoring temperature is?20:23
wxlGamara_: if you max out ram you can either get the out of memory killer (apparently) randomly shutting down processes or you can get what seems like a total freeze20:23
wxlGamara_: whatever's in lxpanel is usually sufficient20:23
Gamara_alright thanks20:23
wxlGamara_: also the task manager can give you a good sense of things20:24
Gamara_alright so look at, /var/crash, /var/log/Xorg.0.log, dmesg for errors after a hard freeze or right now? If I narrow it down I can post it to ubuntu bug report or whatever its called20:29
wxlGamara_: yes. if you need help with interpreting them, let us know. and the tool is "ubuntu-bug"20:30
wxl!bugs | Gamara_20:30
ubottuGamara_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:30
wxli wonder20:30
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.20:30
wxlno no20:30
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.20:31
wxlhere Gamara_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles20:31
Gamara_ok ok thanks20:31
phillwha ha20:31
Gamara_I turned on the lxpanel temperature monitor and im getting -273 C lol20:35
Gamara_ok my computer is being weird mouse moves around but is stuck as a hand gripped, I cant click on anything21:11
Gamara_this all happened after try to drag a file out of extractor or whatever that app is called21:12
Gamara_I cant click anything and the keyboard doesnt seem to be working21:12
Gamara_how do I shut down my computer from virtual terminal21:12
Gamara_on 14.0421:12
phillwGamara_: get a terminal session running https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:14
Gamara_nvm im dumb21:14
Gamara_fixed it21:14
phillwkk :)21:14
Gamara_ty though21:14
honestemuI have 4 workspaces. I click CTRL+ALT+<- or CTRL+ALT+-> to switch to an adjacent workspace. How do I jump to a specific workspace?22:02
LinusTorvaldIIhows it goin dust22:35
dustany idea why it isnt possible to receive files here in irc with pidgin?22:35
dustafter a working upgrade always better :D22:36
garbonzotook over an hour on this old clunker, but now running the new release. Thanks devs!23:53

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