
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: that fading thing is certainly needed. I just hope for getting some feedback tomorrow so that we can know which way to go. Otherwise we can waste a lot of time on wrong approach. I'll try asking tomorrow04:23
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, ah04:23
akiva-thinkpadi'm just about to head out.04:23
ajalkaneme too, have a good night04:23
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, its almost done, I just need to add a refreshing trigger to the future history04:23
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, thanks04:24
* akiva-thinkpad pushes branch04:24
akiva-thinkpadajalkane, okay pushed. Have a nice night. If you have a chance to test it tomorrorow, I'd like some feedback on aesthetics and practicality of that row.04:27
ajalkaneakiva-thinkpad: ok cool, sure I'll test it tomorrow04:28
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jgdxkalikiana, right, thanks. I get pretty far with just using an arbitrary offset that is larger than the header.08:41
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ahayzenpopey, these are two bugs i had found before related to playing audio over bluetooth bug 1363083 bug 137339212:51
ubot5bug 1363083 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Music playback does not re-route audio when Bluetooth speaker connected/disconnected" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136308312:51
ubot5bug 1373392 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[mako] high cpu usage when playing audio via speaker" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137339212:51
rpadovanimzanetti, handwriting notes are displayed as photo in reminders: at least users can check what they wrote :-)12:52
popeythanks ahayzen12:58
ahayzenpopey, there are probably more generic ones from media-hub eg receiving calls when playing music etc12:58
ahayzenkunal, http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtqml-component.html#incubateObject-method13:00
popeybzoltan: we have a session at 16:30 where our community devs are ready to give you guys in the sdk team feedback but it clashes with your 16:30 session on qa review. can you move yours back 30 mins maybe?13:04
bzoltanpopey: sure, I will arrange it13:05
popeybzoltan: in fact, we should probably use an hour for our one, so you may want to bump yours back an hour13:06
bzoltanpopey:  OK13:06
t1mppopey, bzoltan 1600-1800 zsombi and I have a "Design Guidance Documentation" session13:13
ajalkaneIs jenkins having some troubles?13:19
ajalkaneapparently I was having some troubles instead13:25
mihirballoons: can you just paste bin that test case?13:37
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mihirballoons: ^^13:53
mihircharles_: hi13:55
mihircharles_: ping13:55
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ahayzenballoons, when you have a moment could we talk CI/autopilot/mocking with you?14:06
balloonsmihir, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8640984/14:06
sergiusensahayzen: vthompson can you point me to the click published for the awesome music app?14:11
ahayzensergiusens, http://people.canonical.com/~alan/music_remix/readme.txt14:11
ahayzensergiusens, we're hoping todo another one today to then give a proper QA over as we found a few minor bugs in that one...but have fun :)14:12
justCarakaspopey: there is a dutch site for tweakers and they included ubuntu mate in their review of 14.1014:21
justCarakasits getting famous :p14:22
ajalkaneballoons: is the best way to run autopilot tests on desktop still by copying the tests to the build directory and running them there?14:32
ajalkaneah no, it now works directly from the normal checkout. Great!14:39
balloonsajalkane, yep.. running on the desktop works greats. You can also run it inside a sandbox with autopilot3-sandbox-run with or without -X depending if you want to see it run or not14:44
ajalkaneballoons: that's great command. It's kind of annoying to wait for the tests to finish before being able to do anything14:46
balloonsajalkane, indeed, quite nice to not have it lock up your machine14:49
mzanettirpadovani: bzr pull lp:~mzanetti/reminders-app/multipleAccounts-cleanup14:57
dpmpopey, ahayzen, ajalkane, mihir, balloons, rpadovani, http://pad.ubuntu.com/core-apps-review15:06
ahayzendpm, thanks15:06
ahayzenvthompson, http://pad.ubuntu.com/core-apps-review15:07
vthompsonJoeyChan, http://pad.ubuntu.com/core-apps-review15:08
ahayzensergiusens, there is a new click in the readme now :)15:18
charles_mihir, pong15:18
mihircharles_: are you in DC ?15:18
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charlesmihir, yes, I'm in the Dallas room right now15:19
mihircharles_: would like to get these bugs that could fix calendar https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/132088015:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1320880 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Calendar notifications are treated the same as an alarm notification" [High,In progress]15:19
mihircharles: okay  there are some indicator issues which we have already talked about15:20
mihircharles: let me know when you get some time , i can catch you :D15:23
charlesmihir, I don't know when High bugs will start landing again, but I have a lot of this handled in https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-datetime/lp-1317861-handle-trigger-valarms-in-ical15:24
mihircharles: hmmm15:24
charlesmihir, I'll make sure that branch gets attached to 1320880  as well :)15:24
mihircharles: awesome \m/15:24
mihircharles: the thing is reminder of an event is misleading15:25
charlesmihir, could you elaborate on that?15:25
mihircharles: if you have an event reminder  , it shows as clock indicator rather than calendar event.15:26
charlesmihir, yes, that's fixed in the branch :)15:27
mihircharles: ahh great :D15:27
* mihir waits for landing15:27
charlesmihir, you're in DC too,  yes?15:27
mihircharles: yes I am.15:28
charlesmihir, I'll come sit in at the 2:30 calendar discussion15:28
mihircharles: great :)15:29
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DS-McGuireAre there any apps that I could possibly contribute to? I don't want to work on the core apps as they are too big for me, are there any small ones that are starting off that need a hand?16:40
mihirballoons: that doesn't work in calendar , not able to find the object, we need to tweak this again.16:51
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balloonsmihir, didn't work eh? commit and push a branch of it17:33
kunalrenatu, Bugs Bug #138483017:37
ubot5bug 1384830 in qtorganizer5-eds (Ubuntu) "Event object's attendees does not contain email address" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138483017:37
mzanettidpm: I suggest something like evernote://note/noteguid17:39
mzanettirpadovani: ^17:40
dpmmzanetti, rpadovani, http://pad.ubuntu.com/reminders-app-meeting17:40
penk_hello world17:41
mzanettipenk_: http://pad.ubuntu.com/reminders-app-meeting17:41
popeybzoltan: please can you schedule a 1 hour sdk session for tomorrow morning for you and benjamin to get super feedback from core apps devs?17:45
bzoltanpopey: OK17:46
popeybzoltan: msm will need to add all the community guys to it17:47
mihirballoons: there you go , lp:~mihirsoni/+junk/calendarTestFix17:52
ahayzendavmor2, hey this is the click for music :) http://people.canonical.com/~alan/music_remix/20141023/trunk/com.ubuntu.music_1.3.latest_all.click thanks18:01
dpmhi verterok, hi penk_ o/18:02
mzanettithanks :)18:02
davmor2\o/ me starts with a toffee hammer18:02
verterokthe body of the POST request to register to the push-evernote-appserver is: {"userid": "<userid>", "token":"<atoken>", "appid": "<appid>"}18:05
verterokcurl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"appid": "com.ubuntu.reminders_reminders", "userid": "verterok-test", "token": "Yd3GITbQpewT9UwujEs+WA=="}'
mihirballoons: made changes in __init__.py in fill form function18:06
* vitimiti is back18:10
kunalballoons, can you help with this MR18:13
kunalI am not sure why it fails on jenkins, works on my desktop18:14
balloonskunal, I can give it a look this afternoon. You are most welcome to tackle me should you see me in the hall and have me help :-)18:14
kunalballoons, sure18:19
qtrosdpm ping18:20
qtrosdpm David, please, take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rssreader-app/+bug/137971618:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1379716 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "Migrate single article view to use the new header" [Critical,Triaged]18:21
verterokmzanetti, dpm: the example (push) hello app is there -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-push-hackers/ubuntu-push/trunk/files/head:/docs/18:35
mzanettiverterok: cheers :)18:38
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mzanettiswordfish: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging18:41
davmor2ahayzen: where you at?18:41
mihirpopey: kunal http://pad.ubuntu.com/DnXPSYyHVF18:47
ahayzendavmor2, pong18:52
* ahayzen hides18:52
davmor2ahayzen: where you at, you back in the community room18:56
balloonsmihir, problem solved. The solution was that you were not selecting the object from the root19:30
balloonsmihir, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8644448/. Does that make sense? self inside the helper is a child of the main_view. The datepicker appears as a child of the mainview as well, but not as a child of 'self' inside the helper19:31
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mihirdpm: http://pad.ubuntu.com/DnXPSYyHVF19:52
popeydpm: http://pad.ubuntu.com/DnXPSYyHVF19:52
mihirdpm: http://pad.ubuntu.com/DnXPSYyHVF19:53
kalikianat1mp: up for a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/canIhazOrange/+merge/23946119:55
rpadovanimzanetti, do you have any idea on how install new urls in urldispatcher on the computer? If I run Qt.openUrlExternally(evernote://hello) it runs firefox19:58
kalikianarpadovani: do you have the .desktop file correctly installed?20:00
kalikianaand, are the mime types correct?20:00
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rpadovanikalikiana, well, I think yes, I did cmake make make install. mime types should be set by the urldispatcher file or have I to do it manually?20:01
kalikianayou need to have x-scheme-handler/evernote; in MimeType20:01
vthompsonjdstrand, we've recently discovered that confining the Music app prevents it from getting embedded cover art from the thumbnailer when the files are on the SD Card. Will having music on an SD card be typical?20:04
kalikianait will :-)20:05
* kalikiana can't put a meaningful amount of music on the tiny home20:06
ahayzenvthompson, it will be typical ;)20:06
rpadovanikalikiana, gotcha, thanks20:07
popeyballoons: 29GB of video on my laptop so yeah, I'd say it's good20:07
balloonspopey, :-) I'm considering duplicating on my laptop as well20:09
TahmidHello guys20:10
TahmidCan you suggest me a good IRC client for ubuntu ?20:10
popeyall other clients do not exist20:10
balloonsbah, weechat me says!20:11
jdstrandvthompson: yes, I think that would be expected. can you show me the denial? (grep DEN /var/log/syslog)20:23
vthompsonjdstrand, "[ 1141.579650] type=1400 audit(1414093337.918:1027): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="com.ubuntu.music_music_1.3.latest" name=2F6D656469612F706861626C65742F374341392D313030302F54656E6163696F757320442F547269627574652F547269627574652E6D7033 pid=15478 comm="vs-thumb" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=32011 ouid=3201120:25
vthompsonjdstrand, we decoded the hex and it pointed to an mp3 on the SD card20:25
elopiomzanetti: can you please review this when you have some time? https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/reminders-app/qmltest1/+merge/23946620:25
mzanettielopio: I've been thinking about this too... would be great to include a bit more... e.g. injecting the dummy notes at the bottom of the qml plugin instead of just testing the delegate alone. But I'd need to prepare some proper mocking mechanism20:34
mzanettielopio: I'll see if I can make that happen. thanks for bootstrapping this though20:35
elopiomzanetti: this is just the simplest test possible to get the job running.20:35
mzanettiI'll have a play with it... if I can make it happen easily I'll add some code to your branch, otherwise we'll start off with what you have now20:36
elopiomzanetti: cool. Thanks20:36
elopiorpadovani: ^20:36
mzanettithank you20:36
rpadovanielopio, thanks!20:43
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jdstrandvthompson: hmm, that denial shows that the music app itself is touching the mp3. is that expected or is it using just mediascanner and media-hub?21:07
ahayzenjdstrand, i suspect it if from the thumbnailer service itself via mediascanner? ... vthompson will be back in a second21:08
ahayzen*it is21:08
jdstrandahayzen: well, mediascanner is out of process, but the denial has profile="com.ubuntu.music_music_1.3.latest", which is not the mediascanner's profile21:09
jdstrandahayzen: iirc, you are still using music_files_read?21:10
ahayzenjdstrand, hmm so when we are rendering the image from thumbnailer?21:10
ahayzenjdstrand, yeah music_files_read21:10
vthompsonjdstrand, I had personally expected that thumbnailer, via the image provider, would be touching it21:10
ahayzenjdstrand, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/remix/view/head:/click/apparmor.json21:10
jdstrandok, if you need music_files_read, then it makes sense you would also need access to the files on the sd card21:10
jdstrandthe thumbnailer is not out of process21:11
jdstrandso this makes sense21:11
vthompsonjdstrand, but James H convinced me that it might be a security issue since we don't have access to read the SD card so it is sensible that we shouldn't be able to get it's embedded thumbnail until we can read it21:11
jdstrandI think you need to add this to the read_path:21:11
jdstrandvthompson, ahayzen: ^21:13
ahayzenjdstrand, thanks, that seems quite open :)21:13
jdstrandvthompson: so, you guys already have read_path and music_files_read and write_path21:14
jdstrandahayzen: yes, it is. basically anything on the sd card21:14
jdstrandahayzen: but, it is less open than running unconfined21:14
ahayzenjdstrand, yeah i assume we are not going to assume users put music only in a Music folder on the SD card?21:14
vthompsonjdstrand, so that regex would match files like this? "/media/phablet/7CA9-1000/Jimi Hendrix/A History of Rock, Vol. 2/All Along the Watchtower.mp3"21:14
jdstrandit would21:15
jdstrandtry it out21:15
vthompsonjdstrand, thanks, will do!21:15
jdstrandif you guys are ever going to get rid of the read_path, write_path and music_files_read, we need more support from mediascanner (or something else)21:16
jdstrandbut for now, using these adds quite a bit of security when you guys are processing untrusted input21:16
ahayzenyeah it makes sense until we have support in ms221:17
mzanettipenk_: dpm: rpadovani: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/libqtevernote/+merge/23949621:22
penk_mzanetti: that's too fast21:22
mzanettiI accidentally added a subproject... dropping it21:24
penk_ah the untitled21:24
mzanettiyeah... not sure why it got added to bzr21:28
mzanettipenk_: so... I decided to go with a static plugin for easier maintenance21:29
mzanettierr. static library21:29
mzanettiI guess we can change it to be a shared lib later if we feel like21:29
mzanettibut as your code will live in the same repository it felt easier to just link it statically21:30
mzanetticheck out the evernoteplugin on how to link it. if the api doesn't work for you, let me know21:31
penk_mzanetti: sure, maybe a sample program on how to use it? :D21:31
penk_ah of course21:31
penk_ok I'll start from there21:31
mzanettipenk_: basically you just need this in your include_directories: ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/libqtevernote21:31
mzanettiand this to link it: target_link_libraries(yourscopeexecutable evernote-sdk-cpp libthrift qtevernote ${SSL_LDFLAGS})21:32
kalikianat1mp: did you file a bug report for push_to_phone.sh?21:32
mzanettipenk_: start with UserStore::instance() to set login stuff, then you should be able to get all you need from NotesStore. You can use the Notes model to easily filter on notebook and what not21:33
penk_mzanetti: sounds cool!21:33
penk_mzanetti: wished we had this meeting two weeks earlier :D :D21:34
mzanettipenk_: add your code into src/scope/21:36
penk_mzanetti: will start from there21:36
vthompsondavmor2, I have a click that should have the sd card thumbnailing issue jdstrand helped with: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3czoy37yf8idzam/com.ubuntu.music_1.3.699_all.click?dl=021:38
vthompsondavmor2, care to test?21:38
rpadovanipenk_, hey, did you add evernote://newnote/noteguid to our uriHandler on titanpad?21:53
penk_rpadovani: I didn't add anything21:54
rpadovanipenk_, ok, thanks21:54
penk_rpadovani: I do add note to the pad21:54
penk_rpadovani: it would be good if we can create note for certain notebook21:54
penk_rpadovani: how do you think21:55
rpadovanipenk_, yes, sure, we can do with evernote://newnote/notebookguid21:55
penk_rpadovani: awesome21:55
vthompsondavmor2, FYI popey verified that the click fixes the embedded thumbnailing on the card.22:08
davmor2vthompson: \o/ unfortunately I was in a meeting22:10
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mihirballoons: a good start  :D22:48
mihirballoons: this enable new event to select Date.22:49
mihirballoons: will need to add next/previous day using scenario I guess.22:51

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