
bluesabrequeuebot gets lazy too00:32
rcjqueuebot is processing all of the cloud images, you certainly don't want to see them listed :)00:40
rcjcloud images are ready.  I'll be back before the sun comes up (10am UTC, 5am CDT)00:42
stgraberinfinity: have fun ^02:10
infinitystgraber: Can't make me.02:10
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Riddellrebuilding kubuntu plasma5 for a fault in the login manager08:53
Riddellkubuntu plasma5 working nice now10:19
cjwatsonRiddell: thanks for sorting that out and letting us know10:27
cjwatsonany other fires evident that you can see?10:27
Riddellnope, kubuntu looking good10:28
cjwatsongreat.  it's a bit early here but we'll be getting going in a couple of hours10:29
RiddellI have 6 hours until need to go and play canoe polo, that's your target :)10:37
cjwatsonnot totally sure about that.  do you have a delegate?10:41
apwzequence, hey ... your "release notes" link is broken on your images ... the wiki page is missing11:44
zequenceapw: Thanks. Will check that out.12:02
apwzequence, the good thing is it isn't an issue with the image :)12:11
stgrabergood, nothing scary appeared on the tracker overnight12:25
pitticjwatson: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/187964694/language-pack-af_1%3A14.10%2B20141020_1%3A14.10%2B20141020.1.diff.gz12:28
pitticjwatson: it's in the queue now; sorry about that12:28
cjwatsonpitti: what about the Replaces?12:32
pittiok, now it starts being really embarassing..12:33
pittiok, now grep doesn't have any -an stuff any more12:35
pittibtw, queuebot AWOL?12:35
davmor2pitti: no he is on holiday12:36
cjwatsonpitti: thanks12:43
knomefwiw, moved the xubuntu release announcement to http://xubuntu.org/news/14-10-release/12:45
knomedo i need to worry about changing this url somewhere except the release notes wiki pages?12:45
cjwatsonmlankhorst: is this mesa upload really for utopic final?  it seems ... rather late for a new upstream merge12:46
mlankhorstcjwatson: just let it slide into -proposed, not final :P12:46
cjwatsonthen it can wait until after release12:46
cjwatsonbut that means it will require SRU paperwork12:47
cjwatsonit has no bug reference now12:47
mlankhorstoh indeed, just reject it.12:47
mlankhorstmeant to link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/138428912:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1384289 in mesa (Ubuntu) "mesa 10.3.1 required for mir" [High,Confirmed]12:47
cjwatsonok, done12:47
apwknome, i think infinity will need that for the announce email12:48
knomeinfinity, PING! i moved the xubuntu release announcement to http://xubuntu.org/news/14-10-release/ (to follow our usual format)12:48
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Riddellgoing out for lunch, sms or facebook message or whatsapp message if you need me12:51
cjwatsonRiddell: my understanding is that the agreement is that we won't be publishing Plasma on our side because of the extra PPA thing, but that you're welcome to do so on your side and make sure source is available etc.13:02
cjwatsonthis seems like a good time to confirm that13:02
cjwatsonstarting publishing shortly (obviously will take some time and will be a while after that until we actually release)13:04
jdstrandis it ok to push something to utopic-security, or should I be patient for official release?13:05
jack_infinity, hi, the release announcement of Ubuntu Kylin is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseNotes/Kylin13:27
stgraberjack_: are you guys testing i386 now?13:29
stgrabernevermind, seeing results now13:30
jack_stgraber, yes :)13:30
jack_stgraber, everything is OK. Have a nice day and weekend. lol...13:31
stgraberdarkxst: are your images ready for release (not signed off yet)?13:32
* cjwatson taps fingers waiting for checksumming13:32
infinityjdstrand: Wait until we are 100% positive no one's respinning an image, if it's seeded.13:38
infinityjdstrand: If it's not seeded, you can still get it in the release pocket.13:38
infinityjdstrand: Which package?13:38
infinityjdstrand: Hrm, I don't see anything built for utopic in either of your PPAs.13:40
jdstrandinfinity: ah sorry13:42
jdstrandinfinity: openjdk-713:42
jdstrandoh, did I delete it? I might have accidentally last night. that would've been silly13:43
* jdstrand checks13:43
jdstrandheh, yes I did13:43
jdstrandinfinity: ok, fixed. openjdk-7 in ubuntu-security-proposed13:44
jdstrandinfinity: I'm fine with waiting. I was planning on it, but I can never seem to remember if the images pull in -security when being built13:45
infinityjdstrand: They pull in updates.13:45
infinityjdstrand: Which ends up being the same thing, after the automagic copying.13:45
jdstrandyes, true13:46
jdstrandsounds like I should wait, which is fine13:46
infinityjdstrand: Yeah, you won't be waiting long.13:47
* jdstrand nods13:47
cjwatsonutlemming: can you do your "Update the Cloud images" publishing bit from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseProcess please, if that's appropriate?  I've done most of the cdimage side13:47
Odd_Blokercj: ^13:50
cjwatsonif the contact has changed then please update the above wiki page :)13:51
rcjcjwatson, it's utlemming and myself.  I'll update the page.  The cloud images are staged and ready to be made public.  Shall I start to make them public now?13:52
cjwatsonrcj: yes that should be fine at this point13:52
rcjcjwatson, excellent.  we'll get it going.13:52
utlemmingcjwatson: our publication is going to take a bit longer than usual due to the new ec2 region that just launched.13:55
utlemmingcjwatson: as in launched 1hr ago13:55
cjwatsonutlemming: what kind of time do you think?14:01
cjwatsonrcj: thanks14:01
utlemmingcjwatson: actually I think it will be done shortly. I mistakenly assumed that it would push the new region. I'll add the new region post release.14:04
cjwatsonRiddell: (apparently I mean "statement of policy from us" rather than "agreement"; FWIW this also applies to the Ubuntu Core system-image thing)14:04
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Riddellcjwatson: ho hum, ok14:16
rcjcjwatson, cloud images are public.14:31
jibelinfinity, I finished screen reader tests on desktop. No critical bug found. I didn't test VMWare installation.14:41
Riddellcjwatson: where are the source ISOs?15:13
cjwatsonRiddell: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/utopic/release/source/15:19
cjwatsonwhen that finishes syncing, apparently15:19
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Riddellcjwatson: but of kubuntu-plasma5 ?15:20
cjwatsonRiddell: we're not doing source images of your PPA15:20
cjwatsonthat's your responsibility15:20
cjwatson(your plural)15:20
cjwatsonwas this not made clear?15:21
cjwatsonprobably doesn't need to be an iso, you can just snapshot the PPA and then additionally refer to our source images15:21
Riddellcjwatson: ok I understand now, will do15:24
apwjamespage, let me know when you are done editing ... i have an xorg update to apply15:30
jamespageapw, please go ahead15:30
cjwatsonRiddell: thanks15:33
apwjamespage, done and thanks15:34
Riddelldarkxst: really? http://ubuntugnome.org/ubuntu-gnome-14-10-is-released/16:21
jibelstgraber, shall we remove all the references to edubuntu from the release notes?16:24
stgraberjibel: yes, we are LTS only now16:24
Riddellum, internet died in washington DC?16:36
cjwatsonseems fine here but it's lunchtime16:36
cjwatsonthey probably just closed their laptops16:36
cjwatson(weirdos not using irc in screen ...)16:36
skellatThat would do it16:36
RiddellI'm going to walk home, back online shortly, sms me if problems http://jriddell.org/contact.html16:38
knomeRiddell, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseProcess ?17:10
stgraberknome: ?17:11
knomestgraber, re: a #ubuntu-release-party question :)17:11
stgraberah, I had a feeling I was missing some context there17:12
Riddellknome: maybe a bit too technical for what he wants :)17:12
knomeyeah, sorry for not bringing up the context17:12
knomeRiddell, i guess, but hey, at least it's what he's asking ;)17:12
knomethough yeah, i agree that it would be a nice to have a blog post about that written by a release team member :)17:13
infinityjdstrand: Go ahead and do your security releases if you want, we're not changing anything else at this point.  Just make sure you're copying to the security pocket. ;)17:31
* cjwatson taps fingers for publisher17:31
jdstrandinfinity: thanks!17:57
Riddellare we nearly there yet?18:22
wxldid we not do any release notes about dropping amd64+mac?18:23
ogra_Riddell, go to #ubuntu-release-party with that :P18:23
Riddellit's pretty tame in #ubuntu-release-party this time18:23
knomevery tame..18:23
* cjwatson wonders if Scottish Gaelic is close enough to the above18:23
cjwatsonlooks like it18:24
cjwatsonanyway, web content is pushing18:24
RiddellScottish Gaelic doesn't really have a word for Yes or No, one reason it's a bit nuts as languages go18:24
cjwatsonyes Irish is the same18:25
cjwatsontá = tha I think18:25
wxlif we're not going to have anything in the release notes about amd64+mac dropping, i guess i need to put it in the lubuntu release notes18:25
wxlanyone? bueller?18:25
cjwatsonwxl: it should be in the main ones.  stgraber is writing something now I think18:25
wxlcjwatson: cool thx18:25
wxlhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseNotes ?18:31
cjwatsonanyway release notes don't have to be done before announcement18:32
stgraberoh, I probably should put it somewhere else than in the known issues18:32
wxli don't see it?18:32
wxli see a mention about ati/amd video18:33
stgraberactually, can't think of a better spot :)18:33
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Trusty 14.04.1, Utopic 14.10 | Archive: closed | Utopic Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
cjwatsonthanks all!  (proxying for infinity)18:33
wxlstgraber: that's where i have put similar comments for lubuntu18:33
cjwatsonsomebody who cares wanna go do #ubuntu-release-{announce,party}?18:34
wxlthey already noticed cjwatson :)18:35
wxlstgraber: i still don't see your comment on amd64+mac18:35
Riddellthanks cjwatson, infinity18:35
stgraberwxl: yeah, the wiki is acting weird... I see the text in edit mode but not when accessing the page18:35
cjwatsonwxl: they usually notice hours in advance, but still good to have an official thing if not already18:36
cjwatsonthe archive isn't technically actually closed yet18:36
cjwatsonfinal publisher is still running with some override changes18:36
stgraberand the wiki is mostly unresponsive for me now....18:36
cyphermoxeverybody hitting the release notes...18:37
cjwatsonproposed-migration is stopped18:37
wxlhey at least people read it :)18:37
cyphermoxI'm just guessing18:37
stgraberwxl: try now?18:38
wxlstgraber: done and well worded thank you!!18:39
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* knome bows and thanks the release team once again18:40
elfythanks all18:41
* elfy is often late18:41
knomehmm, wrong channel..18:41
Laneygood to know18:42
knomeisn't it?! :)18:42
ogra_its a unicorn !18:42
knomeogra_, you're very correct sir18:43
Symmetriahrm, no update on www.ubuntu.com for the utopic downloads yet?18:50
rwwthere is for me18:50
elfyand me18:50
Symmetriaaahh there it is, hrm, just trying to figure out why the mrirors arent seeing any increase in traffic yet (and almost zero utopic hits)18:51
Symmetriaaahhh there we go :) it just kicked in on the mirrors, hard :)18:52
mdeslaurcongrats, release team!19:04
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darkxststgraber, yes they were ready21:20

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