
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
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mterry_dednick, rm -f debian/*.debhelper.log; dh_autoreconf_clean; DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nostrip noopt nocheck" debuild --no-tgz-check -i -I -us -uc -nc14:09
mterry_kenvandine, I have filed several u-s-s branches the past few days btw.  Some of them are attached to Criticals.  Some are just high but still pretty important in my mind14:15
kenvandinemterry_, yeah, saw them14:18
kenvandinei'll look at them14:18
kenvandinemterry_, there's no bug attached to your location-three-options branch, can you either link an existing bug of file a new one?14:23
mterry_kenvandine, yeah...  let me see after this meeting14:41
kenvandinemterry_, thx14:42
kenvandinemterry_, we'll need to get them on olli's list to land them, but i'll start reviewing them in a few14:42
mterry_kenvandine, one is marked High but should really be Critical -- you can't see HERE terms at all right now (link doesn't work)14:43
mterry_kenvandine, I assume that is a legal requirement14:43
kenvandinemterry_, yeah, i'd agree with that14:43
kenvandinepoke pat about it or someone14:43
mterry_kenvandine, I commented in bug...14:44
mterry_that always gets to the right parties, right?  :)14:44
mzanettirpadovani: did you push that branch somewhere?14:45
mzanettithe one with accounts stuff14:46
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seb128Cimi, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/unity8/drop-workaround-empty-pwd-login/+merge/239401 since you are the one who put the workaround in there?16:03
seb128mterry_, ^16:03
Saviqseb128, just FYI, this won't land until we open the floodgates again post-rtm16:04
Saviqseb128, unless it's deemed needed for rtm, that is16:04
seb128Saviq, not even in v-serie?16:04
Saviqseb128, no, I can't manage two branches16:04
seb128Saviq, k, that qml is not even used on the phone16:04
Saviqseb128, yeah, so this'll have to wait post-rtm then16:05
seb128Saviq, but at the same time it's not like the desktop image was very useful atm16:05
seb128Saviq, you can't log-in unity8-desktop-next atm, need to go to a vt to see a password to the user then go back to the live session16:06
seb128but anyway, rtm first16:06
mterry_dednick, gdbus call --session --dest com.canonical.UnityGreeter --object-path / --method org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get com.canonical.UnityGreeter IsActive16:28
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lpotteris there anything preventing .cache/upstart from getting too large and out of control?19:10
Zhenech.o0 systemd? *hide*19:12
greybacklpotter: I think there's a cleanup thingy somewhere that runs occasionally19:17
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=== salem_ is now known as _salem
tsdgeosCimi: ping21:14
Cimitsdgeos, pong21:14
tsdgeosCimi: where are thou?21:14
* lpotter wonders why the battery indicator adds his bluetooth keyboard's level to the battery level shown...23:47
lpotter(14.10 desktop)23:50

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