
=== MOZZARELLA is now known as mozzarella
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jgdxhello vitimiti10:41
vitimitiHello, jgdx10:41
Zoomy500Is there a way to install a ppa on Ubuntu touch?10:46
chriscZoomy500: mount the root partition read/write and then do it the same as for any other machine?10:52
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jgdxchrisc, if you have phablet tools installed, it's $ phablet-config writable-image11:55
jgdxkenvandine, hey, could you take a look at the cellular ui split[1] The tests are failing but the failures seems spurious. [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/cellular-split-radio-pref-and-data-fix-1378812/+merge/23830412:10
chriscjgdx thanks, all my other computers are running debian so i simply su and then remount rw...12:12
jgdxchrisc, it might be easier for most just to manage it via the file in /userdata/12:22
chriscah, i don't know about that, where is it documented?12:22
jgdxchrisc, here[1] under the section "Enabling read-write mode" [1] http://developer.ubuntu.com/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/12:24
chriscjgdx: thanks12:24
jgdxchrisc, a pleasure!12:24
chriscjgdx: so simply touch /userdata/.writable_image and reboot?12:25
jgdxchrisc, yeah – that probably does exactly the same thing you do, mounting it rw. :)12:26
jgdxI'm not sure actually.12:27
chriscI have this alias set for the phablem user:12:27
chriscalias mnt-root-rw='sudo mount -o rw,remount /'12:27
chriscso i simply do `mnt-root-rw`12:28
chriscwhich saves rebooting...12:29
jgdxchrisc, oh right. Cool12:31
jgdxwhenever I reboot I do $ adb reboot, and then I get 10-15 seconds of free time to think12:31
jgdxit's a small vacation I cherish12:31
chrisci only reboot when the gui is so messed up that a /etc/init/d/lightdb restart doesn't sort it12:32
chriscmy android phone need far more rebooth than my ubuntu phone12:33
jgdxwell that's good!12:33
jgdxchrisc, if you find the time though, you might want to do a $ ubuntu-bug # or similar when you're in the messed up state12:33
jgdxbetter to file too many bugs than too few12:34
chriscok, but i'm running devel and updating via apt...12:34
chrisci have posted some bugs12:34
chrisclike no ability to use a socks proxy with the web browser, think that was the last...12:34
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dobeyTassadar_: hey. it seems the hammerhead builds aren't happening for devel-proposed or rtm channels at the moment12:51
Tassadar_devel-proposed is 297 same as on s-i.u.com12:52
Tassadar_and rtmp-proposed is on 104, same as on s-i.u.com12:53
Tassadar_if there are no new builds, then ubuntu build server simply has no new builds12:53
dobeyTassadar_: my n5 isn't showing an update as available12:54
Tassadar_which version do you have?12:54
dobey103 from 14.09-proposed12:55
Tassadar_try running system-image-cli -n -v via adb/ssh12:55
Tassadar_http://system-image.tasemnice.eu/ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed/hammerhead/ 104 is definitelly there13:00
dobey[systemimage] Oct 23 08:57:34 2014 (19199) [0xb5fd7350] Running group download reactor13:01
dobeyand it's hanged there13:01
Tassadar_dobey: weird, I assume you tried rebooting?13:05
dobeyTassadar_: not exactly, but i hadn't seen any updates for probably over a week on devel-proposed and flashed to rtm propsed last night; got 10313:06
Mirvtsdgeos: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qttools-opensource-src/+bug/113539413:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1135394 in qttools-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "qtconfig isn't getting built" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:07
Tassadar_you can try accessing system-image.tasemnice.eu via web browser on your phone, to see if you can even get on that server13:07
dobeyhrmm, it's not resolving for some reason :-/13:10
dobeynow it works; for some reason it dropped the network13:12
baudbaudHey, I was in here a couple days ago asking about using non-Click applications on Unity 8.13:12
baudbaudI tried running the Unity Next daily iso on a new x86_64 tablet, but clicking on text areas didn't bring up the on-screen keyboard13:12
baudbaudThe "try Ubuntu without installing" option didn't have a terminal app, which would have been immensely useful13:13
dobeyTassadar_: so i can wget that url, but seems the update isn't showing up13:13
baudbaudWhen I was last here, I was told that there currently isn't a good place to file bugs like these. Is that still the case?13:13
Tassadar_dobey: system-image-cli is still stuck?13:14
dobeyTassadar_: yes13:14
Tassadar_have you tried rebooting?13:14
dobeynot yet13:14
dobeyTassadar_: still stuck at that point, and no updates in the updates list13:17
Tassadar_dunno what to tell you13:18
Tassadar_I'm gonna try it in the evening once I get home13:18
dobeyi'm trying to do this on cellular data13:19
Tassadar_maybe try wiping /cache13:20
Tassadar_or see if it is full13:20
Tassadar_*check if it is full13:20
Tassadar_well, my ntb's battery is almost dead, bye for now13:21
dobeydon't see any full partitions really. /lib/modules is 99%, but not sure why that is13:24
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mterry_pmcgowan, can you make bug 1382212 critical?14:45
ubot5bug 1382212 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[wizard] selecting terms and conditions link for HERE continues to next screen" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138221214:45
pmcgowanmterry_,it doesnt need to be critical to land, just reviewed on the wishlist14:47
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mterry_pmcgowan, ah...  OK.  well that then14:47
pmcgowanmterry_, so add to that spreadsheet14:47
* mterry_ has not read some emails about the process I guess14:47
mterry_found it14:48
pmcgowanmterry_, I added it14:58
pittiogra_: yay! just upgraded to image 104 (mako), and dpkg -l *autopilot* is empty!15:11
ogra_pitti, yeah !15:12
ogra_pitti, 40MB shoved off the rootfs tarball15:12
ogra_and no obvious issues in smoke testing15:13
pittiogra_: I'm running a test with adt-run now, to make sure that we can cover the "missing" packages with the "unpack into /tmp" trick15:13
ogra_let me know how it goes15:13
ogra_plars, ^^^15:13
pittiogra_: I'm quite sure I need to teach it some additional tricks (like the autopilot udev rule), but let's see :)15:13
pittiogra_: oh, and did you notice that rsalveti found/fixed the RTM emulator breakage?15:14
pittic'est un bon jour15:14
ogra_yep, we are just discussion how to land it in #ubuntu-ci-eng15:14
ogra_it is !15:15
ogra_10 years ... and unicorns everywhere !15:15
pittiogra_: oh yeah, adt-run is now pulling in a gazillion packages15:15
ogra_and everything seems to work smoothly today15:15
pittiogra_: *shhht*, don't say that in a public channel!15:15
* pitti fends off Dr. Murphy15:15
ogra_we have unicorn protectioon today ... murphy is out til tomorrow15:16
pittiogra_: so as far as CI and testing goes, it's likely that we can keep this?15:16
pittiogra_: oh, right!15:16
ogra_pitti, i asked plars to keep an eye out on the tests (i cant imagine we do not actually have at least one or two small regressions) but it seems all good so far15:17
pittiogra_: well, p-test-run just apt-get installs everything with r/w, so that shouldn't make a difference?15:17
pittiso adt-run doesn't work right now, I'll figure that out15:18
ogra_yeah, indeed15:18
plarsogra_: still running, though reminders seems stuck on the auth issues15:18
plarsTypeError: Argument 1 does not allow None as a value15:19
ogra_buit thats old15:19
plarsballoons: ? I thought that worked now, or at least would make progress past that point15:19
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plarsogra_: indeed, but if there are other things that were slated to run after and it gets stuck it could block them15:19
* balloons reads backlog15:19
balloonsplars, mm indeed, reminders should not be getting stuck15:21
ogra_plars, how did 123 finishe then ?15:22
ogra_it seems to have run fine over night15:22
mterry_kenvandine_, btw attached bug to that location-three-options MP15:28
pittiogra_: oh right, we also pulled autopilot-qt; so Qt doesn't see the ap-qt module in /tmp/.../15:30
pittibut when I wrote the qtsensors tests I figured out how to load Qt modules from the build tree, the same trick should apply15:30
pittisome more of these, and we can install a full distro into /tmp without root or writable / :)15:31
plarsogra_: 123 finished a long time ago I think15:34
ogra_plars, right15:34
maxviwhen ubuntu phones will be released ?15:34
plarsogra_: going to be in a session for quite a while, and probably can't talk much15:34
ogra_plars, well, 123 was the last image ... with the dropped AP15:34
ogra_and reminders finished fine15:35
plarsright, this is on mako that I'm watching though - 104 I think15:35
ogra_oh, ok15:35
ogra_i wonder why that would be device specific15:35
ogra_sounds more like a racy thing15:36
ogra_maxvi, soon15:36
plarsogra_: on 123,camera had quite a few more failures - might be one to check15:38
pittiogra_: do you have a package delta for the autopilot drop?15:56
ogra_pitti, indeed i do (sorry, was afk) http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/123.changes16:05
pittiogra_: thanks; that's pretty much what I figured out now too16:06
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pittiapparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="com.ubuntu.calculator_calculator_1.3.334" name="/tmp/adt-run.Rjh6Qi/deps/usr/lib/libqttestability.so.1.0.0" pid=19165 comm="qmlscene" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=32011 ouid=016:12
pittiogra_: oh! that would explain it :)16:12
ogra_pitti, didnt you call "phablet-config autopilot --dbus-probe enable" ?16:15
pittidoes anyone know where I can find that apparmor profile?16:15
pittiogra_: yes I did, but that only allows dbus, not file access16:15
jdstrandpitti: /var/lib/apparmor/profiles16:15
pittijdstrand: cheers; that's built dynamically?16:16
pittijdstrand: so as we don't install the autopilot qt modules any more, we need to put them into /tmp (or another writable path); I figure I need to dynamically adjust the rules to also allow reading from /tmp/<unpack dir>16:17
jdstrandpitti: when a click is installed, the click-apparmor system hook is run. that calls aa-clickhook which takes the security manifest in /var/lib/apparmor/clicks and generates the profile in /va/rlib/apparmor/profiles16:18
jdstrandpitti: yes, it sounds like you need to do the same thing that autopilot does16:18
pittijdstrand: right, ap dynamically adds the dbus rule16:18
jdstrandpitti: right16:18
pittijdstrand: I don't install a click, I test the installed ones, but should be the same principle indeed16:19
pittijdstrand: sudo vi /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/click_com.ubuntu.calculator_calculator_1.3.334 won't work, I need to reload apparmor, right?16:19
pitti(for a first test)16:19
jdstrandpitti: so you have whatever rules you need in a profile, then run 'aa-clickhook -f --include=yourfile16:19
jdstrandpitti: well, hold on16:19
jdstrandpitti: that aa-clickhook --include is your long term solution16:20
jdstrandpitti: for just testing your rules, modify the profile in /var/lib/apparmor/profiles, then do 'sudo apparmor_parser -r /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/...'16:20
jdstrand'-r' is for reload16:20
pittiah, that's what I was looking for, cheers16:21
pittiblimey, it works!16:21
pittiso, initctl set-env QT_PLUGIN_PATH, adjust apparmor, and there we go \o/16:21
jdstrandnice! :)16:22
pittijdstrand: so obviously directly finding and modifying /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/click_com.ubuntu.calculator_calculator_1.3.334 isn't right; what would you recommend how to do that for all click apps?16:23
pittijdstrand: does does it actually have to happen per-click? (then I can re-use the same logic as AP)16:24
jdstrandpitti: for all click apps, that is what 'aa-clickhook -f --include=<your_rules_file>' is for16:25
jdstrandpitti: that will add whatever is in <your_rules_file> to all the policy in /var/lib/apparmor/profiles16:26
pittijdstrand: ah, easy!16:26
jdstrandpitti: if you are running autopilot tests, you'll want to add those rules too. I just checked and aa-clickhook does not allow specifying --include multiple times, so I'll file a bug. however, to work around it you can just cat /usr/share/autopilot-touch/apparmor/click.rules to the end of your rules file16:28
jdstrand(perhaps as part of your script, so you don't have to maintain your autopilot rules)16:29
Chipacalarsu: bug 138481116:29
ubot5bug 1384811 in Messaging Menu "indicator-messages quoting of application names overwrites version numbers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138481116:29
larsuChipaca: lp:~larsu/indicator-messages/allow-numbers-in-object-paths16:30
larsutedg: can you have a look at this please? https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/indicator-messages/allow-numbers-in-object-paths/+merge/23941016:31
jdstrandpitti: fyi, bug #138481216:33
ubot5bug 1384812 in click-apparmor (Ubuntu) "should be able to specify multiple paths with aa-clickhook --include" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138481216:33
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pittisergiusens: btw, do you know why ubuntu-emulator snapshot --revert-pristine doesn't really revert?17:37
pittisergiusens: the qemu images do seem to have snapshots, but after that I get a configured phone with my files instead of a first-time wizard with a pristine fs17:37
sergiusenspitti: I'd have to look into that as I just "imported" the same logic that was already there17:38
pittisergiusens: my current workaround is to cp -r the entire instance dir, but that's a bit unwieldy17:38
tsdgeosrenatu: font?17:38
sergiusenspitti: it is17:38
pittisergiusens: ah ok; not that important, I just wanted to know whether "revert" was actually supposed to do that, as opposed to just wiping /userdata or so17:38
pittisergiusens: (i. e. I want to clean up after apt-getting stuff)17:39
larsutedg: thanks for the quick review ;)17:39
renatutsdgeos, https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/moztt/commit/2372e891b10ff9a7382bbb4fbcd439a75cebd20617:42
renatutsdgeos, this is the discussing bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/+bug/113763017:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1137630 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Emojis are not shown in ubuntu applications (and phone)" [Medium,In progress]17:43
tsdgeosrenatu: kfontview doesn't like that font either17:46
tsdgeosbut i can show other emojis fine17:46
tsdgeosi.e do you see 😉 ?17:46
tsdgeosrenatu: also that Noto font is weird fontforge doesn't like it either17:48
renatutsdgeos, yes but they are not colored :D17:48
tsdgeosi get a few17:50
tsdgeosno clue how that important is17:50
tsdgeoscan't help more17:50
pittijdstrand: oh, you are saying that I can't run aa-clickhook twice with a different file each time? i. e. would the second run undo the first one?17:56
jdstrandpitti: that is correct, but I gave a workaround in the bug17:56
pittijdstrand: ack, thanks17:58
pittijdstrand: it's not actually a big deal for me17:58
jdstrandok. I'll fix it the next time I have a click-apparmor upload then17:58
* vitimiti is back18:10
afmanyone working on porting that can offer some guidence?18:36
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pittijdstrand: hmm, what am I doing wrong here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8643956/18:43
pittijdstrand: NB I'm testing an already installed click18:43
jdstrandpitti: you also need '-f' to aa-clickhook18:44
pittijdstrand: oh - that's the really expensive one, right?18:44
jdstrandthat changes all of the profiles to have the new rules, the compiles them, then loads them into the kernel18:45
pittijdstrand: I know the click's name, so perhaps instead of -f I could just regenerate the profile for that click?18:45
jdstrandaa-clickhook without -f only updates files where the profile is missing18:45
pittijdstrand: ah, that was the touch -h /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/${name}_*_${version}.json18:46
jdstrandpitti: you could rm -f /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/<profile> ; aa-clickhook --include=...18:46
jdstrandright, or touch the manifest18:46
jdstrandeither will work18:46
pittijdstrand: it works with -f18:46
pittijdstrand: thanks muchly for your help18:46
pittijdstrand: I already use that other workaround for a locally installed click package, so I'll see to factorizing this18:47
pittibut, AP tests now working with uninstalled autopilot and r/o image18:47
veeberspitti: nice18:49
dobeyjhodapp: what project/package should i file a bug against for the AudioEngine api?19:00
Tassadar_dobey: I installed 103 from 14.09-proposed and it downloaded 104 just fine19:01
jhodappdobey, what's the issue?19:01
dobeyTassadar_: thanks19:01
Tassadar_does it still not work for you?19:01
dobeyjhodapp: it appears to read wav data over a named pipe, but doesn't actually play it through the speakers19:01
dobeyTassadar_: it doesn't.19:02
Tassadar_maybe strace system-image-cli to see what is it hanging on19:02
Tassadar_or just ctrl+c, it is python, it will show backtrace19:02
jhodappdobey, file it against qtubuntu-media19:02
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jgdxWhy are we using ListItem.Standard as header in USS?19:02
dobeyTassadar: yeah but ^C just shows KeyboardInterrupt19:03
Tassadarmaybe it is turned off?19:04
dobeyTassadar: what is turned off?19:04
Tassadarprinting the whole backtrace19:04
Tassadaralso, check if you have enough space in /cache19:04
Tassadaror what is in cache, might be something is blocking it for some reason19:05
dobeylet me check. df -h didn't show it as full19:05
dobeyjhodapp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtubuntu-media/+bug/138487619:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1384876 in qtubuntu-media (Ubuntu) "Playing from named pipe does not work" [Undecided,New]19:16
dobeyTassadar: /cache/recover/ only has 400K in it, so I doubt that's the problem :-/19:17
jhodappdobey, thanks19:17
Tassadaryou can try deleting it, just to be sure19:17
Tassadaranyway, you have tried reboot already, right?19:17
dobeyTassadar: yes19:17
Tassadardunno what to tell you, it works for me and the images are there19:17
Tassadarmaybe bug barry, he works on system-image-cli (and isn't here right now)19:18
dobeyTassadar: ok, i let it sit there for a while and it seems to have thrown a TimeoutError now19:30
dobeyah well19:30
Tassadarthe internet tubes might be clogged up with cats or something19:31
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jgdxseb128, $ bzr ci -m "sweet header items" && bzr push19:55
jgdxlet me know how it goes!19:55
kenvandineseb128, i let the secret out about your header fix :)19:55
kenvandineseb128, now jgdx is drooling for it19:55
jgdxI've been dreaming about it for months19:55
charlesnik90, it looks like we may also need to ping (zsombi? renatu?)  to bring them in on bug #136234119:57
ubot5bug 1362341 in Indicator Date and Time "OneTime alarms are not automatically dismissed or delete after they are triggered" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136234119:57
charlesnik90, I have indicator-datetime marking the one-time alarms as disabled, as we agreed on, in my megabranch19:57
charlesnik90, ie, tasks.ics gets updated s.t. the categories reads:19:58
charlesnik90, but clock-app doesn't update itself when that happens19:58
nik90charles: oh19:58
charlesnik90, I don't know if that's a clock-app issue or a lower level one19:58
charlesnik90, if you've got clock-app listening for that kind of change already, I can look at the lower levels and see if I can find the problem19:59
nik90charles: I think its a lower level issue19:59
charlesnik90, ack. I'll investigate19:59
nik90since the Alarms SDK should technically listen for those changes19:59
nik90charles: when I mean lower level, I mean the Alarms SDK API19:59
nik90I think zsombi can provide a more educated answer to this19:59
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mterryboiko, heyo!  You actually online?20:02
boikomterry: yep20:02
mterryboiko, so in terms of listening for when to stop a ringtone, you should be able to just listen to Powerd signals (i.e. I don't think unity8 needs to be involved yet)20:03
boikomterry: that's nice, I remember someone mentioning unity8 was eating those events and that's why we thought we would need it to forward them20:03
mterryboiko, we listen for those same events on DBus20:04
boikomterry: nice! would you mind to point me to this code?20:05
mardyricmm: hi! I have a problem with the network on one device (QNetworkManager is taking 10 seconds to initialize), do you know who could help me debug the issue?20:05
mterryboiko, you can see an example in unity8/plugins/Powerd/20:05
mterryboiko, ah, the signal is from unity-system-compositor, not actually powerd20:06
mterryboiko, but same difference20:06
boikomterry: nice! thanks!20:06
mterryboiko, you want to look at the code that listens to DisplayPowerStateChange20:06
mterryboiko, (eventually you want to actually just pay attention to actual power button presses, not screen off events -- but that requires some re-architecting that isn't happening in short term)20:06
ogra_pitti, bug 138484120:08
ubot5bug 1384841 in tzdata (Ubuntu RTM) "Need to sync tzdata into RTM before final image goes out" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138484120:08
onehello everyone20:25
onehey i had to come and ask if anyones been porting the ubuntu phone os for any mtk chipset ?20:29
pittiogra_: I'm always fine to upload stuff directly -- I'm a core-dev :-)20:38
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pittiogra_: and FTR, big +1 on syncing20:39
ogra_pitti, well, better hope that olli didnt see that sentence :P20:39
mekohow do get ubunto on sony20:39
pittiogra_: *shrug* :)20:41
mardycyphermox: hi! Do you have a few minutes to talk about bug 1380683?21:02
ubot5bug 1380683 in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Web app requiring account, and "Online Accounts" account screen, disappear without explanation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138068321:02
cyphermoxerr, sure, but I'm not sure just yet how I'll be able to help21:02
mardycyphermox: eh, let's see :-) which room are you in?21:03
cyphermoxI'm in the phonedations room21:03
mardycyphermox: ok, coming21:03
mardylpotter: hi! cyphermox told me that you are working on QNAM21:12
mardylpotter: can you please have a look at bug 1380683?21:13
ubot5bug 1380683 in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Web app requiring account, and "Online Accounts" account screen, disappear without explanation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138068321:13
lpotterthe QtBearer backend was/is in need of much love21:13
mardylpotter: in some cases, the device (N4) gets into a state where instantiating a QNAM takes 10 seconds21:13
lpotteroff the top of my head, I blame synchronous dbus calls... which _should_ be resolved upstream soon21:14
mardylpotter: it always takes about 10 seconds, so it really looks like a timeout21:15
lpotterupstream being 5.4, since 5.3 is rather closed21:15
mardylpotter: I wonder what's the timeout on the dbus system bus...21:15
lpotterahh. ok21:15
lpotterless than 20 seconds by default.21:16
lpottererr 10 even21:16
sergiusensmvo_: hey, can you tell me what I'm doing wrong here? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8645830/21:25
charlesmihir, ping21:35
mihircharles: pong21:36
charlesmihir, how does calendar-app read/save its events to EDS?21:36
mihircharles: we use QtOrganizer 5.021:38
mihircharles: so we create/modify an object of Event.21:38
charlesmihir, it looks like it's going straight to qtorganizer5-eds inside of EventListModel21:38
mihircharles: nope if you see save Function it does save to model.21:39
mihir            pageStack.pop();21:40
charlesmihir, I should have phrased that better, it looks like it's using eds as the backend (ie, qtorganizer5-eds) and is instantiating the model in EventListModel21:41
charlesand in the NewEvent, it calls model.saveItem() with the model it got from root.model.getCollections(), which is implemented in EventListModel21:42
charlesmihir, I haven't done a huge amount of QML and am just making sure that I'm understanding the flow right :)21:42
mihircharles: yes we are using EDS as backend which is communicating to evolution calendar.21:43
mihircharles: does that make sense21:43
charlesmihir, ya.21:43
charlesI was just trying to understand where the QtOrganizer came from and how NewEvent was using it21:44
charlesI'm trying to figure out where the timezone bug is, datetime, calendar-app, or qt5organizer-eds21:44
charlesrenatu: ^ :-)21:44
charlesmihir, thanks21:45
mihircharles: np21:45
charlesmihir, one last question, that model is a QOrganizerManager, right?21:46
renatucharles, we just merged this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtorganizer5-eds/trunk/revision/6621:47
renatucharles, maybe it fixes the bug21:47
charlesrenatu, is it in the images yet?21:48
renatuI do not know21:48
charlesrenatu, ok. I'll take a look. thanks for the link :)21:48
renatumihir, could you test this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-atthendee-list/+merge/23946021:49
renatumihir, check if you still having problems with all day events21:49
renatucharles, do you have the last image?21:49
charlesrenatu, I'm seeing the calendar-app issue in rtm r10221:50
renatucharles, check if the qtorganizer5-eds version is  0.1.1+14.10.20141010-0ubuntu121:50
renatucharles, do you have the link to the bug?21:51
charlesphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ dpkg -s qtorganizer5-eds | grep Version21:51
charlesVersion: 0.1.1+14.10.20141001.4-0ubuntu121:51
charlesnine days older21:51
charlesrenatu, do you have an armhf handy? :-)21:51
charlesrenatu, sure, one moment21:51
charlesrenatu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/137225421:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1372254 in Ubuntu Calendar App "New Event in Calendar app not scheduled for the correct time zone." [Undecided,Confirmed]21:52
charlesrenatu, ics porn in comment #721:52
renatucharles, try that: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-1311165/+merge/23714221:52
charlesthis sounds a lot like your fix21:52
charlesrenatu, ok21:52
charlesrenatu, was that really only two weeks ago? that review feels like... ~6 weeks ago :P21:53
renatucharles, it got stuck due the SDK release21:54
charlesrenatu, mihir, installing the armhf deb and re-testing21:55
charlesI bet this is the fix21:55
mihirrenatu: sure i'll do that and let you know tomorrow. my calendar doesn't work on device21:56
charlesmihir, iirc there's also an autopilot test bug reported on calendar-app that's also related to timezones... might see if renatu's patch fixes that as well21:57
mihircharles: yup may be it should.21:57
mihircharles: i can double check this.21:57
* charles curses at ubuntu-ui-toolkit for not supporting 12h in the time picker21:58
charlesmihir, renatu: whoo https://www.dropbox.com/s/i371p98wzrdyrgy/2014-10-23%2017.59.19.jpg?dl=022:00
mihircharles: Woohhh :D finally22:00
mihircharles: i am curious to know what it Event name and clock icon ?22:01
charlesmihir, it's because I typed "Event name" for the event name, and because RTM still has the icon bug22:02
renatucharles, great22:03
charlesmihir, I've got it now using the "calendar" and "calendar-today" icons22:03
mihircharles: great :)22:03
mihircharles: I am happy as it is not misguide  now to users22:04
charlesmihir, let's say you create a 9:00 event for a week from now, and sometime over the next week you go to a different timezone22:09
charlesmihir, should the event be triggered at 9:00 of the timezone you're in next week?22:09
charlesif so, this calendar.ics is still wrong :(22:09
mihircharles: good question.22:09
mihircharles: but again it should be depend on your phone timezone right?22:09
charlesafter renatu's patch, the timestamp's being converted to utc and then saved in utc22:10
charleswhich is an improvement, since they're both the same now :)22:11
charlesbut let's say you leave VA this weekend... how can EDS know what offset to apply to reverse that UTC-ification?22:11
charlesmihir, does that make sense? We're in UTC-4, so when saved to calendar.ics the DTSTART gets 4 hours added to it22:12
charlesbut there's no way to know "four hours" is the magic number when we're in a different timezone22:13
charlesprobably better to save these as floating times and leave UTC out of it entirely22:13
mvo_sergiusens: hi, sorry, only just now saw it, can we debug tomorrow?22:15
mihircharles: hmmm22:16
mihircharles: may be we can do that.22:16
mihircharles: but still i am not sure.22:16
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
renatucharles, mihir , yes if you want the event to be in a fixed time even if you change the device timezone you need to save it as floating time, like the alarm does22:27
renatucharles, mihir, but this is not common on calendar events since they are events and events are based on timezones22:27
renatucharles, mihir, but both case are supported by qtorganizer-eds22:28
mihirrenatu: charles we need to discuss and come out for the conclusion how should we store this.22:39
mihirbut yes as of now charles let's keep it fix in UTC22:39
mardylpotter: hi! still there?22:43
mardylpotter: I was just looking at the proposed changes to qnam, and I think I saw some problems in https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/97542/22:44
mardylpotter: I'll comment there22:44

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