
mgedmintoday's ubuntugnome_utopic-desktop-i386.iso: has no visible mouse cursor in he try ubuntu/install ubuntu GUI (testing in KVM)06:56
mgedminand then it hangs with a black screen06:58
mgedminctrl-alt-f1 shows me this: http://imgur.com/KktHg5p07:03
mgedminI'm now booting the same image on real hardware (an asus eeepc 900)07:04
mgedminit boots there07:04
mgedminand mouse cursor is visible07:05
mgedminthe eeepc is amazingly slow07:13
mgedminwheee I made gnome-shell crash by pressing ctrl-alt-esc (in my main work laptop running 14.04 + ppa)07:17
mgedminback to the asus: the install screen doesn't fit in 1024x600, luckily I know about alt-dragging07:19
Noskcajdarkxst, ricotz: Since my internet is too bad to, could one of you please sync gnome-user-docs and gnome-getting-started-docs to the staging PPA?07:21
NoskcajAlso, it would be nice if we merged gnome-user-share eventually07:22
mgedminlooks like the postinst script for software-center needs more ram than the 1 gig my asus eeepc 900 has :(08:04
mgedminit's sitting there doing i/o like mad with mouse cursor barely moving08:04
mgedminit got through!  took exactly 30 minutes08:20
mgedminmaybe the disk is just slow (which it is, this asus eeepc has horrible SSDs)08:20
ricotzNoskcaj, will do09:13
ricotzNoskcaj, gnome-getting-started-docs is getting quite a beast with 120+MB09:33
mgedmindoes anybody know which component is handling ctrl+shift+u XXXX unicode input?  is it gtk+ itself or is it ibus?10:20
mgedminwhy is spamassassin's spamd (or at least its init script) on the livecd?  dependency of evolution or something?11:09
psrbhi, is ubuntu gnome 14.10 going to ship gnome-shell 3.12 or 3.14?11:50
mgedminthere will be a ppa with 3.1411:52
mgedminbtw you can always check versions yourself with http://packages.ubuntu.com/gnome-shell11:52
mgedminand for the ppa: https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome3-staging?field.series_filter=utopic11:53
phillipwhen will 14.10 release?15:38
arthurfiggishello :) i just tried out a test install of 14.10 on a laptop...i don't know if anyone else experienced it but i definitely hit a snag that's worth mentioning...in my case at least, when trying to launch "Backups" (deja-dup) it causes some sort of general protection fault in gnome-control-panel...so if you backup with deja-dup you'd have to find a workaround for the moment :(17:38
gpooI wonder if there are known issues with gdm in 14.04.  I could not start a service because it could not load the drm and the intel driver.20:10
gpoowhen I updated the version of gdm (from gnome3-team/stable), it passes that stage but it failed to show the greeter20:10
gpoobecause of lack of permissions in gdm-loadenviroment (iirc)20:11
gpooonly once I booted with init=/lib/systemd/systemd gdm worked fine20:11
gpoonot a big deal, but I only found a hint in debian bugs, which was strange to me, considering the usual amount of information about ubuntu20:12
gpoohas anyone else experienced a similar issue?20:13
darkxstgpoo, I havent heard of that issue before21:11
gpooit might be something local21:22
gpooso far I was happy with lightdm, so I never gave a try to the new gdm.  But now that notifications are set on every time I reboot, I was trying to narrow the issue.21:22
JoeyUGanyone tried to upgrade to gnome 3.14?21:25
gpooI am on that21:26
darkxstgpoo, some intel cards have issues with drm when using kms driver, but in that case gnome-shell wouldnt work either21:44
gpoodarkxst: I was puzzled because of the same reason.  But gdm from gnome3-team/stable did not have the problem with drm, just the permissions to run the greeter.  So, I thought the default gdm in 14.10 maybe was not quite ready.23:35
gpoobtw, this is the bug that was kind of similar to what I was seeing: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=72473123:37
ubot5Debian bug 724731 in gdm3 "[gdm3] gdm does not start properly, cannot login via gdm" [Serious,Open]23:37
gpoothe message #48 suggested to try to boot with "init=/lib/systemd/systemd"23:38
gpoowhich made it work23:38
gpooI checked libsystemd-pam, too, but that looked ok23:39
gpoo3.14... but still my settings (notifications off) is reset after reboot :-/23:44
gpooand I got bitten but a bug in the intel driver to render shadows23:45
gpoounfortunately this commit did not make it: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?h=wip/pango-shadow-cache&id=e663a1f0d8cf2173ffb1d1bbb51b0282dbfc428e23:48

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