
daftykinsdiddledan_: the one that's in place blocking foreigners from watching? hmm00:15
diddledan_daftykins: no, not quite, I mean the one that's in place blocking people with a hard-line in the uk going to a uk flat from watching in that uk flat via the uk hard-line00:16
daftykinserr really?00:17
diddledan_yup, seems amazingstoke is too amazing and exotic for the beeb00:29
diddledan_either that or it's because it's sky broadband and the beeb feel threatened by sky so they're actively targetting subscribers00:30
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=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
roshani want to hide my computer from windows07:59
roshani'm using ubuntu 14.04 lts07:59
roshanhelp me07:59
roshani need to hide ubuntu from wireless neywork from ubuntu08:00
roshanfrom windows*08:00
diploPeople are just starting work roshan, may take time to reply08:01
diploHow do you mean hide? As in not share files ?08:01
roshanno like the turning off network discovery in windows08:01
roshanand please help me08:01
roshani'ma newbie to ubuntu08:01
diploNetwork discovery just turns off things like showing shares etc I believe08:03
diploSo unless you've specifically shared files etc this shouldn't be an issue08:03
diploOut of the box most distros are fairly locked down08:04
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
roshanso my computer wontshow up in the network folder?08:16
roshanunless i share files manually?08:16
zmoylan-piunless you share folders i think, i've never had success in making windows see linux08:17
foobarrywish i could charge my phone with wifi08:23
foobarrysince my home broadband is down :(08:24
foobarrywasn't there a fake kickstarter about that?08:24
zmoylan-piyou could charge your phone via wifi but the power delivered would take days if not weeks08:26
diploIt's doable afaik, charging wirelessly but not perfected or cheap enough yet ?08:26
zmoylan-pididn't bayliss the guy who made the clockwork radio charge a phone with a charger powered by walking.  and that was a nokia and not a iphone.  and it still took days08:27
foobarryi mean "charge"08:28
foobarryas in load up on wifi data at work and use it from home08:28
foobarryi was being silly08:28
roshanso windows cant see linux or ubuntu?08:28
zmoylan-pioffline readers work to08:28
zmoylan-picalibre has a facility to turn websites into ebooks08:29
zmoylan-pii used to love avantgo when i used palm 15 years ago.  bring top 30 websites in your pocket every sync08:29
zmoylan-pipocket is a smartphone app that does it for articles you want to read later, perfect for offline browsing08:30
diploroshan, you could probably ping each machine on the network but other than that you won't be able to do much, I believe sshd is not installed by default either so yeah it would be seen as a device on the network but very little would be accessible if anything08:31
roshanso is ubuntu invisible to windows by default?08:31
roshani dont want others to see me at all....far sharing!i searched for some solutions but all i got was some firewall crap,,,help i just switched from windows!08:33
zmoylan-piby default they can't see your files08:34
BigRedSroshan: Windows (I think) sets up some network shares by default. Ubuntu doesn't.08:34
BigRedSso if you don't manually and explicitly set them up there will be nothing for Windows to see08:34
roshanoh then i have no worries about the other people seeing me?08:37
roshancoz i cracked my neighbours wifi08:38
zmoylan-pitechnically illegal08:38
roshanits my friend and most of the time he does it too08:38
roshani on the other hand dont know how to and fyi my brother helped08:39
DJonesProbably not a good thing to admit to doing in a logged channel08:40
=== ross is now known as Guest52384
Guest52384so how do i turn off network sharing?08:42
diploUnless you've turned it on, it's off by default as we mentioned earlier08:42
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:02
zmoylan-pimroning mammals09:03
brobostigonmorning zmoylan-pi09:03
isleofmandanWhat time will the Unicorn show up? I have to go to work in a bit and was hoping to kick off the official download...09:10
zmoylan-piis it there yet? :-p09:11
isleofmandannope :)09:11
zmoylan-piis it there yet? :-D09:12
isleofmandanAlthough from running the betas, I think it's just 14.04.1 with a new number. :)09:12
isleofmandanI've had a lot of interest in people wanting to switch to GNU/Linux since I gave a few talks on the island. Was hoping to hand out shiny new 14.10 DVDs this weekend. But I need time to download and burn.09:13
zmoylan-pii usually just keep the iso on my usb drive if someone wants a copy09:15
isleofmandanI always have a USB of the latest (14.04.1 at the mo) Ubuntu with me, but some people like to take something away to try at home.09:16
isleofmandanIt's all gone quite well timing-wise. By accident rather than planning.  I gave a talk on Free software as part of Software Freedom Day. That got people talking, so I was asked to do a talk on Linux on the desktop. That was last weekend, so it'd be good to rock up this week with shiny new Utopic Unicorn :)09:18
isleofmandanI'm on a one man mission to make Ubuntu the default OS for the Isle of Man :)09:18
isleofmandanSometimes I feel like my country doesn't even exist though: http://www.ubuntu.com/phone/register   - missing from here!09:20
BigRedSI mentioned the new release to my brother yesterday09:21
BigRedS"if it doesn't have wobbly windows I'm not interested"09:21
isleofmandan:) I miss those.09:22
isleofmandanRight. Off to work. TTFN.09:25
AzelphurUhh, so this is fun. I have an LG G Watch, put it in ADB sideload mode, ADB says the device isn't connected, watch is stuck at the ADB sideload screen.09:37
zmoylan-pihave you tried turning if off and back on again?09:38
Azelphurzmoylan-pi: that's the problem, the G Watch has no physical buttons...I can't turn it off09:38
zmoylan-piso this doesn't work? http://www.mylgphones.com/how-to-factory-reset-the-lg-g-watch-lg-w100.html09:40
Azelphurzmoylan-pi: YES THERES A RESET BUTTON09:41
shaunowell this is fun.  "here's app, document it".  :/09:41
Azelphurthank you09:41
zmoylan-pii like how they use an iphone reset dohickey to reset it :-p09:41
* zmoylan-pi felt as helpless first time i had to reset my ipod09:42
* zmoylan-pi is fan of manual physical switches AND removeable batteries09:44
shaunowelcome to 2014, enjoy your stay ;)09:45
* zmoylan-pi hugs my nokia asha 201 which has both :-)09:45
Myrttithe sad thing about that 25mm/31mm hose is that I can't find a pipe collar. I wonder if a food funnel would work.09:48
shaunoI gotta ask .. context?09:52
Myrttiwedding bouquet handle09:52
Myrttihollow to allow electronics, clear to allow to see the status (charge) LED's09:53
zmoylan-piand what electronics dare we ask are in the bouquet? :-)09:54
zmoylan-pito tweet from the alter?09:54
shaunoor to make lightsaber soundeffects when it's moved ;)09:55
MyrttiAdafruit Pro Trinket 3.3V, Adafruit Pro Trinket LiPoly/LiIon Backpack to charge the battery, 2200mAh LiPoly, 5-15 Neopixels and possibly RF communications.09:55
zmoylan-piooooh, good idea09:55
shaunowhat kinda collar do you have in mind?  wouldn't the plant stuff cover the end?09:56
czajkowskiAlanBell: http://surrey.lug.org.uk/Meetings/PubMeets/Archive/2014102909:57
MyrttiI feel daft now. There's actual ready made bouquet collars.09:58
* zmoylan-pi wonders how many are shipped with a usb port :-p10:00
AlanBellczajkowski: looks interesting, will try to make that :)10:00
czajkowskiAlanBell: let the other one know as well10:07
czajkowskiwonder how many -uk folks are in Surrey ?10:07
Myrttiooh, he's aliveeeee10:07
brobostigonsuggestions welcome, what do i get myself for christmas?10:41
DJonesbrobostigon: Hudl2 + case10:42
zmoylan-pi3-4 rasp pis :-)10:42
brobostigonmy nexus7 still does the job perfectly, no need for a new tablet yet.10:42
brobostigonzmoylan-pi: i already have two. :)10:44
brobostigonyes, one does that job.10:44
foobarryget a better pvr :P10:46
* brobostigon approves of that idea.10:47
DJonesbrobostigon: a penny under £140.00 http://www.firebox.com/product/6714/Parrot-Jumping-Sumo10:47
brobostigonlooks interesting.10:48
foobarrybrobostigon: do you have a hp microserver10:51
brobostigoni dont, no.10:51
foobarryall card carrying irc members of #ubuntu-uk  are required to own one10:53
foobarrysurprised it's not in the topic10:54
brobostigoni see.10:55
shaunoI never seem to catch the rebate periods.  whenever I remember it exists, I just missed it :/10:55
Myrttiooh, I'm a card carrier then too10:55
Dave2the rebate period for HP microservers seemed to be approximately 2 eternities long10:58
Dave2they don't seem to do those microservers any more though10:59
Dave2just the expensive ones10:59
foobarrysomethings gone wrong11:00
foobarryboguht one few months ago for 12911:00
shaunothe problem I seem to have is that hp-ireland never had the rebates at the same time as hp-uk.  so every time people got excited about them, hp-ireland left me disappointed11:04
zmoylan-pithat does seem to be hp-irelands job :-)11:05
shaunowell, I shouldn't rag on them too hard, last I heard the site across the road are all still waiting to find out who keeps their jobs :/11:07
foobarryi didn't get a rebate, it was already cheap11:08
zmoylan-pii'd like to feel sad for them but after dealing with their field engineers and navigating their phone directory menus.... no11:09
foobarryrebates suck11:09
shaunoI get the impression the lot here are all doing something cloudy  (since I have the cloud-to-butt chrome extension, and their job postings are usually hilarious)11:14
brobostigonafternoodlings popey11:53
BigRedSIs it generally the case that if I have a thing installed on an amd64 system I can add i686 to dpkg and install it in 686 too? Or is it only some subset of packages?13:02
directhexBigRedS: it's a subset of packages.13:08
directhex"dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" will tell you if you already have multiarch enabled (in which case apt-get install packagename:i386 gets you the 32-bit version)13:09
BigRedSyeah, but should I be able to install packagename:i386 for any value of packagename ?13:19
BigRedSI know this is/was intended for libs, but should it be possible to do this with binaries?13:19
BigRedSI'm wondering if a 32-bit ghostscript will solve a problem I'm having elsewhere, for some background13:19
BigRedSah, just saw the "it's a subset of packages" message :) So it's a try-it-and-see, perhaps13:20
popeyyou can just "apt install foo:i386" on an amd64 install13:24
ali1234and if it breaks you get to keep the pieces13:24
BigRedSthat was more what I was wondering. If it doesn't work for some reason, is that a bug or me doing a thing I'm not supposed to be able to do?13:25
ali1234a large number of packages don't support multiarch, even more have conflicts that prevent you having more than one arch installed13:25
BigRedSah, that's the sort of thing I was expecting13:26
BigRedSmight need to be less brute-forcey...13:26
ali1234many packages aren't even arch-specific13:26
ali1234like software written in python for example13:26
ali1234i'm not actually sure what it will say if you try to install the i386 version of one of those13:27
BigRedSE: Unable to locate package sendmailwrapper13:28
BigRedSsendmailwrapper's a package we've got here whose arch is 'any' (or 'all', whatever perl scripts are supposed to be)13:28
BigRedSso I guess it can't find it 'cause it doesn't exist in that arch13:28
brobostigonapt-cache search13:40
shaunopopey: thanks for 'halt catch fire'.  I've pretty much just binge-watched it.14:47
popeygood isnt it?14:47
diddledan_that looks fun15:03
* diddledan_ adds it to his "dvr"15:03
daftykinswhat's this?15:04
diddledan_daftykins: tv series called "halt and catch fire"15:05
shaunoit's a documentary about beards.  but it ain't half bad.15:09
bittin-on the Ubuntu 14.10 releaseparty in Stockholm waiting for more people :)15:16
daftykinshow long is utopic getting supported for?15:19
shauno9 months I think?15:21
daftykinsbound to be another few batches of those who run non-LTS then come crying by then, then15:22
shaunowell they'll have v..erily votsit? by then15:23
shauno(I vorgot.  already)15:23
diddledan_vertile vervet15:23
shaunothat's the one - vivid vervet15:24
diddledan_aah, vivid15:24
diddledan_I got one word right15:24
SuperMattwho is coming to the london party tonight?15:24
daftykinsshauno: yeah but so many base production systems off non-LTS, constant upgrades in that scenario aren't cool15:25
diddledan_daftykins: more fool them15:25
shauno"doctor, doctor, it hurts when I do this?"15:25
SuperMattdon't do that then15:25
daftykinsthat's my damn point!15:26
shaunoand iirc LTS actually takes an intentional nudge to knock it off the lts-track15:26
diddledan_send them away to RTFM :-p15:26
daftykinsthat would not go down well15:26
* daftykins steals diddledan_'s _15:26
diddledan_I was attached to that!15:27
shaunoas I see it, simple solution to people jumping off the lts-track.  bill by the hour :)15:28
diddledan_minimum charge 1 hour15:29
shaunoI used to have an odd setup where I billed 1hr for travel each way (4-5 min drive) and 1hr min for time on site.  at $60/hour.15:30
diddledan_two hours for 10 minutes work15:30
shaunoit wasn't actually meant to work.  I was trying to nudge him towards letting me just ssh in.15:30
diddledan_ooh good point15:30
diddledan_200$ for 10 minutes is funkytown15:31
daftykinsi'm still not even back cycling yet, so i have been going places by bus :(15:31
shaunobut he was old and weird and couldn't perceive any work actually happening if he didn't see someone doing it15:31
ali1234i have a much simpler solution15:31
ali1234i have have to leave my house you pay for 8 hours15:31
diddledan_ooh, amazon have a new AWS zone - frankenfurter15:32
daftykinsnever touched that, digitalocean have a London site though now15:34
daftykinswell, have done for months15:35
ali1234is anyone else not bothering with U?15:35
daftykins"U" ?15:36
daftykinsi don't see the point to touch non-LTS anymore15:36
daftykinsbut then i don't run desktop so i don't really count :D15:37
ali1234i don't really see the point on desktop15:37
ali1234U doesn't seem to have any changes outside unity 815:37
ali1234for xubuntu we pretty much just bumped package versions and that was it15:38
daftykinssounds a bit like a non-release then15:39
zmoylan-pialways a chance of a show stopping famingo up in next few days as people install it15:40
ali1234maybe, but that won't affect me if i don't install it15:40
shaunothat's a bit of a deflated "happy birthday"15:40
vad3rman1156anyone ordered from https://www.expeditelectronics.com in the UK?15:47
daftykinsno postal address, looks concerning15:49
vad3rman1156please don't say that -.-15:49
daftykinsyour money is gone.15:50
vad3rman1156£341 down the drain - I paid with paypal though?15:51
ali1234registered through an anonymous hong kong registrar15:51
ali1234Registrant Name:Host Master15:52
ali1234Registrant Organization:UDomain Web Hosting Co Ltd15:52
vad3rman1156people are saying they're good though :/15:53
vad3rman1156I guess time will tell :/15:54
daftykinsso yeah it's cheap electronics sourced at Hong Kong then you just have to wait a lot longer for delivery15:54
daftykinslocation explains the slow site too15:54
vad3rman1156I just tracked it...15:55
vad3rman1156DateTimeLocationTracking event15:55
vad3rman115623/10/201415:14Aldershot DepotCollected from customer15:55
daftykinsok well thanks for joining Freenode's primary online retailer review channel :)15:56
vad3rman1156sorry but it says it's been collected :/15:56
daftykinssorry for what?15:57
vad3rman1156for asking here lol15:57
brobostigonhi mapps16:24
mappshey mate16:24
vad3rman1156pizza or curry?16:30
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
mappslots of games tonight16:35
mappslol at work policies, had an email about them all..ID card worn at all times..and have to disable wifi and celklular data on phones in the office they say...dunno what the need is16:42
mappsthis isnt MI516:42
* jpds throws out mapps out of the building for flouting the "security is everyone's responsiblity" rule.16:44
mappsi have no 3g on my phone yet, hopefully be sorted today16:44
mappswaiting for ee to send me an unlock code16:44
DJonesmapps: It may not be MI5, but could be MI6 :)16:44
DJonesOr the more secretive illuminati you work for16:45
mappsheh well it isnt16:45
mappslots of important uk agencies operate in gibraltar;p16:45
mappsor..just all the gambling firms:P16:45
diddledan_mapps: or worse, it could be SD-6 pretending to be the CIA16:46
DJonesAh yeah, dodgy blokes the :)16:46
diddledan_you don't know sidney bristow, do you?16:47
mappshttp://www.2shared.com/file/mxjAnucd/InPlay_TV.html cant work out direct link from that16:49
arsenipanyone able to remind my feeble mind what that system is for tipping people online? like.. someone helps me - i tip them16:58
arsenipironically - there's no tip available for this question.16:59
BigRedSarsenip: flattr? gittip? or something else?17:14
arsenipjeebus. thanks BigRedS :)17:14
BigRedShaha, no worries :)17:16
diddledan_I love that the UN's Ban Ki Moon knows my email address and regularly emails me with information about how I can get millions of dollars in monies17:27
diddledan_this one is of particular interest because the UN apparently have set aside 3.5million for anyone who's previously been scammed17:28
diddledan_that's each, not total17:28
daftykinsdiddledan_: well it's tough to follow people like Koffi Anan, the guy's got to try and feel popular somehow17:34
MooDooevening all17:44
davmor2MooDoo: man it's only 13:4517:45
MooDoodavmor2: you in the US?17:45
davmor2MooDoo: I am17:45
MooDoodavmor2: nice, some sprint?17:45
davmor2MooDoo: no mostly sitting :P17:46
MooDoodavmor2: so what you in the US work, play?17:47
davmor2Work and it is a sprint but that name is such a lie17:49
MooDooyou mean you walk to the bar, get a drink walk to a room, get your laptop out for 10 mins then walk back to the bar? ;)17:49
daftykinsi feel like i'd rather learn a card game from a person speaking only swahili than follow you guys convo D:17:50
MooDoodavmor2: ah you in DC?17:50
MooDoohttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/-VcyVXgSoSGk/VEggCrXpSDI/AAAAAAAAI8Y/3oHGIQKtpX4/s1600/IMG_20141022_123332.jpg   with this lot?17:51
MooDooor this lot :D http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ktMHS-FZKKY/VEfzKke3E2I/AAAAAAAAI8I/n8PCkeA10mM/s1600/IMG_9240.JPG17:52
popey\o/ community17:52
popeythose are two photos of the same people ☻17:52
MooDooyeah i know just two different places.17:53
MooDoojust noticed17:53
arsenipanyone any idea why i'm seeing fireworks yesterday/ today? :017:54
davmor2MooDoo: no they only talk to me when they have code that needs breaking ;)17:55
davmor2which reminds me17:56
MooDooarsenip: diwali?17:59
davmor2arsenip: because it is dark how else are people meant to see?18:00
arsenippossibly MooDoo18:01
arsenipdavmor2  - someone let off ~6-7 at lunchtime today18:01
arsenipjust seen some further out18:01
arsenipnear bow i suspect.18:01
MooDoo2 October (Wednesday) in South India[1], Malaysia and Singapore[2]18:02
MooDoo23 October (Thursday)[1] elsewhere18:02
arsenipEveryone's been on edge near my office last few days18:03
arsenipone car controlled explosion, another turned out to be nothing (but before they decided to blow it up)18:03
DJonesMust be a quiet release party given that the release hasn't been finalised18:10
BigRedSIs anyone in the pub?18:20
* popey is not18:20
BigRedSTsk. These aren't what they used to be18:21
lubotu3YES!!! IT'S OUT!!!18:39
* Laney upgrades to vivid18:45
MooDooLaney: let me know how it goes19:19
Laneydoesn't exist yet :p19:20
MooDooreally, it's been released, is it not at the mirrors yet?19:20
diddledan_MooDoo: vivid, not utopic19:21
MooDoodiddledan_: doh! *blush*19:22
diddledan_heh, the default apt mirrors are slow19:28
diddledan_gb.archive.ubuntu.com I'm using19:28
daftykinsno way, i just got "lickety split" on a CAPTCHA at Western Digital's website19:28
diddledan_I guess they're getting pounded right about now19:28
b1ackcr0wEvening all19:38
b1ackcr0wIs there a workaround that lets you test a 14.10 guest in a Virtual Box VM?19:39
daftykinsi saw someone else just now say something about the graphics artefacting in virtualbox with 14.1019:39
daftykinsis that what you're getting?19:39
b1ackcr0wYeah, I tried with 14.10 beta 2 the other day, and could get it booted19:40
daftykinswonder what that gets you19:41
b1ackcr0wah, I guess you'd have to boot to a shell and install them before graphical boot19:42
daftykinsdoesn't freeze does it? so you could reach a TTY and try installing guest additions19:43
b1ackcr0wfiring up a new VM now19:46
b1ackcr0w(PS Host is a Mint Qiana 64 bit with plenty of hardware resources)19:48
daftykinsMint! D:19:50
* daftykins holds up two fingers, crossed19:50
b1ackcr0wAs an aside, I love how installing an entire Linux OS takes much less time than the latest version of MS Office. Never ceases to amaze me.19:59
daftykinsstill a shame once it gets to the stage that you have to download over half the ISO again in updates though19:59
daftykinsi wish there were regular media respins19:59
b1ackcr0w                                                                                                     /me owes ubuntu 14.10 an apology20:01
b1ackcr0wit's booted fine20:02
b1ackcr0winstalling the stock guest additions..20:03
=== JGJones_ is now known as JGJones
b1ackcr0wwhich package do i install to get the current kernel headers again?20:11
diddledan_b1ackcr0w: linux-headers20:13
diddledan_sorry, it looks like it's linux-headers-generic20:15
diddledan_that is unless you have a non-standard kernel20:15
b1ackcr0wnah, stock 64 bit20:15
diddledan_has anyone seen alanbell lately?20:16
b1ackcr0wah - it isn't liking the lack of an x windows system :)20:21
diddledan_no xwin?20:22
diddledan_we didn't ship mir already did we?20:23
b1ackcr0wwell, not a version it recognises20:23
diddledan_version 1.16.0 of X11 on mine20:24
diddledan_apparently "sparks" have been "fly"ing on the ubuntu-dev mailing list? http://news.softpedia.com/news/ownCloud-Asks-Canonical-to-Remove-Their-Software-From-Ubuntu-Repos-Sparks-Fly-462906.shtml20:26
diddledan_the email chain hardly appears to be controversial20:28
b1ackcr0w*fistbumps popey*20:29
* popey tickles b1ackcr0w 20:29
* b1ackcr0w giggles, then remembers he's a 20 stone, 40 year old man20:30
diddledan_b1ackcr0w: maybe you need `xorg-dev`?20:31
b1ackcr0wyou have a point diddledan_ I could google or lazyweb it20:32
diddledan_is the "what's new" section of ubunut software centre curated in any way or is it purely automatic?20:38
diddledan_just wondering why of the 9 entries they're all of the same source (baldur's gate and related)20:38
popeyi see different stuff20:42
diddledan_I guess that means it's different on every request20:43
diddledan_random: why is python so popular? of the available "ide" category almost half of them are either python-written or python-targeting or both20:48
ali1234is the question why it is popular or why there are so many ides written using it?20:49
diddledan_I guess both20:49
diddledan_python seems popular for writing things in and for writing ides in20:49
ali1234it's popular because it has an extensive standard library, and it is very easy to understand python code written by someone else20:50
ali1234and it is very fast to develop something with it20:50
diddledan_I've noticed a lot of system-level stuff is being written in python these days.. I guess either instead of bash or instead of perl20:51
ali1234more instead of perl20:51
diddledan_nodejs is starting to make quite an impact on commandline utilities, too20:52
diddledan_(as a corollary)20:53
ali1234only command line utilities used by web devs though20:53
ali1234nobody else cares about javascript20:53
diddledan_I guess20:53
ali1234javascript is pretty much what you would get if python had C-like syntax20:54
diddledan_I suppose I've noticed that because I'm supposed to be a web dev20:54
ali1234i only have nodejs around so i can run lessc20:54
=== Daryl is now known as Guest41002
MooDoooops lol21:01
b1ackcr0wto answer the python thing. One thing might be that tkinter has made it easy to cross platform stuff21:04
davmor2MooDoo: Enter your password to continue21:04
diddledan_"this is awesome, when you enter a password on freenode it comes out as *s. here's mine ***********. awesome, yeah?!"21:05
lubotu3DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:06
Myrttihey guys, why can I see my password in clear text?21:07
diddledan_"all I see is *******"21:07
b1ackcr0wanyhoo. off to bed soon. congrats all. there's still a lot of love for ubuntu out there21:08
JGJonesAny snort experts in here?21:09
* diddledan_ snorts21:09
JGJonesshould have expected that :)21:09
daftykinsare you saying we have big noses :(21:09
diddledan_daftykins: I wasn't going to mention it21:10
MooDoo****** you ****** wierd21:10
diddledan_daftykins: I guess you've got some Roman blood in your veins21:10
diddledan_the Romans were renowned for having huge conks21:11
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
isleofmandanHello people. Should a default install of Ubuntu 14.10 (on a gpt disk) create a swap partition? Mine didn't...21:39
diddledan_isleofmandan: it should unless you choose manual mode21:39
isleofmandanI thought so... Wonder what I did wrong!21:40
isleofmandanI did choose full disk encryption, but 14.04 created swap when I did that.21:40
diddledan_hmm, it may be a bug then - someone else had that issue with the beta a few days ago21:40
diddledan_unless that was you :-p21:41
isleofmandanNot me :)21:41
diddledan_<-- bad at names and memory21:41
isleofmandanIt's my first 'proper' EFI install though. 14.04 needed me to enable 'legacy' ROM in BIOS and use and msdos parition table.21:42
isleofmandanMaybe that has something to do with why I got swap on 14.04 but not on 14.1021:42
diddledan_can you open a terminal and run `sudo lvs | pastebinit`21:43
diddledan_that's a pipe character - | - not an el21:43
diddledan_ok, that's what I hoped21:44
diddledan_it has created a swap just not activated it21:44
isleofmandanOh. I couldn't see that in gparted21:44
shaunoperhaps it is activated then?  if you were only judging by parted?21:45
isleofmandansystem monitor said no swap... let me double-check21:45
diddledan_it won't show up in gparted because it's backed onto an LVM21:45
isleofmandanSystem monitor says 'swap not available'21:46
diddledan_try running `swapon /dev/ubuntu-vg/swap_1`21:46
diddledan_that's a one21:46
isleofmandanread swap header failed21:47
diddledan_ok, that may be the problem - it hasn't created a swap filesystem21:47
diddledan_oh wait, it needs sudo21:47
isleofmandani sudo'd already ;)21:47
shaunosudid?  ;)21:48
diddledan_in that case then mkswap /dev/ubuntu-vg/swap_121:48
diddledan_then rerun the swapon21:48
diddledan_next we need to check /etc/fstab has an entry for it so it gets started on boot21:49
isleofmandannow we get 'Device or resource busy'21:49
diddledan_was that on the mkswap command or the swapon?21:50
diddledan_it might take a reboob to activate then21:51
diddledan_before that though we need to check /etc/fstab21:51
daftykinsdiddledan_: typo21:52
isleofmandansome references in there to swap_121:52
isleofmandanand also cryptswap21:52
diddledan_isleofmandan: yes that's normal21:52
diddledan_I'm not sure how cryptswap works tho21:53
isleofmandanI'm not sure how anythings works :)21:53
isleofmandanI'll reboot and see what happens?21:54
diddledan_I fear I may have got him to overwrite an encrypted swap with an unencrypted one21:56
isleofmandanAll good. So it seems that the install just forgets to format the swap partition?21:58
diddledan_I'm not so sure that's the problem - I may have had you create an unencrypted swap instead of an encrypted on21:59
isleofmandanAh. But there was already the space for it in the LVM thingy21:59
diddledan_yeah, the encryption sits on top of an lv (the swap_1 device) creating another device which isn't the swap_1 device22:00
isleofmandanIt's all a bit beyond my tiny brain :)22:01
diddledan_the google-fu is "dm-crypt"22:01
diddledan_or "cryptswap"22:01
isleofmandanWell, thanks to you I have some swap space now. I'm not too worried if it's not encrypted. Surely if the whole drive is, it doesn't matter anyway?!22:03
diddledan_the whole drive is unencrypted with a large slice encyrpted minus the /boot filesystem and the swap section22:04
diddledan_the bios/efi can't boot from a fully-encrypted drive without a small bit set aside for the bootstrap (grub and kernels)22:05
diddledan_the bootstrap needs to be unencrypted22:05
isleofmandanI need to do some reading. I thought that because gparted only shows two small /boot things, and then a whopping big 'crypt-luks' that the swap would live in there. There isn't a separate swap partition like I'm used to seeing.22:06
diddledan_so you'll have an efi partition, potentially a /boot partition and the lvm - inside the lvm there's encrypted root partition and encrypted swap partition but the lvm isn't itself encrypted - the swap partition may not now be encrypted22:06
isleofmandanAh. You explain well. I'm getting this :)22:07
diddledan_it looks like there's a nice simple command to ensure the swap IS encrypted, however. `sudo encryptfs-setup-swap`22:09
isleofmandanIt warns about breaking hibernation (which is fine for me), and then tries to do something. Has hung at the 'cryptdisks stop/waiting' point...22:12
isleofmandanit also refers to '/dev/dm-2' which I've never seen before.22:13
diddledan_/dev/dm-2 is a kernel identifier - udev probably created a symlink in a more reasonable naming convention, but finding it may be a pain - try /dev/mapper/*22:14
isleofmandanit's still at the 'cryptdisks   stop/waiting' thing... Broken ;)  Time for a CTRL-C I think!22:16
isleofmandanOh well. It's time I went to bed. Many thanks for your help. I'll try the whole install again at the weekend and see if the problem repeats. If so, I'll file a bug report.22:17
diddledan_okie dokie22:18
isleofmandanbut it's more likely something I'm doing wrong.22:18
isleofmandanOnce the install had completed, I had to tell my EFI (bios thingy) where to boot from... I had the options of 'shim', 'grub' and something else with a weird name. So I went for grub..22:19
isleofmandanI assumed shim would be if I was using secure boot22:19
diddledan_yes, I believe you're right22:19
diddledan_I think shim is signed with a secureboot key22:20
diddledan_and it offloads immediately to grub22:20
isleofmandanI should've written down the third thing.... Nothing I'd ever heard of before!22:20
isleofmandanAnyway, thanks again.22:21
isleofmandanHave a virtual beer on me :)22:21
daftykinsi'm sure a real one would be nicer22:26
awilkinsWell that was a smooth upgrade22:50
awilkinsUsual slow process but the downloads weren't bad for a release day22:50
directhexi'll wait a bit22:58
directhex14.04 works for me22:58
zmoylan-pii'll 2-3 months to see if there are any suprises23:02
zmoylan-pithough i might risk my secondary system in a few weeks23:02
awilkinsThis system isn't really in production yet23:03
awilkinsMy new work laptop23:03
diddledan_interesting results: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amazon_ec2_pvhvm23:24
diddledan_hvm on amazon's cloud is slightly faster than pv23:24

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